AIR NEWS APRIL 2015 Chicago Area Chapter Ninety-Nines®, Inc., International Organization of Women Pilots. CHICAGO AREA CHAPTER 99s MEETING AND GIRL SCOUT PREP DAY A p r i l 11 , 2 0 1 5 12:30 p.m. I l l i n o i s Av i a t i o n A c a d e m y 3 2W 7 5 1 To we r R o a d West Chicago, Illinois N O TAM ! P a g e 6 i s i n t e n t i o n al l y left blank. It contained t h e o f f i c i a l b a ll o t f o r e l e c t i o n o f c h a p t er o f f i c e r s . I f yo u b e l i e ve y o u s h o u l d h a ve r e c e i v e d a b a l l o t, please contact any of the officers listed on page 2. T h i s i s t h e d a y we h e l p p re p a r e m a t e ri a l s f o r n e x t m o n t h ’ s G i r l S c o u t B a d g e D a y. P l e a s e b r i n g a p a i r o f s c i s s o r s i f yo u wa n t t o h e l p c u t o u t n a m e b a d g e s . W e wi l l m e e t i n t h e s e c o n d- f l o o r c l a s s ro o m a t t h e r e a r o f t h e I A A h a n g a r ; t h e e n t r a n c e i s v i a o u t d o o r s t a i r s o n th e s o u t h e a s t s i d e o f t h e b u i l d i n g wh e r e we h a v e m e t p r e v i o u s l y. P a s s IAA and turn into the next drive to park in that area east of their building. H o s te s s i s E l l e n O’ H a r a , G i r l S c o u t D a y c h a i r . FLY TO T EVEN HIS T! DRIVING DIRE CTIONS DuPage Airport (KDPA) ELEVATION: 759’ CHGO APPCH: 133.5 ATIS 132.075 TOWER: 120.9 GROUND: 121.8 41º 91’N 088º 25’W F R OM N OR TH : I - 90 to s o u th o n Ro u t e 59 a bo u t 9 m i l es ; w e s t o n H w y 64 ( N o r th A v e ) f o r 2 1 / 2 m i les ; s o u th on K au tz R d ( w es t s i de o f Ph eas an t Ru n Re s o rt af te r a i r po rt ) ; n ex t le ft i s T o w e r R o a d . F R OM S OU TH : I- 88 to n o rth 3 m i les o n Ro u t e 59 ; wes t on H w y 38 fo r 3 m i les to n o rth o n Kau t z R o a d (a ft e r t ra in c r o s s in g ) ; 2 m il es to To we r Ro ad an d IAA o n eas t s i de , n o r th o f ru n wa y . WHO’S WHO Chair Donna Klein 822 Chestnut Lane Darien IL 60561 Home: 630-794-0400 Cell: 630-674-1200 Vice Chair Joan Kerwin Phone: 630-665-0312 Cell: 630-750-0642 Secretary Jill Mann 1117 N. Britton Road Union Grove WI 53182 Home: 262-878-9203 Cell: 262-989-6406 Treasurer Madeleine Monaco 46 S Stonington Dr Palatine IL 60074 Cell: 847-431-1847 Air News Editorial Assistant Mary Ann Pintor Deadline for submission is the 25th day of each month Cynthia Madsen, Editor 441 Elm Street Frankfort IL 60423-1103 Home: 815-469-2631 Air News is published monthly (except in December) by the Chicago Area Chapter of the Ninety -Nines, Inc. and is available to non-members for $20 per year. Members must pay chapter dues to receive Air News (send chapter dues to the Treasurer). Suggested donation for business card-size advertisement: $5 per edition or $50 per year. Chapter members may place 6 free personal advertisements per year. Please send all subscription or ad requests, photos, articles, and information for publication by e-mail or U.S. Mail to the editor listed above. Air News April 2015 Page 2 THE FLIGHT LINE Donna Klein, chairman I'd like to welcome these new Members who have joined our Chapter in the past few months: Mary Linstromberg, Karyn Wojcik, Kristina Bouzios, Larisa Kano, Cristina Salgado, Daniela Padron, Leslie Treppa and Ashley Koenig. We are so happy to have you with us, and we hope to meet you soon and welcome you in person. You should be receiving the Chapter newsletter, Air News. Also, please visit our Chapter website,, for more information about us. Chapter Members will be contacting you to welcome you and invite you to upcoming events and meetings. Lora Yowell treated us to a treasure hunt for our March meeting. (Leslie Prellwitz won.) Her pilot shop, Aviation Universe, in Bensenville has a nice diversity of merchandise. Stop in at her store when you have a chance; her website is Thank you, Lora. Please visit our website,, mentioned above. It is filled with all kinds of information about the Organization and the Chicago Area Chapter. Ellen Herring has done a great job of maintaining it. She has moved to Arizona and will no longer be our webmaster as of the end of this year. We miss you, Ellen, and appreciate all you have done for us. This is an excellent opportunity for someone to step in and take over and learn something new (plus it will look good on your resume). Our Girl Scout Prep and Badge Days are coming up, and we always need a lot of help with these events. Contact Ellen O'Hara or any Board Member if you are available. Thursday, May 14th is the Illinois Hall of Fame Dinner in Rockford. CAC Member, Bev Greenhill, who passed away last year, will be inducted. More information is on page 4. Enclosed in Air News is a ballot for the election of officers for the 2015-2017 term. The Nominating Committee has worked very hard to fill the slate, and we thank them for their effort. We also thank those who have agreed to run for the next term. Please take the time to return the ballot; even though none of the offices are being contested, it is nice to know that you support the nominees (or your write-in nominee) and the work of the Nominating Committee. VOTE EARLY - BUT NOT OFTEN!! DID YOU KNOW… You can find more photos and great information on the C h a p t e r ’ s w e b s i t e ? Opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and shall not be construed to represent the policies or opinions of the Ninety-Nines, Inc. CHICAGO AREA CHAPTER 99s MEETING MINUTES March 22, 2015 Bensenville, Illinois Submitted by Jill Mann, Secretary Call to order: The meeting, held at Aviation Universe, was called to order by Chairman Klein at 11:15 a.m. Welcome/Introductions: All were welcomed, and welcomed guests in attendance. Secretary’s Report: Last meeting minutes, published in Air News, were approved as written and published. Treasurer’s Report: by Madeleine Monaco, report filed as approved. All members should consider selling tables to appropriate new contacts for the safety seminar. Committee Reports: Membership Chair Jill Feldman is co-chair, keep contacting new members. Donna Klein emailed 8 new members. Nominating Committee Leslie Prellwitz for vice-chair, Madeleine Monaco for treasurer, Jill Feldman for secretary nominations accepted. Still looking for a Chairman. Girl Scout Badge Day Ellen O’Hara reports will be at DuPage Airport, Illinois Aviation. Additional members needed to volunteer for different teaching areas, please contact her if interested in helping with Navigation, Preflight, or Aerodynamics. Airmarking Monmouth is having Annual runway cleanup day on May 16, if anyone is interested in going to work on airmarking, let Ellen O’Hara know. Unfinished/Continuing Business Spring Awards Gov Award deferred until next year. Chapter Rejuvenation Award One person has submitted many ideas, and is in the lead for award. New Business International Brochure Ad CAC Chapter will place ad in International Conference Brochure ¼ page for $130. Rita Adams made 1st motion, and Ellen O’Hara 2nd, all approved. Madeleine Monaco will send logo. Chapter Webmaster Ellen Herring will put Air News on website minus personal contact information. She is moving, and will need replacement to take over updates. AE Birthplace Challenge to save Amelia Earhart’s home. A grant from the Kansas Historical Society will match funds raised. $500 will be donated from the Chicago Area Chapter on 1st motion from Joan Kerwin, 2nd motion from Ellen O’Hara, all approved. Member News Mary Linstromberg scheduled for check ride. Ruth Frantz broke sternum in car accident. Section Meeting – Ellen O’Hara, Madeleine Monaco, Rita Adams, Donna Klein, and Joan Kerwin plan to attend. International Meeting – Joan Kerwin, Rita Adams, Ellen O’Hara, and Ellen Herring plan to attend. Announcements Santori Scholarships two winners were announced, congratulations and thanks to the scholarship committee members, Cynthia Madsen, Madeleine Monaco, and Ruth Frantz. Calendar April 11 Chapter Meeting/Girl Scout Prep Day, Illinois Aviation, DuPage Airport. April 17-19 NCS Spring Section Meeting, Columbus Ohio May 9 Girl Scout Badge Day, DuPage Airport May 14 Illinois Aviation Hall of Fame Dinner, Rockford June 21 Chapter Meeting/Father’s Day Fly-In Breakfast, Schaumberg Airport Thank you Lora Yowell and Aviation Universe for hosting the meeting. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned 12:37 pm. Air News April 2015 Page 3 GET IN SHAPE If you do not have a chapter name badge in the shape of your state, now is the time to order one. Send a check in the amount of $16 made payable to the Chicago Area Chapter 99s and mail to Rita Adams, 484 Banyan Tree Lane, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 or contact Rita by email at: PAULA PILOT 60189 Badge above is in the shape of Illinois. Please indicate your state and whether you want a pin or magnet backing. NOW ALSO AVAILABLE WITH MAGNETIC BACKING! Allow three weeks for delivery. H E L P U S R E J U V E N AT E O U R C H AP T E R I f y o u h av e a n y i d e as o n ho w w e c a n a t t r a c t a n d r et a i n n e w m em b e r s a n d m a k e t h e c h a pt e r m o r e r el e v a nt f o r e v er y o n e , p l e a s e s u b m it t h e m t o a n y o f the Board members (see page 2). W e w i l l a w a r d g if t c a r d s t o t h o s e w h o h a v e t h e b e s t i d e as . Chicago’s Aviation Emporium 13 West Main #6 Bensenville IL 60106 630-350-7913 ILLINOIS AVIATION HALL OF FAME Our longtime chapter member Beverlee Greenhill, who passed on to New Horizons last year, will be inducted into the Illinois Aviation Hall of Fame (“IAHOF”). A number of chapter members and others who knew Bev are planning to attend the IAHOF banquet. When: Thursday, May 14, 2015 6:00 p.m. cash bar, 7:00 p.m. dinner Where: Radisson Hotel & Conference Center 200 South Bell School Road Rockford, Illinois 61108 815-226-2100 Call hotel directly for $99 room rate Cutoff date for rate is 4/28/15 Air News April 2015 Page 4 To purchase a banquet ticket, make $50 check payable to “Illinois Aviation Hall of Fame” before May 9, 2015 and mail to Tom Cleveland (below). Your ticket may be picked up at the registration desk that afternoon. Mr. Tom Cleveland Illinois Aviation Hall of Fame c/o DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport 3232 Pleasant Street DeKalb, IL 60115 2015 Calendar of Events and Places to Fly (NOTE: 99s ACTIVITIES ARE IN BOLDFACE TYPE) April 4 .... .... ..... EAA breakfast, Peoria IL (309-696-1428) April 11 ... .... ..... Chicago Area Chapter meeting/Girl Scout Prep Day, Illinois Aviation, DuPage Airport (KDPA) April 11 ... .... ..... S.J. Wittman Birthday Fly-in Breakfast, Oshkosh WI April 13 ... .... ..... Instrument Ground School, Bolingbrook IL 630-759-1555 April 16 ... .... ..... IMC Clubs Chicago Executive Airport, Wheeling IL (KPWK) April 17-19 .... ..... North Central Section meeting, Dublin OH April 18 ... .... ..... EAA Breakfast, Mt. Hawley, Peoria IL 309-696-1428 April 21-26 .... ..... Sun ‘N Fun, Lakeland FL April 23 ... .... ..... WASP luncheon at Sun ‘N Fun, Lakeland FL May 9 . .... .... ..... Girl Scout Badge Day, DuPage Airport (KDPA) May 14 .... .... ..... Illinois Aviation Hall of Fame dinner, Rockford IL May 17 .... .... ..... Fulton County Flying Club Annual Fly-in, Canton IL Ingersoll Airport (KCTK) June 14 .... .... ..... EAA Annual Pancake Breakfast, Lansing IL Municipal Airport (KIGQ) June 19-20 .... ..... International Forest of Friendship, Atchison KS June 21 .... .... ..... Chicago Area Chapter meeting, Schaumburg IL Regional Airport (06C) Fly-in breakfast June 22-25 .... ..... Air Race Classic July 5-10 .. .... .... 99s International Conference, Munich, Germany July 17-19 .... ..... Ford Trimotor visit/rides at Lansing IL Municipal Airport (KIGQ) July 20-26 .... ..... EAA Air Venture, Oshkosh WI August 23 . .... ..... Chicago Area Chapter meeting, Kenosha WI Airport (KENW) Joint meeting with Wisconsin 99s September 12 . ..... Chicago Area Chapter meeting, Lansing IL Municipal Airport (KIGQ) and Fetching Market September 25-27... North Central Section meeting hosted by the Minnesota Chapter October 18 .... ..... Chicago Area Chapter meeting, Waukegan IL Airport (KUGN), museum tour November 6-7 . ..... 99s International Board meeting, Oklahoma City OK November 13-14 ... Biennial Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic, Parke Hotel and Conference Center, Bloomington IL November 22 .. ..... Chicago Area Chapter meeting, location TBD December 13 .. ..... Chicago Area Chapter holiday party, location TBD March 4-5, 2016 ... 99s International Board meeting, Oklahoma City OK July 6-10, 2016 .... 99s International Conference, Ottawa, Canada July, 2017 .... ..... 99s International Conference, San Antonio, Texas 2018 .. .... .... ..... 99s International Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania F o r i n f o rm a t i o n o n fl y i ng e v e n t s i n y o u r a r e a , c h ec k o u t w w w . s o c i al f l i gh t . c o m 2015 WEBINAR SCHEDULE To sign up: webinars.htm April 13 —ForeFlight: IFR and Advanced Applications June 15 —Grow Your Career with PPLI August 10 —Flight to Success: Be the Captain of Your Life October 19 —Setting Up a Chapter Website December 7 —Fundraising Ideas for Chapters AIRMARKING E l l e n O’ H a r a H e lp ! P a in t e r s n e ed ed ! W e h av e b e en a s k e d t o p l ac e a n e w c o m p a s s r o s e on t h e M on m o u t h A i r p o rt t o r ep l a c e t h e on e o r ig i n a l ly d on e b y t h e C e n t ra l I l l in oi s Ch ap t er y e ar s ag o wh i c h h a s n o w b e en r e su rf a c e d . T h e ir lo c a l E A A c h ap t e r m e et s on S at u r d a y , M a y 1 6 f or t h e ir a n n u al a irp o rt c le a n u p d a y an d p i c n i c , so h e lp e r s w i l l b e t h e re i n ad d i t io n t o p o s s ib l e ( e x p e ri e n c ed ) I o w a Ch ap t e r m em b e rs wh o m ay h e lp u s. I w ou ld l i k e t o g o o u t on F r id ay an d st ay o v e r n ig h t . Th i s d at e d ep e n d s u p o n t h e i r g e t t in g t h e s u r v ey or an d p a in t . A n y d ay or d ay s y ou c a n h e lp a r e a p p r e c i at ed ! C on t a c t E l l e n O ' H ar a 63 0 5 3 0 0 9 03 o r o h a r a 99 @ m ac . c o m an d l et ' s t a l k ! Air News April 2015 Page 5 Air News April 2015 Page 6 March Meeting The March meeting of the Chicago Area Chapter was held at "Aviation Universe", in Bensenville, IL, a wonderful aviation/pilot shop owned by CAC Member, Lora Yowell. She hosted a brunch, followed by our monthly business meeting, followed by a "Treasure Hunt". Members and 49½'s searched the store for answers to clues such as: "Where are the WASPs hiding?"; "What aircraft were the Tuskegee Airmen famous for flying?"; "Where is one of the founding members of the 99s hiding?"; "What vintage airline recently started flights again out of Miami?"; etc. The winner was Leslie Prellwitz who was awarded a "treasure" from the shop. Visit the website at Angel Flight On Friday, March 20th, my son, Wayne, and I did an Angel Flight. We departed from Clow Airport in Bolingbrook, IL at 6:00 am and headed east to Pontiac, MI to pick up 5 year old Adalyn and her parents. She has had many eye surgeries, and was heading back home to Topeka, KS. Our segment of the trip carried them to Peoria, IL, where another Angel Flight pilot met them and flew them home. Our little passenger thoroughly enjoyed the flight, but was disappointed that it was so smooth (for her, the bumpier, the better). After returning to our home airport, it occurred to us that sometimes an angel is flying with us on an Angel Flight. … Donna Klein From ON THE CENTERLINE… Aviation flights. During the Spring Board of Directors Meeting in Oklahoma City, the Board voted to extend the policy of waiving insurance for this year’s participation in events introducing flight to others. The following are the guidelines provided regarding waiving 99s event insurance costs [see On The Centerline for a list of guidelines]. All other events can be provided insurance at the rate of $125 per day. NEWS OF NOTE… Chapter member Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth just announced she is running to represent Illinois in the U.S. Senate ... Leslie Prellwitz is Member Question: Do the same rules apply for tax-deductible expense running for a seat on the when our 99s Conferences are in a foreign country like Munich as they do for International Board of Directors … 99s Conferences in the U.S.? Donna and Wayne Klein ran into Marie and Peter Spear at O’Hare Answer: As a delegate from your U.S. Chapter or Section to this summer’s Airport … Jill Mann passed her 99s Conference in Munich, you may claim certain expenses when filing your written for CFI-A and FOI … Mary Internal Revenue Service forms. Other countries may have different rules and Lou Erikson reports that the Lake regulations. Keep track of your expenses (get receipts) and seek advice from Lawn airport is usable but a little your accountant or tax preparer. Pick up your delegate slip from the Door r o u g h ; s h e a l s o fl ew t o Sentries at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting on Thursday, July Bloomington for breakfast on 9th to prove that you attended the ABM as a delegate. Sunday … Cynthia and Ralph Madsen helped out at the South Thanks for the smiles you gave to Headquarters. We want to thank all Suburban Chapter IPA safety the members who chose The Ninety-Nines, Inc. as recipients of Amazon’s seminar at Lansing Municipal Smiles Awards. Laura Ohrenberg, HQ Manager, reported that we received a Airport March 18; Lora Yowell had check for $350.75 for this last year. Amazon’s Smiles Program gives ½% of purchases when you sign up. If you need any more information on how to a table there for her business, sign up and choose The Ninety-Nines as your favorite charity, check with Aviation Universe. Laura. Air News April 2015 Page 7 AIRAIR NEWS NEWS Cynthia Madsen, Editor 441 Elm Street Frankfort IL 60423-1103 Address Service Requested IN THIS ISSUE: Item Page April Meeting ...... ........ ........ 1 Who’s Who ........ ........ ........ 2 The Flight Line ... ........ ........ 2 Meeting Minutes ........ ........ 3 Advertisers ........ ........ ........ 4 Help Your Chapter ...... ........ 4 IL Aviation Hall of Fame ....... 4 Calendar of Events ..... ........ 5 99s Webinars ..... ........ ........ 5 Airmarking ........ ........ ........ 5 Chapter Ballot .... ........ ........ 6 Safety Seminars ........ ........ 6 March Meeting ... ........ ........ 7 Angel Flight ........ ........ ........ 7 News of Note ..... ........ ........ 7 From On The Centerline ...... 7 Chicago Area Chapter Ninety-Nines®, Inc. International Organization of Women Pilots Dr. Debbie Karas, APN-BC, RN Practitioner code to order: DKARAS 20% off & Free Shipping 847-477-3134 Click here for details: Point, click and buy. People do it for books, groceries, plane tickets, even vehicles. But DON’T do it for Rx drugs or supplements you do not know! Both the FDA and MAYO CLINIC have warned the public to NOT BUY pills and supplements from online stores that cannot verify their authenticity. Metagenics is a superior pharmaceutical grade for nutritional supplements. You can rest assured that their supplements are safe, properly stored and shipped directly from Metagenics to your door, and use no expired or counterfeit ingredients. Get 20% off your first order and 10% all reoccurring order AND always free shipping when you click on and the practitioner code to order is DKARAS to purchase from my personal Metagenics direct store. Any questions, send an email to or call or text to 847-477-3134 Here to help so we can continue to enjoy the “Blue Skies”.
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