Cambridge International School, Palampur Content STUDENTS BOOK UNIT 1 Tales from the Epics UNIT 3 Sustainable Development UNIT 4 Early Years Reading Skill Factual, inferential & evaluative comprehension Class –VI Subject – English First Term Curriculum Session 2015-16 Listening/Speaking Vocabulary Interviews Writing Skill Prefixes and Suffixes Interpreting Information Reference to Context Appreciation of Poetry LITERATURE READER -The Take Off Board -Daddy Fell into the Pond -Tejimola -Honeybees Role – play, enacting out a dialogue Synonyms/ Antonyms Expressing and arguing a point of view Dictionary Work Listening to and Comprehending a Conversation Abbreviation Grammar Message Articles Dialogue Writing Pronouns Informal Letter Tenses Paragraph Writing Conjunctions Prepositions Description Analyzing, Interpreting and evaluating information Adjectives Diary Entry Group Discussion Adverbs Story Writing Assessment will be based on – Reading Skill, Writing Skill, Listening and Speaking Skills including Role Plays, Presentation, Extempore Speech, Discussions and Group Activity. Course book and Workbook are only for practice. Literature book will be used for examination purpose. Hindi fo’k; oLrq iBu dkS”ky ys[ku dkS”ky okpu dkS”ky O;kdj.k ewY;kadu vkvks jkuh] ge <+ks,axs ikydh ¼dfork½ dfork dk y; ;fr xfr ds lkFk iBu dfork ys[ku Lora=rk@ Lora= Hkkjr ij vius fopkj O;Dr djukA laf/k ys[ku iap ijes”oj ¼dgkuh½ iBu&ikBu] ekud Hkk’kk dk mPpkj.k lh[kukA fuca/k ys[ku iapksa dh rjg U;k; djuk rFkk U;k;iwoZd ckr djuk o lh[kukA lekl okpu jkgqy tuuh ¼dfork½ lqj&rky]NUn] y; ;fr&xfr ds lkFk dfork dk iBu dFkk dk izHkko”kkyh <ax ls iBu Ik;kZ;okph “kCn ¼1&24½ lKak fodkj ¼laKk] fyax]opu]dkjd½ O;kdj.k ¼Lojfpr½ foykse “kCn ¼1&39½ ebZ vizSy ekg vkt+kn dh ohjrk ¼thouh½ vxLr tqykbZ twu lksuk ¼laLej.k½ ukjk ys[ku ek¡ vkSj iq= ds Hkkoksa dks O;Dr djukA laokn ys[ku@lkj ys[ku “kghnks dh xkFkk,¡@ ohj lSfudksa ij okpu Mk;jh ys[ku dsoy euq’;ksa ls ugha]vfirq izR;sd izkf.k;ksa ls izse djuk lh[kukA ikB dk fo”ys’k.kkRed v/;;uA eSa dgkuh ys[kd dSls cuk\ ¼fuca/k½ MkW ,0ih0ts vCnqy dyke ¼thouh½ ikB dk izHkko”kkyh <aXk ls iBuA ikB dk fo”ys’k.kkRed v/;;uA fuca/k@ i= ys[ku laokn ys[ku@ifj;kstuk fujUrj iz;kl djrs jguk pkfg,] lQyrk vius vki feyrh gS ij ppkZA ifj;kstuk dk;Z ,ao lk{kkRdkj djuk vusdkFkhZ “kCn ¼1&13½ dky] eqgkojs ¼1&20½ vusd “kCnksa ds fy, ,d “kCn ¼1&25½ ys[ku iBu O;kdj.k yksdksfDr;k¡ ¼1&7½ milxZ]loZuke ys[ku Cambridge International School, Palampur Content Class –VI Subject – Mathematics First Term Curriculum Session 2015-16 April Chap 1 Knowing Our Numbers Concept of Place value and Face value. Indian and International number system with the use of commas. May Chap 2 Whole Numbers Chap 3 Playing with Numbers June Chap 4 Basic Geometrical Ideas Chap 6 Integers July-August Chap 5 Understanding Elementary Shapes Chap 7 Fractions Know about whole numbers and how to represent them on the number line Know about lines, ray, collinear points, concurrent lines Measurement of lines Operations on whole numbers Measurement of line segment Measuring angles Identification of polygons on the basis of line segments Classification of triangles Knowledge about quadrilaterals Knowledge of circle Application of the concepts learnt Three dimensional shapes Meaning of integers and how to represent them on the number line Representation of fractions on number line Knowing about different angles Properties of whole numbers Estimation and rounding off Concept of prime and composite numbers Skills To know Roman numbers Test of divisibility for numbers Highest common factor(HCF) Lowest common factor(HCF) Knowledge of fractions Types of fraction Assessment Operations on the integers FA I Paper-pen Test (Knowing our numbers) MCQ (Playing with numbers) Paper-pen Test (Whole Numbers ) Differentiation and comparison of fractions Operations on fractions FA II Project(Understanding elementary shapes) Paper-pen Test (Integers, Fractions ) Lab Activity (Basic geometrical ideas) Cambridge International School, Palampur Content Class –VI Subject – Science First Term Curriculum Session 2015-16 April CH-2 (Bio) - Components of Food. June CH-12- (Phy)-Light, Shadow and Reflections. CH-4 (Chem) - Sorting Materials into Groups. Comprehend characteristics of light -Classify objects on basis of passage of light (Translucent, opaque and transparent). -Observing shadow formation. -Analyzing the importance of different category of materials. -Categorize the substances in the surroundings. July/Aug CH-8 (Bio) - Getting to know Plants. CH-5 (Chem)-Separation of Substances C.W/H.W May CH-3 (Chem)-Fiber to Fabric. CH-11- ( Phy)-Motion and Measurement -Familiarize with the process of making of cloth from thread to complete material. -Classification of fibers. - Identify different fibers with the help of different cloth -Understanding process of making of cloth. (Visit to a Factory)-Differentiate types of motion found in our surroundings. - Practical application to measure the distance by ancient and modern method -Observing different types of motion in surroundings CH-2, 10-Paper Pen Test CH-11-Paper Pen Test CH-4,7 C.W/HW Class activity (FA1) (FA1) (FA2) (FA2) Assessment Objectives -Classify source of food according to eating habits of different animals. -Testing the presence of nutrients (fats, protein) with the practical skills. -Discussing the role of nutrients in our body as well as about deficiency diseases. -Classify plants as well as identify parts of plants. -Experimental investigation on various parts of the plants.(leaves, stem, flower, fruit etc.) -* Understanding composition of substance -Enlisting various methods of separation of substances. -Finding more methods to separate component in complex mixtures. -Understanding various physical processes. Sanskrit ebZ vizSy ekg fo’k; oLrq iBu okpu ys[ku O;kdj.k ewY;kadu “kCn ifjp; vdkjkUr ¼iqfYyax½ vkdkjkUr ¼L=hfyax½ fyaxkuqlkj “kCnksa dk iBu] okpu] mPpkj.k “kCnksa dk fyax Hksn dj ys[ku vdkjkUr “kCn ¼ckyd jke½ yV~ ydkj y`V~ ydkj laLd`r x.kuk¼1 ls 50 rd½ okpu 1- vkdkjkUr uiqald fyax laLd`r esa okrkZyki dj okpu x|ksa dk vFkZ xzg.k dj iBu x|kuqlkj iz”u mrj ys[ku vkdkjkuRk L=hfyax “kCn yM- ydkj /kkrq izdj.k¼iB]Hkw]xe½ ikB ds x|ksa dk “kq) :i esa mPpkj.k ikB ds iBu x|kuqlkj mrj ys[ku vifBr x|ka”k ys[ku loZuke “kCn O;kdj.k Kku i|ksa dk iBu] okpu y;c)rk ls mPpkj.k i|kuqlkj iz”uksa ds mrj ys[ku bdkjkUr “kCn iBu Okpu yksV~ ydkj iBu x|ka”k dk vFkZ xzg.k dj okpu iq:’kksa ds fp= cukdj laLd`r` esa ys[ku laLd`r x.kuk ¼51 ls 100rd½ “kkdkuke~ Qykuke ukekfu O;kdj.k Kku 2- vaxqyh;d izkIre~ twu leqnz rV% tqykbZ vxLr dzhMkLi/kkZ ¼loZuke iz;ksx%½ iq’iksRlo% iBu ys[ku O;kdj.k Cambridge International School, Palampur Content Class –VI Subject – Computer First Term Curriculum Session 2015-16 April More about Computers - Students will able to understand the concept of memory through RAM, ROM, Temporary, permanent memory, Primary memory And Secondary memory. Assessment Objectives - To enlist types of computer. - To understand about the peripheral devices. May Making a powerful Presentation. June More on formatting a MS word 2010 Netiquettes and Safety -Students will have the knowledge of power point and will be able to apply - sound, movies to the presentation. - to perform custom animation. -How to animate objects and text. - To have the understanding of NET ETIQUETTES, safe browsing and computer ethics. Mail Merge Students will have the knowledge of: a) Formatting characters b) Formatting text in columns - Students will also be able to perform: a) Page formatting. b)Formatting paragraph. - Understanding and application of mail merge. - Creating mail merge documents. FA1-PenPaper Test July/August Tables in MS Word 2010 - Students will be able to create table. Students will have the understanding of : -How to insert data into the cell. -Resizing a table. -Positioning a table on a page -Students will be able to modify the table. -How to format text in a table and filling color in cells. -Recapitulation FA2- Practical General Knowledge Topic Learning Objective The Natural World To explore the natural world Science & Technology To know about the discoveries and inventions and also the scientific facts Sports To be aware of the world of sports Language & Literature, Legends & Myths To know about books & authors. To know the world of legends & myths Assessment Class Quiz FA - 1 Worksheet FA - 2 Cambridge International School, Palampur April -The Earth in the Solar System. -When, Where and How? May - Understanding Diversity (Activity) -Motions of the Earth. -Diversity and Discrimination -Highlight the unique place of the Earth in the Solar System. -Recognize the ideal conditions that the Earth provides to support all forms of life. -Enlist the importance of studying history. -To get knowledge of dating the events of history. -Find out the different sources of history. -Focus on how diversity can be an enriching experience. -Emphasis on unity in diversity. -Discover the two Motions (Rotation/ Revolution) of the Earth. -Know the effects of rotation and revolution. -Differentiate Equinox and solstices. -Understand how Prejudice leads to discrimination. -Discuss how prejudice and stereotype lead to inequality and discrimination. -Analyze how Indian govt. upholds our right to equality. June -Latitudes and Longitudes -The Earliest Societies. -The first Farmers and Herders. - Realms of the Earth. -The first Cities -Differentiate between latitudes and longitudes. -Find out the shape of the earth. -List down the use of the globe. -Familiarize the learners with the past events. -Aware about the hunting and gathering of the earliest society. -To know about the stone age cultures. -Appreciate the skills and knowledge of hunters and gathers. -To get knowledge about the beginning of agriculture. -Know about Neolithic age. -Able to understand the three periods of history -Understand the major realms of the earth. -Know about the major landforms of the earth. -List down the importance of the hydrosphere. -Enlist the archaeological evidence of earliest cities. -To get the meaning of civilization and urbanization. Assessment Project Work Objectives Content Class –VI Subject – Social Science First Term Curriculum Session 2015-16 July -Vedic Age. -Continents and Oceans -Rural and Urban Administration. August - Forms of Government -Understand the different types of Vedas. -To get knowledge about the life in the Vedic age. - Familiarize with the Government – its need and importance. -Able to understand the need and importance of our constitution. - Know about the major continents and oceans of the world. -List down the main features of oceans and continents. -Enlist the functioning of rural and urban administration. -List down the major sources of income for rural and urban administration. The Earliest Societies FA1 When, Where and How?-Creating Timeline. Understanding Diversity- Poster Designing. The Earth in the Solar System-Pen Paper Test FA2 Vedic Age- Diary Entry. Forms of Govt.-Poster Designing. Continents and Oceans-Pen Paper Test Cambridge International School, Palampur Class –VI Subject – German First Term Curriculum Session 2015-16 The syllabus is designed to stimulate the enjoyable interaction in the class to promote language skills in the students through various segments of the language i.e. Theatre, reading, activities, pronunciation, conversation. The syllabus covers the comprehensive and relevant activities and valuable exercises required to learn a foreign language. Topics Reading Skills Speaking Skills Writing Skills Listening Skills (Lesen) (Sprechen ) (Schreiben) (Hören) Hallo Comprehension, Alphabets and Verb conjugations The student will be Das ist meine Familie reading, vocabulary pronunciation Definite articles (der, able to understand Hast du Geschwister? Spell names and die das), indefinite and respond by Wo wohnt ihr? numbers (1 to 100 )in articles (ein, eine) listening to the German Plural of noun, teacher or the audio To report about a pronouns, adjectives visuals. person. To introduce one’s family. Geography of Germany Ask for identity of an object or a person Physical Education MONTH ACTIVITY General activity, April and May Athletics, Chess. Table Tennis Yoga SKILL/ASANA Mass PT, Marching, Dumbbells, Running, Jumping Skill, Grip on bat and fore hand and back hand OBJECTIVES To improve coordination, flexibility, agility, mental health, improve hand eye co ordination , physical fitness through running and jumping exercises Removes disorders of digestion, spine and Surya Namshkar Paschimotanasana,Tarrasana, chest disorders. Vajrasana,Dhanur Asana June and July August Kho-Kho, Tennis Gymnastics Badminton, Skating Yoga Kho-kho game, Grip on the racket fore hand and service. Rolls, Jumps Service, Under Hand Lift, Back Hand Lift, Speed Work Padmasana, Bhujangasana, Vrikshasana, Badhpadmasana To improve hand eye co ordination, agility, flexibility and skill. To improve skill, hand eye co ordination and physical fitness. Asana keep the body healthy and removes leg deformities Note: 1. Students must opt for any game /games according to their interest. 2. Curriculum is planned according to school Calendar activities. Cambridge International School, Palampur Class –VI Subject – Arts First Term Curriculum Session 2015-16 April May June July/ Aug Activity (Introduction) What is Art Learning Objective Basic Knowledge of colours. Elements of Arts) ,Colour Wheel. Development of Drawing and colouring skill. (Still Life) Shapes (Mag, Car,Pear), Form) Transport Craft Bird Feeder (Natural Form) Leaves Flowers, Grass , Trees, Landscapes (Animal & Birds) Fish Greeting Card (Activity) Development of Drawing, Perspective, Creative and colouring skill. Development of Drawing, Perspective, Creative and colouring skill. Development of Drawing, Perspective, Creative and colouring skill. Music 1. 2. 3. 4. Alankar English prayer Teen Taal Practice on Hand & Tabla Practice on Xylophone & Keyboard 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction of Classical dance and Pranam. Folk Dance/ semi classical dance. Western Dance Guru Vandana Any five Mudras and their uses. Dance
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