COUNCIL AGENDA June 16, 2015 6:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION IV. ROLL CALL V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION VI. CONSENT AGENDA 317 South Washington Wellington, Kansas 67152 Reverend Don Bryant of First Christian Church Water Conservation Poster Contest Winners! A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Regular Session of June 2, 2015 2) Special Session of June 9, 2015 B. APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATIONS 1) Payroll Report for May 17 - 30, 2015 2) Claims Register for June 1 – 12, 2015 3) ACH Authorization Voucher #949 for BCBS for May 27 – June 2, 2015 4) ACH Authorization Voucher #950 for BCBS for June 3 - 9, 2015 C. COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1) Clerk’s Report for May 2015 2) Electric, Waterworks, Sewage Utility Operating Fund for May 2015 3) Building Demo Permit Report for May 2015 4) Police Activity Report for May 2015 5) Ambulance Monthly Financial Report for May 2015 6) Fire/EMS Activities/Overtime/Revenue Report for May 2015 7) Library Board Meeting Minutes for April 8, 2015 8) Memorial Auditorium Board Meeting Minutes for May 2, 2015 9) Combined Trade Board Meeting Minutes for June 4, 2015 10) Safety Information for June 2015 11) Weed Notices Published June 10, 2015 12) Street Closing Request- July 4th Block Party, 1400 Block N. Poplar 13) Street Closing Request- July 4th Block Party, 1300 Block N. Olive VII. REPORTS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL VIII. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICIAL 1) Kansas Star Scholarship Board- Memo from City Manager Eckert 2) Sale of Parcel, Settlers Creek Addition- Memo from City Manager Eckert 3) Verizon- Water Tower Lease Agreement- Memo from City Manager Eckert IX. PUBLIC HEARING 1) 611 West 13th 2) 613 West 12th X. XI. ORDINANCE RESOLUTIONS Note: Resolution No. 5691 was assigned to the resolution adopted at the June 9, 2015 Special Meeting, regarding authorization “to engage in negotiations with the Health Care Authority of the City of Wellington for the purpose of filing a lien pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)”. The next resolution adopted will be No. 5692. City Council Agenda – Page 2 June 16, 2015 Carl Myers/Mark Chesney, CEO/GM KPP - FINAL SUMMARY of ORGANIZATIONAL DOCUMENTS for the Kansas Power Pool 1) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY’S CONTINUED PARTICIPATION IN THE KANSAS POWER POOL (“KPP”), a MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY, BY APPROVING THE SECOND AMENDED OPERATING AGREEMENT 2) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO CONTINUE ITS PARTICIPATION IN THE KANSAS POWER POOL (“KPP”), a MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY BY EXECUTING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT CREATING THE KANSAS POWER POOL (“KPP”), A MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY 3) A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THE STRUCTURE/S LOCATED ON NORTHWEST ADD, S15, T32, R01W, BLOCK 13, Lot W65' 4 - 5, Wellington, Kansas, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 611 WEST 13th STREET IS/ARE UNSAFE OR DANGEROUS AND DIRECTING THE STRUCTURE/S TO BE MADE SAFE AND SECURE OR REMOVED 4) A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THE STRUCTURE/S LOCATED ON NORTHWEST ADD, S15, T32, R01W, BLOCK 12, Lot 6, Wellington, Kansas, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 613 West 12th STREET IS/ARE UNSAFE OR DANGEROUS AND DIRECTING THE STRUCTURE/S TO BE MADE SAFE AND SECURE OR REMOVED 5) (1222 N Jefferson) A RESOLUTION FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE AND PROVIDING NOTICE OF A HEARING BEFORE THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON, KANSAS, AT WHICH THE OWNERS, THEIR AGENTS, ANY LIENHOLDERS OF RECORD AND ANY OCCUPANTS OF THE BUILDINGS LOCATED BELOW MAY APPEAR AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH BUILDINGS SHOULD NOT BE CONDEMNED AND ORDERED DEMOLISHED. XII. STUDY ITEMS FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 07/07 07/07 07/07 07/07 07/21 TBD Ordinance- 2015 GO/Refunding Bond Issue Resolution- 2015 GO/Refunding Bond Issue Resolution to abate 712 West 3rd Resolution to abate 802 East 4th Resolution to abate 1222 N Jefferson Ordinance- Code Issue ADJOURN The Council of the City of Wellington, Kansas, met in Regular Session on June 2, 2015 at 6:30 p.m., in the City Council Room, City Administration Center, with Mayor Shelley Hansel presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Hansel. The Invocation was given by Reverend Don Bryant of First Christian Church. Council members Kip Etter, Kelly Green, Jan Korte, Jim Valentine and Vince Wetta were present at roll call. Members of the Staff present were Code Compliance Officer Aaron Norton, City Manager Roy Eckert, and City Clerk Shane J. Shields. Council member Korte asked to amend the agenda to move Resolution 1) to be considered after Resolution 7). Council member Green seconded. The motion carried. City Attorney Mike Brown entered the Council Chambers and was present for the remainder of the meeting. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Sumner Regional Medical Center CFO Sam Guild was present to provide a financial status update for SRMC. He explained that CEO Hernandez had a scheduling conflict and was unable to attend. Mr. Guild distributed a handout that compared 2013, 2014 and 2015 and said that the last month of financials showed SRMC lost money but only $500. He said that was the best month since he has been with SRMC. Mr. Guild pointed out the improvement over last year in cash flow. He also covered the last page of the handout, which was a list of things the hospital is doing to save money. Council member Wetta said he knows the hospital is doing what they can to save money, but the City is raising utility fees; and is talking about raising property taxes by five mills, due to spending down its reserves. He stated that the City baled the hospital out for about $1.2 million dollars last year and would not be able to do that again. Council member Wetta reported that he heard on the news that the State has a bill now to cut everything by 6%; cities, counties, hospitals, schools, everything. Council member Wetta said the people voted to raise the sales tax for the hospital. He asked if the sales tax money had come in yet. Mr. Guild replied no, that they expect to receive it by the end of June. He said the hospital normally receives about $50,000 so that amount would double due to the new sales tax percentage. Council member Wetta remarked that he has had a hard time deciding to raise Utilities fees by over 50% on the people in Wellington when the hospital is not paying its Utility bills. He asked Mr. Guild when the hospital would start paying its Utilities. Mr. Guild replied, not knowing what cash comes in the door it is hard to say. He said he does know that for the next few months the money would be tied up paying back taxes, but maybe around the September or August timeframe. Council member Wetta asked how far behind the hospital is on withholding taxes. Mr, Guild replied about $200,000. Council member Wetta asked if the Healthcare Authority Board members would be liable if the IRS comes calling. Mr. Guild replied that it depends on who you talk to. He added that the hospitals insurance carrier says the HCA members are covered but he has heard from Counsel and he does not believe that is the case. Council member Wetta commented that he has been hearing many different stories about what is and is not true and he is concerned. Council member Wetta stated that he wants a hospital here but also wants a City that is not bankrupt. He said with all that is going on at the State and City level, the City will be lucky to get through this. He thanked Mr. Guild for coming. Council member Valentine asked Mr. Guild if the hospital is making its payments to the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS). Mr. Guild replied that they are still behind but for the last few payrolls, the hospital has paid KPERS. He added that he thinks they owe for November and December 2014. Council member Etter asked Mr. Guild if he knew the amounts. Mr. Guild replied no but that he could get the figures. 1637 Wellington, Kansas, Jun e 2, 2015 Mayor Hansel thanked Mr. Guild for coming. CONSENT AGENDA Council member Korte moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Council member Green seconded. The motion carried. The following items were approved under the Consent Agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Regular Session of May 19, 2015 2) Work Session of May 27, 2015 APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATIONS 1) Payroll Report for April 19 – May 2, 2015 in the amount of $222,026.71 2) Claims Register for May 6 - 31, 2015 in the amount of $446,208.42 3) ACH Authorization Voucher #947 for BCBS for May 13 – 19, 2015 4) ACH Authorization Voucher #948 for BCBS for May 20 – 26, 2015 5) EFT for Airport Fuel for June 4, 2015 COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1) Local Retailer Sales Tax & Compensating Use Tax for April 2015 2) WRC Board Meeting Minutes for March 24, 2015 3) WRC Board Meeting Minutes for April 28, 2015 4) Housing Authority Meeting Minutes for April 28, 2015 5) Housing Authority Board Meeting Minutes for May 4, 2015 6) Housing Authority Board Special Public Meeting for May 7, 2015 7) Weed Violation Notices Sent Certified Mail & Published on May 13, May 20 & May 27, 2015 8) Street Closing Request, Security State Bank Wheat Run, July 11, 2015 9) Street Closing Request- REVISED, New & Vintage Treasure Show, June 20, 2015 10) Street Closings and Needs List for 2015 Kansas Wheat Festival, July 8 – 11, 2015 11) Correspondence from American Legion Post #90, re: Prairie Lawn Cemetery REPORTS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL Regarding the recent increases in the Utility rates, Council member Valentine spoke of Staff comparing Wellington’s Utility rates with some other cities and asked if anyone looked at a comparison of the average wages in the other cities, compared to Wellington. He used the example of how WalMart sets prices based on the average income in the community, which is why the Wellington WalMart may have lower prices than the Derby, Winfield, or Ark City WalMart. He said we cannot compare Wellington with other cities and believes if Staff would look into it, they would find the answer. City Attorney Brown said he believes that information would be included in the Census. Council member Green said although she understands what Council member Valentine is saying, it does not apply here because the City is not raising Utility rates to stay in line with other cities. She said the comparisons were given out just to show that Wellington is in the same ballpark, and the City is raising rates because it needs to raise rates to plan for the future and get back on top. Council member Green said she is going to do what is best for Wellington. Council member Etter reported that different cities have different agreements to obtain electric and water, and the rates the Council voted on is what it takes to provide those services. He too said he understood what Council member Valentine is thinking but we need to be conscious of what it costs the City to do business and base the rates on that and not on what someone else is doing. Mayor Hansel said she received a letter from a company called HomeServ, stating that they would be mailing a letter to people in the community regarding an offer for alternate coverage of water 1638 Wellington, Kansas, Jun e 2, 2015 service lines. She said if you are questioning the letter, she recommends taking it to your insurance provider to see if it is something you need. Mayor Hansel stated that HomeServ is in no way affiliated with the City. Mayor Hansel spoke about Sumner County Community Drug Action Team (SCCDAT) and said she wanted everyone to be aware and supportive of what SCCDAT is doing. She reported that SCCDAT does many good things to keep teens away from drinking and drugs. Mayor Hansel added that the SCCDAT group would be at the Wellington HEAT baseball team game tonight. Mayor Hansel encouraged all to support the baseball team too. Mayor Hansel said that she could not say enough about Prairie Lawn Cemetery and the Staff regarding the Memorial Day display and ceremony. She thanked Cemetery Foreman James Hearlson and Staff stating that the Cemetery looked awesome. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICIALS Appointment to fill Council Vacancy. City Clerk Shields explained that due to the resignation of John Tracy on May 11, 2015, a Council member vacancy exists. He said upon Mr. Tracy’s resignation, the procedure established by resolution for filling a vacancy in a Council member position was initiated. Public notice was made of a fifteen-day application period for the position. The application period closed on May 27, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. City Clerk Shields said that seven applications were received prior to the deadline. The applicants are Cindy J. Antonich, William G (Bill) Butts, Michael L. Cody, Kevin Ray Dodds, George Clifton Hitt, Eric Randal Page, and L. Kim Woodrow. City Clerk Shields said the Council reviewed the applications at a work session that was scheduled at the regular City Council meeting of May 19; and held on May 27, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. He noted that per the adopted procedure, at the first regular meeting of the governing body after review of the applications, the Mayor and City Council shall appoint an applicant to fill the vacant council member position for the balance of the unexpired term. In this case, the term would normally expire on April 18, 2017, but with the State Legislature action on elections may extend the time to the new November date. Council member Wetta moved to appoint Bill Butts. Council member Korte commented that in this Country, we have a representative form of Government and the Council is supposed to be a representative form of government also. She added that three people who ran in the prior election received votes, and to disregard candidates that were voted on by the people is a departure of the democratic process. She urged Council member Wetta to reconsider the nomination and consider one of the three candidates who received votes. Council member Green seconded Council member Wetta’s motion. She said she understands Council member Korte’s comment but policy says the Council is to choose the best candidate regardless of who ran in the election. Council member Korte said she would not vote. Council member Valentine concurred. Council member Etter stated that he agrees with the election process we have in America and he values the democracy we have. He commended the number of applicants and said this is not an easy decision, especially when you look at what the City is facing. Council member Valentine said he could not agree with Council member Korte more. He congratulated everyone who put their hat in the ring and the Council should listen to what the constituents say. Council member Valentine said there was one candidate present, who was the fifth highest vote getter in the last City election and he thinks that the five-hundred people who voted for her deserve her attention. Council member Wetta stated that the Council discussed all seven applicants at the May 27 work session, for over an hour and he made a motion for the person who he thought would do the best job. 1639 Wellington, Kansas, Jun e 2, 2015 Council member Valentine asked for a roll call vote. Those voting “AYE” were council members Etter, Green, and Wetta. Council member Korte abstained. Council member Valentine voted “NAY”. City Clerk Shields asked City Attorney Brown if there were any special circumstances that need to be observed in this situation. City Attorney Brown replied that there was not as a majority was reached. The motion carried. Mr. McAlister, 114 S Washington who was in the audience said he and his wife are two of the five hundred-twenty-six people who supported Cindy Antonich in the election. Mayor Hansel told Mr. McAlister that the City held a work session that was open to the public, to go over the applications. She said two of the seven applicants showed up at the meeting, Mr. Butts, and Eric Page. Mayor Hansel said Mr. Dodds had a baseball game but no one else contacted the Council or Staff. She said again that anyone could have attended the work session and expressed their feelings, but this is the process that the City has to follow. Council member Korte added that in a democratic process, the majority rules and she is sure that Mr. Butts will do a great job. She concurred that is the way the rule is stated, so the Council needs to change the rule if they want something different. Mayor Hansel thanked Council member Korte for understanding. She suggested reviewing the process if changes are needed. City Clerk Shields administered the Oath of Office as Council member to Mr. Butts. Mayor Hansel commented that it is unfortunate when not everybody agrees with the process, but like Council member Korte said, there is a way to change the process and that is to get involved. She congratulated Council member Butts. Chisholm Trail Inn. Mayor Hansel provided a brief update on the status of the Chisholm Trail Inn, which was another topic of discussion at the May 27 work session. She introduced Mr. Frank Johnson, owner of the Chisholm Trail Inn, who was present to request more time to get his property up to compliance with City Code. Mayor Hansel said the Governing Body requested at the work session that Mr. Johnson come back with certain documents. Mr. Johnson said he has a letter from Security State Bank saying that they are working on refinancing. He said he has another letter from the structural engineer stating that it does not seem to be a structural problem and it would probably take another two to three weeks for the drawings to be ready. Mr. Johnson explained that he could not get a bid from a contractor because they have to have the drawing to bid. He said they are at least thirty days out on anything. Council member Green asked to see the documents. Council member Wetta said the “working on refinancing” bothers him. He asked Mr. Johnson if he would show the documents to City Attorney Brown to decipher. Council member Wetta said at the work session, he requested a letter showing that financing was in place. Mr. Johnson said the bank said since the building is to be condemned it would have to be appraised and then refinanced. Council member Etter said that he and Council member Green were approached by Mr. Johnson and were the ones responsible for bringing the topic to the work session. He said his concern is that if the City pulls the Utilities, there would be an eyesore sitting on one of the City’s busiest streets. Council member Etter said Mr. Johnson needs to be very forthcoming and communicate openly with the City regarding the pending project. He said the City Code is very important and rules need to be followed, but the Council has the opportunity to look at different situations that could possibly result in a better outcome for the city. Council member Wetta asked about the thirty days Mr. Johnson mentioned. Mr. Johnson explained that the bank said it would take two to three weeks to set up the appraisal, which would have to be after the structural engineer comes out and does a drawing. Council member Wetta commented that Mr. Johnson was given ninety days already, and is now requesting thirty days more to get the financing. 1640 Wellington, Kansas, Jun e 2, 2015 Mr. Johnson said the process has already begun and he has to wait for the bank, the engineer, and the contractor. Council member Wetta asked Mr. Johnson how long the project would take to complete once started. Mr. Johnson said it should not take more than a couple of weeks. Council member Wetta confirmed that Mr. Johnson needed forty-five days. Mr. Johnson replied yes, to have the project complete. Council member Wetta said it bothers him that ninety days went by and at the last minute, Mr. Johnson asked for more time. Council member Green asked City Clerk Shields what should happen next. City Clerk Shields said that the Code Compliance Department deadline was last Friday. City Attorney Brown added that a motion needs to be made if the Council wishes to extend the time limit for another forty-five days. Council member Wetta asked Mr. Johnson to let the City know if Security State Bank does not supply the financing. There was further discussion regarding documents that would be required. Council member Etter moved to extend Mr. Johnson’s deadline to July 21, 2015. Council member Green seconded. The motion carried. There were no “NAY” votes. Mr. Johnson agreed to provide the Code Compliance office with weekly updates. PUBLIC HEARINGS 320 S. Olive. Mayor Hansel opened the public hearing for 320 S. Olive Street. There was no one present in the audience who wished to speak. Code Compliance Officer Norton said there has been no contact from the owners and no work has been done to the property. With no additional comments of questions, Mayor Hansel closed the public hearing. 405 East Harvey. Mayor Hansel opened the public hearing for 405 East Harvey. K. Kendrick Chapman, the property owner was present and said all his furniture was still in the house and he needs a place to live. Code Compliance Officer Norton explained to Mr. Chapman that he could take all his belongings with him. He confirmed that Mr. Chapman is now living at Cherished Friends. Mayor Hansel thanked Mr. Chapman for coming. With no additional comments of questions, Mayor Hansel closed the public hearing. ORDINANCES There were no ordinances included in the agenda. RESOLUTIONS A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY’S CONTINUED PARTICIPATION IN THE KANSAS POWER POOL (“KPP”), A MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY, BY APPROVING THE SECOND AMENDMENT OPERATING AGREEMENT was introduced. City Manager Eckert requested postponement until the next meeting. Council member Korte moved to table the resolution until the June 16, 2015 City Council meeting. Council member Wetta seconded. The motion carried. There were no “NAY” votes. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO CONTINUE ITS PARTICIPATION IN THE KANSAS POWER POOL (“KPP”), a MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY BY EXECUTING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT CREATING THE KANSAS POWER POOL (“KPP”), A MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY was introduced. City Manager Eckert requested postponement until the next meeting. Council member Korte moved to table the resolution until the June 16, 2015 City Council meeting. Council member Wetta seconded. The motion carried. There were no “NAY” votes. A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THE STRUCTURE/S LOCATED ON WOODS, P.A.-SUB OL 11-15 , BLOCK 4 , Lot OL 3 , SECTION 15 TOWNSHIP 32 RANGE 01W, Wellington, Kansas, 1641 Wellington, Kansas, Jun e 2, 2015 COMMONLY KNOWN AS 320 SOUTH OLIVE STREET IS/ARE UNSAFE OR DANGEROUS AND DIRECTING THE STRUCTURE/S TO BE MADE SAFE AND SECURE OR REMOVED was introduced and considered. Code Compliance Officer Norton reported that there has been no contact from the owners of record. He reminded the Council that the building is vacant and in disrepair. Code Compliance Officer Norton spoke of the health and safety problems with the property. Council member Etter suggested the Code Compliance Officers use social media to track down the owners, as he had done with an owner. Code Compliance Officer Norton replied that is something to consider. Council member Etter asked Mr. Norton if there had been any progress with contracting with a salvage company that would sell any items of value within a condemned structure, to reduce the costs of the demolition for the City. Mr. Norton said the Department has not reached the demolition process on any structures this year; so have not contacted any contractors that would be interested in such a task. He said as far as changing the way the City does something, City Attorney Brown would have to address that. City Attorney Brown and Council member Etter discussed whether any additional funds from the salvage of items of value would go to the owner or the property or would go to the City. Council member Etter again brought up a property that was torn down several years prior that had salvageable items of value. Council member Korte said she recalled the discussion when the “blue house” was torn down, the Council was told that the City could not sell any items (because the City never has possession of the property), but that the contractor could have, but chose not to. To clarify the issue regarding tracking down property owners, Mr. Norton explained that Staff follows the City Code (law) set by State Statute in the attempt to contact property owners/owners of record. Council member Etter moved to adopt the resolution as presented. Council member Green seconded. Upon roll call vote, those voting “AYE” were Council members Butts, Etter, Green, Korte, Valentine and Wetta. There were no “NAY” votes. Number 5686 was assigned to this resolution. A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THE STRUCTURE/S LOCATED ON WOODS, A.O. , BLOCK 1 , Lot 23 & 24 , SECTION 14 TOWNSHIP 32 RANGE 01W, Wellington, Kansas, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 405 EAST HARVEY AVENUE IS/ARE UNSAFE OR DANGEROUS AND DIRECTING THE STRUCTURE/S TO BE MADE SAFE AND SECURE OR REMOVED was introduced and considered. Mayor Hansel mentioned that this is Mr. Chapman’s property. Mr. Norton provided an update regarding the deteriorating condition of the property. Council member Korte said it breaks her heart that a man could be living in these conditions and wants to make sure he can get his possessions out. Mr. Norton said Mr. Chapman would have six to eight weeks to move his possessions out. After a brief discussion, Council member Green moved to adopt the resolution as presented. Council member Korte seconded. Upon roll call vote, those voting “AYE” were Council members Butts, Etter, Green, Korte, Valentine and Wetta. There were no “NAY” votes. Number 5687 was assigned to this resolution. A RESOLUTION FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE AND PROVIDING NOTICE OF A HEARING BEFORE THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON, KANSAS, AT WHICH THE OWNERS, THEIR AGENTS, ANY LIENHOLDERS OF RECORD AND ANY OCCUPANTS OF THE BUILDINGS LOCATED BELOW MAY APPEAR AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH BUILDINGS SHOULD NOT BE CONDEMNED AND ORDERED DEMOLISHED (712 West 3rd) was introduced and considered. Mr. Norton provided details of the property. He said the first letter 1642 Wellington, Kansas, Jun e 2, 2015 of Intent was sent to the owner on April 24, 2015. The owner contacted the Code Office, recognizing that the structure was dangerous and agreed it needed to be demolished. The owner said he did not have the means to demolish the property. Mr. Norton explained that due to the facts and photos (included in the agenda packet), Staff is recommending a public hearing be held on July 7, 2015. Council member Wetta moved to adopt the resolution as presented. Council member Korte seconded. Upon roll call vote, those voting “AYE” were Council members Butts, Etter, Green, Korte, Valentine and Wetta. There were no “NAY” votes. Number 5688 was assigned to this resolution. A RESOLUTION FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE AND PROVIDING NOTICE OF A HEARING BEFORE THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON, KANSAS, AT WHICH THE OWNERS, THEIR AGENTS, ANY LIENHOLDERS OF RECORD AND ANY OCCUPANTS OF THE BUILDINGS LOCATED BELOW MAY APPEAR AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH BUILDINGS SHOULD NOT BE CONDEMNED AND ORDERED DEMOLISHED (802 East 4th). Mr. Norton provided details of the property including delinquent property taxes. He said the owner contacted the Code Office to find out if the property was on the dangerous structure list. After the Code Compliance Office inspected the property with the owner, the owner signed a sixty-day abatement agreement and stated that he would raze the structures himself. The owner was contacted later to check on the progress and told the Code Compliance office that he did not have the means to demolish the property. After providing additional details regarding the continued deterioration of the property, Mr. Norton said Staff is recommending a public hearing be held on July 7, 2015. Council member Wetta moved to adopt the resolution as presented. Council member Etter seconded. Upon roll call vote, those voting “AYE” were Council members Butts, Etter, Green, Korte, Valentine and Wetta. There were no “NAY” votes. Number 5689 was assigned to this resolution. A RESOLUTION DECLARING IT ADVISABLE TO ISSUE GENERAL OBLIGATION ELECTRIC, WATERWORKS AND SEWAGE UTILITY SYSTEM REFUNDING BONDS OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON, KANSAS, IN AN AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED $5,790,000, TO REFUND THE CITY'S ELECTRIC, WATERWORKS AND SEWAGE UTILITY SYSTEM REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2006; AND PROVIDING FOR THE GIVING OF NOTICE OF SAID INTENTION OF THE CITY was introduced and considered. Mayor Hansel introduced Mr. Kevin Cowan of Gilmore & Bell, who was in attendance to do a presentation for a plan of finance for 2015 GO/Refunding Bonds. Mr. Cowan explained that this is a refinancing opportunity for the City to save approximately $486,000 over the life of the Bond (12 years). He reported that this is step one of the statutory process. He explained the requirements of the refinancing of the Bonds. Mr. Cowan said if everything goes as scheduled, the Bond sale would be in July with an early August closing. City Manager Eckert spoke very highly of the City’s Financial Advisor John Haas of Ranson Financial, and the Staff at Gilmore & Bell, a leading public finance law firm. Council member Wetta moved to adopt the resolution as presented. Council member Korte seconded. Upon roll call vote, those voting “AYE” were Council members Butts, Etter, Green, Korte, Valentine and Wetta. There were no “NAY” votes. Number 5690 was assigned to this resolution. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council member Korte moved to recess to executive session for consultation with an attorney on matters that would be deemed privileged in an attorney-client relationship for a period of time not to exceed ten minutes. She asked that the Mayor and Council remain, along with City Attorney Brown, City Manager Eckert, and City Clerk Shields. Council member Green seconded. The motion carried. The Council recessed to executive session at 8:01 p.m. The Council reconvened in open session at 8:05 p.m. with no action taken. 1643 Wellington, Kansas, Jun e 2, 2015 STUDY ITEMS There were no study items included in the agenda. City Manager Eckert reported that the Sumner County Historical and Genealogical Society delivered a large, framed photomontage (displayed temporarily in the Council chambers), that they would like hung in the Auditorium. He commented on the unique photos including a photo of a very large pair of shoes displayed in a shoe store in downtown Wellington in early 1900. City Clerk Shields recommended scheduling a work session to discuss the 2016 Budget. Council member Wetta commented that the Legislature is talking about a 6% cut and if they do that it would affect everyone, which would make things that much worse. After a brief discussion, the Council decided to hold a work session on June 23, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. A motion to adjourn was seconded and carried at 8:13 p.m. Approved and filed this 16th day of June 2015. ______________________________________ Mayor _________________________________ City Clerk 1644 The Council of the City of Wellington, Kansas, met in Special Session on June 9, 2015 at 9:00 a.m., in the City Council Room, City Administration Center, with Mayor Shelley Hansel presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Shelley Hansel. Council members Bill Butts, Kip Etter, Kelly Green, Jan Korte, and Vince Wetta were present at roll call. Council member Valentine was absent at roll call. Members of the Staff present were City Attorney Mike Brown, City Manager Roy Eckert, and Executive Assistant Tracy D. E. Thomas. Others present were Mr. Edward J. Nazar of Hinkle Law Firm of Wichita, Kansas, representing the City of Wellington. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council member Korte moved to enter into executive session for the purpose of consultation with an Attorney on matters that would be deemed privileged in an Attorney-Client relationship. She asked that the Mayor & Council remain, along with City Attorney Brown, City Manager Eckert, Mr. Nazar and Mrs. Thomas, for a time not to exceed forty-five minutes. Council member Green seconded. The motion carried. There were no “NAY” votes. The Council recessed into executive session at 9:05 a.m. The Council reconvened into open session at 9:50 a.m. Mayor Shelley Hansel advised that no binding action was taken. Council Member Etter moved to take a ten-minute break. Council member Wetta seconded with all in favor. The Council recessed into a break at 9:51 a.m. The Council reconvened into open session at 9:58 a.m. City Attorney Brown addressed the Council with a “Resolution that the City Manager and City Staff are authorized to engage in negotiations with the Health Care Authority of the City of Wellington for the purpose of filing a lien pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) in the amount of current indebtedness owed to the City and for any future advancements through December 31, 2015”. Council Member Korte moved to adopt the resolution as presented. Council Member Wetta seconded. Upon roll call vote, those voting “AYE” were Council members Butts, Etter, Green, Korte and Wetta. There were no “NAY” votes. Mayor Hansel advised that this action be taken in order to protect the City, the Hospital and our taxpayers. A motion to adjourn was seconded and carried at 10:01 a.m. Approved and filed this 16th day of June 2015. ______________________________________ Mayor _________________________________ Executive Assistant 1645 PAYROLL REPORT MAY 17, 2015 THRU MAY 30, 2015 June 5, 2015 . GROSS MAYOR/COUNCIL 001-901 DEPT. TOTAL $ MANAGER'S OFFICE 001-902 DEPT. TOTAL $ CLERK'S OFFICE 001-903 DEPT. TOTAL UTILITY OFFICE 001-904 CUSTODIAL YR-TO-DATE YR-TO-DATE GROSS OVERTIME $ - $ 4,250.00 $ - 7,060.04 $ - $ 81,038.01 $ - $ 9,534.61 $ - $ 115,813.33 $ 235.52 DEPT. TOTAL $ 6,201.29 $ 15.68 $ 74,609.50 $ 382.19 001-909 DEPT. TOTAL $ 903.20 $ - $ 10,842.63 $ 4.23 POLICE 001-911 DEPT. TOTAL $ 34,677.18 $ 1,006.86 $ 399,116.71 $ 6,641.90 FIRE 001-912 DEPT. TOTAL $ 43,485.24 $ 6,793.72 $ 506,339.27 $ 96,279.42 PARKS 001-915 DEPT. TOTAL $ 6,057.02 $ 202.87 $ 62,834.59 $ 1,037.36 STREET 001-918 DEPT. TOTAL $ 18,585.62 $ 1,009.77 $ 214,281.53 $ 10,376.81 CEMETERY 001-919 DEPT. TOTAL $ 4,191.12 $ 1,065.94 $ 29,616.11 $ 1,634.12 ENGINEERING 001-920 DEPT. TOTAL $ 6,540.49 $ 158.69 $ 86,877.30 $ 1,913.05 LEGAL / COUNSEL 001-921 DEPT. TOTAL $ 2,044.27 $ 101.04 $ 24,045.01 $ 726.25 LAKE 001-923 DEPT. TOTAL $ 7,143.25 $ 1,437.72 $ 46,344.30 $ 4,782.73 GOLF COURSE 402-916 DEPT. TOTAL $ 7,024.57 $ 534.98 $ 66,765.55 $ 3,890.41 ELECTRIC PRODUCTION 415-930 DEPT. TOTAL $ 17,927.62 $ 131.81 $ 211,567.85 $ 4,281.11 ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION 415-931 DEPT. TOTAL $ 21,539.98 $ 2,084.17 $ 279,905.96 $ 13,402.63 WATER PRODUCTION 415-932 DEPT. TOTAL $ 6,340.35 $ 688.39 $ 70,950.87 $ 4,218.33 WATER DISTRIBUTION 415-933 DEPT. TOTAL $ 8,002.91 $ 994.31 $ 96,271.03 $ 12,191.73 WASTEWATER TREATMT. 415-934 DEPT. TOTAL $ 8,482.55 $ 1,036.34 $ 93,624.55 $ 6,465.74 SANITATION 430-935 DEPT. TOTAL $ 9,630.45 $ 883.71 $ 111,755.92 $ 7,267.10 TRANSFER STATION 430-936 DEPT. TOTAL $ 3,074.49 $ 41.66 $ 31,053.71 $ 460.88 AIRPORT 441-941 DEPT. TOTAL $ 1,815.15 $ - $ 20,075.55 $ - SCCDAT GRANT 603-987 DEPT. TOTAL $ 1,821.88 $ - $ 23,734.38 $ - GRAND TOTAL - OVERTIME $ 232,083.28 $ 18,187.66 $ 2,661,713.66 $ 176,191.51 06-11-2015 04:08 PM C O U N C I L R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 DEPARTMENT FUND VENDOR NAME NON-DEPARTMENTAL GENERAL FUND TEMPORARY VENDO JESSE VELAZQUEZ HARTFORD LIFE/RETIREMENT PLAN KANSAS PAYMENT CENTER OFFICE OF CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT US BANK CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON LAURIE B. WILLIAMS, TRUSTEE DATE 6/08/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 PAGE: DESCRIPTION JESSE VELAZQUEZ:KPERS REFU RETIREMENT SAVINGS CHILD SUPPORT 257629023B KPERS 457 HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX TRANSFER WITHHOLDING FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KP&F CONTRIBUTION KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION KPERS T3 CONTRIBUTION OPTIONAL LIFE OPTIONAL LIFE P & F OPTIONAL LIFE SPOUSE TRANSFER STATE WITHHOLDING GARNISHMENT-INC. W/H TOTAL: 1 AMOUNT_ 72.95 295.80 195.58 208.62 666.00 4,715.00 14,402.20 8,776.09 2,052.46 4,990.52 3,118.68 676.73 171.74 194.06 109.06 27.81 4,534.63 316.15_ 45,524.08 MAYOR AND COUNCIL GENERAL FUND GOOGLE INC. SOUTHWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 6/12/15 GOOGLE APPS 6/12/15 COUNCIL NAME PLATE TOTAL: CITY MANAGER GENERAL FUND GOOGLE INC. LEAGUE OF KANSAS MUNICIPALITIES JASON NEWBERRY REGENT THEATRE AT&T WALMART COMMUNITY CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 GOOGLE APPS 2015 GOV.BODY HANDBOOK/FRT TUITION REIMB. REGENT THEATRE ADV. TELEPHONE BILL OFFICE FAN HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION TOTAL: 24.42 27.50 932.25 80.00 120.90 14.92 692.00 423.46 99.04 234.90 440.18_ 3,089.57 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 GOOGLE APPS BINDER TELEPHONE BILL TELEPHONE BILL ADVANCE INS - IN LIEU OF HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS RETIREE-EMPL CONTRI KPERS CONTRIBUTION TOTAL: 24.42 30.12 193.85 40.30 5.90 692.00 346.00 573.79 134.19 257.62 813.02_ 3,111.21 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 GOOGLE APPS VERSAPROBE EXT.WARRANTY BATTERY CHARGER-VERSAPROBE 3 MONTH MAINT. CHARGE TIRE RPR-/TX BX RECEIPT PRINTER RIBBONS CITY CLERK'S OFFICE UTILITY COLLECTION CITY OF WELLINGTON GENERAL FUND GOOGLE INC. SOUTHWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. AT&T CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON GENERAL FUND GOOGLE INC. NORTHROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMS CORP. ELECSYS INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION RAUSCH TIRE & EQUIPMENT SOUTHWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 43.96 9.80_ 53.76 14.65 602.00 125.88 670.50 12.49 27.94 06-11-2015 04:08 PM DEPARTMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GENERAL SERVICES JANITORIAL POLICE C O U N C I L FUND R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 VENDOR NAME AT&T WALMART COMMUNITY CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GOOGLE INC. AMOUNT_ TELEPHONE BILL FAN MATS FOR PICKUP 2 PRUNERS-METER READERS POSTAGE HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION TOTAL: 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 2 REAMS LEGAL PAPER GAS BILL RADIO SPOTS-MAY 15 GRAD ANNOUNCEMENTS GRAD ANNOUNCEMENTS WINDSHIELD WASH TOTAL: 17.98 44.60 75.00 35.00 35.00 3.96_ 211.54 CITY OF WELLINGTON WHEAT COUNTRY CAR WASH 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/12/15 GOOGLE APPS 30 4' T8 LAMPS 54 -4' T8 BALLASTS/LAMPS MULCH WALL SHIELD LT BULBS/VELCRO LT BULBS BR30 MEASURING CUP TRASH BASKET PLATES/SPOONS BATTERIES/MISC ICE TEA MAKER SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION RAGS WASHED TOTAL: TEMPORARY VENDO SCHENCK SHOOTING SCHOO ARMSCOR CARTRIDGE INCORPORATED BAYSINGER POLICE SUPPLY BOXMAN LAWN SERVICE LLC CHEW PLUMBING & HEATING, DIRKS COPY PRODUCTS, INC. GALLS, LLC GOOGLE INC. HUMMINGBIRD PRINTING KANSAS GAS SERVICE KANSAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY MARV'S METAL SHOP MASSCO, INC. O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/11/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 SCHENCK SHOOTING SCHOOL:TR AMMUNITION-3000 RDS BODY ARMOR/ VEST CARRIER 2 LAWN MOWING-PD RPR SINK/TOILET IN CELL #4 4 COLORED CODED LABELS 2 POLOS/EMBROIDERY-MEYER/F GOOGLE APPS ANIMAL CONTROL TRAP FORMS GAS BILL T/P TOLL CHARGES RPR/WELD TARGET SYSTEM ARM PAPER TOWELS CAR WASH BRUSH/GL CAR WASH GALAXIE BUSINESS EQUIPMENT KANSAS GAS SERVICE KLEY-AM/KKLE-AM/KWME-FM GOOGLE INC. KRIZ-DAVIS COMPANY CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON 6/12/15 GOOGLE APPS 40.30 14.92 19.76 23.90 1,243.21 1,730.00 363.09 84.91 431.68 208.92_ 5,614.15 4.88_ 4.88 MILL CREEK LUMBER OF KANSAS INC. WALMART COMMUNITY GENERAL FUND 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 DESCRIPTION 2 TOTAL: WALMART COMMUNITY GENERAL FUND DATE PAGE: 4.88 76.03 369.63 10.47 2.97 17.85 10.88 3.00 15.77 19.49 6.97 17.88 346.00 56.00 13.10 93.30 12.00_ 1,076.22 62.50 676.00 600.00 70.00 138.86 15.28 95.42 92.82 110.00 71.88 18.85 35.00 23.95 18.88 06-11-2015 04:08 PM DEPARTMENT FIRE AUDITORIUM PARKS C O U N C I L FUND R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 VENDOR NAME CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY-GAS DIVISION, AT&T TLO LLC WALMART COMMUNITY WELLINGTON ANIMAL CLINIC CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON GENERAL FUND GOOGLE INC. HUMMINGBIRD PRINTING KANSAS GAS SERVICE MASSCO, INC. CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY-GAS DIVISION, JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL AT&T WALMART COMMUNITY CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON GENERAL FUND KANSAS GAS SERVICE AT&T DATE PAGE: DESCRIPTION AMOUNT_ 6/11/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 BULK TRANSPORT GAS SERVICE TELEPHONE BILL TELEPHONE BILL TELEPHONE BILL RECORD CK/PERSON SEARCH CLOTHING MATERIAL CASE 15NEENAH BRIGHT WHITE AVERY BUS. CARDS 4 PK JERSEY GLOVES-HS SERV ANIMAL BOARD/CARE MAY 15 ADVANCE INS - IN LIEU OF HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KP&F CONTRIBUTION KPERS CONTRIBUTION TOTAL: 104.49 75.50 21.32 298.48 3.25 20.54 3.97 8.88 17.00 1,030.00 2.95 3,460.00 2,422.00 2,071.97 484.58 7,416.55 423.25_ 19,894.17 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/11/15 6/12/15 6/11/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 GOOGLE APPS CITY MANAGER ADM SIGN GAS BILL PAPER TOWELS BULK TRANSPORT GAS SERVICE PLIER WD-40 HYDRANT PAINT TOGGLE SWITCH HYDRANT PAINT/BRUSHES BUNGEY FLAT HYDRANT PAINT TELEPHONE BILL TELEPHONE BILL TELEPHONE BILL FLOOR CLEANER LIQUID PLUMBER LAUNDRY SOAP/WATER BUSINESS CARDS PANTS-HAY RAID BUG KILLER 2 PANTS-HAY HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KP&F CONTRIBUTION KPERS CONTRIBUTION TOTAL: 48.85 18.00 133.50 23.95 194.05 23.99 15.58 68.77 7.99 97.01 2.49 31.74 75.50 21.32 170.56 9.74 3.48 28.44 3.47 47.86 10.54 47.86 3,806.00 2,768.00 2,617.63 612.19 9,621.00 127.60_ 20,637.11 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 GAS BILL GAS BILL TELEPHONE BILL TELEPHONE BILL TOTAL: GENERAL FUND AAA PORTABLE SERVICES, LLC 3 6/12/15 PORTABLE RR RENTAL-SKATE P 29.64 80.61 37.75 42.64_ 190.64 85.00 06-11-2015 04:08 PM DEPARTMENT SWIMMING POOL STREETS C O U N C I L FUND R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 VENDOR NAME BRAD EWING MOBILE DJ EVERGREEN RECYCLE LLC FASTENAL GOOGLE INC. KANSAS GAS SERVICE DENNY LEAK MASSCO, INC. MAXIMUM OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT & SERVICE IN JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL AT&T MILL CREEK LUMBER OF KANSAS INC. CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON UNIFIRST CORPORATION GENERAL FUND THE HARDWARE STORE INC. JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL WICHITA WINWATER WORKS CO INC. GENERAL FUND AUTOMART OF WELLINGTON EMERGENCY FIRE EQUIPMENT GOOGLE KANSAS KANSAS NEWMAN INC. GAS SERVICE TURNPIKE AUTHORITY TRAFFIC SIGNS, INC O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL RAUSCH TIRE & EQUIPMENT DATE PAGE: DESCRIPTION 4 AMOUNT_ 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/10/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 HIBBS HOOTEN SOUND SYSTEM HIBBS HOOTEN SOUND SYSTEM 12 CY MULCH-DOWNTOWN EXT. BIT / AUGER BIT GOOGLE APPS GAS BILL 1110 W. 4TH CARVED WOOD GOLDEN RETRIEV CS TRASH CAN LINERS MOWER BLADES EDGER BLADES/TRIMMER LINE FLASHLIGHT/COUPLING TELEPHONE BILL SLIP JOINT COUPLING/BRASS FITTINGS REDUCING ADAPTER ROLLER COVERS/DRYLOCK PLUG HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T3 CONTRIBUTION UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM RENTAL TOTAL: 150.00 450.00 280.80 118.29 4.88 66.36 650.00 34.82 98.88 39.11 36.95 40.30 4.59 44.98 2.19 81.98 346.00 692.00 368.40 86.15 355.80 107.43 16.03 16.03_ 4,176.97 6/12/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/12/15 GL MURATIC ACID-PARK COPPER SLEEVE GREASE FITTING MURIATIC ACID 8 PATIO BLOCKS CABLE FERRULES/WIRE THIMBL WAFER VALVE-TOT POOL TOTAL: 13.99 1.49 7.69 39.95 11.92 6.79 1,437.00_ 1,518.83 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/10/15 6/12/15 RATCHET SET/FRT BRAKE PLIERS TOGGLE SWITCH #12 2 HANDLELOCKS FIRE HOSE CUT/COUPLE FIRE HOSE ADAPTERS GOOGLE APPS GAS BILL T/P TOLL CHARGES 12 NO U TURN SIGNS/FRT 2 BUMP SIGNS/FRT-USD 353 R FILTERS=#98 BRAKE SHOES/CYL/U-JOINTS/M 12 BRAKE CLNR 2 BRAKE DRUMS BRAKE ADJ KITS #12 RETURN BRAKE ADJ KITS #12 TRANS.FLUID/SEAL/KIT/FILTE NUTS/BOLTS/WASHERS 2 DYNATRAK TIRES #112 MOUN 145.95 17.22 3.99 73.90 119.50 35.00 76.50 14.65 30.87 6.07 285.34 67.71 8.69 83.41 23.88 85.94 24.51 22.6293.75 2.69 704.90 06-11-2015 04:08 PM DEPARTMENT CEMETERY ENG,PLANNING,INSPECT C O U N C I L FUND R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 VENDOR NAME AT&T MILL CREEK LUMBER OF KANSAS INC. CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON UNIFIRST CORPORATION WHITE STAR MACHINERY & SUPPLY GENERAL FUND TEMPORARY VENDO MRS.R.B.EGGLESTON CHENEY DOOR COMPANY GOOGLE INC. KANSAS GAS SERVICE MASSCO, INC. RAUSCH TIRE & EQUIPMENT AT&T MILL CREEK LUMBER OF KANSAS INC. CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON UNIFIRST CORPORATION GENERAL FUND TEMPORARY VENDO NORTHERN PIPELINE CONS GOOGLE INC. SOUTHWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. AT&T THE WELLINGTON DAILY NEWS CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON WHEAT COUNTRY CAR WASH DATE PAGE: DESCRIPTION 5 AMOUNT_ 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 TELEPHONE BILL 2 QUIKRETE 3 QUIKRETE GRAY CONC. SEALER CLEAR SILCONE SEALANT 3 QUIKRETE LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM RENTAL FILTERS TOTAL: 118.75 8.58 12.87 5.99 4.79 12.87 23.65 16.40 16.41 3,114.00 346.00 1,095.28 256.15 1,718.21 95.86 72.41 70.86 59.72_ 8,930.65 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 MRS.R.B.EGGLESTON:CEM.LOTS REPLC GARAGE DOOR-TRACTOR GOOGLE APPS GAS BILL PPR TOWELS/TOILET PAPER TIRE RPR-GATOR TELEPHONE BILL STORAGE HOOK ROTARY FILE HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM RENTAL TOTAL: 360.00 510.00 4.88 34.56 58.58 11.50 40.30 4.29 5.69 346.00 346.00 252.72 59.10 202.95 140.18 12.86 12.86_ 2,402.47 6/11/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/12/15 NORTHERN PIPELINE CONST:PE GOOGLE APPS STAMP-RICHARD JACK TELEPHONE BILL WEED NOTICES DEMO NOTICES ZONING NOTICE HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION KPERS T3 CONTRIBUTION CAR WASH TOKENS TOTAL: 20.00 14.65 22.50 80.60 224.94 857.16 18.00 346.00 1,038.00 398.38 93.17 335.00 152.38 188.25 40.00_ 3,829.03 06-11-2015 04:08 PM C O U N C I L R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 DEPARTMENT FUND VENDOR NAME LEGAL/COURT GENERAL FUND ADDICTION SERVICES GOOGLE INC. SOUTHWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. AT&T CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON LAKE RECREATION CITY OF WELLINGTON GENERAL FUND TEMPORARY VENDO PATRICIA WEBBER AUTOMART OF WELLINGTON CARROLL GLASS COMPANY COUNTRYSIDE MOTORS, L.L.C GOOGLE INC. HAMPEL OIL KANOKLA TELEPHONE MASSCO, INC. O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL SERVICE PLUS SOUTHWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. SUMNER COUNTY NOXIOUS MILL CREEK LUMBER OF KANSAS INC. WALMART COMMUNITY CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON WICHITA TRACTOR CO. DATE PAGE: 6 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT_ 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 COURT ORDERED EVAL. GOOGLE APPS MANILA FOLDERS TELEPHONE BILL HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION TOTAL: 150.00 9.77 9.00 40.30 346.00 126.75 29.64 170.54_ 882.00 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/12/15 PATRICIA WEBBER:REFUND CAM BATTERY-TRK 150 TERMINAL CLNR-TRK 150 SCREEN DOOR-W. RR BLADE BOLTS/THROTTLE CABLE GOOGLE APPS 297 GL UNLEADED FUEL-LAKE TELEPHONE BILL TELEPHONE BILL WORK GLOVES TOILET PAPER OIL-LAKE TRKS GAS TREATMENT SP;PLUGS/WIRES/DIST CAP DRILL BITS/PIPE WRENCH/HEX GARDEN HOSES/HINGES/LOPPER CHAIR-TOURNEYPRIZE BLADES/SPINDLE-JD1445 MWR PLIERS/HOLSTERS/DRILL TIPS PAINT-TRK #66 CANISTER-DODGE TRK RPR TIRE-HUSTLER MOWER CREDIT DATE STAMP WEED/BRUSH KILLER QUIKRETE LUMBER-PICNIC TABLES HOSE/NOZZLE-WATERING TREES HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION BLADES-RHINO MWR TOTAL: 126.00 84.47 6.69 315.00 81.43 4.88 733.44 41.41 41.41 137.98 36.33 57.48 11.99 116.72 122.04 195.44 29.99 513.94 59.71 30.99 143.01 25.21 70.60423.75 25.74 224.99 32.82 692.00 346.00 428.62 100.24 463.09 127.60 286.68_ 5,996.49 NON-DEPARTMENTAL GENERAL FUND DARK OIL COMPANY, INC. HAMPEL OIL WALMART COMMUNITY 6/08/15 CREDIT TAX PAID 6/08/15 304 GL UNLEADED PARK/GOLF 6/08/15 CREAMER FOR COFFEE TOTAL: 24.69750.73 9.46_ 735.50 GENERAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFIT C GRENE VISION GROUP LLC 6/11/15 EMPLOYEE EYE CARE 6/11/15 EMPLOYEE EYE CARE 6/11/15 CONTRACT SERVICES JUN-AUG TOTAL: 878.43 460.25 892.80_ 2,231.48 NEW DIRECTIONS BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 06-11-2015 04:08 PM C O U N C I L R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 FUND INVALID DEPARTMENT TOURISM & CONVENTI THE WELLINGTON DAILY NEWS 6/12/15 SUMNER CO GUIDE & INTERNET TOTAL: 650.00_ 650.00 PROPERTY CONDEMNATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMEN SECURITY 1ST TITLE LLC 6/12/15 O & E REPORT-1222 N. JEFFE TOTAL: 100.00_ 100.00 INVALID DEPARTMENT SHORT 2ND ADDITION MIES CONSTRUCTION INC 6/12/15 SHORT 2ND ADD.SEWER/WATERL TOTAL: 68,652.46_ 68,652.46 NON-DEPARTMENTAL GOLF COURSE 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 RETIREMENT SAVINGS KPERS 457 HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX TRANSFER WITHHOLDING FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION OPTIONAL LIFE TRANSFER STATE WITHHOLDING TOTAL: 60.00 175.00 115.00 626.51 428.38 100.19 209.76 107.84 3.10 185.40_ 2,011.18 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 GOOGLE APPS HUSTLER MOWER/SCALP GUARD MARKING PAINTS/WAND GAS BILL GAS BILL-1112 W 4TH HYD. FILTER BEARING KIT/ROLLER/SLEEVES 20 EZGO GRAKE DRUMS 10 GOLF CART RENTALS LIQ.DRUM PUMP MOBIL OIL 15W50 SALES TAX CREDIT CREDIT SALES TAX MISC HARDWARE RAIN GAUGE ACETONE MISC HARDWARE EAR PROTECTION/BATT/BLOWER HOSE CLAMPS BATTERIES/GLOVES MISC HARDWARE BUSH HOG HARDWARE MISC FOR BRIDGES THREAD LOCKER-SAND PRO MISC HARDWARE MISC HARDWARE -SAND PRO HOSE-GOLF CART WASH PAD BATT/HEADPHONES POS SOFTWARE/SUPPORT TELEPHONE BILL OIL SWITCH/FRT SPRING DAMPER KEYS/KEY RING FLEX/AIR FILTERS TISSUE/LYSOL/XTRA/DAWN 9.77 20,203.70 327.85 36.79 39.01 161.34 561.83 986.79 450.00 38.67 202.87 16.153.0821.18 5.97 7.49 1.52 259.26 28.40 29.27 3.84 18.77 16.02 4.99 5.39 5.68 18.99 57.28 299.00 124.90 34.29 298.01 29.00 12.83 76.11 HARTFORD LIFE/RETIREMENT PLAN US BANK CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON GOLF COURSE GOOGLE INC. HUSTLER TURF EQUIPMENT, INC. JESCO PRODUCTS, INC. KANSAS GAS SERVICE KANSAS GOLF & TURF NIVEL PARTS & MFG CO., LLC ORNAMENTAL GOLF PRODUCTS, LLC PARKER OIL CO., INC. JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL CLUB PROPHET SYSTEMS AT&T PROFESSIONAL TURF PRODUCTS, LP VINCE ERWIN GLASS INC. WALMART COMMUNITY DATE DESCRIPTION 7 DEPARTMENT GOLF VENDOR NAME PAGE: AMOUNT_ 06-11-2015 04:08 PM DEPARTMENT NON-DEPARTMENTAL ELECTRIC PRODUCTION C O U N C I L FUND R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 VENDOR NAME CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON UNIFIRST CORPORATION WINFIELD SOLUTIONS, LLC ELEC-WATER.-WWTP HARTFORD LIFE/RETIREMENT PLAN KANSAS PAYMENT CENTER US BANK CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON LAURIE B. WILLIAMS, TRUSTEE ELEC-WATER.-WWTP GOOGLE INC. GRAINGER HAMPEL OIL KANSAS GAS SERVICE KANSAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY KRIZ-DAVIS COMPANY O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL DATE PAGE: DESCRIPTION 8 AMOUNT_ 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION DISPENSER SERVICE DISPENSER SERVICE DISPENSER SERVICE BENSUMEC EMERALD 10X.49LB BAG CHIPCO PROXY DACONL SECURE DOCKET/PN18-4-18 INSECTICIDE PK PLUS/SILICONE KAL/GARY' PN 24-0-8 PN 24-0-8 TOPAZ FUNGICIDE T-METHYL EC AWARD EC AWARD AQUIFLO/CONFRONT/FAST BRK TOTAL: 346.00 692.00 428.38 100.19 361.13 185.67 27.00 27.00 27.00 1,925.00 435.12 420.00 1,061.00 748.75 927.50 2,230.00 1,064.00 2,128.00 720.00 875.00 2,092.00 1,046.00 1,087.60_ 43,311.92 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 RETIREMENT SAVINGS CHILD SUPPORT KPERS 457 HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX TRANSFER WITHHOLDING FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION OPTIONAL LIFE OPTIONAL LIFE SPOUSE TRANSFER STATE WITHHOLDING GARNISHMENT-INC. W/H TOTAL: 131.00 186.98 410.00 2,070.00 5,350.78 3,733.01 873.06 2,953.79 739.01 80.24 6.60 1,874.67 176.77_ 18,585.91 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/11/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 GOOGLE APPS CONDUIT/SUPPLIES-BATT.BANK MISC.CONNECTORS./TX-BAT.BA STEAM TURBINE OIL/TX-55 GL TEMP.FUEL SURCHARGE GAS TRANSPORT STEAM PLANT T/P TOLL CHARGES 6-1"LB BUSHING/4"COVER/TX 3-1" SWEEP 90/TX 2-1" SLB/FRT/TX SP. PLUG/AIR FILTER 2 CLEVIS PIN SPRAY PAINT/STEEL WELD ANG SPRAY PAINT RECEPT.50A 250V RECEPT BOX/24" BROOM 24.42 44.54 45.70 914.38 7.61 736.20 1.88 36.25 16.92 51.40 5.08 27.98 44.97 5.29 11.79 26.38 06-11-2015 04:08 PM DEPARTMENT ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION WATER PRODUCTION C O U N C I L FUND R E P O R T VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 2 PIPE NIPPLES JD MOWER SUPPLIES 4 HOSE CLAMPS RPLC SPOUT KIT=-GAS AMINE 400/GLYPHOSATE FLAP DISC/ANGLE GRINDER PLUG 2" RECIP BLADES TELEPHONE BILL CLOROX WIPES/TX DISTILLED WATER/TX RAINWEAR/TX HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION UNIFORM RENTAL/TX UNIFORM RENTAL/TX SQ.TUBE GAUGE TOTAL: WHEATLAND SERVICES 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/10/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 LAPTOP MOUNTS-TRK 154 R.O.W.CLEARANCE R.O.W.CLEARANCE R.O.W.CLEARANCE GOOGLE APPS BATTERY CHARGER GAS BILL GAS BILL LOCATE FEES T/P TOLL CHARGES 250' - 1/2" FLEX/CONNECTOR 12 SPLICE BOX COVERS/TX 12 SPLICE BOX.TX BALLAST/TX 2-13W LAMPS/TX TELEPHONE BILL REEL 2/0 TRIPLEX/TX 4-16S METERS/40 CL200 2S M ELECTRIC BILL-DUKE SUBSTAT HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION UNIFORM RENTAL/TX UNIFORM RENTAL/TX COPIER/PRINTER MAINT. TOTAL: AMERICAN FENCE CO. AUTOMART OF WELLINGTON FARMERS CO-OP GRAIN ASSOC 6/12/15 RPR AUTOMATIC GATE OPENER 6/12/15 PLUMBING PARTS-AIR COMPR 6/12/15 PLUMBING PARTS=AIR COMPR CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON UNIFIRST CORPORATION WINFIELD IRON & METAL INC. ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC. DAVIS TREE SERVICE GOOGLE INC. GRAINGER KANSAS GAS SERVICE KANSAS ONE-CALL SYSTEM, KANSAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY KRIZ-DAVIS COMPANY AT&T STANION WHOLESALE SUMNER COWLEY ELECTRIC CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON UNIFIRST CORPORATION ELEC-WATER.-WWTP DATE PAGE: 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 AT&T WALMART COMMUNITY ELEC-WATER.-WWTP 6/1 - 6/12/2015 9 AMOUNT_ 3.98 104.15 5.16 9.99 93.98 39.95 5.79 43.17 231.60 4.04 14.34 32.29 2,768.00 692.00 1,060.78 248.08 1,648.34 150.42 149.21 142.68 35.52_ 9,484.26 445.47 2,890.80 2,890.80 2,890.80 34.20 322.88 55.68 40.43 38.00 1.88 342.98 971.14 1,760.13 24.72 54.22 118.35 1,890.51 3,281.23 45.32 1,730.00 1,730.00 1,299.82 304.00 1,701.76 523.32 211.24 199.46 37.84_ 25,836.98 418.45 58.02 27.83 06-11-2015 04:08 PM DEPARTMENT WATER DISTRIBUTION WASTEWATER TREATMENT C O U N C I L FUND R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 VENDOR NAME GOOGLE INC. THE HARDWARE STORE INC. KANOKLA TELEPHONE HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL MILL CREEK LUMBER OF KANSAS INC. WALMART COMMUNITY CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON UNIFIRST CORPORATION ELEC-WATER.-WWTP GOOGLE INC. KANSAS GAS SERVICE KANSAS ONE-CALL SYSTEM, HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. AT&T CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON ELEC-WATER.-WWTP ACCURATE ENVIRONMENTAL LLC AIR-O-LATOR CORPORATION COUNTRYSIDE MOTORS, L.L.C FORT BEND SERVICES, INC. 4 STATE MAINTENANCE SUPPLY GOOGLE INC. KANSAS GAS SERVICE KANSAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY KRIZ-DAVIS COMPANY O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. DATE PAGE: DESCRIPTION 10 AMOUNT_ 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/12/15 GOOGLE APPS AIR COMP.PLUMBING-WTR.PRD. AIR COMPR.PLUMBING-WTR.PRD TELEPHONE BILL PIPE-LINE INSIDE WTR PLANT RPR METERS-WELLS AIR COMPR PLUMBING PARTS NUTS/BOLTS/WASHERS-WATER L TRANSFER PUMP-CHEM/SUPER G 50 ' EXT. CORD TRANSFER PUMP-AMMONIA AIR COMPR PLUMBING PARTS BRUSHES/PAINT-TRLR/AAA BAT NEW SAFETY CHAIN/LIGHTS-TR AIR COMPR PLUMBING PARTS AIR COMPR PLUMBING PARTS CR AIR COMPR PLUMBING PART AIR COMPR PLUMBING PARTS CR AIR COMPR PLUMBING PART LABEL MAKER/REFILL TAPE/FO HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION UNIFORM RENTAL TOTAL: 9.78 19.76 24.67 45.41 2,069.42 4,202.82 15.28 102.39 175.78 39.99 181.99 61.82 28.13 35.52 70.00 78.72 0.047.78 14.7830.97 1,038.00 346.00 371.71 86.95 540.15 114.81 13.71_ 10,201.04 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 GOOGLE APPS GAS BILL LOCATE FEES CLAMPS/POLY/COPPER/M.TILES TELEPHONE BILL HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION TOTAL: 9.78 59.27 74.00 1,085.10 78.05 346.00 1,384.00 489.05 114.37 585.40 241.30_ 4,466.32 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 TEST SAMPLE-ELKHORN TEST SAMPLE-ELKHORN RPLC BIO-TANK HEADS-GEARS RPLC BIO-TANK HEADS-GEARS FILTER-2009 CHEV 4 - BARRELS POLYMER PAPER TOWELS GOOGLE APPS GAS BILL T/P TOLL CHARGES 2 KEY PADS/FRT KEY PADS/FRT COPPER PLUGS/LACQ THINNER ADHESIVE-MIXERS 66.00 66.00 5,390.00 5,390.00 40.20 2,664.00 38.46 9.78 66.59 15.91 199.03 102.96 29.32 7.99 06-11-2015 04:08 PM DEPARTMENT C O U N C I L FUND R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 VENDOR NAME JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL RAUSCH TIRE & EQUIPMENT AT&T VINCE ERWIN GLASS INC. WALMART COMMUNITY CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON UNIFIRST CORPORATION NON-DEPARTMENTAL ELECT ELEC-WATER.-WWTP NON-DEPARTMENTAL WATER ELEC-WATER.-WWTP HAMPEL OIL THE WELLINGTON DAILY NEWS DATE 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 PAGE: DESCRIPTION 11 AMOUNT_ CREDIT TAX 3" PVC MALE ADAPTER SPRAYER TIP 6 ECHO OIL GAS TREATMENT SPRAYER TIP HOSE RUBBER WASHERS MOUSE TRAPS/CAULKING/BATT. TIRE RPR-SKID LDR TELEPHONE BILL CHIP RPR WEED KILLER/HOSE CLEANING SUPPLIES HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM RENTAL TOTAL: 6/08/15 2000 GL DIESEL 6/08/15 4086 GL UNLEADED 11.234.79 6.69 10.14 6.69 2.09 17.96 22.50 118.35 30.00 92.84 51.01 1,038.00 692.00 511.65 119.66 609.82 242.45 44.45 44.45_ 17,740.55 TOTAL: 4,906.00 10,090.38_ 14,996.38 6/12/15 WATER RATE INCREASE 6/12/15 SEWER RATE INCREASE TOTAL: 117.00 108.00_ 225.00 WATER PRODUCTION MULTI-YR CPTL. IMP GROUND WATER ASSOCIATES, INC. 6/12/15 GEOLOGIST FEES-WATER WELLS TOTAL: NON-DEPARTMENTAL SANITATION LANDFIL ARNOLD SCOTT HARRIS, P.C. KANSAS PAYMENT CENTER CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 CASE NO. 2014ST64 - RHODD CHILD SUPPORT HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX TRANSFER WITHHOLDING FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION KPERS T3 CONTRIBUTION OPTIONAL LIFE TRANSFER STATE WITHHOLDING TOTAL: 325.83 151.38 230.00 1,174.39 773.45 180.89 286.86 246.80 197.45 6.10 345.70_ 3,918.85 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/10/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 PORTABLE RR RENTAL-COMPOST RECYCLE CENTER KEY GOOGLE APPS GAS BILL-RECYCLE CENTER CLAMPS/ELBOW/COOLANT #96 6 CS WATER CARRIER BEARINGS/FRT/NO TA CREDIT CARRIER BEARING CARRIER BEARING TELEPHONE BILL 85.00 10.00 9.78 33.54 114.94 20.94 193.34 88.9288.92 43.30 SANITATION COLLECTION CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON SANITATION LANDFIL AAA PORTABLE SERVICES, LLC CARROLL GLASS COMPANY GOOGLE INC. KANSAS GAS SERVICE TRUCK CENTER COMPANIES JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL SUMMIT TRUCK GROUP OF WICHITA AT&T 16,530.91_ 16,530.91 06-11-2015 04:08 PM DEPARTMENT TRANSFER STATION NON-DEPARTMENTAL WELLINGTON AIRPORT C O U N C I L FUND R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 VENDOR NAME SUMNER COUNTY FAMILY CARE CENTER WALMART COMMUNITY WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC. CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON UNIFIRST CORPORATION SANITATION LANDFIL AUTOMART OF WELLINGTON BERRY TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT DARK OIL COMPANY, INC. KANSAS DEPT OF HLTH & ENV O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. PARKER OIL CO., INC. PLUMB THICKET LANDFILL ROHRER CUSTOM AND FABRICATION SELLERS EQUIPMENT, INC. SOUTH CENTRAL SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY SOUTHWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. AT&T SUMNER COWLEY ELECTRIC WALMART COMMUNITY CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON WELLINGTON MUNIC.A CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON WELLINGTON MUNIC.A FARMERS CO-OP GRAIN ASSOC GOOGLE INC. O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. RURAL WATER DISTRICT #2 AT&T SUMNER COUNTY FAMILY CARE CENTER MILL CREEK LUMBER OF KANSAS INC. DATE PAGE: DESCRIPTION 12 AMOUNT_ 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/12/15 EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL-MORRIS 4 CS BOTTLED WATER RENT RECYCLING COMPACTOR HAUL RATE CREDIT RECYCLING PYMTS MOWER REBATES HEALTH FAMILY PRE-TAX SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION KPERS T3 CONTRIBUTION UNIFORM RENTAL TOTAL: 75.00 14.00 250.00 600.00 511.2030.00 692.00 1,730.00 582.84 136.31 390.09 312.27 238.78 19.51_ 5,070.44 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/10/15 6/08/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 AIR FILTERS-BULLDOZER FILTERS-JD MOWER BATTERY-BACKHOE RPR KOMATSU DOZER 358 GL OFF ROAD DIESEL C/D PYMT TO STATE C/D 12 GL ANTIFREEZE CONOCO H.D.10W HYD OIL/DRU 1571 TNS HOUSEHOLD TRASH CUSTOM MADE GRILL GUARD-JC FRT CHARGES ISOLATOR BATT.KILLSWITCH WELLINGTON MAY 2015 RIBBONS-ADDING MACH ADDING MACHINE-LANDFILL TELEPHONE BILL ELEC. BILL MAY 15 OFFICE SUPPLIES SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION KPERS T2 CONTRIBUTION KPERS T3 CONTRIBUTION TOTAL: 59.60 13.58 98.43 933.90 790.82 229.95 143.88 677.30 37,880.46 472.00 50.15 171.15 227.15 4.74 61.11 40.50 253.55 36.76 1,038.00 190.61 44.58 103.79 112.65 101.15_ 43,735.81 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 TRANSFER WITHHOLDING FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION TRANSFER STATE WITHHOLDING TOTAL: 180.17 112.54 26.32 99.68 56.17_ 474.88 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 TRACTOR FUEL-AIRPORT GOOGLE APPS GAS CAN/OIL WATER USAGE 12/2013 - 6/20 TELEPHONE BILL EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL-BENSON HANDHELD SPRAYER 67.83 4.90 22.98 261.36 153.57 75.00 41.99 06-11-2015 04:08 PM DEPARTMENT C O U N C I L FUND R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 VENDOR NAME CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 DESCRIPTION SINGLE EMPLOYEES FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER KPERS CONTRIBUTION TOTAL: AMOUNT_ 346.00 112.54 26.32 171.62_ 1,284.11 CLAIMS NON-DEPARTMENTAL PUBLIC LIBRARY TRU CHEW PLUMBING & HEATING, WALDORF-RILEY HEATING & COOLING 6/12/15 CLEAN SEWER-LIBRARY 6/12/15 RPLC 5 FURNACES/7 A/C UNIT TOTAL: NON-DEPARTMENTAL SCCDAT GRANT 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 TRANSFER WITHHOLDING FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER TRANSFER STATE WITHHOLDING TOTAL: 68.26 112.96 26.42 28.35_ 235.99 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/05/15 6/05/15 AMY DIVER:DELIVER FLYERS MILEAGE CELL PHONE APR-MAY15 EVAL.FEE-SCCDAT PR.INK/SUPPLIES/POSTAGE LIONS QUEST STUDENT INCENT FICA TRANSFER MEDICARE TRANSFER TOTAL: 5.04 225.44 80.00 6,673.50 295.24 271.48 112.96 26.42_ 7,690.08 6/12/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 6/12/15 8 TREES PLANTED HINGES/WATER COOLER PARTS WATER COOLERS HARDWARE HARDWARE-BRIDGES HARDWARE-BRIDGES 10 QUIKRETE-COOLER PADS MATERIAL-RANGE SIGN TOTAL: 2,800.00 44.77 52.45 85.60 42.30 42.90 20.60_ 3,088.62 DARE DARE DARE DARE DARE GOLF CITY OF WELLINGTON CITY OF WELLINGTON SCCDAT GRANT TEMPORARY VENDO AMY DIVER GERALD GILKEY LEARNING TREE INSTITUTE SCCDAT CITY OF WELLINGTON WELL. MUNI. GOLF C RICHARD BECKER JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL MILL CREEK LUMBER OF KANSAS INC. 6/12/15 JACQUIE JACK:RESTITUTION 6/12/15 LAB FEES TOTAL: 13 NON-DEPARTMENTAL SCCDAT GRANT TEMPORARY VENDO JACQUIE JACK KBI-LABORATORY ANALYSIS FEE FUND DATE PAGE: POLICE DRUG AWARENESS FUN WALMART COMMUNITY 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 6/08/15 CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TOTAL: POLICE LAW ENFORCEMENT TR GUARDIAN TRACKING, LLC 6/12/15 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION-GUARDI TOTAL: 40.00 400.00_ 440.00 114.75 45,200.00_ 45,314.75 34.86 7.96 38.77 11.92 145.10_ 238.61 802.00_ 802.00 06-11-2015 04:08 PM DEPARTMENT TOTAL PAGES: C O U N C I L FUND R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 VENDOR NAME =============== FUND TOTALS ================ 001 GENERAL FUND 127,879.27 114 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT CONTR 2,231.48 137 TOURISM & CONVENTION 650.00 325 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 100.00 337 SHORT 2ND ADDITION 68,652.46 402 GOLF COURSE 45,323.10 415 ELEC-WATER.-WWTP 101,536.44 425 MULTI-YR CPTL. IMP.&EQUP. 16,530.91 430 SANITATION LANDFILL UTILI 52,725.10 441 WELLINGTON MUNIC.AIRPORT 1,758.99 601 CLAIMS 440.00 602 PUBLIC LIBRARY TRUST 45,314.75 603 SCCDAT GRANT 7,926.07 608 WELL. MUNI. GOLF CRSE TRU 3,088.62 629 DRUG AWARENESS FUND 238.61 630 LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST 802.00 -------------------------------------------GRAND TOTAL: 475,197.80 -------------------------------------------- 14 DATE PAGE: DESCRIPTION 14 AMOUNT_ 06-11-2015 04:08 PM C O U N C I L R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 PAGE: 15 SELECTION CRITERIA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SELECTION OPTIONS VENDOR SET: 01-CITY OF WELLINGTON VENDOR: All CLASSIFICATION: All BANK CODE: All ITEM DATE: 0/00/0000 THRU 99/99/9999 ITEM AMOUNT: 99,999,999.00CR THRU 99,999,999.00 GL POST DATE: 0/00/0000 THRU 99/99/9999 CHECK DATE: 6/01/2015 THRU 6/12/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAYROLL SELECTION PAYROLL EXPENSES: NO CHECK DATE: 0/00/0000 THRU 99/99/9999 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRINT OPTIONS PRINT DATE: GL Post Date SEQUENCE: By Department DESCRIPTION: Distribution GL ACCTS: NO REPORT TITLE: C O U N C I L R E P O R T 6/1 - 6/12/2015 SIGNATURE LINES: 0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PACKET OPTIONS INCLUDE REFUNDS: YES INCLUDE OPEN ITEM:NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACH Authorization Voucher Account Number: Bank: Bank of Commerce Employee Benefit Contributions Balance in Account: Amount of Funds Withdrawn: New Balance in Account: Date of Withdrawl: Claims for period of: 747,832.44 9,804.81 738,027.63 06/05/15 5/27/15 to 6/02/15 Voucher: Amount of Funds Withdrawn represents Blue Cross/Blue Shield payment of Claims for the time period indicated. #949 ACH Authorization Voucher Account Number: Bank: Bank of Commerce Employee Benefit Contributions Balance in Account: Amount of Funds Withdrawn: New Balance in Account: Date of Withdrawl: Claims for period of: 795,675.48 13,958.03 781,717.45 06/12/15 6/3/15 to 6/9/15 Voucher: Amount of Funds Withdrawn represents Blue Cross/Blue Shield payment of Claims for the time period indicated. #950 MAY 2015 CITY OF WELLINGTON CLERK'S REPORT FUND 001-GENERAL FUND 112-AMBULANCE & FF EQUIPMENT 113-LIBRARY 114-EMPLOYEE BENEFIT CONTR 115-SPECIAL LIABILITY EXPENSE 121-HOSPITAL SALES TAX FUND 131-SPECIAL CITY HIGHWAY 133-SPEC ALCOHOL & DRUG PROG 134-SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATIO 137-TOURISM & CONVENTION 201-BOND & INTEREST 203-SRMC-PBC BONDS 206-WRC BOND PAYMENT FUND 311-HOUSING AUTH RESERVE 324-EQUIPMENT RESERVE 325-CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 326-FEMA GRANT FUND 332-COYOTE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT 334-WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLNT 337-SHORT 2ND ADDITION 401-AUDITORIUM FUND 402-GOLF COURSE 415-ELEC-WATER.-WWTP 425-MULTI-YR CPTL. IMP.&EQUP. 430-SANITATION LANDFILL UTILI 434-SANITATION EQUIP. RESERVE 441-WELLINGTON MUNIC.AIRPORT 501-SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT 601-CLAIMS 602-PUBLIC LIBRARY TRUST 603-SCCDAT GRANT 604-MUNI. AUD. RENOVATION TRS 606-RECREATION TRUST Beginning Cash Current Revenues 1,700,562.99 529,144.39 42,118.49 17.15 36,678.82 732,207.78 110,555.84 204,732.14 50,065.45 54,263.92 38,648.89 10.07 370.24 0.53 29,149.80 16.28 (5,580.77) (2.53) 330,706.14 155.34 (84,907.50) 16,118.75 121,075.26 194,100.93 13,541.67 576,843.63 23,416.67 36,635.40 2,655.26 9,836.63 4.00 379,668.12 1,927.10 23,651.64 24,044.94 1,288,631.10 1,083,520.13 1,862,106.28 73,164.02 153,699.14 122,904.99 332,942.98 2,218.55 70,019.55 18,151.80 167,330.79 70.49 4,408.15 331,842.54 136.59 (5,246.68) 5,789.56 19,101.36 10.30 772.19 10.99 Change In Receiveables Current Expenditures Change In Payables Ending Cash Total Uncumbered Encumbrances Cash Balance 2,222.14 1,695.01 2,930.76 2.52 10.67 553,488.02 5,331.91 95,276.18 100.00 54,263.92 18,090.28 1,350.35 1,041.25 16,118.75 8,273.36 420.50 22,853.82 1,127,991.84 39,491.50 120,081.46 1,487.18 20,217.52 4,574.51 - (22,051.71) 1,654,167.65 19,000.00 36,803.73 36,678.82 747,487.44 254,697.59 20,568.68 370.77 27,815.73 21,220.66 (5,583.30) 329,820.23 (84,907.50) 121,075.26 199,369.24 30,241.17 599,839.80 7,054.00 36,635.40 2,655.26 9,840.63 379,668.12 1,927.10 220.00 25,062.76 10,160.00 1,252,097.25 21,031.85 1,895,778.80 108,204.48 (320.00) 154,507.66 333,674.35 100.00 68,053.83 19,703.43 167,401.28 556.78 2,034.17 331,979.13 40.00 (3,991.63) 19,109.14 772.51 - 1,635,167.65 36,803.73 36,678.82 747,487.44 254,697.59 20,568.68 370.77 6,595.07 (5,583.30) 329,820.23 (84,907.50) 121,075.26 169,128.07 592,785.80 36,635.40 2,655.26 9,840.63 379,668.12 1,927.10 25,062.76 1,231,065.40 1,787,574.32 154,507.66 333,674.35 48,350.40 167,401.28 2,034.17 331,979.13 (3,991.63) 19,109.14 772.51 MAY 2015 CITY OF WELLINGTON CLERK'S REPORT FUND 607-REGIONAL PARK TRUST 608-WELL. MUNI. GOLF CRSE TRU 609-HAZMAT RESPONSE FUND 610-WELL. MUNI. AIRPORT TRUST 611-FIRE PREVENTION & EDUCATI 612-WELL. AMB. SERVICE TRUST 613-NICHOLS FAMILY TRUST 614-DRUG TAX DIST. TRUST 617-EMPLOYEE COMMUNITY SVC 618-PUBLIC BUILDING COMM. 619-WELLINGTON AIRPORT FAA GR 620-ANNIE HAMILTON TRUST 622-MILDRED SHARE MCLEAN TRUS 623-CEMETERY BEAUTY. TRUST 624-MAUSOLEUM MAINT. TRUST 626-CARA SAUNDERS BEAUTY. TRU 628-PERM. CEMETERY ENDOWMENT 629-DRUG AWARENESS FUND 630-LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST 631-AUDITORIUM GRANT TOTALS Beginning Cash Current Revenues 35,876.36 118.19 9,933.06 6,009.90 3,500.47 7,740.86 1,409.96 0.59 17.61 (0.04) 619.22 0.26 239.94 300.11 6,809.78 2.77 241.59 408,651.39 49.45 (4,329.00) 10,044.00 1,616.98 0.65 9,243.85 3.77 9,446.75 123.80 13,906.83 5.67 491.71 0.20 129,904.75 486.03 5,591.42 3.20 13,109.21 1,372.86 11,745.00 8,875,047.15 2,533,260.28 Change In Receiveables Current Expenditures Change In Payables Ending Cash 3.67 5.69 0.02 6,870.48 492.19 176,109.01 5,715.00 340.09 1,073.84 2,274,182.48 35,990.88 15,445.08 11,241.33 1,410.53 17.57 619.48 540.05 6,812.55 241.59 232,591.83 1,617.63 9,247.62 9,570.55 13,912.50 491.91 130,390.78 5,254.53 13,408.23 11,745.00 (11,294.93) 9,115,959.54 Total Uncumbered Encumbrances Cash Balance 226,455.59 35,990.88 15,445.08 11,241.33 1,410.53 17.57 619.48 540.05 6,812.55 241.59 232,591.83 1,617.63 9,247.62 9,570.55 13,912.50 491.91 130,390.78 5,254.53 13,408.23 11,745.00 8,889,503.95 ELECTRIC/WATERWORKS/SEWAGE UTILITY OPERATING FUND DEPARTMENT PRIOR YR YTD 2015 TOTAL P.O. TOTAL CASH May 2015 May 2015 2015 EXPENDITURES ENCUMBRANCE EXPENDITURES ADJUSTMENT EXPENSED WATER EXPENDITURES: 932 Production 933 Distribution 934 Wastewater Treatment 952 Transfers 998 Contingency 999 Non-Departmental 999 Debt Service TOTAL WATER AND SEWER 45,580.88 31,870.18 34,149.08 83,004.00 0.00 19,326.97 0.00 213,931.11 713.11 0.00 20,318.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,031.85 193,505.22 162,160.19 195,573.39 415,020.00 0.00 98,791.33 107,487.59 1,172,537.72 4,466.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,466.82 197,972.04 162,160.19 195,573.39 415,020.00 98,791.33 107,487.59 1,177,004.54 ELECTRIC EXPENDITURES: 930 Production 931 Distribution 951 Transfers 998 Contingency 999 Non-Departmental 999 Debt Service TOTAL ELECTRIC 600,783.74 89,695.24 159,319.66 0.00 64,262.09 0.00 914,060.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,544,837.08 570,669.76 796,598.30 0.00 454,381.79 967,388.31 5,333,875.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,544,837.08 570,669.76 796,598.30 454,381.79 967,388.31 5,333,875.24 1,127,991.84 21,031.85 6,506,412.96 4,466.82 6,510,879.78 TOTAL E/WW/SEW UTIL.EXPENDITURES REVENUES: Water Sales Sewer Service Interest Earnings Bond Proceeds & Accrued Interest Miscellaneous Revenues TOTAL WATER & SEWER REVENUE 95,861.50 128,341.50 218.02 0.00 361.91 224,782.93 481,943.24 646,622.80 9,724.83 0.00 604.47 1,138,895.34 Sales of Electricity Interest Earnings Bond Proceeds & Accrued Interest Miscellaneous Revenues TOTAL ELECTRIC REVENUE 853,612.37 1,962.17 0.00 3,162.66 858,737.20 4,540,833.24 87,523.46 0.00 4,814.63 4,633,171.33 TOTAL E/WW/SEW.UTILITY REVENUE 1,083,520.13 5,772,066.67 BALANCES IN RESERVE ACCOUNTS: Principal & Interest Temp Note Investments Sewer Improvement Reserve Cost of Issuance Emergency Depre.Reserve Bond Reserve Account Utility Reserve Account-Water/Elec Long Term Reserve Investments TOTAL 229,057.33 0.00 923,816.42 0.00 400,000.00 635,500.00 1,292,414.13 2,143,120.58 5,623,908.46 SUBMITTED BY: MARY M. GREEN, CITY TREASURER City of Wellington, KS Building/Demo Permit Report 5/1/2015 - 5/29/2015 Permit Date Parcel Address Total Fees Permit Type Description Valuation 5/26/2015 817 E HARVEY $33.30 Building Re-Roof 5/26/2015 1215 N BLAINE $89.30 Building New Deck 12,000.00 5/22/2015 202 W HARVEY $263.10 Building General Remodel 50,000.00 5/20/2015 820 N WASHINGTON $38.90 Building General Remodel 3,000.00 5/19/2015 903 S FAIR $57.94 Building Re-Roof 6,400.00 5/19/2015 220 E 21ST $40.58 Building Re-Roof 3,300.00 5/13/2015 1713 W WESTERN $15.00 Building New InGround Pool 0.00 Demolition of Residence 0.00 $5.00 Building Fence 0.00 $5.00 Building New Fence 0.00 5/6/2015 704 S H $78.10 Building Bathroom Remodel 10,000.00 5/4/2015 711 S DOUGLAS $65.78 Building New Roof 7,800.00 5/13/2015 317 E HARVEY 5/12/2015 812 E 8TH 5/8/2015 1101 N PARK Demolition $692.00 2,000.00 94,500.00 Police Activity Report for May 2015 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July 140 115 119 117 151 17 16 24 21 17 157 131 143 138 168 Criminal Cases Accident Cases Totals Cases Active Cases Cleared Calls for Service Animal Bites Animal Calls Animals Impounded Miles Driven SRO Cases Traffic Violations 50 35 107 95 989 918 3 1 74 66 20 19 10343 10483 3 1 100 88 56 42 58 88 94 110 1131 1140 1418 4 3 2 146 148 115 45 53 43 5469 18155 12276 0 3 1 116 97 259 Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2015YTD 2014YTD 642 650 95 68 737 718 241 494 5596 13 549 180 56726 8 660 312 380 5742 15 496 186 55065 7 559 GROUP A OFFENSES Crimes Against Persons Simple Assault Aggravated Assault Aggravated Assault LEO Simple Battery Aggravated Battery Aggravated Battery LEO Aggravated Criminal Threat Blackmail Criminal Threat Harrassment by Telephone Homicide Homicide (Justifiable) Homicide (Vehicular) Kidnapping Stalking Robbery 13B 13A 13A 13B 13A 13A 13C 210 13C 13C 09A 09C 90Z 100 13C 120 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 10 3 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 17 3 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Crimes Against Property Arson Burglary (Dwelling) Burglary (Non-Dwelling) Criminal Damage to Property Forgery Theft (Shoplifting) Theft (From Buildings) Theft (From Coin Machines) Theft (Larceny From Motor Veh) Theft (Vehicle Parts) Theft (All Other) Theft (Identity) Theft (Fraud) Theft (Criminal Use Financial Card) Theft (Motor Vehicle) Theft (Embezzlement) Drug Offense Impersonation 200 220 220 290 250 23C 23D 23E 23F 23G 23H 26A 26A 26B 240 270 35A 26A 0 2 2 7 2 3 10 0 2 1 5 0 0 0 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 2 0 3 0 1 0 1 9 3 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 3 6 0 2 2 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 9 0 1 3 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 10 0 2 2 1 5 0 9 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 6 3 41 4 9 24 1 11 3 22 10 3 0 3 0 18 0 1 12 7 69 3 9 22 0 10 3 44 1 0 7 3 0 20 0 Sex Offenses Forcible Sodomy Rape (Forcible) Rape (Statutory) 11B 11A 26B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 90A 90B 90C 90D 90E 90F 90G 90H 90I 90J 90Z 0 0 6 5 1 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 5 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 14 15 1 12 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 3 15 0 16 0 0 3 2 0 1 5 1 2 6 6 1 12 10 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 16 0 0 19 0 1 5 40 7 0 0 1 4 4 9 9 8 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 12 0 1 23 0 3 7 39 7 3 0 2 4 7 0 6 4 0 4 2 2 0 1 0 13 0 0 22 0 0 4 52 3 1 0 4 2 6 0 15 12 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 11 0 2 26 0 1 2 32 4 3 0 4 0 9 0 13 7 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 17 0 1 26 0 1 3 75 22 12 1 13 16 32 10 55 41 0 14 3 3 6 1 0 69 0 4 116 0 6 21 238 10 4 0 27 23 27 0 49 38 0 6 2 4 0 5 0 31 0 5 70 0 6 28 193 GROUP B OFFENSE Bad Check Curfew Disorderly Conduct DUI Public Drunkeness (PUI) Family Offense (Non-Violent) Liquor Law Violation Peeping Tom Runaway Trespass All Other Offenses Accident Hit & Run Assist Outside Agency Child Abuse Domestic Battery Drivers' License Violations Found Property Identity Theft Juveniles Handled Juveniles Referred Liquor Law Violations Mental Subjects Minor in Possession of Alcohol Missing Person Obstruction of Offical Duty Probation Violations Prowler Speeding Violations Suicide Suicide Attempts Suspicious Activity Tobacco Violations Violation of Court Order Warrant Arrests Warning Citations AMBULANCE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT May 2015 Year 2015 Su Co Subsidy Bad Debt Recovery $ 4,333.53 Patient/Insurance/Other $ 56,983.23 Total Revenue Received $ 61,316.76 Prior Month Ending Balance $ 52,444.17 Billed $ 69,527.81 Patient Payments [2816.81] Insurance Payments Interest Payments Accounts to Collection Agency Medicare Write-Off's Sequestration Reduction Blue Cross Write-Off Timely File Write-Off Other Write-Off's (bankruptcies, deceased) Other Insurance Write-Off Medicaid Write-Off $ [50972.00] 1.67 [5713.73] [13411.23] [617.41] [316.79] [ ] [ ] [1065.22] [10477.14] Refunds $476.50 Other Payments [3192.75 REPORT BALANCE $33,863.73 AGED RECEIVABLES BALANCE ] $158,574.01 Month-To Date-Runs: Year 2014 116 Year-To-Date-Runs: Year 2014 550 Month-To-Date Runs: Year 2015 130 Year-To-Date Runs: 604 Year 2015 Fire/EMS Activity/Overtime/Revenue Rport for May 2015 Jan. Responses City Fires District 6 Fires District 7 Fires KTA Fires not in Dist 6&7 Mutual Aid Given Mutual Aid Received Property Loss $ Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct Nov. Dec. Total Last Year 5 1 5 0 2 0 10,375 3 1 2 0 6 1 7600 5 10 5 1 5 5 32040 4 2 1 1 3 1 30400 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 18 15 13 2 17 9 80,415 22 4 12 4 7 7 135,225 Fire Medical/Rescue Hazardous Condition Service Calls Good Intent Calls Alarm Activations Severe Weather Other/Special Type 13 60 6 5 4 2 0 0 6 55 7 3 5 1 0 0 24 79 7 11 15 3 0 0 9 79 9 8 6 3 1 0 2 72 7 0 11 0 0 0 54 345 36 27 41 9 1 0 46 318 29 15 40 16 0 0 EMS City EMS County EMS Transported to SRMC Wichita & area transfers Patient Refusal County Bypass City Bypass 54 15 33 20 35 0 8 52 20 41 19 31 5 9 70 24 49 26 43 3 13 78 14 47 31 43 4 7 61 22 38 28 44 6 13 315 95 208 124 196 18 50 307 99 199 132 205 10 21 Hours Worked Regular Hours Worked Standby Overtime Hrs. Incident Call In Overtime Vacation/Sick Overtime Other Overtime FLSA Overtime 4308.5 17 194 16.75 4 306 3967 0 160 0 1 396 5984.25 0 255.75 13.25 4 536 3-checks 3946 0 103.25 10.75 23 322 4164.75 0 126.5 0 4 396 Activities 22370.5 20,178.25 17 174.5 839.5 951.5 40.75 54.5 36 117.75 1,956 1629 Training Hours Inspections/Preplans Fire Hydrants Tested Tours Community Events Prevention Presentation Fire Investigations 503 1 0 0 0 0 1 406 5 0 0 2 0 1 363 56 0 3 9 0 2 306 25 0 0 7 0 1 288.25 15 0 2 5 0 0 1866.25 102 0 5 23 0 5 2445.25 112 0 7 13 6 5 Revenue Ambulance Revenue County Subsidy for EMS Fire District 6 Fire District 7 Kansas Turnpike Grants/Donations Haz Mat Response Total Monthly Revenue 47,662 0 200 379 0 0 0 48,241 34,417 0 400 1437 0 0 0 36,254 36,084 32076 200 0 0 0 0 68,360 32,792 26704 13250 2883 0 15830 290 91,749 61,316 0 400 0 0 6810 939 69,465 212,271 58780 14450 4699 0 22640 1229 314,069 138,502 121,361 12,075 4,215 693 23,807 2,821 303,474 Wellington Public Library Meeting Minutes for April 8, 2015 Present: Board members Maria Cornejo, Barbara Mudd, Melissa Janzen, Roger Stallbaumer, Tom Kohmetscher, Stacy White, Christa Jones, Peggy Stanfield, and Sara Dixon. The meeting was called to order by President Maria Cornejo at 5:35. Consent Agenda It was moved, seconded, and approved that the consent agenda be approved. Director's report; New board members Stacy White and Tom Kohmetscher were introduced. Invoices from Mill Creek Lumber were presented for 388.22 for paint and supplies for painting the children's room. Sara explained the upgrade to Polaris 5 and how Polaris functions in the library system. We should be proud of our library staff. All of the women were nominated for a Woman of the Year award. Our own Lisa Vargas, children's librarian, was the winner of the Business Woman of the Year award. Finances The higher amount for KPERS was questioned. Sara said it was due to 4 payments made in one month and that it would even out. Sara reported that the library, not the city, gets the interest earned from the Horton Trust Fund. The current balance is $333,620.70. It was moved by Roger and seconded by Barbara that the finances be approved. It passed 8-0 Old Business The meeting room policy was reviewed. Melissa moved and Stacy seconded that the new policy be approved. It passed 8-0. New business Sara explained the Movie License Renewal. This must be done so the library can legally show movies without breaking federal laws. It is currently $335 a year. Sara believes she can get a cheaper rate with a multiyear cost. This was tabled until next month. It was discussed that interim officers were needed until June. It was decided that the interim positions are Maria as president, Christa as vice president Peggy as secretary and Tom as treasurer until the June meeting when new officers will be elected. Melissa moved and Roger seconded. Motion passed 8-0. Sara will draft a letter to the bank concerning executive officer changes. Board comments It was commented how nice the children's room looked with the new paint. It was also mentioned how wonderful it was that that children's librarian, Lisa Vargas, won Business Woman of the year. Maria mentioned that Cass Information was donating six monitors to the library. Tonight was Barbara Mudd's last night on the board. Barbara was thanked for her hard work as a board member and as treasurer. Executive Session It was moved by Maria and seconded by Roger that the board go into executive session. Motion carried 8-0. The board went into executive session at 6:42 for ten minutes to discuss non elected personnel library. Executive session ended at 6:52. It was moved by Maria and seconded by Roger that we go back into executive session for five more minutes to continue discussion of the non elected personnel. Motion carried. The board went into executive session at 6:54 until 6:59. The meeting adjourned at 7:02 City of Wellington, Kansas MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM BOARD Minutes of the Meeting, May 2, 2015 Roll Call Board Members Present: Connie Bales Jarrod Kline Pete Zavala Staff Present: Jeremy Jones Guests Present: Annarose White Approval of Minutes Connie Bales moved to accept the minutes with an amendment in paragraph 3 under the topic of Veteran’s Room that the uniform belonged to Dr. Smith’ s son, not Dr. Smith. Pete Zavala seconded. The motion carried. Old Business Veteran’s Room. Connie invited representatives of both the VFW and American Legion to the meeting tonight but were apparently unavailable. She has received photographs and information about seven more Wellington and Sumner County veterans for display. She also has put together binders with the information about Champeny and McLean, brought in four more DVD’s documentaries and provided an invoice from Carroll Glass for $74 (five picture frames and glass) to Director Jones. Pete advised he had found a 50” flat screen monitor that might work well to display videos. Also had talked to Charles Lawless about donating a uniform and Doug Smith about other various items. There was discussion of opening the room during Wheat Festival for tours. It was determined that Saturday between noon and 5:00 PM would be a good time as the Wheat Festival schedule was light at that time. Auditorium Events. Jarrod reports he and Marcine Goodrum continue to work with a company to schedule another ghost hunt event. Website. General discussion concerning the website to inform Annarose of previous discussions and intent. She advised the Chamber of Commerce is now using Kanokla as their website host. LED Sign. Annarose advised that the Chamber Board is reviewing the bid received by the City of Wellington for the LED sign and discussing the possibility of funding the sign and the benefits. Annarose also provided an update on the Wheat Festival Ag Show moving to the Wellington High School with lack of air conditioning being one of the reasons. Air Conditioning. There was a discussion about creating a crowd funding account and a list of donation options to assist with raising money for an air conditioning system. NEW BUSINESS Annarose gave an update on carpet selection for upstairs in preparation of the Chamber moving in. The tentative move date is May 30th. Also discussed changing the logos on the front glass doors and minor painting upstairs to remove the WRC information and replace with Chamber logo and information. REPORTS Pete recommended painting the ceiling around the new light fixtures prior to Wheat Festival. Connie is seeking information about Jarrod Hays to include with his flag and case. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, Connie Bales moved to adjourn the meeting and Pete Zavala seconded. The motion carried. WELLINGTON COMBINED TRADES BOARD MINUTES – June 4, 2015 Members Present: Chris Craig; Tony Martin; Roger Brownlee; Erik Bryant Dennis Johnson; Marvin Rains; Jeff Hunt; David Herlocker Floyd Moore; Jack Reimer Members Absent: Tony Foulk Staff Present: Richard Jack-Building Inspector, Jamie Cornejo-Engineering Aide Call to Order & Roll Call: Chairperson Chris Craig called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. followed by roll call. Approval of Minutes from February 5, 2015, Meeting. Motion to approve by Floyd Moore, seconded by Chris Craig; motion carried with all voting in favor of approval. Introductions – New Building Official, Richard Jack Richard Jack, new Building Official for the City of Wellington introduced himself to the Trade Board Members present. A few items Mr. Jack mentioned to the Board included that the City Inspection Office is working on reminding ALL Building and Trade Contractors that they need to be currently licensed with current permits issued for the work to be completed. Mr. Jack mentioned some instances where contractors had failed to obtain a permit before work commenced. City Staff is also working on a New “Electric Meter Form” to be used by all electrical contractors when obtaining meter sockets from City Electrical Department. This would help with tracking meters being distributed and re-stock purposes on the City’s behalf. City Staff is also working on streamlining the electrical fees on electrical permits. Currently, City Inspection has sixty (60) line item electrical fees with some hardly ever used, so Staff is streamlining the unused fees out of the system. Goal is to downsize current list to around 5-6 electrical fees which would help in the issuance of electrical permits. Also, City Staff is working on increasing building and trade fees. Fees have not increased in over eight (8) years and City Staff feels that this adjustment is needed to cover inspection costs. Licensing fees will stay the same amount as advertised. The Board reviewed the current permit policy and procedures for issuance and inspection calls in a timely manner, with all favoring how the current policies and procedures have been implemented to this point. Lastly, Mr. Jack thanked the Board Members for their participation on volunteering for the Trade Board and looked forward to working with them going forward. Old Business Chris Craig asked about an update concerning the Chisholm Trail Motel. City Staff stated that Frank Johnson, Owner, has been granted a forty-five (45) day extension by Wellington City Council at the June 2nd City Council Meeting. Agreement between property owner and City is all property maintenance items be completed within the next (45) days. New Business Mr. Jack mentioned that in the next two (2) weeks that a joint meeting with Arkansas City and Winfield Trade Boards is being planned to review the 2015 Building, Plumbing and HVAC Codes. Chris Craig wanted to mention that City Police Department is enforcing unattended trailers ordinance and violators will be ticketed. Mr. Craig asked if contractor trailers would be an exception to this rule. City Ordinance states “all trailers need to be stored inside the rear or side yard setback”. Mr. Craig stated, in some instances, work trailers have no access and have no choice, but to be placed curbside. City Staff stated they will discuss with City Manager and get back with the Board Members with results after the meeting. Motion to Adjourn Motion to adjourn was made by Jeff Hunt; seconded by Chris Craig- with all voting in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Jamie Cornejo, Engineering Aide Safety Information/June 2015 The injuries during May-dog bite to a police officer, exposure to a police officer, and back/bruising to a police officer. Need the following safety inspections for the second quarter-Water Production, Water Distribution and Electric Production Employees and safety committee make recommendations for any updates or changes to the city safety policy for the July meeting. Thank you to the golf course for hosting the training class for seasonal workers!! Next citywide training is June 22nd 1:15 at city hall. This date is a change from the norm because of the instructor’s vacation. After the June citywide training the classes will go back to the second Monday of each month 1:15 at city hall. Supervisors and department heads make sure your staff, wear reflective vests when working near or on a roadway. Hydrate often when working outdoors and use sunscreen. Be Safe, Use Common Sense!! Next Safety Committee Meeting is July 8th noon at the Public Safety Building (First Published in the Wellington Daily News 10, June 2015) WEED CUTTING NOTICES To: the following described property Property Owner Address Kenneth Nutt & Sarah Bird Tiburcia Ramirez, Theresa & Michael Perez Ramona Jimenez , Anthony & James Gonzalez Advantage Builders Albert Valdes Gerald Bales Rev. TR Johnson – Watters Ent. LLC Sterling Condit Chester & Melba Cook Erika Bales Gary Debuhr Wanda Faye Eaton Preston & Camille Richert Michael & Jennifer Dadisman Michael & Karen Macon Wellington Properties LLC. Wellington Properties LLC. William Peters, Kubota 820 East Lincoln 1101 East 4th 203 South Patterson 224 South Haslet 922 East 7th 716 East 8th 712 North B 805 North C 312 West 9th 513 North F 1920 North B 1104 North Washington 818 North Poplar 1001 South F 724 South Washington 1902 East 16th 1840 East 16th 815 North Woodlawn All in the City of Wellington, Within 12 days of publication of this notice, upon failure to cut said weeds, the City of Wellington will cut the same, and all costs, including administration costs, will be assessed on tax roll against the above described property. No further notice shall be given prior to removal of the weeds during the calendar year. All regulations as per Ordinance No. 4082 adopted March 15, 2012 City Clerk’s Office: 326-2811 City Engineering Office: 326-3871 From:BANK OF COMMERCE To:3268506 #694 P.0021002 06/09/2015 09:49 STREET CLOSING REQUEST Application to the WeIJington City CouncU For Street Closfngs and Special Events This form is designed to assist in making requests to the City Cound! for street closings and special events. PLEASE MAKE REQUESTS IN WRITING AT LEAST TWO WEEKS BEFORE CITV COUNCIL MEETINGS, WHICH ARE ON THE FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAYS OF EACH MONTH. APPUCATION DATE: EVENT:<-->+fee+ hiq 1/ r" COUNCIL MEETING DATE: / I b I~OI5- Q lb$.·I~:&r Par1J:j 610('.)( EVENTDATE&TIME:_~a.+ .Jvl'l LftfA deW\. ~ rniclt5itt 1 SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: _---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~=~_h_ft_{_DV\._Pr"""'l~=:i_c.,-e-------- EMAIL: ge r yc.eG ...5",+'" c.ov1'1. CONTACT PERSON NAME:L __ PHONE: ~{p<6 ...1.l~.3 PARADE ROUTE/STREETSTO BE CLOSED: ILiDO bloc\( eopllll 0+ }Joe..#-.... SPECIAL REQUESTS: o TraIIIc CODes o Trull ClIU "'Commim''X heasorM Eve. ~ Banicad •• o "ale Talll., tor Am.a.'lY $pO''''. lua" AIIb' o Electricity Opt, o OnlSR: PLIASISPECIFY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Po, Ollka v•• 0.1, Ap/lf'OWl-., CtIuncfl: 06/09 06/09 06/09 C/O' AppllaJlI' NofI/ItI_: CopIH IIIf4 DlstrlhtH: ,."., ,.,.., ,..,..,W..... .,.... ~ WWIP. III at WwI'IIr,,,,,, • 311 $ou,1! WOI'"."'•• WellhvllOlt, KaII.IlU • • "n • _.dtya/W«Uh'.lWLnd "'·'lIl . ,Mar. IZ.. YlI1I U ..:JU·IISH STREET CLOSING REQUEST ****** CITY OF * Application to the Wellington City Council For Street Closings and Special Events WELLINGTON This form is designed to assist in making requests to the City Council for street closings and special events. PLEASE MAKE REQUESTS IN WRITING AT LEAST TWO WEEKS BEFORE CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS, WHICH ARE ON THE FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAYS OF EACH MONTH. APPLICATION DATE: EVENT: l-!~ ~- 2-/5 Df :S=y,l~ b\Qx.i. p<M:+c'J ~ Lj '1_ 3U EVENTDATE&TIME: COUNCIL MEETING DATE: fs;/~m /"p.fD. TIME BARRICADES NEED TO BE IN PLACE: T(J I &- /~-/,S U fr) d~ 'S=u.ff ':i.. f4...J SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: -::....;.AJ;...;:O::..-,~~=-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CONTACT PERSON NAME:c:§i\aDl1Or1 PHONE: lJO-l l.lCr/.5F£.EMAIL: e m.(JE 6 m etz.,t,. ::wn/Jermea~ItIt'()'J 3 (';1) tbltxL (Lf arN! ao~ PARADE ROUTE/STREETS TO BE CLOSED: I JjON1" 0\\ 1Je...: jq rt-tI ,De!",eon SPECIAL REQUESTS: D Traffic Cones QsI Barricades D D D Trash Cans for Community Sponsored Events Only D Picnic Tables for Community Sponsored Eyents Only D Park Benches for Community Sponsored Eyents Only Electricity OTHER: PLEASE SPECIFY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ For Office Use Only Approved by Council: Approved by: Police Fire Public Works 06/09 06/09 06/09 Applicant Notified: Copied and Distributed: Police, Fire, Public Works, Streets, Parks, WWTP & ED www.cj(YQ.( IAlii'" Memorandum To: Mayor & City Council From: Roy Eckert, City Manager Date: June 11, 2015 Re: Kansas Star Scholarship Board Roger Stallbaumer was a Member on the Kansas Star Scholarship Board. His term ends June 11, 2015. The Kansas Star Scholarship Board meets the second Thursday of each month, which means we have two City Council meetings at which we could appoint Roger’s replacement in time for the July 9th meeting of the Kansas Star Scholarship Board. We have had one recommendation (Colby Zeka) submitted and we are asking for the direction of the Council as to how to proceed. Memorandum To: Mayor & City Council From: Roy Eckert, City Manager Date: June 11, 2015 Re: Sale of Parcel (Settlers Creek Addition) Mr. Farley has offered $1000 for this parcel, (SETTLERS CREEK ADDITION, S14, T32, R01W, BLOCK 1, Lot 23 – 818 Settlers Circle), a large portion of which is not suitable for building because the majority of the land lies within the floodway. I feel that this is a fair price, considering the limited use of this land. We have had no other interest in any of the lots in that area. Mr. Farley is aware that he will be responsible for the Specials from the date of purchase forward. With the sale of this property, the City will at least be able to recoup some of the Specials and we will not have the responsibility of maintaining the parcel including mowing. I have forwarded this information to City Attorney Mike Brown for his review. Memorandum To: Mayor & City Council From: Roy Eckert, City Manager Date: June 12, 2015 Re: Verizon Water Tower Lease Agreement City Attorney Mike Brown and City Staff are working on changes to the Contract we received from Verizon regarding the cell tower service on the water tower located at the Roundabout. There will be major changes to this Contract which will require more negotiations with Verizon. We will keep you informed as to the progress of this Contract. (FIRST PUBLISHED in The Wellington Daily News, Wednesday, May 27, 2015) 2x RESOLUTION NO, 5684 A RESOLUTION FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE AND PROVIDING NOTICE OF A HEARING BEFORE THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON, KANSAS, AT WHICH THE OWNERS, THEIR AGENTS, ANY LIENHOLDERS OF RECORD AND ANY OCCUPANTS OF THE BUILDINGS LOCATED BELOW MAY AFPEARAND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH BUILDINGS SHOULD NOT BE CONDEMNED AND ORDERED DEMOLISHED. NORTHWEST ADD, S15, T32, R01W, BLOCK 13, Lot W65' 4 - 5. in said city Also known as 611 West 13th Street WHEREAS, the Code COmpliance Officer of the City of Wellington. Kansas, did on the 19th day of May, 2015, file with the Goveming Body of the City of Wellington, Kansas, a statement in wTiling that certain structures, premises, herein described, are unsafe and dangerous. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WELLING· TON. KANSAS. that a hearing be held on the 16th day of June. 2015. before the Govern ing Body of the City of Wellington. Kansas at 6:30 p.m. In the COuncil Chambers at 317 South Washington. in said City at which time and place the owners. their agents, any lien holders of record and any occupant of the structures, buildings or premises mentioned herein may appear and show cause why such structures. bundings or premises should not be condemned and ordered demolished. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON. KANSAS, that the City Clerk cause this resolution to be published and given notice of the aforesaid hearing in the manner provided by K.S.A. 12-1752. ADOPTED BY THE GOVERNING BODY of the City of Wellington, Kansas. this 19th day of May, 2015. Mayor (Seal) ATTEST: City Clerk FORM APPROVED: City Attomey Affidavit of Publication State of Kansas, Sumner County, ss. James Jordan, of lawful age, being duly sworn, says that he is the Managing Editor of GA:TEHOUSE MEDIA, Inc. dba The Wellington Dally News, a weekly newspaper, printed in the State of Kansas, and published in Sumner County, Kansas, with a general paid circulation on a monthly basis in Sumner County, Kansas, and that said newspaper is not a trade, religious or fraternal publication. Said newspaper is a daily published at least wee~y 50 times a year; has been so published continuously and uninterruptedly in said county and state for a period of five years prior to the first publication of said notice; and has been admitted at the post office of Wellington, Kansas in said County as second class matter. That the attached notice is a true copy thereof and was published in the regulP.r and entire issue of said newspaper for_:..2>_'_ week(s), the first publication there of ~ing made as day of aforesaid on the () 7 !?7t·~ , and t t days subsequent publi~ons being made on the following dates: .;lkf Iwr.t / And _---"_ _ Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day o f . 2 <!?IS . L ~~~L~ Jackie D. Fullerton Notary, State of Kansas My commission expires: Publication cost:' ACCOUNT# 1?J) 44. I (J u8/p 11- 2 .. I~ (FIRST PUBLISHED in The Wellington Dally News, Wednesday, May 27. 2015}2x RESOLUTION NO. 5685 A RESOLUTION FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE AND PROVIDING NOTICE OF A HEARING BEFORE THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON. KANSAS. AT WHICH THE OWNERS, THEIR AGENTS, ANY LIENHOLDERS OF RECORD AND ANY OCCUPANTS OF THE BUILDINGS LOCATED BELOW MAY APPEAR AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH BUILDINGS SHOULD NOT BE CONDEMNED AND ORDERED DEMOLISHED. NORTHWEST ADD, S15. T32, R01W. BLOCK 12. Lot 6. In said city Also known as 613 West 12th Street WHEREAS, the Code Compliance Officer of the City of Wellington, Kansas, did on the 19th day pf May. 2015, file with the Goveming Body of the City of Wellington. Kansas. a statement in writing that certain structures. premises, herein described. are unsafe and dangerous. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WELliNGTON. KANSAS, that a hearing be held on the 16th day of June. 2015,before the Governing Body of the City of Wellington. Kansas at6:3Q p.m. in the Council Chambers at 317 South Washington, in said City at whiCh time and place the owners, Ihelr agents, any lien holders of record and any occupant of the structures, buildings or premises menHoned herein may appear and show ceuse Why such structures, buildings or premises should not be condemned and ordered demOlished, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WELliNGTON, KANSAS, thai the City Clerk cause this resolution to be published and given notice of the aforesaid hearing In the manner provided by K.S.A. 12-1752. ADOPTED BYTHE GOVERNING BODY of the City of Wellington, Kansas, this 19th day of May, 2015, Affidavit of Publication State of Kansas, Sumner County, ss. James Jordan, of lawful age, being duly sworn, says that he is the Managing Editor of GATEHOUSE MEDIA, Inc. dba The Wellington Daily News, a weekly newspaper, printed in the State of Kansas, and published in Sumner County, Kansas, with a general paid circulation on a monthly basis in Sumner County, Kansas, and that said newspaper is not a trade, religious or fraternal publication. , Said newspaper is a daily published at least weekly 50 times a year; has been so published continuously and uninterruptedly in said county and state for a period of five years prior to the first publication of said notice; and has been admitted at the post office of Wellington, Kansas in said County as second class matter. That the attached notice is a true copy thereof and was published in the regular and entire issue of said newspaper for~ weekes), the first publication there of. being made as the ;;( 7 day of aforesaid . on 02?'::!::/. ' 20(S and I Z days subsequent publi7ations being made on the following dates: . J ~(c\ t)/~ And _'-_--'-_ __ Mayor (Seal) Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ~ day of'" 7..0 y ATIEST: City Clerk ~~ FORM APPROVED: City Attomey . ~ .....!:::::::!.D.L.... Jackie D. Fullerton Notary, State of Kansas My commission expires: NOTARY PUBLIC· Stat& of Kansas JACKIE D. FULLERTON My Appt expires lJ .. z. -lie Publication cost: ACCOUNT# }2I.t'/ ° I QD C 9; I \.c:~ 11- Z -/ ~ FINAL SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATIONAL DOCUMENTS FOR THE KANSAS POWER POOL 1. 2. Second Amendment to the Agreement Creating the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”). a) This document has been worked on at Board level and also at the 2014 retreat. From the previous Amendment to the Agreement Creating, we have established a Membership Committee consisting of all the voting members of KPP. We have established that we will have an Annual Meeting of the Membership Committee yearly and that the Membership Committee members are the cities who have signed the Operating Agreement. b) We have created a right to veto actions of the Board as set forth fully in paragraph 8) d), Veto Power of the Membership Committee. Likewise in 8) e), Grievance Procedure, we have established a right in paragraph (4) that the Membership Committee can then be called to vote on overriding the veto which requires a 2/3 vote of the membership. By-Laws. The major changes to the by-laws are as follows: a) In Section 2.2, the By-Laws may now be amended by the affirmative vote of not less than a quorum of the Board. Previously, the By-Laws had to be approved by the membership. This action, in particular, is necessary in the event we need to take rapid action, for example, with a finance action. b) In Section 3.2 we have removed the reference to a term limit of two (2) consecutive terms. It was removed due to the fact that while we hope to institute changes which will encourage cities to reach into their membership base to provide qualified representatives not only to the Membership Committee, but also to the various committees of KPP, and that KPP will attempt to establish a path, if you will, for the cities’ representatives to learn as much in-depth knowledge as they desire about KPP so that they may fill Board seats when they become available. 3. Kansas Power Pool Second Amended Operating Agreement. This document has also dramatically changed as our organization has matured. Among the biggest changes in this document is the elimination in its entirety of the facilitator and the facilitator duties and replacing almost all of those duties by the KPP Staff. Major revisions were made in the document based upon a review by Larry Holloway and Mark Chesney and those changes were incorporated throughout, in particular, to Articles IV, V, VI, X and XI. Other important changes were: a) Article III sets forth the duties of the Membership Committee. It defines Voting Members and makes the meetings as called. b) Article X sets out appropriate membership criteria for the parties to consider. A member may become part of KPP based upon a unanimous vote of the KPP Board of Directors. c) Article XII, paragraph 12.2, provides that the voting member of the City member will act to carry out the member’s responsibilities as provided in this agreement. d) In paragraph 13.3, amendments to the agreement shall be proposed and approved by the Board of Directors of the Kansas Power Pool. Amendments will then be submitted to the Membership Committee for ratification. If the Membership Committee does not approve, disapprove or take action on such amendments within sixty (60) days of the date of submittal for action by the Membership Committee, the amendment shall be deemed approved. Again, this provision is inserted for our agency to act quickly when need be. e) Article XIV has substantial revisions. In paragraph 14.1, once the Purchase Power Agreement has been signed, the terms and conditions of that agreement shall govern the rights of the parties, and specifically, the right to terminate the Purchase Power Agreement and the Second Amended Operating Agreement. Subsection c) provides that this means they will follow the terms of the Purchase Power Agreement. However, 14.2 provides that in the sole discretion of KPP, it has the ability to have matters resolved with the departing city sooner than the entire remaining term of the Purchase Power Agreement. Again, I want to emphasize that is up to KPP. f) Additionally, we have eliminated the previous exhibits which were attached and those documents will be picked up in the course of business by staff and revised and reviewed when necessary. This concludes the summary of the documents and the documents are now submitted to you for your review and consideration. Curtis M. Irby KPP General Counsel RESOLUTION NO. _____ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY’S CONTINUED PARTICIPATION IN THE KANSAS POWER POOL (“KPP”), a MUNCIPAL ENERGY AGENCY, BY APPROVING THE SECOND AMENDED OPERATING AGREEMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to Kansas statutes, certain Kansas municipalities which are set forth in Attachment A of this resolution, have joined together under the provisions of K.S.A. §12-885 through K.S.A. §12-8,111 et seq., to organize and create the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency; and WHEREAS, the Kansas Power Pool and its Cities have previously executed an Operating Agreement and a First Amended Operating Agreement and now desire to proceed with the execution of a Second Amended Operating Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City of Wellington, Kansas (the “City”) recognizes that over the years numerous changes have occurred in both the business and business affairs of the KPP. In particular, the KPP has been able to eliminate the need for a facilitator and a Facilitator Agreement as the KPP has grown and hired its own staff to administer the various functions of the KPP. The parties to this Second Amended Operating Agreement are signatories to the Agreement Creating the KPP and to the original Operating Agreement as well as the First Amended Operating Agreement. The parties desire to continue their relationship on a contractual basis as fully set out in the Second Amended Operating Agreement; and WHEREAS, the names of the cities who propose to become signators to the Second Amended Operating Agreement are fully set forth in Attachment A; and WHEREAS, the City has and continues to have a desire to participate in the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency, and receive the economic benefit of combining its generation and transmission with other cities; and WHEREAS, the parties to the First Amended Operating Agreement desire to amend in its entirety the terms and conditions of that agreement into the Second Amended Operating Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Second Amended Operating Agreement sets forth the entire agreement of the cities and the KPP as to the operations of the KPP. THEREFORE, be it resolved by the governing body of the City of Wellington, Kansas; SECTION 1. It is hereby deemed advisable and in the best interests of the City to participate in the KPP by executing the Second Amended Operating Agreement, and to authorize KPP to act on its behalf of and with the City in providing services as fully set forth in the Second Amended Operating Agreement. SECTION 2. The City agrees to fix, establish, maintain and collect such rates, fees and charges for the use and services furnished by or through the KPP, as will produce revenues sufficient to enable the City to have reasonable and adequate funds available for its proportionate and allocable share of costs associated with the project. SECTION 3. The City Clerk and other officials of the City are hereby further authorized and directed to execute any and all documents and take such actions as they may deem necessary or advisable in order to carry out and perform the purposes of this resolution. Adopted by the governing body on the 2nd day of June, 2015. ____________________________________ Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: _________________________________ City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________ City Attorney ATTACHMENT A List of the current members of the Kansas Power Pool City Attica Augusta Burlington Clay Center Ellinwood Erie Greensburg Haven Hillsboro Holyrood Kingman Lucas Luray Marion Minneapolis Mount Hope Mulvane Oxford St. Mary’s Udall Waterville Wellington Winfield Transmission Service MKEC Westar Westar Westar MWE Westar MKEC Westar Westar MKEC MKEC MKEC MKEC Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar THE KANSAS POWER POOL (“KPP”) SECOND AMENDED OPERATING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated this 2nd day, of June, 2015, by and between the Member Cities of the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a municipal energy agency, as fully reflected on Attachment 1 (herein referred to as Members) and the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency (herein referred to as KPP). WHEREAS 1. Members, herein referred to individually as Party and if more than one or collectively as Parties, own and operate certain electric generating facilities and/ electric distribution systems, and some Members have contracts for direct purchase of power and energy from non-Parties. 2. The respective electric systems of Members are or will be interconnected, either directly or through the electrical systems of others, making possible more beneficial use of generating facilities and resources and assuring better service in emergencies, thereby providing important benefits to the areas served and to the public. 3. The Parties recognize that it is of the utmost importance to each of the Members that its electrical facilities be preserved and that the investment in those facilities be utilized in the most efficient manner possible in satisfying the Members’ collective future electrical energy requirements. 4. The Parties affirm the actions that KPP has taken related to transmission service for and to KPP Member Cities through the KPP as well as KPP’s participation in the Southwest Power Pool (“SPP”) or its successor. 5. The Parties recognize the many potential benefits to the Members and their consumers (citizens) that will result by coordinating the operation of existing generation and 1 of 25 transmission facilities and by coordinating the installation of future generation and/or transmission facilities of the Parties. 6. The Parties desire to study and evaluate on a continual basis the benefits that may result to the Members and their consumers from coordination and acquisition of electrical resources and facilities. 7. The Parties desire to enter into an agreement which will help assure each Member a current and future supply of power and energy to meet its requirements and make beneficial use of each Member’s existing and future generating facilities and supplies, where applicable. 8. Each Member may require capacity, energy, transmission, and other necessary Services to supplement its existing power supply resources. 9. KPP is a qualified Municipal Energy Agency and a quasi-municipal corporation created by the members and established to meet the energy, transmission and distribution functions of the combined members. 10. The Joint Contract among Members and KPP also provides that it is the intent of Members that the KPP provides generation, transmission and pooling to meet the requirements of members in the most efficient manner. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the covenants herein set forth, the Parties hereto mutually agree with the Kansas Power Pool (KPP) as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Agreement: Shall mean this Agreement and any amendments thereto in writing agreed between the Parties. APPA: American Public Power Association 2 of 25 Creating Agreement: Shall mean the Second Amendment to the Agreement Creating the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”) a Municipal Energy Agency that is currently in effect. Cure: a) b) Removal of the cause of an Event of Default so that no default remains, or another remedy acceptable to both the defaulting Party and the non-defaulting Party. Firm Service: Shall mean Firm Network Integrated Transmission Service as defined under the SPP OATT. Integrated Market; Shall be as defined in the SPP OATT Kansas Corporation Commission: Commission established by the State of Kansas with the authority to regulate electric utilities within the State of Kansas. The Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency: Shall mean that party to this Agreement and signator. KMU: Kansas Municipal Utilities Members: Shall mean the signators to this Agreement. Network Resources: Shall be as defined by the SPP OATT. Network Integrated Transmission Service (“NITS”): Shall be as defined by the SPP OATT. OATT: Shall mean the Open Access Transmission Tariff as administered by SPP and approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Point(s) of Delivery: Shall mean those points as defined in the official KPP list and documents as posted on KPP’s website. Pooled Power Supply Contract: Power supply contract between a KPP member and a power supplier that does not restrict KPP’s use as a Pooled Resource. 3 of 25 Pooled Resource: A Members resource that by this agreement is turned over for use by KPP to serve all of the Members. This resource can be either a Pooled Power Supply Contract or Member’s generation. Prudent Utility Practices: Shall mean the practices, methods and standards of professional care, skill and diligence engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electric generation industry for size, type, and design of similar facilities owned, operated or controlled by the Members, in the exercise of reasonable judgment, in light of the facts known at the time, which could have been expected to accomplish results consistent with applicable law and/or rules and regulations of an appropriate regulatory body or bodies, reliability, safety, environmental protection and standards of economy. Projected Peak Load: Shall mean the highest expected hourly kilowatt-hours per hour wholesale Load during a calendar year. Retail Customer: Shall mean the ultimate end use electric customer served by a Member. Secretary: Shall mean the person responsible for the taking and keeping of minutes, records of the official business of the Pool. Service(s): Shall mean those activities as enumerated through official KPP literature identifying services available to members. SPP: Shall mean the Southwest Power Pool, its successor or assignee. Voting Member: Shall mean the Member’s designated representative on the Membership Committee. Uncontrollable Force: Shall mean that as defined in Article XVIII. Wholesale Load: Shall mean the indicated sum of all of the members’ wholesale tie meters, losses calculated at those meters and all of the member’s internal generation on the distribution system downstream of the wholesale metering, at any point in time. 4 of 25 ARTICLE II OBJECTIVES The objectives of this Agreement and KPP are, through joint planning, central dispatching, joint power purchases, and effective coordination with other power pools and utilities: a) to provide the means for an adequate power supply for Members in conformance with applicable standards of reliability and safety; b) to provide the means for optimal use of generation and transmission facilities resulting in the efficient use of natural resources; c) to attain maximum practicable economy to the Members consistent with applicable standards of reliability and safety and to provide for equitable sharing of the resulting benefits and costs. d) and to provide any additional services to the Members as directed and approved by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE III THE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE 3.1 Each Member shall designate a representative to serve on the Membership Committee and one or more alternates authorized to act in the absence of the designated representative. The appointment to the Committee made by each Member shall be identified by written notice to the KPP. The Members’ representative to the Membership Committee shall be a “Voting Member” as defined in the Creating Agreement. Each Member may replace its representative or alternate(s) to the Committee at any time by the process delineated in the Creating Agreement and by written notice to the KPP. 3.2 Authorized representatives or alternates or proxies present from a majority of Voting Members at a duly noticed or regularly scheduled meeting of the Membership Committee shall constitute a quorum. 3.2.1 Voting Members may authorize another Voting Member as their proxy for a meeting of the Membership Committee provided such notification is presented to the 5 of 25 presiding officer of the Membership Committee in writing. Such written notice may be provided by email or facsimile. 3.2.2 Each Member shall have only one Voting Member for purposes of actions taken by the Membership Committee at a meeting of the Membership Committee. 3.2.3 A Voting Member that is acting as a proxy for one or more Voting Members will have additional votes equal to the number of proxies. 3.3 Each Voting Member shall be entitled to one vote of equal weight through its representative or alternate in any vote of the Membership Committee. A majority vote of all Members present will authorize any action or determination by the Membership Committee, except where otherwise required in this Agreement or the Creating Agreement. A tie vote shall be considered a vote not approving the motion. 3.4 Any action of the Membership Committee shall be by a vote on a motion that has been seconded. The maker of the motion and of the second shall be duly designated voting members of the Membership Committee. 3.5 The President of KPP shall serve as the presiding officer of the Membership Committee. In the President’s absence, the First Vice President or Second Vice President shall so preside. In the event that neither of these three officers can be present at any meeting, the President shall, before the meeting, notify Members as to who the Presiding Officer will be. 3.6 The Membership Committee shall meet as called and at such other times as the chair may determine or as requested by three or more Voting Members. The frequency of regular meeting may be revised from time to time by the Membership Committee. ARTICLE IV SERVICES TO THE POOL MEMBERS 4.1 Members agree to provide to KPP capacity and energy output from Members’ Pooled Resources identified by those Members and listed in KPP’s official documents and 6 of 25 records. subject to Members’ contractual, permit and physical limitations. KPP will compensate Members for use of such resources consistent with the following principles: a) KPP shall compensate the Members for the use of Pooled Power Supply Contracts by either directly paying the costs of these contracts or by compensating the Member for the costs of these contracts. KPP will compensate members for the use or the future use of Members generation by a payment for the accredited capacity rating of the unit at a rate approved by the Board of Directors and approved by the Membership Committee. The compensation for KPP’s use of the Members’ generation shall be based either on cost or on market price. KPP Members operation of Members generation when required by SPP or KPP for transmission service or for unit testing will be compensated at the member’s Variable Cost or at the market price, whichever is greater. Compensation for Member Generation when not required by KPP or SPP or to perform operational or capacity testing will be at the market price. Payment will be either a billing credit against the Member’s bill or a direct monthly payment to the Member. b) KPP’s compensation for the Member’s generating capacity shall be to ensure that the generating capacity is currently available and is reserved and maintained for future use. Payment will be either a billing credit against the Member’s bill or a direct monthly payment to the Member. c) Subject to the limitations of Section 12.1, the KPP agrees to provide, and each Member agrees, to utilize all of the Services agreed upon and which are needed by the Member to fulfill its full obligation to serve its Retail Customers. Members will pay for such Services at rates established by the Committee. The KPP may provide any 7 of 25 or all of these Services itself, or it may arrange for other entities to provide some or all of these Services. d) Rates established by the KPP for Services to Members may also include an amount which will permit KPP to pay Member’s membership fees in organizations such KMU, APPA, or other similar organizations as approved by the Committee. e) The maximum amount of Services to be provided to the Member under terms of this Agreement may be constrained by the physical limitations of delivery facilities. ARTICLE V MEMBER’S GENERATION CAPACITY COMMITMENT 5.1 Each Member covenants and agrees, during the term of this Agreement, that it will at all times maintain the generation facilities for which it receives payments related to the accredited generation capacity, in good working condition capable of safely functioning to sufficiently supply the capacity and energy for which it receives credit, consistent with reliability standards set by the KPP. Generation facilities that are not so maintained, as determined by the KPP, will be denied credit. 5.2 Prior to September 1 of each year, each Member will provide KPP with any known changes in its projected peak load, load profile, or energy use (such as major additions or losses in industrial or commercial loads), as well as any known changes in the Member’s generating Pooled Resources for the following 5 calendar years. In the above forecast for each Member, specific note shall be made of any changes in a generating unit rating due to downgrades, improvements or otherwise expected to occur in the five (5) following calendar years. A Member shall also advise the KPP of a significant change in loads or resources identified between such annual submissions. The KPP will acquire resources in reliance on resource and load information provided by Members. Forecasts are to be consistent with the 8 of 25 procedures established by the KPP. Load forecasts are to be formatted by the KPP and/or its staff. 5.3 No later than September 1 of each calendar year, each Member shall also advise the KPP of any plans and preliminary plans for new generating units or unit retirements or new power supply contracts. Accreditation for any new unit or power supply contract will be granted by the KPP consistent with the value of such resource to KPP. 5.4 With respect to its generation equipment for which the Member wants to receive credit under this Agreement, each Member agrees at all times to maintain and operate its Network Resources and ancillary equipment in accordance with Prudent Utility Practices so as to minimize outages, facilitate efficiency and prolong useful lives. Members’ maintenance schedules shall be subject to coordination with other Members and the KPP in accordance with procedures established by the KPP. Each Member shall keep the KPP informed of any unscheduled outage and the completion on any outage. 5.5 The KPP may request from time to time that a Member verify that its generation can run at its accredited rating during any and all operating conditions. Testing procedures will be established by the KPP in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice. ARTICLE VI SCHEDULING AND DISPATCH 6.1 The KPP will provide any needed scheduling and dispatching service for Members. The KPP will develop schedules in accordance with economic dispatch and allowance for prudent testing and exercise of Members’ units, consistent with procedures established by the KPP. The KPP will not schedule such units to be run contrary to the physical, contractual, or permit limitations applicable to such units. 6.2 Members agree to make their power contract entitlements available for scheduling and dispatch by the KPP, or for utilization in the SPP Integrated Market. The KPP will not 9 of 25 schedule or utilize such contract entitlements contrary to the limitation applicable to such contracts. 6.3 Members shall fully inform the KPP of any physical, contractual or permit limitations applicable to each of its generating units and power contracts, including but not limited to generation required to fulfill insurance or warranty requirements. 6.4 The KPP may provide scheduling, dispatching, and other Services itself or by subcontract with another entity. 6.5 In addition to any required scheduling and dispatch, KPP will coordinate all Pooled Resources and Member Loads in the SPP Integrated Market ARTICLE VII CONTINUITY OF DELIVERIES 7.1 Transmission capacity made available under this Agreement shall be furnished continuously and/or as scheduled in accordance with the definition of Firm Service except for interruption or curtailments in service caused by an Uncontrollable Force, or by operation of devices installed for system protection, or by the necessary installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of equipment. Such interruptions or reductions in service, as hereinbefore set forth, shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement, and neither party shall be liable to the other for damages resulting there from. Except in case of an emergency, each Party shall give the other reasonable advance written notice of the temporary interruptions or curtailments in service necessary for such installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of equipment and shall schedule such interruption or curtailments so as to cause the least inconvenience to the Parties hereto. 10 of 25 ARTICLE VIII INFORMATION AND ACTIONS 8.1 On request, the KPP and each Member shall provide each other with such information and take such actions as are reasonably necessary for the efficient and effective operation of KPP. 8.2 The KPP agrees to advise each Member of any changes or modifications in the KPP’s electric system that will affect the operation of the Member’s electric system or the nature of electric power and energy deliveries to the Member. 8.3 Each Member agrees to advise the KPP of any significant changes in estimated load requirements of planned levels of service or planned changes or modifications in its system, generation or contracts which may require modifications or changes in the KPP’s electric system or resources. ARTICLE IX OTHER AGREEMENTS 9.1 In the event additional connecting facilities or improvements to existing interconnecting facilities are determined to be necessary to allow the transmission of power and energy to one or more Members, whether pursuant to the application for NITS transmissions service through SPP or otherwise, such facilities or improvements shall be provided at the expense of the same Member(s) that benefit from such additional facilities or improvements. However, no such facilities or improvements shall be contracted for or constructed without the prior determination by the Member(s) benefiting from the same, that the same are necessary and reasonable. Notwithstanding the above, additional connecting facilities and improvements may be provided on other terms as mutually agreed upon between KPP and its Member(s). 11 of 25 ARTICLE X MEMBERSHIP CRITERIA 10.1 Members shall be the Voting Members. 10.2 To become a Voting Member of KPP, a party shall: a) have committed to make payment of any share of KPP costs as determined by the Board of Directors; b) be normally operationally interconnected in such a way as to benefit from the transmission services provided by the KPP; c) own or control electric utility facilities operated in accordance with KPP requirements; d) agree to maintain their facilities in accordance with Prudent Utility Practices; e) have signed this agreement; and f) have been approved by a unanimous vote of the KPP Board of Directors and who join KPP as required by Kansas statute. ARTICLE XI OPERATIONS 11.1 All capacity and energy delivered between the Parties shall be metered at the Point(s) of Delivery to the Member. Metering and communications equipment, which may include but is not limited to hardware and software, shall be installed that will determine: a) Kilowatt-hours delivered to and from the Member; b) The kilowatt demand at the metering point provided by 30 minute interval recording demand type meters; and c) Kilovolt-ampere-hours reactive delivered to and from the Member. d) Real time metering information as may be required by SPP. The metering and communications equipment shall provide sufficient information in a manner suitable for use in scheduling, dispatching, billing, forecasting and planning. If changes to Prudent Utility Practice necessitate changes to the aforesaid equipment, such changes shall be 12 of 25 made. Each Member shall reimburse the KPP any costs associated with the Section for equipment for Member’s Point(s) of Delivery. KPP will maintain the communications equipment and service after the initial equipment installation. 11.2 Connected Generation Resources: a) The Member’s connected generation resources that have automatic generation control (AGC) and automatic voltage regulation (AVR) shall be operated and maintained consistent with regional operating standards, and the Member or operator shall operate, or cause to be operated, such resources to avoid adverse disturbances or interference with the safe and reliable operation of the transmission system. b) For all Member Resources located within the Host Transmission Owner’s Control Area, the following generation telemetry readings to the Host Transmission Owner are required: 11.3 1) Analog MW 2) Integrated MWHRS/HR 3) Analog MVARS 4) Integrated MVARHRS/HR 5) Analog Bus Volts All metering equipment at the aforesaid point of metering shall be maintained by the respective owners thereof. The Party owning such meters shall make periodic tests and inspections of its meters at its own expense at intervals not greater than one year and shall advise the other Party (the KPP or the Member at whose Delivery Point or Network Resource the meter is located, as the case might be) when tests are to be made so that the other Party may witness such tests if it desires. Meter tests will be conducted in accordance with standards approved by 13 of 25 the KPP. The Party conducting the test shall promptly forward the results of any test showing inaccuracy of more than one percent (1%) to the other Party. Following any meter test, the meter shall be left as close to 100% accurate as possible. Each Party will make additional tests of its meters at the request of any other Party, but the expense of such test will be borne by the Party requesting such test if the meter is found to be within one percent (1%), the meter shall be calibrated and a correction shall be made in interchange accounts from the date reasonably determined to be the date at which the inaccuracy began. If that date cannot be reasonably determined, then the correction shall apply to the last half of the period since the latest test, but not more than six months preceding the test that reveals the inaccuracy. ARTICLE XII AUTHORITIES 12.1 The KPP is hereby authorized to acquire legal, engineering, accounting or any other third-party services associated with this Agreement. The Board of Directors of KPP is responsible for approving the annual budget of KPP. 12.2 The duly authorized Member hereby authorizes its Voting Member to act for the Member to carry out the Member’s responsibilities as provided in this Agreement, except that any question of the Member’s participation or withdrawal consistent with the provisions of Article XIV of this Agreement requires action of the Member’s governing body or approval of its administrator. ARTICLE XIII AMENDMENTS 13.1 The Parties hereto, including KPP, shall be the only parties in interest to this Agreement. This Agreement is not intended to and shall not create rights of any character whatsoever in favor of any person, corporation, association, entity or power supplier, other than the Parties and KPP, and the obligations herein assumed by the Parties are solely for the use and 14 of 25 benefits of the Parties and KPP. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as permitting or vesting, or attempting to permit or vest, in any person, corporation, association, entity or power supplier, other than the Parties and KPP, any rights hereunder or in any of the electric facilities owned by the Parties or the use thereof. 13.2 Specifically, the Member shall be entitled to purchase Services under the terms of this Agreement for the sole use of the Retail Customers of the Member. 13.3 Amendments to this agreement shall be proposed and approved by the Board of Directors of the Kansas Power Pool. Amendments will then be submitted to the Membership Committee for ratification. If the Membership Committee does not approve, disapprove or take action on such amendments within sixty (60) days of the date of submittal for action by the Membership Committee, the amendment shall be deemed approved. ARTICLE XIV TERM OF AGREEMENT, DEFAULT AND REMEDIES 14.1 This Agreement will continue in effect until cancelled as provided below: a) Once a Member is ready to take services from KPP or KPP has, on behalf of the Member, contracted for services, a Member shall sign a Purchase Power Agreement with KPP. b) Once the Purchase Power Agreement has been signed, the terms and conditions of that Agreement shall govern the rights of the parties, and specifically, the right to terminate the Purchase Power Agreement and the Second Amended Operating Agreement. c) A Member may cancel this Agreement as specified in the Purchase Power Agreement. 15 of 25 14.2 In the sole discretion of KPP, in the event of a Default under the Purchase Power Agreement or a breach of KPP’s Second Amended Operating Agreement KPP can elect to proceed by so notifying the affected City or Cities of a default and that KPP is invoking these provisions. An “Event of Default” under this Agreement shall occur as a result of any one or more of the following events and the corresponding Cure period, if any, shall have expired without Cure when: a) A Member fails to make any payment(s) required pursuant to Article XIV and/or the Purchase Power Agreement and such failure continues for a period of thirty (30) days after delivery of notice thereof by the KPP; b) A Member fails in any material respect to comply with or observe any material covenant, warrant or obligation under this Agreement (except a payment default as described in Section 14.4 a) or in the Purchase Power Agreement, except a failure that is due to causes excused by Uncontrollable Forces or attributable to the KPP’s wrongful act or wrongful failure to act, and such failure shall continue for a period of sixty (60) days after delivery of notice to the Member, or if such failure cannot reasonably be cured within a sixty (60) day period, such further period as shall reasonably be required to effect such Cure, provided that such Member commences within the first sixty (60) day period to effect such cure and at all times thereafter proceeds diligently to complete such Cure as quickly as possible. c) KPP fails in any material respect to comply with or observe any material covenant, warranty or obligation under this Agreement (except due to causes excused by Uncontrollable Forces or attributable to a Member’s 16 of 25 wrongful act or wrongful failure to act) or violates the terms and conditions of the Purchase Power Agreement. The cure requirements described in 14.4 b) shall also apply here. d) A Party becomes insolvent, or generally does not pay its debts as they become due, or admits in writing its inability to pay its debts, or makes and assignment for the benefit of creditors, or insolvency, reorganization, bankruptcy or receivership proceedings are commenced by or against a Party and such proceedings are not dismissed or stayed within sixty (60) days. 14.3 Upon the giving of notice by the KPP to cancel this Agreement, the Member and KPP agree to immediately commence negotiations in regard to the effect of the cancellation of this Agreement upon the Member and KPP. Specifically, the Member and KPP recognize that KPP will have contracted for and on behalf of the Member for various services which may include, but not be limited to, transmission, purchase power agreements, load following services or other transmission or power requirement needs which could extend beyond a the term of this of the Second Amended Operating Agreement. 14.4 The Member recognizes that it will remain responsible for its respective share of any obligations made on its behalf prior to its notice of cancellation and shall be entitled to its respective shares of any entitlements obtained for which it has paid when due, subject to the terms under which the entitlements are obtained. 14.5 The parties will negotiate whether the Member desires to retain its respective interests in transmission and/or power supply agreements, subject to the approval of the third party with whom KPP has contracted, or whom the Member has contracted with directly, beyond the appropriate cancellation period. 17 of 25 14.6 KPP agrees that it may or might have an interest in securing those services or agreements for other members of KPP. Subject to the consent of third parties with which KPP or its Member has contracted, KPP will negotiate the services that the Member desires to maintain in its own name with such third parties, but responsibility for the Member’s share of any obligation made on the Member’s behalf or by the Member to which it may be entitled are the Member’s responsibility absent further negotiations in the agreement of KPP. 14.7 The parties will complete these negotiations or mediation no later than six (6) months before the cancellation of the Member’s obligations under the Operating Agreement have been completed. 14.8 Either party may request that disputes that may arise between a member and KPP will be resolved by alternative dispute resolution, specifically mediation. The parties agree that mediation would be commenced immediately at the request of the other party at any time during the cancellation period, but will be completed prior to six (6) months before the end of the Member’s participation under this Operating Agreement of if alternative dispute resolution is waived. KPP and the Member City will select a mediator from a list of qualified individuals agreed upon between the parties. If the parties cannot agree upon a mediator, the same will be selected from a list of approved mediators that regularly perform mediation services for the United States District Court for the District of Kansas, sitting in Wichita. 14.9 If this Agreement is cancelled as a result of default by either party the non- defaulting party shall have the right to seek remedies at law or in equity for damages for the breach of any term, condition, covenant, warranty or obligation under this Agreement. 14.10 Upon cancellation, this Agreement shall be of no further effect and neither Party shall have any further obligation to the other under this Agreement except that each Member shall remain responsible for its respective shares of any obligations made on its behalf prior to its 18 of 25 notice of cancellation and it shall be entitled to its respective shares of any entitlements obtained for which it has paid when due, subject to the terms under which the entitlements are obtained; provided, however, that non-defaulting Party shall have the right to seek remedies at law or in equity or damages for the breach of any term, condition, covenant, warranty or obligation under this Agreement. ARTICLE XV NOTICES Any written notice, bill or invoice required or appropriate hereunder shall be deemed properly made, delivered, given to, or served on the Party to whom it is directed when the delivery is made by hand delivery; or five (5) days after deposit in the United States Mail, first class, postage prepaid, if by mail; or when sent and confirmation received, if by facsimile machine; or when delivery is guaranteed after delivery to a nationally recognized overnight courier service with service paid for with guaranteed delivery of five (5) days or less, if by courier, addressed: TO KPP: Name and address to be provided to Members by the KPP. TO MEMBER: The administrative officer identified by the Member and copies to such other persons or the Committee representative, if requested, addresses to be provided by the Member. Notice of change in any of the above addresses shall be given in the manner specified for written notice above. ARTICLE XVI BILLING AND PAYMENT 16.1 KPP shall prepare bills to each Member each month for Services rendered under this Agreement in accordance with Article IV. 19 of 25 16.2 Payment of the bills rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be received by the KPP no later than thirty (30) calendar days following delivery of the bill to the Member, as determined pursuant to Article XV if this Agreement. 16.3 If a Member shall dispute any amount in any bill rendered by the KPP, such Member shall nevertheless pay the entire amount of such bill within the time provided in Section 16.2 and within sixty (60) days after the delivery date for such bill. Member shall notify the KPP in writing of such disputed amount and reason(s) for such dispute(s). Any disputed amount which is ultimately determined not to have been payable shall be refunded by the KPP to such Member in accordance with Section 16.7. 16.4 For all billed amounts not paid by the Member on or before the date due therefore, the KPP may exercise rights provided in Section 16.7 and any other right or remedy available under this Agreement or applicable law with respect to such unpaid amounts. 16.5 The existence of a dispute as to any bill shall not relieve a Party of compliance with any other provisions of this Agreement. 16.6 If a Party discovers an arithmetic error in a bill, the bill may be corrected within one (1) year from the date of the original bill, and any overpayment or underpayment will be refunded or paid up, as appropriate. 16.7 Late fees or interest due associated with late bills or incorrect billings shall be as approved by the KPP. 16.8 If a Member shall dispute any amount in any bill rendered by the KPP, the dispute shall be resolved by the KPP, which may conduct an inquiry and render a decision itself or the KPP may at its option appoint a special review committee to be selected by the KPP President to perform such function, the decision of which shall be adopted as the decision of the KPP. There shall be no further right of review of such decision. 20 of 25 ARTICLE XVII UNCONTROLLABLE FORCES No Party shall be considered to be in default with respect to any obligation hereunder, other than making a payment to another Party, if unable to fulfill such obligation by reason of Uncontrollable Forces. The term “Uncontrollable Forces” shall be deemed for the purposes hereof to include among other such causes storm, flood, lightning, earthquake, fire, explosion, damage to facilities upon which performance is dependent, failure of manufacturers to make scheduled deliveries of equipment, act of the public enemy, sabotage, civil disturbance, labor disturbance, strike, impact of war or mobilization, national emergency, law, regulation, restraint or order by court or by public authority, or other causes beyond the control of the Party affected, which such Party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid by exercise of due diligence and foresight in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice. Any Party unable to fulfill any obligation by reason of Uncontrollable Force shall exercise due diligence to remove such disability with reasonable dispatch. ARTICLE XIII RIGHT OF ACCESS ACCORDED EACH PARTY Each Member shall permit duly authorized representatives and employees of the KPP to enter upon its premises for the purpose of reading or checking meters, inspecting, testing, repairing, renewing or exchanging any or all of the equipment associated with this Agreement, or for the purpose of performing any other work necessary in the performance of this Agreement. Each Member shall have a similar right of access with respect to the KPP’s premises. ARTICLE XIX SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement shall not be assignable by any Member by voluntary or involuntary transfer or otherwise without the prior written consent of the KPP. 21 of 25 ARTICLE XX COUNTERPARTS This Agreement and any amendments thereto may be executed in counterparts, in which case it shall be of the same force and effect as if all signatures were on one copy. ARTICLE XXI INSTRUMENT CONTAINS ENTIRE AGREEMENT This instrument contains the entire agreement by and between the Parties to this Agreement and no statement, promises or inducements made by any Party hereto or agent or officer of any Party hereto that is not contained in the Agreement or incorporated herein by reference, shall be invalid and/or non-binding. ARTICLE XXII SEVERABILITY Should any part, term or provision of this Agreement be determined by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or in conflict with any applicable law, the validity of the remaining portions shall not be affected thereby. ARTICLE XXIIII ORDINANCES OR RESOLUTION TO BE PROVIDED Certified copies of the ordinance or resolution adopted by each Member authorizing the execution of this Agreement shall be provided to the KPP at the time of execution of the Agreement or the respective counterparts thereof. 22 of 25 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, by Resolution No. 2015-2-19a passed by the Board of Directors of the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency, on the 19th day of February, 2015 I, Mark Chesney, CEO and General Manager of KPP hereby executed this Second Amended Operating Agreement for approval by the KPP Board of Directors. MARK CHESNEY, KPP CEO and General Manager Dated: _______________________, 2015 23 of 25 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Wellington, Kansas, having passed the appropriate resolution to approve the Second Amended Operating Agreement for the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency, is hereby executes this signature page by the City’s duly authorized officers. The City’s corporate seal has been affixed hereto and this agreement is effective on the date of the passage of the resolution adopting the same, on the 2nd day of June, 2015. THE CITY OF WELLINGTON, KANSAS By: TITLE: City Manager (SEAL) ATTEST: ___________________________________ City Clerk 24 of 25 ATTACHMENT 1 EXHIBIT 1 – LIST OF KPP MEMBER CITIES COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT City Attica Augusta Burlington Clay Center Ellinwood Erie Greensburg Haven Hillsboro Holyrood Kingman Lucas Luray Marion Minneapolis Mount Hope Mulvane Oxford St. Marys Udall Waterville Wellington Winfield Transmission Service MKEC Westar Westar Westar MWE Westar MKEC Westar Westar MKEC MKEC MKEC MKEC Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar (Original signature pages are on file in the office of the Kansas Power Pool.) 25 of 25 RESOLUTION NO. _____ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO CONTINUE ITS PARTICIPATION IN THE KANSAS POWER POOL (“KPP”), a MUNCIPAL ENERGY AGENCY BY EXECUTING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT CREATING THE KANSAS POWER POOL (“KPP”), A MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY WHEREAS, pursuant to Kansas statutes, certain Kansas municipalities, which are set forth in Attachment A of this resolution have joined together under the provisions of K.S.A. §12885 through K.S.A. §12-8,111 et seq., to organize and create the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency; and WHEREAS, the KPP and the City of Wellington, Kansas (the “City”) propose to continue their membership having been a party to the original agreement creating KPP and the First Amendment to the Agreement Creating KPP; and WHEREAS, the City of Wellington, Kansas (the “City”) desires to continue its longstanding relationship with the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency, and utilize KPP for its electric power, transmission needs and other important utility services provided by KPP to the City; and WHEREAS, all members of KPP agree to preserve their electric facilities and the network integrated transmission service of KPP which greatly benefits both the City and its retail customers; and WHEREAS, the participating Cities agree that many potential benefits that flow to the City and its customers from coordination in the operation of the existing generation and transmission facilities and by coordinating the installation of future generation and/or transmission facilities by all the Cities; and WHEREAS, the participation in the KPP will assure the Member Cities a supply of power and energy to meet its requirements and make beneficial use of each members existing and future generation facilities, where applicable; and WHEREAS, the Cities recognize that each participating City may require capacity, energy, transmission and other necessary services to supplement their existing power supply resources, and the KPP will act as the vehicle for acquiring such services; and WHEREAS, bonds and other indebtedness may be incurred by KPP to be paid from the revenues of the KPP; and WHEREAS, the City as a member of the KPP and acting in its capacity as a City is authorized to enter into an agreement for a period not to exceed forty (40) years for the purchase of electricity or other energy from the KPP; and WHEREAS, the City desires to continue participation in the KPP and pursue the economic benefit of combining its generation and transmission with the other participating Cities; and WHEREAS, K.S.A. §12-887 provides that the governing body of the City shall adopt a resolution approving amendments to the KPP’s Agreement Creating and the governing body of said City desires to adopt said resolution, specifically regarding the Second Amendment to the Agreement Creating of the Kansas Power Pool. THEREFORE, be it resolved by the governing body of the City of Wellington, Kansas; SECTION 1. It is hereby deemed advisable and in the best interests of the City to continue its participation in the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency, and to authorize KPP to act on behalf of the City in providing services as fully set forth in this resolution for the purpose of the City receiving an economic benefit and combining electric generation and transmission services between Member Cities in acquiring power and electrical needs from third parties. SECTION 2. The Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency, may incur or issue bonds or other indebtedness to be paid from the revenues of the KPP, and the City of Wellington is authorized to enter into an agreement for a period not exceeding forty (40) years for the purchase of electricity or other energy from such agency. SECTION 3. The City agrees to fix, establish, maintain and collect such rates, fees and charges for the use and services furnished by or through the KPP as will produce revenues sufficient to enable the City to have reasonable and adequate funds available for its proportionate and allocable share of costs associated with the project. SECTION 4. The City Clerk and other officials of the City are hereby further authorized and directed to execute any and all documents and take such actions as they may deem necessary or advisable in order to carry out and perform the purposes of this resolution. SECTION 5. This resolution shall become effective following approval by the members of the KPP who are currently taking power, receiving services and are parties to the Kansas Power Pool Amended Operating Agreement. The Second Amendment to the Agreement Creating the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency, shall be submitted to the Kansas Attorney General for approval as provided in K.S.A. §12-889. Upon receipt of such approval, the Second Amendment to the Agreement Creating the Kansas Power Pool shall be deemed approved and ready for submission to its Member Cities for approval. 2015. Adopted by the governing body of the City of Wellington, Kansas, on the 2nd day of June, (SEAL) ATTEST: _________________________________ City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________ City Attorney ____________________________________ Mayor ATTACHMENT A List of the current members of the Kansas Power Pool City Attica Augusta Burlington Clay Center Ellinwood Erie Greensburg Haven Hillsboro Holyrood Kingman Lucas Luray Marion Minneapolis Mount Hope Mulvane Oxford St. Mary’s Udall Waterville Wellington Winfield Transmission Service MKEC Westar Westar Westar MWE Westar MKEC Westar Westar MKEC MKEC MKEC MKEC Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT CREATING THE KANSAS POWER POOL (“KPP”), A MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY 1) By resolution, approved by a majority of the members of the governing body of each City named herein, executed by the Mayor of each named City, the following Second Amendment to the Agreement creating a Municipal Energy Agency is hereby made to wit: 2) The name of the agency shall be The Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency. 3) The duration of The Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency shall be perpetual. 4) The address of KPP’s Registered Office and the name of its Resident Agent may change from time to time as allowed under the By-Laws, but currently is as follows: Mark Chesney, CEO/General Manager Kansas Power Pool 250 West Douglas, Suite 110 Wichita, KS 67202 Telephone: 316-264-3166 Fax: 316-264-3434 E-mail: 5) This Second Amendment to the Agreement Creating the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a municipal energy agency, is entered into by the cities that, pursuant to Kansas statute, adopted the Second Amendment as required by statute. A current list of said cities shall be updated by KPP management and attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit 1. The Cities executed documents are on file with and subject to inspection at the offices of KPP. 6) The Second Amendment to the Agreement Creating may be amended pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. §12-889 as the Board of Directors deem necessary. Any amendment, except additions or subtractions of the List of KPP Cities in Exhibit A, shall be approved by resolution of the governing body of each member City and shall be executed by the Mayor of each said City. Any amendment shall be submitted to and approved by the Attorney General pursuant to K.S.A. §12-889. 7) The KPP shall have all the specified powers of K.S.A. §12-895, as well as those contained in K.S.A. §12-885 through and including K.S.A. §12-8,111 which statutes are hereby incorporated in and adopted into this Agreement. -1- 8) Membership Committee: a) Membership in the Kansas Power Pool shall be open to all Kansas municipal utilities that meet the membership criteria. Voting members of KPP shall consist of those cities who have a contract for supply of power to its City which has been approved by the Board of Directors of KPP and which City takes service under the Operating Agreement. Each city shall designate a member and alternate member to represent the city as its representative to the Membership Committee of KPP. KPP will, through its Board, adopt and publish its membership criteria and based upon that criteria, make recommendations to its members regarding cities who request membership in KPP. b) All Membership Committee representatives, both voting and nonvoting, shall be directly selected by, and subject to removal at will, by the governing bodies of their voting member cities. The Membership Representative shall be a person who is either a resident of the Member City or who takes service from the Member. Additionally, said representative should either be a member of the governing body, the City Administrator, or the designated representative of the Administrator, City Attorney or the employee of the City. c) The Membership Committee shall meet annually at the same time and place as called by the President of the KPP for the Annual Meeting of KPP. The Membership Committee meets as a whole each year and Membership Committee members of cities who have signed the Operating Agreement (“Voting Members”) shall approve the annual budget and the rates of KPP for the next year. The Membership Committee may also meet as called by the President. d) Veto Power of the Membership Committee: i) Right to Veto. Any combination of representatives of the Membership Committee that have signed the Operating Agreement (“Voting Members”) and represent more than fifty percent (50%) of KPP’s most recent system peak demand shall have the right to veto any action, not listed below, of the majority vote of the Voting Members of the Board of Directors, provided the following conditions are met: ii) Effect on Bonds or Contracts. A veto cannot be exercised that would affect bonds or bonding decisions, or alter the terms and conditions of any issued bonds, nor adversely affect bonds to the extent that the ratings of KPP could be subject to change. Nor may a veto be exercised to change the term of any contract between the Member Cities and KPP. -2- iii) Submission of Veto. Such veto in the form of a petition stating the reason for the veto and signed by the appropriate number of cities’ representatives must be submitted to the General Manager, President and Secretary of the Board at least ten (10) days before the next meeting of the Board following the exercise of the veto. iv) Membership Committee. The Membership Committee may be called to vote to override the veto as is authorized in KPP’s grievance procedure. e) Grievance Procedure: Upon the exercise of a veto by more than fifty percent (50%) of KPP’s most recent system peak demand, said veto may be overridden by a vote of the Membership Committee as set forth below: i) Special Meeting. After a veto is exercised, a special meeting of the Membership Committee of The Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”) may be called after a veto is exercised by at least ten (10) member cities whose representatives shall certify on a petition to KPP that they desire for the Membership Committee to be called for the purposes of voting to reject the veto. ii) The KPP President and/or General Manager/CEO shall establish a date and cause notice to be published to the entire membership of a vote to override a veto at the time and place for which the meeting is called. Said meeting shall take place not longer than twenty (20) days after the petition to veto has been appropriately acted upon. iii) Notice. KPP shall give at least ten (10) days’ notice of such a special membership meeting call. iv) Meeting and Majority to Override. The Membership Committee shall be called to meet to vote on whether to override the veto. To override any veto, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership must be secured. 9) The number of Directors to serve on the Board of Directors shall be nine board members selected by the voting representatives of the Membership Committee. The nine board members shall include the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer. The other five members of the Board of Directors shall be selected from the voting membership of KPP’s Membership Committee by a Nominating Committee appointed by the President. Directors are subject to removal by a majority of the voting representatives of the Membership Committee. -3- i) The Directors shall serve four (4) year terms which shall be staggered. ii) A Director may be elected or appointed to successive terms of office, or to future partial terms resulting from replacements on or resignations from, the Board of Directors. iii) A Director shall not have a pecuniary interest in any service or service company from which KPP purchases services, power or professional services which conflicts with the interests of the individual City or Cities who make up KPP or with the interests of KPP. KPP will review and advise any City Member who requests it whether a prospective Member’s representative would have a conflict with this provision of the Agreement. 10) Any vacancy occurring on the Board for any reason, other than the expiration of a member's term of office shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment of a majority of the Board of Directors. 11) A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of at least five (5) members for the Board to take action. 12) The President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected by the board of directors of KPP and further, subject to removal at the discretion of the membership as provided in the by-laws, the officers shall serve successively once elected through the offices starting with Secretary/Treasurer, moving to Second Vice President, First Vice President and President. If at any time a member of the Board of Directors resigns, is unable to further serve or is removed by his city, the respective officers shall move up one step. The Board of Directors shall have the power to designate and employ a CEO/General Manager, subject to such terms and conditions as the Board deems advisable. Such CEO/General Manager, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the agency and shall manage, conduct and administer the affairs of the agency. The Board shall additionally have the power to employ or to delegate to the CEO/General Manager the power to employ such engineers, attorneys, agents and other persons, as necessary, to carry out the functions of the agency. 13) The Board shall have the power to adopt resolutions governing the affairs and business of the agency which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, the By-Laws of the agency, the statutory authority contained in the Municipal Energy Agency Act and the Second Amended Agreement Creating this agency. 14) By-laws of the KPP may be proposed, modified or adopted as follows: a) by majority vote of the Board of Directors; -4- b) by Motion from any voting member City of the KPP, subject to approval of a majority of the Board of Directors; c) by presentation to the Board by the CEO/General Manager subject to the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors. 15) The Board of Directors may amend and revise the List of KPP Cities, Exhibit 1, as necessary to correctly reference KPP membership. 16) The Cities who are or will become members of this Municipal Energy Agency are not liable for the obligations of the Agency. 17) In the event any paragraph of this Second Amendment to the Agreement Creating is found not to comply with Kansas statutes, the same may be deleted and the remaining portions of this Second Amendment to the Agreement Creating still control, unless such a deletion renders this Agreement incomplete. 18) This Second Amendment to the Agreement Creating constitutes the entire agreement of the parties and shall not be Amended, except in writing and in the manner provided by K.S.A. §12-889. [THE BALANCE OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] -5- APPROVAL OF THE KANSAS POWER POOL (“KPP”), A MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY The Board of Directors of the Kansas Power Pool, meeting in the City of Wichita, Kansas on February 19, 2015 unanimously passed and approved the Second Amendment to the Agreement Creating the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency, by Resolution No. 2015-2-19a and directed Mark Chesney, CEO and General Manager of KPP, to execute the Second Amendment to the Agreement Creating the Kansas Power Pool on behalf of the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency. ____________________________________ Mark Chesney, CEO & General Manager Kansas Power Pool _____ day of ___________________, 2015 ___________________________________ Jim Sutton, President of KPP ____ day of ____________________, 2015 ATTEST: Secretary of KPP -6- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Wellington, Kansas, having passed the appropriate resolution to approve the Second Amendment to the Agreement Creating the Kansas Power Pool (“KPP”), a Municipal Energy Agency, is hereby executing this signature page by the City’s duly authorized officers. The City’s corporate seal has been affixed hereto and this agreement is effective on the date of the passage of the resolution adopting the same, on the 2nd day of June, 2015. THE CITY OF WELLINGTON, KANSAS By: TITLE: City Manager (SEAL) ATTEST: ___________________________________ City Clerk -7- EXHIBIT 1 LIST OF KPP MEMBER CITIES Transmission Service City Attica Augusta Burlington Clay Center Ellinwood Erie Greensburg Haven Hillsboro Holyrood Kingman Lucas Luray Marion Minneapolis Mount Hope Mulvane Oxford St. Mary’s Udall Waterville Wellington Winfield MKEC Westar Westar Westar MWE Westar MKEC Westar Westar MKEC MKEC MKEC MKEC Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar Westar -8- (Published in the Wellington Daily News 24, June 2015)1t RESOLUTION NO. ____ A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THE STRUCTURE/S LOCATED ON NORTHWEST ADD, S15, T32, R01W, BLOCK 13, LOT W65' 4 - 5, WELLINGTON, KANSAS, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 611 WEST 13TH STREET IS/ARE UNSAFE OR DANGEROUS AND DIRECTING THE STRUCTURE/S TO BE MADE SAFE AND SECURE OR REMOVED WHEREAS, the Enforcing Officer of the City of Wellington, Kansas, did on the 19th day of May, 2015 file with the Governing Body of said City a statement in writing that a certain structure/s, herein after described, was/were unsafe and dangerous; and WHEREAS, the Governing Body did by Resolution dated the 19th day of May, 2015, fix the time and place of a hearing at which the owner, his agent, any lien holders of record and any occupant of such structure/s could appear and show cause why such structure/s should not be condemned and ordered repaired or demolished, and provided for giving notice thereof as provided by law; and WHEREAS, such Resolution was published in the official City newspaper on the 27th day of May, 2015. WHEREAS, on the 16th day of June, 2015, this matter came back before the Governing Body for a hearing to determine whether the structure/s that is/are on the premises described herein is/are a dangerous building/s within the terms of Section 108, of the Property Maintenance Code of the City of Wellington, Kansas, and/or K.S.A. 121750, et. seq. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON, KANSAS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Governing Body, after hearing testimony submitted by the Staff and owner and by other interested parties, reviewing the file, and after being otherwise duly and fully informed, finds as follows: (a) 2. Proper notice was served upon all interested parties entitled thereto in all respects as provided for in K.S.A. 12-1750 et. seq. and by Section 107 of the Property Maintenance Code of Wellington, Kansas. (b) The primary structure/s at issue is/are: Primary Residence: The property still remains vacant and disrepair. The primary residence has been deemed irreparable due to the front porch soffits being badly deteriorated. Siding of the residence is badly worn with parts not providing a weather tight seal. The trim around the windows is pealing and the wood shows deterioration from elements and several of the windows are broken. Parts of the roof in back show signs of cracking in the asphalt overlay. An old metal outbuilding is also deteriorated and ready to collapse. Large amounts of garbage bags and debris sit on the front porch of the property. (c) Photographs of the structure/s and testimony of the Staff are incorporated by reference herein as though fully set forth herein or attached hereto. (d) The owner (owners) of record of the property is (are): Jason Ray There is nobody occupying the property and the lien holder (s) of record is (are): Mortgage Holders: Biltmore Funding, LLC Agent(s) Internal Revenue Service Interested Parties: The structure/s on the property is/are found to be dangerous and unsafe and is/are found to constitute a public nuisance because of the following conditions: A. B. C. Those, which have been damaged by fire, wind, want of repair, or other causes, so as to have become dangerous to life, safety, morals or the general health and welfare of the occupants or the people of the City. The structure fails to provide the necessities to decent living, which makes it, unfit for human habitation. Those whose use, equipment or want of good housekeeping constitutes a decided fire or safety hazard to the property itself or its occupants or which presents a decided fire or safety hazard to surrounding property or a menace to the public safety and general welfare. Based upon the findings set out above, the structure/s is/are declared to constitute a public nuisance. 3. The Governing Body, based on the findings set forth herein orders that the structure/s is/are hereby condemned: (a) (b) The Governing Body hereby directs that the structure/s is/are to be repaired or removed and the premises made safe and secure. Any extensions of time granted for repairs are provided that any back taxes are paid, the structure/s is/are kept secured and the premises remain free of debris and maintained. If any of these conditions are not met, Staff is directed to let the structure/s for bids for demolition. The owner (owners) of such structure/s is/are hereby given thirty (30) days from the date of publication of Resolution to complete repair of said structure/s. The Governing Body further directs that if such owner (owners) fails/fail to complete the repair of such structure/s within the time stated or fails to diligently prosecute the same until the work is completed, then the City Manager will cause the structure/s to be razed and removing, less salvage value, if any, shall be assessed as a special assessment against the lot or parcel of land upon which the structure/s is/are located as provided by law. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall cause this Resolution to be published once in the official City newspaper and a copy shall be mailed by certified mail to the owners, agents, lien holders and occupants within three (3) days after the first publication of the Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED at Wellington, Kansas, this 16th day of June, 2015. ______________________________ Shelley R. Hansel, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: ____________________________ Shane J. Shields, City Clerk FORM APPROVED: ____________________________ Michael C. Brown, City Attorney 611 West 13th Street 611 West 13th Street Statement of Public Officer Date: 6/11/2015 Code Compliance Officer: Aaron Norton TO: The Governing Body of the City of Wellington Property Address: 611 West 13th Street RE: Dangerous and Unsafe Property Legal Description of Property: NORTHWEST ADD, S15, T32, R01W, BLOCK 13, Lot W65' 4 -5 ______________________________________________________________________________ Property Information Owner(s): Jason Ray Owner(s) Address: 412 North Blaine Street, Wellington, KS 67152 Lien Holder Yes No Party of Interest Name: Biltmore Funding, LLC Property Condition: Vacant & Disrepair Utility Service: Inactive Date of Inactivity 10/11/2010 Current Appraised Value: Building: $2,630 Land: $5,230 Total: $7,860 Land: $6,020 Total: $9,000 Previous Appraised Value: Building: $2,980 Ad Valorem Property Tax: Delinquent: Yes No 2013 Amount: $144.36 2012 Amount: $142.62 2011 Amount: $309.84 Page 1 of 3 TOTAL AD VALOREM TAX DUE: $596.82 Special Assessment Property Tax: Delinquent: 2013 Yes No N/A Tall Grass & Weed Abatement Amount: $150.00 TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DUE: $150.00 Total Tax Delinquency: $746.82 Case Narrative As reported during the April 21, 2015 City Council Meeting: The following described property has been deemed unsafe and dangerous: The property is vacant and in disrepair. The property taxes have not been paid for the last three (3) years, and there are special assessments for forced mowings. This property came in front of the Council once before, in April of 2014. A final hearing was set, but not followed up on. The first Notice of Violation was sent to the property owner on 3/12/2014. Staff had received multiple phone calls from citizens in the area wanting the primary structure razed because of the neglect of property maintenance. Contact was not established with the Owner of Record, Jason Ray. An interior inspection of the property was not arranged due to lack of contact from property owner. No visible progress was ever made on the property, so a second Notice of Violation was sent on 4/16/2015 to Owner of Record, Jason Ray. Again, no contact was made by the owner, and an interior inspection could not be made. Exterior inspection was made of the property at a reasonable time and day. Front porch soffits are badly deteriorated. Siding of residence is badly worn with parts not providing a weather tight seal. Trim around windows is pealing and wood shows deterioration from elements and several of the windows are broken. Parts of the roof in back show signs of cracking in the asphalt overlay. An old metal outbuilding is also deteriorated and ready to collapse. Large amounts of garbage bags and debris sit on the front porch of the property. New Information Staff published in the official City newspaper and mailed to the last known available address the Resolution setting time and date for this hearing to all parties of interest. The owner of record did Page 2 of 3 make contact via phone about setting up a property inspection at a later date, but it was not followed up on. Upon inspection, the rubbish was removed from the front porch and the front door had been secured, but the rest of the structure continues to degrade. City Staff continues to field citizen complaints concerning the current conditions of the property. Recommended Action Staff recommends the condemnation of the above-mentioned property and demolition to be bid thirty (30) days from the date of publication of the Resolution to Abate in the Wellington Daily News. Council has the option to shorten or lengthen this timeframe. If Council should choose to change this timeframe, Staff recommends no less than fourteen (14) days and no more than fortyfive (45) days. OFFICE USE ONLY Notice of Violation: 4/16/2015 City Council Meeting setting time and date for Public Hearing 5/19/2015 1st publication in the Wellington Daily News 5/27/2015 Notification of Public Hearing to parties of interest 5/29/2015 2nd publication in the Wellington Daily News 6/3/2015 Date of Public Hearing 6/16/2015 Publication of Resolution to Abate 6/24/2015 Notification of Condemnation to parties of interest 6/26/2015 Date of which demolition can be bid 7/28/2015 Page 3 of 3 (Published in the Wellington Daily News 24, June 2015)1t RESOLUTION NO. ____ A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THE STRUCTURE/S LOCATED ON NORTHWEST ADD, S15, T32, R01W, BLOCK 12, LOT 6, WELLINGTON, KANSAS, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 613 WEST 12TH STREET IS/ARE UNSAFE OR DANGEROUS AND DIRECTING THE STRUCTURE/S TO BE MADE SAFE AND SECURE OR REMOVED WHEREAS, the Enforcing Officer of the City of Wellington, Kansas, did on the 19th day of May, 2015 file with the Governing Body of said City a statement in writing that a certain structure/s, herein after described, was/were unsafe and dangerous; and WHEREAS, the Governing Body did by Resolution dated the 19th day of May, 2015, fix the time and place of a hearing at which the owner, his agent, any lien holders of record and any occupant of such structure/s could appear and show cause why such structure/s should not be condemned and ordered repaired or demolished, and provided for giving notice thereof as provided by law; and WHEREAS, such Resolution was published in the official City newspaper on the 27th day of May, 2015. WHEREAS, on the 16th day of June, 2015, this matter came back before the Governing Body for a hearing to determine whether the structure/s that is/are on the premises described herein is/are a dangerous building/s within the terms of Section 108, of the Property Maintenance Code of the City of Wellington, Kansas, and/or K.S.A. 121750, et. seq. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON, KANSAS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Governing Body, after hearing testimony submitted by the Staff and owner and by other interested parties, reviewing the file, and after being otherwise duly and fully informed, finds as follows: (a) 2. Proper notice was served upon all interested parties entitled thereto in all respects as provided for in K.S.A. 12-1750 et. seq. and by Section 107 of the Property Maintenance Code of Wellington, Kansas. (b) The primary structure/s at issue is/are: Primary Residence: The property still remains vacant and in disrepair. The primary residence has been deemed irreparable due to substantial damage and decay. The roof is sagging in sections and missing shingles in sections, showing evidence of water damage and neglect. Portions of the residence have damaged siding and no covering, leaving no protection against the elements. The window frames are cracked and compromised. The garage is leaning and has a damaged roof from the elements and neglect. (c) Photographs of the structure/s and testimony of the Staff are incorporated by reference herein as though fully set forth herein or attached hereto. (d) The owner (owners) of record of the property is (are): Laura Bowman There is nobody occupying the property and the lien holder (s) of record is (are): Mortgage Holders: N/A Agent(s) Interested Parties: Shirley Mies The structure/s on the property is/are found to be dangerous and unsafe and is/are found to constitute a public nuisance because of the following conditions: A. B. C. Those, which have been damaged by fire, wind, want of repair, or other causes, so as to have become dangerous to life, safety, morals or the general health and welfare of the occupants or the people of the City. The structure fails to provide the necessities to decent living, which makes it, unfit for human habitation. Those whose use, equipment or want of good housekeeping constitutes a decided fire or safety hazard to the property itself or its occupants or which presents a decided fire or safety hazard to surrounding property or a menace to the public safety and general welfare. Based upon the findings set out above, the structure/s is/are declared to constitute a public nuisance. 3. The Governing Body, based on the findings set forth herein orders that the structure/s is/are hereby condemned: (a) (b) The Governing Body hereby directs that the structure/s is/are to be repaired or removed and the premises made safe and secure. Any extensions of time granted for repairs are provided that any back taxes are paid, the structure/s is/are kept secured and the premises remain free of debris and maintained. If any of these conditions are not met, Staff is directed to let the structure/s for bids for demolition. The owner (owners) of such structure/s is/are hereby given thirty (30) days from the date of publication of Resolution to complete repair of said structure/s. The Governing Body further directs that if such owner (owners) fails/fail to complete the repair of such structure/s within the time stated or fails to diligently prosecute the same until the work is completed, then the City Manager will cause the structure/s to be razed and removing, less salvage value, if any, shall be assessed as a special assessment against the lot or parcel of land upon which the structure/s is/are located as provided by law. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall cause this Resolution to be published once in the official City newspaper and a copy shall be mailed by certified mail to the owners, agents, lien holders and occupants within three (3) days after the first publication of the Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED at Wellington, Kansas, this 16th day of June, 2015. ______________________________ Shelley R. Hansel, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: ____________________________ Shane J. Shields, City Clerk FORM APPROVED: ____________________________ Michael C. Brown, City Attorney 613 West 12th Street 613 West 12th Street Statement of Public Officer Date: 6/11/2015 Code Compliance Officer: Aaron Norton TO: The Governing Body of the City of Wellington Property Address: 613 West 12th Street RE: Dangerous and Unsafe Property Legal Description of Property: NORTHWEST ADD, S15, T32, R01W, BLOCK 12, Lot 6 ______________________________________________________________________________ Property Information Owner(s): Laura Bowman Owner(s) Address: 1804 North A Street, Lot 2, Wellington, KS 67152 Lien Holder Yes No Party of Interest Name: N/A Property Condition: Vacant & Disrepair Utility Service: Inactive Date of Inactivity 9/24/2010 Current Appraised Value: Building: $4,810 Land: $4,460 Total: $9,270 Land: $5,100 Total: $10,270 Previous Appraised Value: Building: $5,170 Ad Valorem Property Tax: Delinquent: Yes No 2013 Amount: $163.28 2012 Amount: $160.36 2011 Amount: $222.74 2010 Amount: $225.00 Page 1 of 3 Amount: $771.38 TOTAL DUE: Special Assessment Property Tax: Delinquent: Yes No N/A 2012 Amount: $95.00 2011 Amount: $95.00 TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DUE: $190.00 Total Tax Delinquency: $961.38 Case Narrative As reported during the May 19, 2015 City Council Meeting: The following described property has been deemed unsafe and dangerous: The property is vacant and in disrepair. The property taxes are delinquent and have not been paid since 2010; back taxes equal $961.38. The first Letter of Intent was sent to the owner of record, Laura Bowman, on April 16, 2015. The owner of record’s daughter, Shirley Mies, received the letter. Mies made contact with the Code Office on 4/27/2015 to say she had been acting as the property’s caretaker since the passing of Bowman some years earlier. Mies said she would consider potentially demolishing the structure herself, or potentially selling it, and then make contact with the Code Office again. The Code Office has not heard from Mies since 4/27/2015. Inspection of the interior of the structure could not be made. Exterior inspection was made of the property at a reasonable time and day. The primary residence has been deemed irreparable due to substantial damage and decay. The roof is sagging in sections and missing shingles in sections, showing evidence of water damage and neglect. Portions of the residence have damaged siding and no covering, leaving no protection against the elements. The window frames are cracked and compromised. The garage is leaning and has a damaged roof from the elements and neglect. Page 2 of 3 New Information Staff published in the official City newspaper and mailed to the last known available address the Resolution setting time and date for this hearing to all parties of interest. No additional contact could be established with owner, lien holder or interested party who expressed interest in refurbishing structure. Owner has made no attempt to repair, raze or board the structure; the structure continues to degrade. City Staff continues to field citizen complaints concerning the current conditions of the property. Recommended Action Staff recommends the condemnation of the above-mentioned property and demolition to be bid thirty (30) days from the date of publication of the Resolution to Abate in the Wellington Daily News. Council has the option to shorten or lengthen this timeframe. If Council should choose to change this timeframe, Staff recommends no less than fourteen (14) days and no more than fortyfive (45) days. OFFICE USE ONLY Notice of Violation: 4/16/2015 City Council Meeting setting time and date for Public Hearing 5/19/2015 1st publication in the Wellington Daily News 5/27/2015 Notification of Public Hearing to parties of interest 5/29/2015 2nd publication in the Wellington Daily News 6/3/2015 Date of Public Hearing 6/16/2015 Publication of Resolution to Abate 6/24/2015 Notification of Condemnation to parties of interest 6/26/2015 Date of which demolition can be bid 7/28/2015 Page 3 of 3 (First publication in the Wellington Daily News, 24, June 2015)2t RESOLUTION NO.____ A RESOLUTION FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE AND PROVIDING NOTICE OF A HEARING BEFORE THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON, KANSAS, AT WHICH THE OWNERS, THEIR AGENTS, ANY LIENHOLDERS OF RECORD AND ANY OCCUPANTS OF THE BUILDINGS LOCATED BELOW MAY APPEAR AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH BUILDINGS SHOULD NOT BE CONDEMNED AND ORDERED DEMOLISHED. WOODLAWN ADDITION, S11, T32, R01W, BEG NE COR LT 6 BLK 9 TH S50', W127',NELY53',E115' TO POB BEING PT OF LOTS 6 & 7 BLK 9 in said city Also known as 1222 North Jefferson Avenue WHEREAS, the Code Compliance Officer of the City of Wellington, Kansas, did on the 16th day of June, 2015, file with the Governing Body of the City of Wellington, Kansas, a statement in writing that certain structures, premises, herein described, are unsafe and dangerous. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON, KANSAS, that a hearing be held on the 21st day of July, 2015, before the Governing Body of the City of Wellington, Kansas at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 317 South Washington, in said City at which time and place the owners, their agents, any lien holders of record and any occupant of the structures, buildings or premises mentioned herein may appear and show cause why such structures, buildings or premises should not be condemned and ordered demolished. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON, KANSAS, that the City Clerk cause this resolution to be published and given notice of the aforesaid hearing in the manner provided by K.S.A. 12-1752. ADOPTED BY THE GOVERNING BODY of the City of Wellington, Kansas, this 16th day of June, 2015. __________________________________ Mayor (Seal) ATTEST: __________________________________ City Clerk FORM APPROVED: __________________________________ City Attorney 1222 North Jefferson Avenue 1222 North Jefferson Avenue 1222 North Jefferson Avenue Remarks Setting Time and Date for Public Hearing Date: 6/11/2015 Code Compliance Officer: Aaron Norton TO: The Governing Body of the City of Wellington RE: Dangerous and Unsafe Property Property Address: 1222 North Jefferson Avenue Legal Description of Property: WOODLAWN ADDITION, S11, T32, R01W, BEG NE COR LT 6 BLK 9 TH S50', W127',NELY53',E115' TO POB BEING PT OF LOTS 6 & 7 BLK 9 Property Information Owner(s): Brawley Family Trust Owner(s) Address: 107 South Washington Avenue, Wellington, KS 67152 Property Condition: Vacant & Disrepair Utility Service: Inactive Date of Inactivity 11/3/2014 Current Appraised Value: Building: $6,290 Land: $4,110 Total: $10,400 Land: $3,530 Total: $9,780 Previous Appraised Value: Building: $6,250 Ad Valorem Property Tax: Delinquent: Yes No Amount: $0 TOTAL DUE: Special Assessment Property Tax: Delinquent: Yes Total Tax Delinquency: $0 No N/A Amount: $0 Case Narrative The following described property has been deemed unsafe and dangerous: The property is vacant and in disrepair. The first Letter of Intent was sent to the owner of record, the Brawley Family Trust, on November 7, 2014. The Engineering Department had been called to the property by the Electrical Department to inspect the electrical service. Engineering found the service to be unsafe and informed the owner that City utilities would be refused until the service was brought up to code. At the time of inspection, Engineering found several other code and safety violations, including a compromised roof and holes in the walls. Upon receiving this information, the owner told the Code Office that he was considering demolishing the property himself or selling the property. A second Letter of Intent was sent to the owner of record on May 1, 2015. In the months since the first letter of intent, no correspondence or communication had been received from the owner. The Code Office was contact by Ed Brawley, the owner of record’s son and power of attorney, to inform the office that the property was to be sold to another party—Martha Baucom. Brawley was walked through the Transfer of Ownership process and informed that a notarized letter stating that the new owner agreed to take on the responsibility of the code violations was required, along with the new owner’s name appearing on a deed at the Sumner County Register of Deeds. Baucom was also informed of this during a call to the Code Office. A Transfer of Ownership letter was received on May 21, 2015, but no title transfer went on record at the Register of Deeds. A second inspection of the interior of the structure could not be made. Exterior inspection was made of the property at a reasonable time and date. The primary residence has been deemed irreparable due to substantial damage and decay. The roof is sagging in sections and has several holes, showing evidence of water damage and neglect. Portions of the residence are missing siding, leaving no protection against the elements and exposing the interior of the structure to further decay. The electrical service is unsafe. For reasons stated and with the support of photographs provided, City Staff recommends that a public hearing be held, allowing the owners, their agents, lien holders of record, and any other party of interest to appear before the Wellington City Council and show cause why such building(s) should not be condemned and ordered demolished. In accordance with requirements established in K.S.A. 12-1752, Staff recommends passage of the resolution setting the time and date for the public hearing for Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 6:30pm at the Wellington City Administration Center. OFFICE USE ONLY Notice of Violation to parties of interest 5/1/2015 City Council Meeting setting time and date for Public Hearing 6/16/2015 1st publication in the Wellington Daily News 6/24/2015 Notification of Public Hearing to parties of interest 7/3/2015 2nd publication in the Wellington Daily News 7/1/2015 Date of Public Hearing 7/21/2015 Notification of Condemnation to parties of interest 7/31/2015 Demolition bid date (tentative) 8/18/2015
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