University of Michigan-Dearborn ~ Center for Labor and Community Studies June 11-13, 2015 2015 Michigan School for Women Workers 19000 Hubbard Drive; Fairlane Center North; Dearborn, Michigan The 2015 Michigan School for Women Workers is open to all workers, union or non-union, and leaders from a variety of organizations to learn together about new ideas, strategies and skills to meet the needs and challenges facing workers in our ever-changing workplaces. We welcome participants from all genders and all cultural or ethnic backgrounds. WORKSHOP CHOICES (descriptions on reverse) 01. Unionism 101: Building Solidarity in Your Workplace 04. Bullying and Domestic Violence 02. Sisterhood and Effective Leadership 05. Communicating through Print and Social Media 03. Speak Up, Speak Out, Be Safe 06. Today’s Labor Movement: Challenges and Opportunities 2015 MSWW REGISTRATION FORM COST: $410.00 REGISTER & PAY BY MAY 29, 2015 IF USING TUITION ASSISTANCE, APPLY FOR $350 TUITION; INCLUDE YOUR OWN $60 MEAL PAYMENT. APPROVED VOUCHER DUE AT CENTER MAY 29; PLEASE CALL US IF IT WILL BE LATE. We accept check, money order, or credit; call us at 313.583.6400 to make payment by phone. CANCELLATION DEADLINE IS JUNE 5. METHOD OF PAYMENT PRINT! NAME ____________________________________________________________ LAST 4 SOC SEC # ____________ My name here signifies that I accept responsibility for payment of 100% of the registration fee of $410.00. UNION & LOCAL#/ORG _______________________________ TITLE (if any)__________________________________________ HOME STREET _________________________________________________________ DAY PHONE _______________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP __________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail ___________________________________________Special Needs (dietary, interpreter) _____________________________ If you have special needs, as well as writing it here, please be sure to identify yourself at conference check-in so we can assist you. WORKSHOP NUMBER: 1st CHOICE _________ 2nd CHOICE (if 1st is unavailable) __________ 2015 Michigan School for Women Workers REGISTRATION INFORMATION REGISTRATION cost is $410.00. Registration and payment should reach us by May 29, 2015. Ford, GM, and Chrysler tuition assistance programs are active and cover most of the cost. If using tuition assistance, apply for $350 tuition. You or your workplace must include the $60 meal payment with your registration; meal payment is mandatory for all registrants and includes 2 continental breakfasts and 2 lunches. Register early for the best chance at your 1st choice workshop! LIMITED NUMBER OF PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Scholarship Form: Mail your approved tuition voucher and/or check to arrive at CLCS by May 29, 2015. You must turn in your approved tuition voucher or written tuition approval at the conference or pay cash at check-in. Call 313-583-6400 to pay with MasterCard, Discover, or VISA credit card. A letter of confirmation and a tentative agenda will be sent prior to the conference. (If Tuition Voucher, which?) Ford GM Chrysler Steelworkers Other __________________ MAKE PAYABLE TO UM-D CLCS INCLUDE REGISTRATION FORM AND PAYMENT (TUITION & MEAL FEE). MAIL TO: UM-DEARBORN CLCS 257 FAIRLANE CENTER NORTH 19000 HUBBARD DRIVE DEARBORN, MI 48126 FAX TO: 313.583.6430 TIMES AND DATES: Check-in is Thursday, June 11, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The program starts promptly at 7:00 p.m. Thursday and ends about 5 pm Saturday, June 13, after graduation. Friday and Saturday sessions run 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. There is an additional check-in period from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. on Friday for those unable to check in Thursday evening. PLACE: All workshops and general sessions are held at the University of Michigan-Dearborn Fairlane Center North, 19000 Hubbard Drive, Dearborn, Michigan 48126. HOTEL: A block of rooms has been arranged at the Adoba Hotel at $99.00 + tax. If you choose to stay at the Adoba, you must make and pay for your own reservations; call 313-592-3622 and mention the Michigan School for Women Workers to ensure the group rate. CANCELLATION/REFUND: PLEASE NOTE: no-shows or late cancellations must pay full price; you will be charged unless you call us by Friday, June 5, 2015, which is the last date to withdraw for refund, and speak with a CLCS employee at 313.583.6400 to cancel. There is no charge for substitutions, but they must be received by May 29. Internet: E-mail: CLCS Phone: 313-583-6400 FAX: 313-583-6430 University of Michigan-Dearborn Center for Labor and Community Studies 257 Fairlane Center North 19000 Hubbard Drive Dearborn, MI 48126 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION US Postage PAID Ann Arbor, MI Permit No. 144 The University of Michigan-Dearborn Center for Labor and Community Studies 2015 Michigan School for Women Workers June 11-13, 2015 Est. 1974 University of Michigan-Dearborn - Fairlane Center North 19000 Hubbard Drive, Dearborn, MI 48216 WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONS 04. Bullying and Domestic Violence Can bullying lead to domestic violence? What to do when abuse at home comes to work. This workshop is a welcoming and supportive environment for participants. 05. Communicating through Print and Social Media Yes, you can use print and social media to communicate effectively and build membership unity. Workshop participants cre02. Sisterhood and Effective Leadership ate an actual conference newsletter for everyone at the conferReveal your unique leadership ability. Whether you are chairing ence, and put material on Facebook and other social media. a committee meeting or leading a march, preparation and plan06. Today’s Labor Movement: Challenges and Opportunities ning are key elements of success. Learn how to get your message across and overcome the stumbling blocks of stepping up. How do we overcome the challenges faced by organized labor today? What are the opportunities to build a stronger labor If not you, who? If not now, when? movement? Participants will leave this workshop with an action plan that they can take back to their union. 03. Speak Up, Speak Out, Be Safe Did you know that you must be properly trained before you are assigned a new job, the work has been retooled, or a task has Internet: been added to your job? You have the right to a safe work envi- E-mail: ronment. Learn your rights, and management’s rights, in the CLCS Phone: 313-583-6400 FAX: 313-583-6430 workplace. Practice speaking up and standing up for a safer place to work. 01. Unionism 101: Building Solidarity in Your Workplace Ever feel like your coworkers seem apathetic to the union? Worried about people opting out? Getting people excited and engaged with the union is possible. We will look at practical ways to reach out to members in your Local union and grow your collective power.
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