1_ qf the Qirector of Civil Supqlies (Present: Dr.V.K.BabY IAS) Proceedings . Dated: No. (CS) 82.20112015 13.05.2015 t Sub: CS. Estt. Reversion of l(ationiirg Inspectors /Head Clerks tionr DepLtlatitltr. Proptotiol of Selior Clell<s to the cadrp of Rationing Inspectors-Transf'ers & Posting of Rationing Inspectors/Flead clel'kS-orders issued:- . Read:1.G.o.(Rt)No.l40l2015iF&CSDctated,2,4.04.2015 2. G.O. (Rt) No.l25l20l5lF&CSD datecl 09'04.2015 3. LetterNo.Dl.19000/14 dared I1.02.2014 of the Additiolal Genet'alMauergct' ' (P&A) Supplyco Head Office l(ochi ' 4. LetrerNo.Dl .lgOOOl12 clated 13.10.2014 of the Additiolral General ' ' 5. Letter No. 1 0979/ LZl 1 4lF S.CSD dated ;1,9.02.2015 of Govt. 6. proceedings No. (cs) 82. 2oi2l 2015 daied 05.05.201 5 of the Difector o1'ciriil Supplies I As per the G.O. 1't read above 50 Rationing Ltspectors/Head Clplks h4ve been deptrted ttr Kelala State Civil Supplies Corporation. . r 11 t[e circumstances stated above the followin$ Rationing Inspectors/Head clerlts arc r:evetted tiom Supplyco to Civil Supplies Department and postgcl in the Distrir:ts/Offices trol.:..J against each with immediate effect considering administiativb cdnvenience ancl public'interest l Offiie sl. No. ' norv Narne working Seena Nandanan Supp lyco. Oistr,ict/Officf 1o rvfrigh Rerrarl<s hUotted ErndkulaiT : ':i Reversion l.l,r ! ,-l __t 'l t.l ,I ,) Anandapaldriran abhan.G. Supplyco Kottayam Reversiou J Chandran.C. Supplyco Palalckad Reversiott 'Sasik.umar.C. Supplyco Kollam Revelsion __l 4. 5 6 7 Jayalrari.C Supplyco SaLnra.i.S. SLrpplyco Suja.FI. Supplyco ,:'.i.ir | . : , I l: i tll , | , t I I t.l ri ,,1{gvgt'5ix-ltt ,l I Reversion Palakkad l I ' ThnissLrr ,--l __l Reversiott ThirUvhrranthhpu'rarlr I fri . .;,'.1 t.i/' 'i I ,r IB $.ajala\shnr i.S. 9 HarikLlrnar.P. Supplyco - Reversiorr f(ollam Supplyco' Patlranaintlritta i I I Reversion l l0 Thadevoose.A. Supplyco Malappur.am Reversion 1l Meena Menon Supplyco 'Thrissur: Reversion 12 Radhalnan iamnta.N.C. SLipplyco Thrissur Reversiou t3' 'l Vijayakunrari.l(.A. I 'Supplyco Idukki Reversion 1 14 l5 Bindhu.T.Selvin 16, Supplyco Idukl<i Reversion Supplyco O/O CCS Reversiolt Supplyco Kasargod Reversion . ill Un nikrishna Pillai.R. :17, i' l8 Slureshkumar.M. ,tr '.19'. CopakLlmar.M.S. 20 Supplyco Reversiorr Supplyco Malappuram. Reversion Malappuranr Reversioll ;1.;l Supplyco i,,.1' Supplyco Philis l.aos 21 ii Halikumar.G.B. 22 Sobha.L. 23 Supplyco o/o I(ottayall Reversion Dy.CR Kollarn Reversiorr i Supplyco Thrissur Reversion Supplyco Kannur Reversion I 24, i\4adhava'] Potti.C. I :" i Supplyco O/O CCS Reversion I 25 Sanalkurmar.K. I Supplyco I 26" Y,r.iaValakshmi.P.C. , ThrissLu' I r, ; .,1 SLrpplyco Reversion ,iil' Reversion ,t.,-rl, Ajaykumar.R. L.t ^1 Supplyco I Ajithkurrar.S. 28 I Supplyco Palakkad Revcrsion l,ri Reversion i . i,ir r,,' ii t: 7 t. l'' I I l.l Reversion as pcr G-O.2'u! read above /l Reversion The followihg senior Clerks are promoted to the dadr:e of Rationing lnsp-ectors/Head clerks in the scale of pay t:462O-25280 as per the provisions of Ks l& ssR 1g5g with immediate effect and ail,rtted to the Offices/Districts noted against each considering admini-sti-ative convenierrce public interest. and I, 'l s1. No. Sen iority No. I Nanre Distr'ict /Office now District /Office to which woil<ing allotted SaJi.IUP- l(ottayarrt_ Malappur:att Malappuranr 2 85 Mini.V.K. CDRF l(ottayarn J 86 Beena Rani.A. Supplyco Rernarl<s Pronrotion Allowed to continue in [)rornotir: rr Supplyco vice T.G.Sathvana I fnrnnrnf l+ Supplyco 87 Andavan. K. Allowed to continrre in ' Supplyco, v ice K.Raj c.srvar.i (re'yerted) ,, : i Proitrotir.ln , I Supplyco J 88 Sreelatha,S. Supplyco 6 89 Fareetha Banu.M. 7 90 Ranlith.R. o/o ccs 9.1 Bindu.S. Supplyco 9 9i Bin ilkunrar.T.R. SLrpplyco Atrlqwed to c-ontinue in Supplyco,v ice l(Lr 91 Joshy Mathew Supplyco i I ""' l.r0r'!rt(;lion I'" , ., Pronrotion rrrali.V. Latha(plotrroted) 'l'l l0 I MalaPpurani ,i \ r ? tI 95 Supplyco Sajeesh.K.T. , Y j^^above ' Pronrotirrr'\ Allowed to continue, in Sqpplyco vice Molly Jolrn(reVerted) *. rir", ng directions within o ne "r:rr;", i : ' , ' ,1: ' .'' corisidering reqrrest tbr' promotees wi1 file option for fixation month.from'the date of promotion. i ttre totlowirrg'trapBfers and postings are also ordered, with inrpedfat'e effegt transtbr and adnrinistr.ative convenience for tlre smootlr fiinctioning of.the departlnetlt. District sl. Name Post working now -' District /Otfice to rvhich allotted - Rernailh-- ..i: ,;,' i',!',Jr *t: ;+ti N .:1 ,l :.:J{ o Anllkurnar.J. RUHC Malappuram Tlr iruvananthapuram Transfer on request Gopakun-rar.B. Rr/l-rc Thrissur Thiruvanant[rapuranr Transfbr on requesI Nanadakumar.P.C. RI/HC Thrissur o/o Transfer on request r t r,i: Transfer on request I 2 J cs l,i:rli + 6 Rajeqdran.T. RI/HC Thrissur Thiruvanantlrapuram Leena Rajam.G. RI/HC Kannilr ThiruvanattthaDuraln ,' i 7 B 9 10 l1 tl2 r3 t4 l5 l6 Transtet'on lequesl ", 'l 6 , HarikLrmar.A. RI/HC l(ottayain 'Kollam Transler on reLluest' Santhoshkunrar.V. RI/HC Malappurarn Kollam Transt'el V isrvarnbharan.T. RI/HC ldLrkki Alappuzha ll'iarrslei on request SethulekshnTi.R. RI/HC Errrakulam Alappuzha Jiansfer on request Shibu.M. RI/HC Kasargod AlappLrzha Transfel on reqrrest Jayamon.V. RI/HC ldukki Pathanarnthitta Trahsfer on ieqlrest or1 reqtles[ { Sree.iith.G. RI/HC Thrissr,rr Patlranamthitta Tl'ansler ori reqLest Tarun Tl\ampi RI/HC 'I'hrissur I(ottairam Transfer on regUest Mohaurmed Sherif.H,, RI/HC Palakkad KottaYarn Shinrjitll.K, RI/HC Kannur Erhaku,lam Transfer on re(ttest Kasargod Ernakurlam Transtei on tequesl F,lvsiI D Cr,uz RI/HC :r I L'.r, i' ' ,, ' it : i i r! I I ; ' Transf'er' oit t'eqtrest ,.'( E .i I l7 il8 t9 20 2t rpu.r: Shij u.K jThinkachan Sumesh:E-M. Surendran.K. .)') iPrabha,kartn.M 23 RI/HC Sreekala.P.K. Palalikad Malappur:arl RI/HC Malappuprn RI/HC Malappuram Transfei'on request RI/HC Kozhikkod iffirblo--;i,A,jbI- RI/HC Kasaigod l: Sree.ja.K. \ RI/HC Transfer on re(uest i; Kaqqur , RI/HC l hrissur li .' t. | : I hc individuals concernecl (Through the Head of Ot.!,ce) ,i I, 1. .r'rri Copito:l'IheI4artagingDirector'Supplyco,; 2 Dy.Controllers of Rationing' Kollam Kozhikkod Ofl:ceri . . il, r'1, Irl l 3. All Distr-ict Suppty 4. All Regional Managers; Suppl-yco 5. CA to CCS/DCS/CR/CAO/VO 6. Srock File/Spare 't -- ' i'1"- __ .i --r=-: Transfer on requestt Alappuzha The transftr€es-orT'reqnests ara roi e,TiireatolJ.rl;,;;,j,r,.,, i Heads off f)l:fi^-^r will OlFrqes coucerned relieve the above Heads of Officep to which they are allotred forthwjth dhopld be reported to the r_rnder signed in due courge l ' Jransfel oh --rec;uest ^" .",ffi jSar.; .Director ol Civil Supplics !1l l,i i r' , I i r \ f Cangadlnra-M- Supplyco Kasargod Reversiolr 30 tsaby.T.D. Supplyco l-hrr ssur Reversiolt ?r Chittira.P. Supplyco K"ll"rn Reversion 32 Sivaprdsad.B. Supplyco Kannur Reversion 33 Sivasudheer.N. Supplyco O/O CCS Reversion 34 Suresh[umar.T. supplyco ldukki Reversiorr 35 Satheeshkurrar.A.K. SLrpplyco Kasargod R."".6; O/O CCS Reversion Preetha.C. . Su,pplyco I ii vi i:4. is {r4 37 Vinod.K.P. 38 AbdqlKhader.U. T$,ppty." Supplyco Idukki Kozhikkod rl 39 Geethaglevi.V.K. 42 o-1 Uupplyco Thrissur Revefsion t, Supplyco Kasargod Reversion Rajani;K.K. Supplyco Kgzhikkod Reversion Biju Thomas Supplyco Enraku,lam Reversiolr I 43 Eby.K.P. supplyco Jayasree.{.N. Supplyco Manorarnh.S. Supplyeo, i' 44 Reversion Kannur t, 45 Reversion Reversion as per letter. ,l Boban.R. 46 Supplyeo ldukki i 4'7 lPlasanrraldumari.G. t. Jayaprakash.P.S. supplyco I I I i I Reversion as per letter RevbrSidn (54 years) Supplyco I .-i 4"'lepd above l'n i"ha ouor" I 48 I I Subhash.V. ,l .4t Revers I 'i 40 i Reversion tl
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