Brownian Suspensions of Rigid Particles Aleksandar Donev & Steven Delong, Bakytzhan Kallemov and Florencio Balboa and others Courant Institute, New York University Hydrodynamics at Small Scales, SIAM CSE15 Salt Lake City, Utah, March 18th 2015 A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 1 / 22 Introduction Non-Spherical Colloids near Boundaries Figure: (Left) Cross-linked spheres; Kraft et al. [1]. (Right) Lithographed boomerangs; Chakrabarty et al. [2]. A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 2 / 22 Introduction Bent Active Nanorods Figure: From the Courant Applied Math Lab of Zhang and Shelley [3] A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 3 / 22 Introduction Thermal Fluctuation Flips QuickTime A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 4 / 22 Introduction Steady Stokes Flow (Re → 0) Consider of Nb rigid bodies with positions a suspension Q = %1 , . . . , %Nb and orientations Θ = {θ 1 , . . . , θ Nb }. We describe orientations using quaternions. For viscous-dominated flows we can assume steady Stokes flow and define the body mobility matrix N (Q, Θ), [U , Ω]T = N [F , T ]T , where the left-hand side collects the linear U = {υ 1 , . . . , υ Nb } and angular Ω = {ω 1 , . . . , ω Nb } velocities, and the right hand side collects the applied forces F (Q, Θ) = {F1 , . . . , FNb } and torques T (Q, Θ) = {τ 1 , . . . , τ Nb }. A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 5 / 22 Introduction Brownian Motion The Brownian motion of the rigid bodies is described by the overdamped Langevin equation, symbolically: 1 dQ/dt U F = =N + (2kB T N ) 2 W (t) . dΘ/dt Ω T How to represent orientations using normalized quaternions and handle the constraint kΘk k = 1? What is the correct thermal drift (i.e., what does mean)? 1 How to compute (the action of) N and N 2 and simulate the Brownian motion of the bodies? A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 6 / 22 Introduction Difficulties/Goals Stochastic drift It is crucial to handle stochastic calculus issues carefully for overdamped Langevin dynamics. Since diffusion is slow we also want to be able to take large time step sizes. Complex shapes We want to stay away from analytical approximations that only work for spherical particles. Boundary conditions Whenever observed experimentally there are microscope slips (glass plates) that modify the hydrodynamics strongly. It is preferred to use no Green’s functions but rather work in complex geometry. Gravity Observe that in all of the examples above there is gravity and the particles sediment toward the bottom wall, often very close to the wall (∼ 100nm). This is a general feature of all active suspensions but this is almost always neglected in theoretical models. Many-body Want to be able to scale the algorithms to suspensions of many particles–nontrivial numerical linear algebra. A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 7 / 22 Blob models of complex particles Blob/Bead Models Figure: Blob or “raspberry” models of: a spherical colloid, and a lysozyme [4]. The rigid body is discretized through a number of “beads” or “blobs” with positions Q = {q1 , . . . , qN }. Describe the fluid-blob interaction using a localized smooth kernel δa (r ) with compact support of size a giving the effective hydrodynamic radius of the blob (diffuse sphere). Standard in fluctuating/stochastic immersed boundary methods but with stiff springs instead of truly rigid agglomerates. A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 8 / 22 Blob models of complex particles Rigidly-Constrained Blobs ∇π − η∇2 v = N X λi δa (qi − r) + p 2ηkB T ∇ · W i=1 ∇ · v = 0 (Lagrange multiplier is π) N X λi = F (Lagrange multiplier is υ) (1) i=1 N X qi − %0 × λi = τ (Lagrange multiplier is ω), i=1 Z ∀i : δa (qi − r) v (r, t) dr = υ + ω × qi − %0 + slip (Multiplier is λi ) A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 9 / 22 Blob models of complex particles Notation Composite velocity U = {u1 , . . . , uN } and rigidity forces Λ = {λ1 , . . . , λN }. Define the composite local averaging linear operator J (Q) operator, and the composite spreading linear operator, S (Q) = J ? (Q), Z ui = (J v)i = δa (qi − r) v (r, t) dr λ (r) = (SΛ) (r) = N X λi δa (qi − r) . i=1 Denote the (potentially discrete) operators scalar gradient G ≡ ∇, vector divergence D = −G? ≡ ∇·, tensor divergence Dv , and vector Laplacian L = −Dv D?v ≡ ∇2 . A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 10 / 22 Blob models of complex particles Saddle-Point Problem Define the geometric matrix K that converts body kinematics to blob kinematics, U = KY = K [U , Ω]T = U + Ω × Q − Q0 . We get the symmetric constrained Stokes saddle-point problem, √ −ηL G −S 0 v 2ηkB T W ∇· −D 0 0 0 0 π = , −J 0 0 K Λ 0 ? 0 0 K 0 Y R where Y = [U , Ω]T and R = [F , T ]T , and recall that S = J ? . A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 11 / 22 Blob models of complex particles Mobility Matrix Eliminate velocity and pressure using the Schur complement # " slip M −K Λ , = e −K? 0 Y − R+R e = √2ηkB T K? M−1 J L−1 Dv W are the random where R (stochastic) forces and torques. Here the all-important 3N × 3N blob mobility matrix M is M = J L−1 S, −1 where L−1 = −L−1 + L−1 G DL−1 G DL−1 denotes the Stokes solution operator. A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 12 / 22 Blob models of complex particles Rigidly-Constrained Blobs The physical interpretation is simple: MΛ = KY + slip e K? Λ = R + R, where the unknown Y = [U , Ω]T are the body kinematics, e are the R = [F , T ]T are the applied forces and torques and R random (stochastic) forces and torques. Here Λ are the unknown rigidity forces (Lagrange multipliers) acting on the blobs that needs to be solved for. The 3N × 3N block mobility matrix M has a simple pairwise physical interpretation: The 3 × 3 block Mij maps a force on blob j to a velocity of blob i, Z −1 Mij ≈ η δa (qi − r)G(r, r0 )δa (qj − r0 ) drdr0 (2) where G is the Green’s function (Oseen tensor for unbounded). A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 13 / 22 Blob models of complex particles Suspensions of Rigid Bodies Taking yet one more Schur complement we get 1 U F =N + (2kB T N ) 2 W. Ω T The many-body mobility matrix N takes into account rigidity and higher-order hydrodynamic interactions, −1 N = K? M−1 K . If a fluctuating fluid solver is used it gives an explicit square root of p 1 N 2 = 2kB T N K? M−1 J L−1 Dv W. Observe that discrete fluctuation-dissipation balance is guaranteed, 1 ? 1 N 2 N 2 = N K? M−1 J L−1 LL−1 S M−1 KN = N K? M−1 MM−1 KN = N K? M−1 K N = N N −1 N = N . A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 14 / 22 Blob models of complex particles How to Approximate the Mobility If we have a way to approximate the (action of) the mobility matrix M we can also do this without invoking a fluid solver. We need to be able to solve e N −1 Y = K? M−1 K Y = R + R, which we can either do using direct or iterative solvers. There are different ways to obtain M: In unbounded domains we can just use the Rotne-Prager-Yamakawa tensor (RPY) (always SPD!). In simple geometries such as a single wall we can use a generalization of RPY [5]. For periodic domains we can use Ewald-type summations or non-uniform FFTs with a fluctuating spectral fluid solver. In more general cases we can use a fluctuating FEM/FVM fluid Stokes solver [6, 7]. A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 15 / 22 Results Brownian motion under gravity We consider the Brownian motion of a single rigid body near a no-slip boundary. Temporal integration of the overdamped equations is done using a random finite different (RFD) approach as described by Steven Delong. Number of blobs is small and we have a simple geometry so we use approximate Blake-Rotne-Prager tensor (Brady & Swan [8]) For this test we use direct linear algebra to compute N and 1 Cholesky factorization to compute N 2 . We add gravity which makes the equilibrium Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution be mgh + Usteric PGB (Q, Θ) ∼ exp − , kB T where h is the center-of-mass height and Usteric is a Yukawa-type repulsion with the wall. A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 16 / 22 Results Quasi-2D Diffusion Brownian motion is confined near the bottom wall so it quasi-two dimensional. Without external forcing the Brownian motion along the wall should be isotropic diffusive at long time scales. A naive guess for the effective 2D diffusion coefficient would be the Gibbs-Boltzmann average of the parallel translational mobility: Dk = kB T µk GB . This is in fact a theorem for a sphere because rotational Brownian motion does not change the mobility. Is it true for non-spherical particles? A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 17 / 22 Results MSD for a sphere MSD(t) for Icosahedron with Hydrodynamic Radius = 0.5 12 10 RFD Icosahedron Parallel MSD RFD Blob Parallel MSD (a = 0.5) Blob Parallel Mobility RFD Icosahedron Perpendicular MSD RFD Blob perpendicular MSD Icosahedron Asymptotic Perp MSD MSD 8 6 4 2 00 50 100 time 150 200 Figure: Mean square displacement (MSD) for a non-uniform spherical particle of unit diameter discretized as an icosahedron of 12 blobs or just a single blob. A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 18 / 22 Results MSD for a tetrahedron MSD(t) for Tetrahedron MSD 15 Fixman Parallel MSD RFD Parallel MSD Parallel Mobility Fixman Perpendicular MSD RFD Perpendicular MSD Asymptotic Perpendicular MSD Average Perpendicular Mobility 10 5 00 100 200 300 time 400 500 600 700 Figure: MSD for a non-spherical particle (tetrahedron/tetramer). A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 19 / 22 Results The choice of tracking point matters MSD(t) for Free Tetrahedron RFD Parallel MSD Vertex RFD Parallel MSD CoM Mu Parallel Vertex Mu Parallel CoM 16 14 12 MSD 10 8 6 4 2 00 50 100 150 time 200 250 300 350 Figure: MSD for a non-spherical particle (tetrahedron/tetramer). A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 20 / 22 Results Resolving lubrication forces 41−cyl 221−cyl 121−cyl 834−cyl 39−shell Theory(dense) 6 10 F µU 4 10 2 10 0 10 −2 10 −1 10 ε 0 10 Figure: The drag coefficient for a periodic array of cylinders in steady Stokes flow for close-packed arrays with inter-particle gap ε, showing the correct asymptotic 5 ε− 2 lubrication force divergence. A. Donev (CIMS) R-BD 3/2015 21 / 22 Results References Daniela J. Kraft, Raphael Wittkowski, Borge ten Hagen, Kazem V. Edmond, David J. Pine, and Hartmut L¨ owen. Brownian motion and the hydrodynamic friction tensor for colloidal particles of complex shape. Phys. Rev. E, 88:050301, 2013. 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