CIA Voice Kids - CIA FIRST International School

Second Edition Newsletter
CIA Voice Kids
Address: No.9/107, St. 2004, Phnom Penh
Kingdom of Cambodia
Tel: 023-882-088
Upcoming Dates
June 24
Dear Readers,
Last Day of School
We would like to welcome you to our second edition of
the CIA Voice Kids. As the 2014 - 2015 school year
comes to a close, the wonderful elementary students
from grades 3-5 have been working extra hard to create
this second newsletter for you!
June 25
We hope you enjoy this last newsletter of the school year
and come back next year for more hot news, latest
events, and reviews from Campus 1!
- CIA Voice Kids Journalism Club
Respect Earns Respect
by: Ali, Satya, Shafin, and Justine.
"Respect Earns Respect" is the theme of this month.
Respect earns respect means that when you respect someone,
they will respect you back. Kunwadh from grade 4B said,
"Respect earns respect means we can respect our teachers and
we can respect our friends and families. We also don’t want to
bully people." Rhone from grade 4D said, "Respect earns
respect means helping people around the world and showing
respect and trustworthiness."
Recognition Day
June 26
Graduation Day
Pg. 1-2: Respect Earns
Pg. 2-3: Essential Questions &
News Beats
Pg.3-4: New Campus & News
Pg. 5: Earthquakes in Nepal &
News Beats
Pg. 6: Credits
Tr. Morgan said that, "Respect earns respect means that if you
want someone to treat you fairly, you must be fair to them. My
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grandma always said, "Treat people how you want to be treated.""
Tr. Navy said "Respect earns respect means when you give people
respect, they will respect you back."
It is always nice and kind to respect others and also think of
others and if you want to be respected, you must start with
yourself. Others will never respect you if you do not respect them.
When you think of others and respect them, they will do the same
thing back.
News Beats
“Pirate King”
Platform: iOs and Android
By: Eunsu & Hong Ming
This article is about an app
game called “Pirate King”.
They give you some money
and they will give you an
island. We can buy what
we need to use to protect
and decorate our island.
We can spin 50 times for
free and have to wait to
spin again. Sometimes we
get attacked, and we can
also attack our friends
back, or defend ourselves
so they cannot attack us.
On the spinning wheel, we
can win a lot of money. We
like this game because we
can create our island and
we can attack our friends.
Shafin Ahmed from G4B
thinks "Pirate King is a good
game because we can
attack other users' islands.
We can have shields to
protect our islands, too."
This game can be very
Essential Questions
By: Lakshmi, Lainey, Makhana, Heeseong, Boraboth, and Kina.
Essential questions are good for you to understand the unit.
Essential questions are also good for you to learn new subjects.
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News Beats
Essential questions are easy and hard to figure it out. They are
introduced at the beginning, during and at the end of a unit.
Essential questions might be confusing at first, but as we learn
more about the unit we will understand more about it. They are
usually included in section 3 of our self-knowledge journals, which
are used to reflect on what we have learned, what activities
worked for us, and the main ideas of our units.
"See You Again"
Artists: Wiz Khalifa and
Charlie Puth
By: Dara & Kunwadh
Justine Jade from grade 5A said, "It is fun! Also, it is very new
to this school." Ali from grade 4B said, "It is great and hard for
[him]". Shafin from grade 4B said, "The essential questions are
hard and easy. I like to answer the essential questions, too." Dara
from grade 4A said, "I feel that it is hard to do."
This song is interesting
because sounds good. It has
both a rapper and a slow
singer on it. It is not too fast
and not too slow. The song is
good but kind of sad because
it was written for Paul Walker
who died in a car crash in
2013. His friend also died in
the crash because they were
racing unsafely. The song is
the number one hit all over
the world. It is also famous
because it is the soundtrack
of the movie “The Fast and
Furious 7." The movie was a
tribute made for Paul Walker
who died before they
finished filming the movie. As
you can see, it is the seventh
movie, and so the cast from
the film are close like a
family. To us, it is just a cool
song, but to them it is like a
memory of Paul Walker.
The essential questions might be a little bit hard, but if we try
hard we may learn a lot and actually enjoy them!
New Campus
By: Giryeong, Jessie, Julie, Peter, and William.
At the New Campus there are grades 6-12. It also has a new
soccer field and basketball court. Makhana from G4B said, "I feel
excited, because we can play football there. However, I feel
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bad that we have to leave this campus." In the next school year,
on September 1st all students in grades 3-5 will move to the new
campus. There will be new and fun things for them to experience
there. Jeffry from G5C said, "I feel happy because it’s really big
there and the soccer field is big, so I can play soccer there, too". In
the new campus there are many classrooms for students to study
in. Right now, the new campus is almost finished being built.
However, the new campus does not have a pool yet, but they’re
in the process of building it. Kunwadh from G4B said, "I feel excited
about moving to the new campus, but I'm sad that I can’t buy
anything". We look forward to having a new campus and bigger
classrooms, but this campus will be missed by many.
News Beats
School Review
By: Venching & Cheamov
We think that CIA Fist
International School is good
and they give us a good
education. CIA First
International School started in
2004. CIA First International
School teaches both English
and Khmer. The school starts
at 8:00am until 11:30am for
part time students, and for the
full time students they start
8:00am until 4:00pm for the
full time English. The full time
Khmer students study from
8:00am until 5:00pm. We
recommend this school to our
family, friends, and neighbors.
Earthquakes in Nepal
By: Beom Jin, Jeffrey, Jyhoon, Nimo, Raksa, and Wendy.
Earthquakes in Nepal! Nepal is in Asia, between India and
China. Nepal had two earthquakes recently. One earthquake was
on the 25th of April 2015 at 11:56. This earthquake is called
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“Gorkha” earthquake. The earthquake killed more than 8,000
people. It had a magnitude 7.8 on the Richter scale. It happened
in the village of Barpark, Gorkha district. It affected countries like
India, Tibet and Bangladeshi. Moreover, it caused an avalanche
on Mount Everest.
The second earthquake in Nepal occurred on May
at 12:35 in Nepal central time. The magnitude of this earthquake
was 7.3 and it happened near Kathmandu and Mount Everest. It
killed more than 200 people. Lakshmi, a student from G5C said
that “It killed a lot of people and damaged many buildings and
many people suffered and I feel so sad for the people who died.”
Also, Tr.Morgan, a G3 teacher said that “I feel it’s a very sad story
and it is a tragedy that so many people were killed and injured, I
send prayers to their family members."
We suggest students to donate some money to the
injured people in Nepal because they don’t have any money to
cure themselves from the injuries or the impact of the earthquake.
News Beats
“Five Nights at Freddy 2”
Platform: PC, Mac, iPad, and
By: Sakmonee & Rhone
This is a horror game that
has animatronics as
characters. We play as a
security guard and our job is
to survive until 6 A.M. At
nighttime, the animatronics
move. They try to jump out
and scare you. If you
survive, you will go to the
next night, and if you can
survive the first 5 nights,
you will get a special night,
which is night 6. Things start
to get difficult here. After
that, you will unlock another
night called "Custom Night."
William said, "It is horrible,
and not good. The graphics
are poor, and it is too
The game can be addictive if
you play it too much. It has
been known to cause some
people nightmares. Enjoy!
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Thank you for reading our newsletter. Please stay tuned for our next issue!
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