PRESIDENT SECRETARY/TREASURER Shirley Hooper Rita Divine 10 York Street Valley View SA 5093 (08) 8264 0723 28 Aldrin Crescent Modbury North SA 5092 08 8264 8377 VICE PRESIDENT Wendy Smith NEWSLETTER 1 Fergusson Bowl Craigmore 5114 (08) 8254 3488 Issue No. 98 FEBRUARY 2014 FROM THE PRESIDENT NEWSLETTER EDITOR Gillian Gittins 5 Acorn Place Blakeview SA 5114 (08) 8284 2009 gilliangittins COMMITTEE Gillian Gittins June Kelly Margaret Murray Anne Partridge Chris Pritchard Jill Rashleigh Sue Whyte WEB PAGE MKASA ACCOUNT DETAILS BSB 105-135 Account number 065312940 Mail the relevant forms to Rita Divine Happy New Year to all of our members. What a start to our new year! The heat wave left me feeling worn out, and all those plans to be very active were put on hold. January seems to be disappearing at a great speed, but I have kept to my promise to make a start on going through some of my books, materials and wools. I have much more than I thought, and I now have to find somewhere to store them and start using them. I haven’t been using my machine yet this year, but as I am to become a great grandmother again mid year, I am trying to finish a hand knitted blanket and a quilt. A small group of knitters attended Isa McMillan’s funeral in December. Isa was a keen knitter and attended all of our camps until she went into a nursing home. She has been missed at our club. The November Craft Show went well. Many thanks you to all who helped out with items to show and on the stall. It was lovely to have children pick out a favourite Nursery Rhyme or story book. With Clubs restarting next month it is time to start thinking about our first camp for the year at Victor Harbor. This is always a time of fun and friendship, and a place to get our ideas revitalised, so if you haven’t been to a camp for a while why not start planning now to join us at Victor. Happy Knitting Shirley Hooper ONE-OFF ADVERTISING ―Wanted to Sell/buy‖ adverts: $5 for non-members, free for members CORPORATE ADVERTISING Quarter page $25 annual fee DEADLINE FOR MAY NEWSLETTER ITEMS 15th APRIL 2014 Please send items for the Newsletter to Newsletter Editor GILLIAN GITTINS CLUB NOTES INGLE FARM, SMITHFIELD KNITTING CLUB AND SMITHFIELD PASSAP CLUB MEETING DATES Smithfield Knitting Club usually meets on the first Monday of each month, followed by Ingle Farm on the second Monday, and Smithfield Passap Club on the fourth Monday. Public holidays can alter this pattern. Each Club meets at 10:30 a.m. For more information, contact Shirley Hooper. Smithfield Knitting Club Ingle Farm Knitting Club Smithfield Passap Club February 3rd March 3rd April 7th May 5th June 2nd July 7th August 4th September 1st October 13th* November 3rd December 1st February 10th March 17th* April 14th May 12th June 16th* July 14th August 11th September 8th October 20th* November 10th December 8th February 24th March 24th April 28th May 26th June 23rd July 28th August 25th September 22nd October 27th November 24th EDITORIAL So many of us do many other things besides machine knitting. I dare say that a lot of us hand-knit as well as machine knit, and do many other crafts besides. Hand-knitting is so useful when waiting for ages in medical waiting rooms, but the cut-down Singer machines are handy when on caravan trips. It has been interesting hearing about what people do over the summer break, and at other times when they’re not machine knitting. I haven’t had much of a break from machine knitting this summer. My grandchildren all wanted socks for Christmas. One of my grand-daughters chose the yarn for everyone sometime towards the end of last year, and I managed to complete the project in time for Christmas. Immediately after Christmas I began making curtains for our local Girl Guide hall. What a mammoth job! Two thirds of the curtains are finished and hanging in the hall, but I still have the last two pairs to make. To celebrate our Golden Wedding anniversary, my daughter booked us a day trip on the One and All. The weather was perfect. There was enough breeze to fill the sails, and to create the magic of being on a sailing-ship, but not so much to make me seasick. Now it’s back to preparing for the Victor Harbor camp, running Girl Guide meetings and outdoor camps and completing some of my WIPs (works in progress) that are rapidly becoming UFOs (unfinished objects). Take care, stay cool, stay healthy, stay safe. Gillian BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS THELMA FULTON - 102 YEARS Back in 2008 we wrote a short profile on Thelma Fulton, a member of St Mary’s Machine Knitting Club. Since then Thelma has moved to Sturt Palms Retirement Home where she recently celebrated her birthday with family and friends. She particularly enjoyed catching up with her former neighbours. Although failing eyesight has made it difficult for Thelma to keep up with her knitting and gardening interests, she is in good spirits and enjoys reminiscing with friends. This photo of Thelma was taken on her 102nd birthday. With her are Maxine, a former neighbour, and Gloria Stephenson, a current St Mary’s member and Association member. MY LIFE AS A MACHINE KNITTER Wendy Smith I decided to buy a knitting machine to keep myself occupied after leaving the work force, and as I had injured my wrists at work, I could no longer hand knit. I bought my first knitting machine, a Singer 500, from the Singer shop at Parabanks in 1983, and was told I could get lessons in Gawler Place Adelaide, and that I would have to take my machine with me. Learning I could get lessons at TAFE in Elizabeth, I booked up for this instead. My teacher was Natalie Webb, and we soon become good friends. Thanks to Natalie I started to knit for the Jam Factory, and this then lead me to knit for other interstate designers. Natalie also suggested I apply for the position of teaching at TAFE when she decided to return to full time work. I did this for about four years until TAFE stopped most of the craft lessons that were mainly for women. Soon after starting to knit, I changed to Brother machines and this was soon followed by Passap as well. My collection has continued to grow, along with all the extras one must have as well as the cupboards full of yarn and books. I joined the steering committee when the association was first being formed, and apart from a couple of years break when my late husband was sick, I have served on the committee in all positions since then. Through machine knitting I have made many good friends, and was encouraged by some to start demonstrating and judging. My first demonstration was at the first Association camp at St Luke's, Port Elliot, and my subject was the Hague Linker. Since then I have demonstrated at most association camps and this has lead to me being invited to demonstrate in NSW twice, and also at the Melbourne Seminar. My love of machine knitting has never waned and even though I have done many other crafts along the way, I could not imagine my life without my machines and my machine knitting friends. I have seen places I never thought I would see in my travels, not only to demonstrate but also to learn. There are not many days that do not include my knitting in some form, whether it be actual knitting, designing or research. I have the full support of my Husband, Frank, in whatever I do, and as most of you would know, Frank is now the main maintenance man in South Australia. NEWS FROM MEMBERS Margaret Fisher: Last year we went camping in the Flinders Ranges with the Campervan Club. We stayed for two nights at Port Pirie, where I called in unannounced on the Port Pirie Knitters, and met up with three members who were preparing for the Melrose camp. Joan Walters, Joy van Roekel, Margaret Fisher and Marilyn Smith Shirley Jones: Over the Christmas break I was spinning yarns, felting and knitting beanies for the Alice Springs Beanie Festival. Jill Rashleigh: In the six week break between our last St Mary’s meeting in 2013 and the first in 2014, I unpacked my embroidery machine, and using an alphabet program I made cute little appliquéd bean bags for my grand-daughter. I embroidered each bean bag with a letter from her name, and for safety filled the bean bags with fibre filling instead of beans. With a new grandson due in January, I made some bibs and burpers and a few bunny rugs, and enjoyed finding boy type designs to embroider for him. The biggest embroidery challenge was to embroider names on a backpack, and covers for an insulated lunch box and a drink bottle. Now I am back to machine knitting again—until next time. Janet Wehr, Over the summer, I’ve been machine knitting—baby clothes for relatives and friends, but when it has been too hot, I’ve played games on the computer. Now the computer needs servicing! VICTOR HARBOR CAMP Rita Divine The next Camp will be at Adare House 18-38 Wattle Drive, McCracken, (Victor Harbor) 2nd —5th of May. It is pleasing to report that the new arrangement of three nights at the Melrose Camp was received well by the biggest majority of those who attended, and the feedback was very positive. A few suggestions were made about the format for the next camp in Melrose and the committee will take these into account when making the arrangements. In view of this, the committee has decided to extend the number of days at the Victor Harbor Camp to three also, which will give participants a little more time to appreciate the town and its environment on the South Coast. It has been decided that instead of having four demonstrations on Saturday and two on Sunday these will be spread to three for each of those days, leaving the latter part of the afternoons for participants to do as they please. This would give everyone time to look at the sales tables, talk to the demonstrators if they have any problems, have a little nap before the evening meal or even walk along the coast and venture into the town. Otherwise the weekend would follow the usual format. Charges will have to be slightly higher than previously, but it is thought that everyone who attended last year would agree that this is a good venue, and it is still a reasonable cost for a weekend away. Members of the Association will be charged $220, husbands $200 and non-members $240. Day visitors will be charged $100 for members and $110 for non-members. Demonstrators for this camp will be: Eleanor Goldfinch – Variations with Deco Card 19. Joy Taylor – Variations with Cables. Jill Rashleigh – Seam as you Knit. Gillian Gittins – Circular knitting. Wendy – DesignaKnit. Shirley Hooper – Hand Tooling. The knitting competition for camp this time will be ―Socks and Hats‖. The idea being that the Association could then use the entries for the annual display that is put on at the Craft and Quilt Fair in November. The committee will be looking for items that are extraordinary, unusual and eye-catching, so it is hoped that you will make an extra effort this time. Please note that when you make your booking a business sized, stamped, self-addressed envelope would be appreciated for return of information. Please bring: Items for the static display and/or the Fashion Parade. Raffle prize. Competition entry. Your own tea for Friday night. Tea and coffee will be provided. Pillow case, sheets, sleeping bag or doona. Donations for the trading table would be appreciated. The campsite is open to participants at 3:00. (Demonstrators and Committee will need to be earlier.) REGISTRATION FORM FOR VICTOR HARBOR CAMP ADARE HOUSE, 18—38 WATTLE DRIVE, McCRACKEN Friday 2nd—Monday 5th May Please complete the following details and return with your cheque/money order made payable to: THE MACHINE KNITTERS ASSOCIATION OF SA INC. or you may pay by EFT or Direct Bank Deposit. BSB 105-135 065312940 and then send the forms and the receipt number to the Treasurer immediately. Treasurer-Rita Divine, 28 Aldrin Crescent, Modbury North, SA 5092 Final date for registration is Wednesday 16th April Please include a business size, self-addressed and stamped envelope for directions on how to get there and for the receipt that will be sent approximately two weeks before the camp. Payment by: Cheque Money Order EFT Direct Cash Deposit EFT or DCD receipt number …………………………. NAME……………………………………………………………membership number……………. ADDRESS……………………………………………………………………………………………… POST CODE……….PHONE NUMBER…………………………………. EMAIL ADDRESS………………………………………………………….. SPECIAL DIET, SPECIAL NEEDS, ETC., ………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………... If you need a special diet please indicate on this form. If diabetic please state whether diet or portion, so that diets can be arranged before camp, otherwise they may not be available. If you have food allergies and your dietary needs are not listed, then the caterers cannot accommodate. If you wish to share accommodation with a particular person/s please also indicate on this form . MORE CELEBRATIONS Rita Divine THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY is celebrating its 175 th anniversary this year and has decided to extend the ROYAL SHOW by one day, which means it will be running from Friday September 5th until Sunday September 14th which includes two Sundays. Anyone who attends on any of the first nine days will be able to go back on the final Sunday at a discounted price. Entries in the Machine Knitting classes have been falling over the past few years, and if we are to continue to be represented it would be good if all of our members would consider making something special this year to be entered in the Show. If you think it is too difficult to get your entries to the showground, talk to one of the committee who will try to help you. The prizes on offer are quite good and the Association has decided to increase their sponsorship to $50, which goes to the overall winner in the machine knitting categories. Prizes last year were First $20, second $10 and third $5 and the entry fee was $5. If you want a schedule one can be sent to you if you contact the secretary of the Show by phoning 08 8210 5211. LETTER TO THE EDITOR I am writing to express my disappointment at the article submitted in the November newsletter, re: "Entries in the Adelaide Show". The "Machine Knitters" have nothing to do with the entries and displaying of same, in the Machine Knitting Section of the Adelaide Show. Any complaints should be sent direct to the Show Office. I have seen "Hand Knitting," "Machine Knitting," " Crochet," etc., displayed at the top of all the show cases. Earlier this year the Show Society held an Open Day for any interested person to attend. Any queries regarding your chosen craft were answered by the Judges of each individual section. Cynthia Garrick and myself sat all afternoon and did not have one machine knitter come through. It is very disappointing when year after year garments are entered in the wrong section, and there-fore have to be disqualified. Neither Judges nor Stewards can change entries into another section. Wendy Smith VALE Isa McMillan, a long time member of the Association, passed away on 19th December, 2013. She attended every camp until her health declined and she moved into a nursing home. She will be remembered for her beautiful lace and beading work. ADVERTISING and WANTING TO SELL or BUY FOR SALE FOR SALE Brother Knitting Machine KH 830 (needs a new sponge bar) Brother Ribber KR 830 $100 for both. Brother Electronic 940 machine with ribber, Brother colour changer KHC 820 Brother colour changer KRC 830 Brother transfer carriage KA8300 Wool Winder $15 $30 $50 $50 G-carriage and books. Price negotiable. Margaret Fisher 0427 683 639 Phone Rita 08 82648377 WANTED: YARN The photo, bottom right, was taken by Margaret Fisher on her caravanning holiday. ―Audrey‖ was part of a display in the Port Pirie Library. The placard on the floor invites people to ―Take a seat and knit with Audrey.‖ Phone 8294 7441 2 BYRON STREET, GLENELG (Off Jetty Road) Knitting Yarns Knitting Machine Specialist and Tuition Sewing & Knitting Centre Sales & Repairs to all makes of machines Email: STUDLEY TRUMATCH 4ply shade number 0244 (Baby Apricot) Contact Cynthia 0412 272 189 SUE WHYTE 6 BELINYA COURT MODBURY NORTH SA 5092 NOEL BIRD KNITTING YARNS CASHMILON (HIGH BULK) 2/28 WOOL BLEND (70-30) 2/25 SUNDAY ANGORA—LIMITED COLOURS 3,4 ply DK SHAMAL. 2,3,4 ply SUPERWASH PURE WOOL 4 ply PURE WOOL 4 ply RUTLAND TWEED PURE WOOL 3 ply NATURELL 3 ply VELVETEEN 70% ACRYLIC 30% COTTON For special prices Phone Sue (08) 8263 7003 Country ladies use “OFF PEAK” DORMANI YARNS 318 Lord Street HIGHGATE PERTH WA 6003 Telephone: (08) 9328 3050 Facsimile: (08) 9328 6696 Email: Opening Times: Wed., Thurs & Friday 9:30 am—5 pm Saturdays 9:30 am—Noon THE MACHINE KNIT SPECIALIST EXTENSIVE RANGE OF YARNS WOOL/COTTON BLENDS/ACRYLIC/VISCOSE/CREPE BOOKS—BROTHER & SINGER PARTS Phone TONY Ask about our buyers club MAIL ORDER AUSTRALIA WIDE BRIGHT ACRYLIC (LOW BULK)—WHITE, BLACK, SAGE, LEMON, PINK SOME CASHMILON, WOOL AND VARIOUS BITS & PIECES AT LOW PRICES PO BOX E26 CORRIMAL NSW 2518 Phone 02 42836087 02 42842188 DesignaKnit The complete computer aided package for all hand and machine Knitters. Now available in Australia From: Shirley Swain Phone 08 83395060 Mobile 0406 960 199 E-mail—
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