Christ, Prince of Peace Catholic Community +The Rev. Joseph Idomele, Priest+ + Rev. Mr. Thomas A. Rodgers, Deacon + 75 ABW/HC +5711 E Ave + Hill AFB, UT 84056 + 4th Sunday of Easter 26 April 2015 Today’s Readings: Acts 4:8-12, Psalm 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29 1John 3:1-2, John 10:11-18 “I am the good shepherd.” Catholic Community Staff Priest Fr. Joseph Idomele 801.777.2106 Deacon Rev. Mr. Thom Rodgers 801.499.9478 Pastoral Coordinator Mrs. Peggy Wasserlein 801.586.2952 Elementary CCD Mrs. Vicki Preston 801.776.2329 LIFETEEN, EDGE, Mrs. Jessica Sandoval 801.689.6648 and Confirmation RCIA and Adult Ed. Mrs. Theresa Rodriguez 801.593.5455 Catholic Community Contacts Pastoral Council Pr. Pastoral Council VP Pastoral Council Sec Prayer and Worship Marriage Prep / NFP Baptismal Prep Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Ushers Community Life Altar Servers Choir Wedding Coordinator Environment Ministry Scheduler Young Adults Rep Youth Reps RCIA Webmaster Linens Knights of Columbus Chris Roach Jim Hiatt Allie Rackerby Theresa Rodriguez Peggy Wasserlein Irene Hensley Freddie Cooper Carol Rodgers Chuck Henris Irene Hensley Anthony King Laura Traum OPEN Sandra King Chuck Henris OPEN Cydni Myers and Tory Sandoval Theresa Rodriguez Richard Wood Louise Mudd Edmond Novack 801.771.7069 801.820.5891 707.328.9676 801.593.5455 801.586.2952 801.628.0185 801.773.2426 801.825.5443 801.682.8610 801.628.0185 801.390.3758 801.725.2304 801.390.9210 801.682.8610 801.589.8430 801.689.6648 801.593.5455 801.336.8803 801.771.9379 803.727.4459 Registration Catholic Community: Contact Mrs. Wasserlein at 801.586.2952 Elem. CCD (K-6gr): Contact Mrs. Preston at 801.776.2329 or LIFE TEEN (7-12gr) and Confirmation: Contact Mrs. Sandoval at 801.689.6648 or Mass Schedule Masses: Saturday Vigil Sunday Weekday Mass: Mon, Tues, Wed Thurs, & FIRST FRIDAYS Holy Day Masses: 1700 0930 1200 1200 & 1700 Baptisms Baptismal preparation is required for parents who want their child baptized. This is usually attendance at a formation session. Please contact Mrs. Wasserlein at 801.586.2952 or to schedule the preparation. Marriages Please contact the chapel at least six months prior to setting your wedding date. Mass Requests, Visitations, Communion for the sick, Anointing Please contact the office at 801.586.2952. Chapel Tithes & Offering Fund (Please make checks payable to: CTOF) Date 18-Apr-15 19-Apr-15 Total Time 1700 0930 Attendance Offering 247 $1,938.07 205 $1,140.20 452 $3,078.27 Bulletin Information Deadline for submittal is Wednesday at 1700 hours. Items should be submitted in writing (drop off at the chapel) or email to Theresa Rodriguez @ Please include start and stop dates. TO RECEIVE THE BULLETIN BY E-MAIL: SEND A REQUEST TO THERESA RODRIGUEZ @ Prayer Chain Requests If you have a prayer “intention” , prayer request, or would like to be included in our Prayer Chain ministry, please contact Ingeborg Lee at Chapel Office Hours Weekdays: 0730 – 1630 801.777.2106 After Duty Hours (Command Post) 801.777.3007 Military Archdiocese PO Box 4469; Washington DC 20017-0469 or call 202.269.9100 Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City Pastoral Center: or call 801.328.8641. Visit the Christ, Prince of Peace Catholic Community Website: Reconciliation The Sacrament of Reconciliation is held Saturdays 1600-1630 in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. “The information herein is For Official Use Only (FOUO) which must be protected under the Freedom of Information Act of 1966 and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. Unauthorized disclosure or misuse of the PERSONAL INFORMATION may result in criminal and/or civil penalties” A FUTURE UNKNOWN Times past lead us toward a future unknown. By our baptism and confirmation into the risen Jesus, our future is with the Good Shepherd. We are God’s children. We know this, but we do not know exactly what it means. “Now we see only in a foggy mirror.” We do know that “we shall be like him because we shall see him as he really is.” We do know that only in Christ Jesus can we be saved. We know he sends the Holy Spirit to give us his grace. Maranatha! Come, Lord; come quickly! Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2000, OCP. All rights reserved. Prayer Requests This past week our prayer chain has prayed for the following people; and now we are asking all of our community members to lift up these people in prayer. Thank you! ● For… ● Pat ● Don Colton ●Special Intentions ● The repose of the soul of Irene Hensley's brother, Manuel ●The repose of the soul of Bob W. ●for all our deployed troops and their families. ● If you have a prayer request, please contact Ingeborg Lee at You’ll Want To Remember Upcoming Events Today: ● 4th Sunday of Easter ● Elementary RE, Lifeteen/Edge 1045-Noon Confirmation 12:152:15PM Next Week Choir Practice- Thursdays, Adults -6:00PM New Articles Teacher Appreciation Lunch on May 3rd following class. for Elementary RE Lifeteen/Edge/Confirmation TEACHERS who put in endless hours throughout the year to teach our children about their faith, to keep them excited and wanting to come back. It is time to show them how much their work means to all of us. Thank you Teachers!! NEXT BAPTISM PREPARATION SESSION 10 AM Saturday 20 June 2015 If you need to attend a baptism preparation class for any of the following: 1) to have your child baptized here at Christ, Prince of Peace 2) to meet a requirement to have your child baptized at another parish 3) to serve as a godparent or sponsor/proxy here or another parish. Contact Irene Hensley @ 801.628.0185. to sign up for the next preparation session. JOIN US @ 0900 PRAY THE ROSARY on the 2nd & 3rd SUNDAYS OF EACH MONTH 2nd Sunday of the month the Rosary will be led by our Knights of Columbus Council 3rd Sunday of the month the Rosary will be led by Lifeteen/Edge students. Reoccurring Articles FIRST COMMUNION CONGRATULATIONS Mia Alexander Dominic Bihar Gabriel Bihar Emma Bohn Marcella Bohn Paul Bohn, Jr. Aubryn Brown Tajika Feliciano Chimelu Feliciano Sophia Stults Katie Houghton Joshua Gonzalez Alexia Meredith Madison Yeager Mackenzie Swanger Kylie Weinmann VACATION BIBLESCHOOL 8-12 JUNE (6-8:30PM) NO REGISTRATION FEE! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! VBS Planning/Preparation Meetings in the chapel annex EACH WEDNESDAY @ 6PM For information contact Vicki Preston 801-776-2329 or email at REGISTER YOUR STUDENT @ vbs/ez/hafbchapel. [note: you can access the site much easier if you copy/type this URL into a word doc and THEN copy and paste to your browser]. VBS NEEDS CLEAN! EMPTY PLASTIC MILK or JUICE JUGS w/lids (BOTH gallon and 1/2 gallon) LIFETEEN/EDGE CONFIRMATION SESSIONS TODAY! NOTE: Today will be the last Confirmation class for the year. The last LIFETEEN/EDGE session will be May 3rd. Hope to see all our teens there!! TODAY'S READINGS By Dave Pitt Today's readings are seemingly disparate in their description of the shepherd, the cornerstone, and us, as God's children. They all, however, articulate the message that Christ is the source of our salvation. Peter proclaims the message of today's psalm, that “there is no salvation through anyone else” except for Christ, the cornerstone. John describes Jesus as the good shepherd, who “lay[s] down [his] life,” in the certainty of the resurrection, by which we are all saved. And because of God's love for us, the Father sent his only Son among us, so that we might “be called children of God” not by adoption, but through a change of substance, for “we shall be like him.” God thus promises the restoration of the created order; we who were made in the “image of God” are made more completely in God's image through Christ. Thus, what is accomplished in Christ will be accomplished in us as well. This reality seems to suggest dazzling possibilities regarding our contribution to the liberation and restoration of the world. Through baptism we are commissioned to act as Christ in the world - priest, prophet, and king. Yet the metaphors of Christ as cornerstone and shepherd entail a rather unflattering portrait of us. If Christ is the cornerstone, then we are the rocks - living stones, perhaps, but nonetheless, rocks. And if Jesus is the Good Shepherd, then we are sheep: stubborn, uncomprehending and easily misled. We, ourselves, are incapable of providing a firm foundation or leading ourselves. Peter clarifies that our accomplishments are, first and foremost, the accomplishments of Christ. Thus, for our ministry to be fruitful we must acknowledge our reliance upon Christ. We are vessels, through which the love and salvation of Christ is poured out. © 2006, OCP. Upcoming Ministry Schedule 1/2 MAY EMHC Lector Saturday, 5:00 PM (Chapel) John Collen** Kang-Ae Collins James Hiatt Peggy Wasserlein Mary Iverson Carol Rodgers Sunday, 9:30 AM (Chapel) Paula Crosbie** Cydni Myers John Stults Dave Wetherbee (AD) Mindy Robert Steve Sandoval Usher Youth Wyatt Perry Usher Adult Server Chuy Cabrera* Alan Gibson Dorian Hays Nick Hays Jarred McLane Talia Salas Joe Johnson* Marian McPeak Frank Morton Anika Brown Alex Robert Ian Robert Noah Robert “This information herein is For Official Use Only (FOUO) which must be protected under the Freedom of Information Act of 1966 and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. Unauthorized disclosure or misuse of PERSONAL INFORMATION may result in criminal and/or civil penalties”.
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