Citizens ACAdemy 2015

Citizens Academy
Mission Statement
To improve citizens’ understanding of
the workings of effective government, and
encourage their involvement in the community
to help sustain quality of life for present and
future generations.
September 9–November 4, 2015
Participants will:
• Gain a deeper understanding of how local
governments work together
•Meet government leaders and department
•Learn about government operations through direct exposure to experts in the field
• Understand how citizens can become engaged
in public affairs
•Learn about opportunities for communitybased partnerships and programs
• Serve as role models for other community
residents interested in social change
•Help foster an environment that contributes
to the quality of life for all citizens
• Help build a liveable, sustainable community
Citizens Academy
For more information, call F.O.C.U.S
Greater Syracuse at 315-448-8732
fax: 315-448-8733
Visit us on the web:
“Making a presentation to Citizens Academy
on what I do in my job in government gave
me an opportunity to leave my desk and meet
with the actual people I serve. It was a great
experience for me to be able to articulate how
their tax money is spent. Their questions gave
me a new perspective on what I do every day.”
• Find out how your local government
• Learn about how you can join with local
government leaders to effect change.
• Help create the future of your community.
Sponsored by:
Citizens Academy presenter
Academy 2015
The Citizens Academy is an interactive educational program that informs citizens about how
local governments are organized, and how services
are funded and delivered. It is a place to learn
about citizen involvement through an integrated
approach to economic vitality, social equity, and
a healthy environment.
Sessions are held on Wednesday evenings:
• S
eptember 9, 16, 30
(no class September 23)
• O
ctober 7, 14, 21, 28
• November 4
5:30-8 p.m. at various government and
community facilities. Light supper will
be provided.
Participation is free. The Citizens Academy is open
to all residents of Onondaga County 18 years of age
and older. Class will be limited to 35 members.
Citizens Academy Application
or complete and mail or fax an application to:
F.O.C.U.S Greater Syracuse, 201 E. Washington Street,
Syracuse, New York 13202-1427; fax: 315-448-8733
Please print legibly.
Home address___________________________________
Your Community,
Your Future
Session Topics
• O
verview and expectations
Local governments past, present, and future
• W
hat’s the Plan for Sustainability?
Planning, land use, and transportation
Daytime/evening phone___________________________
Cell phone______________________________________
E-mail address_ _________________________________
Business address_________________________________
• C
ommunity Vitality
Community development, health, and
human services
Preferred mailing address:
What our Alums say:
• E
conomic Vitality
Jobs and economic development
“I feel so much more educated on how our city
operates, why certain decisions are made and just
how important our roles are as informed citizens
and how influential we can be.”
• E
nvironmental Stewardship
Water and waste management
“Citizens Academy has been one of the best, if not the
best, ‘continuing education’ experiences of my life. The
subjects have been fascinating…and the speakers have
been willing to share their knowledge and experiences.
The Q&A sessions were extremely valuable.”
• S
chools, Scholars, and Resources
Education and the future
❏ home
❏ business
Please attach a separate page to respond in detail to the
following questions:
1. Why are you interested in participating in the Academy?
2. How do you plan to use what you learn?
3. What are your current community activities?
4. How long have you lived in Onondaga County?
• P
ublic Safety
Law enforcement and public safety
5. How did you hear about Citizens Academy?
Attach a brief resume (optional).
• D
ollars and Sense
Local government budget and finance
Applications are due by Friday, July 31, 2015.