1 Curriculum Vitae David Edward Biagas Jr. (Revised April 13th

Curriculum Vitae
David Edward Biagas Jr.
(Revised April 13th, 2015)
27 Seashore Hall West, Department of Sociology
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
Email: david-biagas@uiowa.edu
Higher Education
2015 (expected)
PhD, Sociology, University of Iowa (UIOWA)
Dissertation: Status, Racial Hegemony, and Phenotypical Inequality:
Exploring the Racial Invariance Hypothesis
Thesis Committee: Alison J. Bianchi (Chair), Mary E. Campbell, Kevin T.
Leicht, Sarah Harkness, and Sarah Bruch
Master of Arts, Sociology, University of Iowa (UIOWA)
Bachelor of Arts, Sociology and Psychology, University of Texas at El
Paso (UTEP)
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, College of Wooster
Research and Teaching Interests
Social Psychology
Group Processes/Intergroup Relations
Research and Quantitative Methods
Social Structure and the Individual
Race and Ethnicity
Colorism, Culture, and Identity
Immigrant Incorporation
Sociology of Education
Honors and Awards
2012 Full Pass, Area Examination in Race and Ethnicity, UIOWA
2011 Pass with Distinction, Area Examination in Social Psychology, UIOWA
2010 Graduate College Semester Scholarship for Student-Directed Research, UIOWA
2008 Dean’s Graduate Fellowship, UIOWA
2008 Outstanding Senior in Sociology Award, UTEP
2008 Outstanding Research Achievement in Psychology Award, UTEP
2007 Member, Psi Chi National Honors Society, UTEP
2007 Participant, Sociology Research Experience for Undergraduates Program at Texas A&M
Internal Funding Awards
2012 Executive Council for Graduate and Professional Students Research Grant ($650),
2011 Executive Council for Graduate and Professional Students Research Grant ($750),
2010 Graduate Student Senate Travel Grant ($250), UIOWA
2009 Executive Council for Graduate and Professional Students Research Grant ($1000),
Refereed Journal Publications
Zárate, Michael, Moira Shaw, Jorge Marquez, and David Biagas Jr. 2012. “Cultural Inertia:
The Effects of Cultural Change on Prejudice and Intergroup Relations.” Journal of
Experimental Social Psychology 48(3):634-45.
Works in Progress
Biagas Jr., David and Alison J. Bianchi. “The Latin Americanization Thesis: An Expectation
States Approach.” Conditionally Accepted at Social Forces
Biagas Jr., David, Mary E. Campbell, and Freda B. Lynn. “Educational Commitment: The
Immigrant Advantage.” Manuscript in Preparation (Draft Available)
Biagas Jr., David. “Phenotypical and Racial Hegemony? Assessing the Prevalence of Status
Generalization Across Racial Groups.” Data Collection Completed
Biagas Jr., David and Alison J. Bianchi. (August 2012). “Gueros and Morenos: A Social
Psychological Investigation of the Latin Americanization Thesis Among Latino/as.”
Roundtable held at the American Sociological Association Conference’s Group
Processes Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
Biagas Jr., David and Alison J. Bianchi. (March 2012). “Gueros and Morenos: A Social
Psychological Investigation of the Latin Americanization Thesis Among Latino/as.”
Presentation given at the Iowa Sociology Theory Workshop, Iowa City, Iowa.
Biagas Jr., David, Mary E. Campbell and Freda B. Lynn. (August 2011). “Educational
Commitment: The Immigrant Advantage.” Presentation given at the American
Sociological Association Conference’s Regular Session of the Sociology of Education,
Las Vegas, Nevada.
Biagas Jr., David. and Freda B. Lynn. (May 2010). “Educational Commitment: The Immigrant
Advantage.” Presentation given at the Iowa Sociology Theory Workshop, Iowa City,
Biagas Jr., David and Alison J. Bianchi. (April 2010). “Guero, Moreno, and Everything in
Between: An Experimental Test of the Theory of Tri-Racial Stratification Among
Latinos.” Presentation given at the Midwest Sociological Society Conference’s Regular
Session of the Groups Mini Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Biagas Jr., David (May 2008). “An Object at Rest: The Impact of Cultural Inertia on Intergroup
Relations.” Presentation given at the Senior Honor’s Thesis Colloquium, El Paso. Texas.
Biagas Jr., David (March 2008). “Nativity, Stereotypes, and Hispanic Residential Integration.”
Presentation given at the Southwestern Social Science Association Conference, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
Poster Presentations
Shaw, Moira, David Biagas Jr., and Michael Zárate. (May 2008). “An Object at Rest: The
Impact of Cultural Inertia on Intergroup Relations.” Poster presentation given at the
Association for Psychological Science in Chicago, Illinois.
Shaw, Moira, Tania Riosvelasco, David Biagas Jr., Alex McNeal, and Michael. Zárate. (January,
2008). “Ideologies Under Attack: The Interactions Between Ideological Convictions and
Symbolic Attacks on Inter-Group Conflict.” Poster presentation given at the annual
meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, New
Graduate Research Assistantships
Fall 2012- Spring 2014
“Color Coding: The Effect of Skin Tone on Medical Interactions.”
Mary E. Campbell (PI), Funded by the National Science
Methodological Training
Experimental Design and Analysis, Categorical Data Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling,
Hierarchical Linear Modeling, and Longitudinal Data Analysis
Independent Instructor
Summer 2013
Spring 2013
Summer 2012
Social Inequality (Online Undergraduate Course), UIOWA
Independent Research, Towson University
Social Inequality (Online Undergraduate Course), UIOWA
Graduate Teaching Apprenticeships
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Fall 2010
Spring 2010
Spring 2010
Fall 2009
Quantitative Data Analysis (Undergraduate Course), UIOWA
Principles of Social Psychology (Undergraduate Course), UIOWA
Principles of Social Psychology (Undergraduate Course), UIOWA
Sociology of Criminal Punishment (Undergraduate Course), UIOWA
Linear Models in Sociological Research (Graduate Seminar), UIOWA
Gender and Society (Undergraduate Course), UIOWA
Guest Lectures
“Status Cues, Racial Classification, and Social Influence,” in Rengin Firat’s Social Stratification
Undergraduate Course, Fall 2011
“Status and Power,” in Dr. Steven Hitlin’s Principles of Social Psychology Undergraduate
Course, Spring 2011
Departmental Service
Fall 2011- Spring 2013
Laboratory Manager of the Center for the Study of Group
Processes, UIOWA
University Service
Fall 2010 – Spring 2011
Chair, Research Grants Committee of the Executive Council for
Graduate and Professional Students, UIOWA
Fall 2009 – Spring 2010
Research Grants Reviewer, Professional Advancement Grants
Committee of the Executive Council for Graduate and Professional
Students, UIOWA
Fall 2009 – Spring 2010
Travel Grants Reviewer, Professional Development Grants
Committee of the Executive Council for Graduate and Professional
Students, UIOWA
American Sociological Association
Southern Sociological Society
Alison J. Bianchi,
Associate Professor
University of Iowa
Department of Sociology
118 Seashore Hall West
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: (319) 335-2511
Email: alison-bianchi@uiowa.edu
Mary E. Campbell,
Associate Professor
Texas A&M University
Department of Sociology
437 Academic Building
College Station, TX 77843
Phone: (979) 845-5133
Email: m-campbell@tamu.edu
Kevin T. Leicht,
University of Iowa
Department of Sociology
110 Seashore Hall West
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: (319) 353-2813
Email: kevin-leicht@uiowa.edu
Paul Munroe,
Associate Professor
Towson University
Department of Sociology
3221 Liberal Arts
Towson, MD 21252
Phone: (410) 704-5868
Email: pmunroe@towson.edu