Housing application form - the City of London Corporation

Housing Application Form
This application form is for the City of London Housing Register
Date received by Housing Needs Team
For office use only
Housing Registration Number
If you need help completing this form or help with English, please contact the Housing Needs Team
1. Are you subject to immigration control in the UK?
Yes No 2. Do you live in the City of London ‘square mile’?
(for a minimum of 12 months)
Yes No 3. Do you work in the City of London ‘square mile’?
(for a minimum of 12 months and over 16 hours per week)
Yes No 4. Are you a current City of London tenant
Yes No The City of London ‘square mile’ is the term used to define our local authority boundary. Please check our boundary
map on www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/maps or search your postcode online.
If you reply yes to question 1 and/or no to questions 2 and 3, it is unlikely that you will be eligible for housing with
the City of London. Please read the Eligibility/Exclusions section on page 2 of this form for more details about
immigration status and other reasons why you may not qualify to apply. If you do not qualify to apply with this
particular authority, you may still contact the Housing Needs Team for advice about alternative housing options.
I am:
a transfer applicant - an existing tenant paying rent to the City of London
a home seeker – anyone else, renting privately, living with family or friends, living in temporary
accommodation and/or applying for social housing for the first time with a local connection to this authority
If you need a different type of housing such as Sheltered Accommodation for people over 60 years of age, you may need to
complete a separate form. Please ask a member of the Housing Needs Team for advice before you complete this form.
Please read the Guidance Notes on page 3 before completing this form
City of London Housing Needs Team
Department of Community and Children’s Services
Barbican Estate Office
3 Lauderdale Place
Telephone 0207 332 1237 / 3452 / 3141
Email: housing.advice@cityoflondon.gov.uk
The City of London works in partnership with the following local Housing Associations:
Guinness Trust – ISHA – Local Space - One Housing Group - Peabody Trust – Providence Row
You can use this form to apply for general housing from the City of London Corporation on our housing
estates across London, whether you are a home seeker applying for the first time or a transfer applicant.
To apply to be on our register, you must have a local connection to this authority. You have a connection if
you are living or working within the City of London ‘square mile’ for a minimum of 12 months and for more
than 16 hours per week, if you are an existing tenant of the City of London or the child of a City of London
tenant who has always lived at home. The City of London ‘square mile’ is the term used to define our local
authority boundary. Please check our boundary map on www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/maps or search your
postcode online.
All the information you give us will be placed on the City of London Corporation Housing Register database.
The City of London Corporation may share this information with Housing Associations or other social
landlords who could rehouse you. We may also take references from private landlords and contact
organisations you tell us about to properly assess your support needs and priority for housing. We may
also use your personal information for the prevention or detection of fraud.
You have a right to see information kept on file about your application and to ask for any inaccurate
information to be removed.
Our full Housing Allocations Policy 2013 is published and available by calling the Housing Needs Team or
you can view it on our website: www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/services/housing-and-council-tax/housingadvice-and-homelessness
Under the lettings scheme, all applications for housing are assessed and placed in one of four bands –
Emergency, 1, 2 or 3 – depending on current circumstances and housing need. Priority is decided first by
band, then by points and then waiting time.
Please note that the demand for housing is far higher than the supply, which means that it is likely you will
be waiting a number of years before you are rehoused. Therefore you may need to find alternative
accommodation whilst you wait in line for social housing.
Home Connections - Choice Based Lettings
With the exception of a few cases, we no longer directly allocate properties to people on the housing
register. Once you are registered, to be considered for a property you will need to look at our Choice Based
Lettings scheme which is run through Home Connections - www.homeconnections.org.uk. Any available
City of London Corporation property or any Housing Association nomination that we receive will be
advertised online on a weekly basis. To be considered for a property you must bid on those in which you
are interested and qualify. Properties are then offered to applicants within the specified band with the
highest points and waiting time. We will send you further information about the scheme and a user guide
once your application has been registered.
Eligibility / Exclusions
Anyone 18 years of age and over can apply for housing with the City of London, unless they fall in to one or
more of the groups listed below:
You are subject to immigration control. If you do not have citizenship in an EU country
indefinite/exceptional leave to remain in the United Kingdom and are subject to a ‘no recourse
public funds condition’ or you do not have refugee status, exceptional leave or indefinite leave
remain in the UK you do not qualify to apply for social housing. If you are unsure, please provide
with a copy of your immigration status papers so we can assess your eligibility.
You do not have a current local connection through employment or residence in the City of London
‘square mile’ for a minimum of 12 months and more than 16 hours per week.
You are not the child of a City of London tenant who has always lived at home.
You are a homeowner or have financial interest in a property in the UK or abroad.
Your annual household income is more than £60,000 before tax.
Your household has savings or capital of over £30,000 or more.
The City of London reserves the right not to accept applications from people whose tenancy has
previously ended due to rent arrears or anti-social behaviour, such as noise nuisance, domestic
violence, racial harassment, intimidation, drug dealing, any other social housing fraud offences and if
you owe the City of London money (i.e. through rent arrears, re-charges etc.) If your application is
refused because of unacceptable behaviour, you will be told in writing, and this will include the reasons
for our decision and details of your right to request a review.
Transfer applicants - a current tenant of the City of London that is overcrowded or wishes/needs to
downsize can apply for a transfer.
The City of London will not normally make offers of accommodation to transfer applicants in rent
arrears, in breach of any other aspect of their tenancy agreements or if their current property is
deemed to be in a state of disrepair that is not the responsibility of the City of London.
Tenancy checks will be carried out after your application to transfer has been registered.
If you are a current City of London tenant who wishes to move to a property of the same size but in
another location or estate, you need to register for a Mutual Exchange. This can be done through
www.homeswapper.co.uk for free and/or through other online providers. Please ask for more details.
Guidance Notes – please read these carefully before you complete this form:
Please make sure that you provide us with all the relevant proof documents for you and your family
as listed on the next page. Failure to provide all the documentation that we require will prevent us
from registering your application.
If you do not fill in the form properly, give us all the information we need or you do not sign the
declaration at the end of this form, we will return it to you and this will delay your application.
Please complete the form in ink and as clearly as possible.
Where a yes/no answer is required, please put a tick in the appropriate box.
Please read the questions carefully and answer all the questions that apply to you.
If you are applying for a transfer, please follow the instructions in the form to make sure you answer
all the questions that are relevant to you.
Once your application has been registered, we will contact you with your bidding pack by post or if
you indicate you prefer email, we will email you. This pack will contain your registration number,
banding and any other information that you will need. Please keep this information in a safe place.
It is your responsibility to keep us informed of any changes in your circumstances as this may affect your status on
the housing register, failure to do so may result in your application being closed. Changes of circumstance that you
need to tell us about include: a change of address, changes to the people in your household, change of
employment, income or assets etc. You should contact us if you have any queries about reporting a change of
circumstances. If you withhold information in an attempt to secure accommodation you may be prosecuted,
which could result in a large fine, imprisonment or other penalty.
If you do not speak English, or English is not your first language, or you do not understand anything on this form
and in the declaration, please contact a member of the Housing Needs Team for support.
If you sign the declaration you are agreeing that you understand and agree with these terms.
Please send us ALL of the documents that apply to you and your family.
Failure to provide all the documentation will prevent us from registering your application.
You and your partner (if applicable) must have citizenship in an EU country or indefinite/exceptional
leave to remain in the United Kingdom with access to public funds. If one or both of you do not have
a UK passport, please provide National passports plus Home Office or Immigration documents and
We only accept the full A4 Birth Certificate that gives information in regard to the parent(s) of the
child. If you do not have this version you will need to contact the relevant Registry Office to obtain
one. If you have a non-UK Birth Certificate we will need an English translated version, if applicable.
A recent payslip, N.I. card, DWP/benefit letter, p60, p45 or any other official document that shows a
N.I number for each person on the application over 18 years of age.
1. APPLICANT AND PARTNER (if applicable) - Please provide proof for the last 5 years at any
address where you have lived. This can be a Bank Statement, Utility Bill or any other official
document with a name, address and a date on it. We accept joint or individual documents.
proof of address. A bank account, college/education, work or benefit letter etc.
Any Government benefits that you and your family receive such as Job Seekers Allowance, ESA, DLA,
PIP, Housing Benefit, Child Tax Credits, Working Tax Credits, Universal Credit etc.
If you are claiming a local connection to this authority by your place of work please provide:
1. LETTER FROM YOUR EMPLOYER - Please enclose a letter that is dated within the last 2 months
from your HR department or Manager. This must be on company headed paper confirming your
start date, physical place of work and the number of hours worked each week.
2. WAGE SLIP - A payslip dated within last 2 months.
This must be official documentation from your GP or hospital that shows the Expected Delivery Date
(EDD), such as a MATB1 form which is provided at your dating scan.
If you have signed a tenancy agreement, licence, a rent book or other agreement for the rent you are
paying, please provide us with a copy.
Please note that your application will not be registered without the relevant proof documents.
If you are adding a civil partner, husband or wife to your application please provide us with a copy of
the registration certificate.
If your documents are in a language other than English please provide an official English translation.
Please DO NOT send original documents in the post.
Our office address is on the front and back pages of this application form
About you and your household
If you are applying with a partner, provided your partner is eligible we will treat it as a joint application,
meaning that any tenancy granted will be joint. The main applicant should be the person with the local
connection priority.
Previous names
(if any)
First name/s
Date of Birth
National Insurance No
Contact details – please indicate preferred contact method/s by ticking the relevant box:
Current address:
(if your partner does not live with you, there is space below to tell us more about this)
Date you moved in to this address:
Reason for wanting / needing to leave:
Are you currently housed in temporary accommodation provided by the City of London? Yes No Yes No Are you currently housed in temporary accommodation provided by anyone else?
If yes, who
provided it?
If you live in Temporary Accommodation such as a bed & breakfast, a hostel or a foyer etc. please tell us
how you obtained this accommodation. For example, was it a self-referral, a local authority referral, charity
or other organisation? Please provide the full name of the organisation, why you were referred and the
approximate length of your stay:
Household details
Please list details of everyone else in your household (other than your partner) with whom you wish to be
First name /s
Date of Birth Relationship National Insurance
(Mr, Mrs,
daughter/ son
Number (for anyone
Ms etc.)
over 16 years)
Household members not living with you
Please list below the names of people who do not currently live with you but with whom you would like to
be rehoused.
Please note that this does not mean that we will necessarily accept the people that you name.
First name/s
Title (Mr,
Date of Birth Relationship to you
Mrs, Ms etc)
Please give the reason why you would like the above to be rehoused with you, why they do not live with
you at present and their current address. It is essential you provide this information:
Is anyone you have named on this application pregnant?
If yes, who is pregnant and what is the Expected Delivery Date (E.D.D):
Yes No 6
About your current home
Please tick the appropriate box below to show your current housing situation:
Council tenant
Home owner
Housing Association
Private rented
Living with
Hostel /
Bed & Breakfast
Please specify:
Are you in tied/serviced accommodation?
Yes No Is your tied/serviced accommodation due to end?
If yes, when?:
Yes No If you or anyone else on your application is a council or Housing Association tenant, please tell us the name
of the authority/association:
Have you or anyone else on your application ever exercised the Right To Buy?
Yes No If yes, please provide details:
(on any property that you or anyone else on this application has lived in)
If you are renting your home, please give us your landlord’s or agent’s name, address and telephone number:
Do you have a signed agreement or any other agreement about the rent you pay?
Yes No If yes, what sort of agreement is this? e.g.: tenancy agreement, licence, rent book, verbal agreement etc:
If you do not have an address to register from, please let us know where you usually sleep, how long you
have been sleeping there and where you keep your belongings:
We will usually write to you at your present address. If you do not want us to write to you there, please
provide an address where we can write to you and the reasons why we cannot contact you at your
registered address:
(Please note that this does not mean that we will accept an alternative address):
Your present accommodation
What kind of accommodation are you living in?
Bed & Breakfast
Studio flat
Other? Please specify:
How many bedrooms are there in your current property in total?
Studio flat
How many bedrooms do you and the other people on this application have for your sole/own use?
Studio flat
Do you lack any of the following facilities or share with someone who is not part of your household?
Yes No For example, if you live in multiple occupation housing, you live with friends or you live with other tenants or other family
members (such as parents) and they are not on this application form.
If you answered yes, please tick which of the following facilities apply to your current housing situation:
Lack / Do not have
Living / Lounge room
Toilet (any toilet - in bathroom or separately)
Bathroom / shower room
Kitchen and/or cooking facilities
Electricity/ Gas supply (you share the same bill)
If you lack a toilet, washing or cooking facilities or fuel supply, please tell us how you meet these needs:
If you share facilities, please say with whom you share them and how they are related to you. If you share
with strangers (i.e. in a hostel or room/house share) please write other tenants in person name and in
relationship to you section write the approximate number of people you share the facilities with:
Name of the person you share with
Relationship to you
E.G. Bob Smith
E.G. Friend
Mum and Dad
/ other tenants
Parent / 3 other tenants
Who uses the bedrooms in your present accommodation?
Age 1
Male /
Age 2
Male /
Age 3
Male /
Age 4
Male /
Age 5
Male /
Studio flat
Living Room
Bedroom 1
Bedroom 2
Bedroom 3
Bedroom 4
Previous addresses
Please give details of any addresses where you and your partner (if applicable) have lived during the past
five years. Start with the address you lived in before your current home and work back.
Main Applicant
Lived there
from / to
Reason for leaving?
Landlord name
& address?
Lived there
from / to
Reason for leaving?
Landlord name
& address?
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
Address 4:
Partner (if different)
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
If you need more space, please continue on a separate sheet.
Have you and everyone else on this application always lived in the UK?
If no, tell us who did not and when did you/they enter the UK?
Yes No If you do not have an EU Passport, do you and your partner (if applicable) have access to public funds?
(This will be detailed on your immigration papers)
Applicant: Yes No / Partner: Yes No Previous social housing
Have you or anyone else on this application ever been a tenant of a council or Housing Association property?
Yes No If yes: Who were the tenant/s and who was the landlord, e.g.: name of council or Housing Association?
What was the address of the property? If more than one property, please detail each address:
Date the tenancy ceased and why?
Have you ever had action taken against you for breach of tenancy, such as a Notice of Seeking Possession,
Notice to Quit, Injunction or Anti-Social Behaviour Order?
Yes No If yes, please give the date and details :
Are you currently or have you ever (or anyone else named on this application) received help from a council
or local authority as a homeless applicant?
Yes No Please give us a brief description of when this happened, why and what was the outcome of this
Have you or anyone else named on this application received a deposit, rent in advance, bond scheme or
guarantee to access a private rented property from a landlord or letting agency?
Yes No If yes: Name of the person/s on this application who received the assistance:
What is the name of the organisation that provided the deposit (council or other)?
What was the total amount of funds received? :
Address of the property secured with the deposit and the date you moved in:
Reason for leaving the property (if not still in residence) and date you left:
Owner occupation
Do you or anyone else on this application own the property in which you currently live?
Do you or anyone else on this application own any other property in the UK or abroad?
Yes Yes No No (Owning can be having a mortgage/owning outright/financial interest/ inherited etc.)
Please provide details including the address/s and the name of the person/s on the mortgage / deeds:
Is your home in a state of disrepair?
Yes No If yes, please tick one or more of these boxes to indicate what problems you have in your property:
Damp / mould
Heating/Gas Supply
Leaking roof /
leaking other
Water Supply
Structural problems
Please provide a brief description of the problem:
Electrical / Faulty
Rotting woodwork
Faulty facilities
Pest infestation
Other? Please specify:
If you need more space, please continue on a separate sheet.
Does your landlord know about these problems?
Yes No Have you informed your local council’s environmental health team about the problem?
Yes No Have they been to assess your property?
Yes No If you are a council or Housing Association tenant and have concerns about your home, please contact your
landlord in the first instance.
If you are seeking extra priority on your housing application due to disrepair, you will need to contact your
local Environmental Health team for an independent assessment. We need to receive a copy of their
report and the action taken against the landlord to fix the issue before we can make an assessment.
Working and employment
Please answer the following questions about your employment or any paid work. Please complete both
sections for the main applicant and your partner (if applicable).
Main Applicant
Are you in paid employment? Yes No Partner
Are you in paid employment? Yes No If yes, please complete the following questions for employed or self-employed work for you and your partner (if applicable)
What is your total annual income before tax?
What is your total annual income before tax?
What is your job title?
What is your job title?
How many hours are you contracted to work each
How many hours are you contracted to work each
Name and address of your employer / registered
Name and address of your employer / registered
Where do you geographically carry out your work,
if different to employer / business address?
Where do you geographically carry out your work,
if different to employer / business address?
What was your start date for this employment?
What was your start date for this employment?
/ Partner: Yes No Yes No Other income
Is there any other person on this application (e.g. children over age of 18) claiming benefits?
If yes, please specify:
Yes No Is there any other person on this application (e.g. children over age of 18) in paid employment?
If yes, please specify:
Yes No Yes No Do you consider yourself to be a keyworker?
Applicant: Yes No Government Benefits
Do you or your partner receive any Government benefits?
If yes, please confirm which benefits you receive and the weekly amount:
Attendance Allowance (AA)
Carer’s Allowance
Child Benefit
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or PIP
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
Housing Benefit
Income Support
Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
Pension Credits
Tax Credits - Working / Child etc
Universal Credit
Other? Please specify:
Is there any other income or capital that has not been declared on this form?
If yes, please specify type of income (e.g. private pension, trust fund, shares, investments etc) and the monthly value:
Do you, your partner or anyone else on this application have any savings?
If yes, please specify the total value of savings for each person:
Yes No Do you, your partner or anyone else on this application have any debt?
If yes, please state the approximate total value of debt and type (i.e. credit card/loan etc.):
Yes No 12
Receiving and giving support
Have you or anyone else on this application ever had a Children’s or Adults Social Care Assessment, an NHS
mental health or care assessment or any other support assessment (such as Drug and Alcohol etc)
Yes No If yes, who on this application received the assessment?:
Please provide the name, address and telephone number of the organisation/s and the name of your
personal care co-ordinator / support worker:
Do you or anyone else on this application need or already receive support for any of the following reasons?
You can tick more than one box
Mental health
Domestic violence
Learning disabilities
Physical disabilities or ill health
Sensory disabilities
Young person leaving care
Other, please specify:
Do you or anyone else on this application need or receive support from any of the following?:
Community Psychiatric Nurse
District Nurse / other home care / Health Visitor
Key Worker / Support Worker
Occupational Therapist
Probation Service
Resettlement or Tenancy Sustainment Officer
Social Worker
Other, please specify:
Giving support
Do you or anyone else on this application provide support to someone else?
Yes No If yes, please provide the name, address and relationship to the person who receives your support and the
reason you need to support them. Please provide supporting documentation and continue on a separate sheet if required.
Medical circumstances
Is your current accommodation directly affecting the health or mobility of you or anyone else on this
Yes No If yes, we will send you an ‘Additional Assessment Form’ which you will need to complete and return to
us. The information you give on this form will help an independent medical advisor to assess your priority
for housing based on your current accommodation.
There is no need to contact your doctor when completing the form although you can send us any
supporting documents from your GP, medical professional or hospital about the condition and treatment
received. You will need to complete a separate medical form for each person in your household whose
health is affected by your accommodation.
If you require more than one form, please tell us how many you need.
Do you or anyone else on this application have any mobility or sensory requirements?
If yes, please give details:
Does your current property have any adaptations to aid your disability?
If yes, please give details:
Yes No Yes No Please tick any of the following adaptations or facilities that you require in your future accommodation?:
Bathroom adaptations
Wet room / adapted
Ground floor
Kitchen adaptations
Level access
downstairs toilet
Other? Please specify:
Do you think that you would be able to stay in your current home if extra care and support were provided,
for example a home help, community alarm, specialist equipment or any adaptations?
Yes No Pets
Cats or dogs are not permitted on any City of London estate or property except assistance pets.
Please tell us if you have any assistance pets and how they assist you. (e.g.: guide dog etc.)
Is there anything else about your present accommodation or your circumstances that you wish to add or
that we should know?
If you need more space, please continue on a separate sheet.
Yes Do you require an interpreter?
If yes, which language?
No Do you have a friend or representative who can translate on your behalf? If yes, what is their name, relationship to
you and their telephone number?
The City of London has policies to ensure that everyone who applies for housing is provided with a service that is relevant to
their needs. To provide a housing service that is accessible to all applicants, the service must be monitored to ensure it is
provided fairly. By giving the following information, you will help us to make sure that these policies are working properly.
It is important that you complete this section but we realise that some people may be unwilling to do so, therefore this
information is optional. All lettings to council accommodation and nominations to Housing Associations from the housing
register will be made according to housing need, regardless of ethnic origin, marital status, race, gender or sexuality.
European EU
European other
Other White background, please specify:
Black British
Other, please specify:
Other Black background, please specify:
White & Black British
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Other mixed background, please specify:
Asian British
Other, please state:
Do you consider yourself disabled?
West Asian / Middle Eastern
If YES, please specify:
South East Asian
Other Asian background, please specify:
South American
Central American
Other ethnic group, please specify:
Please read the declaration below and then sign at the bottom.
If you do not sign and date this form we will return it to you and this will delay your application.
The details I have given on this form are correct & complete. I will inform City of London Housing Needs
Team if there are any changes to my household, medical condition, or housing situation and I understand
that any changes may affect my entitlement to housing. If my circumstances have changed and I am
offered a property, the offer may be withdrawn if my household or circumstances do not match the
information on this Housing Application.
This authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the
information you have provided on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share
this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these
purposes. For further information, search NFI at www.cityoflondon.gov.uk
I agree that you may undertake checks with other departments within the City of London and other public
and private sector organisations to assess my application.
I agree that the City of London can contact all the organisations where I have held previous council or
Housing Association tenancies as part of the assessment of my application for social housing.
I agree that any relevant information may be given to these organisations to help them consider my case.
I also agree that my file will be passed to these organisations if I am to be rehoused by them. I also
understand that references may be obtained from private sector landlords.
I agree that my information can be shared, with other people or organisations involved in my care or caring
role. I agree that any agency I have listed in the section relating to ‘Receiving and giving support’ may be
I understand that my application may be cancelled if I give false or misleading information, if I withhold
information or fail to tell you if my circumstances change.
If I am granted a tenancy as a result of my giving false or misleading information, or because of information
I have withheld, I understand that my tenancy may be terminated, I may have to pay a fine and I could face
prosecution action. I also agree that the details given on this form can be used in the decision about any
homeless application I may make under Part VII of the 1996 Housing Act.
I understand that it is an offence to knowingly make a false statement or withhold information.
The City of London fully endorses and adheres to the Principles of Data Protection, as enumerated in the
Data Protection Act 1998.
Applicant’s signature: ............................................................................Date:...............................................
Partner’s signature:................................................................................Date:...............................................
If this form has been completed by anyone other than the main applicant, please tell us who completed it and why
the applicant was not able to:
Thank you for completing this form. Once you have read and signed the declaration, please return the
form along with the necessary proof documents to:
Housing Needs Team, City of London, Barbican Estate Office, Lauderdale Place, London, EC2Y 8EN
Telephone: 0207 332 1237 / 3452 / 3141
Email: housing.advice@cityoflondon.gov.uk