Civitas Academy Welcome to Reception Routines Morning Routine In the morning the children line up by their door in the Reception playground and will be greeted by the teacher and EYP. Children need to put lunchboxes on the trolley and on a Wednesday Reading books and Homework books will need to be put in the boxes on the tables. When entering the classroom children put their things on their pegs and self-register by putting their name on the lunchbox list or school dinner list. Children then need to write their name. As we go through the year the children will go from writing names to letter formation to tricky words to sentences. The rest of the day continues according to the timetable on the next page. Register 2 children will be chosen a day to take the register to the office. Fruit In Reception children can get their fruit at any point during independent learning. They will need to take their name off the board and put it in the box. Children are only allowed 1 piece of fruit and must sit on the carpet to eat it Outside Children must ‘sign’ themselves out of the room to be able to use the outdoor area. Children need to remove their name from the board and put it on the outside list. When there is only 1 adult outside 10 children from each class can go out. If there are 2 adults 15 children from each class will be allowed outside. Tidying Up Inside the classrooms a piece of music, of the class’ choice, will be played to signal the start of tidy up time. House points can be awarded for good tidying up. Break times Break time is at 10.15am. Rewards In Reception we give out stickers and house points. Children can earn these for good sitting, manners, being kind, helpful, having good idea, doing some good work, good lining up, good listening, for any good behaviour and for sharing and taking turns. At the end of each day children get 10 minutes reward time. If their name is on the board they lose reward time (see behaviour policy). House points House points can be awarded by any member of staff around the school. Children get house points for bringing their Reading book and Homework books back on time with the work completed and for having their PE kit. Assemblies Children in Reception do not go to assemblies until Summer 1 when they only go to one assembly. In Summer 2 Reception children will then go to assemblies on a Monday and a Friday. PE Children in Reception start PE straight away. Children will need to bring PE kit in on a Monday and leave it in school till Friday. Homework and Reading books In Reception children are given homework on a Friday and it is due in on a Wednesday. They need to put it in the boxes on the tables where they line up in the mornings. Reading books are given out on a Wednesday and need changing ready to go out on a Wednesday evening. The children need to place the Reading book in the box on the table where they line up in the morning. At the start of the year the books will be story books which the parents will needs to read to them and discuss the story. As the children start to learn their sounds and learn to blend they will be given a book which have the sounds in they have learnt. Civitas Academy Reception Weekly Timetable Register/ brain gym Name writing/ Name writing/ Name writing/ Register/ brain gym Register/ brain gym brain gym Name writing/ Register/ brain gym 8.509.00 Name writing/ Register/ Friday Thurs Wed Tuesday Monday Day / Time 9.10- 9.20 9.20 –10.15 Literacy Independent focus Learning 10.15 Break 10.3010.45 10.50 – 11.40 11.40 12.55 1.00 – 1.10 Phonics Independent Getting ready Register and Learning for lunch and brain gym 1.10-1.20 1.15 – 2.40 2.55 – 3.15 Maths input Independent Tidy up and Story and Learning get home home time Lunch time. activity/ 2.40 things Modelled Writing Literacy focus Independent Learning Break Phonics Independent Learning Getting ready for lunch and Story and home time Register brain gym Maths input Independent Learning Tidy up and get home thing Maths input Independent Tidy up and Story and Learning get home home time Lunch time activity/ Modelled Writing Literacy Independent focus Learning Break Phonics Independent Getting ready Register brain Learning for lunch and gym Lunch time activity/ thing/ change Modelled books Writing Literacy Independent focus Learning Break Phonics Independent Getting ready Register brain Learning for lunch and gym Maths input Independent Tidy up and Story and Learning get home thing home time Independent Tidy up and Story and Learning get home home time Lunch time activity/ Modelled Writing Literacy Independent focus Learning activity/ Modelled Writing Break Phonics Independent Getting ready Register brain Learning for lunch and gym Lunch time Maths input thing/ give out homework books Curriculum The Early Years curriculum is make up of 7 areas, 3 of these are called the prime areas and 4 the specific areas. The prime areas are key to the children progressing in the other areas. The prime areas of learning: communication and language physical development personal, social and emotional development The specific areas of learning: Literacy mathematics understanding the world expressive arts and design Each area is then split in to smaller areas sections. Communication and Language Listening and Attention (LA) Understanding (U) Speaking (S) Physical Development Moving and Handling (MH) Health and Self- Care (HSC) Personal, Social and Emotional Development Managing Feelings and Behaviours (MFB) Making Relationships (MR) Self-Confidence and Self – Awareness (SCSA) Literacy Reading (R) Writing (W) Mathematics Number (N) Shape, Space and Measure (SSM) Understanding the World World (WD) People and communities (PC) Technology (T) Expressive Arts and Design Exploring Media and Materials (EMM) Being Imaginative (BI) At the end of Reception children are assessed by the Early Learning Goals (ELG). There is one ELG for each of the 17 areas. We have to report the proportion of children achieving the ELG at the end of Reception. In the run up to ELG’S (in Nursery and Reception) we use the ‘Early years outcomes’, previously known as Development matters. Early Years Outcomes It is split into the same areas as mentioned above. Each area is then split into months: Birth to 11 months 8 to 20 months 16 to 26 months 22 to 36 months 30 to 50 months 40 to 60 months ELGS Most of the curriculum can be assessed in the children’s first language except from Communication and Language and Literacy, they have to be assessed in English. Characteristics of Learning Alongside the prime and specific areas we also look for different characteristics of learning the children are displaying. These are: Playing and exploring – engagement Active Learning – motivation Creating and thinking critically – thinking Each of these are split into 3 parts: Playing and Exploring – engagement Finding out and exploring Playing with what they know Being willing to ‘have a go’ Active Learning – motivation Being involved and concentrating Keeps trying Enjoying achieving what they set out to do Creating and Thinking Critically – thinking Having their own ideas Making links Choosing ways to do things At the end of Reception we have to report on the ELGs and Characteristics of Learning to both parents and Yr 1 teachers. We do this through the end of year report. Topics We start each term with a topic but what we cover for each topic depend on the children’s interests e.g. for growing and changing we may start by looking at plants and end up looking at caterpillars and butterflies. Below is the topic cycle we use however this is flexible and may change. Civitas Academy Early Years Long Term Overview Theme/Topic Key Texts Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Ourselves Celebrations Once upon a time Growing and changing Under the sea Down in the Jungle Handa’s Surprise Paddington bear Cultural stories *Religious stories *3 little pigs *Goldilocks *Hansel and Grettel *Elves and the shoe *Enormous Turnip *Jack and the Beanstalk *Titch Rainbow Fish Tiddler Smiley Shark Commotion in the Stories about celebrations Fact books Christmas story maker *Magic Porridge pot *Ginger bread man *Little Red Riding Ocean Hooray for Fish Barry the Fish with finger and the scary Hood *Princess and the Pea *Princess and the hairy monster Dear Zoo Song: down in the jungle Rumble in the jungle Walking in the jungle frog Text Types Trip. Visit Special events/activities Names Labelling Writing captions Simple cvc words CVC words Lists Invitations Cards Parents in to talk about cultures Trip to Temple Settling in Bonfire Night Autumn time Ramadan Harvest Christmas Diwali Hanukah Remembrance day Thanks giving Story boards Character profiles Labels Instructions Recounts Fact writing Stories Fact writing Riddles Story teller in Shrove Tuesday St. George’s Day Chinese New Year Burns night Visit allotment Parents in to garden with us Mother’s Day Easter Jewish Passover Holi Baisakhi or Vaisakhi (Sikh) Aquarium/ Seaside Reptiles in Father’s day Parent contributions It is important that parents contribute to the children’s learning journeys with information about the things they are doing at home e.g. reading a sentence, writing number stories, identifying numbers, going to dance classes and teaching a friend how to dance etc. When the parent shares with us the things that their children are doing at home we use this to contribute to the evidence we have already collected and record it in the children’s profiles. We can then use this information to help form assessment and plan new learning. English As an additional Language (EAL) and educational needs Learners In EYFS we use a range of strategies to help EAL learners and children who need extra speaking support. Below are a few of our strategies. *Actions *pictures *Paired with good English speaker *Lots of active learning *Small group work to learn new ‘classroom’ words *EAL LSA comes in to make observations of Polish children in their first language *Model correct words/ pronunciation Children with additional educational needs will have their own individual learning plans with their own targets on. Time will be made for children to have 1:1 or small group work based on these targets. If you have a concern about a child please talk to your child’s class teacher first. We are sure your child will settle in quickly with us at Civitas Academy but if you have any questions or please contact the school office.
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