Knitting Abbreviations () Work instructions between parentheses * Repeat instructions following ** Repeat instructions between asterisk BO Bind off cn Cable needle: short knitting needle, used as an aid in the twisting of a cable. CO k-wise Knit-wise. Insert right needle into the stitch as if to knit it k1 f&b aka Knit 1 stitch in the front, then in the (kfb) back. This is also called a Bar Increase k2tog Knit 2 stitches together lp(s) Loop(s) Cast on M1 Make 1. This means to increase a stitch. dec(s) Decrease(s) dpn aka (dp) Double pointed needle(s). A short needle with points at both ends, used in sets or 4 or 5, for knitting in the round. M1L aka (M1F) Make 1 (front)(left). An increase. From the front, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into back of loop g st Garter stitch M1R aka (M1B) Make 1 (back) (right). An increase. From the back, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into front of loop inc(s) Increase(s) p Purl k Knit p-wise Purl wise: Insert right needle from the back into the front loop p2tog Purl 2 together k tbl aka Knit stitch through the back loop (K1 tbl), (K1b pm Place marker ssk psso Pass the slipped stitch over (as in slip 1, knit 1, psso) Slip, slip, knit slipped stitches tog. A decrease ssk (alt.) Sl 1, sl 1 p-wise, knit slipped sts tog rev St st Reverse stockinette/stocking stitch. The “purl” side of plain, stockinette stitch. Purled on RS, knitted on WS ssp Slip, slip, purl. A decrease, usually done on the purl-side st (s) Stitch(es) RS Right side, for instance the outside of a sweater. Stated to indicate which side is facing you when carrying out instructions St st Stockinette/Stocking stitch tbl Through the back loop WS Wrong side (see RS - right side) sk Skip wyib With yarn in back sk2p Slip1, knit 2 tog, pass slipped stitch over. (a double decrease) wyif With yarn in front “Slip, Knit, Pass.” Slip a stitch, knit SKP aka (skpo), (sl1, the next stitch, pass the slipped stitch over the knit one k1, psso) sl aka (s) Slip a stitch. Don’t knit the stitch, just move it over to the other needle yb aka (ybk) Yarn to the back yfwd aka (yf) Yarn forward Yarn over: wrap the yarn around right yo aka (yfon), (yfrn), needle before knitting next st. Knit (yon), (yrn) into loop as usual next round., 2011
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