Runners/Walkers Cross the Finish Line for CM Health Center

Christ Memorial Lutheran Church
May 2015
Runners/Walkers Cross the Finish
Line for CM Health Center
In a recent weekend, perfect for outdoors activity, 43 people ages
15 to 68 representing the Christ Memorial Health Center, ran or
walked 291 miles on the streets, bridges, and parks of St. Louis. It
was the fifteenth annual Go! St. Louis Marathon and Family Fitness
Weekend, April 11 and 12.
Most important,
Christ Memorial
members and friends
supported the runners with donations
and pledges of more
than $6,000 – all
money will be used
to support the CM
Health Center, one of
our primary platCM runners before the 5K run: Grace, Kevin
forms to reach out to
and Donna Wilkinson; Daniel, Beth, Caleb,
the community and
and Elise Meyer; Jeff Cloeter; Kendra Ruekert.
establish Christsaving relationships.
The total exceeded our goal of $6,000! Thank you to all who donated to our unique outreach mission!
Inside this issue
Set Free to Live Free ........ 2
Vacation Bible School ...... 3
Summer Slide ................... 4
Library Adds Books .......... 4
Museum Presentations ... 5
GEN52 ................................. 5
Summer Reading Club..... 7
Mark your calendars
5/16 Men’s Club Barbeque
5/17 Summer Reading Club
5/17 GEN52
6/15-18 Vacation Bible
7/11-12 CMP Auditions for
Mary Poppins
8/18 Church Picnic
Among the CM participants, special
recognition to Christine WilliamsMrotek and Nathan Pfitzer; both competed in the 26.2 mile marathon.
Chris’ time in her 23rd marathon was
3 hrs. 55 min. -- sixth in her age
group. Nathan came in at 3:43, a time
that put him in the top fifth of all
1,373 marathon runners.
(continued on page 8)
The CM runners before Sunday’s marathons and half marathon.
church picnic—
save the date!
The next church picnic is
in the works for August
8, 2015. Mark your calendars and save the
If you would like to help
with the picnic or have
any ideas about how to
make it great, please
email Pam Obradovic at
Christ Memorial Lutheran
5252 S. Lindbergh Blvd.
Saint Louis, MO 63126
(314) 631-0304
The Clarion is published ten
times a year for members,
family, and friends of Christ
Memorial Lutheran Church.
All copy (in Microsoft Word)
is due the second Tuesday of
each month. Please attach
to an email or deliver an
electronic copy to the church
Email to:
Next deadline: May 12
Jenny Biggs, Editor
»what does God want for my life?
For millennia, God has
communicated the “good
life” to his people with ten
statements. This list covers everything from one’s
relationship with God to
family, from possessions
to sex. In the season of
Easter into Pentecost, we’ll
focus on the relevance of the Ten Commandments for our lives
today in a series titled “Set Free to Live Free.” In worship, preaching, and family resources, we’ll explore the life God has set us free
to live.
First Commandment
Second Commandment
Third Commandment
Fourth Commandment (Mother’s Day)
Sending of Steve Cohen
Celebration of Pentecost
Fifth Commandment (Trinity Sunday)
Sixth Commandment
Seventh Commandment
Eighth Commandment
Ninth and Tenth Commandments
»new email addresses for CM staff
Recently, the Christ Memorial staff switched to
Google for email. New
email addresses have
been set up and should
be used for all future
correspondence. To
reach a CM staff member use the following
email address format:
If you have any questions regarding these new addresses, you can
contact the church office at (314) 631-0304.
»loved & sent through our vbs
God’s presence is not only real, but it is worldwide! This year, kids
will be submerged in the culture of Thailand and hear how we, too,
can be sent to share the message of Jesus wherever we are!
Through the stories of creation, Christmas, the crucifixion, and resurrection they will be refreshed in the message of how they are
loved by a God who is real, loving, forgiving, and forever!
Bible-learning activities, catchy songs, teamwork-building games,
yummy treats, cool Bible adventures, Bible Memory Makers, and
explorations of what daily life is like for kids in Thailand will help
set the stage for this experience.
From Thailand to South St. Louis County, we are loved by a God
who so loved the world and sent to tell others about Jesus, His Son
who was sent for us! It is our prayer this year’s VBS reminds every
kid attending of this message. We’ll see you there!
Students who have completed at least one year of preschool
through 6th grade. Our 4-6th graders will be participating in studies
and activities with our DCE, Daniel Meyer.
8:30 to11:30 a.m. Monday through Thursday, June 15-18. All family
and friends are invited to join us from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on
Thursday the 18th for lunch and a celebration.
There are two ways to register:
 On the church website at
 Forms from the church lobby can be left in the VBS box
Check the website for information updated as we near “go time” or
email Kendra at
time for fun,
fellowship, and
Mark your calendars for
the following Saturdays
to enjoy some great barbeque sponsored by
CMLS’s Men’s Club. The
barbeques last from
11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
in the church café. They
feature either dinner or
sandwich plates of
Pulled Pork, Pork Steaks,
Bratwurst, Chicken, Pork
Ribs, or Hot Dogs with
sides including Baked
Beans, Cole Slaw, and
Potato Salad.
Proceeds benefit the
organizations listed below. Thanks for your
continued support.
May 16th
Green Park School
June 20th
Youth Group (Mission
July 18th
Men’s Club
August 15th
September 19th
October 17th
library adds
children’s books
Picture Books
 Goodnight, Ark by
Laura Sassi
 Nelly Gnu and Daddy
Too by Anna Dewdney
 Share by Sally Anne
 Pups of the Spirit by
Jill Gorey
 City on the Hill by
Mark Hall
 Painting for Peace in
Ferguson by Carol
Swartout Klein
 Otis and the Scarecrow by Loren Long
 The Fantastic Gifts of
Fall by Dandi Mackall
 The Super Gifts of
Spring by Dandi
 Wonderful Gifts of
Winter by Dandi
 If you Plants a Seed
by Kadir Nelson
 Bear Sees Colors by
Karma Wilson
 Found by Salina Yoon
 How the Dog came to
live at the Z House by
Holly Zanville
 Can’t-wait Willow! By
Christy Ziglar
 How to Make Friends
and Monsters by Ron
 The Courage of Sarah
Noble by Alice Dalgliesh
»summer slide
There is great news from a three-year study by the Dominican University’s Graduate School of Library and Informational Studies. “…
students who take part in their local library’s summer reading
program significantly improve their reading skills. In fact, we
found that kids who participate in these programs are 52 Lexile
points ahead of their peers who do not. Summer reading programs are also an antidote for learning loss. So instead of losing knowledge and skills during the summer months, kids who
attend reading programs actually show gains.” (School Library
Journal November 1, 2010)
In a study done in 1978 by Barbara Heyns she found children who
read six books or more during the summer maintain or improve
their reading skills while kids who did not read any saw their skills
drop by as much as an entire grade level.
Why read during the summer:
To improve or maintain reading skills
To improve children’s confidence by promoting a positive
attitude about reading
To stress the importance of reading for enjoyment as well
as learning
To encourage children to be ready for learning in the new
school year
»library adds children’s books
Christ Memorial Library has added books for ages 0 –11. Visit the
library to check out some of these selections :
Board Books
The Berenstain Bears’ Sleepy Time Book by Mike Berenstain
The Berenstain Bears’ Please & Thank You by Mike Berenstain
Being Thankful by Mercer Mayer
We all need Forgiveness by Mercer Mayer
Oh, Where is my Hairbrush! Melinda Rumbaugh
I Thank God for this Day! By Phil Vischer
Picture Books
The Berenstain Bears God Bless our Country by Mike Berenstain
God Gave us Angels by Lisa Tawn Bergren
Thank You for Me! By Marion Dane Bauer
Caillou Goes Apple Picking
What a Wonderful World! By Suzanne Chiew
More new titles can be found in the sidebar on this page and page 5.
»member to present at museum
Dr. Gerald Perschbacher, a CM member, will be presenting at the
Missouri History Museum in Forest Park. There is no charge to
attend, so please consider attending one or more of the following
interesting presentations.
The German Rush to America
2:30 p.m. July 26 Summer Program
Learn why they came, how they prepared, and where they settled
in Missouri and Illinois.
German-Americans Amid Wartime
1:00 p.m. September 27
Hear about keeping Missouri in the Union side during the Civil War
and the difficulties of German-American citizens during the two
World Wars.
Later in the year, Mr. Perschbacher will present on Germans in the
Making of America (the 1800s) and German-American Holiday
Celebrations (how Germans influenced the commemoration of
cherished holidays even to the present day).
»experience GEN52 at CM
Come and join other
youth and young adults
and experience Christ Memorial’s Loved→Sent Sunday night praise event on
Sunday, May 17! There
will be a Ga Ga Ball competition at 5:45 p.m. followed by free pizza and
soft drinks at 6:15 p.m.
The topical focus for the
event will be “Summer: A
Hot Mess?” The event will
feature a live band, peer
insights, and spiritual leaders and will conclude at
8:00 p.m.
Come praise God through Word and current Christian rock praise
music in a casual setting. Questions – email or
like us and keep up to date at
library adds
children’s books
More Elementary
 The Redcoats are
Coming (The Imagination Station; 13) by
Marianne Hering
 Captured on the High
Seas (The Imagination Station; 14) by
Marianne Hering
 Surprise at Yorktown
(The Imagination Station; 15) by Marianne
 Doomsday in Pompeii (The Imagination
Station; 16) by
Marianne Hering
 Patriots Redcoats &
Spies (American
Revolutionary War
Adventures; 1) by
Robert Skead
 Church Camp Chaos
(Diary of a Real
Payne; 2) by Annie
 Oh Baby! (Diary of a
Real Payne; 3) by Annie Tipton
 True Story (Diary of a
Real Payne; 1) By Annie Tipton
 Natalie wants a
Puppy by Dandi
Daley Mackall
 Wrestling with Tom
Sawyer (Enchanted
Attic Series; 4) by L.L.
»in the mail
Dear Friends at Christ Memorial,
Your kind giving to Bethlehem enables us to carry out ministry.
Last Sunday, Easter, was one of those days of great celebration.
Jesus’ victory over sin and death for us is certainly enough to celebrate. But then, on top of that, the Holy Spirit blessed us with our
largest ever Easter crowd in the past 48 years – 259 people. We
have so much follow-up evangelism work to do.
“Through your generosity many young women will hear the Truth and receive the
Gospel and love of Jesus Christ.”
Denise Pieper Rhoades, Pregnancy Help Center at South County
march 2015
Week One 227*
Week Two 689
Week Three 742
Week Four 678
Week Five 772
Average per Week 622
*Inclement weather
march 2014
Week One 726
Week Two 760
We had several families in worship from our Better Learning Communities Academy charter school. Their invitation came especially
through our Bethlehem After School (BAS) program which you
Having you as our friends really makes a difference. We couldn’t
do this without your support!
Your Servant in Christ,
John R. Schmidtke, Pastor
Dear Rev. Cloeter and the Christ Memorial family:
Thank you for being such faithful ministry partners to the Pregnancy Help Center at South County. Through your generosity
many young women will hear the Truth and receive the Gospel
and love of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for one of the largest baby bottle campaigns in our history. Your gift of over $2000 will be a blessing to many.
Denise Pieper Rhoades, Development Director
Week Three 663
Week Four 781
Week Five 693
Average per Week 725
To All the Wonderful Folks at Christ Memorial Lutheran Church,
HUGE thanks! Your continuing support means so much to our
mission. Thank you for thinking of the babies.
Nurses for Newborns Volunteer
Nurses for Newborns exists to provide a safety net for families most at
risk in order to prevent infant mortality, child abuse, and neglect by
providing in-home nursing visits which promote healthcare, educations, and positive parenting skills.
»llama! llama! bee!
CMLC Library’s annual Summer Reading Club (SRC) runs from May
17 to July 26, 2015. The SRC has two sets of awards—one for children ages 0 to 36 months and one for children ages 3 to 11 years.
The program will once again have a missionary aspect. We are
praying that by emphasizing the command to love your neighbor as
yourself a dialog will get started at home, Sunday school, or school
regarding generosity. We will donate $4.00 per child who finishes
the Summer Reading Club towards the purchase of books for children who participate in Extreme Faith’s after school and summer
More information about Extreme Faith can be found at http://
Ages 0 to 36 Months
The goal for this age level is to have 40 board books or picture
books read to them.
Current Fiscal Year
July 1, 2014 through
March 31, 2015
spending YTD
Spending $1,007,843
Giving $1,000,358
Budget Giving
giving YTD
2013-14 $989,683
2014-15 $1,000,358
 1st Level Awards - “He Lives” Foam
Football or Beach Ball, Eric Carle’s 7 Way
growth chart and reading program
guides for parents
 2nd Level Awards - Bath Toy and Eric
Carle’s 7 way book bag (bag is for parents)
 3rd Level Awards - Bath book, certificate of completion, Dairy
Queen Gift Card and $4.00 will be donated to Extreme Faith
Ages 3 to 11 Years
The goal for this age level is to read or be read to for 10 hours.
 1st Level Awards - Reading Takes
you Places! Key Ring
 2nd Level Awards - Pencil and Jesus
is Cool Eraser (substitutions will be
made as needed), Families that
Read together Succeed bag
 3rd Level Awards - I Reach my Goal
Book Light, certificate of completion, Dairy
Queen Gift Card and $4.00 will be donated
to Extreme Faith
praise GO!
“I had so much fun! I
enjoyed the fellowship and dinner with
everyone on Friday
night and ran the
marathon Sunday
morning…I appreciated the Christ Memorial tent and being
able leave belongings
near the start/finish.
I look forward to next
year and many more
to come.” Christine
“It was exciting to be
part of two LCMS
communities where
wellness and running
are such a priority –
through Christ Memorial and through
my work at Concordia Plan Services.”
David Kuschel
“Team Wilson had a
great race…it was the
first real race for 3 of
our 4 members...The
CM Health Center
hospitality tent was a
wonderful addition
that provided a great
rallying point.”
Andrew Wilson
»cross the finish line for CM health
(continued from page 1)
In a hotly contested 5K battle,
Pastor Jeff topped Daniel
Meyer by 55 seconds with finishing times of 20:57 and 21:52
All the CM runners and walkers
thank Paul and Carolyn Crisler
for their time and tireless efforts snapping photos and
managing the CM Health Center tent for six hours the day of
the Go! St. Louis marathon
Really? 55 seconds? What’s wrong
with my timer?
“I had a great time. Last year this time I was recovering from throat
cancer…So, to run a half marathon on behalf of the Health Center at
Christ Memorial and then go out for breakfast afterwards was really
special. God is good all the time!” Kurt Wolfgram
Christ Memorial and Reliant participants in the Go! St. Louis
fitness weekend
Saturday’s 5K run in Forest Park:
Pastor Jeff Cloeter, Kendra Ruekert, Daniel, Beth, Caleb, and Elise
Meyer, Michelle Murphy, Shannon Pfitzer, Cindy and Jack Pfitzer,
Kevin, Donna and Grace Wilkinson.
Sunday’s marathon, marathon relay and half marathon:
Sarah Evans, Jim Jaacks, David Kuschel, Daniel Meyer, Michelle Murphy, Jack, Jeff, and Nate Pfitzer, Chris Mrotek, Brian Rueckert, Blake
Rundell, Joe Smith, John
Tape, the Wolfgram family: Kurt, Robin, and
Lizzie, and the Wilson
family: Tom, Chris, Andrew, Kate, and Matthew.
Pfitzer family after their runs: Nathan, Michelle Murphy, Jack, Sarah
Evans, Jeff.