Passport size photograph x 2 Application Form for Membership of the CDAS Full Member Day Associate (please tick one box) Please complete i n full. Any incomplete application W ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please b e honest when completing t h i s application. Any applications that are found at a later date to include misleading information may result in the membership being terminated without refund. Title…….. First Name…………………………..….. Surname……………………………………… Address………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Post Code……………. Tel No………………………………….. Mobile…………………………………….. D.O.B……………......... Correct payment by cheque or postal orders (we do not accept cash paym ents) Juniors and under 12's applying for membership may provide proof of address in the parents or guardians nam e. All applications for Under 12's or juniors must have a YELLOW CONSENT FORM & WHITE CONSENT STICKER completed and signed by the parent or guardian. Please note. The gate key also gives access to the main gent’s toilets. (No keys will be issued to Under 12's as they are to be accompanied by a member at all tim es.) PRICES FOR 2015/16 SEASON MEMBERSHIP ARE:Please tick what you are paying for:Full Member (under 65) Entrance Fee £50 Subscription £110 Total £160 Pensioner (Over 65) Entrance Fee £22.50 Subscription £57.50 Total £80.00 st Student (under 18 on June 1 ) Entrance Fee £22.50 Subscription £57.50 Total £80.00 Juniors (under 16 on June 1st) Entrance Fee £10 Subscription £25 Total £35 Under 12's Entrance Fee £7.50 Subscription Nil Total £7.50 *Email…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. *(CDAS or its subordinates will not sell or knowingly pass on information to third parties) (If required) Non fishing 24 hour Partner (Name Only) Guest or Non Fishing partners are permitted during daylight hours at no charge, but must be accompanied at all times. * If you wish a Non-fishing partner to remain on the complex after dark, they may be added to your membership, a passport photograph and a fee of £5.00 should be added to your application. Gate/Toilet Key (Compulsory) / not for under 12's £17.50 Lady Members Toilet Key F.O.C Please supply details of Membership of other Angling /Societies/Syndicates in the last 5 years? 1. Female guest toilet key £5.00 book) (Only available when having a fem ale non-fishing partner added to your 2. Non-fishing partner after dark £5.00 3. *If more than three please give details on a separate sheet of paper. Total Amount Enclosed £………….. Please tick the appropriate box. Do you fish any Day Ticket W aters Yes No Yes No Would you be available t o help with W ork Parties in the Close Season? This is not compulsory, please be honest with your answer. Yes No Have you any skills/equipment that you feel could help the society in any way? Yes No If yes please give details. Have you ever been suspended or banned from any Angling Club/Society etc.? If yes please give details. If yes please give details. All applications must be accompanied by An original utility bill as proof of current permanent address (Bank Statements and Mobile phone Bills are not accepted). A copy of one of the following (DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL) 1 Proof of photographic I.D. Passport/ Card Driving license etc. or similar with photo. I, the undersigned, wish to be considered for membership of the Chichester & District Angling Society, and if accepted, I agree to abide by the Society's rules and By-laws and take an active part as possible in the Society's activities. I promise not to leave litter of any kind after fishing especially hooks and line and to observe waterside courtesy to other anglers. C.D.A.S. reserve the right to decline an application without offering a reason; if an application is unsuccessful all fees will be refunded. N.B Full member’s joining should be aware that if they subsequently move outside the 12 miles radius of Chichester within 24 months from the date of joining their membership status will change to a Day Associate (no night fishing). Signed………………………………………………………………………….. Date………… …………. Please be aware that all applications go before the CDAS committee which sits on the 2nd Monday of each month. Cheques will not be banked until the committee accepts the application. Memberships are only posted out once the cheques are cleared. This usually means memberships are sent out 7 days after the meeting has taken place. Please remit the appropriate fees with this application. Please supply a self- addressed C5 (9” x 5”) envelope with two 1st class stamps. The application will be placed before the committee which usually meets on the second Monday of the month. Should your application not be accepted all of the fees will be refunded (please do not send cash). All correspondence should be sent to:- C.D.A.S. PO Box 3231, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 6YB. Tel: 01903 713084
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