Sale by Auction of Farm Machinery and Equipment Thursday 21st May 2015 at 10:30 am Lodge Farm North Rauceby Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8QU Au Auctions ctions On Instructions from WHN Birch & Son Sa Sale le by by A Auction uction Of Of Combine, Combine, Tractors, Tractors, Loader, Loader, Trailers, Trailers, Ara ble and and Hay Hay Making Making Equipment, Equipment, Livestock Arable Livestock a nd General General Farm Farm Equipment Equipment and Att Hayde A Hayden n Hall Hall Farm, Pidley, Pidley, Hu Huntingdon, ntingdon, Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire, PE28 3BX On F Friday riday 29th May May 2015 2015 at 1 10.30am 0.30am To include: New Holland 8070 15ft cut (88), John Deere 6630 premium (08), New Holland TS110 (01), Ford 8210 (91) Ford 6810 (92) Caterpillar D5B VHP (87), Massey Ferguson 135 (75), Kalmar ), Toyota hilux pickup (00), Lely splendimo 28MC (08), Lely lotus stabilo (04) Krone 4wd forklift (89), 1250 round baler, John Deere 459 baler, Kverneland bale wrapper, Overum CV 5 furrow plough (92), Overum CX 5 furrow plough, Cousins type 28 press (13), Quviogne discs (99) Maschio 4m power harrow, Cousins CR640 rolls (96), Ber thoud linkage mounted sprayer (03), Amazone ZAM1200 fer tiliser spreader (08) AS Marston 8t grain trailer (82), ETC 8t grain trailer (82) Salop 10t dump trailer (95), livestock and general farm equipment. Sale Site Bank Moyses Viewing: On the morning of the sale from 8am Contact Co ntact Jame Jamess Bailey Bailey 01480 01480 4 432 220 NOT TO SCALE FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES ONLY Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the sanction of the Controller of H. M. Stationery Office Crown Copyright Reserved. Brown & Co. ES 100005264 @brownandco_agri On Instructions from DE & EM Bratley An auction of Vintage Crawlers, Tractors, Trailers, General Farm Machinery, Equipment & Tools at Lodge Farm, North Rauceby, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 8QU on Thursday 21st May 2015 commencing at 10:30am prompt Viewing: Wednesday 20th May 2015 from 10.00 am – 4.00 pm and on the morning of the sale from 8:00 am only Auctioneer’s Office The Old Bakery, 4 Norman Way Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1JE General Enquiries – 01664 502124 Fax – 01664 500611 Viewing Day and Sale Day Enquiries – Rebecca Lewis – 07725 592222 George Watchorn – 07919 015675 Email – PURCHASERS PLEASE NOTE LOCATION - The sale is being conducted at Lodge Farm, North Rauceby, Sleaford, Lincolnshire. To the Sale signs will be erected on the viewing and sale day. An approximate postcode for the sale site is NG34 8QU. See also the location map on the inside front cover of this catalogue. All persons attending the sale ground are reminded that there may be risks on the site including moving machinery and vehicles and to exercise caution at all times with any children being fully supervised at all times. Any incidents that occur on the sale ground should be reported immediately to the Brown & Co office for details to be recorded. No vehicles will be permitted onto the sale ground during the sale. PAYMENT & RISK - All lots become the sole risk of the buyer at the fall of the hammer. The property in a lot purchased shall not pass to the buyer or be removed until payment has been cleared of the full purchase price (including commission and VAT) to the auctioneers. All lots must be paid for on the day of the sale. Purchasers unknown to the auctioneers wishing to pay by cheque with immediate clearance must be accompanied by a written Bank reference for a sum equal to or in excess of the total invoice. The reference must specify the sale location, date, the account details upon which the cheque will be drawn and the amount up to which their cheque will be honoured. Alternatively Buyers may arrange for the Buyers Bank to contact us by letter or email confirming the details set out above at least 48 hours in advance of the sale. Failure to make the above arrangements will result in a delay of up to 7 working days after presentation of the cheque before collection of purchased lots will be permitted. DEBIT CARD PAYMENTS - We are able to accept VISA, DELTA and SWITCH debit cards only. Payments by credit card are not acceptable. CASH PAYMENTS - In order to comply with Money Laundering Regulations 2003 we are unable to accept cash payments for sums in excess of £7,500 either as a single payment or multiple payments totalling £7,500. REMOVAL OF LOTS - No lots may be removed from site unless accompanied by a receipted invoice. All lots are to be removed by 29th May 2015. LOADING FACILITIES - Loading facilities will be available on sale day until 5pm only. Loading outside these times will be strictly by arrangement with the Sellers. Any lots remaining after 29th May 2015 will be re-sold (see section 11 of the Conditions of Sale). The Joint Auctioneers and Seller will not accept any responsibility or liability for the loss or damage to lots left on the sale ground and all purchasers are reminded that they are entirely responsible for any lot purchased from the fall of the hammer. Vehicles entering the sale ground for loading must operate below a 5mph speed limit and move with caution. BUYER’S FACILITIES - All potential Buyers are requested to register with the Auctioneers and complete a Buyer’s Number Slip and be allocated a Buyer’s Number. Bids may not be accepted without a Buyer’s Number. BUYER’S PREMIUM - A Buyer’s premium of 5% of the hammer price is payable on all lots. This is subject to VAT @ 20% VAT - VAT will be payable on all lots in addition to the hammer price at the standard rate. CONDITIONS - The sale will be conducted under our standard Conditions of Sale reproduced in this catalogue. All prospective Buyers should ensure that they have read and understood those Conditions. The act of bidding will be taken as acceptance of them. REFRESHMENTS - These will be available on the sale day. COMMISSIONS - The Auctioneers will be pleased to take written commission bids prior to the sale. Forms are available on request. ENGINE HOURS - Neither the vendors nor the auctioneers make any warranty regarding engine hours or vehicles mileages. FORTHCOMING SALES - If you wish to receive catalogues of future sales, please leave your name and full address at our pay office. CATALOGUE ENTRIES - Whilst every attempt is made to ensure that the descriptions are accurate, no guarantees are either given or implied. Buyers should be aware that from time to time, lots are withdrawn and other lots added. Please contact the auctioneers prior to the sale to ensure that the machinery has been delivered onto the sale ground. VIEWING - 20th May 2015 from 10:00 am – 4.00 pm and on the morning of the sale. EXPORT OF GOODS - All goods purchased at Brown & Co auctions that are to be exported or removed from the United Kingdom will: 1. Be dealt with under the requirements set out of HM Customs and Excise publications: a) b) c) VAT Notice 703 dated April 2014– Exports and removals of goods from the United Kingdom. VAT Notice 725 dated January 2014 – The Single Market. VAT Notice 718/2 dated March 2011 – VAT Auctioneers Scheme. 2. Be ZERO RATED for VAT purposes subject to the following conditions being met: a) b) c) The buyer provides Brown & Co with their VAT/FISCAL NUMBER (which will be verified with UK Customs & Excise) at the time of purchase. The goods are removed from the United Kingdom within three months from the time of supply (the date of auction). Brown & Co are provided with valid commercial documentary evidence that the goods have been removed from the United Kingdom. Unless and until the above requirements are fulfilled Buyers will be charged VAT at the United Kingdom standard rate (currently 20%). This will only be refunded if all requirements within the regulations are met within the specified time limits. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43-45 46 47 48 Garden and General Equipment Garden barrow Garden barrow Qty garden tools Qty garden tools Qty garden tools Qty garden tools Hedge cutter BBQ BBQ trolley Garden table Qty garden chairs/table Qty garden chairs Croquet set Qty hanging baskets Qty bicycles Reel of hose Line marker Saddle rack Cabinet Table Chair Car washing kit Vintage petrol can Qty hose pipe Qty hose pipe Qty hose pipe Sack barrow Ministry of Agriculture Wheel barrow Casserole dish Singer sowing table Pram Table Cupboard and contents Small table Qty stone troughs Qty stone troughs Mill stone Qty concrete prefabricated plant pots Qty plant pots Qty glazed pots Chimney pot Garden Seat Spare lots Farm, Workshop and General Terms Workbench Qty workshop tools Qty workshop equipment 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Qty gas fittings Oil tank Qty gas lamps Qty drawbars Qty weights PTO Qty tractors spares Qty tractors spares Workbench and vice Qty nuts and bolts Qty yellow paint for International Qty International spare parts Qty tools Qty nails Qty fire extinguishers Qty fire extinguishers Qty fire extinguishers Tool box and qty tools Qty metal Step ladder Qty flat metal Master instant heater Electric saw bench Block and vice Saw bench Welder SIP200 Qty ladders Qty flood lights Qty 'G' clamps Workbench and vice Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop spares 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop spares Qty misc. workshop tools Qty misc. workshop tools Qty misc. workshop tools Qty misc. workshop tools Qty misc. workshop tools Qty misc. workshop tools Qty misc. workshop tools Qty misc. workshop tools Qty misc. workshop tools Qty misc. workshop tools Qty misc. workshop tools Qty misc. workshop tools Qty misc. workshop tools Qty misc. workshop tools Qty Dowdeswell spares Qty Ransomes plough spares Qty ratchet straps Strimmer Ryobi RK 26 Strimmer Qty grease canisters Qty hydraulic fittings Qty hydraulic pipes Qty lift arms PTO shaft from rotavator Qty nuts and bolts Qty nails Qty nuts and bolts Truecraft airgun kit Economy airgun kit Bluecol antifreeze tester Anvil Jonsered turbo Chainsaw 2036 with hat Qty electric drill bits Snapon pillar drill National machinery bench grinder model 150BG Qty carpentry tools Witham paint Brunswick green Sprocket drawer Bosch grinder GWs20-230H with 8inch spare and stone cutting discs Bosch drill 1/2 inch Angle grinder 4 inch Qty of Stilsons 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 Pot rivet gun Qty racking inc nails, staples , screws Qty fuses, bulbs and cable ties Belt joiners Qty pipe work Qty workshop tools Qty workshop tools Rotablast powerclean washer Powerclean PC3SD vacuum cleaner Workbench Qty buckrake tines Angle iron Galvanised tank Qty sinks Qty guttering Qty cast iron guttering Qty water piping Qty insulation Drum jack Qty tractor lights 30 gallon bansprayer tank Redbreast vintage sign Qty mud guards Qty misc. tools Tractor seat Qty rear wheel weights Qty pulleys Qty rams Qty pipework Qty wheels from tool bar carrier Crow banger Qty Viceron acrobat tines Chest Qty tools Qty spare wheels Tractor front wheel Qty wheels Frame Qty stirrup pumps Tyre remover Running barrow Weighing scales and weights Qty weights Qty oil 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 Pressurised oil gun Qty track buckets Roll black polythene Qty marker pegs Heavy duty jump leads Heavy duty jump leads Qty chains Brothers chain Qty chains Brothers chains Qty heavy duty chains Qty heavy duty chains Qty drainage rods Qty drainage rods Qty misc. tools Wardrobe Qty sawn timber Qty barrels Aluminium extending ladder 5.7m Bath Qty trestles Grain auger 4inch Qty drainage pipe Engine PTO water pump Concrete PTO mixer Wooden draws Qty pipe fittings Qty cable Metal frame Hole borer Spare lot Qty redwood sleepers Qty redwood sleepers Concrete block Qty weights Steel plate Socket set Socket set Socket set Tool box and tools Qty telegraph poles Qty track mats Tractor front weight 600kg 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233-258 Front end weight Qty tractor weights Tractor weight frame Qty machinery spares Metal trough Qty telegraph poles 250 gallon water tank Qty scrap metal Spare lots Wheels & Tyres 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 -282 Tyre Bridgestone duala h/t687 Qty spares wheel trailer Supreme 12.5/80-15.3 Tyres 12.4R24 Tyres Clayber 50 13.6r38 Qty Dunlop tyres 800-19 Tyre Goodyear 14.9 13 24 Qty CS94 tractor wheels Qty narrow wheels for 856 Case International Qty tyres and rims 11.5/80 15.8 Qty wheels 13.6-38 tz 13 Qty wheels and tyres Qty tyres Qty tyres Spare lots Livestock Equipment 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 Qty gate crooks Qty electric wire fencing Gallagher battery master Gallagher battery master Gallagher battery master Qty electric fencing posts Electric fence repair kit Qty 12 volt batteries Qty Rabbit flexi electric fence nets Qty Rabbit flexi electric fence nets Qty Rabbit flexi electric fence nets Qty stock netting Qty pig doors Qty sheep flexi electric fence nets Commodore sheep crate Qty feed baskets Qty misc. sheep equipment 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319-329 Qty sheep troughs Qty wire netting Sheep weighing scales Sheep sorting gate Hay rack Sheep foot bath Lamb adopter Sheep feeder gate Qty troughs Sheep trailer decking Wooden stable door Hay rack Lamb feeder rack Water trough Water trough Water trough Lamb feeder trough Pig feeder trough Qty straw bales Spare lots Trailers 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 Ifor Williams small car trailer Flatbed 2 wheeled trailer Single axle trailer Single axle flatbed trailer Pettit 6 tonnes trailer with grain sides Pettit trailer Twin axle trailer Sheep trailer TF trailer 9tonne with grain sides, Year of Manufacture 1985 Implements & Equipment 339 340 341 342 343 International Crawler cab and canvas 250l Diesel bowser Kuhn multi disk system fertiliser spreader Year of Manufacture: 1993 Model: MDS921, Serial Number: 94-013 Fahse & Co monozentra 6 row beet drill with some new coulters and hydraulic markers Farmforce 1.5m simple front press F1150ST Serial Number: F4972 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 500 gallon galvanised water tank with trailer Lemken 4 furrow plough Euro pal 6 Year of Manufacture 2002 Serial Number: 2509478 Stanhay sugar beet drill Stanhay 12 row sugar beet drill Power harrow roll 3m Kuhn 3m power harrow with coil Power harrow roller Howard rotavator Sugar beet bucket and frame Lemken press Slug pelleter electric Joint harrows Chain harrows Crawford 4 furrow reversible plough Parmiter 4m discs Simba 4m discs Serial Number 25108089 Vicon fertiliser spreader Bomford 4129F folding 3m spring tine drag Cooper 3 leg subsoiler Wilridge 5.5m folding subsoiler vf-313r Serial Number: 05021001 Howard 3m power harrow with rubber roller Year of Manufacture: 2003 Model: HK31/300, Serial Number: 18350011 Amazone 9-30 special coulter drill Year of Manufacture: 2010 Serial Number: d900171290 Ransomes nordsten 3m lift a matic coulter drill Ransomes nordsten 3m tine drill Nicholson 6 row front mounted subsoiler with leaverton wheelings Vaderstad 620 rollex, 6.2m rolls Serial Number: 6900 McConnel hedge cutter with 1m head Year of Manufacture: 1997 Model: 50553, Serial Number: 52pa47-97 McConnel Rhino 9 topper 3m Model: 1328281, Serial Number: 0596-96 Sprayer 372 Gem sprayer, 2000l with 12m boom, sprayer MOT expires 3/4/2015 Vehicles 373 374-379 Mitsubishi Shogun Pinin GBI Equippe, petrol engine. 113,273 miles First Registered: 2001, Reg No: Y578 HFB MOT until December 2015, taxed for 6months Spare lots Crawlers 380 International BTD6 crawler, with hydraulics both double and single acting, electric start. Serial Number: 1447. No registration document. 381 International TD6 crawler, with hydraulics both double and single acting and petrol to start, diesel to turnover. Serial Number: TDBK2088. No registration document. 382 International BTD8 crawler, with Perkins 6354 Engine with hydraulics both double and single acting. Serial Number 4850. No registration document. 383 Caterpillar D4E crawler, 4382 hours. Year of Manufacture 1983 Engine Model 3304D, Serial Number: 70x893. No registration document. Tractors 384 International 785 xl, 6325 hours First Registered: 1982, Registration No: DTL 320X 385 Case CS94 4wd, 5503 hours, with front linkage First Registered: 2001, Registration Number: Y989 0FE Included by Kind Permission 386 387 388 389 390 Car 4 wheel 4m trailer Qty timber Qty untreated railway sleepers Vintage mill loader frame Towbar for Peugeot 206 Further lots have already been entered. CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR MACHINERY SALES BY AUCTION (with buyer’s premium) 1 2 3 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) 4 (i) (ii) (iii) 5 (i) (ii) 6 7 (i) (ii) DEFINITIONS In these conditions the following terms have the following meanings unless inconsistent with the context: “Auctioneers” means Brown & Co – Property and Business Consultants LLP (‘Brown & Co’) “Buyers Premium” means the premium charged to buyers on purchase of Lots “Commission” means the commission charged on the sale of Lots “Conditions” means the standard terms and conditions of business set out in this document “Lots” means all or any machinery and other items sold or intended to be sold in accordance with these conditions “Purchaser” means a person, firm or Company who purchase any Lot “Vendor” means a person, firm or Company who puts forward any Lot intended to be sold at the sale “Sale” means a sale of the Lots by auction from time to time organized by the auctioneers “Saleground” means the venue at which the sale takes place “Hammer Price” means the price at which a Lot is knocked down by the Auctioneer to the Purchaser “Sale Proceeds” means the net amount due to the Vendor being the Hammer Price of the lot sold less commission and expenses and any other amounts due to the Auctioneer by the Vendor in whatever capacity and howsoever arising “Reserve Price” means the minimum price fixed by either the Auctioneers or Vendor at which any Lot is to be sold at the sale Except where the context otherwise requires words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa; words donating one gender includes all genders, words denoting persons include corporations. 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(iii) Expenses shall be deemed to include the usual Auctioneers’ commission on the re-sale and all expenses for porters, advertising, market tolls, carriage, care, storage, keep and otherwise. 20 AUCTIONEERS’ RIGHT TO ANNUL SALES (i) In the event of any dispute or refusal to pay or of non-payment on the part of the Purchaser, the Auctioneers may, entirely at their discretion, annul and cancel the sale of such Lot or Lots. (ii) Persons attending the sale are respectfully reminded that verbal or physical abuse to any person, especially Brown & Co staff, will not be tolerated. 21 REMOVAL OF LOTS FROM SALEGROUND (i) All Lots whether sold or unsold may not be removed from the Saleground without a pass for the removal of Lots. Passes must be obtained from the Auctioneers’ Offices. All Lots must be checked out by a Representative of the Auctioneers. (ii) All Lots purchased must be cleared from the Saleground within seven days of the date of the Sale in which they were purchased. (iii) The Auctioneers reserve the right to sell entirely without reserve by auction at the next, or at any future Sale, any sold or unsold Lot which remains in the Saleground for longer than the times specified in clause 21 (ii) above, unless they have received and accepted in their sole opinion a satisfactory explanation in writing from the Purchaser or Vendor as to why the Lot remains in the Saleground. 22 APPLICABLE LAW These Conditions shall be governed and constructed in accordance with English Law. All transactions to which these Conditions apply and all connected matters shall also be governed by English Law. Forthcoming Sales 29th May 2015 National Collective Timed Online Machinery Auction of Modern Equipment & Associated Equipment. Starts Friday 29th May 2015 at 7am and ends Monday 8th June 2015 at 7pm. Elizabeth Allen 01775 717 894. Simon Wearmouth 01603 629 871. 29th May 2015 11.00am Auction of farm machinery and equipment at Hayden Hall Farm, Pidley, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire James Bailey 01480 432 220 6th June 2015 10.30am Collective sale of farm machinery and equipment at Rectory Farm, Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire James Bailey 01480 432 220 10th June 2015 6:30pm Annual Portholme Mowing Grass & Aftermath Grazing Sale George Hotel, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire James Bailey 01480 432 220 Au Auctions ctions On Instructions from WHN Birch & Son Sa Sale le by by A Auction uction Of Of Combine, Combine, Tractors, Tractors, Loader, Loader, Trailers, Trailers, Ara ble and and Hay Hay Making Making Equipment, Equipment, Livestock Arable Livestock a nd General General Farm Farm Equipment Equipment and Att Hayde A Hayden n Hall Hall Farm, Pidley, Pidley, Hu Huntingdon, ntingdon, Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire, PE28 3BX On F Friday riday 29th May May 2015 2015 at 1 10.30am 0.30am To include: New Holland 8070 15ft cut (88), John Deere 6630 premium (08), New Holland TS110 (01), Ford 8210 (91) Ford 6810 (92) Caterpillar D5B VHP (87), Massey Ferguson 135 (75), Kalmar ), Toyota hilux pickup (00), Lely splendimo 28MC (08), Lely lotus stabilo (04) Krone 4wd forklift (89), 1250 round baler, John Deere 459 baler, Kverneland bale wrapper, Overum CV 5 furrow plough (92), Overum CX 5 furrow plough, Cousins type 28 press (13), Quviogne discs (99) Maschio 4m power harrow, Cousins CR640 rolls (96), Ber thoud linkage mounted sprayer (03), Amazone ZAM1200 fer tiliser spreader (08) AS Marston 8t grain trailer (82), ETC 8t grain trailer (82) Salop 10t dump trailer (95), livestock and general farm equipment. Sale Site Bank Moyses Viewing: On the morning of the sale from 8am Contact Co ntact Jame Jamess Bailey Bailey 01480 01480 4 432 220 NOT TO SCALE FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES ONLY Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the sanction of the Controller of H. M. Stationery Office Crown Copyright Reserved. Brown & Co. ES 100005264 @brownandco_agri Sale by Auction of Farm Machinery and Equipment Thursday 21st May 2015 at 10:30 am Lodge Farm North Rauceby Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8QU
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