Joseph A. Hamm 518 Baker Hall | Michigan State University 655 Auditorium Rd. | East Lansing, MI 48824 Updated March 2015 APPOINTMENTS Assistant Professor; School of Criminal Justice (primary) and Environmental Science and Policy Program; Michigan State University; East Lansing, Michigan (Fall 2014-current). Court Research Associate; National Center for State Courts; Williamsburg, Virginia (Spring 2014-Fall 2014). Adjunct Professor of Psychology; Nebraska Wesleyan University; Lincoln, Nebraska (Fall 2013). Graduate Student Fellow; Center for Great Plain Studies; University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lincoln, Nebraska (Fall 2013). Graduate Research Assistant; Public Policy Center; University of Nebraska; Lincoln, Nebraska (Fall 2008-Fall 2013). National Science Foundation Trainee; Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship in Resilience and Adaptive Management of Stressed Watersheds; School of Natural Resources; University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lincoln, Nebraska; (Spring 2010-Winter 2012). EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy, Law-Psychology (Social Psychology Track); University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska (Degree Awarded, May 2014). o Secondary Specialization, Quantitative Methods Master of Legal Studies, University of Nebraska, College of Law, Lincoln, Nebraska (Degree Awarded, December 2013). Master of Arts, Psychology; University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska (Degree Awarded, August 2011). Bachelor of Arts, Psychology; Minor, Criminal Justice; University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado (Degree Awarded, May 2008). SELECTED HONORS Early Career Workshop Attendee – Early Career Workshop Committee, Law and Society Association (2015). Preparing Future Faculty Mentee (Mentor: Richard Miller, Ph.D., University of Nebraska at Kearney) – UNL Graduate Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2013). UNL Graduate Fellow – UNL Graduate Fellowship Committee, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2012). Resilience Alliance Young Scholar – Resilience Alliance (2011). Larson Fellow – University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2008). Lloyd G. Balfour Fellow – North-American Interfraternal Foundation (2008). Departmental Scholar – School of Psychological Sciences, University of Northern Colorado (2007). First Place – Ronald E. McNair Research Competition, University of Northern Colorado (2006). Hamm CV – Page 1 FUNDED RESEARCH Large Grants (> $100,000): Investigator (Community Engagement Core): Environmental Microbial and Mammalian Biomolecular Responses to AhR Ligands, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (National Institutes of Health P42 Award) – P42ES004911 (4/1/2013 – 3/31/2018); PI – Norbert Kaminski; Total Award $16,851,903 (Spring 2015-Spring 2019). Co-Author & Graduate Research Assistant: Testing a Three-Stage Model of Institutional Confidence across Branches of Government, National Science Foundation – SES-1061635 (6/1/11-5/31/14); PI’s – Alan Tomkins & Brian Bornstein; Total Award $271,280 (Fall 2011-Spring 2014). Graduate Research Assistant: Developing a Social-Cognitive, Multilevel, Empirically-Based Model of Public Engagement for the Shaping of Science and Innovation Policy, National Science Foundation – SBE0965465 (7/1/10-6/30/13); PI – Peter Muhlberger, Ph.D. (Texas Tech); Total Award: $471,180 (Summer 2010 & Summer 2011). Graduate Research Assistant: Public Participation in Policymaking: Budgeting, Outcomes, Priorities and Satisfaction in Lincoln. Multiple projects with funding from the Lincoln Community Foundation, City of Lincoln, and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. (2/1/08-5/30/11); PI’s – Alan Tomkins, Tarik Abdel-Monem, Mitchel Herian, & Lisa PytlikZillig; Total Awards: ~$200,000 (Fall 2008-Spring 2010). Graduate Research Assistant: Reducing Courts’ Failure to Appear Rate: A Procedural Justice Approach. National Institute of Justice – 2008-IJ-CX-0022 (10/1/08-12/31/10); PI – Brian Bornstein; Total Award: $197,507 (Fall 2008-Spring 2010). Small Grants (< $100,000): Co-PI: Dissertation Improvement Grant ($14,981; Project Title: Understanding the Role of Trust in Cooperating with Natural Resource Institutions, SES-1154855) – Law & Social Science program, National Science Foundation (2011-2014). PI: J.E. Weaver Competitive Grant ($1000; Project Title: Understanding the Role of Trust in Cooperating with Natural Resource Institutions) – The Nature Conservancy (2013). Co-PI: Diversity in Psychology and Law Research Award ($494; Project Title: Measuring Older Adult Trust in the Courts and Police: Implications for Abuse Reporting) – Minority Affairs Committee, American Psychology-Law Society (2011). SCHOLARLY PUBLICATIONS †peer review; *student co-author in press (†n = 0) Hamm, J. A. & Hoffman, L. (in press). Working with covariance: Using higher-order factors in structural equation modeling with trust constructs. In E. Shockley, T. Neal, L. PytlikZillig, & B. Bornstein (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Trust: Towards Theoretical and Methodological Integration (forthcoming). New York City: Springer Publishing. Hamm, J. A. Lee, J., Trinkner, R., Wingrove, T., Leben, S., & Breuer, C. (in press). On the cross domain scholarship of trust in the institutional context. In E. Shockley, T. Neal, L. PytlikZillig, & B. Bornstein (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Trust: Towards Theoretical and Methodological Integration (forthcoming). New York City: Springer Publishing. Hamm CV – Page 2 2014 (†n = 3) †Birge*, H. E., Allen, C. R., Craig R. K., Garmestani, A. S., Hamm, J. A., Babbitt, C., Nemec, K., & Schlager, E. (2014). Social-ecological resilience and law in the Platte River Basin. Idaho Law Review [peerreviewed edition on Natural Resources & Environmental Law], 51, 229-256. †Nemec, K. T., Chan, J., Hoffman, C., Spanbauer, T. L., Hamm, J. A., Allen, C. R., Hefley, T., Pan, D., Shrestha, P. (2014). Assessing resilience in stressed watersheds. Ecology and Society (5-Year Impact Factor = 4.6), 19(1), article 34. Retrievable at †Herian, M. N., Tay, L., Hamm, J. A., & Diener, E. (2014). Social capital, ideology, and health in the United States. Social Science and Medicine (5-Year Impact Factor = 3.7), 105, 30-37. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.01.003 2013 (†n = 3) †Hamm, J. A., PytlikZillig, L. M., Herian, M. N., Tomkins, A. J., Dietrich, H., & Michaels, S. (2013). Trust and intention to comply with a water allocation decision: The moderating roles of knowledge and consistency. Ecology and Society (5-Year Impact Factor = 4.6), 18(4), article 49. Retrievable at Hamm, J. A., Bornstein, B. H., & Perkins, J. (2013). Nullification: The myth revisited. In D. Fung (Ed.), Psychology of Policy-Making (pp. 49-71). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. †Hamm, J. A., PytlikZillig, L. M., Herian, M. N., Bornstein, B. H., Tomkins, A. J. & Hoffman, L. (2013). Deconstructing confidence in state courts. Journal of Trust Research (Impact Factor pending), 3, 11-31. †Bornstein, B. H., Tomkins, A. J., Neeley, E. M., Herian, M. N., & Hamm, J. A. (2013). Reducing courts' failure-to-appear rate by written reminders. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law (2011 Impact Factor = 1.9), 19, 70-80. doi: 10.1037/a0026293 2012 (†n = 4) †Bornstein, B. H., & Hamm, J. A. (2012). Jury instructions on witness identification. Court Review (Impact Factor = 0.3), 48(1&2), 48-53. †PytlikZillig, L. M., Tomkins, A. J., Herian, M. N., Hamm, J. A., & Abdel-Monem, T. (2012). Public input methods impacting confidence in government. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy (Impact Factor pending), 6, 92-111. doi: 10.1108/17506161211214840 †Herian, M. N., Hamm J. A., Tomkins A. J., & Pytlik-Zillig L. M. (2012). Public participation, procedural fairness and evaluations of local governance: The moderating role of uncertainty. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (5-Year Impact Factor = 3.2), 22, 815-840. †Brank, E. M., Wylie, L. E., & Hamm, J. A. (2012). Potential for self-reporting of older adult maltreatment: An empirical examination. The Elder Law Journal (Impact Factor = 1.8), 19, 351-384. 2011 and earlier (†n = 1) †Hamm, J. A., PytlikZillig, L. M., Tomkins, A. J., Herian, M. H., Bornstein, B. H., & Neeley, E. M. (2011). Exploring separable components of institutional confidence. Behavioral Sciences and the Law (Impact Factor = 1.3), 29, 95-115. doi: 10.1002/bsl.965 Hamm CV – Page 3 Tomkins, A. J., PytlikZillig, L. M., Herian, M. N., Abdel-Monem, T., & Hamm, J. A. (2010). Public input for municipal policymaking: Engagement methods and their impact on trust and confidence. In S. A. Chun, R. Sandoval, & A. Philpot (Eds.), The Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, Public Administration Online: Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 41-50). ACM Digital Library: Digital Government Society of North American. Retrievable at FTOKEN=99331109#CIT Hamm, J. A. (2008). Collaboration; A student's perspective. In R. Miller, R. Rycek, E. Balcetis, S. Barney, B. Beins, S. Burns, R. Smith, & M. E. Ware, (Eds.), Developing, Promoting, and Sustaining the Undergraduate Research Experience in Psychology (pp. 220-223). Electronic book: Society for the Teaching of Psychology. Retrievable from Hamm, J. A., & Woody, W. D. (2006). The effect of a defendant’s age and competency upon jurors in the American legal system. UNC McNair (Undergraduate) Research Journal, 11, 2-13. OTHER SCHOLARLY WORK Casady, T. K., Cottingham, I., Ramirez, J. P., Samal, A., Tomkins, A. J., Farrell, K., Hamm, J. A., Rosenbaum, D. I., Shank, N. (2015). A randomized-trial evaluation of a law enforcement application for smartphones and laptops that uses GIS and Location-Based Services to pinpoint Persons-of-Interest: Final technical report. Lincoln, Nebraska. Retrievable at Co-Author: National Center for State Courts (2014). Norfolk Circuit Court Reentry Docket Preliminary evaluation: Final report. Williamsburg, Virginia: Available upon request. Co-Author: National Center for State Courts (2014). Miami Adult Drug Court: Preliminary assessment report Year 1. Williamsburg, Virginia: Available upon request. Hamm, J. A. (2014). Understanding the role of trust in cooperation with a natural resources institution. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska. Retrievable at Co-Author: University of Nebraska Public Policy Center (2012). Platte River Habitat Partnership: An evaluation of partnership participants and eligible non-participants, final report. Lincoln, Nebraska. Retrievable at Hamm, J. A. (2011). Too legit to acquit: The effects of perceived court legitimacy and procedural justice expectation on juror nullification (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska. Co-Author: University of Nebraska Public Policy Center (2009). Taking charge: Survey discussion and report, final report. Lincoln, NE: Retrievable at Hamm CV – Page 4 SCHOLARLY PRESENTATIONS †paper presented; *student co-author 2015 (†n = 0): Hamm, J. A. & PytlikZillig, L. M. (accepted for May 2015). Analyses of trust-related constructs reveal different groups across institutional contexts. 27th American Psychological Society Convention. New York City, USA. Zhuang, J., *Cox, J., *Cruz, S., Hamm, J. A., Upham, B., & Dearing, J. (accepted for March 2015). How do numeracy, stigma, popular people, and trust affect parental concerns about children’s health and dioxin remediation decisions? 14th Annual Pediatric Research Day on Community Engagement in Child and Maternal Health. Detroit, MI, USA. Birge*, H. E., Allen, C. R., Craig R. K., Garmestani, A. S., Hamm, J. A., Babbitt, C., Nemec, K., & Schlager, E. (accepted for March 2015). Social-ecological resilience and law in the Platte River Basin. Water Law Conference 2013. Lincoln, NE, USA 2014 (†n = 2): †Hamm, J. A. (December 2014). Trust and natural resources management: The critical classes of antecedents of trust. Journal on Policy and Complex Systems Budding Scholars Conference at the DuPont Summit on Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy Issues. Washington, D.C., USA. †Hamm, J. A. & Bornstein, B. H. (November 2014). An organizing framework of trust in the institutional context. First International Network of Trust/8th European Institute for the Advanced Study of Management Workshop on Trust within and between Organizations. Coventry, UK. Hamm, J. A. (June 2014). Voluntary land owner cooperation with conservation action: The role of trust. The Tenth Biennial Conference of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Portland, OR, USA. Kimbrough, C. D., Hamm, J. A., & Neal, T. (February 2014). The antecedents of trust in a novel institution. The Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Austin, TX, USA. 2013 (†n = 5): †Hamm, J. A., Tomkins, A. J., Bornstein, B. H., PytlikZillig, L. M., Herian, M. N., & Kimbrough, C. D. (June 2013). Land owner trust in and cooperation with natural resource management institutions: What is it and what does it do? 19th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Estes Park, CO, USA. Birgé, H., Sliwinski, M., Nemec K., Spanbauer, T., Hart, N, Chan, J, Hamm, J. A., Hoffman, C., Acosta, L., Allen, C. R., Hefley, T., Pan, D., & Shrestha, P. (May 2013). Operationalizing resilience: A rapid approach to social-ecological system assessment. NSF IGERT 2013 Video & Poster Competition, online. Tomkins, A. J., Ramirez, J. P., Shank, N. C., Hamm, J. A., Samal, A., Casady, T. K., Cottingham, I., Farell, K., Rosenbaum, D. I. (March 2013). There’s an app for that! Developing law enforcement technology and assessing technology usage. 2013 Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR, USA †Kimbrough, C. D., Hamm, J. A., Bornstein, B. H., & Rottman, D. (March 2013). Predicting confidence in the California court system. 2013 Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR, USA. Hamm CV – Page 5 †Hamm, J. A., PytlikZillig, L. M., Herian, M. N., Tomkins, A. J., Bornstein, B. H., & Kimbrough, C. D. (March 2013). Understanding the role of trust in cooperation with a governance institution. 2013 Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR, USA. †Marquez, A., Hamm, J. A., Scalora, M. (March 2013). Inmates’ attitudes towards mental health services and providers. 2013 Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR, USA. †Herian, M. N. & Hamm, J. A. (March 2013) Procedural fairness and recent court experience: Examining future expectations of fair treatment. 2013 Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR, USA. Hamm, J. A., Tomkins, A. J., Bornstein, B. H., PytlikZillig, L. M., Herian, M. N., & Kimbrough, C. D. (January 2013). Land owner trust in and cooperation with natural resource management institutions: What is it and what does it do? 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology: Social Psychology and Law Preconference. New Orleans, LA, USA. 2012 (†n = 2): Loke, J.*, Hamm, J. A., Kimbrough, C. D., Herian, M. N., PytlikZillig, L. M., Bornstein, B. H., & Tomkins, A. J. (November 2012). Sophisticated trustors: Investigating the relationship between knowledge, experience, and trust in water regulatory institutions. Water: Science, Practice and Policy, Lincoln, NE, USA. †Hamm, J. A., PytlikZillig, L. M., Herian, M. N., Bornstein, B. H., Tomkins, A. J. & Hoffman, L. (July 2012). Public trust and confidence in state courts. 2012 Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Chicago, IL, USA. †Hamm, J. A., Bornstein, B. H., & Herian, M. N. (July 2012). Forecasting positive experiences with the courts: Do procedural justice expectations legitimate? 2012 Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Chicago, IL, USA. 2011 (†n = 3): Hamm, J. A., PytlikZillig, L. M., Tomkins, A. J., Herian, M. N., & Dietrich, H. (July 2011). Understanding projected compliance with a water allocation decision. 2011 University Council on Water Resources/National Institutes for Water Research Conference, Boulder, CO, USA. Hamm, J. A., PytlikZillig, L. M., Tomkins, A. J., Herian, M. N., & Dietrich, H. (May 2011). Understanding projected compliance with a water allocation decision. NSF IGERT Trainee Poster Competition, online. Hamm, J. A., Bornstein, B. H., Anderson, R.*, & Henkes, J.* (March 2011). Improving jury instructions. 4th International Congress on Psychology and Law, Miami, FL, USA. †Hamm, J. A., Wylie, L., Brank, E., & Tomkins, A. J. (March 2011). Measuring elder trust in the courts and police: Implications for elder abuse reporting. 4th International Congress on Psychology and Law, Miami, FL, USA. †Bornstein, B. H., Hamm, J. A., Herian, M., & Tomkins, A. J. (March 2011). Measuring defendants’ perceptions of courts: A field study of trust, confidence, and procedural justice. 4th International Congress on Psychology and Law, Miami, FL, USA. †Hamm, J. A., Tomkins, A. J., Bornstein, B. H., Herian, M. N., & PytlikZillig, L. M. (February 2011). A theoretical model of public trust in institutions. 3rd Annual Princeton University Psychology and Policymaking Conference, Princeton, NJ, USA. Hamm CV – Page 6 2010 (†n = 8): †Hamm, J. A., Tomkins, A., PytlikZillig, L., Herian, M., Bornstein, B. H., & Neeley, E. (October 2010). Measuring public trust in institutions: Applying research in the courts to a water resource domain. Greater Platte River Basins Symposium, Lincoln, NE, USA. †Hamm, J. A. & Tomkins, A. (May 2010). Institutional confidence, public participation techniques, and process fairness in a stressed watershed, policy context. 11th Annual Conference on Digital Government Research: 2010, Doctoral Colloquium, Puebla, Mexico. †Bornstein, B. H., Tomkins, A., Neeley, E., Herian, M., Hamm, J. A., Klug, L., Rajendran, S., & Hutsell, N. (March 2010). Reducing courts’ failure-to-appear rate by written reminders. 2010 American PsychologyLaw Society Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada. †Hamm, J. A., Tomkins, A., PytlikZillig, L., Herian, M., Bornstein, B. H., & Neeley, E. (March 2010). Exploring separable components of confidence in the courts: Development of an institutional confidence measure, 2010 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada. †Tomkins, A., Bornstein, B. H., Hamm, J. A., PytlikZillig, L., Herian, M., Neeley, E., Rajendran, S., & Klug, L. (March 2010). A field study of procedural justice and confidence/trust in the courts: A survey of misdemeanants. 2010 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada. †Neeley, E., Herian, M., Bornstein, B. H., Tomkins, A., & Hamm, J. A. (March 2010). Race and failure to appear. 2010 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada. †Tomkins, A., Herian, M., PytlikZilllig, L., Hamm, J. A., Neeley, E., & Hoppe, R. (March 2010). Performance measurements and strategic budgeting: The impact on the public’s trust and confidence in government. Public Performance Measurement and Reporting Conference, Chattanooga, TN, USA. †PytlikZillig, L.M., Tomkins, A.J., Muhlberger, P., Abdel-Monem, T., Herian, M.N., Marincic, J.L., & Hamm, J. A. (March 2010). Effects of consensus instructions on processes and outcomes in deliberative discussions of performance measurement and reporting and budget issues. Public Performance Measurement and Reporting Conference, Chattanooga, TN, USA. 2009 and earlier (†n = 2): Hamm, J. A., Bornstein, B. H., & Laub, C. (March 2009). Juror instruction on earwitness identification. 2009 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA. Hamm, J. A., Stewart, J., & Woody, W. D. (March 2008). Age, competency, and American juries. 2008 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL, USA. †Hamm, J. A., Stewart, J., & Woody, W. D. (April 2007). Salience of age and competency for juveniles tried as adults. Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Regional Conference, Denver, CO, USA. †Hamm, J. A., & Woody, W. D. (July 2006). The effect of a defendant’s age and competency upon jurors in the American legal system. 12th Annual SAEOPP/UTK McNair National Scholars Research Conference, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Knoxville, TN, USA. Colloquia: Hamm, J. A. (February 2015). Trust and cooperation: Definitions, constructs, and models. Water Initiative Networking Series, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA. Hamm CV – Page 7 TEACHING/MENTORING EXPERIENCE Formal Classroom Experience: Instructor: PSYC 101 – Psychological Science, Psychology Department, Nebraska Wesleyan University; Lincoln, Nebraska (Fall 2013). Co-Instructor: PSYC 498 – Psychology of Environmental Sustainability, Psychology Department, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lincoln, Nebraska (Summer 2011 & Spring 2012). Graduate Teaching Assistant: PSYC 181 – Introduction to Psychology, Psychology Department, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lincoln, Nebraska (Fall 2008). Undergraduate Instructional Assistant: PSY 440 – Cognition; Department of the Psychological Sciences, University of Northern Colorado; Greeley, Colorado (Fall 2006). Professional/Academic Development Seminars: Instructor: Measurement Brownbag (informal student brownbag meeting), School of Criminal Justice Doctoral Student Association, Michigan State University. East Lansing, Michigan. (Spring 2015). Instructor: Confirmatory Factor Analysis Meetings (monthly staff professional development brownbag), University of Nebraska-Public Policy Center; Lincoln, Nebraska. (Fall 2012-Spring 2013). Student Research Supervision: Undergraduate Thesis Reader: Thesis Title – Building Conservation Through Cycling: How Regular Bicycling Affects Views on Environmental Conservation; Claire Love, Environmental Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Fall 2012). High School Student Research Mentor: Project Title – How Gardening Affects Children’s Mood; Penny Bui, Environmentors, Upward Bound, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lincoln, Nebraska (Fall 2012). Undergraduate Thesis Reader: Thesis Title – The Role of Emotion in Understanding and Promoting Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Behavior; Chevelle Schreiner, Environmental Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Spring 2012). Undergraduate Research Supervisor: (various projects), Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lincoln, Nebraska (Spring 2009-Spring 2010). Other Teaching/Mentoring: Tutor (Research Methods and Data Analysis - PSYC 350): Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lincoln, Nebraska (Fall 2012-Spring 2013). Graduate Student Mentor: Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lincoln, Nebraska (Summer 2010-Summer 2011). PROFESSIONAL/WORK EXPERIENCE Research Oriented: Court Research Associate: National Center for State Courts; Williamsburg, Virginia (Spring 2014-Fall 2014). Hamm CV – Page 8 Graduate Research Assistant: University of Nebraska Public Policy Center; overseen by Alan Tomkins, J.D., Ph.D.; Lincoln, Nebraska (Fall 2008-Spring 2014). Graduate Extern: International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis; overseen by Jan Sendzemir, Ph.D.; Laxenburg, Österreich (Fall 2011). Undergraduate Research Assistant: Center on Children, Families, and the Law, overseen by Victoria Weisz, M.L.S., Ph.D.; University of Nebraska, Center on Children Families and the Law; Lincoln, Nebraska (Spring 2008). Undergraduate Research Intern: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, overseen by Sandra Wiebe, Ph.D.; University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lincoln, Nebraska (Spring 2008). Undergraduate Research Assistant: Law-Psychology Research Experience for Undergraduates, overseen by Brian Bornstein, Ph.D., M.L.S.; University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lincoln, Nebraska (Fall 2007-Spring 2008). Undergraduate Research Intern: School of Psychological Sciences, overseen by William Douglas Woody, Ph.D., University of Northern Colorado; Greeley, Colorado (Fall 2005-Spring 2007). Undergraduate Research Intern: Rocky Mountain Resource Center on Violent, Destructive and Hate Groups; overseen by John Barbrey, Ph.D.; Department of Criminal Justice, University of Northern Colorado; Greeley, Colorado (Spring 2007). Undergraduate Research Intern: Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program, overseen by Julie Posselt, University of Northern Colorado; Greeley, Colorado (Summer 2006). Non-Research Oriented: Lead Program Evaluator: Platte River Habitat Partnership; point of contact Rich Walters; Lincoln, Nebraska (July 2011-June 2012). Program Evaluation Consultant: Christ for the City International; point of contact Mark Pomeroy; Lincoln, Nebraska (Summer 2011). Intern: Colorado Office of the Public Defender, Greeley Office; overseen by Marilynn Cullison; Greeley, Colorado (Summer 2008). SERVICE EXPERIENCE Committee Member: Bylaws Committee; School of Criminal Justice; Michigan State University (Spring 2015present) Poster Session Coordinator: 2014 Symposium on Motivation, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Spring 2014). Member: Student Affairs Committee, Professional Development Subcommittee; International Association for Society and Natural Resources (Fall 2013-Spring 2014). Member: Postdoctoral Fellow Search Committee; University of Nebraska-Public Policy Center: Lincoln, Nebraska (Fall 2012-Spring 2013). Vice-President and Law-Psychology Representative: Psychology Graduate Student Association, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lincoln, Nebraska (Fall 2012-Spring 2013). Hamm CV – Page 9 Webmaster: Juries, Justice, and Eyewitness Research Lab, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska (Summer 2012-Spring 2014). Judge: Southeast Regional Science Fair; Lincoln, Nebraska (Spring 2012). Member: Academic Program Review Committee (appointed by Chair); Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lincoln, Nebraska (Fall 2010). Member: Graduate Student Grievance Committee; Department of Psychology, University of NebraskaLincoln; Lincoln, Nebraska (Fall 2009-Spring 2010). Psychology Department Representative: Legislative Assembly; Graduate Student Association, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lincoln, Nebraska (Fall 2008-Spring 2009). Reviewer Service: Social Psychology Quarterly, Great Plains Research, Ecology and Society, European Psychologist Hamm CV – Page 10
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