New Zealand Machine Knitters’ Society Inc. MANAWATU AREA PRESENTS Fibre to Fabric A Festival of Crafted Creations PALMERSTON NORTH GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL 238 FITZHERBERT AVENUE PALMERSTON NORTH 4410 TUESDAY 15 JULY TO SATURDAY 19 JULY 2014 -1- Message from the Festival Committee of 2014 On behalf of all members of the Manawatu Area the Festival Committee invites you to attend the Annual Festival of NZMKS Inc. to be held at Palmerston North Girls High School, Palmerston North from Tuesday 15 to Saturday 19 July 2014. Check out the array of workshops and tours on offer in the following pages, then complete and send off your registration to come and join in the fun. Registrations postmarked no later than Wednesday 12 March 2014 will go into an early-bird draw for a refund of the $60 registration fee and the $15 entertainment fee. We have a wonderful range of topics covered in the workshops being presented by talented and experienced national tutors. In addition, we are delighted to have secured the artistic talents of Tony Bennett (Western Australia). There will be something here for everyone, from beginner to expert, and we are also offering some cross-crafting workshops to entertain and inspire you. In the competition section this year you will see that we have repeated the class for the over 80’s and the children’s class. We are looking forward to receiving a host of competition entries which will be displayed for members and the public to view – so keep on creating! Our special thanks go to all sponsors of the competition prizes. These contributions are paramount to making a successful Festival. Come along and meet old friends and make new ones here in marvellous Manawatu. We are looking forward to seeing you all in July. Jan and the Festival Committee Our thanks go to Beulah Farland for the artwork. THE VENUE Palmerston North Girls High School 238 Fitzherbert Avenue Palmerston North 4410 Judging, seminar, council meeting, AGM, workshops, displays and trade stalls will all be at this complex. Page 2 3 4 5–9 10 11 12-15 16 17 Message from the Committee Information Programme Workshop Tutors & Description Workshop Planner Tours – Times & Description NZMKS Competition Schedule Workshop Booking Form A Tour Booking Form B INDEX Page 17 Lunch Order form C 18 Registration Form D 19 Competition Written Entry Form E 20 Children’s Competition – Written Entry Form F 20 Fibre Flair – Written Entry From G 21 Competition – Knitted Entry Form H 21 Children’s - Knitted Entry Form I 22 Fibre Flair – Knitted Entry Form J 22 Make & Model Entry Form K DATES TO REMEMBER FOR ACTION As soon as possible Motel/Hotel bookings Wednesday 12 March 2014: Closing date for posting Early-Bird registrations. Friday 13 June 2014: Closing date for posting written entries for competition. Friday 27 June 2014: Closing date for posting knitted entries and Fibre Flair competitions. Thursday 17 July 2014 at 12 noon : Closing date/time for Make & Model competition entry forms -2- INFORMATION FESTIVAL OFFICERS President Jan Hughes, 317 Karere Rd., RD 7 Palmerston North 4477 - 06 3536831 Secretary Jill Percy, 37 Nash Parade, Foxton Beach 4815 - 06 3635881 Treasurer Ray Lauridsen, 617 Aranui Rd., RD 5, Palmerston North 4475 – 06 3290879 Chief Steward Beulah Farland, Rangitikei Line, RD 5, Palmerston North 4475 – 06 3555725 Workshop Organiser Ruth Stick, 14 Wahanua Place, Wanganui 4501 – 06 3444454 Seminar Organiser Mary Avery, 24 Tudor Grove, Feilding 4702: 06 3234072 Committee Kay Holland, 202 North Street, Feilding – 06 3239069 Blanche Lauridsen, 617 Aranui Rd., RD 5, Palmerston North 4475 – 06 3290879 Dianna Fenerty, 178 Salisbury St., Ashhurst – 06 3268659 Paddy Nicol, 3 Chilton Grove, Palmerston North 4410: 06 355 2772 JUDGES - Carol Watson (Chief Judge), Laurel Judd, Lynne Fielding, Pat Strowger GUEST EXHIBITOR - Laurel Judd (Champion of Champions winner 2013) REGISTRATION FEE: $60.00 per person. Only registered members will be eligible to attend workshops and other Festival functions not open to the public. Please wear your registration name tag at all times. ALL FESTIVAL CHEQUES MADE PAYABLE TO NZMKS Manawatu Area Festival Please send all payments to the Treasurer, Ray Lauridsen, 617 Aranui Rd., RD 5, Palmerston North 4475 All prices quoted and payable in NZ Dollars. Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope for receipts. INTERNET BANKING - Payments can be made by internet banking to NZMKS Manawatu Festival 030726 0486425 01 Please ensure your surname and NZMKS Membership No. are used as reference. Email a copy of your forms to Ray Lauridsen Refunds will be at the discretion of the Festival Committee. An administration fee may be incurred. INFORMATION & REGISTRATION CENTRE This will be set up in the Foyer, M block Palmerston North Girls High School. Registration packs may be collected from 8.30 a.m. Wednesday 16th July 2014. Seminar Delegates will be given their packs at Seminar on Tuesday evening. MEALS Morning and afternoon teas are included in your registration fee. All meals are the responsibility of individuals. An adequate boxed lunch can be ordered for $10. These must be preordered and paid. Please see Registration Form D on page 18. ACCOMMODATION The following motels/hotel are giving priority booking to Festival registrants. Please phone or email them direct and mention the NZMKS Festival (contact person was Ray Lauridsen) Awatea Park Motel - Across the road from the school Ph: 06 356 5366 email: Comfort Inn – Kauri Court Motel - Next to the school Ph: 06 356 6040 email: Pavilion Motel 200 metres Ph: 06 357 1131 email: Big Five Motel 400 metres Ph: 06 356 7077 email: Ambassador Motel 300 metres Ph: 06 356 7079 email: Coachman Hotel 700 metres Ph: 06 356 5065 email: COMPETITION ENTRANTS Please read the competition schedule pages 12 to 15 carefully. If you have sent in written entry/entries and are not submitting knitted entry/entries you must inform the Chief Steward as this is a check that entries have not been lost in transit. Capital Shield – Festival Area’s Own Choice “Birds of a Feather in Shades of Blue” any article or garment to this theme. Closing Dates: Postmarked no later than: written entries -13 June 2014; knitted entries – 27th June 2014. Make & Model: 12 noon Thursday 17 July 2014. Entry forms can be collected from the Information Centre at Festival. FESTIVAL WEBSITE N.B. The Festival Committee reserves the right to amend, postpone, cancel or substitute any activities as may be deemed necessary. -3- PROGRAMME Tuesday 15 July - Saturday 19 July 2014 Tuesday 15 July 1.00 p.m. Tour 1 Manawatu Knitting Mills & Spotlight 4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Registration 6.00 p.m. National Executive Meeting 6:00 p.m. Seminar commences Wednesday 16 July 8.30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8.30 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Registration Seminar continues Tour 3 Waiouru Tour 2 Spotlight & Manawatu Knitting Mills Workshops commence Tour 4 Treat Yourself Workshops Judges’ Meeting (All national judges to attend) National Executive & Judges Meeting Welcome Dinner, Opening & Prizegiving (The Chalet, Centennial Drive, Palmerston North) Thursday 17 July 8:30 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. Council Meeting Workshops Trades (open until 5 p.m.) - Main Hall Competition Display Opens – Main Hall Tour 5 Owlcatraz & Shannon Workshops Workshops Tour 6 Tui Brewery Workshops National Executive & Festival 2015 Committee Make & Model Pre-judging Make & Model and Entertainment Friday 18 July 8:30 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 4.45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Tour 7 Royal Feilding Market Workshops Trades & Displays (open until 5p.m.) Workshops Tour 8 Te Manawa & NZ Rugby Museum Workshops Workshops A.G.M. Entertainment Saturday 19 July 8.30 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 1.30 p.m. Judges’ & Competitors Meeting Tour 9 Wanganui Riverbank Workshops Trades & Displays Workshops Display & Trades close Collection of Entries N.B. The Festival Committee reserves the right to amend, postpone, cancel, or substitute any activities as may be deemed necessary. -4- WORKSHOPS TUTOR Tony Bennett Workshop 1 TOPIC I have been involved with fashion and design for most of my working life. This has included stints as everything from retailing right through to buying from top end European design houses, product promotion, fashion parades etc. etc. Operating as a fashion consultant extended these skills and also offered the chance to create complete wardrobes for individuals and corporate customers in effect creating the “total image“ for each client. During this exposure to top end fashion I have always felt knit has been the country cousin in the fashion stakes so one of my goals as a knitwear designer is to raise awareness and bring knit to the fore by creating designs which reflect its unique appearance versatility and texture. My involvement with Machine Knitting started with the purchase of my first machine only 20 years ago [a Brother 940 with ribber] This came with 3 free lessons and after that it was time to explore and push some of the boundaries with this wonderful new machine, within a year we had a market stall and party plan business specializing in knitted garments for the fuller figure and custom made pieces. All the garments were designed and made by myself the styles ranged from winter knits through to after 5 wear and evening gowns and everything in between. Due to an illness we decided to close down the business but wanted to stay within the field of knit so we opened our specialized machine knit store DORMANI YARNS selling machines, yarns, books etc. However I missed the opportunity to design so submitted a number of concepts to Machine Knit News in the UK, these designs were accepted and I was commissioned to write for the magazine and I now write regularly for Machine Knit Monthly also based in the UK. -5- 1, 2 & 3 “PICTURE PERFECT” This workshop draws its inspiration from every day images. I feel that so often in our everyday lives we look but we do not see!! I took this as my starting point. My concept is that each day in our travels we see patterns/designs that I felt had the potential to translate into knit fabric. The idea is not that we replicate these images but that we look at the visual and see how that can be a trigger to develop a knit pattern or fabric. Sometimes the simplest of materials can produce amazing starting points – fencing wire, a security grill and tree bark to mention but a few. I will take you on the journey from the flat image through pattern and yarn trials and subsequently on to the finished textile and or garment. Tony Bennett Workshop 2 Anne Baxter During this period I was also approached and accepted an offer from CIT (Central Institute of Technology) to lecture on machine knit in their fashion and textile department. The 3 year degree course is aimed at emerging talented students who want to make fashion a career and with knit now becoming more important in the fashion arena this has become an important part of the course. Costumes for stage and theatrical productions have been an area I have really enjoyed designing for, although the principles of knit are the same the challenge to produce period or specific items requires a different mindset often with lots of research but the process is no less rewarding. I have submitted entries in a number of competitions and been fortunate enough to receive over 300 awards in both fashion design as well as wearable art sections including the inaugural wearable art RAS award and in 2012 I was presented with the WA Wool Designer of the year award with one of my creations receiving wool garment of the year award. Knit is my passion and I will strive to lift its image to the general public and to share my ideas and concepts with other machine knitters. 4, 5 & 6 “DARE TO DESIGN” The concept behind this demo is to look at more current styles and shapes of knit that reflect a more up to date fashion statement. The combination of techniques and shapes we will explore present a more relaxed silhouette suitable for all ages. As well as shapes we will also explore a number of techniques and fabrics that are ideal for such garments. I like to think of this as a” K.I.S.S.” challenge [keep it simple stupid] this is my attempt at dragging the concept of machine knitted garments into the current fashion stakes. There will always be a special place in my heart for that beautiful classic knit but our machines allow us the potential to create so much. Anne Baxter has been involved with NZMKS for 7, 8, 9 & 10 over 30 yrs starting as a Passap demonstrator for local Area workshops. She has been Seminar “LINKER MYSTERIES Delegate, Councilor and is on the National Tutor’s REVEALED” List. Anne has been using a Hague linker for over 25 yrs & finishes nearly all her garments using a Anne will be revealing some linker. of her linker tips & tricks she has learned over the last 25 yrs using a Hague linker for sewing up garments, even hand knits, and finishing off edges. There will be some linkers available in the class so you can take the opportunity to have a handson experience or improve your skills if you already use one. -6- Doreen Berge Marilyn Clement Doreen started knitting on a Singer machine over 40 years ago and took to it like a duck to water. When a lady put an ad in the local paper looking to start a Machine Knitting Club Doreen turned up at that meeting and has been involved with the same Club ever since. The Club gave the ability to learn from others, swap ideas and methods, and techniques. With another knitter Doreen went to Putaruru to check out a knitting competition and ended up attending the inaugural meeting of the N.Z. Machine Knitting Society. This led to being involved with other areas, their ideas and techniques, the weekend workshops in various areas, which then led to tutoring at the local Polytechnic for over 12 years. Doreen still loves experimenting and trying new things, loves picking other people’s brains, and enjoys the whole Machine knitting craft and people and has made many great friendships over the years. Machine knitting has been a huge part of my life for the last 30 plus years. Over that time I have been a Seminar Delegate, Tutor and National Judge. Have enjoyed friendships made, competing in the competitions and learning from workshops. I have knitted for family and have sold mainly children's knitwear, toys and bags through craft shops, stalls and exhibition's. 11, 12, 13 & 14 “LET’S GIVE IT A GO” Starting with a picture from a magazine or from a style in a shop let’s see how we can make it our own by creating a stitch type and yarn use for texture, to give our own spin on the original design. Also including some useful basic tips for a good shape and finish. 15, 16, 17, & 18 “A FRESH LOOK” I hope to present a nostalgic overview of the classic technique's we have all used over the years translated into modern design ideas for contemporary children's knitwear. 19, 20, 21, & 22 Rose Fitness Rose has been hand knitting since 6 years of age, and Machine Knitting for 43 years, with her first machine being a Passap Duomatic. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and experiences with other Machine Knitters, and feels that it is a way of feeding back the information that was so kindly given to her, when she first started Knitting on a Machine. Rose is conversant with Brother Electronic Machines. Also – has only missed attending one Festival since 1982. -7- “PASSAP – KNITTING MY WAY” While this is a Passap Workshop – there are some Techniques that can be used on other brands of machines. There will be some time saving techniques demonstrated, as well as a variety of practical ideas, to get the most out of your Knitting Machine. 23, 24, 25 & 26 Dianne McEwen I have lived in Masterton, Wairarapa all my life. I started machine knitting over 45 years ago mostly knitting for my four children and their children, and some local markets. And Squares Rectangles but MOSTLY SQUARES Being invited to tutor gives me an opportunity to explore many ideas that I have been thinking My workshop includes ideas about, it also helps to expand and research these for squares in garments, rugs ideas, also to encourage me to learn new things. etc, square designs in stitch patterns, decorating squares, taking a square and making toys or novelties and other ideas. I hope you learn different things or stir up things that have been learnt in the past. Heather Smith Lynn Evans Workshop 1 (3 hours) Machine Knitting is a very creative and productive hobby that she has been enjoying for many years. Earliest memories are of watching her Mum knit a few rows at a time on a Knitmaster while raising a busy family. That interest (although the machines have changed) is still shared with her Mum as patterns, shapes and textures are explored. The Passap machine is her first love however other machines are occasionally used. Competition knitting has been a great way of challenging herself and it has been rewarding. Heather has been involved with judging, tutoring and in administration within the society. Coming up with something to tutor is not easy however the chance to inspire others interested in the craft is satisfying. My name is Lynn Evans & I have had a life-long love affair with all things woolly. In about June 2003 I was fortunate to stumble upon the art of felt making through a community education course at our local College. Once I discovered the beauty and versatility of felt my creativity has been given a free reign and I have made all manner of works from large felted coats to small needle felted objects. A little over two years ago my journey took another turn when I took over the Earth Palette Dyes agency for NZ. Already a devotee of the Earth Palette dye system, I have enjoyed exploring its uses and applications with fibre in its many different forms. I have used the dyes extensively myself many times with always interesting results if not the planned ones. -8- 27, 28, 29 & 30 “EXPLORING YOUR DOUBLE BED” Using two beds to make one fabric. In this workshop we will explore some of the many fabrics that can be created using a double bed. Understanding what the machine is doing is the first step. We will look at different knitting techniques and their uses. 31 “FELTED BROOCHES” The felted brooch course is based upon making a felt flower using silk hankies to great effect to obtain beautiful felt flowers. Kit Price $20 Lynn Evans Workshop 2 I truly believe that there is no such thing as a dyesaster - some of my favourite things have been created when processes have been challenged and taken their own route! On saying this, the simplicity and ease of use with the Earth Palette dyes make them almost fool proof, and a very practical solution for those who wish to dabble with dyeing. Courses that I teach include dying with Earth Palette, nuno felting, needle felting & felted brooches 32 & 33 DYEING WORKSHOP The dyeing course I will be using for the workshop will be techniques for painting yarn with Earth Palette dyes for knitting with a difference. Bring 2 or 3 pieces of knitting in wool, stocking stitch approx. 30x30 cm white or pale cream. Must be easily unravelled so not boucle or mohair. Kit price $35 (includes set of 6 dyes) Barbara Wills Jo Johnson I am married with a husband and two grown up sons. Around 1975, I purchased my first knitting machine - a Singer 323 Memomatic. I first learnt to machine knit by reading and using my manuals, and attending the local machine knit club, gaining practical hints and tips. I get great enjoyment knitting for family and friends. Through involvement with service groups and Scouting, knitting took a rest for a few years. Having got back into machine knitting, I now have a collection of machines - a Brother 930 (the main one I use); a Passap Duo; a Brother 891; 4 Bonds (they link together); a Singer LK140 (mid –gauge); and the original Singer 323 Memomatic. I enjoy the challenge of designing and knitting varied items. Entering competitions gives me the chance to improve the standard of my work - the thrill of receiving a place is an added bonus, with the comments made being a valuable resource. I first used a knitting machine at age 16 while working as a helper doing housework and farm work while filling in time before I was old enough to start my nursing training. The lady of the house had a Knit master machine, it was the late 1960’s and she showed me how to use it as I was trying to hand knit a jersey for myself - it grew a lot faster with a machine doing the stocking stitch. Many years later and expecting our third child my neighbour and I saw an ad in the paper for a Knit master machine so we brought it between us, but my neighbour didn’t like weeds in her garden or dust on the furniture and ironed everything, so I got to keep the machine and have knitted ever since. Nowadays I knit for family, friends and a few orders and sometimes one off designs. -9- 34, 35, 36 & 37 “BUTTON IT UP!!!” This workshop will show you how to make buttons out of polymer clay, using various items of equipment that can easily be found at little cost. You will make a set of buttons to take home with you. Kit price $10 38 & 39 “PLAYING WITH THE PPD” Have you a PPD in your cupboard? – don’t know how to use it? Come and learn about the PPD so you can put yours to good use. FESTIVAL 2014 WORKSHOP PLANNER – PLEASE KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS This is your planner. Please copy the Workshops you wish to attend to the Workshop Registration Form Wednesday 1pm – 2.30 Tony Bennett Workshop 1 ** Tony Bennett Workshop 2 ** Anne Baxter 3pm – 4.30 9am – 10.30 1 2 ** 1pm – 2.30 3pm – 4.30 9am – 10.30 11am – 12.30 1pm – 2.30 3pm – 4.30 5 11 11 am – 12.30 9 12 15 16 17 20 23 14 18 21 24 28 10 13 19 22 25 26 29 30 31 31 32 34 9am – 10.30 6 8 27 Saturday 3 7 Marilyn Clement Rose Fitness Lynn Evans Workshop 1 (3hr) Lynn Evans Workshop 2 Barbara Wills Jo Johnson 11am – 12.30 Friday 4 Doreen Berge Dianne McEwen Heather Smith Thursday 33 35 36 37 38 We have endeavoured to time Tony Bennett’s workshops so that all registrants (including other tutors) have an opportunity to attend. A video camera and large screen will be used in Tony’s workshops so all can see. - 10 - 39 TOURS All Tours depart from Palmerston North Girls High School Carpark. Some Tours may have limited places. SPECIAL NOTE: Flat covered walking shoes required for all tours – plus warm coat. Tour 1 Manawatu Knitting Mills and Spotlight Tuesday 15 July Departing 1pm. Cost $12.00 A behind the factory door tour of this New Zealand company who were the first knitwear company to incorporate possum fibre in their range of unique high quality garments, followed by a stop at Spotlight for some light shopping .Returning to PNGHS 4pm. Tour 2 Waiouru Wednesday 16 July (all day) Departing 8.30am Cost $55.00 Stopping at the Mangaweka International Airport for morning tea (own cost) then onto Waiouru Army Museum for a guided tour of this National Museum. Lunch can be purchased at the onsite café or at nearby café. Departing 1pm for The Wool Company at Utiku, with plenty of time to browse and purchases, we arrive at Bulls for afternoon tea (own cost) time to browse through some of the shops including Scully’s Outlet shop. Returning to PNGHS at 4.30pm Tour 3 Spotlight and Manawatu Knitting Mills Wednesday 16 July Departing 9.30 am Cost $12.00 As Tour 1 however we call to Spotlight first and then on to the Manawatu Knitting Mills. Returning to PNGHS at 12.30pm Tour 4 Treat Yourself Wednesday 16 July Departing 1pm Cost $35.00 Travelling to The Herb Farm, visiting a family owned business that has been producing 100% natural skincare and healing products on site for 20 years, for a 1 hour workshop to create natural skin care cream for yourself. We will then travel to Woodville via the Apiti wind farm, stopping at the viewing area. No visit to Woodville is complete without a visit to Yummy Mummy’s cheese cakes. Returning to PNGHS at 4.30pm Tour 5 Owlcatraz and Shannon Thursday 17 July Departing 9am Cost $35.00 Travelling first to the township of Shannon, enjoy the “Oosh experience in shopping” several trendy little shops causing a big stir in the lower North Island and then onto “Owlcatraz Native bird and Wildlife Park”. Returning to PNGHS at 12.30pm Tour 6 Tui Brewery Thursday 17 July Departing 1pm Cost $35.00 Enjoy a guided tour of the Tui brewery and discover all the history behind the brand and the original brewery. Highly recommended even by those who don’t drink beer. Returning to PNGHS at 4.30pm Tour 7 The Royal Feilding Farmers Market and Coach House Museum Friday 18 July Depart 8.30am Cost $25.00 Off to market we go at Feilding. Come and see what brought royalty to town. Followed on by a visit to the Coach House Museum, for a journey through the lives of early settlers and development of the Manawatu region. Returning to PNGHS at 12.30pm Tour 8 Te Manawa and New Zealand Rugby Museums Friday 18 July Departing at 1pm Cost $25.00 A must see attraction of Palmerston North, the New Zealand Rugby museum has something of interest for everyone, including those of us who aren’t rugby supporters, now incorporated into the Te Manawa museum. Returning to PNGHS at 4pm Tour 9 Wanganui Riverbank Saturday 19 July Departing 8.30am Cost 35.00 Visiting the restored Wanganui tram at Moutoa Quay, then wander through the farmers market to the Wanganui Riverboat Museum. We then visit The Chronicle Glass Studio to see glass blowers in action before returning to Palmerston North for lunch by 12.30 - 11 - NEW ZEALAND MACHINE KNITTERS SOCIETY INCORPORATED NATIONAL FESTIVAL COMPETITION SCHEDULE July 2014 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: ELIGIBILITY: 1. The Competitor must be a financial member of the NZMKS Inc. 2. The Chief Steward must be a non-competitor in all classes at the current Festival. ENTRIES: 3. All entries must be the work of the competitor. 4. Competitors must use the official entry forms and comply with competition rules. 5. All entries must be knitted on a knitting machine unless otherwise stated. 6. Garments or articles entered in a previous NZMKS Festival will not be accepted/eligible be approved. 7. All entries must be thoroughly clean and dry or they will be disqualified. 8. Any entry not entered in the correct class will be disqualified and not re-directed. CATEGORIES: 9.a Novice N1 – N4 Open only to those competitors who have never won a 1st prize or the Novice Cup in a NZMKS Inc. Festival Competition. NB. Novice knitters may also enter any other Sections in the schedule. The Novice Cup will be awarded to the competitor who has gained the most points and has entered all four classes in the Novice Section. b. Classic: CL 1 – CL 5. Open to all competitors except those who have won the Championship Cup within the last two years. i.e. Competitors may re-enter the Classic and Open after two years have passed since winning the Championship Cup. c. Open: O 1 – O 10 Open to all competitors except those who have won the Championship Cup within the last two years. i.e. Competitors may re-enter the Classic and Open after two years have passed since winning the Championship Cup. d. Open: O 11 Open to all competitors e. Championship: Open to all competitors in order to find the Champion of Champions. The competitor must have three entries to be eligible to win the Championship Cup. The Champion, who may be the Guest Exhibitor at the next Festival, may also enter this class at the next Festival. F Fibre Flair: Entrants need not be members of the NZMKS, but non-members will pay a higher entry fee. GUIDELINES: 1. An entry is one or more pieces. An outfit is one or more pieces and can be worn without the need for additional clothing. 2. Any method of seaming may be used in all classes. 3. Any welts, strapping, neckband or waistband may be used. 4. At least 75% (at judges’ discretion) of any entry, (except the Fibre Flair class) excluding lining, must be machine knitted unless otherwise stated. The rest of the entry may combine with any other craft/ fibre technique (hand knitting, crochet, felting etc) and may use any type of fabric or other materials for embellishment. In the classic section the entry must be fully machine knitted 5. Samples of yarn and all materials used must be attached to entry 6. Treated fabric: A sample of the original knitting must be included with the entries that have been fused, treated, felted or lined. 7. Accessories unless knitted are not judged as part of the entry. 8. Any type of yarn/fibre may be used in any class unless otherwise stated. 9. Insurance cover on all entries is the Competitors own responsibility. Please insure your entries from time of dispatch until return. 9. Judging: During Judging, the area must be closed to everyone except for Stewards and Judges. 10. “Computer aided” (Susan Lazear trophy) means some computer-type programme used e.g. Cochenille Garment Designer, Cochenille Stitch Painter, PPD, DesignaKnit, etc., not just a built-in pattern in a computerised knitting machine. THE JUDGES DECISIONS ARE FINAL AND NO CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE ENTERED INTO. POINTS SYSTEM USED THROUGHOUT FESTIVAL: 1st = 5 points, 2nd = 3 points, 3rd = 2 points, Highly Commended = 1 point. Note that 1st equal = 5 points, 2nd equal = 3 points, 3rd equal = 2 points - 12 - TROPHIES: CAPITAL SHIELD: Awarded to winner of Host Area’s Own Choice class. DESIGNER TROPHY: Awarded to the best Ladies’ Designer /Fashion entry over all classes. ELSPETH COKER MEMORIAL TROPHY: Awarded to best baby/pre-school entry over all classes HAWKES BAY CUP: Awarded to Host Area member gaining most points in Festival Competition. CITY OF SAILS TROPHY: Awarded for best entry in Wool. Up to 5% non-wool or specialty fibres may be used for visual decoration only. IDA ENGLISH TROPHY: Award for the most creative entry incorporating weaving. SUSAN LAZEAR AWARD: Award for the best computer aided entry, with focus on original fabric or creative garment shape or both. JOHN Q DESIGNER CREATIVE AWARD: Awarded for the most creative garment. CREATIVE CUP: Awarded for the most creative entry. NOVICE CUP: Awarded to Competitor winning most points (in the Novice section) and who has entered all four classes in the Novice Section. AOTEA CUP: Awarded to winner of most points in Classic, Open, and other appropriate Classes. CHAMPIONSHIP CUP: Awarded to winner of most points with a collection of three entries in the Championship Section. SHEPHERD TROPHY: Awarded for best entry of the competition. MAKE & MODEL TROPHIES: Awarded to competitors judged best entry in each section. SUPREME FASHION AWARD: Trophy & Prize awarded to best entry in this section. This will not be awarded as there is no Supreme Competition in 2014 JUDGES SCALE OF MARKS: Marking Presentation Fabric, seaming, finishing Design Degree of Difficulty Novice and Open classes to be called General 20 20 50 10 Classic section 20 40 30 10 Two Judges judge each garment separately and together, each scaling from 100 marks. Total scores are added together and divided by two to get the average. Each entry has a class identification number attached where applicable. There is no possibility of a Judge knowing who knitted the entry or where it came from. COMPETITORS: REMEMBER TO READ YOUR SCHEDULE CAREFULLY AND THOROUGHLY: NOVICE SECTION: One entry per class. (Entry is one or more pieces) N1. Baby/child’s entry N2. Adult entry N3. Competitors own choice N4. Entry other than a garment JUDGED General General General General CLASSIC SECTION: One entry per class (Entry is one or more pieces) CL 1 Entry in Plain Stocking Stitch (one colour and must be in wool) CL 2. Entry with variations of reverse Stocking Stitch patterning (e.g. Garter Stitch) CL 3. Entry featuring single bed stitch, any yarn CL 4. Entry featuring double bed stitch, any yarn CL 5. Socks Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic OPEN SECTION: May enter more than one entry per class (an entry is one or more pieces) O 1. Baby’s entry O 2. Preschooler’s entry O 3. Child’s entry 5-12 years O 4. Teens wear O 5. Ladies sports / leisure / casual wear O 6. Ladies fashion entry O 7. Menswear O 8. Novelty or toy O 9. Fashion accessory / accessories – one piece or combinations of 2 or more pieces – bag, belt, scarf, shawl, jewellery, hat etc O 10. Home furnishing or home accessory - 13 - General. General General General General General General General General General OPEN TO ALL COMPETITORS O 11. Festival Area’s own choice Judges own choice CHAMPIONSHIP: 3 entries, to be judged collectively. Judges own choice Marking for this will be based on the skilled use of: 1. Yarn. 2. Construction. 3. Garment Variety. 4. Stitch Selection. 5. Colour 6.Impact. There will be a first-time entrant prize for Championship to be awarded to the first-time entrant who receives the highest number of points. FIBRE FLAIR 1. Entry created by one or more people is accepted. Entrants need not be members of the NZMKS, but non-members will pay a higher entry fee. 2. This class will be for exhibition only. 3. There will be one award chosen by the Judging Panel 4. There will be one award chosen by public vote Any craft technique, combined with machine knitting, may be used to create an entry. This entry may be wearable or non-wearable, e.g. sculpture, furniture, jewellery, costume, garments, wearable art etc. MAKE AND MODEL (A) Single Item of Clothing (B) Multi Piece Outfit See Society Festival By-law No 222 (appended) Judged as Judges Own Choice. Only NZMKS Inc. Members attending Festival may enter. Competitors may enter (A) and/or (B). Entries must be machine knitted and the complete work of the competitor. The entry worn in one section of the Make and Model must not be incorporated into the other section. Any method of construction and seaming may be used. Entries are NOT eligible for any other Awards or Trophies. Entry into this Section will be closed as advertised in the Festival Newsletter. (Rule 222f) Competitors will be disqualified if not present at the published reporting time. Competitors are responsible for their own insurance. General instructions and guidelines (in particular guideline 4) apply. Class M 1 CHILDREN’S SPECIAL Open to all children or grandchildren (of Society members) up to the age of 15 years, to enter an article or garment. No entry fee. Prize money will be awarded. This will be judged – Judges Own choice. Class M 2 OVER 80’S SPECIAL – Competitor’s own choice – article or garment. Open to all members over 80 years as at 31 st May 2014. Normal entry fee applies. Prize money will be awarded. This will be judged – Judges own choice. INSURANCE While organisers will take all possible care with entries, they will take no responsibility for loss or damage. Insurance is the responsibility of the entrant from the time of dispatch to return. PACKAGING AND RETURN Dispatch of entries and costs thereof are the responsibility of the entrant. Entrants should include a hanger suitable for the garment and a full length transport plastic bag. Boxes must be named. Enclose a label showing return address. Include return postage or a prepaid label for return courier, or garments may be collected from the display area at 1.30pm Saturday 19 July 2014 Presentation of your receipt is required for collection. NOTES Send registrations with cheque to Ray Lauridsen, 617 Aranui Rd., RD 5, Palmerston North 4475 Send written entries with cheque to Ray Lauridsen, 617 Aranui Rd., RD 5, Palmerston North 4475 Send knitted entries to Beulah Farland, 44 Pencarrow Street, Palmerston North 4412 Please advise if you are unable to send any articles from your written entry. Keep copies of the forms that you send in. Entry forms for MAKE & MODEL COMPETITION will be available at the Festival Information Desk Internet Banking - Payments can be made by internet banking to NZMKS Manawatu Festival 030726 0486425 01 Please ensure your surname and NZMKS Membership No. are used as reference. Email a copy of your forms to Ray Lauridsen - 14 - Festival By-Law 222 The Make and Model Section of the Competition must be included in the Festival Schedule, and is governed by the following ByLaws, which are subject to review by the Council from time to time, and are applicable only to this Section: (a) Any individual financial member who will be attending the Festival and not directly involved with the judging of this section may enter. Competitors may enter into either or both classes; the garment(s) worn in one section (class) must not be incorporated into the other section (class). (b) The entry must be the complete work of the competitor. (c) The entry must be machine knitted. (d) Garments entered in a previous Society National Festival competition will not be accepted. (e) The Festival Hosts have the right to limit the number of entries but notice of their intention to do so must be in the Festival Newsletter. (f) The closing date for written entries shall be at the discretion of the Festival Host Committee and be advised in the Festival Newsletter. (g) Garments are to be brought to the Festival by competitors and not displayed prior to their judging. Competitors will be disqualified if the published reporting time is not strictly adhered to. (h) The current Festival Judges will judge the Make and Model Section. (i) Garments will be judged while being worn by the knitter competitor. (j) Entries are not eligible for consideration for any Society trophies other than the Make and Model trophies at the current National Festival. (k) Judges decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into. JUDGING CRITERIA SUGGESTIONS Presentation Eye appeal Pattern execution Pressing /Steaming Distortions Fabric, Seaming & Finishing Sleeves / sides / neck sides same length Welts / strappings / neckband (tension only) Suitability of tension of yarn to pattern used Slubs / pulls / flaws / knots/ pull strains Cast on / off Matching ribs and seams (continuous) Shoulder seams Sleeve - attachment of Suitability of seaming Neatness of seaming Matching of increases / decreases on seams Attaching of buttons Design Strappings / welts / neckband (proportion) Neck size / openings Suitability of yarn & colour to pattern & garment design Pocket – size & position Colour Patterns used / matching Pattern balance on garment pieces Suitability of trimmings, buttons, added features The features which make the entry individual and special Use of colour Originality Degree of Difficulty The appropriate techniques used in a garment judged in relation to other entries in the same class; how successfully these techniques have been used. - 15 - New Zealand Machine Knitters’ Society Inc. MANAWATU AREA FIBRE TO FABRIC- A FESTIVAL OF CRAFTED CREATIONS 2014 FORM A WORKSHOP REGISTRATION FORM – PLEASE RETURN WITH THE FESTIVAL REGISTRATION FORM Name………………………………………………………..Membership No....................................................... Address………………………………………………………............................................................................... Area………………………………………………………………………………………………...................…. Wednesday 16th July 2014 1pm – 2.30 3pm – 4.30 Thursday 17 July 2014 9am – 10.30 11am – 12.30 1pm – 2.30 Friday 18th July 2014 3pm – 4.30 9am – 10.30 11am – 12.30 1pm – 2.30 Saturday 19 July 2014 3pm – 4.30 9am – 10.30 11am – 12.30 1st Choice 2nd Choice Tony Bennett - $30.00 per 1 ½hr (90 min) workshop Others - $18.00 per 1 ½hr (90 min) workshop Number of workshops Cost Sub total __________________ @ $18 each __________________ @ $30 each (Tony Bennett) ________________ ________________ KITS Workshop No. 31 @ $20 (Felted Brooches) ________________ Workshop Nos. 32, 33 @ $35 (Dyeing) ________________ Workshop Nos. 34 to 37 @ $10 (Button it Up) ________________ Please transfer this total figure to Registration Form D TOTAL Keep a copy of this form for your records - 16 - _______________ New Zealand Machine Knitters’ Society Inc. MANAWATU AREA FIBRE TO FABRIC- A FESTIVAL OF CRAFTED CREATIONS 2014 FORM B TOUR BOOKING FORM Name: __________________________________________________Membership No: ________________ Tour No. No. People @$ 1 Manawatu Knitting Mills and Spotlight 12.00 2 Waiouru 55.00 3 Spotlight and Manawatu Knitting Mills 12.00 4 Treat Yourself 35.00 5 Owlcatraz and Shannon 35.00 6 Tui Brewery 35.00 7 The Royal Feilding Farmers Market &Coach House Museum 25.00 8 Te Manawa and New Zealand Rugby Museums 25.00 9 Wanganui Riverbank 35.00 Transfer this total to Registration Form D SUBTOTAL TOTAL Keep a copy of this form for your records ----------------------------------------------------------------------- cut here --------------------------------------------------------------- New Zealand Machine Knitters’ Society Inc. MANAWATU AREA FIBRE TO FABRIC- A FESTIVAL OF CRAFTED CREATIONS 2014 FORM C LUNCH ORDER FORM – 2 sandwiches plus 1pc cake and 1 pc fruit Name __________________________________________________Membership No. ________________ DAY NO. REQUIRED @ $ 10.00 ea. TOTAL WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Transfer this total to Registration Form D $ Registration Form D If you have special dietary requirements/allergies please indicate on this form ___________________________________ Keep a copy of this form for your Records - 17 - New Zealand Machine Knitters’ Society Inc. MANAWATU AREA FIBRE TO FABRIC- A FESTIVAL OF CRAFTED CREATIONS 2014 FORM D REGISTRATION FORM EARLY-BIRD REGISTRATION: Registrations postmarked no later than Wednesday 12 March 2014 will go into a draw for a refund of $60 registration fee and the $15 entertainment fee. Please send your registration to Ray Lauridsen, 617 Aranui Road, RD 5, Palmerston North 4475 together with a cheque payable in NZ dollars to NZMKS Manawatu Festival. Include a stamped, self addressed envelope for your receipt. Payments can be made by internet banking to – NZMKS Manawatu Festival 030726 0486425 01. Ensure your surname and NZMKS Membership No. are used as reference. Email a copy of your forms to Surname: ……….......................................................First Name…………………………Phone.................................. Street Address: ………………………………………................................................................................................... Town/City and Postal Code: ………………………………… Email: …………………………………………....… Membership No: ................................................................. Area: .............................................................................. Preferred Name for Badge: ……………...………………Partners Name: ……………………………....................... Are you a (please circle): Councillor Delegate Judge Tutor REGISTRATION FEE AND OTHER FEES PAYABLE COST (each) Registration Fee $60.00 Membership Fee (If not already a paid up member) New Zealand Resident Non – Resident Workshop Fees (Transferred from form A) $20.00 NZ $30.00 Committee NO. Trade SUB TOTAL Lunches (Transferred from form C) Welcome Dinner – Wednesday 16th July $10.00 $40.00 Entertainment – Covers all three nights $15.00 Transport – Pick-up and/or Drop $5.00 each way Tours (Transferred from form B) Please pay this amount by cheque or internet banking TOTAL TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Method of Travel (Please circle): Air Bus Train Car Arrival Date: ………………..…. Time: ………..........………… Flight No: ………………….............….. Departure Date: ……………….. Time: ……………….............. Flight No: ……………………............... Arrivals will be met on request ($5 one way trip). Please indicate: Yes No I/We will be staying at __________________________________ (this is required for the programme booklet) - 18 - New Zealand Machine Knitters’ Society Inc. MANAWATU AREA FIBRE TO FABRIC- A FESTIVAL OF CRAFTED CREATIONS 2014 FORM E COMPETITION WRITTEN ENTRY FORM Written entries are to be post marked no later than Friday 13 June 2014 Name: ..................................................................................... Phone: ........................................................................... Address: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Email: ................................................................................................... Fax: ............................................................................... Membership No: ......................................................................................... Area: ........................................................................ Are you entering for the Susan Lazear Trophy - see General Instructions/ Guidelines no.10 Yes Are you a Novice Knitter - see General Instruction/Categories no.9a Computer System used. – see General Instructions/Guideline no. 10 Yes No No ........................................................................................ How are your entries arriving: ............................................................................................................................................... Please tick the class or classes you wish to enter: NOVICE N1 CLASSIC CL1 OPEN O1 O7 CHAMPIONSHIP C1 N2 CL2 O2 O8 CL3 O3 O9 N4 CL4 O4 O10 CL5 O5 O11 O6 (3 entries to be judged collectively) Are you a first time entrant in the Championship Class SPECIAL CLASSES N3 M1 M2 Yes No (circle one) ENTRY FEES: No. of entries @ Sub total Novice, Classic & Open Entries: ___________ $4 $________ Championship Entries: ___________ $10.00 $________ Class M1: ___________ Nil $________ Class M2: ___________ $4 $________ TOTAL $________ No Entry Fee will be refunded. Cheques payable to: NZMKS Manawatu Area Festival Send written Entry Form & Cheque to: Ray Lauridsen, 617 Aranui Road, RD5, Palmerston North 4475 INCLUDE A STAMPED SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE FOR YOUR RECEIPT AND GARMENT LABELS . Internet Banking - Payments can be made by internet banking to NZMKS Manawatu Festival 030726 0486425 01 Please ensure your surname and NZMKS Membership No. are used as reference. Email a copy of your forms to Ray Lauridsen Please keep a copy of this form for your records - 19 - New Zealand Machine Knitters’ Society Inc. MANAWATU AREA FIBRE TO FABRIC- A FESTIVAL OF CRAFTED CREATIONS 2014 FORM F M1 - CHILDREN’S SPECIAL - WRITTEN ENTRY FORM Written entries are to be post marked no later than Friday 13 June 2014 Child’s Name: ......................................................................................................... Age of Child: ............................................ Name of Parent/Grandparent: ................................................... Membership No of Parent/Grandparent: .................................. Address of Child: .......................................................................................................................................................................... How is your entry arriving: .......................................................................................................................................................... ENTRY FEE: Free Send this form to the Chief Steward, Beulah Farland, 44 Pencarrow Street, Palmerston North 4412 INCLUDE A STAMPED SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE FOR YOUR RECEIPT AND GARMENT LABELS . Keep a copy of this form for your records NB: If you have more than 1 child/grandchild entering this class please send a separate written entry for each child. -----------------------------------------------------------------------cut here --------------------------------------------------------------- New Zealand Machine Knitters’ Society Inc. MANAWATU AREA FIBRE TO FABRIC- A FESTIVAL OF CRAFTED CREATIONS 2014 FORM G FIBRE FLAIR - WRITTEN ENTRY FORM Written entries are to be post marked no later than Friday 13 June 2014 Name: ............................................................................... Membership No: ................................................. Address: ................................................................................................................................................................. Area: ......................................................How are your entries arriving: ............................................................... ENTRY FEE: No. of Entries @ Cost ....................... Members $5 $........................... ....................... Non-Members $10 $........................... No entry fee will be refunded. Cheques payable to: NZMKS Manawatu Area Festival Send written entry form and cheque to Ray Lauridsen, 617 Aranui Rd., RD 5, Palmerston North 4475 PLEASE INCLUDE A STAMPED SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE FOR YOUR RECEIPT AND GARMENT LABELS. Internet Banking - Payments can be made by internet banking to NZMKS Manawatu Festival 030726 0486425 01 Please ensure your surname and NZMKS Membership No. are used as reference. Email a copy of your forms to Ray Lauridsen Keep a copy of this form for your records - 20 - New Zealand Machine Knitters’ Society Inc. MANAWATU AREA FIBRE TO FABRIC- A FESTIVAL OF CRAFTED CREATIONS 2014 FORM H NOVICE – CLASSIC – OPEN SECTIONS – M2 KNITTED ENTRY FORM TO BE SENT WITH ENTRY Entries are to be postmarked no later than Friday 27 June 2014. Name: ....................................................................................................................... Phone: ............................................... Address: .......................................................................................................................................................................... ...................... Email: ............................................................................... Membership No: ......................................... Area: ................................... otal no. of entries in this parcel.............................................................. Class Numbers: .................................................................................................................................................................................... How are your entries to be returned? Collect........... Post........... Courier......... Other (please state)................................................... Total Amount enclosed for return of entries, or prepaid Courier Post ticket: ...................................................................................... Entries to be sent to the Chief Steward, Beulah Farland, 44 Pencarrow Street, Palmerston North 4412 For notification of your parcel’s arrival include a stamped, self-addressed envelope in the parcel and it will be posted to you. Please note - entries may not be collected until 1.30pm Saturday 19 July 2014. Presentation of your receipt is required. Please notify the Chief Steward, Beulah Farland if items for which you have forwarded a WRITTEN entry are not being sent. Please keep a copy of this form for your records -----------------------------------------------------------------------cut here --------------------------------------------------------------- New Zealand Machine Knitters’ Society Inc. MANAWATU AREA FIBRE TO FABRIC- A FESTIVAL OF CRAFTED CREATIONS 2014 FORM I M1 - CHILDREN’S SPECIAL COMPETITION - KNITTED ENTRY FORM TO BE SENT WITH ENTRY Entries are to be postmarked no later than Friday 27 June 2014. Child’s Name: .......................................................................................................... Age of Child: .............................................. Name of Parent/Grandparent: .................................................... Membership No of Parent/Grandparent: .................................. Address of Child: ................................................................................................................................................................ ........... Total no. of entries in this parcel: ................................................................ Class Number: ........................................................ How are your entries to be returned? Collect........... Post........... Courier......... Other (please state)............................................. Total Amount enclosed for return of entries, or prepaid Courier Post ticket: ............................................................................. Entries to be sent to the Chief Steward, Beulah Farland, 44 Pencarrow Street, Palmerston North 4412 NB: If you have more than 1 child/grandchild entering this class please send a separate form with each entry. For notification of your parcel’s arrival include a stamped self-addressed envelope in the parcel and it will be posted to you. Please note - entries may not be collected until 1.30pm Saturday 19 July 2014. Presentation of your receipt is required. Please notify the Chief Steward, Beulah Farland if items for which you have forwarded a WRITTEN entry are not being sent. Please keep a copy of this form for your records - 21 - New Zealand Machine Knitters’ Society Inc. MANAWATU AREA FIBRE TO FABRIC- A FESTIVAL OF CRAFTED CREATIONS 2014 FORM J FIBRE FLAIR COMPETITION KNITTED ENTRY FORM - TO BE SENT WITH ENTRY Entries are to be postmarked no later than Friday 27 June 2014. Name: ..................................................................................................................... Phone: ................................................................... Address.................................................................................................................................................................................................... Email: ................................................................................. Membership No. .............................................. Area: ............................. Total no. of entries in this parcel: .............................................................. Class Number: ............................................................................................. How are your entries to be returned? Collect........... Post........... Courier......... Other (please state)........................................ Total Amount enclosed for return of entries, or prepaid Courier Post ticket: ......................................................... Entries to be sent to: the Chief Steward, Beulah Farland, 44 Pencarrow Street, Palmerston North 4412 For notification of your parcel’s arrival include a stamped self-addressed envelope in the parcel and it will be posted to you. Please note - entries may not be collected until 1.30pm Saturday 19 July 2014. Presentation of your receipt is required. Please notify the Chief Steward Beulah Farland if items for which you have forwarded a WRITTEN entry are not being sent. -----------------------------------------------------------------------cut here --------------------------------------------------------------- New Zealand Machine Knitters’ Society Inc. MANAWATU AREA FIBRE TO FABRIC- A FESTIVAL OF CRAFTED CREATIONS 2014 FORM K MAKE & MODEL - WRITTEN ENTRY FORM Written entries are to be received no later than 12 noon, Thursday 17 July 2014 Name: ...........................................................................................Membership No: ................................................ Address: .............................................................................................................Area: .............................................. Entry Fee: Free (A) Single item of clothing (B) Multi piece outfit Please indicate (A) and/or (B) with a tick Note: Garments are to be brought to Festival by entrant NOT sent with competition entries. Written entry form must be accompanied by a brief description of your entry, including yarn used and any special features. Make & Model will be judged by the NZMKS Inc. Festival judging panel, which may or may not include a guest judge/s. Separate prizes will be awarded for the audience selection, decided by audience vote. CHECK LIST FOR REGISTRANTS Have you completed and included (where applicable) your registration form workshop and tour booking form cheque or internet payment to cover costs stamped self-addressed envelope for receipt and confirmation of details PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF ALL YOUR FORMS - 22 -
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