CITY OF CHARLOTTETOWN REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS ENGINEERING CONSULTING DESIGN & PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES 2015 STORM PIPE CONSTRUCTION APRIL 2015 City of Charlottetown Page 2 Quotes shall be submitted on the attached form in a sealed envelope, clearly marked on the outside “Request for Quotations for Engineering Consulting – 2015 Storm Pipe Construction; Attention Controller; 3rd Floor City Hall”, and must be received before 2:00:00 pm, Local Time, on Monday, April 27th, 2015. It is the responsibility of the bidder to deliver the sealed quotation to the 3rd floor of City Hall before the time indicated. Quotes received after the time indicated shall be returned unopened. Any addenda will be posted on the City of Charlottetown website at Bidders are responsible for checking the website for proposal/quote/tender notices, documents, and addenda. The City is not responsible for ensuring bidders have obtained addenda. This call for quotes creates no obligation on the part of the City of Charlottetown to award the contract or to reimburse proponents for preparation expenses. The City of Charlottetown reserves the right to accept or reject any and all submissions, in whole or in part, received as a result of this request, and to negotiate in any manner necessary to best serve the interest of the City. At the election of the City, whether or not a bid or bidder otherwise satisfies the requirements of a tender, the City may reject summarily any bid received from a corporation or other person which has been anywise involved in litigation, arbitration or alternative dispute resolution with the City within the five (5) year period immediately preceding the date on which the request for tender/quote was published. The City’s evaluation may include information provided by the proponent’s references and may also consider the proponent’s past performance on previous contracts with the City or other institutions. The City may prohibit a supplier from participating in a procurement process based on past performance or based on inappropriate conduct in a prior procurement process, and such inappropriate conduct shall include but not be limited to the following: a) the submission of quotations containing misrepresentations or any other inaccurate, misleading or incomplete information; b) the refusal of the supplier to honour its pricing or other commitments made in its proposal; or c) any other conduct, situation or circumstance, as solely determined by the City. Quotes will be opened publicly at City Hall immediately following the closing date/time. Award shall be upon approval by City Council as soon as practical after the submission opening. No fax or e-mail quotation forms will be considered. Any questions in respect of this quotation shall be directed to the Controller, Amanda Cheverie ( at least 3 days prior to the closing of this quotation. Request for Quotation April 2015 Engineering Consulting – Design & Project Management, Storm Pipe Construction City of Charlottetown Page 3 COMPLETE QUOTATION PACKAGE A complete Quote consists of the following: (a) Quotation Form (bid sheet) (b) Tender Submission for Engineering Consulting SERVICES REQUIRED The City of Charlottetown is conducting this quotation request for the Public Works Department to select engineering services for storm piping in extending ditch infill. Pending contractor pricing, the City expects it will proceed from design to construction award and hopefully have full project completion this season. Submissions shall be firm fixed prices comprised of three components as follows, with each component seen to be appropriately balanced to undertake the indicated work: 1. Design Costs a) survey data acquisition & detailed design b) construction tender preparation and coordination (tender advertising paid by the City) c) identify all property pins and surface utilities on drawings d) probable estimate of cost prior to tender e) submission to City of 2 paper copies and 1 PDF format of tender spec & drawing set f) review of tender submissions and recommendation on award 2. Contract Administration Costs for Awarded Construction Project a) preparation of CCDC or other similar formal contract b) review and recommendation on contract changes c) progress estimate review and recommendation for payment d) delivery to City of 2 paper and 1 digital as-built 3. Project Management Costs for Awarded Construction Project a) indication of estimated construction time-frame for City reference/budget b) weekly on-site inspection at a set fee of $885.00/wk for this package. (Fee set as fair compensation while allowing for best comparison of quotations received, removing possibility of low design - high inspection proposal versus an opposite weighting.) c) confirm with final inspection that no property pins or surface utilities have been removed or covered Included in this quotation is a list of sites for design/construction. Any initial concerns on possible complications (grade, etc) that could affect intended storm pipe installation at any specific site should be indicated in quotation submission via an attached note. It is desired that this design work be initiated as soon as possible after being awarded with work proceeding directly to construction tender. There will be two (2) separate contracts as noted. These two (2) construction tenders are not expected to necessarily be issued simultaneously. Request for Quotation April 2015 Engineering Consulting – Design & Project Management, Storm Pipe Construction City of Charlottetown Page 4 Price review on Engineering Consulting submissions will be on the basis of overall cost for Design and Contract Administration for each A & B package, though individual site costs are required for accounting purposes and circumstances where one site may not proceed as expected. PAYMENT Payment for Engineering Consulting services will be made upon receipt and processing of invoicing. Progress payments may be provided by the successful consultant. QUOTATION FORM (Bid Sheet) CITY OF CHARLOTTETOWN ENGINEERING CONSULTING DESIGN & PROJECT MANAGEMENT – 2015 STORM PIPE CONSTRUCTION TO: City of Charlottetown Public Works Committee City Hall Charlottetown, PEI Ladies and Gentlemen: The undersigned submitter has carefully examined all specifications and hereby offers to enter into agreement with the City of Charlottetown to supply services required by these specifications for the prices given on the following page (all applicable taxes extra): The undersigned submitter understands and agrees that: 1) These quotation prices are valid for acceptance for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of closing of quotes. 2) The lowest or any quote may not necessarily be accepted. 3) Any of the work sites may be deleted from the contract without adjustment to other site bid costs. 4) Payment(s) for this work will be made by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and vendor must provide information prior to award of contract to be setup on this system. Initial Date Request for Quotation April 2015 Engineering Consulting – Design & Project Management, Storm Pipe Construction - Hanover St - Second St Pearson St Hawthorne Ave to Kensington Rd to Tara Hgths to LMM school to end to Parkside Dr to Maple Ave Ditch Infill Ditch Infill Ditch Infill Phone Email Contact Person (printed) Date $ 850 m $ Postal Code $ 500 m $ Authoized signature $ $ 175 m $ 425 m $ $ 400 m $ Mailing Address B A Both Sides Both Sides South Side South Side Both Sides $ Total Construction Admin. Cost 435 m $ Length Design & Tender Cost Firm Submitting Expected Date Tender Ready for Release: B A Ditch Infill ? & curb? Ditch Infill Ditch Infill & Paved Path West Side Description Expected Date of Final Survey Data Acquisition: Lewis Pt Rd - Malpeque Rd Penny Lane - Brackley Pt Rd Crestview Dr Oak Dr Construction "B" - St Peters Rd MacWilliams Rd Project Construction "A" $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Extended Price $885 / wk set rate $885 / wk set rate $885 / wk set rate $885 / wk set rate $885 / wk set rate $885 / wk set rate * Estimated Construction Time is for City budgeting purposes only. wks wks wks wks wks wks Estimated Construction Construction Time * Management Cost Charlottetown Public Works - 2015 Storm Pipe Construction Tender Submission for Engineering Consulting City of Charlottetown Page 5 Request for Quotation April 2015 Engineering Consulting – Design & Project Management, Storm Pipe Construction City of Charlottetown Page 6 LOCATION MAPPING Following are the general locations of ditches desired to be infilled. These annual local infills are working toward a fully piped storm system across the City. This shall be an integrated system design that considers adjacent areas that may ultimately connect or route through the area. It may also require replacement on some property frontages infilled individually that are not at necessary grade and/or frontages infilled with pipe material/size that is not expected to deliver a comprehensive storm system of appropriate life expectancy. MacWilliams Rd – St Peters Rd to Lucy Maude Montgomery School (existing path) west side ~= 435m x1 (construction to include paved pedestrian path) C MA LIA WIL MS TE 2 RD H RA TA TS A PE PE TE RS RD -R DR O RS T NS G RE EN W O O D DR ST AN RM O N Request for Quotation April 2015 Engineering Consulting – Design & Project Management, Storm Pipe Construction City of Charlottetown Page 7 Pearson St – Hanover St to Tara Hghts both sides ~= 200m x2 SR IAM ILL CW MA TE 2 D R NO R ND A M RD ST W O PE TE RS ST ER IL L M TS DR AH US R TA G AN S AR E P -R T S ON O DL EI O SH RT G H DR Bridle ST Request for Quotation April 2015 Engineering Consulting – Design & Project Management, Storm Pipe Construction City of Charlottetown Page 8 ND ST Hawthorne Ave – Second St toward Kensington Rd south side ~= 175m x1 total block length (may crest at about 115m; may require slight widening and curb to control storm water) HORN E AV DEN CRT KENS DRE S INGT ON R D SECO HAWT Request for Quotation April 2015 Engineering Consulting – Design & Project Management, Storm Pipe Construction City of Charlottetown Page 9 Oak Dr – Brackley Pt Rd to Maple Ave south side ~= 425m x1 DR N KE DR AC BR D OO SW ING A LE K OA KL P EY AV T OIN DR R MA TA SE RO LE DA AC AV V AV AR PL PO EA PL MA R D UT N L WA E PIN DR Request for Quotation April 2015 Engineering Consulting – Design & Project Management, Storm Pipe Construction City of Charlottetown Page 10 AV IS TA DR FFI C ELD AL T E SH HU S ER NT EK RE CR Crestview Dr – Lewis Pt Rd to Parkside Dr both sides ~= 250m x2 CR OIN SP WI LE DIN CR R BA ES DR R D PARKSIDE D TR CR IEW TV A ADVANA V Request for Quotation April 2015 Engineering Consulting – Design & Project Management, Storm Pipe Construction City of Charlottetown Page 11 Penny Ln – Malpeque Rd to end design both sides ~= 425m x2 (preliminary construction budget is only for half of this street, to be determined if north/south or east/west division) RTH NO R LE D A D O OK SE RO E KAR ST BR ND R ST NY PEN LN Q PE AL M E U R D End of Document Request for Quotation April 2015 Engineering Consulting – Design & Project Management, Storm Pipe Construction
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