A multidisciplinary week for CIHEAM in Lebanon Press release 29 May 2015 On the occasion of the Euro-Mediterranean multi-tasks event on Research and Innovation (ERANETMED/MEDSPRING), the CIHEAM Secretary General Cosimo Lacirignola was in Beirut from 26 to 29 May 2015 for a set of high-levels meetings aiming to present the results of activities developed and to promote new projects with Lebanon for the future. Improving training, enhancing research programmes and supporting national policies in the field of agriculture, food and sustainable development were the main issues discussed. The visit was organized in close collaboration with the delegate of Lebanon at the CIHEAM Governing Board, Pr. Mouin Hamzé, who is the Secretary General of the CNRS Lebanon and who was present in all the meetings mentioned below. On May 27, the Secretary General was received by the Minister of Agriculture, H.E. Akram Chehayeb. He highlighted the role of Lebanon as platform and best practices for CIHEAM activities in a sensitive context. Member of our Organisation since 1994, CIHEAM has always supported the Lebanese authorities in the field of agriculture and rural economy thanks to many technical projects that are complementary to our mission of education, training and research. The Minister and the Secretary General also discussed the food safety campaign of the Lebanese government and how CIHEAM can contribute in this initiative. Another very important item reasoned was linked to the international cooperation to cope with food security caused by the Syrian crisis. The food security challenges for the country are increasing and the support of CIHEAM will be also welcomed in this issue as indicated by Minister Akram Chehayeb. www.ciheam.org The Minister of agriculture, Akram Cheyaheb, at the middle, Pr. Mouin Hamzé on his right and the Secretary General of CIHEAM, Cosimo Lacirignola, on his left © CIHEAM / El-Moujabber On May 26 and 27, Cosimo Lacirignola participated in the ERANETMED-MedSpring EuroMediterranean multi-tasks event on Research and Innovation. He highlighted during the opening ceremony that CIHEAM has been strongly involved in the development and coordination of these two very important programmes. The meeting aimed at taking stock of the ERANETMED analysis on Euro-Med research programmes and infrastructures as well as of activities to be carried out for the development of the Euromed strategic agenda on research and innovation. The discussion with stakeholders supported also ERANETEMED funding agencies in preparing the second Joint Call. The event decided to launch an ERANETMED-MedSpring Awareness Campaign on joint programming and a meeting on Euromed Observatories. The “water, energy, food, health” nexus as well as coastal areas management and the importance to develop mobility and capacity building were also emphasized among the main research priorities for the future of ERANETMED. The participants of the meeting recalled the following objectives through the programme: facilitating networks and access to EU consolidated infrastructures from Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries promoting knowledge sharing in the region. © CIHEAM / El-Moujabber www.ciheam.org The Secretary General also participated on May 27 in the seminar on risk management organized by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and chaired by the Prime Minister of Lebanon, H.E. Tammam Salam. He stressed the role of CIHEAM in facilitating knowledge transfer in order to better monitor environmental hazards in the Mediterranean countries. From left the Prime Minister T.Salam, the Secretary General and Pr. M. Hamzé © CIHEAM / El-Moujabber The Secretary General also had a meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science of the American University of Beirut, Pr. Nahla Hwallah (who is also member of the CIHEAM Advisory Board) and the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Lebanese University, Pr Samir Medawar. The main point discussed was on the win-win cooperation to reinforce at the level of the training courses organized by CIHEAM and its Institutes for the Lebanese Officials of the Public Administration. From left Pr. S. Medawar, the Secretary General, Pr. N. Hwalla and Pr. M. Hamzé © CIHEAM / El-Moujabber www.ciheam.org Considering the number of projects developed by CIHEAM and its Institute of Bari, the Secretary General was received by the Italian Ambassador to Lebanon, H.E. Giuseppe Morabito. Beyond the presentation of the activities accomplished through the Italian cooperation with Lebanon, he presented the main political events in which CIHEAM is currently engaged, as Expo Milano 2015 and the 11th Ministerial meeting of the Ministers of agriculture of our 13 Member countries that will be held in Lisbon on 23 September 2015. Honouring the relevant mandate in Lebanon he was awarded the Golden medal of CNRSLebanon and the CIHEAM trophy. Last but not least, the Secretary General had the pleasure to meet the director of the Bibliotheca Alexandria, Pr. Ismail Serageldin, and the President of EMUNI, Pr. Abdelhamid El-Zoheiry, discussing with them the situation in the Mediterranean and the need to preserve the will of cooperation. In this perspective, the Secretary General recalled the role of CIHEAM in the intercultural dialogue in the region given the educational, scientifical and political activities, promoting the “Knowledge mobility” developed by our Organization. www.ciheam.org
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