May 1, 20 15 Presents: 7-10 pm Wyndham Garden 2000 Loucks Road York, PA t he Final t our! 5t h& Each year, hundreds of children are positively impacted through the services provided by the Children’s Home of York. Each infant, child and teenager who comes to us has a unique story about how they came to need our help. Children’s Home of York provides children and youth with a stable, supportive environment. We foster a sense of empowerment a feeling of purpose, belonging and ability by providing numerous services. Success requires the commitment of case workers, the expertise of therapists and the dedication and love of friends, family members and foster families. Success also requires unwavering support from the community. Children’s Home of York is requesting your support ! Proceeds benefit all Children’s Home of York programs. Our programs provide life changing & life saving services to children and families in need. a s been a h t n ars. k eve ds Roc or 4 great ye al i K r u O f n th & fi uccess great s r marks our 5 vent. e a This ye he Kids Rock d to t r f a tour o ooking forw better l n We are his year eve ng a new t ni g makin already plan 2016! r e and ar ting event fo i c x and e Join us for our final tour celebration! This adults-only event fuses a fun cocktail party with great “live music.”Participating bands will battle to determine who is the best at Rock Band™ and take home the Rock 'N' Roll Glory! The evening also includes additional music, silent and live auctions, savory hors d’oeuvres & beverages. Kids Rock was created to benefit all Children’s Home of York programs. Our programs provide life changing & life saving services to children and families in need. There are many ways for you to get involved: Become.. a V IP ! Also know as our Sponsors! There are many sponsorship levels to pick from. Become.. a P layer in a Rock 'N' Roll Band! Form a 4 person “band’ & perform a song from Rock Band™ . We have lots of songs to pick from. Each band is to raise $1,000. Become.. a part of our opening act! We welcome items for our silent & live auction For more information, contact: Chad Linder Director Director of Development (717) 755-1033 Ext. 1243 Stacy Bankert Marketing Assoc. (717) 755-1033 Ext. 1294 Nance Montgomery Development Assoc. (717) 755-1033 Ext. 1264 Our V IP ‘s Sponsorship levels Presenting Sponsor (1 opportunity available) $15,000 You will receive... Company Naming Rights to the Event Company Name/Logo Featured in all Event Materials: Invitation Front Cover & Sponsor Section Event Program Front Cover & Sponsor Section Projected at Event Event Tickets Event Signs Event T-shirts Two-page Centerfold Advertisement in Event Program Name Featured in Event Press Releases D L SO Logo with Link on CHOY Website Inclusion in the event media/advertising: Television Radio Newspaper Promotional table at the event 4-person band at the Event 22 Tickets to the Event (including band) For more information, contact: Chad Linder Director of Development (717) 755-1033 Ext. 1243 Nance Montgomery Development Assoc. (717) 755-1033 Ext. 1264 Stacy Bankert Marketing Assoc. (717) 755-1033 Ext. 1294 Proceeds benefit all Children’s Home of York programs. Our programs provide life changing & life saving services to children and families in need. Red Carpet Sponsor (1 opportunity available) $12,000 You will receive... Company Name & Logo at Red Carpet entrance Company Logo featured on Event Invitation Company Logo Projected at Event Company Logo featured in Event Program Advertisement on Front Inside Cover of Program Company Logo with Link on CHOY website 12 Tickets to the Event Special Effects Sponsor (1 opportunity available) You will receive... $10,000 Company Name & Logo in Catering Area(s) Company Logo in Sponsor Section of Invitation Company Logo in Sponsor Section of Program Advertisement on Back Inside Cover of Program Company Logo with Link on CHOY Website 10 Tickets to the Event Headliners $5,000 (unlimited opportunities available) You will receive... Company Logo in Sponsor Section of Invitation Company Logo in Sponsor Section of Program Full-Page Advertisement in Program Company Listing on CHOY Website 6 Tickets to the Event Supporting Sponsor$500 -$2,499 (unlimited opportunities available) You will receive... Company listing in Event Program 2 Tickets to the Event Our V IP ‘s Sponsorship levels continued Stage Sponsor $10,000 (1 opportunity available) D L SO You will receive... Company Name & Logo on Performance Stage Company Logo Projected at Event Company Logo in Sponsor Section of Invitation Company Logo in Sponsor Section of Program Advertisement on Back Cover of Event Program Company Logo with Link on CHOY Website 10 Tickets to the Event Competition Sponsor $7,500 (1 opportunity available) You will receive... Company name announced before each performance Company Logo in Sponsor Section of Invitation Company Logo in Sponsor Section of Program Full-page Advertisement on the first page of the Event Program Company Logo with Link on CHOY Website 8 Tickets to the Event Opening Acts $2,500 (unlimited opportunities available) You will receive... Company Logo in Sponsor Section of Invitation Company Listing in Sponsor Section of Program Half-Page Advertisement in Program Company Listing on CHOY Website 4 Tickets to the Event Participating Sponsor up to (unlimited opportunities available) You will receive... Company listing in Event Program $500 A P layer in a Rock N Roll Band! Your step by step guide to forming your “band”! Each band will need: • *4 members- 1 lead vocalist, 2 Guitarists, 1 Drummer • To become familiar with the Xbox video game Rock Band™ • To raise a minimum of $1000 * Band members must be 21 years or older Once you have registered: May 1, 20 15 7-10 pm Wyndham Garden • Select a song from the accompanying list Songs will be selected on a first come first serve basis- sorry no duplicate songs will be permitted. If your band performed at a previous Kids Rock event please choose a new song. 2000 Loucks Road York, PA • Submit a band statement and band photo- feel free to be as creative as you like! • Each band member will receive 2 tickets (yourself + 1) The night of the event: • All instruments will be provided. • TV’s will be set up on the stage for you to follow the game and hit those notes! The audience will be watching you and game projected on the screen. Feel free to enlist backup dancers! • Your band will play 1 song. Your instruments will be set to the medium level. There are 2 chances to win: Game High Scorers Each player’s percentage will be averaged to give total band score. In the event of a tie the band with the most consecutive strokes wins. The top 3 bands will be awarded prizes. People’s Choice Vote Votes will be sold at the event for attendees to choose their favorite band. We will also provide on line voting for those who cannot attend. What to do to get started: Submit your commitment form, song choice, band statement and band photo by February 15, 2015 to Stacy Bankert - For more information, contact: Stacy Bankert Marketing Assoc. (717) 755-1033 Ext. 1294 Join us on May 1, 2015 Sponsor Commitment Form Organization Name: (indicate exactly how your organization should be identified on any print materials) Sponsor Level Date ______________ Primary Contact Name: Title: Address: City: State: Phone: Fax: Email: Zip: Signature:_________________________________________ Administrative Contact: (will be contacted for company logo, advertisements, etc.) Name: Title: Address: City: State: Phone: Fax: Zip: Email: Please send check payable to: Children’s Home of York, 77 Shoe House Road, York, PA 17406 by April 20, 2015. Please note: Company advertisements are due by March 1, 2015 to guarantee placement in the event program. For more information contact: Chad Linder - (717) 755-1033 Ext. 1243 or Children’s Home of York is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization – contributions to which are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. The official registration and financial information of the Children’s Home of York may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free with Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Children’s Home of York ● 77 Shoe House Road, York, PA 17406 Join us on May 1, 2015 Auction Item Donation Form Date: Contact Name: Company Name: Address: Phone Number: Item Description: Estimated Value: Signature: ___________________________________________________________________ The official registration and financial information of the Children’s Home of York may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling tollfree, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, the Children’s Home of York qualifies for the 501(c)(3) exemption as a charitable organization. The Children’s Home of York has not provided any goods or services in exchange for your contribution. For more information contact: Stacy Bankert - (717) 755-1033 Ext. 1294 or Children’s Home of York ● 77 Shoe House Road, York, PA 17406 Join us on May 1, 2015 Band Commitment Form Band Name: This name will appear on printed materials & announced at event _________________________________________________ Check out last year’s bands! Band Manager Contact Information Name: Address: City: State: Phone: Email: Zip: Band Members * Must be 21 years or older 1. 2. 3. 4. Song Choice – choose from enclosed list (first come, first served): I/we affirm that we intend to raise $1,000 to support the Children’s Home of York and perform one approved Rock Band™ song at Kids Rock on May 1, 2015, 7-10 pm. Participation contribution is due at Children’s Home of York by April 20, 2015. I/we will work with the Children’s Home of York to create a band statement and photo for the event program and other publicity. Band Manager Signature Date Children’s Home of York is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization – contributions to which are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. The official registration and financial information of the Children’s Home of York may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free with Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. For more information contact: Stacy Bankert - (717) 755-1033 Ext. 1294 or 77 Shoe House Road York, PA 17406
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