chs bulletin friday may 15, 2015

FRIDAY MAY 15, 2015
1 7:55- 8:50
2 8:57-9:56
3 10:03-10:58
4 11:05-12:00
5 Lunch 12:00-12:38
If you think you have had perfect attendance K-12th or 9th -12th grade, please see
Mrs. Rendon in attendance.
6 12:45-1:39
7 1:46-2:41
Congratulations to the following Clovis High Photography students for their outstanding
accomplishments In the Photographic Society of America International Photography
competition. From over 10,000 entries from around the world, their photographs represent
the top 1% of all entries. The students are Delvin Chun, Emma Vetter, Kelsey Phillips, and
Hayley Colvard. Hayley’s dramatic photo of hikers at the base of Vernal Falls in Yosemite
earned a highly prestigious 2nd place award in Landscape photography. All of their images will
be exhibited at the annual PSA international convention at Yellowstone National Park in the Fall
of 2015.
Attention Seniors that have purchased Grad Fest tickets; if you have not received your free tshirt and gift card. Please report to P-15 TODAY at lunch.
German Club Members and German students! T-Shirts are in! Come to pick them up in N-19
ECOLOGY CLUB MEETING Wednesday May 20, 2015 Lunchtime
AGENDA: End of the School Year Ecology Club Pictures in our SECRET GARDEN!
Aloha to our Seniors! Nomination for President of the Ecology Club for 2015-2016 with a Secret
Have you purchased your Grad Night Ticket? Tickets are $150.00 cash, and seats are limited,
stop by the Activities Office TODAY. Don’t miss out on the FUN!
Piece by Piece”! You won’t want to miss it! Join Dance Rep as they present their 29th Annual
dance concert next Friday & Saturday, May 22nd & 23rd at 7:30 pm in the Mercedes Edwards
Theatre. Tickets are $10.00 Pre-Sale. If purchased at the door they are two dollars more $12.00 – So Don’t Wait!
Interested in a summer exchange program to Europe? Fresno Sister Cities is still accepting
applications for this summer’s program in Muenster, Germany. If you’d like to go there for 5
weeks and then host a German student here for 5 weeks next fall, please see Ms. Brand in N19,
ASAP to get the details. Spots are limited!
Seniors! If you want your group pictures and videos in the senior video then you need to send
them to can also be turned in to Mr. Wood's room in C-23.