0515 Licence Kit Church UK A guide to your copyright licences and the reporting process ccli.co.uk/churches Introduction Thank you for purchasing copyright licences from CCLI. These licences will enable your church to make greater use of the many and varied copyright works that exist without the risk of infringing copyright law. You’ll also be ensuring that royalties are fairly and accurately apportioned to those who create the works that your church/organisation enjoys. This kit provides more information about our licences and where to find important resources such as lists of the publishers/producers they cover. Reporting This kit also takes you through the process of reporting the songs and publications you reproduce or copy and the music you play - a vital part of being a licence holder. To find out more about reporting, visit ccli.co.uk/reporting. Contents 3. Being CCLI’s Active Contact 6. Copyright Licences from CCLI 11. Reporting 2 Being CCLI’s Active Contact 3 Thank you for being our Active Contact. By assuming this role you are helping to ensure that your church can make the most of copyright works in its services and activities without infringing copyright law. You’ll also be helping CCLI to accurately apportion royalties to the artists and owners of the works your church/organisation enjoys. This in turn helps songwriters and artists to continue their ministry and bless the church with high quality new songs and resources in the future. Being an Active Contact for CCLI needn’t be an arduous task! Below are a few of the key areas where CCLI values your help in maintaining the correct licence cover for your church and passing on to your team information about licence cover and the various added-value resources that are available to you. KEEPING INFORMED You will receive information on behalf of your church from CCLI about the maintenance of your CCLI account, your current licences, details of other licences and changes to the law that could affect your church/organisation. We’ll also let you know about resources and services that may help your church get more value from your licences. It’s important that you read, share, pass on or forward this information to those within your team who may need to know. This includes ministers, worship leaders/musicians, PA and technical teams, children’s and youth leaders and social/event organisers. We’ll write to you occasionally encouraging you to review the licence requirements of your church. Don’t worry, this doesn’t necessarily mean more licences – it might even mean you have licences you no longer need! i Where to go for assistance… If you need help or more information, the best place to look is our website: ccli.co.uk/churches. Alternatively, call our friendly and knowledgable Customer Services team on 01323 436100. Our Customer Services team are experts on how copyright affects the church. We’re here to offer guidance and advice to help keep you legal. If we can’t help, we can usually point you to the organisation that can. 4 BE A REPORTING STAR! It’s a vital responsibility of being a licence holder to tell CCLI about the songs and publications you reproduce or copy and the music you play. All reporting is now done online, ideally on a weekly basis. Although as Active Contact we’ll send information and reminders about reporting to you, you can give the responsibility for reporting to someone else. Or you can add multiple users to your Online Reporting account and ask those who reproduce songs, make copies and play music to share the responsibility. i How to report… You report using our Online Reporting website: www.olr.ccli.com We’ll send you a Reporting Guide with each renewal and you’ll find lots of help on the Online Reporting website itself. However, we recommend that you read and view the additional help-guides at ccli.co.uk/reporting KEEP US UP-TO-DATE Please notify us if your or your church’s details change... • You want to change the person who acts as CCLI’s Active Contact • You think the size category CCLI holds for your church is incorrect • You are uncertain whether you have the correct licence cover or permission for a one-off or regular activity undertaken by your church • Your church starts using new technology which may involve the use of copyright materials (e.g. you purchase a projector to show film scenes in services) • Your church contact or premises details change in any way BE AN EVANGELIST Of course you’re an evangelist, you’re part of a church fellowship! But why not be an evangelist for what your licences enable too. They can help your church reach out into your community in a dynamic and relevant way. Our licences could enable your church to enhance its activities with the use of music and film, to make photocopies so that everyone can participate and stay informed and to help everyone to feel included in worship. Please make sure those involved in the ministry of the church are aware of what cover is in place and how that could benefit your church in its ministry. 5 Copyright Licences from CCLI 6 Church Copyright Licence (CCL) ccli.co.uk/ccl The CCL permits your church to do the following: • Reproduce, by means of projecting, typing, printing or hand-writing, the words of authorised* hymns and worship songs onto screens, service sheets, handouts and OHP acetates etc. for your congregation • Under the words of each song reproduced you must include the following: [author], © [year, owner], [your licence number] e.g. Fred Smiley, © 2013 Happy Music Ltd., CCL No. 123456 • Make customised instrumental arrangements of authorised* music compositions, where no published arrangement is available. All aspects of the music, apart from the instrumentation, must remain unchanged. • Audio/video record your services, including any live music, for non-commercial purposes. You may charge up to £2.50 for cassettes/CDs and £5.00 for videos/DVDs to defray expenses incurred. The number of copies must not exceed 25% of your licence size category, for example, for Category B you may make a maximum of 24 copies The CCL does not permit you to record: i Copyrighted service words, for example readings from the Book of Common Prayer. ii Sound recordings played during Acts of Worship (e.g. regular Sunday services) since this equates to dubbing. NB: If you don’t have an MRL (see next page) you cannot photocopy directly from many published songbooks. However, you can photocopy your own typed or handwritten copies of song words. Under the Terms of Agreement of your CCL you are required to report which songs you reproduce. See the Reporting section of this booklet or visit ccli.co.uk/reporting for more details. * “Authorised” means a song, catalogue or publication which is covered by CCLI licences. ccli.co.uk/songselect SongSelect is a website which provides worship and projection teams with convenient and time-saving access to thousands of publisher-authorised lyrics, lead and chord sheets. Subscriptions are available to any church which holds a CCL. 7 Music Reproduction Licence (MRL) (Available only as a supplement to the Church Copyright Licence (CCL)) ccli.co.uk/mrl The MRL is supplementary to the CCL and permits your church to do the following: • Photocopy the words and music of hymns and worship songs directly from authorised publications for use by your choir, band, congregation etc. • Share digital copies of sheet music or lyrics files (PDFs etc.), by email or via a devise-based system, for example, worship musicians sharing music via a network of screens • At the bottom of each photocopy you must write the following: Copied by permission. MRL No. [your licence number] e.g. Copied by permission. MRL No. 123456 NB: To make a copy/reproduction your church must own at least one copy of the original publication/music, unless it is out of print. Under the Terms of Agreement of your MRL you are required to report which songs you reproduce. Please see the Reporting section of this booklet or visit ccli.co.uk/reporting for more details. * “Authorised” means a song, catalogue or publication which is covered by CCLI licences. The Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) Church Licence ccli.co.uk/cla The CLA Church Licence permits your church to do the following: • Photocopy from non-music publications for use in sermon/study notes, Sunday School and youth activities, hand-outs, quizzes etc. A list of all excluded publishers, are both available on the CLA website: www.cla.co.uk. NB: You may not copy more than 5%, one chapter or one article from a publication without a licence or direct permission from the copyright owner. Under the Terms of Agreement of your CLA Church Licence you are required to report which publications you photocopy. Please see the Reporting section of this booklet or visit ccli.co.uk/reporting for more details. 8 PRS for Music Church Licence ccli.co.uk/prs The PRS for Music Church Licence covers music performance activities in your church, whether live or from a music recording. In some cases your church hall may also be covered, details of which can be found on our website: ccli.co.uk/prs. If you play sound recordings in your church (e.g. CDs, MP3s or music DVDs) then you need both a PRS for Music Church Licence and a PPL Church Licence (see below). PRS for Music royalty distribution is based upon data collected from various sources, as determined by PRS for Music. As a result there is no requirement for you to report to CCLI. NB: If music (live or via a commercial music recording) is only performed/played on your church premises during Acts of Worship (e.g. regular Sunday services), then PRS for Music does not currently insist on a licence being purchased. The CVL permits your church to do the following: Phonographic Performance Ltd (PPL) Church Licence ccli.co.uk/ppl The PPL Church Licence permits your church to play music recordings (e.g. CDs, MP3s or music DVDs) during its various activities, including other groups using your church premises. Your premises must also be covered by a PRS for Music licence as these two licences cover different rights within a recorded work. Under the Terms of Agreement of your PPL Church Licence you are required to provide CCLI with certain details about the music recordings played. Please see the Reporting section of this booklet or visit ccli.co.uk/reporting for more details. NB: if sound recordings are only played on your church premises during Acts of Worship (e.g. regular Sunday services), then PPL does not currently insist on a licence being purchased. 9 Church Video Licence (CVL) ccli.co.uk/showing-films • Host film nights for your congregation or as an outreach activity • Show films in your children’s and youth activities • Show any number of film scenes from the producers covered by the licence • Cue up the start and end time of the film scene for your presentation You cannot copy the film scene you wish to show onto a DVD-R or your computer - you must use the original DVD or Video • Show a film scene on a particular topic and prepare some questions for discussion You can only show an original, purchased copy (DVD, Video or download) of a film. Recordings from television are not covered by this licence. For a full list of the producers whose films are covered by the licence visit our website: ccli.co.uk/film-producers. No charge may be made for entry to see a film and you cannot advertise specific film titles to the general public. Royalty distribution from the CVL is based upon video sales. As a result there is no requirement for you to make any report to CCLI. You will also need a PRS for Music Church Licence in an addition to the Church Video Licence if you show films in public during non-worship activities because music is contained within film soundtracks. ccli.co.uk/screenvue ScreenVue is an online source of film scene ideas and downloads for churches and Christian ministries. Standard membership is free CVL licence holders. If you have a CVL but are not using ScreenVue, visit our website or call us on 01323 436100 for further details. 10 Reporting is required for the following licences Reporting Church Copyright Licence (CCL) Music Reproduction Licence (MRL) CLA Church Licence PPL Church Licence 11 Introduction to Reporting CCLI’s terms and conditions require licence holders to report what has been reproduced, copied or played under the CCL, MRL, CLA Church Licence and PPL Church Licence. The information collected from these reports is used to calculate the royalties due to song writers and publishers and is therefore of vital importance. Without this information CCLI would not be able to pay fair and accurate royalties to copyright owners. Online reporting has now replaced reporting booklets and the CopyReport4 software. It’s easy to use from any computer or mobile device with an internet connection. The Online Reporting website enables CCLI to meet new requirements from copyright owners regarding the quality and nature of the data that we collect. The following pages will take you through the reporting process, but you’ll find more comprehensive instructions and help-guides at www.olr.ccli.com or at ccli.co.uk/reporting. Alternatively, we’re here to help on 01323 436100. Reported before? For customers who have reported previously using the CopyReport4 software, the introduction of Online Reporting brings a number of important changes: 12 • You should now report on a weekly or regular basis, rather than at the end of your licence period • You must now report a song every time you reproduce it, rather than just reporting that you have used a song at least once in your licence period. • The responsibility for reporting can be shared. Reporting online means that everyone in your church who reproduces songs or photocopies publications can report their activity directly on the Online Reporting website on an ongoing basis • The Online Reporting website links to CCLI’s database meaning it covers the entire CCLI repertoire and is updated on a daily basis • The different categories in which a song is reported have changed to reflect changes in the technology that may be used to reproduce it • The ability to produce a custom arrangement of a song where no arrangement exists is now reported under the CCL rather than the MRL When to report The requirements now vary for different licences, as follows: Church Copyright Licence (CCL) & Music Reproduction Licence (MRL) Please report the songs you reproduce or copy under the CCL and MRL on a regular basis, ideally weekly. Since the report is online, there is no longer a deadline by when these particular reports must be submitted. However, CCL will collect the data twice a year. Once we’ve collected the data for a six month period, you’ll no longer be able to amend details of what you reported during that period. CLA Church Licence As previously, the best way to report CLA Church Licence activity is as/when copies are made, otherwise it is unlikely that people will remember what they have photocopied later on. Your licence renewal letters will remind customers to complete the CLA Church Licence report. PPL Church Licence The report required by PPL is a ‘snapshot’ of estimated music use throughout the year. It should ideally be completed towards the end of your licence period, providing CCLI with a summary of the music used in that period. Your licence renewal letters will remind customers to complete the PPL Church Licence report. 13 Getting started Before you report for the first time you’ll need to set up your account: Create a USER account Visit www.olr.ccli.com. If you are a SongSelect user you can Sign In using your existing username and password. Otherwise click on Create Your Profile. Link your account to your church/organisation The first time you sign in you’ll be asked to link your account to your church/organisation. To do this you’ll need your Access Code which can be found on the back of your licence certificate. Enter this code exactly as it appears. (You’ll only need this code once) Add other users If you’re the first person to be linked to your church/organisation, you’ll automatically become an Account Administrator. This means you can add other team members as Users who will then be able to sign in and report whenever they need to. You can also assign someone else to be the Account Administrator or have more than one Account Administrator. Click Admin from the Menu to administer your account. An email will be sent to anyone you invite to be a User with instructions for how to sign in and where to find the online help-guides. For more detailed instructions click the HELP link in the bar at the bottom of the Home page. 14 i Reporting a song (CCL and MRL) Unlike the old CopyReport, with Online Reporting you should report the reproduction of songs under the CCL and MRL on a regular basis, ideally weekly. You can share this task by adding anyone who reproduces songs in your church as a User and asking them to report whenever they reproduce songs. 1 On the SEARCH & REPORT page enter the title of the first song you wish to report and click or press [Enter] on your keyboard. If you’ve reported the song before you can also click it from the Recently Reported list or click Reporting Activity to see a list of all the songs your school has previously reported. 2 Select the correct song from the results and click Report Song If you can’t find your song, let us know using the orange Can’t find your song? button at the bottom of this page. Note: If you’re not sure whether you’ve found the right song, click the i symbol for more information about the song You’ll now have the option to report the song under the CCL and MRL (see following pages)... To return to the SEARCH & REPORT page at any time, clicking the CCLI logo in the the top left corner. i 15 Reporting reproductions under the CCL Under CCL please don’t report how many copies of a song were made. Instead please report once for each master or original that you created/copied from; in other words report once for each occasion on which the song was reproduced. Here you tell us if you’ve reproduced the song under any of the four reporting categories (Print, Digital, Record, Translation). Note: You will not be able to report for a Public Domain ( PD ) song. You can find out more about what each category covers by clicking on its symbol or from the Guide to CCL categories and examples below. i If you’re reporting on a regular basis, the numbers you enter here will be added to the total reproductions of that song in your current reporting period. To finish reporting the song under the CCL click Add to Report Reporting reproductions under the MRL Under MRL please do report how many copies of a song have been made. Click Yes in the MRL section if you have reproduced a song from a published/printed copy, e.g. a hymnbook or a legally obtained PDF. The window to the right will appear. Enter the total number of copies made/ shared and then select the authorised publication or website where the sheet music came from. If the publication or website is not listed click Can’t find your publication? to inform CCLI. When you’re done click Add to Report 16 Guide to CCL categories and examples CATEGORY Print WHAT TO REPORT EXAMPLES Report one (1) Print activity each time a song is reproduced in a service sheet, OHP acetate, bespoke hymnbook or hymnsheet, weekly bulletins etc. Do not enter the total number of copies made. A song is printed in the weekly worship service sheet. 200 copies are printed for the congregation. Report the song as one (1) Print activity, not 200. Report one (1) Print activity each time a unique customised musical arrangement is made. Do not enter the total number of copies made. Report one (1) Print activity each time you make another reproduction using an existing master. Report one (1) Digital activity for the utilisation of a digital copy for visual projection. Digital Report one (1) Digital activity for the distribution of a digital copy to authorised church recipients. A worship leader created three musical arrangements for a song in different keys for the trumpet, saxophone and guitar. He printed one copy for the trumpet, two copies for the saxophones, and three copies for the guitars. The song should be reported as three (3) Print activities, one for each unique arrangement, not the total number of copies made. A congregational song sheet is printed for this week’s service. You should report one (1) Print activity for each song included. Two months later, you print another song sheet including the same songs. You should report another Print activity to represent a further reproduction of each song. The church’s projection/presentation software is used to display songs on a screen. You should report one (1) Digital activity for each projected song The words and/or music* of a song are shared electronically (e.g. by email, or on a memory stick) with ten members of the church choir. You should report one Digital activity to represent the Digital copy of the song shared, not ten for the number of people that received a copy. *This does not include words or music reproduced (photocopied, scanned or downloaded) directly from other publications. It includes hand-written/typed words and music only. Digital copies reproduced from publications should be reported under Music Reproduction Licence. Report one (1) Record activity for an audio master. Record Translate Report one (1) Record activity for a video/audio master. Do not report the total number of copies that were made of each format. Report one (1) Translate activity for each language the song is translated into. A church records their service direct to CD and also makes a DVD recording. Fifteen copies of the CD and five copies of the DVD are distributed within the church. You should report two Record activities, representing one (1) audio CD recording and one (1) DVD (audio & video) recording. A song is published in the English language but the church would like to provide the lyrics for their Spanish congregation. The church leader has first confirmed there is no published Spanish language translation available. Under their CCL they create a Spanish translation of the song and distribute 200 copies to the Spanish congregation. You should report one (1) Translate activity to represent the action of the translation, not how many copies were distributed. Guide to reproductions under MRL and examples CATEGORY Reproduce WHAT TO REPORT EXAMPLES Report one (1) Reproduce activity for each photocopy made from a publication* Five copies of a song are photocopied from a hymnbook for use by church musicians. You should report five (5) Reproduce activities for the song, ensuring you select the correct publication from which the copy was made. Report one (1) Reproduce activity for each recipient of digital copies shared via church networks or by email. A .pdf Chord Sheet is downloaded from SongSelect and imported into a device-based system that enables you to share the music with four other band members during your service. You should report four (4) Reproduce activities for the song and publication, one for each device it was shared with. Report one (1) Reproduce activity for each print of a digital copy. *Examples of Publication include hymnbook, lead sheet, sheet music, PDF download A song PDF is downloaded from a publisher’s website by a worship leader. It is emailed to four fellow musicians. All five band members print out a copy for use on Sunday morning. You should report nine (9) Reproduce activities for the song and publication, one for each recipient of the email (4) and one for each print out made (5). Reviewing your reporting activity (CCL and MRL) You can review and edit your recent reporting activity By clicking Reporting Activity. You’ll see a list of your most recently reported songs. To view the activity for a particular song, click to the left of the song title. If you edit the CCL activity against a song, finish by clicking Add to Report Reporting your next song To report another song simply type the title into the search box at the top of the page and click or press [Enter] on your keyboard. You can return to the Home page at any time by clicking the CCLI logo in the top left corner. Thank you for reporting! For more detailed instructions click the Help link in the bar at the bottom of the Home page. More information and a list of FAQs can be found at ccli.co.uk/reporting 18 i Reporting for the CLA Church Licence If you hold a CLA Church Licence you should report whenever you photocopy from a publication covered by this licence. 1 Click Menu in the top right corner of your screen, and select CLA Reporting. 2 Click Add New Publication and add the Title, Author, Publisher and ISBN. Click Save. The publication will appear at the top of the list on this page. You can edit or remove any of the publications you’ve previously added. When finished, click the CCLI logo (top left) to return to the Home page. Reporting for the PPL Church Licence If you hold a PPL Church Licence you should only report for it at the end of your licence period. It is very simple to do. 1 Click Menu in the top right corner of your screen, select PPL Reporting and click Get Started. 2 The onscreen instructions will guide you through the process. You’ll then see a summary (see right). You’ll have the option to go back and Amend Report or click Finish to return to the Home page. Thank you for reporting! i For more detailed instructions click the Help link in the bar at the bottom of the Home page. More information and a full list of FAQs can be found at ccli.co.uk/copyreport 19 Contact For further information and advice contact: Customer Services: Phone: 01323 436100 Email: info@ccli.co.uk Online: Copyright Licences: Reporting: Copyright Fact Files: ccli.co.uk/churches olr.ccli.com ccli.co.uk/fact-files Christian Copyright Licensing International Ltd. Registered in England & Wales: 2580472 VAT No: GB 583 6735 03 Registered Office: Chantry House, 22 Upperton Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 1BF
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