2015 High School Summer School ENROLLMENT APPLICATION Name:_________________________Student ID:________Date of Birth:_____________ Address:________________________________________________________________ City: Check one. Indicate zip code if your address is GAINESVILLE. ____Gainesville (__________) ____ Flowery Branch 30542 ____ Oakwood 30566 ____ Murrayville 30654 ____ Clermont 30527 ____ Lula 30554 ____ Braselton 30517 ____ Chestnut Mtn. 30502 ____ Gillsville 30543 Name of Parent:____________________________ Work Phone:__________________ Home Phone:_______________________ Emergency Phone:______________________ Emergency Contact Person: _______________________________________________ School Enrolled 2014-2015 Year:______________________________________ Are you served in a resource program during the regular school year? ______ (yes or no) Will you graduate at the end of the summer school program? ______ (yes or no) Course Desired (Give Specific Name) Course Title: Grade Level of Course _________________________________ ____________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________ Early Registration (ends May 27) $175.00 Regular Registration $200.00 ____________________________ No out of county students accepted Counselor’s Signature Make checks/money orders payable to the high school location of enrollment. OFFICE USE ONLY Behavior Contract Returned: ________________________ Payment: _____Cash _____Check#________ ____Money Order#____________ Receipt # _______ Amount of Payment $____________ Official’s Signature: ___________________________________________ Summer School Contract for Students and Parents Summer, 2015 Description: Hall County School District’s high school summer program is provided primarily through online instruction along with summer school teachers to facilitate student learning. Designed to help students graduate on time from high school, these online courses are aligned to the state curriculum and are self-paced. The high school summer school program provides two options for taking courses needed for high school graduation: credit recovery and initial credit. “Credit recovery” is for students who have failed one or more courses needed for high school graduation. Maximum grade for a “recovered” credit course is 70%. “Initial credit” is for students who enroll in a course for the first time and earn a final grade of 70% or higher. Students seeking initial credit MUST enroll and take classes only at the LCA campus. Students enrolling in computer-based credit recovery classes earn Level 1 credit only. (See Hall County High School Student Planning Guide for more information about Level 1 courses.) All summer school courses are taught through computer-based, online instruction. Students who have an internet connection may work from home, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Students may also work on courses on campus during the days & hours shown below. Students must take all tests in the classroom at the school campus. No tests will be available to students at home. *Note: To complete these courses during the summer, a student MUST be logged on and “active” at least five hours per day. Students who spend less than five hours per day risk not finishing a course by the end of the session. No refunds are provided for students who do not complete a class by the end of the summer session. Students who do not complete these courses will have an opportunity to finish before or after school when the new school year begins. NCAA: Credit earned by Edgenuity online instruction is not accepted for core credit by NCAA. Behavior: Students attending the summer program shall follow all rules in the Hall County Schools Code of Conduct printed in the high school handbook. (A copy of the handbook is available in the school office as well as online at www.hallco.org.) Students who choose to work on courses at the school campus are expected to use the computer labs for instructional purposes only; non-instructional use is prohibited. Any misuse of computers or other technology will result in immediate removal from the summer program. Students must display respectful behavior toward the teacher, other students, and the school facility itself. If any violations of the Code of Conduct occur, a student is subject to immediate removal from the summer school program. No refunds will be provided. Attendance: All students must report for the first day of class on June 1st. The computer lab will be open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Each student will have the opportunity to work from the computer lab or log on and work from home. All exams and the state’s End-of-Course-Test (EOCT) will be given at the school computer lab. All Milestones EOCs will be given on June 24th; the make-up date is June 25th. Remember: To complete a course during the summer, a student should be logged on and “active” at least five hours per day. Students who spend less than five hours per day in active learning risk not finishing a course by the end of the session. Students must attend the session for which they have registered. Two or more absences will result in removal from the summer school program. No refund will be provided. Refunds: No refunds will be given after the first day of class. Behavior Agreement: This agreement must be signed and returned to the school office by Friday, May 29th. Students failing to return the agreement by the deadline will lose computer access and will not be allowed to continue class on Monday, June 1st. We have read the above expectations for summer school and agree to abide by the conditions. ___________________________ _____________ __________________________ ___________ Student (Please Print) Date Parent Signature Date
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