Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering Four Day Short Course on Water Resource Management 18 - 21 MAY 2015 PROGRAMME DATE FROM 08h00 21 May 2015 20 May 2015 19 May 2015 18 May 2015 08h30 SUBJECT SPEAKER INSTITUTE T Nditwani DWS W Enright WateRight cc A Chapman Consultant I Thompson DWS P Wessels DWS W Kamish US R Murray Groundwater Africa Registration / Welcome 10h30 10h45 Water Security: Do we have enough water? Catchment Management Strategy / Role of Catchment Institutions Tea Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources 12h00 13h00 13h30 All Towns Reconciliation Strategies: Focus on water resources Lunch Flow gauging structures and its accuracy 14h30 15h30 16h00 Catchment Water Quality Tea Groundwater yield assessment and management 08h30 Yield, Draft, Risks and Probabilities: Concepts Verno Jonker Aurecon 09h30 10h30 11h00 WR90 to WR2012 Tea WR2012: Overview A Bailey Royal HaskoningDHV A Bailey Royal HaskoningDHV 12h00 13h00 13h30 WRSM2012: Introduction and overview Lunch WRSM2012: Application and demonstration A Bailey Royal HaskoningDHV A Bailey Royal HaskoningDHV 14h30 15h00 15h30 WRSM2012: Calibration / Naturalisation / Ungauged catchments Tea Gap filling : Rainfall data A Bailey Royal HaskoningDHV G Howard Consultant 08h30 WRYM: Introduction G De Jager AECOM 09h30 10h30 11h00 WRYM: Input parameters Tea WRYM: Operating Rules G De Jager AECOM G De Jager AECOM 12h00 13h00 13h30 WRYM: Configuration of the model Lunch WRYM: Historical and stochastic yield analysis G De Jager AECOM G De Jager AECOM 14h30 15h30 WRYM: Worked Example Tea G De Jager AECOM 16h00 Stochastic data: How does it work? J Hoffman and JA du Plessis US 08h30 10h30 10h45 WRSM2000: Practical hands on tutorial with model Tea WRSM2000: Practical hands on tutorial with model A Bailey Royal HaskoningDHV A Bailey Royal HaskoningDHV 12h30 WRYM: Practical hands on tutorial with model G de Jager AECOM 13h30 Lunch 14h00 WRYM: Practical hands on tutorial with model G de Jager AECOM 09h30 Note: CPD commenced in January 2006 whereby all professional engineering persons are required to obtain 25 credits over a 5 year cycle, with a minimum of 3 credits per year, for renewal of registration with ECSA from 2007. This course is a Category 1 activity and offers 4 credits. A maximum of 4 credits may be accumulated under this category per year. For more details see WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COURSE 2015 SCOPE This four day course on Water Resource Management has been structured in collaboration with the Department of Water Affairs and Sanitation and various consultants. The course deals with the basic principles used in water resource management, but also provides practical tips for the more experienced practitioners, which will be demonstrated during tutorial sessions. The course will expose participants to the need for the development of both surface and groundwater resources and will use the newly developed WR2012, as well as the Water Resource Yield Model, as basis to demonstrate the available techniques, specifically the use of stochastic data. Attention will also be given to specifically catchment management aspects, such as the newly CMA structures and the associated strategies and catchment water quality issues, while gap filling of rainfall and the accuracy of flow data from flow gauges will also be dealt with. VENUE STIAS (Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study), 10 Marais Street, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, SOUTH AFRICA REGISTRATION APPLICATION FOR THIS COURSE IS DONE ELECTRONICALLY. Kindly complete the on-line form on the following URL: On receipt of the electronic application form, an invoice will be sent to participants within three (3) working days. Payment details will be provided on the invoice. REGISTRATION : Stellenbosch University (US) registered students US registered students do not complete the on-line form. for registration. Please contact René Burger at COURSE FEES (exempt from VAT) R7,900.00 for 4 days (Includes tea, lunch, course notes & presentations); or R2,350.00 per day* (Includes tea, lunch, course notes & presentations). *Participants who wish to register for less than four days:- please confirm your attendance dates per e-mail to René Burger at after completion of the on-line application form. Reduced fees are applicable to US registered students. CLOSING DATE FOR REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT: 4 MAY 2015 The fee for late registration after 4 May 2015 will be 20% more than the above fees. Enquiries can be directed to: Ms René Burger Department of Civil Engineering Stellenbosch University Tel: +27 21 808 2100 Email: or Prof Kobus du Plessis Department of Civil Engineering Stellenbosch University Tel: +27 21 808 4358 Email:
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