Londa J. Rohlfing Londa’s Creative Threads

Londa J. Rohlfing
Fee Structure
For up to a 3 hour presentation:
$500 + expenses
Londa’s Creative Threads
(minimum charge)
For a hands-on Workshop or over 3
hour presentation:
$600 per day + expenses
Contact me to determine your specific
Annual Spring Creative Sewing Retreat
East Central Illinois
A recommended schedule is: a lecture /
demo / Trunk Show on the first day, or
partial day or evening, followed by a full-day
Workshop, as described in this brochure.
Classes & Fees
This option is a good investment in exposing
the most people, and getting the most from
your investment.
A ‘helper’ is needed to sell my products and
6 tables on which to display them.
Purchase my products on consignment.
Sources are shared for inventory that I
C & T Book released August, 2012
804 Vista Drive Savoy, IL 61874
Studio : 217-398-5166 | Cell : 217-369-4687
“Londa’s presentation was outstanding,
informative, and entertaining. Our ASG
members are still talking about what a
wonderful time they had, and how much
they learned...”
J. Gribi - Corpus Christi ASG
Hands-On Classes & Workshops
Class Limit: 15 participants, and up to 10,
auditing, non-sewing students.
Design and Create YOUR
Stylish Sweatshirt Jacket
Length: 8 – 9 hours | Hands-On FULL Day Workshop
Kit Fee $49 per participant
(notions with embellishment potential are included.)
Learn the creative sewing process as a cardigan jacket is fitted,
designed and created on a sweatshirt base using Londa’s Genesis
Too™ pattern. Design decisions, fitting and embellishment
techniques combine to make this a GREAT class.
Photos of my jackets can be seen here:
Top Priorities: Create Your Own Flattering
and Embellished Knit Top
Length: 4 – 6 hours
Kit Fee $30 per student
(includes Londa's Upscale Technique booklets, special notions,
stabilizing tapes, twin needle, etc.)
Fit , construct with Upscale basic techniques AND embellish at
least 1 top in 4 hours, and perhaps more than 1 in a full
day...depending on participant's sewing level, fitting needs, and
class size.
Fiber Embellishments for
Artistic Wearable Art Garments
Length: 3 – 4 hours | Kit Fee $25 per participant
Learn and execute techniques for bias trim, binding, couching, and
texturizing. Demos for multi-cord sole couching and twisted cords,
and the latest in notions for embellishment. Up to 20 participants
and unlimited auditors.
Transform Your Stash - Design Your Jacket
Lecture/Demo with PowerPoint Presentation and Student
Length: 1.5 – 3 hours | Kit Fee $5 per participant
Design a jacket in class with Londa's assistance from a
color-coordinated selection of fabrics and trims you bring along
from your stash. The class will include 'filtering' each student's
selections, assessing appropriate color and styling for you, and
appropriate placement and embellishment plans according to
design principles taught throughout the class. Leave with a
complete sketch of your jacket design. Then...go home and sew,
sew, sew!@!
Lecture / Demo Format Classes & Workshops
Stylish Sweatshirt Jackets
That FIT & Flatter – Londa’s Way
Length: 1.5 – 3 hours
Never again spend precious time on a sweatshirt jacket that ignores
FIT! Learn Londa’s methods through demonstration, PowerPoint,
and videos. Understand stabilization issues and solutions for knit
garments , “seeing” the sweatshirt as 'fabric and ribbing' and learn
awesome creative embellishment techniques as you view numerous
This class works well coupled with the “THAT’S a Sweatshirt?” Trunk
Show offered as a 3 hour class, and is a prerequisite for my
hands-on Jacket Workshop.
Trunk Show: THAT’s a Sweatshirt?!?
Trunk Show, with Londa Modeling each garment –
can be a CLASS/ Luncheon/Free Stage presentation
Length: 45’ – 1.5 hours
Be amazed as Londa models her awesome collection of stylish
jackets which began as a sweatshirt! Embellishment and fitting are
included in this fast-moving presentation: a delight for any creative
spirit. Your sewing machine and stash will be ‘calling you’ in a
newly creative way. Bring your camera!
Note: This fashion show can be adapted to also include my Top
Priorities for Knit tops featuring amazing necklines, hems, and
Creative Companion twin sets.
Trunk Show: TOP PRIORITIES Embellished Knit Tops
Length: 30’ – 1 hour
They're all the rage...and WAY too much $$$ in the stores! Be
inspired to create your own with Londa's myriad of creative ideas
shared in this fast-moving Trunk Show of knit tops/T-Shirts that
will WOW you!
Creative Sewing Experience
Lecture/Demo with PowerPoint Presentation
Length: 1 – 2 hours
As you follow along with fitting, design decisions, sewing construction AND embellishment techniques on several Creative Sweatshirt
Jackets, you’ll learn how designers do it… ‘diving into a CREATIVE
sewing experience. Bonus: learn design principles that guide your
decisions along the way.
This class is best as a follow-up/re-enforcement option to the
Creative Sweatshirt Jackets That Fit n’ Flatter yet can also ‘stand
alone’ in a schedule.
Refined Embellishments for Creative
Type: Lecture/Demo with PowerPoint Presentation
Length: 45’ – 1.5 hours
Learn tasteful embellishment of clothing to make it special, yet
NOT overdone. See numerous examples AND learn
techniques for taking your clothing beyond what you normally
expect in wearable art. Special emphasis is given to the
myriad uses of bias, and many new embellishment sewing
notions available.
“Frumpy to WOW” Design Principles for Creative Sewing
Type: Lecture/Demo with PowerPoint Presentation
Length: 45’ – 1.5 hours
Stash, skills, tools, and ideas – too many ideas! Design
principles will guide your decisions on what, where and how to
make use of them so you look great in your garment – whether
sewn or purchased. Many photos and jackets will teach you
balance, rhythm, color, proportion, and center of interest.
Artistic Tops n’ T’s
Type: Lecture/Demo with PowerPoint Presentation
Length: 1 – 2 hours
Learn Londa’s designs and embellishment techniques for
adding bias, flounces, ruffles, elastic shirring, collars,
cardigans, twists, drapes, painted sheers, tucks & pleats,
texturizing and more to your ‘every day’ T-Shirt' to create
current fashionable knit tops and Creative Companion 'twin
sets'. Londa's Upscale Techniques for basic construction and
fit are included as well.
Care & Feeding of your Sewing Machine
Type: Lecture/Demo with PowerPoint Presentation
Length: 1 – 1.5 hours
Sew...how many times do you think a spot on thread passes
through the needle eye of your sewing machine?? Once you
see this demo needle and thread selection will make infinitely
more sense. Learning how a sewing machine forms the stitch
will make your sewing more trouble-free. You'll be absolutely
amazed that you've sewn for so long without a thorough
understanding of these basic, yet all-important facts. All this
plus MORE - presser feet, tension, feed dogs… this class has it
all. As a past shop owner/sewing machine dealer, Londa has
great experience and honest opinions that will prove very
useful as you pursue your hobby.