The Knit Mentor Beginning Knitting Joy of Sox

The Knit Mentor
Beginning Knitting
Joy of Sox
Mondays Noon – 2:00 and/or Thursdays 6 pm – 8 pm
Sundays Jan 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb 5, 12 1:00 – 3:00pm
Wednesdays Jan 25, Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 6:00 –
8:00pm OR
Saturdays Feb 11, 18, 25, Mar 3, 10, 17 10:00 – Noon
Saturdays, Feb 11, 18, 25 1:00 – 3:00 pm
$40 per calendar month
3 sessions, $45
You want the secrets to great socks, and we have the
answers. Come and learn what everyone is talking about!
Mondays 2:00 – 4:00pm
6 sessions, $60
Hand knit socks can be the most comfortable socks you
$40 per calendar month
will ever wear, and make a great gift for you or someone
knitelse. We will meet for three sessions and work through
Do you have UFO’s sitting around needing to be finished
but you can’t remember where you left off? Or have you ting, fix mistakes, and complete your first project in this 6 your first sock. Includes pattern.
always been dreaming about knitting that sweater/shawl/ -week class. We have several projects to pick from, or
pair of socks/etc. but are just a little nervous about the will help you find an appropriate pattern. Includes book. 2012 Spring Retreat
skills it involves? The Knit and Crochet Mentor is the anMay 18 – 20, 2012
Beginning Crochet
swer to this dilemma. Purchased one month at a time,
Eat, sleep, knit, eat, sleep, knit.
you are welcome to come in as much or as little as you Wednesdays, Jan 11, 18, 25 Noon – 2pm OR
like during the scheduled time slots. It will be a class-like Sundays, Feb 19, 26, Mar 4 1 pm – 3 pm
This friendly, spring weekend retreat is the epitome of
setting that is focused on your specific knitting or crochet- 3 sessions, $35
relaxation. Located in New Haven, Missouri at Cedar
ing needs. The Knit Mentor includes that month’s Knit-aCreek Conference Center, you'll be nestled in the rolling
long, listed below.
In this class geared towards beginners with no crochet
experience, we start with a slip knot and chain stitch and hills near the Missouri River and Wine Country. You are
truly removed from the busy hustle and bustle of city and
work our way up to granny squares. In the process we
Knit-A-Longs (KALs)
suburban schedules, to treat yourself to some wonderful
will make blocks that can be assembled into a scarf or
Thursdays, 6 pm – 8 pm
friends, delicious meals, and endless knitting. We'll have
doll-size afghan.
$20 per calendar month
a quick and fun workshop on Saturday afternoon, as well
as our shop's mini-market. The rest of the time is yours
Join us on Thursday evenings for a new project each
Toe Up Socks
to enjoy. All meals, snacks, lodging, and conference cenmonth! Patterns will be perfect for the beginner eager to Saturdays, Jan 14, 21, 28 10:00 - Noon
ter amenities are included.
expand their skill set, or the advanced knitter looking for 3 sessions, $45
a fun new project. Knit-a-long includes the pattern and
If you can't make it for the entire weekend, consider the
10% off materials purchased for the project, along with Ready for a new direction on socks? Start a sock from
Saturday day-trip option. Price includes 3 fabulous meals
plenty of assistance from us 
the toe up, and try it on as you knit. Make use of every with snacks, the workshop and mini-market.
inch of your beautiful yarn, and knit the cuff until the yarn
September: Lucy Neatby’s Sea Lettuce Scarf
runs out. This one is for those who already know how to The deposits deadline has been extended to Wednesday,
October: Knit Mukluks
knit socks but want to learn a new technique. Sock fea- February 1, 2012. Download the registration form and
November: Top Down Sweater
tures a short row heel.
please join us!
December: Taking the holidays off 
January: Thrummed Mittens
Needle Felting with a Silk Scarf
February: Yummy Mittens
Saturday Feb 4 10:00 – Noon
March: Entrelac Scarf
The Crochet Mentor
1 sessions, $20
At last – something for everyone, regardless of skill level!
We've gotten beautiful hand-dyed silk scarf kits, that include the color-coordinated wools and bits for needle
felting. Create a one-of-a-kind piece for yourself. Kit is
$37 less 10% class discount.
You will also need felting needles.
Knit and Caboodle
Want to socialize with other knitters and spinners? Have
a question about your project? Need inspiration? We
have all of that and more with our groups. No reservation necessary, just pop in and join us!
Knit Ins
Every Thursday and Friday
3:00 pm until Close
Our Class Policies
All paid classes include 10% discount on supplies.
Thank you for purchasing class materials in our shop.
support helps to keep the cost of our classes low.
2 Sunday, Nov 12, Dec 11, Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 11, Apr
8, May 13, June 10, July 8, Aug 12, Sep 9, Oct 14, Nov
11, Dec 9
Please register for classes in advance so our instructors
Noon - 5:00 pm
can be prepared for the number of students. Classes
be cancelled if a minimum number of students is
Show & Share
not met.
Last Friday, Nov 18*, Dec 30, Jan 27, Feb 24, Mar 30,
Apr 27, May 25, June 29, July 27, Aug 31, Sep 28, Oct
26, Nov 30, Dec 28
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Classes and Events
Winter 2012
Sorry, there will be no refunds within 7 days of class,
unless class was cancelled by the shop.
We are dedicated to the continuing education and
Have fun! Wool wants to love you back!
Reserve the last Friday of the month for Show & Share!
unabashed, unapologetic enabling of fiber addicEveryone is invited to join us. Show off your projects,
We welcome knitters, crocheters, spinners,
UFOs and spinning you've worked on using yarn/roving
and felters of all experience levels.
from Knit and Caboodle. Bring a snack and we'll provide
For the courtesy of others, please turn cell phones and
the drinks. We start noshing at 6:00 and showing at
pagers off during class.
7:00. No project? No problem! Come and be inspired! *OK, we know these aren’t the last Friday.
Knit and Caboodle
No wool huffing during class. Studies have shown this
Come anyway! 
423 South Main St.
makes your brain too loopy to concentrate on your project. 
St. Charles, MO 63301
Private Classes
By appointment only
$15 per hour
636 916-0060