Compassionate Justice Committee Meeting
Choir Practice
Worship Service
PCA Band
CAC Apostle Group
Wednesdays: Choir Practice @ 7:15 pm
Thursdays: “Out of the Box” Bible Study @ 10:00 am
Saturdays: Sanctuary Church @ 4:00 pm
Wednesday, May 13th @ 6:00 pm - Nominating Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 14th @ 6:00 pm - Feed My Starving Children (Eagan)
Thursday, May 14th @ 7:00 pm - Growth Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 21st @ 7:00 pm - Session Meeting
Tomorrow, Thursday evening, at 6:00 PM is the PCA scheduled time at Feed My Starving
Children. It is at the Eagan Facility. The address is 900 Lone Oak Road. You can pack food or
label bags or just stay home like a couch potato and contribute money. Dino is quite hungry
again. He had $39.59 in his tummy that we will take to Eagan tomorrow. It will go
toward purchasing ingredients for the food bags. Thank you to the contributors. The
Armstrong family goes on Friday evenings to FMSC when they are able. The Facility is
open every day but Sunday. You can google for dates and times or just drop in. Shifts are just 1.5
hours long... It is well worth the fun time. If you have questions, contact Marjean or Jim McGuire.
5th ANNUAL ANIMAL BLESSING SERVICE – May 31st at 10:00am
Once a year we hold a formal ceremony to give thanks and bless our companions in life—cats and dogs,
birds and chickens, hamsters, turtles and fish, etc. We also acknowledge how our lives are richer by the
creatures that inhabit the Earth. Animal blessings originate out of the Catholic tradition; now many other
faith communities, (including Presbyterians) create such services to intentionally give thanks for our pets.
A blessing is a wish of gratitude and happiness to acknowledge how our lives have been blessed by these
wonderful companions. You can also remember those who are no longer with you. Consider bringing a
picture, collar, brush, favorite toy, etc. to bless in memory of
him or her. If you do not have a picture or memento - you may
write on a card his or her name and years of life. So let us come
together to bless our animals! Bring a friend (human) too!
God’s blessings for the journey,
Pastor Joy (and the worship committee)
Serving our young people...making connections for a
lifetime. The ministries supported by the Pentecost
offering teach young people to make faith, fellowship,
and service part of their lives. Your gift to the Pentecost
offering unites young people in Christ and inspires them
to share their faith, ideas, and unique gifts with the
church and the world. Your gift is divided among
ministries with youth (25%), Young Adult Volunteers
(25%), and child advocacy initiatives (10%). That means
every gift lets you do good in your own community, while
strengthening faith and helping youth in need. Your gift
can give young people the mentors, motivation, and
morale they need to become future Christian leaders.
Your PCA Session Members are available to hear your ideas or listen to your concerns:
2015: Sharon Broich (sharonkcb@comcast.net), Betty Petersen (mblpete@gmail.com),
Jay Scovil (jay.scovil@gmail.com), Brian Strayer (brian.d.strayer@gmail.com)
2016: Karen Amato (karen.amato@suncountry.com), Roxann Evans (orevans94@hotmail.com),
Alice Freeborg (alice-nospam@freeborg.com), Chris Lobash (kaachoo@yahoo.com)
More on page 2
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES -- 701 East 130th Street, Burnsville , MN 55337
Phone: 952.890.7877 ~~ Email: office@presbyterianapostles.org ~~ Website: www.ChurchApostles.org
Office Hours: Closed Mondays, Open Tuesday - Thursday 9:30am - 3:00pm, Friday 9:30am - 12:00pm (Please call first before dropping by)
PCA Eblast
Page 2
News & Upcoming Events:
PCAers enjoyed a tour of The Recycling Zone (Dakota County's
recycling facility) in Eagan and were updated on the latest
information in the recycling world. In 2014, The Recycling Zone
collected 2.2 million lbs. of electronics, 994,000 lbs. of paint (99,000
gallons), 197,000 lbs. of used motor oil, 200,000 lbs. of batteries,
86,000 lbs. of lightbulbs (138,000 bulbs), making Dakota County a
stronger recycler than much more populous Ramsey County.
Way to go, Dakota!
COME SEE PCA YOUTH IN ACTION in BHS’s production of “Jekyll and Hyde.” The
show officially opens and runs May 14-16 at 7:30. PCA youth that are involved in the
production are Hayley Broich as Lady Beaconsfield, Natalie Broich as a member of the
ensemble, and Bryce Evans as a member of the crew. Here is the link for ticket
information: http://www.theatrebhs.com
Did you ever wonder just who arranges the pretty flowers gracing our Fellowship Hall tables?
We came upon the quiet artist who shares her talents with us during the year…it’s Margaret
Brooks! Thank you, Margaret for putting a bright spot of beauty in our lives.
We need help folding bulletins on Fridays. Bulletins are ready for folding by noon on
Friday. Depending on how many pages are included each week, it takes one person
about an hour to complete the task. If interested, please contact Michelle, at the
office, or Wendy Jensen at 952-435-1623.
THE 4TH ANNUAL SUMMER SALON CONCERT is Sunday, July 19th at 7pm.
We are currently soliciting silent auction items for the event. If you have an item,
or a service, or a large ticket item you’d like to donate please see Julie Clement. We
are also in need of volunteers for the event on July 19th to assist with the silent
auction and clean-up after the event. Email: jamacher@mpr.org; #952-432-9108.
The boats are almost ready for the water, the high ropes are ready, the trails are
cleared, the cabins cleaned, the arts and crafts have been sorted, and this can
only mean one thing! Spring is here and camp is in the air! At Clearwater Forest
we are getting ready for our favorite time of year and we can’t wait to have you
join us! Visit www.clearwaterforest.org for the camp schedule and online
registration, with programs for youth in grades 3 to recent graduates, there is sure to be something for everyone. Our
theme this summer is “POWER UP: Living in the Spirit!” where campers will realize they are never alone - the Holy
Spirit empowers them to live with grace and forgiveness, unity and courage, joy and peace. Too old to come to
Clearwater, but still love to camp? Consider one of our family programs, volunteering a week this summer, or
sponsoring a niece, nephew, grandchild or community member to come to Clearwater. Visit our website for more
information, or call 218-678-2325. We look forward to seeing you soon!
May 17: HighY 5:30-7:30pm
May 24: Youth Usher
May 31: HighY 5:30-7:30pm
June 7: 11:00 Graduation Breakfast
June 10: Bonfire @ Callie & Anna’s House
June 14: Mission Payment Due
June 21: Youth Bake Sale
June 24: 6:00-8:00pm HighY Family Fun
Church Olympics
June 27-28: Youth Summer Lock-In
June 28: PCA Youth Usher
Would you (or someone you know) like to receive communion at their home or
have Pastor Joy visit? Contact Pastor Joy: pastor@presbyterianapostles.org
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES - 701 East 130th Street, Burnsville, MN 55337
Phone: 952.890.7877 ~~ Email: office@presbyterianapostles.org ~~ Website: www.ChurchApostles.org
Office Hours: Open Tuesday - Thursday 9:30am - 3:00pm, Friday 9:30am - 12:00pm, Closed Mondays (Please call first before dropping by)
More on
page 3
Since PCA will not have a Vacation Bible School this summer, this is a wonderful way to connect with our
neighbor Presbyterian Church in Apple Valley and have a wonderful time. If you are interested, contact
Pastor Joy and she will help you connect.
KIDS CAMP AT SPIRIT OF LIFE scheduled June 22-26 Children in Apple Valley and the surrounding area can
enjoy the fun of a camping experience and still go home at night if they attend Kids Camp at Spirit of Life. The weeklong camp will be held June 22-26 from 9 a.m. to noon for preschoolers and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for children who
have completed kindergarten through 5th grade. Spirit of Life Presbyterian Church is located at 14401 Pilot Knob Road in Apple
Valley. The theme of this year’s Kids Camp is “Power Up, Living in the Spirit.” The camp will feature outdoor activities, games,
craft projects, songs, Bible stories and, of course, good food. Trained summer camp staff from Clearwater Forest Camp and Retreat Center will lead the camp, and local teens are being asked to serve as volunteer helpers. The church is requesting a donation of $15 for preschoolers and $25 for older children for the week. Scholarships are available, and parents should submit their
requests to Pastor Rob Smith at pastorrob@spiritoflifeav.org. Parents with questions about the camp should call the church office at 952.423.2212. A special program is planned for Thursday evening, including a meal at 6 p.m., followed by entertainment
by the children and a campfire. All families, and friends of the campers and of the church are invited. Registration forms are
available on the church’s website (http://www.spiritoflifeav.org). Registrations are requested by May 31.
The death toll from the massive earthquake in Nepal continues to rise. Nearly 4,000 are known dead
and more than 6,000 were injured when the 7.8 quake struck just west of the capital of Kathmandu
on April 25. The quake, the worst in more than 80 years, along with many serious aftershocks has
also caused damage in parts of India and Bangladesh. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is
providing emergency relief and short-term recovery in the impacted areas with our partner, ACT Alliance and its members
who are already on the ground. Immediate response will help provide needed food, water, supplies and medicine to the
impacted towns and villages. As long term recovery plans are developed, PDA will accompany and further financially support
our partners in the area to insure that a comprehensive recovery is sustained. (For information, visit www.pcusa.org/pda.)
Checks can be made to PCA and we will mail all the contributions in one check. Remember to write
“Nepal disaster” on your check. Let us continue to pray for the people of Nepal.
CALL TO ACTION: Tar sands crude is the dirtiest oil there is. Producing a barrel of oil from the tar
sands produces three times more climate pollution than a barrel of conventional oil. Expanding tar
sands mining destroys whole landscapes, pollutes the water, and violates indigenous land rights.
This is going to be a critical action to defend the Midwest from Enbridge, the tar sands, and Alberta
If we want this to have a political impact, we need a big crowd.
Here are the details for the action again:
What: Tar Sands Resistance March
Where: State Capitol, Minneapolis/St. Paul
When: Saturday, June 6th, 2015 at 12 PM
350.org is building a global climate movement. Become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.
A message from Earth Angels:
Remember to pay your per
capita of $32.77.
Using pesticides safely
Write a check to PCA and put
“per capita” in the memo line.
Place your check in the offering plate or Fran Eichinger’s
If you decide that the best solution
to your pest problem is a pesticide,
follow these tips when selecting and
using a garden product:
Identify the pest problem
Find the product that solves the problem
Buy the right amount for your needs
Read the label carefully and use the product the right
 Pay attention to warnings
Prevent harm to the environment - never pour lawn and
garden products down a drain
Consider per-capita not as your
dues to be paid to the church,
but rather as a form of mission
giving to the larger work of the
Presbyterian Church.
$ 7.07 for General Assembly
$ 5.20 for Synod
$20.50 for Presbytery
$32.77 total per member
More on Page 4
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES - 701 East 130th Street, Burnsville, MN 55337
Phone: 952.890.7877 ~~ Email: office@presbyterianapostles.org ~~ Website: www.ChurchApostles.org
Office Hours: Open Tuesday - Thursday 9:30am - 3:00pm, Friday 9:30am - 12:00pm, Closed Mondays (Please call first before dropping by)
PC(USA) News
The Transitional Executive Presbyter search team is very pleased to
introduce our new transitional Presbyter, the Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Japinga.
Jeff (whose last name is pronounced JAP-ing-a) is a teaching elder in the Reformed Church in America, one of our Formula of Agreement Partner Churches. Since 2008 Jeff has served as the associate
dean of the Doctor Ministry program and assistant professor of leadership and ministry at McCormick Theological Seminary. He spent the previous 21 years on the executive staff of the Reformed
Church in America, serving much of his time there as the editor and publisher of the denomination’s magazine, The Church
Herald, and as the director of the Congregational Services Unit.
Last night at the Presbytery meeting, the search team noted- “we were drawn to a number of Jeff’s gifts that match the needs
of the presbytery. “ First, Jeff has a proven commitment to adaptive leadership which he describes as:
… intentionally and broadly collaborative, inviting principled people into processes that ask them to listen
deeply, speak directly, uncover biases and respect disagreements, and seek common ways forward – all so that
we might together face the challenges and uncertainty of change boldly and pastorally, believing that God will
give us knowledge, teach us to respond with maturity, and call us to act with integrity.
One unique leadership quality that stood out in our job description, MIF, and interview questions is that of entrepreneurship.
Across the board, the search team was excited about how Jeff demonstrates this quality in his ministry. Intentional inclusivity, strategic journeying, honest listening, and a future orientation are the values that guide his work as an entrepreneurial
leader. Here is more of his understanding of what it means to be an entrepreneur in his own words:
Entrepreneurs who change their world do so out of passion, building both their work and their lives around
what they love. They're people who know what they really care about—singular and focused, with a deep desire to do something that is meeting a real or perceived need (both their own and others). They have an uncanny ability to "see around corners," uncovering both problems and solutions the rest of us don't see. They're willing to experiment and take risks, and learn from mistakes. They are willing to ask what's essential and what's
expendable, and understand the answers better than most. And they know when they did well—when they got
it right—and can celebrate that. They're innovators.
As a team we appreciate that Jeff comes to the position of Transitional Executive Presbyter with a history of strong leadership outside the PC(USA) Executive Presbyter role. From his work on the seminary staff and in denominational and ecumenical leadership in the RCA he is well-versed in the challenges and opportunities facing our presbytery. At the same time he
brings a fresh perspective on how we might work together to strengthen relationships, overcome obstacles, and follow God’s
Spirit already at work in the world.”
Grace and peace,
The Twin Cities Area Presbytery transitional executive presbyter search committee
Stephanie Anthony (Chair), Ruth Buller, David Colby, David Grachek, Katherine Lankford, Margaret McCray, Mike Quady and
Linda Wold
Denominational News (from PCUSA News Service)
Christ Presbyterian Church in Edina, Minn., with more than 5,300 members, had a straw poll in December 2012 in favor of moving to ECO. In May 2013, the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area appointed an administrative committee to
work through the departure process with the congregation. Last night, May 12, 2015, The Presbytery of the Twin Cities
voted to allow the dismissal of Christ Presbyterian Church from the PCUSA. Christ Presbyterian Church are not in
agreement with the denominations stance on a variety of issues. Christ Church will transfer to the Evangelical Covenant Order (ECO) whose “essential tenets” are the core of the denomination’s theology and polity. The essentials ―
part of ECO’s constitution ― are more a theological treatise than a simple list of principles. But they include:
The infallibility of the Bible
“Special guidance” by the 10 commandments
“Chastity in thought and deed, being faithful within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman as established by God at the creation or embracing a celibate life as established by Jesus in the new covenant”
Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation and “in choosing some, God passes over others”
God’s “covenant community … an instrument of His saving purpose”
“Pray and work for the union of the church throughout the world even where institutional unity does not seem
Observance of the Sabbath as a day of worship and rest
Eradication of “a spirit of anger, resentment, callousness, violence or bitterness…”
Pursuit of truth “even when such pursuit is costly, and defend truth when it is challenged.”
One of ECO’s ordination vows requires church officers to “receive and adopt without hesitation the Essential Tenets of
the ECO…”
Ordaining bodies “must ensure that all officers adhere to the Essential Tenets of the ECO. Failure of officers to continue
to adhere to these standards is grounds for a session or presbytery to remove an officer from service…” And to join
ECO, congregations must “craft a covenant which reflects their desire to be bound to Christ and one another as a part
of the body of Christ according to the Essential Tenets and government of the ECO.” “Our vision is to see God establish a
fresh covenantal connection among those who want to take radical steps into the future,” said Crosby. “We don’t want
people who think ECO is the best of bad options.”
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES - 701 East 130th Street, Burnsville, MN 55337
Phone: 952.890.7877 ~~ Email: office@presbyterianapostles.org ~~ Website: www.ChurchApostles.org
Office Hours: Open Tuesday - Thursday 9:30am - 3:00pm, Friday 9:30am - 12:00pm, Closed Mondays (Please call first before dropping by)