Clinical Features, Triage, and Outcome of Patients Presenting to the ED With Suspected Acute Coronary Syndromes but Without Pain: A Multicenter Study BORIS E. CORONADO, MD,* J. HECTOR POPE, MD,*† JOHN L. GRIFFITH, PHD,* JONI R. BESHANSKY, RN, MPH,* AND HARRY P. SELKER, MD, MSPH* We studied the impact on triage and outcome of patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) with symptoms suggestive of an acute coronary syndromes (ACS) but without a complaint of pain. Data from a prospective clinical trial of patients with symptoms suggesting an ACS in the EDs of 10 US hospitals comparing patient demographics, clinical variables, and outcomes was used to perform a secondary analysis. Of 10,783 subjects, a final diagnosis of an ACS was confirmed in 24% of which 35% had acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and 65% unstable angina pectoris (UAP). Pain was absent in 6.2% of patients with acute ischemia and in 9.8% of those with AMI. Compared to similar patients who presented with pain, patients with painless ischemia were older, were more commonly women, had more cardiac and related diseases. Among patients with AMI, fewer patients without pain were admitted to critical care units compared to similar patients with pain. Among patients with AMI, logistic regression predicting lack of pain identified age, heart failure and diabetes, with only age and heart failure among all with ACS. After controlling for clinical features, lack of pain during acute ischemia predicted increased hospital mortality. We concluded that age and heart failure are independently associated with painless ACS, in addition to diabetes among those with AMI. Lack of pain predicts increased hospital mortality in patients with ACI through mechanisms that remain to be elucidated. There is a need for greater awareness in the general public of the different manifestations of ACS to enhance the recognition and prompt response to their symptoms. mortality (Am J Emerg Med 2004; 22:568-574. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.) Since the classic description of angina pectoris by Heberden in 1768,1 chest pain has been recognized as the most common clinical manifestation of an acute coronary syn- From the *Center for Cardiovascular Health Services Research, Institute for Clinical Research and Health Policy Studies, Department of Medicine, Tufts-New England Medical Center, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts and †Department of Emergency Medicine, Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA. Manuscript received July 26, 2003; accepted November 24, 2003. Presented at the American Federation of Medical Research Annual Meeting, Spring, 1995 abstract (J Invest Med 1995;43:503A) Supported by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research grant nos. T32HS00060 and nos. RO1HS07360 and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute grant no. R01 HL53900. Address reprint requests to Harry P. Selker, MD, MSPH, Institute for Clinical Research and Health Policy Studies, Tufts, New England Medical Center, #63, 750 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111. Email: Key Words: Acute coronary syndrome, acute cardiac ischemia, acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris, chest pain, clinical presentation, emergency department, diagnosis, triage, © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 0735-6757/04/2207-0013$30.00/0 doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2004.09.001 568 dromes (ACS): unstable angina pectoris (UAP) and acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Although the World Health Organization2 requires the presence of chest pain as one of the cornerstone features of its definition of AMI, a new definition AMI from the European Society of Cardiology and the American College of Cardiology (ESC/ACC) requires only a history of ischemic symptoms and a typical rise and fall of at least one of the biochemical markers.3 Not all patients with ACS present with chest pain and the extent to which this phenomenon occurs is largely unknown. Some investigators have found that up to 30% of patients with ACS may not experience this symptom,4-11 and many experience no pain whatsoever12 These patients often complain of shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, nausea or fainting.9 Barron et al13 reported that the absence of chest pain at presentation was among the most significant factors predicting lower use of thrombolytic therapy among a subset of AMI patients eligible for such treatments in the National Registry of Myocardial Infarction 2 (NRMI-2). Whether these patients are also less likely to receive other important treatments in the management of AMI remains unclear. These findings have heightened the interest in the study of the mechanisms of pain perception during myocardial ischemia and in the processes that lead to defective pain perception in certain individuals.14 However, this population has not been well characterized. While some epidemiologic studies identified women and advanced age in men as factors associated with unrecognized AMI,5 other reports identified diabetes mellitus11,15 and hypertension.16,17 These data remain controversial and other clinical factors remain undefined due in part to a paucity of studies with multivariable analyses with proper adjustment for confounders.18 A better understanding of the factors associated with atypical presentations of an ACS will eventually help optimize the early recognition and treatment of these patients when they become symptomatic. Finally, little is known about how the absence of pain affects clinical outcomes in patients who present to the emergency department (ED) with otherwise symptomatic ischemia. There is ongoing controversy not only as to which patients experience painless ischemia more commonly but also how this is related to short- and long-term mortality rates.19-30 While lack of chest pain during AMI has been linked to higher mortality rates,12,31 there is a need for studies of prospectively collected data on all patients with ACS and not only those with confirmed infarctions. This is CORONADO ET AL ■ ACS WITHOUT PAIN particularly important since ACS is a dynamic continuum with ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) at one end of the ischemic cascade and non- ST elevation ACS at the other, and since prompt diagnosis and treatment may themselves determine whether or not myocardial necrosis occurs. To gain insight into the clinical features of patients with symptoms suggesting an ACS but without pain as well as to study the impact of this clinical presentation on ED triage (admit/discharge decision) and outcomes (30-day mortality), we studied patients included in a large prospective study of ED patients undergoing evaluation for a suspected ACS.29 MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Subjects The study included all consenting adults ages 30 and older who presented to the ED at any of the participating hospitals with symptoms suggestive of an ACS who were entered in the prospective multicenter Acute Cardiac Ischemia-Time Insensitive Predictive Instrument (ACI-TIPI) Clinical Trial.29 These symptoms, described in the Imminent Myocardial Infarction Rotterdam Study,30 included chest pain, chest pressure, left arm pain, jaw pain, upper abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, or dyspnea. Additional symptoms were recorded on all patients with suspected cardiac ischemia. Patients in whom a non-cardiac cause for their symptoms could not be established in the ED were included in the study. In the original trial every patient’s presenting symptoms were classified as primary (chief complaint) or secondary. For the purposes of this study, we defined a clinical presentation as painful if pain was reported by study subjects regardless of anatomic location, severity, duration, associated symptoms, or whether pain was the primary or secondary complaint. Conversely, a painless presentation was one in which pain was not elicited from the patient’s history prior to or upon arrival to the ED. These patients often complained of shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, nausea or fainting.9 Patients with chest pain of clear traumatic origin or other obvious noncardiac cause were excluded, as were those transferred from other institutions and those in whom consent was declined or unobtainable by virtue of mental illness or language barrier. Patients below the age of 30 in whom cocaine abuse was suspected, as well as those who presented to the ED with cardiac arrest, though included in the original trial, were excluded from this study. The overall patient inclusion rate in the original trial was 92%. Final diagnoses were assigned by study site physician blinded review (with 10% overreading by Study Center to confirm interrater reliability) using World Health Organization criteria2 based on presentation and clinical course, initial and follow-up ECGs, and creatine kinase and CK-MB levels. All enrolled patients had at least one ECG and serial creatine kinase and CK-MB determinations. Cardiac diagnoses were considered ischemic or non-ischemic. Cardiac ischemia was divided into AMI and other acute coronary syndromes, with the former further classified according to the Killip classification.31 Angina severity was 569 rated both by Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) classification criteria32 and by time duration since symptom onset or worsening of anginal pattern. Unstable angina pectoris (UAP) was defined as CCS Class 3 with new or changed symptoms for less than 3 days or CCS Class 4 symptoms of any duration; stable angina was defined as CCS Class 1 or 2, or Class 3 angina with no change in symptoms within 3 days. A final diagnosis of angina pectoris or acute ischemia without infarction was made based on clinical presentation, electrocardiographic changes and other confirmatory tests performed after initial ED evaluation, such as exercise electrocardiography tests with or without nuclear scintigraphy or coronary angiography. Other cardiac and noncardiac diagnoses were assigned in a similar fashion after appropriate diagnostic investigation and thorough review of the patient’s medical record. ED triage was analyzed according to whether patients were discharged to home or admitted to a critical care unit, monitored bed or nonmonitored bed. Study Sites The 10 participating hospitals included Baystate Medical Center (Springfield, MA), Boston City Hospital, Boston University Medical Center, Medical College of Virginia (Richmond, VA), Medical College of Wisconsin (Milwaukee, WI), New England Medical Center (Boston, MA), Newton-Wellesley Hospital (Newton, MA), Rhode Island Hospital (Providence, RI), University of Cincinnati Medical Center, and University of North Carolina Hospitals (Chapel Hill, NC). These hospitals represented a range of settings and practice types, serving patients from different sociodemographic and ethnic backgrounds, from impoverished urban areas to affluent suburbs. Hospital sizes ranged from 350 to 1,019 beds, with yearly ED visits varying from 27,000 to 115,000. Institutional review boards of all participating hospitals approved the study. Data Collection During 7 months starting in May 1993, data were collected prospectively and concurrently upon ED presentation, during hospitalization, and at 30-day follow-up. These included sociodemographic information, initial and follow-up clinical features, first 12-lead ECG, and serial creatine kinase and CK-MB tests. Patients discharged from the ED returned within 24-72 hours for repeat clinical evaluation, 12-lead ECG, and creatine kinase and CK-MB testing. The follow-up rate for data needed for definitive assignment of a diagnosis, including those not hospitalized, was 99%. Data Analysis The analysis of painless ischemia was approached first by identifying presenting symptoms in patients without pain and subsequently by determining the impact of such manifestations on hospital mortality. Statistical Methods The aim of this study is to compare patient demographics (age, gender), clinical variables (absence for pain, initial ED systolic blood pressure, heart failure, past medical history of 570 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE ■ Volume 22, Number 7 ■ November 2004 diabetes mellitus), and outcomes (final diagnosis, admissions rates, and 30-day mortality) between patients with a suspected ACS both with and without ischemic pain as a complaint. All hypothesis tests were 2-tailed. Analyses of differences in baseline demographic and clinical characteristics between groups used the Student’s t-test for continuous variables and Chi-square tests for dichotomous variables. Hospital mortality was defined as deaths occurring in the hospital at any moment from arrival to the ED through hospital discharge. Deaths occurring in the ED were counted as hospital deaths. To determine factors that may be associated with painless ACS, we constructed a multivariable logistic regression model with painless ischemia as the outcome variable. Candidate variables were allowed to enter the model in a stepwise fashion. Clinically relevant factors such as age, radiographic evidence of congestive heart failure on presentation, diabetes, gender, history of hypertension and prior infarction were initially tested by univariable analysis. Of these, those with unadjusted statistical significance (P ⬍ .15) were allowed to enter the model in a stepwise fashion. Additional adjustment was made for variations across study sites by forcing in the model those institutions with univariable significance for the outcome variable (P ⬍ .15). A similar approach was followed in subsequent logistic regression models to determine whether absence of pain itself was independently associated with hospital mortality. RESULTS Of the 10,783 patients, ACS was diagnosed in 2,541 (24%). Of these, at final diagnosis assignment, 894 (35%) were found to have AMI and 1,647 (65%) acute ischemia without infarction. Clinical Characteristics There were clear baseline clinical differences among patients with an ACS between those with and without pain (Table 1). Patients without pain at presentation were significantly older (71 years v 65 years, P ⫽ .0001). Additionally, there was a higher proportion of women among patients without pain (53%, P ⫽ .007), while the opposite occurred in the group with pain present (42%, P ⫽ .007). Patients with painless ACS had a higher prevalence of diabetes mellitus (35% v 26%, P ⫽ .01) and had a trend for higher rates of prior infarction by history (52% v 44%, P ⫽ .06). Chief complaint data showed that chest pain was the most frequent chief complaint among those patients with pain at presentation (95%), and dyspnea was the most frequent chief complaint in those with painless ischemia (72%). Finally, patients with a painless ACS more commonly had AMI than those with pain (9.8% v 4.2%, P ⫽ .001). Table 2 shows that among patients with AMI, severe degrees of congestive heart failure on admission were more frequent among patients without pain, as evidenced by Killip class III (36% v 8.5%, P ⫽ .001) and Killip class IV (5.8% v 3.2%, P ⫽ .001). Patients with painless AMI had similar delays from time of symptom onset to ED arrival as patients with pain. However, among all AMI patients that died in the hospital, significant longer delays in ED arrival were seen in those with painless AMI (30 hours v12.5 hours, P ⫽ .02). TABLE 1. Characteristics of Patients with Cardiac Ischemia by Clinical Presentation (n ⫽ 2,541) Pain Absent (n ⫽ 158) Mean age (years) Women (%) Diabetes (%) History of AMI (%) History of hypertension (%) Presenting symptoms (%) Chest pain Dyspnea Syncope Dizziness Other AMI (%) Pain Present (n ⫽ 2,379) P value 71 53 35 52 64 65 42 26 44 62 .0001 .007 .01 .06 .6 — 72 8.9 8.2 11 9.8 95 4.7 0.04 0.04 0.7 4.2 .001 Abbreviation: AMI, acute myocardial infarction. Emergency Department Triage The effect of presenting symptoms on ED triage was analyzed depending on the presence or absence of pain. There were no overall differences in ED triage between the two groups among patients with an ACS (overall ChiSquare P ⫽ .9 for admission to medical ward, monitored bed, critical care bed or discharge to home). However, in the subgroup of patients with AMI (n⫽894), significantly fewer patients without pain were admitted to a critical care unit as opposed to similar patients with pain (51% v 67%, P ⫽ .003). Predicting Painless Ischemia To determine factors that may be associated with painless ACS, we constructed a logistic regression model with painless ischemia as the outcome variable (Table 3). The final model (receiver-operating characteristic curve area 0.75) identified age and congestive heart failure as independent predictors of lack of pain among patients with cardiac ischemia. A second logistic regression model performed in a similar fashion for the subgroup of patients with AMI identified diabetes mellitus, in addition to age and congestive heart failure (Table 4). Both models exhibited a statistically significant interaction between age and congestive heart failure. This relationship is depicted in Figure 1. This graph illustrates several points. First, the rates of “painlessness” increase gradually with age in patients without conTABLE 2. Characteristics of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction by Clinical Presentation (n ⫽ 894) Killip class (%) I II III IV Median time to ED (hours) Pain Absent (n ⫽ 87) Pain Present (n ⫽ 807) 41 (48%) 17 (20%) 36 (41%) 5.8 (6.7%) 3.0 (0.25 to ⬎72) 71 (8.8%) 17 (2.1%) 8.5 (9.8%) 3.2 (4%) 2.8 (0.17 to ⬎72) P value .001 .5 CORONADO ET AL ■ ACS WITHOUT PAIN TABLE 3. 571 Univariable and Multivariable Odds Ratios for Clinical Characteristics Associated with Painless Cardiac Ischemia (n ⫽ 2,541). Univariable Analysis Age † Heart failure ‡ Diabetes Female gender Hypertension Prior infarction Multivariable Logistic Regression* OR 95% CI P value OR 95%CI P value 1.5 4.6 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.4 (1.3-1.7) (3.3-6.6) (1.0-2.0) (1.1-2.1) (0.8-1.6) (1.0-2.0) 0.0001 .0001 .03 .008 .5 .04 1.6 51 — — — — (1.4-4.7) (5.4-473) — — — — .0001 .0006 ns ns ns ns *Multivariable model controlled for variations across study sites. Receiver-operating characteristic curve area 0.75. †Odds ratio per decade of life. ‡Defined as radiographic evidence of pulmonary congestion and/or edema. gestive heart failure upon ED arrival. Second, the presence of congestive heart failure is associated with higher rates of painless ischemia across age groups, and third, beyond age 40 the rate of painless ischemia in patients with heart failure remains relatively constant. Hospital Mortality The unadjusted hospital mortality rates were higher among patients with painless ischemia than in those with pain, with similar differences among those with AMI (18% v 6.9%). As noted earlier, patients with painless AMI had a trend for higher Killip classes. However, no statistically significant differences in hospital mortality were noted between patients with painful and painless AMI when comparisons were made within each Killip class (Class I, 15% v 3.6%, P ⫽ .08; class II 13% v 11%, P ⫽ .8; class III 19% v 7.4%, P ⫽ .1 and class IV 40% v 54%, P ⫽ .6, respectively). To further determine the effect of painless ischemia on hospital mortality, we constructed another logistic regression model among all patients with acute ischemia with “lack of pain” as an independent variable entered in a stepwise fashion (Table 5). Other variables known or suspected to be associated with hospital mortality from acute cardiac ischemia were also allowed to enter the model in a stepwise fashion. They included age, heart failure on presentation, diabetes mellitus, and blood pressure. Blood pressure was entered as a previously validated function with linear and quadratic components.33 Additional statistical adjustment in the model was made for institutional variation, hospital interventions (administration of thrombolytic TABLE 4. agents, cardiac catheterization, coronary angioplasty, coronary artery bypass surgery), and time from symptom onset and triage from the ED. In addition to age, heart failure on presentation, diabetes, and presenting blood pressure, lack of pain was identified as an independent predictor of hospital mortality. DISCUSSION The clinical profile of patients with symptomatic ACS can be best studied by including as wide a spectrum of presenting symptoms as possible for patients seeking medical care. Capturing patients with a broad range of symptoms will not only allow the analysis of a more complete clinical spectrum but also facilitates determining the effect that clinical presentation itself has on medical outcomes. This study illustrates several features with respect to the presence or absence of pain in patients with an ACS. First, there are clear differences in the demographics between the 2 groups. Patients with a painless ACS tended to be older, were more frequently women, and more frequently had diabetes and prior infarctions, findings that have also been supported by other reports.11,26 Higher rates of painless ACS in older patients and in women are consistent with the rates of clinically unrecognized infarctions detected on routine electrocardiograms in patients from the Framingham Study.5 Why women had higher rates of painless ischemia than men is not readily apparent, but older age at presentation and higher prevalence of diabetes are likely to play a role. Higher rate of prior infarction seen in patients with painless ischemia is consistent with the suggested notion Univariable and Multivariable Odds Ratios for Clinical Characteristics Associated with Painless Myocardial Infarction (n ⫽ 894). Univariable Analysis Age † Heart failure ‡ Diabetes Female gender Hypertension Prior infarction Multivariable Logistic Regression* OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value 1.8 3.6 1.9 2.0 1.4 1.2 (1.5-2.2) (2.2-5.7) (1.2-3.0) (1.3-3.2) (0.9-2.3) (0.8-1.9) 0.0001 0.0001 0.005 0.002 0.12 0.4 2.0 79 1.6 — — — (1.6-2.7) (3.2-999) (1.0-2.7) — — — 0.0001 0.008 0.05 ns ns ns *Multivariable model controlled for variations across study sites. Receiver-operating characteristic curve area 0.77. †Odds ratio per decade of life. ‡Defined as radiographic evidence of pulmonary congestion and/or edema. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE ■ Volume 22, Number 7 ■ November 2004 572 FIGURE 1. Lack of pain in acute cardiac ischemia in patients with and without congestive heart failure (CHF), n⫽2,541. that prior myocardial damage impairs pain perception due to disruption of sensory receptors.8,33 The absence of pain during episodes of acute cardiac ischemia has been well documented for many years.4-12 Since early reports of pathologically documented painless AMI in patients with diabetes,34 different mechanisms that explain impaired pain perception in these patients have been postulated. As suggested by other investigators, autonomic neuropathy shown in hemodynamic studies in some patients with diabetes may correlate with a pure cardiac sensory neuropathy.33,37 Psychological and neuropsychiatric factors have also been implicated as causes of impaired pain perception.35 Regardless of the precise mechanisms that explain the presence or absence of pain during acute ischemia, clinical presentation per se has received little attention in the research community as it relates to clinical outcomes. Our lack of knowledge stems in part from selection bias, where patients with atypical presentations, and more importantly, those without chest pain, are systematically excluded from many clinical trials. It is likely that atypical presentations themselves lead to systematic poor recognition of ACSs by investigators and clinicians due to their focus on the more TABLE 5. “classic” symptoms. Lastly, patient ignorance and even denial can also play a role in under-reporting of symptoms potentially due to an ACS. Although epidemiological studies such as Framingham Heart Study5 yielded useful information about clinically unrecognized AMI in the community, they failed to provide data on clinical presentation in acutely symptomatic patients. Another factor that has perhaps limited our understanding of the clinical manifestations of coronary disease is the perception of AMI and unstable angina as separate entities. Acute coronary syndromes are continuums that share a common pathophysiology where the extent of myocardial damage depends mainly on the duration of coronary occlusion, the presence of collateral circulation and the occurrence of spontaneous or pharmacologic reperfusion (27,28). Studying only patients with documented AMI therefore ignores a wealth of clinical information in patients also at risk for complications and death. Why diabetes was an independent predictor of painless AMI but not among all patients with acute ischemia remains unclear, but it is possible that the faulty pain perception seen in these patients caused only those with severe ischemia and subsequent infarction to seek medical care. It is possible that those with more subtle symptoms and less severe ischemia never sought medical care and were never enrolled in the trial. Although the rates of painless ischemia increased with age, the presence of congestive heart failure upon arrival to the ED conferred an excess risk for presenting without pain, particularly in those over 40 years of age. This finding is likely to indicate that congestive heart failure, rather than causative, is an epiphenomenon in patients with blunted pain perception who develop ischemia. In other words, rather than ventricular failure predisposing patients to painless ischemia, those with ischemia and no pain will eventually present with signs of ventricular failure if their myocardial perfusion has been sufficiently compromised. In this case, breathlessness and pulmonary edema become their first and perhaps only “warning sign.” Although this and other studies have shown higher mortality rates in patients who develop congestive heart failure, factors other than a greater loss of myocardial mass seem to be at play. Jaffe et al34 reported a correlation between heart failure and excess mortality despite smaller infarct size in a Unadjusted and Adjusted Odds Ratios for Hospital Mortality in Patients With Acute Cardiac Ischemia (n ⫽ 2,541). Univariable Analysis Age † Heart failure ‡ Absence of pain Diabetes Blood pressure§ Multivariable Logistic Regression* OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value 1.7 4.1 3.9 1.7 — (1.4-2.1) (2.6-6.4) (2.2-6.9) (1.1-2.6) — .0001 .0001 .0001 .02 .0001 1.8 2.9 4.3 2.2 — (1.4-2.2) (1.7-4.7) (2.0-9.3) (1.3-3.7) — .0001 .0001 .0002 .003 .01 *Multivariable model controlled for variations across study sites, hospital interventions (administration of a thrombolytic agent, cardiac catheterization, coronary angioplasty, coronary bypass surgery), admission hospital ward, and time from symptom onset to hospital arrival. The receiver-operating characteristic curve area was 0.85. †Odds ratio per decade of life. ‡Defined as radiographic evidence of pulmonary congestion and/or edema. §Reported as previously validated function with linear and quadratic components. CORONADO ET AL ■ ACS WITHOUT PAIN group of 100 diabetics. The reason for this is not completely understood, but altered myocardial remodeling,36 preexisting cardiac dysfunction38 and more extensive coronary atherosclerosis have all been invoked. In patients with diabetes, other investigators have described myocardial lesions that do not correlate with coronary pathology,41 whereas others have even described a distinct cardiomyopathy.37 It is important to note that painless cardiac ischemia had an effect on patient triage by the emergency physician and may have lowered the level of suspicion for cardiac ischemia. Although there was no overall difference in ED triage among all patients with ischemia, significantly fewer patients with painless presentations were admitted to a critical care bed among those with AMI. To what extent the excess mortality seen in patients without pain can be attributed to poor symptom recognition and to sub-optimal monitoring and/or treatment remains to be elucidated and cannot be determined from the data obtained in this study. However, just as delays in ED arrival and proper intervention correlate with poor outcomes, suboptimal treatment for ongoing undetected ischemia after hospital admission may have affected clinical outcomes in a similar fashion.40 This study has several limitations. There have been many changes in the practice of emergency medicine, which have improved the diagnosis and treatment of ACS since these data were collected in 1993, yet the design and size of this study make its findings applicable to this day. In fact, it is likely that this study underestimated the magnitude of painless ischemia in our communities given our aging population and growing numbers of newly diagnosed diabetics. Conversely, it is possible that some patients with AMI may have gone undetected given the unavailability of testing for serum troponins at the time of the trial. It is also possible that despite broad inclusion criteria, physicians’ suspicion for cardiac ischemia may have caused overenrollment of certain patient groups, such as diabetics with atypical presentations. However, in this study AMI was identified through the routine measurement of cardiac enzymes on every patient enrolled in an effort to minimize ascertainment bias. Another limitation of this study was the exclusion of rural hospitals or hospitals with chest pain units (not in wide spread use at the time of the trial) and of hospitals without emergency physicians on site. However, similar findings were observed in rural hospitals in our earlier study, which used the same inclusion criteria and follow-up methods.42 Lastly, another possible limitation, the exclusion of patients with a language barrier, may have led to an underrepresentation of certain ethnic groups. The high inclusion rate (92%) makes this factor of unlikely significance. CONCLUSIONS The excess mortality rates seen in patients with painless ACS can be at least partially explained by higher rates of congestive heart failure at presentation, possibly in conjunction with a longer delay between time of onset of ischemia to ED arrival and poor symptom recognition by both patient and physician. The lack of significant differences in time delay between patients with and without pain may reflect a faulty warning signal that allows ischemia to go unnoticed until there is a large ischemic burden that causes other symptoms such as dyspnea to develop. 573 Further studies are needed to determine the exact nature of painless ACS, to guide future efforts to improve the ED diagnosis of ACS, to optimize patient triage and to heighten patient awareness of the manifestations of ACS. Although some studies have studied the use of continuous 12-lead electrocardiographic monitoring in the ED for improved diagnosis of cardiac ischemia and infarction,39 large prospective studies along with ongoing patient education will likely provide the information necessary to ensure early diagnosis and treatment in persons whose manifestations of acute cardiac ischemia are of difficult recognition by both patient and physician. 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