Join Us! PUBLISHED BY MIND’S DESIGN STUDIO SINCE 2014 CALL 403-203-9152 FOR ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES W W W. M I N D S D E S I G N . C A Join Us! YOUR OFFICIAL COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER FOR CHINOOK PARK, KELVIN GROVE & EAGLE RIDGE APRIL | 2015 CIR C U LATI ON | 2 3 0 0 H OM E S A N D B U S I N E S S E S CHINOOK PARK . KELVIN GROVE . EAGLE RIDGE Community Association eMAIL CKECA@SHAW.CA TO RECEIVE CKE NOTICES! visit us at: WWW.CKECOMMUNITY.COM REGISTRATION PAGE 8 INFO CKE information Table of Contents & Babysitter List Your Official Community Newsletter Hey Parents! Need a Sitter?! Name Age Phone# TA B LE OF CONTE NTS : Sitting Course First Aid Tyler Brown 17 403.242.2352 Y Y • New Hall Campaign: Pages 7, 11, 19, 20, 23 Ryan Clarke 13 403.686.7226 Y Y • Sitter List: Page 2 Kira Cooper 16 403.252.3303 Y Y Krista Cooper 12 403.252.3303 Y Y • President’s Message Page 3 Ben Davey 12 403.212.0998 Y Y Rachel Davey 15 403.212.0998 Y Y • Garden Update Page 6 Talia Dube 13 403.252.8066 Y Y • CKE Hall Campaign Page 7 Jesse Elser 14 403.284.4286 Y Y • CKE Contacts Page 4 • CKE Board Meeting Highlights Page 5 Amanda Elford 13 403.217.3913 Y Y • Summer Camps Registration Form Page 8 Olivia Hardin 14 403.212.1880 Y Y • Civic Chat Linda Johnson, MLA Page 9 Abigail Howe 16 Y Y Y Y Y Y • Chinook Club Tennis Club Page 7 • Civic Chat Brian Pincott, Alderman Page 10 Ryan Howe 14 • Your City Section Page 16 Taylor Howe 12 • Flower Fundraiser Page 17 Maddie Hunt 14 403.245.6877 Y Y • Kids Corner Page 18 • Classified Ads Page 21 ... And more (tidbits, quotes, etc.) 403.217.6155 Teagan Macza 17 403.686.2455 Y Y Maddie Neumann 16 403.640.9512 Y Y Sophia Schledt 15 587.227.3992 Y Y ARE YOU 12 OR OLDER and would like to put your name on our list to be called for babysitting jobs in the community? OR are you a parent looking for a qualified babysitter in our community? Please contact Jonathan Hasiuk (403-244-9041; with changes, additions or deletions to this list. LAST UPDATED: Feb/15 Please note: Babysitters must have parental consent before they can be placed on the list. *CKE CA AND THE PUBLISHER accepts no responsibility as a regulatory body, nor does the association endorse or screen any of those listed or who use the service. Dayhomes/cares are not accepted. Pg. 2 April 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Your Official Newsletter W CKE President’s Message e are pleased to be able to once again host a summer camp for kids aged 6-12 this year. The camp will be held at the community hall and run by City of Calgary Parks & Recreation staff. Subject to instructor availability, we hope to sponsor a tennis component to the camp again this year. Details on registration can be found in this newsletter. We only have 30 spots so sign up soon. Wine and Whiskey is coming up fast! If you have not attended this annual event Mark Your Calendars • May 23 purchase tickets for Wine and Whiskey, Back to the Future yet, make this the year. The team does an incredible job transforming our hall and, with the help of sponsors, provides some great food and drink. It is a great way to catch up with neighbours ahead of summer. As in the past, proceeds from this event will go towards our new hall capital campaign. The gardening club will be running another flower fundraiser for the hall this year. I heard lots of rave reviews about the flowers last year. They will be taking orders until April 29th, and the flowers will be delivered on May 6th. Check the website and Facebook page for more details. The Tennis club will be taking sign up for membership on April 25. The club maintains the 3 courts by the community • Wednesday May 20 CKE AGM hall and offers programs for adults and kids. If you can’t make that date, contact our tennis director Allison Brown for info on how to join. Rink Rat #1 Retiring Dick Fullerton has let us know that after 14 seasons he will be retiring from running our dedicated team of rink rats. On behalf of the community, the board would like to thank Dick for all his hard work over the years. Dick and his team have done a great job making sure we always have great ice every year. ~ Christopher Doyle, CKE CA President YOUR RETIREMENT DREAMS ARE UNIQUE That’s why you need a retirement plan just as unique. I understand that. As a Raymond James financial advisor, I have the freedom to offer unbiased advice and the resources to help you design a truly individual retirement plan. To learn more about creating a plan focused on your dream retirement, contact me for a complimentary review. Barry Grobman, B.Comm Financial Advisor 4100-525-8 Ave. SW, Calgary T: 403-509-0581 E: Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Pg. 3 April 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Chinook Park, Kelvin Grove & Eagle Ridge CKE contacts Names and Numbers Your Official Community Newsletter You can email the board at All area codes are 403 unless otherwise shown. CKE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BOARD President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Development Facilities Traffic Social Communications Chris Doyle Chris Zaharko Doug Ryckman Robin Daigle Ellen Embury Jackie Pontin Bev Readman Dawn Messer Jonathan Hasiuk 837-7344 249-4322 863-1662 277-0863 287-8168 259-3345 686-2455 245-8868 244-9041 Membership Garden Recreation & Sports Tennis Members-at-Large Matthew Page-Hanify 245-0678 Melissa Kuehner 243-2687 Georgie Islip 587-435-0221 Allison Brown 259-6882 Wendy Kennelly 971-4555 Dave Munro 813-2368 Alex Mazepa 831-2741 Did you Know? Calgary’s newest community will be named “Livingston” after Alberta pioneer, and one of Calgary’s first citizens, Sam Livingston. Livingston and his family first settled along the Elbow River at the current location of the Glenmore Reservoir in 1875. The Glenmore Reservoir was named after a school started by Livingston and his wife. When the area was flooded with the construction of the Glenmore Dam, part of the Livingston house was preserved and can still be found at Heritage Park. “Livingston” was originally suggested for a community name in the 1950’s, but having a second “L” community so close to Lakeview was not considered ideal, and that community was named Eagle Ridge instead. Source: LOCAL CONTACTS CKE Community Hall Phone CKE Hall Rental Jackie Pontin 258-0933 259-3345 CKE News (Editorial) Jonathan Hasiuk 244-9041 CKE News (Ads) Bobbie-Jo Bergner 203-9152 Brownies/Guides Anne Bennett 255-3883 Cubs/Scouts Bonnie Hilton 698-1020 Gillie Callum Dancers Ashley Stowkowy 465-2547 Heritage Community Soccer Sean & Barbe Clarke 686-7226 Softball Sonny Vallieres 238-0847 Hockey Duncan Hayes 243-4234 Football Rob Perry 251-6556 Carving Richard St. Pierre 255-1465 Police Service Comm. Liaison Off. Cst. Henry Robinson 567-6600 City Recreation Coordinator Joan Barnett 476-7276 Police Service at HWW Cst. Ken Reynolds Alderman, Ward 11 253-2261, ext 2143 Brian Pincott MLA, Calgary Glenmore Linda Johnson 268-2476 216-5421 Visit the CKE Community Association at CKE NEWS “Newsletter Ad Sales” E-mail or phone 403-203-9152 Pg. 4 April 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Your Official Newsletter CKE updates Highlights of CKE Board Meeting by Robin Daigle Board members met on March 11, 2015 for our monthly meeting. The board was joined by Chris Kemp-Jackson (Glenmore Wildrose Candidate), Joan Barnett from the City of Calgary and representation by Ward 11. Chris, Wildrose Candidate, is anticipating an upcoming election and wanted to meet with various boards in his riding to gain an understanding of community issues. to in the community are a Movie Night that is being planned for Eagle Ridge, The Wine and Whiskey on May 23, 2015 and a homecoming theme for our fall Barbeque. All of these social events take a lot of work to become a success, we are so fortunate to live in such an engaged community, if you have thought about getting involved, now is the time! Contact Dawn Messer if you would like to help out with any of these events. Mark your calendars for the upcoming AGM on May 20, 2015. This meeting is a great opportunity to meet past and future board members and to get updated on current issues or events within CKE. Support your community and your board and join us at the Annual General Meeting. Our Fitness Director is looking to partner with the Chinook Park School on a Walk to School Week and is also looking at a fun duathlon or 5 km run. The Park and Play program has been booked again for this summer, it will be held at the Community Association Hall from July 27 to July 31, 2015. The cost will be $135.00 per child; see page 8 for more details. Other fun things to look forward The Garden Club will be hosting a workshop on April 22, 2015. This event will be put on by the Calgary Horticultural Society. Refer to the garden news for full details. If you have a plot at the garden, plan to attend the spring cleanup on May 3, 2015. Hop on in to HARP Hearing for all your hearing needs. “Come see the friendly staff at HARP Hearing Care for all your hearing needs. I invite you to receive a FREE hearing assessment with the professional service that HARP Hearing Care has to offer” Pg. 5 April 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Chinook Park, Kelvin Grove & Eagle Ridge Community Your Official Newsletter Things To Do CKE Hall Activities Insufficient enrolment may mean classes will not run. Wood Carving Contact Richard, 403-669-5525 Gillie Callum Dancers Ashley Stowkowy,403-465-2547 Running & Fitness Coach Contact Georgie, 587-435-0221 Bricks 4Kids Contact Beth, 403-457-5530 Boot Camps Contact Debbie, 403-390-9285 RENTAL SPACE AVAILABLE! The hall is now available for rent on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Contact Jackie at 403-259-3345. CKE Hall Rentals: The Chinook Park • Kelvin Grove Eagle Ridge Community Hall, 1015 - 73rd Ave. SW, is available for rental. Hall rentals will be subject to a cleaning surcharge of 15% of the rental fee. For details, call Jackie Pontin at 403-259-3345. Chinook Park, Kelvin Grove, Eagle Ridge Community Association meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at the community centre at 1015 73rd Ave. SW. You are welcome to attend. Next meeting: Wednesday, April 8th, 2015 D isclaimer The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflectthose for the Community Association or the publisher of this newsletter. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so. Thank you. Pg. 6 April 2015 CKE Community Garden Update The CKE Community Garden is entering its 6th growing season, and much has been learned over that time. Some lessons have been learned by trial and error, and much more by sharing information and experiences with each other. We’ve also held several workshops and clinics over the years - perhaps you’ve been able to attend one or more. The learning continues in our community garden, both informally and in more formal settings such as the upcoming workshop ‘Plotting Your Success,’ hosted by the CKE Community Garden, and presented by the Calgary Horticultural Society, a group dedicated to supporting community gardens around the city. Join us on Wednesday, April 22nd at 7pm at the CKE Community Hall for this great workshop, open to the public. Community garden plots bring unique challenges, in addition to those experienced by other garden plots. Learn more about local climate and microclimates, soil and watering issues, common environmental issues, crops and techniques for community gardens, harvesting and much more. See the CHS website at and look for the listing of workshops to register. This workshop is a perfect lead-in to the gardening season, and ours gets started with our annual Spring Clean-up. Drop by on Sunday, May 3rd from 10am til 12pm to help us get the garden ready! We’d love to see you there. Happy Gardening! Neighbourhood Crime Watch Please be aware, there have been 4 residential break-ins reported in Kelvin Grove in the last 6 months. The most recent was March 9th, so one or two of the most recent break-ins may not be listed in the police reports yet. There was 1 residential break-in in Chinook Park in the last 6 months, and none in Eagle Ridge. There were also 12 incidents of vehicle theft or theft from a vehicle in Kelvin Grove as well. Half of these were either at the Rockyview Hospital or in the North Glenmore commercial. It is recommended if you are away for the upcoming Spring Break, you have someone checking in on your home daily and report any unusual or suspicious activity to the Calgary Police. Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Your Official Newsletter CKE Hall Campaign Give monthly to make the New CKE Hall a reality Costly repairs are needed to modernize the current CKE hall. Funds are better spent investing in new structure to meet the community’s needs. fundraising goal. “We thank each and every one of you for supporting our vibrant community,” says Fundraising co-chair Krista Haysom. “We have been pursuing a number of funding sources including government grants, major and corporate gifts, events and neighbour outreach to reach our capital goal of $1.65 million,” says Fundraising co-chair Alison Pidskalny. “We will need everyone to play a part in helping to build the new hall.” If every household in CKE donated a tax-deductible $100 per month for the next 18 months, we would exceed You can help today by becoming a monthly donor, making a one-time gift or stock donation to help reach our our total fundraising target. “We are very excited about the potential of the new hall and the benefits it will bring to all residents.” There is nothing more important than a community that lives, plays and stays together. The new CKE hall will provide more options for interesting programming for all ages, and help bring residents together. Watch for the monthly campaign flyer in your mailbox or go online to and follow the “monthly giving” link to make a secure monthly donation today. 2015 Chinook Park Tennis Club registration will be on Saturday Apr 25, from 10:00 am until noon in the community hall. A separate fee is payable to participate in the instructor-led group lessons: $150 for a family, $100 for a single adult, $60 for a single junior aged 17 or under. First time Tennis Club members are also required to pay a modest initiation fee. Lessons will start Monday May 4. If you miss registration at the hall come by the courts on 73rd Avenue any Monday or Wednesday evening on or after April 30 at 7:00 pm and pick up a registration package from the instructor. We welcome all levels of ability. Once again we plan to offer a beginners-level class. Enjoy one of the best values in the city: tennis all summer long, with instructor-led group lessons for children and adults. Lessons are twice a week, Mondays and Wednesdays (afternoons for juniors aged 6-17, evenings for adults), from the beginning of May until the end of August, and are always drop-in to fit in with people’s other activities, obligations, and level of interest. To register you will need a current valid membership to any City of Calgary community; if you don’t have one, CKE membership will be available for purchase at registration. Details on lesson times, special events, and additional information, as well as copies of the registration forms will available on the community web site by mid-April. Pg. 7 April 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Chinook Park, Kelvin Grove & Eagle Ridge We are pleased to offer once again a summer camp to be hosted by the CKE Community Association and managed by the City of Calgary Community & Neighbourhood Staff. The camp will include a complimentary tennis program sponsored by the CKE Tennis Club. Date: July 27 – July 31, 2015 Time: 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Ages: Camp for kids aged 6-12 years Cost: $135/child (the City no longer offers a subsidy to this program so participants will be charged the full rate) We can only accept a maximum of 30 campers so sign up soon! Register via Park n' Play Waiver received? Sign-In Site name (community): Waiver received? Today’s Date:Gender: Child’s name (First, last): Age: Birth date: Address: Check-out information:Comments:Postal Code: Walk: Pick-up: Parental/Guardian (First, Last) Home phone: Cell phone: 1st Emergency Contact Name (First, Last): 1st Emergency Phone Number(s): 2st Emergency Contact Name (First, Last): 2st Emergency Phone Number(s): Work phone: Medical information (allergies, medication, disabilities, etc.) Does your child have a lunch and water? ❒ Mon ❒ Tues ❒ Wed ❒ Thurs ❒ Fri Is your child wearing sunscreen and insect repellent? ❒ Mon ❒ Tues ❒ Wed ❒ Thurs ❒ Fri Would you like to be contacted by email for program evaluation and other program information? ❒ YES Email address: Pg. 8 April 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Civic Chat Linda Johnson, MLA, Calgary-Glenmore 403.216.5421 Hello! It is hard to believe how fast time has passed since I became your MLA in the last provincial election. Thank you to everyone who voted and continues to participate in the public discussion regarding the future of Alberta. I continue to be amazed by the variety and depth of queries that I become involved with as your MLA. One of my favourite tasks as an MLA is researching and talking to experts about issues and questions that are brought to me by constituents. You keep me on my toes! Thank you to those of you who gave up a beautiful Sunday afternoon to attend the Budget Consultation in Haysboro on February 22nd. It was wonderful to see so many new faces and I sincerely appreciated hearing the various points of view regarding Alberta’s financial situation. By the time you receive this newsletter, the 2015 Budget will have been tabled and we will know the outcome of the conversations that were held with thousands of Albertans. I sincerely thank those of you who took the time to complete the on-line survey. I am confident that Premier Prentice is listening to the views and opinions of the constituents in Calgary-Glenmore. A few questions were asked about how to find information about government departments. The website contains an enormous amount of information. Pg. 9 April 2015 l te! Save tnuhael BBdQawill be My 3rd an ne 20th held on Ju more Park n le at South G to 2 pm. from noon e you Hope to se ! re e th Some of the items available include: • Full budgets for every department and Ministry • Actual spending and revenues for each department and Ministry • The $ amount given to each school board in Alberta • The waiting list for types of surgeries and individual surgeons in Alberta • Public disclosure of all travel and expenses by Departments staff and officials • Alberta Work Search (ALIS) which connects employers to potential employees In addition, provides: • Information on the status of all Bills in the Assembly • The ability to watch question period live when the Assembly is in Session and the ability to listen to all committee meetings (past or live) • Transcripts of all discussion in the House • MLA spending reports (for each individual MLA) and compensation If you are looking for information and you can’t find it, please call the office to speak with Kim or Pam. They use the website constantly and they may be able to find what you are looking for. The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Chinook Park, Kelvin Grove & Eagle Ridge Community Your Official Newsletter Civic Chat Brian Pincott, Alderman, Ward 11 Be EXCITED about your home again. Reduce indoor air pollution, cleaning time and effort. Increase your Sparkle. •Place an Order •Book a Personal Consultation •Host a Norwex Party in your home •Earn Free Product! Karen Clark, Sales Consultant Phone:403-826-7680 CONCRETE CUTTING FOR Hello Ward 11, As the days get longer and hopefully warmer it’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning again! The City of Calgary and the community associations within it are no different in this regard, and have a number of upcoming events to help get everything back in order. Check the website for your local community association and see if they have an event planned to tidy up your neigbourhood. If you’d like to organize something yourself you can pick up The Litter Cleanup Kit (TLC Kit) at any point during the year from the Southland Leisure Centre, which is supplied by the City of Calgary Parks department and contains supplies for ten people. Then fill in the form on the City of Calgary website (http://www. and City staff will come and remove the trash you’ve gathered. Be a steward for your neighbourhood and help keep Ward 11 beautiful! Volunteer registration is also open until mid-April for the City of Calgary’s Pathway and River Cleanup scheduled to take place on Sunday, May 3rd. This year marks the 48th annual event and the 2900 volunteers will cover approximately 200km of river pathways, many of which flow through our ward! Anyone aged 12 or older who is fit and willing to get dirty is welcome, but those between 12-16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Join the thousands of Calgarians who have participated in this inspiring event and show your community spirit! As always, I encourage constituents of Ward 11 to contact me with any questions or concerns. I email out information regarding upcoming events, City programs and opportunities to provide input into the City’s public engagement programs relevant to Ward 11 residents. Due to the new anti-spam laws you need to specifically request our email updates; you can sign up at anytime by emailing my office at I also encourage you to visit my website,, for additional information that may be of interest to you. Pg. 10 April 2015 IMPROVING QUALITY OF LIFETM 10 BASEMENT WINDOWS AND DOORWAYS OFF % Cut, Supplied & Installed Mention this ad at the time of your booking & receive 10% off. Some conditions may apply. 403-689-8959 ASAP CONCRETE CUTTING & CORING Need a bigger window? ExoSide Construction Inc. Robert Fehr 403.990.1346 “Finding quality solutions to all of your exterior Housing needs” Our services include: Installation of Vinyl, James Hardie and Aluminum Siding . Soffit, Fascia and Eavestroughs Aluminum and Steel Cladding Now Booking for Spring! F REE ESTI M ATES “I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.” - Arthur Rubinstein Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Pg. 11 April 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Chinook Park, Kelvin Grove & Eagle Ridge Tune Ups - Brakes - Tires “While You Wait” Oil Changes* *By Appointment SPRING Complete Auto Repair $39.95 *When you mention this ad. Tire Sales Featuring: Dunlop, Cooper, Michelin, Bridgestone & BF Goodrich. HANK ISAAK, Owner/Operator Our oil changes are a low $39.95* We use high quality Havoline Oil Products. *Most cars and half tons plus environmental fee + tax 4674 MacLeod trail sw SAFE DRIVING CHECK-UP* Condition of Tires, Brakes, Belts, Hoses Front and Rear Suspension Lights, Wipers, Battery, Charging System All Steering Components, Condition of and Fill all Fluid Levels phone: 403-281-1303 / 403-252-4554 403.301.3300 CALL NOW - BBB - WCB - Licensed - Insured - Bonded LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION - STONE PATIOS - RETAINING WALLS - SOD - GRADING - TREES - FLOWER BEDS - FENCES - DECKS...AND MUCH MORE SPRING CLEAN UPS & WEEKLY LAWN CARE - AERATE - POWERRAKE - LEAF CLEAN - FERTILZE - PRUNING - MOWING - BEDS FREE ESTIMATES FOR LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION! CALL NOW! Pg. 12 April 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Thank Your Community's Hard-Working Volunteers April 12-18 is National Volunteer Week and on behalf of all Calgarians we want to sincerely thank community volunteers for all they do each and every day to improve neighbourhood life in Calgary! There are 150 community associations in every neighbourhood across our city, and they are all run by volunteers. In fact, more than 20,000 volunteers are involved in community associations here in Calgary, making it the LARGEST collective volunteer movement in the city! Without their hard-working volunteers community associations would not exist. They would not be able to provide you with the programs you enjoy, put on the year-round special events that bring you together as neighbours, advocate for your community on local issues, or produce this monthly newsletter full of important information. So take a moment during National Volunteer Week, April 12-18, to thank a volunteer in your community for their hard work and dedication to ensuring you love where you live! Engage. Belong. Inspire. Be part of it! Pg. 13 April 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Chinook Park, Kelvin Grove & Eagle Ridge Make cheque payable to: CKE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: NO UP-FRONT FEES FREE ESTIMATES VISA/MASTERCARD ACCEPTED 1015 73rd AVENUE SW T2V-0R9 P CKE Membership Form S 2015/2016 IND SOL OF M UT E IO C A N E Harding s Services FAMILY NAME______________________________ Painting Painting CONTACT_________________________________ Cleaning Cleaning SREEET ADDRESS___________________________ Window Washing Window Washing Texturing Texturing Handyman Handyman 403-254-4726 POSTAL CODE_____________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS____________________________ General ($35) Senior 60+ ($25) Make cheque payable to: CKE Community Association and drop in mail box at: 1015 - 73rd Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2V 0R9 - Residential & Commercial - Int./Ext. Painting - Scheduled Cleaning - Window & Power Washing - Stipple Removal & Texture Application - Cabinet Refinishing - Spray Booth - Renovations & Project Management BONDABLE BBB MEMBERSHIP SINCE 2000 SERVING CALGARY SINCE 1996 HOW ARE MARTHA AND HENRY’S KIDS DOING THESE DAYS? Decades ago, former Premier Ralph Klein introduced us to Martha and Henry - the average Albertan couple. How are their kids doing? The kids are worried. Not just about dignity for their parents, but also the lack of schools and affordable child care spaces. You can count on the Alberta Liberal Opposition to ask the tough questions. Let us know how you are doing. Phone 780.427.2292, through our website at, or e-mail ALBERTA LIBERAL OPPOSITION Pg. 14 April 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Breathe Easy STAY HEALTHY Mention this ad and receive a FREE Sanitation with complete system cleaning, VALUED at $85.00 Davey’s Furnace cleaning since 1971 “A thoroughly cleaned system helps eliminate dirt, dust, construction in your heating system and airborne pollutants in your home. A proper cleaning also saves money on heating and cooling bills.” • 10% Senior’s Discount • Quality Service • No “Extra Charge” Surprises • Job Well Done - Guaranteed! Call now for a no obligation furnace and duct cleaning quote! Book your cleaning by April 30/15 and receive a “Dryer Vent Cleaning” for FREE! 403-273-7160 750 49 Ave SW, Calgary AB 403.476.8992 Our boutique community offers unparalleled assistance and memory care services customized to support a lifestyle that is all yours. There really is no place like Maison. Pg. 15 April 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Chinook Park, Kelvin Grove & Eagle Ridge your city section Important Updates Your Official Community Newsletter 5,000 jobs are available at the 17th annual Youth Hiring Fair which takes place on Tuesday, April 21st, 2015 from 1:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. Complete the 2015 census online! Watch the mail for your access code and visit between April 1 and 24, 2015. The City of Calgary is committed to the safety of both taxi passengers and drivers. Learn more about taxi safety and helpful tips for your next taxi ride. Visit for an update on the West and Southwest Calgary ring roads. April 17, 2015 is the last day to nominate a Snow Angel who has helped you keep your walks clear of snow and ice this winter. Calgarians are talking about the future of our main streets. Become a subscriber and get involved in the discussion. Several City-operated arenas are undergoing upgrades in 2015 as part of maintenance, including an ice slab replacement, lighting and change room upgrades. Try It for a Toonie: Aqua Zen - a shallow water aquacise class is inspired by the movements of tai chi, yoga, and dance. Engage the mind, activate the body. Family Easter Crafts and Cookies! –All ages are invited to celebrate the Easter season at Southland Leisure Centre. Make Easter crafts for your family and friends and enjoy some light refreshments! This is a FREE event! Fun fact! There are 37 bridges and 13 interchanges as part of the final piece to Calgary’s ring road. Did you know? Earth Day is April 22nd! To celebrate, save energy and reduce air pollution by turning off your car and other fuel-powered engines if you’re idling for more than 10 seconds. For more tips on how to save energy (and money!), visit saveenergy. Stay connected to the City of Calgary Pg. 16 April 2015 Nominate a Snow Angel by April 17, 2015. Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! 2nd Annual CKE Flower Fundraiser Spring is finally here and the flower orders are starting to come in – have you put your order in ? In support of the new Hall Initiative we are selling hanging baskets, annuals, herbs, tomatoes and soil. The following plants are available for purchase: $35.00 12” Premium Round Planter $35.00 12” Strawberry Hanging Baskets $33.00 10 Pack Herbs and Tomato Combo $28.00 10 Pack Zonal Geraniums (Choose from Red, Pink or White) $35.00 10 Pack Orange Marigold $28.00 10 Pack Petunia (Choose from Purple or White) $28.00 Premium Organic Soil 30L Bag $15.00 Flower and Veggie Shaker Fertilizer $15.00 Mind’s Design offers Display Cubes contact us at 403.203.9152 or email: AS Your Complete Landscaping Specialists Water Features . Fences Paving Stones . Decks Retaining Walls . Sod contracting F 12” Premium Hanging Baskets Mind’s Design . Commercial Residential Specialists in concrete too! call now for a free in home estimate 403-651-0424 Flowers can be ordered on-line at http://cke. . Simply complete the order form and pay online with your credit card through secure PayPal. If it doesn’t work for you to pay online, contact Cathy Schultz Poelzer at with your order and she will arrange payment of cheque or cash. Last day to order is April 29th, 2015. Flowers will be need to be picked up on May 7th and 8th, 2015. Keep us in mind before shopping for your flowers. More details on delivery and pickup will follow. Enquiries can be directed to Cathy Schultz Poelzer at Pg. 17 April 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Chinook Park, Kelvin Grove & Eagle Ridge APRIL 2015 Kids Corner A fun and stimulating page for kids to enjoy! SPOT THE DIFFERENCE Cirlce the 10 differences on picture B. A B JOKE OF THE MONTH: How does the Easter Bunny keep his fur neat? With a hare brush! Pg. 18 April 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Pg. 19 April 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Chinook Park, Kelvin Grove & Eagle Ridge Wine & Whiskey Sponsors: Thank You! The WINE & WHISKEY event has blasted off to an 88 mile/hour start with the following AMAZING, community-minded sponsors: PARTNERS ($1000-$2999) Elevated HR Harding’s Services Hip Image Jerome’s Knightsbridge Homes Not Your Average Jo Communications Reisinger Design Superior Plumbing The Social Page FOOD & BEVERAGE: Original Joe’s La Chaumiere Wine Collective We are still seeking a PRESENTING SPONSOR ($3000+) that would benefit from exclusive recognition and promotion on all Wine & Whiskey electronic, print and event communications/ materials! Don’t be OUTATIME to miss this tremendous opportunity to support our Futuristic Party with a Purpose! ALL FRIEND ($250-$1000) and PARTNER ($1000-$2999) SPONSORS ARE STILL WELCOME! Pg. 20 April 2015 Find out more at or for more information! Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Your ommuADS!!! CCLASSIFIED nity To place your classified ad, contact sales at 403-203-9152 or email: today! BASEMENTS - RENOS - PAINTING Garages - Decks Fences - Clean-up - Framing & Finishing - General Work. Call John (Certified Carpenter) at 403.255.5564. BR PLUMBING & RENOVATIONS LTD. Residential services, plumbing repairs and new installations, hot water tanks, taps/toilets, sumpumps, drain cleaning and home renovations. We are just minutes away! 403.923.2918 (24 hr services). Calgary Board of Education By-election ELECTRICITY IS NOT A HOBBY! Call a licensed Electrician and Pot Light Specialist. No job is too small. Excellent rates. Call John at 403.281.5002/403.708.6555. EXOSIDE CONSTRUCTION INC. Finding quality solutions to all of your exterior housing needs. Our services include: Installation of Vinyl, James Hardie and Aluminum Siding, Soffit, Fascia and Eavestroughs, Aluminum and Steel Cladding. NOW BOOKING FOR SPRING! Call Robert today at 403.990.1346 Please see our display ad on page 10. NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. Residential and commercial service. Renovations, gas fitting and backflow testing. Fully licensed and insured with competitive rates. Customer satisfaction assured. CALL 403-255-7938, 24 HOURS EMERGENCY SERVICE! PERITUS YARD MAINTENANCE: is currently booking clients for weekly lawn care. Residential, commercial and acreage properties are welcome. For unparalleled professional service please contact Charles at,, or please call 403-201-7182 for an estimate. • Eligible electors will vote to elect their Public School Board Trustee for Wards 11 & 13 on Monday, April 13, 2015. • You are eligible to vote if: o you are at least 18 years old; o are a Canadian citizen; o have resided in Alberta since October 13, 2014; o are a resident on Election Day; – Of the City of Calgary Ward 11 or 13; and – Of the Calgary Board of Education; and o provide one of the authorized pieces of identification. All eligible electors can vote at the Advance Vote, April 2, 7 & 8. Blind voter templates are available at the Advance Vote only. If you can’t vote at the Advance Vote or on Election Day – request a Mail-in (Special) ballot or, if housebound due to injury, illness or disability, a special service to vote at home can be requested. A City of Calgary By-election brochure will be delivered to every household in Wards 11 & 13 in late March. Visit for more details or call 403-476-4100 (option 2). PLUMBING PARAMEDICS For all your plumbing needs! Receive $25.00 off any plumbing or heating repair over $200.00. Expires April 30, 2015. BBB Accredited Business. Call today! 403.452.2911 2015-0521 CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS and DOORWAYS - Cut, Supplied & Installed. Doorways Cutting - Concrete Wall Cutting - Concrete Floor Cutting Core Drilling - Any Size. Excavation/Window Well Supplied & Installed - Weeping Tile Installation. Phone 403.689.8959 Email: See our display ad on page 10. THE CONTRACTOR YOU’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR Knowledgeable and reliable. No projects too big or too small. Electrician, plumber, tile setter and carpenter available. Book now to get your fence and deck painted this summer. Talk to Carl to get your projects underway! 403.671.4714 Pg. 21 April 2015 l 2015-0521 2015 By-Election - Gen Awareness 2015-03-26 1 2:20 PM 2015-0521 2015 By-Election: Gen Community Insertion News_MDS.FP.indd Date: Friday, March 13/2015 Awarness Communityfor Newsletter AdsPark, Size:Kelvin 3" x 7.5"Grove & Eagle Ridge The OFFICIAL community newsletter Chinook Publication: Mind’s Design Studio Prints: Black Community Your Official Newsletter Services SouthWest Communities Resource Centre National Volunteer Week – Thank you to all SWCRC Volunteers “Volunteers are part of the ripple effect” is the theme of National Volunteer Week, April 12-18. The staff of the SWCRC thanks all of our incredible volunteers for the time and effort that they contribute to our organization and for the ripple effect that this creates through our community. Our volunteers perform a variety of tasks; sharing their talents on our Board of Directors; being a friendly face and voice at our reception desk; helping tutor students during Tutoring Tuesday’s; minding and playing with the children at Parent Talk. Special skill volunteers share their knowledge with seniors at our Mastering the Mouse classes, help us keep our office spic and span, and put in late hours at our casino. The ripple effect is felt throughout the organization and the 28 communities that we serve. We could not do it without you! Thank you! Connecting you to the Resources you Need You live in one of the 28 communities served by the SWCRC. If you are in need of information or resources, or if you are facing a challenging situation of any kind and you aren’t sure how to move forward, please call us at 403-238-9222 to make an appointment with one of our Community Resource Workers. Our two Community Resource Workers are social workers who will: •sit down and talk with you for an extended period of time •provide supportive counselling •help you assess your situation •identify the strengths and resources you already have •provide information about, and referrals to, other available resources, programs and services •help you “navigate the system” Pg. 22 April 2015 Neighbours Helping Neighbours Some of the families in our communities are struggling financially and need baby and personal hygiene items. We received many donations in 2014 that we were able to pass on to grateful clients. It means a lot to people to know that other people in their community care about them and wish them well. Our staff and clients thank you for your thoughtfulness. If you would like to drop off a donation at the SWCRC, this is what we need at this time: •Sizes 3 to 6 diapers •Shampoo (children and adults) •Women’s deordorant Mastering the Mouse Wednesdays, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm OR 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the SWCRC Looking for free classes to brush up on your computer skills? We have a friendly and experienced computer tutor who teaches basic computer skills to seniors and any others who need help and live in our service area. To register, call Lori, our Volunteer Specialist, at 238-9222 ext. 223. Tutoring Tuesdays Tuesday evenings, 6:00 – 7:30 pm at the SWCRC Qualified volunteer tutors assist students with homework, study skills and test preparation. Registration is on-going throughout the school year. To register, call Lori, our Volunteer Specialist at 403238-9222 ext. 223. Located in the Professional Wing of the Oakridge Co-Op Mall #42 2580 Southland Drive SW, T2V 4J8 Phone: 403.238.9222 Email: Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! imagine A SAFE PLACE FOR YEAR-ROUND SPORT, PLAY AND FUN for kids of any age CKE NEw HALL C a m p a i g n Invest In Your CommunItY through monthlY gIvIng. beCome a monthly donor & help us reaCh our goal! Visit and follow the “monthly giving” link Pg. 23 April 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Chinook Park, Kelvin Grove & Eagle Ridge Spring into Action with “MR. ACTION” Why wait for the flowers to bloom, when you could be planting new ones in your new home 1133 Coopers Dr. SW, Airdrie 4+1Bed 3.5Bath $889,987 D L SO 6949 Kent Place SW Sold within days Pg. 24 April 2015 This Spring! # 1404 1088 6 AV SW 2Bed 2Bath In Recievership $479,997 # 411 10120 Brookpark BV SW 2Bed 1Bath $244,900 With 25 years of experience, Gary Fayerman has nothing but dedication, enthusiasm and trust from his clients. If you’re looking for someone with an excellent sense of humor, passion for his work and fast, efficient service, Gary ”Mr. Action” Fayerman is the REALTOR for you. Call today! Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses!
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