LETRS Module 6: Digging for Meaning: Teaching Text Comprehension (for all grades) Danielson Framework Component Connections: Description: Visit www.ciu20.org/framework for details. Module 6 discusses and illustrates the many conditions, skills, processes, and abilities that influence reading comprehension outcomes. Teachers are helped to anticipate the cognitive and linguistic challenges students face as they read narrative and expository text. Participants will examine the text, reader, task, and context variables that have an impact on comprehension. They will also analyze the challenges of written language processing at the word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, and discourse levels; consider how inferences are made; and learn how to foster the metacognitive and strategic skill that good readers employ. (For all grades). Audience: All participants must have had LETRS module 1 prior to any other module. D1: Planning and Preparation 1e D3: Instruction 3b and 3c All Educators Dates: April 8, 2015 Time: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Location: Colonial IU 20, Central Office Cost: $35.00 (Includes: book and materials). Lunch will not be provided. Presenter: CIU 20 LETRS Trainers Act 48: 7 hours. For More Information: Gretchen Stoudt Curriculum Services gstoudt@ciu20.org 610-515-6506 Learner Outcomes: Participants will gain an understanding of: Comprehension’s dependence on many skills. Process of reading comprehension. How to interpret academic written language. Text structure and its impact on comprehension. How to help students dig for meaning using queries. Register: CPETracker members may register at www.cpetracker.org. Participants should submit a check / money order payable to CIU 20, and send it to: Gretchen Stoudt, CIU 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, PA 18045. Credit Card payment (3% fee) is also available by calling 610-515-6424. Registration deadline is March 25, 2015. Don’t have a CPETracker account? Please fill out and return this registration form: www.ciu20.org/noncpetracker. There will be an additional $20 administrative fee for NonCPETracker members requesting Act 48 hours. Form and applicable payment should be mailed to: CIU 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, PA 18045. Participants must unregister two weeks prior to event to receive a full refund. Please view our full cancellation policy under the Professional Development section on our website, www.ciu20.org. Accessibility: Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this training. Contact: Gretchen Stoudt at gstoudt@ciu20.org or 610-515-6506.
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