ANNEXURE-1 Sub: Tender/Quotation for Security Services on contractual basis for round the clock for the year 2015-2016 1. Name of the Firm / Agency: 2. Address of the Firm / Agency : 3. Name of the Owner of the Firm/Agency: 4. Status in the Firm/Agency: 5. Registration No: 6. Number of manpower requirement: Security Supervisor 1 No (Time: 09.00 A.M. to 17:00 P.M.) Security Guards: 8 Nos. in each shift (1 shift of 8hrs - round the clock) Out of 8 guards, Two guards at Rudrax Hostel (round the clock) at GIDC Vatva, Ahmedabad. Page 1 of 6 7. Financial Bid/Bill Amount: Minimum wages as per Govt. of India as on 01.06.2015. Name: Address: Email ID: Contact Person: Land Line No: Mobile No: Supervisor Per day (8 Hrs.) Security Guard Per day (8 Hrs.) Lady Security Guard Per day (8 Hrs.) 1. Minimum wages as notified by Central Government of India from time to time shall be paid. 2. Service Tax shall be paid extra by CIPET at prevailing rate as per Government of India. 3. TDS shall be deducted as per prevailing rate from the monthly bill. 4. Period of Contract: One year. 5. Service Charges of your firm:…………………..% SEAL & SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR/FIRM Page 2 of 6 TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. The Security Agency shall be responsible to provide round the clock watch of CIPET’S properties (in campus & at Rudrax Hostel and at other CIPET places) and premises to the best of its capacity. 2. The number of guards as per CIPET’s requirement shall be engaged on duty by the security agency for work at the aforesaid premises of CIPET’s. If the number is less due to illness, leave, transfer or any other reason whatsoever, security agency shall be bound to provide guard/s suitable substitute as to make up number of security men that shall have to be on duty at the specified time. The qualification for the Security Supervisor is as follows: Age should not be more than 40 years and minimum qualification is Graduate. The qualification for security guards is as follows: Age should not be more than 35 years and minimum qualification is 10th Std. Pass) and the same shall be approved by the competent authority of CIPET or his authorized Officer. The minimum age is 27 years for security guard and 30 years for security supervisor. 3. Security agency shall be at the liberty to transfer any person engaged by security agency to any premise of CIPET for security reasons. 4. The security guard’s shall comply with reasonable directions and instructions which shall be given by CIPET authorities and security agency from time to time. 5. The security agency shall be responsible for the compliance of all legal provisions connected with the employment of the security staff posted at CIPET premises and for due payments of any statutory dues payable if any e.g. contribution under E.S.I. scheme, P.F., Service Tax, minimum wages act etc. All such liabilities shall be discharged by security agency. 6. The contract can be terminated by CIPET with one month notice, in the event of noncompliance or breach of any terms of the contract or unsatisfactory service. 7. The security agency shall deposit the security deposit of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Only) through D.D. issued by the nationalized Bank in favour of CIPET Ahmedabad for the period of 13 months. 8. CIPET shall pay bills on or before 15th of every month on receipt of bills on 1st of every month. Page 3 of 6 9. The rates payable shall be as per the rates mentioned above and no extra amount shall be payable under any circumstance. The responsibility towards complying with the minimum wages act, PF, ESI and Service Tax other statutory requirements stipulated by Government shall rest with the security agency and CIPET shall not be held responsible for any default against the above whatsoever be the reason. There will be no charges payable over the rates mentioned above. 10. The service charges shall not be revised for any reason and shall remain valid throughout the duration of the agreement. 11. In case, any theft or pilferage is detected at the same is due to negligence/carelessness of security personnel of security agency then the cost of loss thereby shall be fully paid by the security agency to CIPET. 12. Security agency shall take all reasonable precautions against loss or damage to the properties and premises of CIPET during civil commotion, Natural calamities or Acts of God, Strikes of riots. Decision of Deputy Director/Head, CIPET Ahmedabad about the extent of such loss and compensation thereof shall be final and binding on security agency. 13. The security supervisor and Guards shall be alert, well dressed in full uniform (with shoes, and cap), failing which CIPET shall have the right to deducted the payment towards the defaulted period. The security guards on duty shall wear Name Plates and Identity Cards and will carry Lathi (wooden stick) and Whistle failing which CIPET shall have the right to deduct the payment for the defaulted period. 14. The responsibility of providing uniform, torches and cells, whistles and lathis (wooden stick) shall rest with security agency and no payment shall be made by CIPET to the security agency on this account. No security guards will perform more than one duty in 24 hours or two consecutive duties at a time under any circumstances whatsoever and if found performing two duties in a stretch of 24 hours or two consecutive duties, CIPET shall have the right to deduct the entire payment for such extra duty performed. 15. CIPET shall also have the right to deduct the payment if any guard is either not found on duty or found smoking or in drunken state or found sleeping or is found chitchatting or is found involved in any kind of misbehavior with the CIPET staff and/or trainees. 16. The security guards should also be trained to handle fire fighting equipment’s and should have undergone first aid training. The security guards shall ensure that all the water tanks in CIPET campus are full with water at all times and shall ensure that there is no overflow of water. They shall be required to operate the related valves and taps. They will also be responsible for Page 4 of 6 operating the lighting switches. They shall also be responsible to operate the doors & shutters of various buildings in CIPET campus. The security guards should have working knowledge of Hindi and preferably of English too and should be polite in their behavior with visitors, students, & CIPET staff and Officers. In each shift at least one guard should be senior who shall be able to make necessary security entries and maintain records in legible handwriting. 17. Security agency shall give proper weekly off to the security guards employed in the campus. CIPET shall not provide any accommodation to the security guards and shall not take any responsibility towards arrangement of their food. The security agency shall maintain the security guard records and shall submit monthly duty statements on 1st of every month along with the bill. 18. The security guards shall be responsible to keep the furniture and fixtures provided to them in good condition. The security guards shall neither allow any other security staff posted at other points of CIPET campus or other people or outsiders to enter the main check post nor stand in groups in CIPET campus. The security guards shall also see that all the vehicles are parked in the parking shed and not anywhere else in the campus. The security guards shall check the outgoing trainees and staff for security reasons. They shall not allow any staff/students to leave CIPET campus without permission from concerned authority. The security guards shall abide by the directive/instructions of CIPET officials issued from time to time. 19. CIPET reserves the right to review the performance and quality of service provided by security agency at periodical intervals or at monthly intervals and incase the services are not found to be satisfactory, CIPET reserves the right to terminate the contract. 20. The security agency shall not engage or employ in any capacity whatsoever any of CIPET presents or past contractors employees or relatives or their friends, for a minimum period of six months from the date of termination of contract without consulting CIPET. 21. The price bid shall be considered and opened of the concerned bidder who qualifies Technical stage and same shall be considered for further scrutiny. 22. CIPET shall not be bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever. 23. In any case the decision of CIPET Management for accepting or rejecting at any stage of tendering and in awarding contract shall be final and the same shall have to be agreed by the contractors and the entire firm who is/are participating in the tender process 24. All disputes shall be settled under jurisdiction of Ahmedabad. Page 5 of 6 Registration No (As security Agency): (Copy of registration certificate must be attached) P.F. NO ESI NO PAN NO SERVICE TAX NO Labour & Security services License No - Date: Place: SIGNATURE WITH SEAL Page 6 of 6
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