1 2 IMPACT REPORT Circle Sports Training Programme January – December 2014 Circle Sports Training Programme is a social enterprise that gets disadvantaged young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) into work by delivering a 10-week training programme designed to equip young people with transferable skills and gain permanent employment. We exist to help young people and the wider community get the best out of themselves Our 10 week course aims to change mindsets and improve confidence with workshops on goal setting, confidence building, presentation and interview skills, CV and cover letter writing. These skills are then put into practice in the Circle Sports shop, offering young people a chance to experience the reality of a working environment servicing customers. This report sets out what we have achieved so far and what we plan to achieve with the growth of our business and expansion of our programme. It sets out 10 things you need to know about Circle Sports Training Programme: 1: Circle Sports Training Programme delivered 3 courses in Hackney in 2014, working with a total of 45 young people. We provided 28 pre-employability workshops, 18 accreditation workshops, 5 corporate days and 250 hours of training. 7: In 2014 2 of our trainees won the Land Securities employee of the year and the Ultimate Securities employee of the year awards. 2: Over the last year, 33 young people completed the full 10-week training programme. Next year, we aim to engage 64 young people to complete the course. "My journey with Circle Sports gave me experience in customer relations, marketing and business management." 3: 89% of the young people who completed the course went on to secure full time jobs and 80% said that they left the course with increased confidence. 4 : In a case study, the average social value provided by Circle Sports is £246K per year. The new Circle Creative course will increase outcomes by approximately 20 young people, adding £73K+ more social value each year. 5: What our partners say about us: ‘Our partnership with Circle Sports has provided a great opportunity for our service partners to collaborate together with a meaningful initiative to inspire young people into the hidden sector of facilities management. As a result we have seen some wonderful case studies of young people overcoming barriers and moving into successful careers working within our buildings in roles such as security, reception and office services. This is an important contribution to the wider Land Securities Employment Strategy which aims to support disadvantaged people into employment opportunities.' 8: What our trainees say about us: Denis Denisov, PR Assistant at Land Securities 9: By listening to our young people, we realised we needed to mentor the young people regularly and ensure a more structured approach is built into the programme. As a result, this year we are providing ongoing support through one-to-one allocated time, where young people can come in and discuss their individual barriers to employment. 10: Circle Sports Training Programme aims to work with 100 young people in 2015, an increase of 222%. We plan to diversify the training programme and launch a new pilot course tailored to help young people into employment within the creative industries. Circle Sports is a company Limited by Guarantee and registered CIC. Trading since February 2011, the business was originally established with a mission to change the lives of young people and at the heart of what we do lies five core values that are instilled in all our staff and trainees: Passion, Enrichment, Respect, Community and Results. Philip Barron, Corporate Responsibility Manager at Land Securities 6: To date, Circle Sports Training Programme are ranked 100 (out of 1,146) in the RBS SE100 social enterprises index and 11 (out of 89) in the RBS SE100 social enterprises employment and training sector. Registered Address: 136 Kingsland High Street, London, E8 2NS. Registration Number: 07376785 For more information, please contact: T: +44 (0)207 249 2442 E: contact@circlesports.org W: www.circlesports.org Impact report produced with the support of :
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