CHRISTIAN LIVING BOOKS S u m m e r 2 0 1 5 C a t a l o g NEW RELEASES That Star Spangled banner T HE W AR , BY THE F LAG AND THE N ATIONAL A NTHEM G ABRIELLE S TEWART The Best Children’s Book about “The Star Spangled Banner” Ten-year old author, and native Marylander, Gabrielle Stewart, tells the story of the danger, dedication, and bravery behind our national anthem and the special role Maryland played in saving the nation during the almost forgotten War of 1812. The song we sing to celebrate America is now over 200 years old. Gabrielle not only recounts the story of how the song was written, but explains how important the American Flag was to the song’s author, Francis Scott Key, and how without the bravery of Marylanders, we not only wouldn’t have our national anthem, but our country might be entirely different. Page Count: 32 Trim: 8 x 10 Hardcover $15.99 ISBN: 9781562290337 Paperback $9.99 ISBN: 9781562290658 eBook $2.99 ISBN 9781562290665 This well-researched and easy to read book is a great gift for anyone who loves American history and wants to know more about how The Star Spangled Banner came to be our national anthem. The fact that the author is a 10-year old student also gives inspiration to children to share their creativity, learning, and research with others. Get this book. Share it with the children you know who love great stories and want to learn more about the song they hear at the opening of every sporting event. A portion of the proceeds from this book will go to the Baltimore Community Foundation’s Fund for Rebuilding Baltimore. My Journey to Freedom By Joanne Carter If you find yourself at a turning point in your life and in your faith, this book is for you. You will learn what you need to do to grow as a Christian and as a person. Each page is filled with valuable lessons and insights. This is the kind of book that will wake you up and change your life, if you’re willing to listen. This book gives you the tools to take control of your own life, to unlock your own chains, and live the happy, healthy life you were created to live. The sooner your get this book the sooner you can be on the path to healing your broken heart or broken faith. Get your copy today! Price: $11.99 ISBN: 9781562290320 Page Count: 120 pages Trim: 5 x 8 Binding: Paperback NEW RELEASES Brain Storm by Edith Jones The Power of Faith, Hope and Love Brain Storm is the deeply personal and inspirational account of the survivor of a brain tumor – a tumor the size of an orange. Be encouraged as Edith shares how faith and family helped her through the diagnosis, treatment and recovery. Be prepared to laugh and cry as Edith's shares her remarkable journey. Doctors and nurses were transformed through Edith’s supernatural experiences; you will be too! Brain Storm will teach you… How faith grounds you when trauma comes to derail your dreams How being rooted and grounded in faith will carry you through the crisis How family is a critical part of rehabilitation How having a positive attitude works in your favor How your testimony can help you and others to overcome “Just by reading a few pages of the book, my wife and I were both crying. ” –Rev. "Rosey" Grier, NFL Legend “This is a highly inspirational reflection by an amazingly strong survivor. Edith’s tremendous warmth and humor shine through every page.” –Bill Milliken, Communities In Schools, Inc. “Edith’s spirit of encouragement has touched so many people. I strongly recommend and encourage each person to read this book who desires to grow and overcome difficulties.” –The Honorable Joanne C. Benson, Maryland State Senate Price: $14.99 9781562299644 Page Count: 126 Trim: 5 x 8 Paperback “Through this book, be inspired by a life that has been unequivocally favored by God.” –Rev. Michael C. Worsley, World Vision Poems from the Heart By Brent Jones Brent's writing has always been an inspiration to others. At the age of 15, Brent was honored to be involved with a Christian organization called "Young Life". In 1990, it was the Young Life organization that gave Brent the opportunity to travel to Paris, France and Russia to speak to people about the goodness of Jesus Christ. Poems from the Heart is filled with remarkable poems from a tender soul. Poetry is so personal. It can be uplifting, pensive, tragic, sorrowful, peaceful, Price: $9.99 or courageous. It can be heart-breaking or ISBN: 9781562290269 hilarious. Whatever it emotes, poetry is meant Page Count: 126 to be experienced. Join Brent as he shares Binding: Paperback memories, moments and messages from his Trim: 6 x 9 (eBook Available) heart. Enjoy the journey. Page 3 Featured Titles Bishop C.H. Mason AND THE ROOTS OF THE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST by Ithiel Clemmons The son of a slave and a leader in the holiness movement of his day, Mason traveled to Azusa Street in 1907 where he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Returning home, he discovered that visions, spontaneous healing and deliverance followed him. A new power accompanied his preaching, and he experienced freedom from former limitations. Mason led a fledgling movement from its infancy Price: $9.99 to a powerful, prophetic community over the next fifty years. Facing the ISBN: 9781562298036 Page Count: 128 challenges of our generation, the COGIC church desires to maintain the Binding: eBook legacy of its founder as it prepares for another century of work and witness. T itles by Enoch A dejar e A deboy e Arresting the Arrester Everyone has enemies. The enemy can be sickness, sorrow, failure, poverty, death, other people or whatever is warring against you. The enemy tries to put the cuffs on you and rob you of the joyful life god has intended for all His children to live. After reading Arresting the Arrester, you, too, will be able to beat the enemy at its own game. You’re going to need God by your side at all times. If you let Him into your life, even when you feel like surrendering, He will fight your battles for you–and win. ISBN 9780971176003 $10.99 Behold, He Cometh! You need no one to tell you that we are living in the end times. God’s ultimate agenda is for Jesus Christ–the Bridegroom–to come back for His Bride–the Church, the True Believers. His Bride must be a spiritual masterpiece, for Jesus will accept nothing less. Are you ready to ascend with the Bridegroom? Is your soul spotless, flawless and wrinkle-free? Now is the time to rid yourself of those spiritual flaws that will prevent your eternal happiness. When the Bridegroom comes, be ready to go with Him. ISBN 9781562298012 $9.99 God The Holy Spirit Every Christian has the capacity to live supernaturally. To transform that promise into reality, you need the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The key that unlocks God’s awesome purposes in your life is the Holy Spirit, Commander-in-Chief of the army of Christ. He holds the secrets of the supernatural. If you want to know what tomorrow holds, you need the Holy Spirit. God, The Holy Spirit explains how the extraordinary power of the third person of the Godhead can transform your life. ISBN 97815622996069 $9.99 The Gift of Love Jesus Christ is The Gift of Love. Imagine a Christmas basket loaded with innumerable presents. Jesus is like that, overflowing with true blessings God has given freely, with love, to the world. Those who receive Jesus Christ are blessed with many gifts: joy, peace of mind, and the knowledge that a place in Heaven is being prepared for them. No earthly gifts can compare. The Gift of Love explains how important it is to know and appreciate the intrinsic value of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ISBN 9781562299590 $7.99 Walking with God In your journey through life, what better partner could you ask for than God Himself? When you walk with God, He is always there to support you, no matter how rough your path. As in any partnership, each member plays his or her role. God, of course, is the Senior Partner and provides His tremendous assets for you, the junior partner. The Almighty takes care of everything, as long as you maintain your share of the duties. This book spells out the responsibilities of both partners through life’s journey. ISBN 9781562299583 $2.99 CLB 91:1 CHRISTIAN LIVING BOOKS S u m m e r 2 0 1 5 C a t a l o g By Rosetta H. Clay The Real Message! The digits “911” automatically evoke fear in people. You dial 911 when you’re in trouble. And since the terrorist attacks leveled the twin towers of the World Trade Center, 9-11 has taken on another, terrible meaning. This book provides a whole new outlook on this sequence of numbers. It shows how these three little numbers can bring peace to your life amid tragedy. The answer is found in Psalm 91:1, the only 91:1 in the Bible. Simply put, if you seek God, He will comfort and protect you. He will be your security blanket. In fact, this message is found throughout Psalm 91. That is why it is so Price: $6.99 important to seek 91:1. Let God be your shelter in the ISBN: 9780971624078 midst of trouble. Let Him be your strength, your Page Count: 64 comfort, your joy, your peace after the 9-11 tragedy Binding: Paperback or during any other. Trim: 4 x 7 A Time to Heal By Tiffany Edgecombe Restoration from the Ravages of Rape Tiffany Edgecombe has been through the most terrible of rape experiences, and yet she has emerged with a faith in God stronger than ever before. The now ordained minister shares how she has overcome sexual abuse and the struggles and challenges that ensue. God has used the tragedy for good – not only for her, but for all those whose lives she has had the privilege to touch. See how you, too, can experience complete healing, joy and love again. As a Christian, God wants Price: $15.99 to free you from the shackles that are holding ISBN: 9781562290153 you back. He wants you to let go of the guilt, Page Count: 128 shame, fear and unforgiveness you may be Binding: Paperback (eBook Available) feeling, and journey down the road to fulfilling Trim: 6 x 9 His divine purpose for your life. A woman’s guide to setting boundaries By Deidre Ann Tyler, Ph.D. Many of the problems that women face today are because they fail to set boundaries in their lives. A Woman’s Guide to Setting Boundaries suggests that women can solve many of their problems by just saying “No!” There are several important areas in our lives in which we must set some boundaries–these areas are the center of our lives. This book will teach you how to say… Price: $10.99 ISBN: 9781562290061 “No!” to sex before marriage. “No!” to spending money you don’t have. Page Count: 88 “No!” to foods that are not good for us. Binding: Paperback “No!” to taking care of unemployed men. Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 “No!” to living a life withou boundaries. Adam, Take Your Position BY GLORIA WARD, PH.D. Gloria Ward’s insightful sequel is a call for Christian husbands to take their rightful leadership positions in the home. It provides biblical principles on the husband’s role and responsibility in the marriage. Just as God made marriage, He also established a divine order for the home. A husband’s authority lies in being an obedient, responsible leader/servant to his family. Submission does not mean Price: $15.99 that a wife is slave to her husband. Rather, she is submitting to her Price: $11.99 ISBN: 9781562298050 Lord and obeying His direction for her home. The Bible gives ISBN: 9781562290078 Page Count: 130 instructions on how the husband and wife are to treat each other. Page Count: 64 Since God is the designer, why not try marriage His way before Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 Binding: Paperback heading to divorce court? God hates divorce. Dr. Ward will help you Binding: Paperback Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 discover what God has said on the subject of marriage. Knowing (eBook Available) God’s perspective will help both husband and wife to properly function in what will be a blissful union. Page 5 CLB CHRISTIAN LIVING BOOKS S u m m e r 2 0 1 5 C a t a l o g Another Type of Soldier By Jerry Holmes Lessons in Spiritual Warfare After you read this book, ignorance will no longer be an excuse for being unaware of the evil beings which plague your life. This is your roadmap to spiritual freedom. Power to defeat the devil has been given to each believer; it’s up to you to use that miraculous power. Nothing in the universe can stop you when you have the correct information and the right weapons. Learn to identify and conquer the enemy. Reclaim your rightful Price: $9.99 freedom. Uncover your divine destiny. Live your life ISBN: 9781562290214 to the fullest, without evil hindrances. If we live Page Count: 96 according to the Word, God will deliver us from any Trim: 6x9 adverse circumstance. Life will never be the same Binding: eBook when you use the spiritual power provided to you. Believe It or Not, It Happened By Jennifer Mason-Wilson Most of my experiences were centered around running events, only because I competed as a race walker and won twenty-six mile marathons. But I now run marathons for Jesus Christ. It took endurance to win marathons. It takes endurance to win this race for Jesus. Let Him say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” Warning! This book is for the spiritual ears and eyes only. Now touch your eyes and say, “Dear Lord, please open my spiritual ears and eyes so I may receive. ”I pray that revelation is released unto you as you read this book. Price: $11.99 May this book illuminate God, El Shaddai, as Spirit. ISBN: 9781562290078 May it help, nurture and perfect the Body of Christ. Page Count: 64 May the sinner man be set free by the blood of the Binding: Paperback Lamb, Jesus Christ. Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 Cub Christian What It Means To Give By Nina Rios-Doria, LPC, PhD Cub Christian and Friends have arrived! This book uses animal friends to teach children Christian values about the importance of giving. This is the official first book of the Cub Christian series. Price: $12.99 ISBN #: 9781562290139 32 Full-Color, Glossy Pages Category: Ages 4-8 Trim: 10 x 8 Binding: Hardback Eve, Get In Your Place EXCERPT—Giving is something we can all do. Well...sometimes I get tired of playing with some of my toys, and I want to give them to other children who don’t have many toys. By Gloria Ward After 20 years of marriage, Gloria Ward learned her place in the marriage relationship. She began to be obedient to God’s purpose for her and every married woman. His Word states wives must submit to their husbands as unto the Lord Jesus Christ—not grudgingly, not complaining, but rather in reverence and adoration. They are to accept, honor, and respect their husbands’ leadership. God intended for a woman to complement the man, to be taken care of, to be virtuous and godly, to be their husbands’ glory, to be the sole bearers of the seed— Price: $14.99 regardless of whether their husbands are operating in ISBN: 9781562290177 their rightful position. When Gloria Ward made God’s Page Count: 96 plan her goal in marriage, love, peace, and happiness abounded. She and her husband, David, began to Binding: Paperback (eBook Available) receive answers to prayers. The blessings began to Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 overflow in their lives. Page 6 CHRISTIAN LIVING BOOKS CLB S u m m e r 2 0 1 5 C a t a l o g Faith is Life By Temitope Akinola What is faith? How do we exercise faith? What are some biblical examples of faith? These topics are explored in this easy to understand exposition. God exercised great faith when He created the world. He called the world into existence through faith-filled words and commands. Faith Is Life explains how and why believers can operate in the God-kind of faith. From creation to Price: $10.99 future uncertainties and from daily challenges to ISBN: 9781562298128 seemingly insurmountable obstacles, Tope leads Page Count: 86, Full-Color pages readers to a firm understanding of faith in a variety of Binding: Paperback manifestations. Trim: 5.5x8.5 Free to Live Again By Casandra Johnson Keys to Fulfilling Your Life’s Purpose Free to Live Again is a motivational guide that encourages people to fulfill their God given purpose, in spite of the challenges or setbacks they face. This book will teach you how to stay the course. Life is a journey dependent upon your faith. Throughout this journey, we experience different phases which we may not always understand. In the beginning, we are free with virtually no worries. As we grow older, and transition into Price: $14.99 independence, there may be setbacks which could ISBN: 9781562290191 make us wonder if God really is Who He says He is. Page Count: 78 pages Many become stuck in this middle stage. However, if Binding: Paperback we learn to trust God, we can be Free to Live Again. Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 Just James By V. DuWayne Battle, Ph.D. 12 Keys to Living the Good Life Have you ever wondered what it takes to experience the good life? Have you been secretly praying for a breakthrough, hoping that you might enjoy all of the good that God intends to come your way? “Just James – 12 Keys to Living the Good Life” may be what you’ve been looking for. After reading this book, you will want to share the insights with others who are also seeking to Price: $15.99 enjoy the good life. “Just James – 12 Keys to Living the ISBN: 9781562292225 Good Life” can be used as an aid in your personal Page Count: 196 devotions, church Bible class, home Bible study, or Trim: 6 x 9 small group meeting. Learn and apply these twelve Binding: Paperback (EBook Available) keys to living the good life, and get ready for more of what God has in store for you! Looking Beyond What You See By Brenda L. McKnight Looking Beyond What You See: Making Positive Changes in Your Life, Permanently! is a simple and effective tool to make permanent, positive changes in your life by learning the right things to say to yourself. This book goes beyond positive thinking. It is more than wishful thinking with no concrete instructions on how to achieve success—the will of God—in your life. This book presents quick and easy tools to create any level of change an individual desires. Looking Beyond What You See also Price: $9.99 contain a Journal upon which to write your positive ISBN: 9780971624085 confessions, life lessons, and thoughts each day. If Page Count: 64 you put God first in whatever you do, you will be Binding: Paperback able to keep your eyes focused on Him and not your Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 circumstances. Page 7 CLB CHRISTIAN LIVING BOOKS S u m m e r Ministry Protocol 2 0 1 5 C a t a l o g By Diego Mesa Let All Things Be Done Decently and In Order Churches today are characterized by problems, errors, and frustrations resulting from misunderstandings, misinterpretations, negligence, ignorance, and naiveté. It is a lack of protocol within the church itself as well as the body of Christ that has weakened the church in this way. Wouldn’t it be great if we could minimize these types of problems? That is sure to happen with the assistance of Ministry Protocol. Ministry Protocol is a gold Price: $9.99 mine of valuable guidelines, including many “nuggets ISBN: 9781562292096 of truth,” for the church and its members to help Page Count: 88 both restore and maintain order—God’s order. From Binding: Paperback (eBook Available) finances to etiquette to respect, Diego Mesa imparts Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 wisdom from his 30 years’ pastoral experience. My Journey to “Yes” The Autobiography of Hattie Richardson-White When her husband was unfaithful and dishonest, she tried to kill him… three times. When she became severely depressed, she tried to commit suicide. When she wanted to run away from her purpose, the Lord admonished her. When she gave her life to the Lord, she received peace, marital bliss and lasting fulfillment. Hattie has healed from the kind of pain that only the Lord can release from one’s innermost being. Only the Lord Price: $10.99 can provide your answers, bring you thru your most ISBN: 9781562292126 trying times, heal you of your pain. So, when you find Page Count: 80 yourself wanting to give up, instead, cry out to the Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 Lord. Seek Him, and He will deliver you from your Binding: Paperback (eBook Available) worst pain and to His peace! My Time At Bat By Chuck Hinton A Story of Perseverance My Time At Bat is one man’s tale of success in a career where the odds were clearly not in his favor—in Major League Baseball. Chuck Hinton takes us down the road to the big league, over every bump and hurdle along the way. He took a chance and hitchhiked 300 miles for a baseball tryout and made it. He reveals his secrets about how he stayed there for eleven years. But this book Hardback ISBN: 9781562290030 offers much more. Chuck Hinton persevered just as Price: $19.99 much off the field. He offers many principles to live by that will benefit everyone, male or female, in any Paperback ISBN: 9781562291761 walk of life. After all, it was important to him to be Price: $12.99 more than a Major League player. He strove to be a Page Count: 160 Major Person in everything he did. Trim: 6 x 9 (eBook Available) Now Your Know By Fred L. Valentine, Jr. Thoughts from a Dad to His Sons How can you turn your dreams into reality? How do you respond when bad things happen in your life? What are key elements to keeping a family together? What does it mean to act wisely? How do you influence your “battlespace”? Now You Know is chock-full of advice on these and many other topics pertinent to our daily Price: $9.99 lives. Val invites you to take this journey through his ISBN: 9781562298166 story. Each succinct chapter provides sound advice Page Count: 86 that will help you achieve success on the battlefield of Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 Binding: Paperback life. Now You Know is a battle plan for success. Page 8 CLB CHRISTIAN LIVING BOOKS S u m m e r 2 0 1 5 C a t a l o g Por Extraño Que Parezca —Así Sucedió By Jennifer Mason-Wilson De manera que no es un accidente que tú escogiste leer el libro. Supongo que eres uno de aquéllos que Jesús quiere que lea esto. Dios te bendiga. Al leer este libro, vas a observar que la mayoría de mis experiencias estaban concentradas en los eventos de atletismo, sólo porque yo competía como una caminadora de carreras y ganaba maratones, que son de 26.2 millas de distancia. Pero ahora yo Price: $11.99 corro las maratones por Jesucristo. Uno necesita resistencia para ISBN: 9780972446716 ganar los maratones y también para ganar esta carrera para Jesús. Page Count: 96 pages Deja que Él diga, “Bien hecho, siervo bueno y fiel.” ¡¡AVISO!! Este libro es solamente para los oídos y ojos espirituales. Ahora Binding: Paperback toca tus oídos y ojos y di, “Querido Señor, por favor, abre mis Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 oídos y ojos espirituales para que yo reciba.” Power Principles by Nathaniel Richardson Keys to Success in the Kingdom How does a man forgive the woman he loves for the ultimate betrayal? How does he love again, trust again, heal, grow, minister, thrive? Power Principles answers these questions and more. The key to dealing with the challenges we face is the application of certain key principles. Nathaniel offers guidelines that can help you apply them effectively. Not only does he explain the regret Price: $9.99 and dis-appointment that characterize the lives of so ISBN: 9781562298173 many, he provides a way for you to be the exception. Page Count: 56 pages Whether you are new to the faith, renewing your Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 Binding: Paperback (eBook available) commitment or moving to a higher level, we must all master these Power Principles to live a fulfilling life. Sex and the Church By Ruth M. Hall Are Your Standards God’s Standard? When it comes to sex today, it’s hard to know that is godly and what is not. If you want the pure, unadulterated truth on the matter, straight from the Word of God, read this book. Full of the scripture-based encouragement you need to walk in victory, Sex and the Church makes you ask if your standards truly line up with the standards from God. Topics include Fornication and Adultery, Pornography, Masturbation, and Oral Sex, HomoPrice: $9.99 sexuality and Bestiality, Incest and Molestation, ISBN: 9781562292089 Walking in Deliverance. God’s Word can successfully Page Count: 48 prepare us to navigate through the challenges we face Binding: Paperback daily. It’s by faith in His Word and commitment in our hearts that we overcome life’s obstacles. Trim: 5 x 8 She’s Vocal/He’s Instrumental By Simonia E. and Archie K. Milton A True Story of Faith, Love and Music This book about two people discovering that God orchestrated a plan for their lives from the very moment of their miraculous existence. Their parents’ love for each other was a part of His divine plan. This is a story of faith in God, His Price: $14.99 unfailing love towards everyone, and how He ISBN: 9781562292218 used music to draw the Miltons together and closer to Him. Only faith in God has brought Page Count: 128 them to realize that they would be nothing Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 Binding: Paperback (eBook Available) without His grace and guidance. He created each of them as a melody that is ever evolving Page 9 CLB CHRISTIAN LIVING BOOKS S u m m e r 2 0 1 5 C a t a l o g Surviving Your Worst Fear By Bonnie Baker Is your life shackled by fear? Now you can be set free! Many of us are bound by fear and don’t know why—fear of the unknown, fear of not being loved, fear of heights, fear of dying, fear of failure, fear of rejection. But God didn’t intend for His children to live their lives in fear. Fear opens the door for the enemy’s attacks on your soul. In this candid new book, Evangelist Bonnie Baker Price: $9.99 shares the fears that gripped her life for years, ISBN: 9781562292119 including a debilitating fear of water following a Page Count: 80 pages childhood near-drowning episode. She offers the keys to divine deliverance from every fear that keeps you Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 bound. Yes, you can conquer your fears! Binding: Paperback (eBook Available) The Covenant God Made By Doris D. Sutton A Collection of Stories, Prayers, and Poems Our journey is under the covenant of God, from creation into the blessing onward. We are soldiers marching through trails in life. Fighting to receive our blessings through our Lord, without a doubt. He’s there in the shadows of Price: $9.99 our adversities in life. Trusting His Word and ISBN: 9780971624047 looking straight ahead toward our Promised Page Count: 128 Land. Allow the Living Water to spring up in Binding: Paperback you, refreshing and filling you daily. Trim: 6 x 9 Then and Now By Bonnie Baker The Life Story of Bonnie Baker Bonnie Baker had tasted everything the devil could serve up—alcohol, drugs, money, gambling, abuse, jail time, depression, even several encounters with death. Yet her life has taken a 180-degree turn, thanks to God and intercessory prayer. Now an evangelist, she is delivered from her past. This is a true account of God´s power to deliver us from the bondage of evil. It is sure to encourage you as you see a perfect example of God Price: $14.99 the Potter transforming a tattered life into a beautiful ISBN: 9781562290108 work of art, free from the enemy. God can free you Page Count: 96 too. He can ward off all attacks of the enemy, past, Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 present and future. There So whatever you are facing, Binding: Paperback (eBook Available) trust Him and see what He can do in your life. Then and Now—Part II By Bonnie Baker “It happened to me, too.” Ten years ago, Bonnie Baker’s incredible life story, Then and Now, touched the hearts of thousands who testified that “It happened to me, too.” Then and Now – Part 2 continues Bonnie’s gut wrenching accounts of sexual abuse, physical abuse, substance abuse, exploitation and molestation. With unflinching honesty, Bonnie details the devastating consequences of looking for love in all the wrong places. Bonnie’s story does not end Price: $14.99 there. NOW, Bonnie is healed, delivered, empowered ISBN: 9781562298180 and preaching the gospel. Then and Now – Part 2 is a Page Count: 96 perfect example of God the Potter transforming a Trim: 6 x 9 broken life into a beautiful work of art. You, too, can Binding: Paperback (eBook Available) tell your story. Allow Bonnie’s story to invoke you to get up, to turn around, to reach out to an everpresent God. He will set you on your NOW path, too. Page 10 Featured titles The Minister’s Topical Bible By Derwin B. Stewart Here at last is practical help for the busy minister. The Minister´s Topical Bible is the ideal tool for all who could use a little assistance in teaching, preaching and counseling. As an aid in sermon preparation, The Minister´s Topical Bible is unsurpassed. By collecting all Scripture on a topic in a single place, valuable time is saved from having to search through concordances or trying to bring up passages from memory. In a step -by-step fashion The Minister´s Topical Bible covers key areas of ministry including personal life, ministry ethics, discipling, teaching, and preaching in 540 topics. All things considered, The Minister´s Topical Bible is the most thorough and complete compilation of Bible Scriptures that no minister should be without. • Over 540 easy-to-find topics • Over 5,000 systematically organized verses • "What is Leadership?" by Dr. Myles Munroe • Large, easy-to-read text • Lively, relevant quotes from beloved Christians • A daily Bible reading plan • A prayer journal • Ministry goals and other helpful aids Price: $29.99 ISBN: 9781562291044 Page Count: 302 Binding: Paperback Trim: 6 x 9 eBook also available Wife 101 Husband 101 Everything Your Husband Wished You Already Knew Everything Your Wife Wished You Already Knew by Pneuma Life Publishing by Pneuma Life Publishing Husband 101 is a step-by-step mini-course in how to begin an engaging new love affair with your wife. When you apply these simple ideas, your wife will connect with you at a much higher level. By taking every action in this book, you will automatically build a bridge to your wife's heart. She will begin to understand you dyna-mically because you will learn to speak the language of her heart— maybe for the first time. She will instantly begin to respond to you in exciting and meaningful new ways. Wife 101 gives you two hundred incredible ways to create a more exciting and meaningful relationship. You will gain a new sense of confidence by understanding the things your husband needs from you to function in harmony. When you read and apply the Wife 101 principles, you will begin to implement the key elements your spouse needs to experience total happiness, complete fulfillment and enrichment. You will understand how to communicate with the language of his heart. Ignite the spark of burning love in your relationship all over again and discover how to keep it fresh. Wife 101 will teach you how to rekindle the feelings you first shared with your husband. You are about to begin a mini-course in how to experience life's most treasured moments with him. Wife 101 will give you endless streams of new insights about your marriage from your husband's perspective. Understand the key elements that make your relationship and your husband Price: $9.99 function and come ISBN: 9781562291174 alive Page Count: 110 Trim: 5 x 8 Binding: Paperback eBook also available Husband 101 will give your marriage the "booster shot" you've been looking for. This book will show you how to recapture the flame of your wife's passion. It’s a step-bystep mini-course on how to begin an engaging new love affair with your wife. Discover the things that your wife may not openly tell you, but would love for you to do Take positive actions that will revitalize your marriage Learn how to Price: $9.99 ISBN: 9781562291167 Page Count: 110 Trim: 5 x 8 Binding: Paperback eBook also available PLEASE PLACE CLB STAMP S u m m e r 2 0 1 5 C a t a l o g Christian Living Books, Inc. P. O. Box 7584 Largo, MD 20792 301-218-9092 Order Online at E-mail: My Time At Bat By Chuck Hinton A Story of Perseverance My Time at Bat is one man’s tale of success in a career where the odds were clearly not in his favor—in Major League Baseball. Chuck Hinton takes us down the road to the big league, over every bump and hurdle along the way. He took a chance and hitchhiked 300 miles for a baseball tryout and made it. He reveals his secrets about how he stayed there for eleven years. But this book offers much more. Chuck Hinton persevered just as much off the field. He offers many principles to live by that will benefit everyone, male or female, in any walk of life. After all, it was important to him to be more than a Major League player. He strove to be a Major Person in everything he did. In the early ’60s, he led the Senators in batting three out of the four seasons he played for the team. He also led that team in stolen bases and triples all four years. His Minor League career highlights include 1959 Rookie of the Year, back-to-back league batting championships and league Most Valuable Player. As you embark on his journey, you will see what it was like to be in the Major Leagues—and what it took to stay there. With the book’s behind-the-scenes stories, words of encouragement and life lessons, this book is sure to be a hit for players and fans alike. Available in Hardback, Paperback and eBook Formats See Page 8for more details HERE
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