th Friday April 17 , 2015 Important Dates…………………………………….2 15-16 School Calendar……………………………...3 Last Days for Kids Clubs………………………….4 Dia de los Ninos……………………………………..5 IP Innovation Night………………………………..6 Lobby Day……………………………………………..7 Internet Essentials…………………………………..8 PUMA PTO…………………………………………….9 Important Dates to Remember: 4/21-4/24/15…......................................Used Uniform/Book Sale 4/22/15……………..……………….…1:50 Dismissal Mrs. Casion’s Birthday 4/23/15………………………….6th Grade Field Trip Post Office 4/24/15……………..…..Green Team Assemblies K-4th (8:15-8:45) / 5th-8th (3:00-3:30) 4/25/15……………..…..Mother/Son Date Night Math Competition #3 4/27-5/22/15…………………….…..PARCC testing 4/27/15………………………….… Innovation Night 5:30-7:00pm 4/29/15……………………………..….1:50 Dismissal Kindergarten Registration (2-6pm) & Open House (2-4pm) 4/30/15………………………….8th Grade Field Trip Great America 5/1/15……………………...Ms. Ludwig’s Birthday 5/4-5/8/15……….Teacher Appreciation Week 5/6/15……………………………..……11:30 Dimissal Chicago International Charter Schools Bucktown, Irving Park, Prairie, West Belden 2015-2016 School Year Calendar 6 M 24 First day of school for students 3 10 17 24 31 21 12 Columbus Day/No School 28 1st quarter ends M 5 12 19 26 14 18 Students dismissed 1:00 21-31 Winter Break/No School M 7 14 21 28 20 15 Presidents Day/No School M 1 8 15 23 29 T 4 11 18 25 OCTOBER T W T 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 DECEMBER T W T 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 FEBRUARY T W T 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 24 25 26 16 7 Parent Teacher Conferences Students dismissed 1:00 8 Professional Development Students dismissed 1:00 18-22 Spring Break/No School M T APRIL W T 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 13 10 4th quarter ends 17 Last Day of School Students dismissed 1:00 AUGUST W T 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 M 6 13 20 27 JUNE T W T 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 F 7 14 21 28 F 2 9 16 23 30 F 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 27 F 1 8 15 22 29 F 3 10 17 24 M 7 14 21 28 M 2 9 16 23 30 SEPTEMBER T W T 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 NOVEMBER T W T 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 JANUARY W T M T 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 M 7 14 21 28 M 2 9 16 23 30 M 6 13 20 27 T 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 MARCH W T 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 21 F 4 11 18 25 Labor day/No school 18 F 6 13 20 27 5 Parent Teacher Conferences Students dismissed 1:00 6 Professional Development Students dismissed 1:00 11 Veteran's Day/No School 25 Students dismissed 1:00 26-27 Thanksgiving/No School 19 F 1 8 15 22 29 1 18 22 Winter Break/No School MLK Day/No School 2nd quarter ends 22 F 4 11 18 25 25 30 No School 3rd quarter ends 21 MAY W T 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 F 6 13 20 27 JULY T W T 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 F 3 10 17 24 31 T 3 10 17 24 31 7 30 Memorial Day/No School Total # of School Days: 191 1:00 Dismissal Day No School End of Quarter * *Every Wednesday students are dismissed at 1:00 pm unless otherwise noted.** Last Days for Kids Clubs Hip Hop Yoga……….…….. 4/21 Plant Explorers……….…..4/22 Martial Arts………………... 4/22 Mad Science ………….…… 4/24 Strength & Fitness….….. 4/27 Cooking Skills……………..4/30 Choir……………………..…….5/21 Design Build Test…………5/26 Rock Band………………….. 5/28 And please remember, NO KIDS CLUBS 3/31 & 4/1 due to Parent Teacher Conferences! DÍA DE LOS NIÑOS WHO?: K-3 WHEN?: APRIL 24, 1:00-3:00 WHAT?: CELEBRATION OF CHILDREN’S DAY PARENTS OF K-3, PLEASE LOOK FOR THE “SIGN-UP GENIUS” TO VOLUNTEER DURING THIS CELEBRATION! ¿QUIÉN?: K-3 ¿CUÁNDO?: 24 ABRIL, 1:00-3:00 ¿QUÉ?: CELEBRACIÓN DE DÍA DE LOS NIÑOS PADRES/APODERADOS DEL GRADOS K-3, HABRÁ UN “SIGN-UP GENIUS” PARA QUE USTEDES PUEDAN ADYUDAR DURANTE LA CELEBRACIÓN. What: Illinois Network of Charter Schools Lobby Day Where: Springfield, IL When: May 21st - 7:00 am-7:00 pm Why: To remind our legislators that they represent charter school families across the state who are ready to advocate for the right to high-quality public school options! **Transportation will be provided to all families. Let’s show Springfield that Irving Park families want to be heard!! The first 20 families to volunteer their time for May 21st will receive Cubs tickets for either of the following games: Sunday, April 19th vs the San Diego Padres (1:20pm) OR th Wednesday, April 29 vs the Pittsburgh Pirates (7:20pm) Contact Ms. Mandel at to volunteer your voice and get your tickets today! PUMA PROWL WALK-A-THON 2015 2015 CICS IRVING PARK PUMA PROWL WALK-A-THON Dear CICS Irving Park families, It’s baaaack! It’s finally spring, and time for our 4th annual Puma Prowl walk-a-thon!!! Mark your calendars for May 13, 2015. Our goal for the 2015 Puma Prowl Walk-a-thon is to raise $20,000 for ongoing technology needs, along with increasing the participation rate from last year. We are asking each student to raise just $15. We can do it, Pumas! Show your PUMA PRIDE!!! The Puma Prowl is approaching quickly! We sent home the pledge forms so students can start requesting donations from family, friends, and neighbors, parents’ co-workers, etc. Our goal is to have each student collect at least $15 in pledges. Puma Prowl pledge forms can be turned in at any time, when your student is done receiving pledges. We are in the process of collecting many great prizes for the top earning kids. Other incentives for the kids include: -Ice cream party for the classrooms that have at least 75% of the students raise $15 or more -Prize drawing in each classroom for all the students that turn in pledge forms (regardless of amount raised) -Art supplies for the student who wins the t-shirt design contest We are still in need of Business Sponsors and donations of gifts for prizes. Please see the Business Pack file with information for potential business sponsors. Print and pass out the pack to businesses you frequent.It’s super easy! A website has been set up to collect pledge donations electronically for those families and friends that do not live nearby. The link below was also included on the bottom of the pledge form you will receive in your child’s folder. Donate online at: Puma Pride! The Puma PTO PUMA PROWL STUDENT PLEDGE FORM & & & 2015 CICS IRVING PARK PUMA PROWL WALK-A-THON Student Name _____________________________________________ Room#/Teacher ____________________________________________ & & & Classrooms, where at least 75% of the students raise at least $15, will be &rewarded & & with & & cream & & party! & Pledges & & &submitted& by Weds. & & & 13, will be & conan ice May sidered for prizes. Checks should be made payable to CICS Irving Park or CICS IP. 67#$8#+98&':)% !"#$%&'()*%+ !,%-.%& /)#($0 ;<):=, >?@&$#&%):=,A&7+#B=-%&"#)%&:--+%88C ! " # " $ " % " & " ' " ( " ) " * " !+ " !! " !# " !$ " !% " !& " !' " !( " Or donate online at: Students raising the most money for the Puma Prowl will be awarded prizes. Pledges submitted by Wednesday, May 13, will be considered for prizes! 121/34 5 All Donations are Tax Deductible Checks should be made payable to CICS Irving Park or CICS IP ... and the winner is... CONGRATULATIONS TO: SOPHIA VILLACARLOS for winning the 2015 Puma Prowl T-shirt Design Contest!! Thanks to ALL the students who did their best and submitted designs for the contest. There were so many great ones! Thanks for showing Puma Pride! PUMA PROWL WALK-A-THON 2015 NEEDED: PUMA PROWL WALK-A-THON BUSINESS SPONSORS Dear CICS Irving Park families, Attached are pages we are using to solicit business sponsors for the Puma Prowl walk-a-thon. Please print some copies and carry them around with you. As you stop for a coffee in the morning, drop off a form, as you get your hair cut, drop off a form and then follow up. You’ll find that many businesses are more than willing to be a monetary sponsor and if not, they usually provide a Gift Card. If you want to promote your own business, please be a sponsor. In addition to looking for monetary sponsor for the walk-a-thon we are trying to solicit Gift Cards and other “prizes” from anyone. If you get a donation, we will find a way to use it. Please contact Susie Clark, at, with any questions. Thank you for your help! PUMA PROWL BUSINESS SPONSORSHIP LETTER 2015 CICS IRVING PARK PUMA PROWL WALK-A-THON Dear Potential Business Sponsor, We invite you to join teachers, staff and parents in preparing the students at CICS Irving Park for college and beyond. In our school's short history, CICS Irving Park has become the most successful Charter School in the City, while embracing community diversity and continuing to serve some of the city’s neediest students. The CICS Puma Parent Teacher Organization (Puma PTO) invites you to join us in developing the leaders of tomorrow by offering our students leading edge technology to learn with, as well as supporting our teachers and staff through training and support. CICS Irving Park students come from all over the city, with the majority representing our nearby Avondale, Portage Park, Logan Square and Irving Park communities.The school’s mission is to educate and nurture our children by fostering a safe and positive environment that is conducive to all children receiving a high quality, college preparatory education. On May 13, 2015 CICS Irving Park will be holding its FOURTH Annual Puma Prowl — a 30 minute walk-a-thon through the community surrounding the school. We are asking for sponsorships from local businesses and community leaders who share our commitment to creating a vibrant environment for our children to grow and thrive. With our goal of $20,000 for ongoing technology needs, your sponsorship will help fill some of the technology funding gap created when our school lost Title 1 Funding. Much of the learning experience at CICS Irving Park is based on collaborative learning, otherwise known as “centers”. Technology, such as iPads and Chromebooks, have been demonstrated to enhance the “center” learning experience and allow teachers to better track student progress. We currently have 90 iPads serving more than 500 students. Your support will help us toward our technology goal, and provide more students with access to advanced learning tools. In exchange for your tax deductible sponsorship, you will receive, depending on your sponsorship level: • Name or logo recognition on all Walk-a-Thon t-shirts to be worn by students and parents throughout the day • Name or logo on all Walk-a-Thon materials, both print and electronic • Verbal name recognition at Walk-a-Thon start Or, for a commitment of $1,000 we invite you to sound the starting horn and kick off our Puma Prowl Walk-athon! This exclusive opportunity is available to one sponsor only… so pledge early! Pledge deadline extended to Monday 4/20/15 8:00 a.m.. Our 2015 goal is to raise $20,000. All proceeds will go directly to supporting the technology needs at CICS Irving Park! For more information please contact: Susie Clark at or 773-805-4546. We thank you for your support! Sincerely, – The Parents and Families of the Puma PTO All donations are tax deductible. PUMA PROWL BUSINESS SPONSORSHIP PLEDGE FORM 2015 CICS IRVING PARK PUMA PROWL: Business Sponsorship Pledge Form The CICS Irving Park community includes staff, teachers and parents committed to the development and success of the school’s 535 K-8th grade students. Our community is diverse, drawn from across the entire city. Founded in 2007, CICS Irving Park is committed to preparing our students for college and careers. The CICS Irving Park Puma Parent Teacher Organization (Puma PTO) is helping to fulfill this commitment by raising funds to give our students access to the latest teaching technology in all our classrooms. Join us in our effort by becoming a sponsor of our Puma Prowl – a walk-athon through the CICS Irving Park neighborhood. Your sponsorship will help us purchase current technology to enhance small-group learning in reading, math and science, allowing all our students access to state-of-the-art learning technology! In addition, your sponsorship will provide your business with exposure to the 300+ CICS IP families, and be advertised on the back of the t-shirts that our students will wear the day of the Puma Prowl and many times after that! $1,000 – Platinum Sponsor One Opportunity Only! For a commitment of $1,000 we invite you to sound the starting horn/bell and help to kick off our walk-a-thon! This exclusive opportunity is available to one sponsor only… so pledge early! The Platinum Sponsor receives: • Top-level logo placement on all Puma Prowl t-shirts to be worn by students/parents on Puma Prowl day and beyond • Top-level logo placement on all Puma Prowl print and electronic materials • Top-level verbal recognition at Puma Prowl start $500 – Gold sponsors receive: • Prominent logo placement on all Puma Prowl t-shirts to be worn by students/parents on Puma Prowl day and beyond • Prominent logo placement on all Puma Prowl print and electronic materials • Verbal recognition at Puma Prowl start $250 – Silver level sponsors receive: • Logo placement on all Puma Prowl t-shirts to be worn by students/parents on Puma Prowl day and beyond • Logo placement on all Puma Prowl print and electronic materials $100 – Bronze level sponsors receive: • Name (no logo) on Puma Prowl t-shirts to be worn by students/parents on Puma Prowl day • Name on all Puma Prowl print and electronic materials Thank you! – from the Parents and Families of the Puma PTO Questions? Please contact Susie Clark at or 773-805-4546. I, (name), ___________________________________________ (title), _________________________________ of (business name), __________________________________________________________________________ located at (address)_______________________________________________________ pledge $____________ for sponsorship of the CICS Puma Prowl. I understand this entitles me to the benefits of _______________________ level sponsorship, as detailed above. (Signature) __________________________________________________ (Date) ________________________ (Phone) ____________________________________ (Email)________________________________________ Please submit completed form to: CICS Irving Park, ATTN: Puma PTO, 3820 N Spaulding, Chicago IL 60618 by 4/20/15. For Silver level and above, attach b/w camera ready logo art, or email vector logo file to Lorrie Ide - Please make checks payable to CICS Irving Park. All donations are tax deductible. ABOUT CICS IRVING PARK ! 3820 N. Spaulding Avenue, Chicago, 60618 (Irving Park & Kimball) ! Grades: K-8 ! Serves 517 students ! Directors: Karin Breo APPLY NOW !312.651.5000 ! ! ! Read what others are saying: At CICS Irving Park students come first, and that’s evident from the minute you walk into the building. Teachers and staff work tirelessly to make every minute of every day meaningful for students and that is reflected not only in test scores, but in the climate and culture in the building. As a teacher for over ten years I don’t know if I have ever been a part of a staff that is as reflective and driven to improve their practice, the teachers here love to teach and learn. We use data and evidence to drive our instruction, so that every student gets what they need. The students, staff and parents truly work together to make the school a place where students are proud to go. –CICS Irving Park Staff Member I am currently in my 6th year at CICS-Irving Park and I still look forward to go to work every morning. I’ve held many roles at Irving Park and have felt supported and valued in each of them. As a teacher at Irving Park I work with families and staff for the common goal of preparing our students for college and beyond. It is evident that the needs of students are the top priority of everyone here. – CICS Irving Park Staff Member This is an excellent school. I took my child out of a CPS public school 3 years ago. It just wasn't cutting it. And since then my child is learning what he should be and his test scores are great and above the learning curve. The staff at CICS is awesome and is determined to find anyway to work with you and your child. The work hard to make sure your child goes to school to get their education on a current curriculum. They treat every student like family. They have great fundraisers and have Family Movie Nights. This has been my experience. Very glad I chose this school for my child who is now in 6th grade! —Submitted by a parent Like us: Chicago International Charter School- Irving Park Campus LAST YEAR’S 2014 PUMA PROWL T-SHIRT BACK A big THANK YOU to last year’s 2014 Puma Prowl Sponsors! Portage Grounds • The Quiceno Family LAST YEAR’S 2014 PUMA PROWL SUPPORTERS AND SPONSORS PUMA PROWL SPONSORS: A special thanks to ALL of the businesses and families who sponsored and donated prizes to the Puma Prowl 2014 Walk-a-thon! It would be appreciated if you check them out and let them know you are from our school.(so they keep sponsoring us!). 1. SMOQUE BBQ - 3800 N. Pulaski (773) 545 -7427 2. Lorrie Ide Design - Freelance graphic design and illustration - logo and print design - Lorrie Ide – (773) 562-7815 3. Peacocke Properties, LLC - Full Service Real Estate Firm offering Brokerage & Management expertise for Residential & Commercial Real Estate - Jessica McDonogh – (773) 983-5110 - 4. Kempster, Corcoran, Quiceno & Lenz-Calvo 332 S Michigan Ave #1428 (312) 341-9730 5. City Kids Dental – 4700 N. Western Ave, STE 1A (773) 293-2700 6. City Smiles Dental - 3800 N Pulaski Rd (773) 663-3800 7. Animal Ark - 3235 N Kedzie Ave (773) 442-6500 – 8. Heal - 4108 N Rockwell St (773) 888-5091 9. Gather - 4539 N Lincoln Ave (773) 506-9300 10. Portage Grounds - 5501 W Irving Park - (773) 930-3693 11. Goldfish Swim School - 2630 W Bradley Place Unit D (773) 588-7946 12. Cakes by Bethy - 13. Lil Kickers - 2640-B West Bradley Place (877) 545-5457 14. Pump it Up – Chicago - 821 W Eastman St (312) 664-7867 15. Mayfair Animal Clinic - 4314 N Elston Ave (773) 478-1868 16. We Got Game - 6160 N Cicero Ave #315 (773) 685-1682 17. Degerberg Academy - 4717 N Lincoln Ave (773)728-5300 – 18. XOX Salon - 4458 N Milwaukee Ave (773) 777-9997 – 19. The Yoga Shop - 3880 N Milwaukee Ave (312) 509-3880 – 20. Harry Carey’s Restaurant Group - 21. Chicago’s Pizza - 4520 W. Irving Park Rd (773) 427-0100 22. Small Dog Electronics – Kerry Westhelle (802) 496-7171 x609 23. Tony’s Finer Foods – 4137 N Elston Ave. (773) 866-0010 24. City Smiles – Modern Dental care – 3800 N. Pulaski (773) 663-3800 25. State Farm Insurance – Alton Williams – 3406 Irving Park Road (773) 463-4343 26. jookie, a portrait boutique, inc. - 4656 N. Rockwell (773) 463-5665 27. Richard Mell – 33rdWard Alderman Office – 3649 North Kedzie Avenue (773) 478-8040 28. Jewel - 29. Mariano’s - 30. Target - Thanks to Parents and families who donated prizes and sponsor money: Gabriel and Isabella Quiceno Family – Sponsor Hannah and TJ Weber Family – Gift Card Keenan and Reina Martin Family – iPod Shuffle USED BOOKS & UNIFORM SALE G r e e n Pa r e n t G r o u p .05 - -‐$2.00 $0.50 $2.00 CASH ONLY PLEASE April2115-18 April – 24 Time Sale: Time ofof sale: Tue. & Thur. 3-6pm • Tues 3:30 – 6:00pm Wed. 1:30-3:30pm • Wed 1:30 – 6:00pm • Thurs 3:30 – 6:00pm • Fri 3:30 – 6:00pm In the auditorium AT THE AUDITORUM CICS This is a great way to revalue books and uniforms that aren’t being used! VAMOS AL LA VENTA DE LIBROS Y UNIFORMES CON POCO USO G R E E N PA R E N T G RU P O $0.50 -‐ $2.00 .05-$2.00 Dinero en efectivo por favor ABRIL2115-18 April – 24 • Martes 3:30 – 6:00pm Martes • Miér. 1:30Y–Jueves 6:00pm 3-6PM 3:30 – 6:00pm • Jueves • Viernes 3:30 – 6:00pm Miércoles 1:30-3:30 En el gimnasio EN EL GIMNASIO CICS Esta es una gran manera de revalorizar libros y los uniformes que no estén siendo usados! Degerberg Academy Of Martial Arts & Chicago International Charter School Team up to raise money for Irving Park Campus! School operated by Daniel Brenka and Kids Instructors Joseph Medina and David Cook. 3596 N. Milwaukee Ave. Ph. 773-545-3423 6 weeks of martial arts lessons $69 100% of the $69 payment goes directly to Chicago International Carter School! Includes a uniform donated by Degerberg Academy Enroll anytime from April 20, 2015 to June 1, 2015 Attend 3 classes per week (18 classes total) Offer for new students only! Call to set up your first class. Chicago Parenting #1 School Ninja Turtle Classes M/W Fri Sat 5:15 - 5:45 5:00 - 5:30 1:30 - 2:00 Kids Classes Mon/Fri 6:15 - 7:00 Mon/Th 7:30 - 8:30 Tu/W/Th 4:30 - 5:15 Tue 6:15 - 7:15 Sat 12:30 - 1:15 Wed/Thu 7:15 - 8:15 Bully Prevention Listening Skills Adult Classes Self-Esteem Coordination Discipline Self-Control Respect Confidence
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