Volume 1, Issue 2 Volume 3, Issue 8 October 2012 August 2014 CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY 900 South Street Vicksburg, MS 39180 Phone: 601-636-0542 4 William Mathews 19 Macy Broome 20 Dani McAneny Becky Jabour 5 Martin Lewis Melissa Blackburn 22 Johnny Owen 6 Brenda Hawkins 29 Steven Clement Nancy Clement 11 Pam Smith Prayers Your prayers are requested for our parishioners: Bob Andrews, Jean Blakeney, Jane Cohn, Pat Cole, Will Conway, Phyllis Davis, Kay Dement, Toni Ferguson, Max & Tana Ford, Kitty Gastrell, Joe Graham, Marge Haney, the Rev. Clifton McInnis, Petesy Smith, Dannie Weatherly Those in special need: Debbie Gorney, Melissa Barker, Kiely McKellar, Marie Pomeroy, Kevin Hicks, Larry Lambiotte, Susie Harmon Hayes, Katye Smith, Pete Smith, Aiden Rodgers, Judy Barnes Leggett, Robert Marascalco, Afton Wallace, Steve Moore, Diane McDowell, George Lauber, Deborah & Matt Waldrop, Kim Dell, Larry Franck, Noël Nichols, Pat Peay, Dwight Sibley, Lisa Grant Congratulations to Beth Brown and Clayton Whitehead (worshippers at 8 o’clock) who were recently married in North Carolina! Trinitarian Times About the Parish NEWSLETTER OF THE CHURH OF THE HOLY TRINITY www.churchoftheholytrinity.org E-mail: brandyleach@holytrinityvicksburg.org 3 Mary Elsa Hocker Dear Friends— “Is it possible to have a religious experience, to discover the truth about God, to deepen your relationship with Christ, and to discern how to respond to the call of the Spirit … at the Walt Disney World Resort?” So begins a recent and unexpected addition to my reading and study materials, a book entitled A Disney Monastic by the Rev. Kevin Goodman. Goodman is an Episcopal Priest and frequent guest of the Walt Disney World Resort, where he finds particular joy riding monorails, walking around World Showcase Lagoon, and sipping a glass of wine on late afternoons at the California Grill. His everyday ministry includes working with homeless youth, advocating for immigration reform, recording the sacred story of the people of Renk Diocese in South Sudan, and capturing for television a group of seekers celebrating the spirit of life. The Rev. Beth Palmer, Rector August Birthdays Rector’s Ruminations The vestry here at Church of the Holy Trinity and others who know me well know that David and I are Disney Vacation Club members. We visit Disney World a couple of time each year. Like the Rev. Goodman, we enjoy riding the monorails and walking around the lagoon at Epcot. We may need to explore that wine list at the California Grill ... Last February after another brief stay with Mickey Mouse, I made a tonguein-cheek presentation to the vestry about “things I learned from The Mouse” and how they might be applied to our life together here at Church of the Holy Trinity. I touched on such topics as greeting the returning visitor, the hospitality of clean and attractive surroundings, anticipating visitors’ needs, offering various ways for folks to get involved, opportunities to stay in touch between visits, and parting blessings. Amidst quite a bit of laughter, I believe that we all found a few tidbits worth pondering. And so I was only slightly surprised to find A Disney Monastic pop up on my list of suggested books at Amazon. I couldn’t resist ordering this title and perusing the spiritual advice of a fellow priest. I plan to take this spiritual guidebook along on my vacation next week (yes, we are returning to Disney World!) and to try out several of the Rev. Goodman’s spiritual exercises to find and recognize my place in God’s greater spiritual story. Inside this issue: Parish Bulletin Board 2 Wherever you find yourself in these Vestry Update, 3 waning days of summer, I invite you to be fully present to the chance Christmas on the River 4 encounter with a playful God no Acolyte Festival August 10 5 matter where God happens to be. Events 6 Rector’s Journal 7 Birthdays, Prayers 8 Parish Bulletin Board Rector’s Journal Education for Ministry—Beginning in September Holy Trinity will again offer theological education through EfM. Participants commit just one year at a time to meet regularly in a small group facilitated by trained mentors. Over the full four years of the course, participants study the Bible, church history, and theology. Cost is $350/year which covers all materials, and Breakfast Guild—Welcome to the Walscholarship assistance is available. Last year laces and the Wilkersons who recently we had eight folks participate, including joined our breakfast guild. Guild members several from other churches. We’d love to volunteer to provide breakfast for 12-15 welcome even more this year! Please speak to folks after 8 am worship one Sunday Shannon Bell, Garrett Wallace or Rev. Beth every two months. Breakfast normally into learn more. cludes fruit or juice, eggs or a casserole, Feed the Hungry—Help feed the hungry in bacon or sausage, biscuits or bread, and coffee. We would love to have you join us our community by linking your Kroger card to Storehouse Community Food Pantry. This for breakfast and perhaps sign up for an upcoming Sunday. For more information, programs costs you nothing more than a few moments of your time to set up the link. It contact Carol George. allows Storehouse Community Food Pantry, Wednesday Night Suppers Return— however, to receive needed funding from the Beginning on Wednesday, September 3 Kroger Foundation. Go online to and continuing through the end of October www.vicksburgfoodpantry.org to set up your we will resume our tradition of gathering link now or stop by the church office and on Wednesday evenings for supper at the church. We’ll begin with brief worship at we’ll be glad to assist you. July 1—Home communion with McInnis family; meet with Steve Golding; catch up on correspondence July 2—Plan and lead three worship services (two at Holy Trinity and one at Heritage House); visit Phyllis Davis, Kay Dement and Bob Andrews July 3—Meet with wardens; respond to requests for assistance; assist secretary with project July 4—Travel to Camp BrattonGreen with David for First Camp July 5—Serve as cabin parent for CBG’s First Camp July 6—Return to Vicksburg very early to celebrate Holy Eucharist at 8 and 10:30 am; lead adult education on end of life issues July 7—Day OFF July 8—Handle three requests for assistance; meet with Charles Calhoun re linking Kroger cards to Storehouse Community Food Pantry; schedule meeting with Bob Moss re golf tourney July 9—Meet with Elyce Curry re joining Chamber of Commerce; develop online survey re adult education; join conference call re Mountain of Faith; lead two worship services July 10—Meet with Dorothy Brasfield re music; assist secretary with project; lead Bible study at Mountain of Faith July 11—Meet with wardens; meet with David Coulon re ves- Anshe Chesed Sabbath Service—Our friends at Anshe Chesed Jewish temple invite us to join them for Sabbath service on Friday, August 1 at 6:30 pm. The Rev. Amy Finkelberg will preach and Dr. David Goldblatt will provide the music. Anshe Chesed is located at 2414 Grove Street, Vicksburg. 5:30 in McInnis Parish Hall followed by supper at 5:45. Choir rehearsals begin at 6:30 pm. On occasion, we may also have an educational program following supper. Please plan to join us and sign up to provide supper as you are able. You can find the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board next to the church kitchen. Forward Day-by-Day—The new issue, which begins August 1, is available in large-print and pocket-size editions. You can find them in the back of the church or in the chapel. They are wonderful additions to daily prayer. Please take what you need for you and a friend. Page 2 Christian Formation for ALL Ages—Our adult Christian formation classes continue to gather on Sunday at 9:30 am in Room 10 upstairs. Our current study topic is the immigration crisis. We welcome all comers! Other opportunities for adult formation include Lunch Bunch which meets Tuesdays at noon in the chapel and EfM, as well as various Cursillo groups. Youngsters in church will find education materials, tablets, pencils, and crayons in the basket in the back of the church. All children are encouraged to join our new bell-ringing guild and those in second grade an older are invited to join our acolyte corps. T R I NI T A R I A N T I M E S VOLUME 3, ISSUE 8 try business; prepare newspaper ads for Christmas in July on July 20 and Conservatory reopening on August 12 July 12—Write sermon and prepare for adult education July 13—Celebrate Holy Eucharist at 8 and 10:30 am; lead adult education about survey results; attend board meeting at Mountain of Faith July 14—Day OFF July 15—Assist secretary with project; meet with Jim Peay re golf tournament; work on publicity for golf tournament July 16—Meet with Marie Cunningham re acolyte corps and Christmas on the River; lead two worship services July 17—Meet with Bob Moss of Service Over Self and Jim Peay to discuss upcoming golf tournament; meet with Dick Ferguson re 2013 audit and other financial issues; lead Bible study at Mountain of Faith; attend Conservatory dinner meeting July 18—Meet with senior warden; prepare for Christmas in July this Sunday July 19—Write sermon and prepare for adult education July 20—Celebrate Holy Eucharist at 8 and 10:30 am; enjoy Christmas in July and kick off of Christmas on the River program; lead adult ed on immigration issues July 21—Cover for church secretary on vacation this week; meet with Dorothy Brasfield re music; visit Joe and Bette Graham at home; conduct premarital counseling session for couple to be married here Oct. 25 July 22—Supervise community service worker; pastoral care meeting with parishioners; meet with Jeb & Melissa Blackburn re revamping acolyte program and kick-off August 10; conduct vestry meeting July 23—Conduct healing service; home communion with Marge Haney July 24—Attend breakfast meeting with Mission MS and rejoice in the collegial relationships among this group; work on August servers’ schedule and Sunday bulletin; visit parishioner at River Region Hospital; lead Bible study at Mountain of Faith; attend VOS board meeting July 25—Meet with Virginia Campbell on altar guild business; prepare invitations for August 10 acolyte festival; finalize bulletins for Sunday; work on August newsletter July 26—Work on August newsletter; write sermon; prepare for adult education July 27—Celebrate Holy Eucharist at 8 and 10:30 am; lead adult education on immigration issues July 28-31—VACATION Page 7 Vestry Update Events Acolyte Celebration Sunday August 10 Breakfast at 9 am Training at 9:30 am Worship at 10:30 am Help us congratulate graduating acolytes and welcome new acolytes and new leaders Save the Date!! Friday, August 15 Golf Scramble for Service Over Self At Vicksburg Country Club Lunch at 11:30 am Tee Time: 1 pm Gather your team! Sponsor a hole! Donate a door prize! Call Jim Peay at 601-415-1160 Your vestry met in regular session on Tuesday, July 22 at 6 pm in Room 10 upstairs. On the feast of St. Mary Magdalene we began by reading John 20:11-18. Our teaching session was devoted to a visioning exercise on using our curiosity to transform judgmental thinking. We approved the minutes from our June 24 meeting. Treasurer Lee Johnson presented the 2013 audit report which the vestry accepted with gratitude for the work of the audit committee (Dick Ferguson, Joy Mihalyka, and Dorothy Wallace with guidance from Lee Johnson). Lee Johnson briefed the vestry on comments received re the new contribution reports recently mailed to parishioners. She assured the vestry that these reports are a work in progress and that further refinements would be made to them. We welcomed parishioner Steve Golding who asked to address the vestry re outreach to folks who previously worshipped at Holy Trinity but who no longer attend church here. This topic was already on the vestry agenda and we reviewed a list of communicants we have not seen lately. Vestry members agreed to reach out to missing members. Rev. Beth offered feedback from our summer experiment with Wednesday weeknight worship. She reported attendance of 15 to 20 at each gathering. Several vestry members stated that they had attended one or more of the services. Everyone enjoyed the various styles of music and worship and we welcomed visitors at each gathering. Rev. Beth announced that Wednesday night suppers will return beginning September 3. Jim Peay briefed the vestry on plans for the upcoming golf tournament scheduled for Friday, August 15 at Vicksburg Country Club. This year’s tournament will benefit Service Over Self, a local program to gather youth to repair the homes of needy folks in our community. Rev. Beth encouraged all vestry members to help make this year’s tournament successful. Rev. Beth reviewed upcoming dates to remember. Bill Longfellow led a discussion about moisture issues on the west-facing wall of the nave and what we have tried to do about them in the past. He volunteered to research possible solutions. Church of the Holy Trinity Conservatory of Fine Arts Cursillo #127 Classes resume Tuesday, August 12 September 18-21, 2014 Gray Center De colores, y’all! Individual Instruction Piano, Strings, Brass, Woodwinds, Voice The vestry voted unanimously to cancel its August meeting. Following a closing prayer, the vestry adjourned at 8 pm. The next regular vestry meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 23 at 6 pm in Room 10 upstairs. Group Instruction Suzuki, student orchestra, visual arts Call 601-638-4333 to register NO registration fee for CHT members! Page 6 See Garrett Wallace for more information T R I NI T A R I A N T I M E S VOLUME 3, ISSUE 8 Page 3 Christmas on the River Acolyte Festival Set for Sunday, August 10 Thanks to Steve Golding of Golding Barge Lines, Patrick Smith of Big River, and James Kelly Smith of Magnolia Marine, we all got to hear how well received our contributions to Christmas on the River are each year. Notes on this page reflect the comments shared with the congregation on Sunday, July 20 when we celebrated Christmas in July. At that time we also kicked off our 2014 campaign to gather hand-knitted or crocheted caps and scarves, cards, books, and other small gifts for those who work on our rivers 365 days a year. What a great way for us to say Thanks! for all they do for us. Children younger than second grade are welcome to join our bell ringers’ guild. Their job will be to ring the bell before church to summon worshippers. No experience required! Please place your contributions from the list below in the boat in McInnis Parish Hall. It means a lo t guys on the to us bo Christmas to at for receive this box. It is great to know some one is thinking of us away from when ou ones on the r loved Lo birthday, a rd’s nd to spread the wo God, and ju rd of st maybe get someone w know Him to ho don’t come to know Him. s the smile I’ve seen s e c a f uy’s on the g have rewhen we as e Christm ceived th ms also see boxes. It s it heir spir to help t s e holiday during th be o y have t while the oat away on the b s. ir familie from the Page 4 lways enWe have a we okies and o c e th d e joy s for itted item n k e th e v lo vener. I would cold weath e only y this is th ture to sa see ost of them m t a th e tim or ref scripture o d in k y an lways terials. I a a m s u io g li voe daily de look for th ice sent. It’s n s k o o b l a tion s made meone ha so w o n k to others to care for t r o ff e e th home way from that are a s. e holiday during th ! d God bless Thanks an Christma s ing. For is about giving, n so many o of the yo t receivthat hav u nge en during th ot been away fr r guys om home at time o f year it big impa ct makes a got some on them. The fir st time I thing fro m Christ River w mas on t as 15 ye he a r s ago. It hand-knit was a ted bean ie candy, an d a hand (hat), some m card. Th ade Chris ec eaten bu andy has long sin tmas tI ce been winter. P still wear the c ap every lease con t letting t he guys o inue the trend o f u t one is th inking ab here know some out them well-bein and their g during t some, dif h ficult tim at joyous and, fo r e of yea r. T R I NI T A R I A N T I M E S With appropriate training, acolytes serve as crucifer, torch bearers, and gospel book carrier. They help with worship about once each month on a rotating schedule. In The Episcopal Church, acolytes assist in worship by carrying the processional cross, lighting and extinguishing candles, holding torches at the reading of the gospel, helping with the presentation of gifts of the people, and assisting in preparing the altar for communion. Our acolytes wear red cassocks and white cottas when they serve at church, except for crucifers who wear white albs. Acolytes may be girls or boys who are interested in serving, generally one Sunday each month, and who are able to carry out their assigned duties. Acolytes may receive school credit for community service during their time as an acolyte. Here at Church of the Holy Trinity we welcome youngsters in second through twelfth grade to serve as part of our acolyte corps. Young acolytes generally begin as bearers of the gospel book. From there they progress to serving as torch bearers, first on the “gospel side” (or left) side of the altar. As they gain more experience they move to the “epistle side” (or right) side of the altar and assist with preparing the communion table. Older acolytes generally serve as crucifers and help to train and coach the younger acolytes. Jeb and Melissa Blackburn serve as adult sponsors for our acolyte program. On Sunday, August 10 we will gather for breakfast at 9 am and participate in acolyte training at 9:30 am. At the 10:30 worship service we will welcome the Blackburns to their new position, congratulate graduating acolytes Baxter Richardson, Chris & Rob Sanders, and Brayden Williams, and train returning and new acolytes and intiate our bell ringers’ guild. All of our children and youth are welcome! Please contact the Blackburns or the church office if your youngster wishes to join our acolyte corps. VOLUME 3, ISSUE 8 Page 5 Christmas on the River Acolyte Festival Set for Sunday, August 10 Thanks to Steve Golding of Golding Barge Lines, Patrick Smith of Big River, and James Kelly Smith of Magnolia Marine, we all got to hear how well received our contributions to Christmas on the River are each year. Notes on this page reflect the comments shared with the congregation on Sunday, July 20 when we celebrated Christmas in July. At that time we also kicked off our 2014 campaign to gather hand-knitted or crocheted caps and scarves, cards, books, and other small gifts for those who work on our rivers 365 days a year. What a great way for us to say Thanks! for all they do for us. Children younger than second grade are welcome to join our bell ringers’ guild. Their job will be to ring the bell before church to summon worshippers. No experience required! Please place your contributions from the list below in the boat in McInnis Parish Hall. It means a lo t guys on the to us bo Christmas to at for receive this box. It is great to know some one is thinking of us away from when ou ones on the r loved Lo birthday, a rd’s nd to spread the wo God, and ju rd of st maybe get someone w know Him to ho don’t come to know Him. s the smile I’ve seen s e c a f uy’s on the g have rewhen we as e Christm ceived th ms also see boxes. It s it heir spir to help t s e holiday during th be o y have t while the oat away on the b s. ir familie from the Page 4 lways enWe have a we okies and o c e th d e joy s for itted item n k e th e v lo vener. I would cold weath e only y this is th ture to sa see ost of them m t a th e tim or ref scripture o d in k y an lways terials. I a a m s u io g li voe daily de look for th ice sent. It’s n s k o o b l a tion s made meone ha so w o n k to others to care for t r o ff e e th home way from that are a s. e holiday during th ! d God bless Thanks an Christma s ing. For is about giving, n so many o of the yo t receivthat hav u nge en during th ot been away fr r guys om home at time o f year it big impa ct makes a got some on them. The fir st time I thing fro m Christ River w mas on t as 15 ye he a r s ago. It hand-knit was a ted bean ie candy, an d a hand (hat), some m card. Th ade Chris ec eaten bu andy has long sin tmas tI ce been winter. P still wear the c ap every lease con t letting t he guys o inue the trend o f u t one is th inking ab here know some out them well-bein and their g during t some, dif h ficult tim at joyous and, fo r e of yea r. T R I NI T A R I A N T I M E S With appropriate training, acolytes serve as crucifer, torch bearers, and gospel book carrier. They help with worship about once each month on a rotating schedule. In The Episcopal Church, acolytes assist in worship by carrying the processional cross, lighting and extinguishing candles, holding torches at the reading of the gospel, helping with the presentation of gifts of the people, and assisting in preparing the altar for communion. Our acolytes wear red cassocks and white cottas when they serve at church, except for crucifers who wear white albs. Acolytes may be girls or boys who are interested in serving, generally one Sunday each month, and who are able to carry out their assigned duties. Acolytes may receive school credit for community service during their time as an acolyte. Here at Church of the Holy Trinity we welcome youngsters in second through twelfth grade to serve as part of our acolyte corps. Young acolytes generally begin as bearers of the gospel book. From there they progress to serving as torch bearers, first on the “gospel side” (or left) side of the altar. As they gain more experience they move to the “epistle side” (or right) side of the altar and assist with preparing the communion table. Older acolytes generally serve as crucifers and help to train and coach the younger acolytes. Jeb and Melissa Blackburn serve as adult sponsors for our acolyte program. On Sunday, August 10 we will gather for breakfast at 9 am and participate in acolyte training at 9:30 am. At the 10:30 worship service we will welcome the Blackburns to their new position, congratulate graduating acolytes Baxter Richardson, Chris & Rob Sanders, and Brayden Williams, and train returning and new acolytes and intiate our bell ringers’ guild. All of our children and youth are welcome! Please contact the Blackburns or the church office if your youngster wishes to join our acolyte corps. VOLUME 3, ISSUE 8 Page 5 Vestry Update Events Acolyte Celebration Sunday August 10 Breakfast at 9 am Training at 9:30 am Worship at 10:30 am Help us congratulate graduating acolytes and welcome new acolytes and new leaders Save the Date!! Friday, August 15 Golf Scramble for Service Over Self At Vicksburg Country Club Lunch at 11:30 am Tee Time: 1 pm Gather your team! Sponsor a hole! Donate a door prize! Call Jim Peay at 601-415-1160 Your vestry met in regular session on Tuesday, July 22 at 6 pm in Room 10 upstairs. On the feast of St. Mary Magdalene we began by reading John 20:11-18. Our teaching session was devoted to a visioning exercise on using our curiosity to transform judgmental thinking. We approved the minutes from our June 24 meeting. Treasurer Lee Johnson presented the 2013 audit report which the vestry accepted with gratitude for the work of the audit committee (Dick Ferguson, Joy Mihalyka, and Dorothy Wallace with guidance from Lee Johnson). Lee Johnson briefed the vestry on comments received re the new contribution reports recently mailed to parishioners. She assured the vestry that these reports are a work in progress and that further refinements would be made to them. We welcomed parishioner Steve Golding who asked to address the vestry re outreach to folks who previously worshipped at Holy Trinity but who no longer attend church here. This topic was already on the vestry agenda and we reviewed a list of communicants we have not seen lately. Vestry members agreed to reach out to missing members. Rev. Beth offered feedback from our summer experiment with Wednesday weeknight worship. She reported attendance of 15 to 20 at each gathering. Several vestry members stated that they had attended one or more of the services. Everyone enjoyed the various styles of music and worship and we welcomed visitors at each gathering. Rev. Beth announced that Wednesday night suppers will return beginning September 3. Jim Peay briefed the vestry on plans for the upcoming golf tournament scheduled for Friday, August 15 at Vicksburg Country Club. This year’s tournament will benefit Service Over Self, a local program to gather youth to repair the homes of needy folks in our community. Rev. Beth encouraged all vestry members to help make this year’s tournament successful. Rev. Beth reviewed upcoming dates to remember. Bill Longfellow led a discussion about moisture issues on the west-facing wall of the nave and what we have tried to do about them in the past. He volunteered to research possible solutions. Church of the Holy Trinity Conservatory of Fine Arts Cursillo #127 Classes resume Tuesday, August 12 September 18-21, 2014 Gray Center De colores, y’all! Individual Instruction Piano, Strings, Brass, Woodwinds, Voice The vestry voted unanimously to cancel its August meeting. Following a closing prayer, the vestry adjourned at 8 pm. The next regular vestry meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 23 at 6 pm in Room 10 upstairs. Group Instruction Suzuki, student orchestra, visual arts Call 601-638-4333 to register NO registration fee for CHT members! Page 6 See Garrett Wallace for more information T R I NI T A R I A N T I M E S VOLUME 3, ISSUE 8 Page 3 Parish Bulletin Board Rector’s Journal Education for Ministry—Beginning in September Holy Trinity will again offer theological education through EfM. Participants commit just one year at a time to meet regularly in a small group facilitated by trained mentors. Over the full four years of the course, participants study the Bible, church history, and theology. Cost is $350/year which covers all materials, and Breakfast Guild—Welcome to the Walscholarship assistance is available. Last year laces and the Wilkersons who recently we had eight folks participate, including joined our breakfast guild. Guild members several from other churches. We’d love to volunteer to provide breakfast for 12-15 welcome even more this year! Please speak to folks after 8 am worship one Sunday Shannon Bell, Garrett Wallace or Rev. Beth every two months. Breakfast normally into learn more. cludes fruit or juice, eggs or a casserole, Feed the Hungry—Help feed the hungry in bacon or sausage, biscuits or bread, and coffee. We would love to have you join us our community by linking your Kroger card to Storehouse Community Food Pantry. This for breakfast and perhaps sign up for an upcoming Sunday. For more information, programs costs you nothing more than a few moments of your time to set up the link. It contact Carol George. allows Storehouse Community Food Pantry, Wednesday Night Suppers Return— however, to receive needed funding from the Beginning on Wednesday, September 3 Kroger Foundation. Go online to and continuing through the end of October www.vicksburgfoodpantry.org to set up your we will resume our tradition of gathering link now or stop by the church office and on Wednesday evenings for supper at the church. We’ll begin with brief worship at we’ll be glad to assist you. July 1—Home communion with McInnis family; meet with Steve Golding; catch up on correspondence July 2—Plan and lead three worship services (two at Holy Trinity and one at Heritage House); visit Phyllis Davis, Kay Dement and Bob Andrews July 3—Meet with wardens; respond to requests for assistance; assist secretary with project July 4—Travel to Camp BrattonGreen with David for First Camp July 5—Serve as cabin parent for CBG’s First Camp July 6—Return to Vicksburg very early to celebrate Holy Eucharist at 8 and 10:30 am; lead adult education on end of life issues July 7—Day OFF July 8—Handle three requests for assistance; meet with Charles Calhoun re linking Kroger cards to Storehouse Community Food Pantry; schedule meeting with Bob Moss re golf tourney July 9—Meet with Elyce Curry re joining Chamber of Commerce; develop online survey re adult education; join conference call re Mountain of Faith; lead two worship services July 10—Meet with Dorothy Brasfield re music; assist secretary with project; lead Bible study at Mountain of Faith July 11—Meet with wardens; meet with David Coulon re ves- Anshe Chesed Sabbath Service—Our friends at Anshe Chesed Jewish temple invite us to join them for Sabbath service on Friday, August 1 at 6:30 pm. The Rev. Amy Finkelberg will preach and Dr. David Goldblatt will provide the music. Anshe Chesed is located at 2414 Grove Street, Vicksburg. 5:30 in McInnis Parish Hall followed by supper at 5:45. Choir rehearsals begin at 6:30 pm. On occasion, we may also have an educational program following supper. Please plan to join us and sign up to provide supper as you are able. You can find the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board next to the church kitchen. Forward Day-by-Day—The new issue, which begins August 1, is available in large-print and pocket-size editions. You can find them in the back of the church or in the chapel. They are wonderful additions to daily prayer. Please take what you need for you and a friend. Page 2 Christian Formation for ALL Ages—Our adult Christian formation classes continue to gather on Sunday at 9:30 am in Room 10 upstairs. Our current study topic is the immigration crisis. We welcome all comers! Other opportunities for adult formation include Lunch Bunch which meets Tuesdays at noon in the chapel and EfM, as well as various Cursillo groups. Youngsters in church will find education materials, tablets, pencils, and crayons in the basket in the back of the church. All children are encouraged to join our new bell-ringing guild and those in second grade an older are invited to join our acolyte corps. T R I NI T A R I A N T I M E S VOLUME 3, ISSUE 8 try business; prepare newspaper ads for Christmas in July on July 20 and Conservatory reopening on August 12 July 12—Write sermon and prepare for adult education July 13—Celebrate Holy Eucharist at 8 and 10:30 am; lead adult education about survey results; attend board meeting at Mountain of Faith July 14—Day OFF July 15—Assist secretary with project; meet with Jim Peay re golf tournament; work on publicity for golf tournament July 16—Meet with Marie Cunningham re acolyte corps and Christmas on the River; lead two worship services July 17—Meet with Bob Moss of Service Over Self and Jim Peay to discuss upcoming golf tournament; meet with Dick Ferguson re 2013 audit and other financial issues; lead Bible study at Mountain of Faith; attend Conservatory dinner meeting July 18—Meet with senior warden; prepare for Christmas in July this Sunday July 19—Write sermon and prepare for adult education July 20—Celebrate Holy Eucharist at 8 and 10:30 am; enjoy Christmas in July and kick off of Christmas on the River program; lead adult ed on immigration issues July 21—Cover for church secretary on vacation this week; meet with Dorothy Brasfield re music; visit Joe and Bette Graham at home; conduct premarital counseling session for couple to be married here Oct. 25 July 22—Supervise community service worker; pastoral care meeting with parishioners; meet with Jeb & Melissa Blackburn re revamping acolyte program and kick-off August 10; conduct vestry meeting July 23—Conduct healing service; home communion with Marge Haney July 24—Attend breakfast meeting with Mission MS and rejoice in the collegial relationships among this group; work on August servers’ schedule and Sunday bulletin; visit parishioner at River Region Hospital; lead Bible study at Mountain of Faith; attend VOS board meeting July 25—Meet with Virginia Campbell on altar guild business; prepare invitations for August 10 acolyte festival; finalize bulletins for Sunday; work on August newsletter July 26—Work on August newsletter; write sermon; prepare for adult education July 27—Celebrate Holy Eucharist at 8 and 10:30 am; lead adult education on immigration issues July 28-31—VACATION Page 7 Volume 1, Issue 2 Volume 3, Issue 8 October 2012 August 2014 CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY 900 South Street Vicksburg, MS 39180 Phone: 601-636-0542 4 William Mathews 19 Macy Broome 20 Dani McAneny Becky Jabour 5 Martin Lewis Melissa Blackburn 22 Johnny Owen 6 Brenda Hawkins 29 Steven Clement Nancy Clement 11 Pam Smith Prayers Your prayers are requested for our parishioners: Bob Andrews, Jean Blakeney, Jane Cohn, Pat Cole, Will Conway, Phyllis Davis, Kay Dement, Toni Ferguson, Max & Tana Ford, Kitty Gastrell, Joe Graham, Marge Haney, the Rev. Clifton McInnis, Petesy Smith, Dannie Weatherly Those in special need: Debbie Gorney, Melissa Barker, Kiely McKellar, Marie Pomeroy, Kevin Hicks, Larry Lambiotte, Susie Harmon Hayes, Katye Smith, Pete Smith, Aiden Rodgers, Judy Barnes Leggett, Robert Marascalco, Afton Wallace, Steve Moore, Diane McDowell, George Lauber, Deborah & Matt Waldrop, Kim Dell, Larry Franck, Noël Nichols, Pat Peay, Dwight Sibley, Lisa Grant Congratulations to Beth Brown and Clayton Whitehead (worshippers at 8 o’clock) who were recently married in North Carolina! Trinitarian Times About the Parish NEWSLETTER OF THE CHURH OF THE HOLY TRINITY www.churchoftheholytrinity.org E-mail: brandyleach@holytrinityvicksburg.org 3 Mary Elsa Hocker Dear Friends— “Is it possible to have a religious experience, to discover the truth about God, to deepen your relationship with Christ, and to discern how to respond to the call of the Spirit … at the Walt Disney World Resort?” So begins a recent and unexpected addition to my reading and study materials, a book entitled A Disney Monastic by the Rev. Kevin Goodman. Goodman is an Episcopal Priest and frequent guest of the Walt Disney World Resort, where he finds particular joy riding monorails, walking around World Showcase Lagoon, and sipping a glass of wine on late afternoons at the California Grill. His everyday ministry includes working with homeless youth, advocating for immigration reform, recording the sacred story of the people of Renk Diocese in South Sudan, and capturing for television a group of seekers celebrating the spirit of life. The Rev. Beth Palmer, Rector August Birthdays Rector’s Ruminations The vestry here at Church of the Holy Trinity and others who know me well know that David and I are Disney Vacation Club members. We visit Disney World a couple of time each year. Like the Rev. Goodman, we enjoy riding the monorails and walking around the lagoon at Epcot. We may need to explore that wine list at the California Grill ... Last February after another brief stay with Mickey Mouse, I made a tonguein-cheek presentation to the vestry about “things I learned from The Mouse” and how they might be applied to our life together here at Church of the Holy Trinity. I touched on such topics as greeting the returning visitor, the hospitality of clean and attractive surroundings, anticipating visitors’ needs, offering various ways for folks to get involved, opportunities to stay in touch between visits, and parting blessings. Amidst quite a bit of laughter, I believe that we all found a few tidbits worth pondering. And so I was only slightly surprised to find A Disney Monastic pop up on my list of suggested books at Amazon. I couldn’t resist ordering this title and perusing the spiritual advice of a fellow priest. I plan to take this spiritual guidebook along on my vacation next week (yes, we are returning to Disney World!) and to try out several of the Rev. Goodman’s spiritual exercises to find and recognize my place in God’s greater spiritual story. Inside this issue: Parish Bulletin Board 2 Wherever you find yourself in these Vestry Update, 3 waning days of summer, I invite you to be fully present to the chance Christmas on the River 4 encounter with a playful God no Acolyte Festival August 10 5 matter where God happens to be. Events 6 Rector’s Journal 7 Birthdays, Prayers 8
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