C OMMUNITY L IAISON C OMMITTEE MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH, 2015 2 FLOOR MEETING ROOM, WHITE MOUNTAIN BUILDING ND Present E. Pearce, Vice Chair S. Cloutier, Member P. Stirling, Member L. Parker, Member C. Gunning, Member C. Nykyforak, Member/Councillor D. Marchisella, Mayor and Ex Officio B. Lackie, Secretary / CLC Coordinator Public - 9 Chris Astles, Cameco Blind River Refinery Tracy Traynor, Cameco Blind River Refinery Regrets K. Bondy, Chair P. Vaillencourt, Member C. Giroux, Member D. Matheson, Member R. deBortoli, CAO W. Elliott, GM ELNOS A. Smith, NWMO N. Sandberg, NWMO R. Hatfield, Aboriginal Relations Unit J. Linklater, Aboriginal Relations Unit R. Holden, Aboriginal Relations Unit The Vice Chair, Ed Pearce called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. ROLL CALL The Vice Chair, Ed Pearce, noted that the Chair Ken Bondy along with members Pierre Vaillencourt, Christian Giroux and Dr. Dave Matheson were unable to attend tonight’s meeting but there were enough members in attendance for a quorum. DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST None MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS Moved by: Larry Parker Seconded by: Sonya Cloutier “That the minutes of January 20th, 2015 be accepted.” Carried Resolution 05/15 It was noted by the Vice Chair that there was an error in the agenda and he stated that there would not be an election of Chair and Vice Chair at tonight’s meeting. Those positions were voted on during the January 20th meeting. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS Chris Astles, General Manager Blind River Operations, at the invitation of the Elliot Lake Community Liaison Committee, made an Operational Update Presentation on the Cameco Blind River Refinery. The presentation COMMUNITY LIAISON COMMITTEE Minutes – TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH, 2015 6:30 P.M. Page 2 began at 6:32 p.m. and ended at 6:59 p.m. It also included a question and answer period where CLC members along with the public, had all their questions answered. CORRESPONDENCE None BUDGET The financials from January 2015 were presented. Moved by: Larry Parker Seconded by: Pat Stirling “That the January 2015 financials be accepted.” Carried Resolution 06/15 NWMO REPORT TO THE COMMITTEE None CLC DISCUSSION Connie spoke about the NWMO doing a very good presentation to City Council on Thursday February 12th and the questions that City Council asked the NWMO representatives. Ed Pearce mentioned that he would like to take this opportunity to commend City Council on their really well thought out questions that were asked of the NWMO during the presentation. Larry Parker expressed that he thought it would be good to have a presentation (similar to the one made to Council) in the Civic Centre auditorium. Mayor Marchisella said that one of the questions he forgot to ask during last Thursday’s presentation was about the US Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) depository and the accident of February 2014. He did ask this question about the comparison between the NWMO DGR project and the WIPP project to the NWMO representatives after the meeting and he did get an answer to his question. He mentioned that he will take the opportunity at an upcoming council meeting to make sure he tells the citizens about this question and the NWMO’s answer. Sonya asked if we are going to go ahead and have the website translated into Ojibway. The CLC Coordinator answered that at this point there is no Phase 2, year 1 budget in place. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS None REPORT FROM THE CLC COORDINATOR Upcoming presentations were discussed. The Coordinator urged the committee to think about who they would like to see brought to an upcoming meeting. Connie Nykyforak mentioned that we may want to bring Dr. Douglas Boreham to an upcoming meeting to make a presentation. She has his contact information and will forward it to the Coordinator. The committee would also like a Cameco tour arranged in the near future as they feel it would be a worthwhile undertaking. It was suggested to the Coordinator to contact the President of the Renaissance Senior’s Centre to arrange a presentation to their membership. Ed Pearce reminded the CLC about the Coordinator’s request to field a team for the upcoming Deer Trail Curling Club Trivia Night in April. A couple of members said they were interested and all agreed that if any money was won it would be donated locally. COMMUNITY LIAISON COMMITTEE Minutes – TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH, 2015 6:30 P.M. Page 3 COMMUNITY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS None QUESTIONS/COMMENTS FROM VISITORS IN ATTENDANCE It was asked by a member of the public how does the general public find out more about the areas that the NWMO has identified as possibly being suitable for a repository and what about the people who have cottages/fishing and hunting camps in those identified areas, how do they know if they will be affected? The Mayor mentioned that there are studies that have been presented to the City and 2 copies of these reports are at City Hall, 2 copies are at the Civic Centre and 4 copies are at the Public Library. It was noted that they are for reference only and cannot be removed from these locations. It was thought that more information will be forthcoming as the NWMO holds open houses and give presentations. ADDENDUM None SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING The next scheduled Community Liaison Committee meeting is Tuesday, March 17th, 2015 at 6:30 pm in the same space. Connie Nykyforak and Pat Stirling both mentioned that would be unable to attend the meeting as it will be during March break, Mayor Marchisella noted that he should be able to attend so a member of Council should be present. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Larry Parker Seconded by: Pat Stirling “That the meeting adjourn at the hour of 7:36 pm.” Carried Resolution 07/15
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