1 CE Spring 2015 Schedule CONTINUING EDUCATION Table of

CE Spring 2015 Schedule
Continuing Education courses are non-credit classes to be skill enhancing for personal interest. Classes
are open to anyone at least 18 years of age. Students should register at least one week prior to the
beginning date of the class. See additional registration information within the schedule. Continuing
Education students may enroll in a course as many times as necessary to accomplish their personal,
educational/training goals provided they continue 1) to show progress, 2) do not prohibit other students
from participating, 3) pay the appropriate fees and 4) do not violate North Carolina Community College
System policy. Students who take the same Occupational Extension course more than twice are required
to pay for the actual cost of the course. This applies if the course is repeated within a five-year period.
Courses taken for certification, licensure, or recertification are exempt from this policy.
Table of Contents
Abstract Collage
Auto Dealers Continuing Education
Auto Safety Inspection
Ballroom Dancing
Bartending, Introduction to
Brewing, All Grain Home
Brewing, Beginning Home
Career Planning and Assessment
Career Readiness Lab
Carpentry, Intro to
Computer Basics for Seniors I
Computer Basics for Seniors II
Computers for Beginners
Computers for Beginners 2
Conversational Spanish
Crochet, Beginner
Defensive Driving & Alive @ 25
Doll Making, Porcelain
Drawing, Intro to
EMT Classes
Education to Go (Online Classes)
Electrical Contractors CE 2014
Employee Focused Competency
Escort Vehicle Operator Certification
FIP Specialty Courses
Floral Design
Fundamental Company Assessments
Herbal Medicine, Experiential
Herbal Medicine, Foundational Concepts of
i-Pad Training
Knitting, Beginner
Knitting, Intermediate
MS Excel 2013, Advanced
MS Excel 2013, Beginner to Intermediate
MS Office 2013, Beginner to Intermediate
Medication Aide
Medication Aide Instructor
Microderm Abrasion 101
NC Manufacturing Certification Level I Fundamentals Program
New Testament Survey
Notary Public
OBD II Emission Control Inspection
OBD II Emission Control Inspection Renewal
OSHA 10 General Industry Safety Course
PSB Review
Parliamentary Procedure, Basic
Personal Trainer Certification, W.I.T.S.
Pharmacy Technician Certification Training
Pipefitting, NCCER Level I
Pottery, Intro to
Professional Resume Development
QuickBooks 2014, Advanced
QuickBooks 2014, Introduction to
Quilting, Advanced
Quilting, Beginner
ServSafe ® Food Service Safety and Sanitation
Sewing, Advanced Beginner
Sewing, Beginner
Shag Dancing
Small Business Center Classes
Success: Land Your Next Job
Utilizing NC Works for Job Search
Wait Staff Training
Watercolor Painting
Welding, NCCER Level II
Windows 8 & Microsoft Office Training
Wines, Introduction to Fine
Licensing/Certification Courses
Auto Dealers Continuing Education
This course is designed to meet the continuing education training requirements for the Used Motor Vehicle
Dealer’s License renewal. 6 hours. Instructor: Arnold Craig, retired DMV Inspector
W 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 1140
Tu. 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 1140
Auto Safety Inspection
This class prepares students to renew and obtain the license for North Carolina Auto Safety Inspection.
Class size is limited. 8 hours. Instructor: Larry Carpenter, Jr.
03-16-15 to 03-17-15
Mo. & Tu. 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 1138
06-15-15 to 06-16-15
Mo. & Tu. 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Location TBA
Bartending, Introduction to
This course will assist students in becoming professional bartenders. The course will include information on
making drinks, Alcoholic Beverage Control requirements, information on Training for Intervention
Procedures (TIPS) responsible alcohol server program materials, recipes, using proper amounts, mixes,
glassware and garnishes. Class will include lecture, demonstration and hands-on participation. Students
must be at least 21 years of age.39 hours. Instructor: TBA
01-26-15 to 03-09-15
Mo. & We. 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Location TBA
Carpentry, Intro to
This course will cover the entry level skills carpentry needed to land a job in the construction industry. The
course will cover NCCER core safety modules, proper hand and power tools usage, construction math,
blueprint reading, material handling, and a hands on class project along with the important soft skills need
to land a job. 143 hours. Instructor: Thomas Elijah
01-12-15 to 02-23-15
Mo. – Th. 2:30 PM – 7:30 PM & Fr. 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Construction Bldg. Room 1300
Conversational Spanish
This exciting course is a fun, no-pressure way to learn and practice the basics of Spanish! Whether you are
interested in gaining fundamental knowledge necessary in speaking and understanding the language for
work and professional purposes, communicating with family and friends, being able to help your children in
their classes or simply are intrigued by Spanish culture this is the class for you! You will be given guided
instruction each week with the opportunity to maximize comprehension as well as regularly engage in
stimulating conversation to perfect your newly-learned skills. Book Required: Easy Spanish Step-by-Step by
Bregstein, McGraw-Hill. 24 hours. Instructor: Claudia Phillips
01-27-15 to 04-21-15
$70 plus book $12.95
Tu. 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
LeGrand Center 6121
Defensive Driving & Alive @ 25
The District Attorney does not want to see you in court. If you have been charged with certain moving
violations, this class may be for you. The Defensive Driving class is for participants 20 years of age and
older. The Alive @ 25 class is for participants between the ages of 16 and 19 years old. For more information,
call 704-669-4015.
Electrical Contractors Continuing Ed., 2014
This course is designed to meet the annual Continuing Education requirements for licensed Electrical
Contractors. Students must bring their current N.C. Electrical Code book (2014). 8 hours. Instructor: Lonnie
Sa. 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Escort Vehicle Operator Certification
This 8-hour course satisfies the requirements set by the NC Department of Transportation to certify
Oversize-Overweight load escort vehicle drivers. Course components consists of defensive driving, escort
driver requirements, skills training, and an exam. The NCDOT will issue a certificate for those attending the
course and scoring 75% or higher on the end of course exam. After class, students must send their
certified driving record to the NCDOT. 8 hours. Instructor: Shell Byars
Sa. 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Sa. 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Medication Aide
This course is designed to meet the training requirements for becoming qualified as a Medication Aide. The
course will cover the six rights of medication and administration for non-licensed personnel. Topics will
include medication administration via the oral, topical and instillation routes, medical asepsis, hand hygiene,
terminology, and legal implications. Upon completion, students should be able to take the competency
exam and demonstrate skills necessary to qualify for listing on the North Carolina Medication Aide Registry.
Students must have a high school diploma or GED. Students must attend 100% of this class to receive
credit. Text: NC Board of Nursing Medication Administration Training Guide (2006) can be purchased in
the college bookstore. Class size is limited to 10 students. 24 hours. Instructor: Laura Davis
02-27-15 to 04-24-15
$70 plus book $12.25
Fr. 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
LeGrand Center 6112
Medication Aide Instructor
This course is designed to meet the training requirements to become a Medication Aide Instructor. To
participate in the course individuals must have a current, unrestricted license to practice as a registered
nurse in North Carolina and have had at least two (2) years of practice experience as a registered nurse
that includes medication administration. Upon successful completion of this course, an individual is eligible
to apply for certification listing with the North Carolina Board of Nursing. Class size is limited to 10
students. Students must purchase text: NC Board of Nursing Medication Administration Instructor Manual
(2006) available in the college bookstore. 16 hours. Instructor: Laura Davis
01-30-15 to 02-20-15
$70 plus book $44.35
Fr. 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6112
Microderm Abrasion 101
This class will proved you with the information needed to properly understand microdermabrasion.
Complete theory is followed by hands on practice with the Derma-pod machine. The Derma-Pod machine
is a high performance, dual system microdermabrasion unit. In addition to learning a variety of techniques,
you’ll also learn how to combine microdermabrasion with other treatments and products. This course is
designed for licensed Cosmetologist, Estheticians, and Teachers (Cosmetology and Estheticians
Teachers). This face-to-face course is also welcome to out-of-state participants, but please check with your
State Cosmetology Board regarding out-of-state continuing education credit.
Tu. 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Wright Complex 2015
NC Manufacturing Certification Level I Fundamentals Program
This course is a competency-based training program designed to provide students with enhanced career
opportunities in manufacturing. Students are introduced to the basic concepts of manufacturing by
emphasizing the importance of quality and its role in company profitability and job sustainability. The
Fundamentals course includes training in core concepts such as manufacturing concepts, measurements
and math, teamwork and communications, and problem solving. 96 hours. Instructor: TBA
01-13-15 to 05-07-15
Tu. & Th. 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
LeGrand Center 6121
Notary Public
This 6-hour course is mandated by the North Carolina Secretary of State for individuals interested in
obtaining a commission as a Notary Public in North Carolina. Topics to be covered are requirements for
collecting fees, general powers and limitations, oaths and more. Participants must reside or work in the
state of North Carolina, and read and write English. High School Diploma or GED is required. 6 hours.
Instructor: Stephanie Herndon
$70 plus book $28.75 plus tax
Sa. 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
02-23-15 to 02-24-15
$70 plus book $28.75 plus tax
Mo. & Tu. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6111
$70 plus book $28.75 plus tax
Sa. 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
04-27-15 to 04-28-15
$70 plus book $28.75 plus tax
Mo. & Tu. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6111
OBD II Emission Control Inspection
This course is designed to prepare auto technicians and service personnel as OBD emission inspectors.
Course topics include regulations and test inspection procedures required by the NC DMV. Upon
completion a student should understand the rules, regulations and procedures for OBD emission
inspections, be able to inspect a vehicle properly and be prepared to sit for the state certification exam.
Class size is limited. 8 hours. Instructor: Larry Carpenter, Jr.
01-12-15 to 01-13-15
Mo. & Tu. 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 1138
04-13-15 to 04-14-15
Mo. & Tu. 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 1138
07-13-15 to 07-14-15
Mo. & Tu. 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Location TBA
OBD II Emission Control Inspection Renewal
This 4-hour review course meets the State requirements for renewing the OBD II Emission Control
Inspection License. Class size is limited. 4 hours. Instructor: Larry Carpenter, Jr.
Mo. 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6111
Tu. 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6111
Mo. 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6111
Tu. 6-10 PM
LeGrand Center 6111
OSHA 10 General Industry Safety Course
This course is a basic overview of the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions on the job site and
will provide the student with a basic understanding of OSHA regulations, enforcement, and compliance.
Topics include discussions of the OSHA standards that relate to general industry. 12 hours. Instructor:
Gary Ramsey
01-14-15 to 01-28-15
$70 plus $5 OSHA card
We. 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
PSB Review
This course provides training by reviewing questions which appear on the PSB review test. Prepared
candidates tend to score better than non-prepared candidates. Maximize your testing score by preparing
before the test and master selected test taking strategies. Limited seating. 18 hours. Instructor: Wanda
01-16-15 to 01-31-15
Fr. 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM & Sa. 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location TBA
Personal Trainer Certification, W.I.T.S.
The 62-hour personal trainer certification program includes 16 hours of lecture, 16 hours of practical
training, and a 30 hour internship. Topics include: biomechanics and exercise physiology, which for some
students may require significant amount of out of class self-study. Participants will also learn about fitness
testing, equipment usage, and health assessments. High school diploma or GED is required. No other prerequisites required. Students must obtain Adult CPR & AED certification in order to receive certification.
Tuition includes textbook, exam and gym fee. Required orientation on Saturday, January 10th, from 10:30 –
11:30 a.m. in the Student Activities Center. 62 hours. Instructor: TBA
02-07-15 to 03-14-15
Sa. 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Student Activities Center 2160
Pharmacy Technician Certification Training
This course is designed to train individuals to work under the supervision of a pharmacist in a variety of
settings. Course work provides the student with basic essential knowledge and skills required to work as a
technician in a pharmacy. Material taught in this course includes: state and federal drug laws/regulations;
drug forms and routes of administration; pharmaceutical abbreviations, measurements and calculations;
reading and interpretation of prescriptions; drug classifications and commonly prescribed drugs; community
and hospital pharmacy practices; compounding; medical safety and dispensing; preparation of sterile IV
products; human relations.
Upon successful completion of the Pharmacy Technician course, the student will be equipped with a basic
understanding of pharmacy practice and be eligible to sit for the national certification examination
administered by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) in order to become credentialed as a
certified pharmacy technician (CPhT). Books required: Manual for Pharmacy Technicians by Bonnie S.
Bachenheimer, 4th Edition, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. New $74. Workbook for
Manual for Pharmacy Technicians by Mary McHugh, 4th Edition. New $32. Pharmacy Technician
Certification Review & Practice Exam (w/CD), 3rd Edition. New $46. These books are available in the
College Bookstore. Some used or rental books may be available. 108 hours. Instructor: Billy Wease
01-12-15 to 04-22-15
$180 plus $10 material fee & books
MTWTH 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM
LeGrand Center 6117
01-12-15 to 04-22-15
$180 plus $10 material fee & books
MTWTH 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
LeGrand Center 6117
Pipefitting, NCCER Level I
This class will provide the student with an overview of pipefitting, pipefitter responsibilities, and career
opportunities. The class will follow the NCCER Level I guidelines. Upon completion of the class, students
who successfully complete this model will have their grade sent to NCCER and added to the national
registry. 128 hours. Instructor: Erik Price
01-10-15 to 05-09-15
Sa. 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Kings Mountain High School Welding Lab
ServSafe ® Food Service Safety and Sanitation
The course is designed to give the food handler the understanding of proper sanitation precautions and
point out the results to be expected should these precautions not be taken. The course will deal with the
study of infection and illness, proper food handling techniques, personal hygiene, and personal safety.
Students will be made aware of the regulations of the Occupational Health & Safety Act. Textbook required.
ServSafe ® Manager 6th Edition can be purchased in the college store. Students must bring textbook to
class. 12 hours. Instructor: Lois Owens
01-13-15 to 01-14-15
$70 plus book $102.50 plus tax
Tu. 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
We. 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location TBA
02-17-15 to 02-18-15
$70 plus book $102.50 plus tax
Tu. 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
We. 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location TBA
03-17-15 to 03-18-15
$70 plus book $102.50 plus tax
Tu. 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
We. 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location TBA
04-28-15 to 04-29-15
$70 plus book $102.50 plus tax
Tu. 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
We. 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location TBA
Wait Staff Training
This course provides an overview of the hospitality industry. Topics include the history, career opportunities,
economic impact, customer service, LEED/Green Hospitality, customer services, applied math, and how to
provide stellar customer service in the food industry. Upon completion, students will be prepared for entry
level positions in hotels, restaurants and other customer service industry. 12 hours. Instructor: TBA
01-15-15 to 01-23-15
TWTHF 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Location TBA
02-19-15 to 02-26-15
MTWTHF 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Location TBA
Welding, NCCER Level II
This course will focus on GMAW and FCAW wire welding in all plasma cutting, welding symbols, welding
detail drawing and SMAW stainless steel welding. Instruction will be provided by lecture and
demonstration. Candidates who satisfactorily complete the course curriculum modules will be sent to
NCCER for listing on the national registry. Students must provide shields and gauntlet leather welding
gloves. 112 hours. Instructor: Wes Stevens
01-27-15 to 05-06-15
Tu. & Th. 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Crest High Welding Lab
Wines, Introduction to Fine
Come and learn from Anne Elam, wine director of NiFen Bistro, Shelby, NC. She will provide to each
student an overview of the major types of wines from around the world and factors affecting their quality
such as growing region, microclimates, grape maturity, harvesting, cellaring, blending and storage. This
class will place special emphasis on the development of sensory evaluation techniques. Upon completion,
students will have developed skills to work in restaurants and wineries. Must be 21 to attend. 10.5 hours.
Instructor: Anne Elam
01-15-15 to 01-26-15
Th. 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Location TBA
Personal Interest Classes
Abstract Collage
In this fun class, students will learn techniques to stain and paint art tissue as well as other papers, then
layer these papers with mediums and other “found” materials and objects to create colorful, textured,
abstract collages on canvas and other supports. Supply list will be available upon registration. 12 hours.
Instructor: Terry Melton
01-28-15 to 03-04-15
$55 plus $10 materials fee
We. 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Shelby Senior Center Classroom 2
Ballroom Dancing
Would you like to learn some of the exciting dances you have seen on recent popular television
shows? Now is the perfect time to learn a new dance, brush up on your salsa, or add a new move to your
swing. This high energy class will introduce you to the basics of many fun dances such as salsa, swing,
waltz, and rumba. In this class you will be the star!
Yvette began teaching ballroom dancing in 1989. She taught and competed on a national and international
level as a representative of Sweden in world and European competitions in the international Latin
division. Yvette wants everyone who comes to her class to leave feeling that learning to dance is an easy
and fun way for an individual to get in shape, learn body awareness, partnering skills, and feel more at ease
in any social situation. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes – not tennis shoes. 18 Hours. Instructor: Yvette
01-15-15 to 04-09-15
Th. 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Student Activities Center
Brewing, All Grain Home
The class will explore the joys of easy all gran brewing using the Australian method of Brewing- In- ABag. BIAB eliminates the need for costly equipment and minimizes the number of steps required. The
brewer still gets all the benefits of All Grain Brewing: selecting their own grains, mashing temperatures,
specialty ingredients and hops, but on a shorter time scale. Class members will learn about different grains,
mash temperatures, and sample hops varieties, and go on a field trip to local home brew stores
Class will brew several different beers, using split mashes. Students will take home what they brew. Must
be 21 to attend. 18 hours. Instructor: J. Reid
03-26-15 to 04-23-15
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center Holding Kitchen 1141
Brewing, Beginning Home
This six-week course provides students with an introduction to home brewing beer. Students will learn
through classroom and hands-on demonstrations the concepts of brewing, ingredients, processes,
equipment, and different styles of microbrews. Learn everything you need to know to brew. Must be 21
years of age. 18 hours. Instructor: J. Reid
01-22-15 to 02-26-15
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Student Activities Center Holding Kitchen 1141
Ceramics instructor, Joyce Condrey, will guide students through the processes of finishing and firing of
beautiful ceramic pieces. This class will focus on the finishing processes of pouring, cleaning the green
ware, decorating, glazing, and firing for a hand-made finished product. 30 hours. Instructor: Joyce Condrey
01-26-15 to 04-06-15
$60 plus $16 materials fee
Mo. 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2042
Crochet, Beginner
This course is a guide to the basics of crochet: picking the right yarn and hooks, basic stitches (including
single, double, and half-double crochet), reading patterns, and how to put it all together. Students will leave
this course with the skills to make many different crocheted items including blankets, scarves, and
washcloths. Students should bring crochet hook (sizes H-J are best), yarn (Redheart Super Saver is fine),
and scissors. 12 hours. Instructor: Natasha Hudgins
01-20-15 to 02-24-15
Tu. 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6121
01-20-15 to 02-24-15
Tu. 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6112
Doll Making, Porcelain
Instructor Joyce Condrey will introduce students to the complete process of porcelain doll making as well as
other porcelain items. Students will engage in the step-by-step process of completing an heirloom porcelain
doll by learning pouring and cleaning greenware, cutting out eyes and insertion, painting dolls, and
assembling and wigging. 30 hours. Instructor: Joyce Condrey
01-28-15 to 04-08-15
$60 plus $30 material fee
We. 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2042
Drawing, Intro to
I can’t draw a straight line…..well we are going to take straight lines for a walk. Learn to draw, it’s a skill
that can be acquired. Not only to draw what you see but, more important, how to really observe. Bring the
following supplies to class: pencils, sharpeners, eraser, graphite stick, pens, charcoal sticks and paper
(large newsprint pad and a sketch pad of good quality). 30 hours. Instructor: Darlene Godfrey
01-15-15 to 03-26-15
Th. 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Shelby Senior Center Classroom 2
Floral Design
Let your imagination flow as you learn to create beautiful door wreaths, center pieces, and floral
arrangements during this class led by Renee Walker. Students will purchase their own supplies. 25 hours.
Instructor: Renee Walker
01-20-15 to 03-24-15
$58 plus materials
Tu. 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Boiling Springs Florist
Herbal Medicine, Experiential
This course is designed for those who wish to form relationships with many of the medicinal plants that call
the Piedmont home. Through a series of discussions & plant walks, students will learn how to:
Properly identify many local medicinal plants
Harvest specific plant parts during the relevant season
Harvest ethically from wild places & keep plant populations healthy
Make plant medicines, with a focus on tinctures
Most of class time will be outside, weather permitting. Please be aware that one to two hours of each class
will be spent on your feet as we walk the land at Living Earth Sanctuary identifying & discussing local
This course may stand alone or compliment Foundational Concepts of Herbal Medicine. Some familiarity
with herbal medicine will greatly enhance the experience of this class. 9 hours. Instructor: Alex “Meander”
Fear. www.livingearthsanctuary.org
04-14-15 to 04-28-15
Tu. 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Living Earth Sanctuary
Herbal Medicine, Foundational Concepts of
This course introduces students to the philosophy and practice of holistic herbal medicine. Students will
gain a deeper understanding of the healing relationships between humans and plants, and will be prepared
to begin using plant medicines in their own lives. This course is designed to offer a foundation for continued
learning. Topics covered will include:
Philosophy of holistic herbal medicine
Understanding and experiencing plant energetics
Medicinal properties of plants
Herbal approach to the digestive and nervous systems
Plant walk focusing on common plant allies in our area
9 hours. Instructor: Stacey Costner. www.livingearthsanctuary.org
03-03-15 to 03-17-15
Tu. 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Living Earth Sanctuary
Knitting, Beginner
Mark this one off you bucket list as you learn to knit with all of the exciting and new yarns that are on the
market today! In this class Terry Melton will get you started in making scarves, shawls, ponchos,
pocketbooks, and dish cloths. Students will also learn to cast on, knit, purl, yarn over, increase and
decrease, and bind off; plus learn to read patterns. Interested students should bring size 11 needles either
bamboo or acrylic, preferably short length. Students should also bring either cotton or acrylic yarn
depending on their projects. (Any type yarn will be fine for the first class.) Other supplies will be discussed
in class. 12 hours. Instructor: Terry Melton
01-26-15 to 03-02-15
$40 plus materials
Mo. 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Shelby Senior Center
Knitting, Intermediate
Are you ready to take your knitting skills to the next level? If so, this intermediate class can get you there.
Students will learn about picking up stitches, recovering dropped stitches, and working with more detailed
stitches. Students will also learn to work with circular needles (size 13 or 15 with 16 inch cord) as well as
felting and fulling and making purses and hats from wool. Students should bring appropriate needles and
yarn depending on their projects. 12 hours. Instructor: Terry Melton
03-16-15 to 04-20-15
$40 plus material
Mo. 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Shelby Senior Center
New Testament Survey
This eight-week survey course of the content of the New Testament will cover topics including the
compilation of the New Testament, translation from the original language, the Gospels, Parables of Jesus,
Acts and early Christian history, the Epistles, and Revelation. Emphasis is on content and the ways various
Christian groups interpret the New Testament differently. 12 hours. Instructor: Tim Ware
01-13-15 to 03-03-15
Tu. 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
LeGrand Center 6108
01-13-15 to 03-03-15
Tu. 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
LeGrand Center 6108
Parliamentary Procedure, Basic
This introductory course is based on Roberts’ Rules of Order, the most widely used and authoritative
reference in the field of meeting procedure and management. If you are involved in an organization and
want to have quality meetings that result in decisions rather than more meetings, this course is for you.
You will be exposed to methods of running a productive meeting as well as becoming familiar with the
process of handling motions and conducting proper elections. In addition, the course will take a look at how
articles of incorporation and by-laws should be constructed so as to insure decisions made by your
organization are in conformity with the law and public policy. This course will aid you in maintaining a
smooth flow of business at meetings and public gatherings. 8 hours. Instructor: Michael Chrisawn
01-20-15 to 02-10-15
Tu. 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6111
04-09-15 to 04-30-15
Th 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
LeGrand Center 6109
Pottery, Intro to
This course will provide a workshop setting where both beginner and intermediate pottery students can
increase their skills and knowledge. Students will learn numerous techniques of making pottery on the
potter’s wheel. The focus will be on utilitarian forms. Topics will include centering, using potter’s tools,
throwing basic and intermediate forms, trimming, handling, glazing and firing an electric kiln. Many
decorative techniques will be explored as well. Students will need to bring pottery tools. (Kit approximately
$20). 25 hours. Instructor: Ron Philbeck
01-26-15 to 04-06-15
$120 plus $30 material fee
Mo. 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2042
01-28-15 to 04-08-15
$120 plus $30 material fee
We. 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2042
Quilting, Advanced
This advanced quilting class will help students take their skills to the next level. Instructor, Brenda
Arrowood, will show students the techniques of quilting including patchwork, appliqué, shadow appliqué,
soft shading, lap quilting, making pillows, drafting patterns, and continuous bias binding. 30 hours.
Instructor: Brenda Arrowood
02-03-15 to 04-14-15
$65 plus materials
Tu. 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Shelby Senior Center, Classroom 2
Quilting, Beginner
It’s never too late to begin learning the delicate process of quilting. This beginner class will get students
started in learning basic techniques and terminology in quilting and is a must for anyone wishing to move
into an advanced class. 30 hours. Instructor: Brenda Arrowood
02-03-15 to 04-14-15
$65 plus materials
Tu. 1 PM - 4 PM
Shelby Senior Center, Classroom 2
Sewing, Advanced Beginner
Pre-requisite: Beginner Sewing class OR must be able to thread and run your machine, have basic sewing
skills including reading and following a pattern. In this advanced beginner sewing class, students will make
a lined skirt with pockets and messenger bag.
This class gives you more in depth sewing experience which includes fitting, hemming and linings. You will
receive guided instruction, but will be encouraged to read pattern and advanced at your own pace.
Bring your own working sewing machine including the operator’s manual, but machines are available for
use in the class if needed. Students will be required to bring basic sewing supplies (fabric scissors, sewing
gauge, seam ripper, tailors chalk, hand sewing needles, tape measure, straight pins and one large safety
pin) and purchase pattern, thread, and fabric for their projects. Joanne Fisher has a BS degree in textiles
and has over 40 years of sewing experience. She currently manages The Rag Bag of Shelby. 15 hours.
Instructor: Joanne Fisher
03-16-15 to 04-20-15
$75 plus materials
Mo. 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Shelby Senior Center Classroom 2
Sewing, Beginner
Have you ever wanted to learn to sew or brush-up on your sewing skills? In this basic sewing class,
students will learn the tools of the trade and how to use them – from the sewing machine to pattern
interpretation and fitting, thread types and fabric types. Students will also learn basic sewing, including how
to put in a zipper and make a casing for elastic. By the end of the class, you will complete three projects.
You are encouraged to bring your own working sewing machine including the operator’s manual, but
machines are available for use in the class if needed. Students will be required to bring basic sewing
supplies (fabric scissors, sewing gauge, seam ripper, tailors chalk, hand sewing needles, tape measure,
straight pins and one large safety pin) and purchase pattern, thread, and fabric for their projects. Joanne
Fisher has a BS degree in textiles and has over 40 years of sewing experience. She currently manages
The Rag Bag of Shelby. 15 hours. Instructor: Joanne Fisher
01-26-15 to 03-02-15
$75 plus materials
Mo. 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Shelby Senior Center Classroom 2
02-19-15 to 03-26-15
$75 plus materials
Th. 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Shelby Senior Center Classroom 2
Shag Dancing
Have you ever wanted to learn to Shag Dance? Now is your chance. Come learn the basics of Shag
Dancing including the “basic” count and footwork, the start, the female turn, the male turn and going into
and coming out of the trailing position. Couples or singles are welcome. If students are couples, each
person is required to register and pay the registration fee separately. Wear comfortable clothing and
leather-soled shoes. 7.5 hours. Instructor: Glenn Carter
02-02-15 to 03-02-15
Mo. 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Shelby Senior Center
03-16-15 to 04-13-15
Mo. 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Shelby Senior Center
Watercolor Painting
Remember how you used to be so creative when you were a child and with no inhibitions? Well, instructor,
Darlene Godfrey, is going to help you rediscover those creative talents in this introduction to watercolor
painting course. Darlene will take you from the planning stages to completed paintings and help you explore
different techniques, principles of design, and color harmony. 30 hours. Instructor: Darlene Godfrey
01-15-15 to 03-26-15
$75 plus supplies
Th. 9 AM – 12 PM
Shelby Senior Center, Classroom 2
Computer Courses
Computer Basics for Seniors I
Learn the basics of personal computer use in a course designed for senior students. The course will cover
topics such as basic windows, word processing, and spreadsheet applications. Other areas of instruction
will include an introduction to email and the internet. 20 hours. Instructor: Steve Putnam
01-16-15 to 03-06-15
Fr. 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
Computer Basics for Seniors II
This course will build on the fundamentals of computer basics. The course is recommended for students
who have completed Computer Basics I or are already familiar with basic computer functions. A survey of
students’ interests will determine the more in-depth topics to be covered in this class using windows, word
processing, and spreadsheet applications, internet, email, etc. 20 hours. Instructor: Steve Putnam
03-13-15 to 05-08-15
Fr. 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
Computers for Beginners
Don’t let your personal computer scare you! Start learning all you need to know in how to make it work for
you. This course will cover basic hardware, basic MS Windows, MS Office, word processing, spreadsheet
applications, and an introduction to email and the internet. 24 hours. Instructor: Deborah Young
01-26-15 to 03-30-15
Mon. 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
Computers for Beginners 2
Now that you have a few basic computer skills under your belt don’t stop now! This course will give you
more in-depth experience and knowledge of MS Windows, MS Office, word processing, spreadsheet
applications, email and internet. 24 hours. Instructor: Deborah Young
03-23-15 to 05-11-15
Mon. 5:30-8:30 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
i-Pad Training
Come and learn more about your Apple i-Pad tablet…how it works and what it can do in a business and
personal setting. Bring your i-Pad to class and let our teaching professional help you become a real expert
with the capabilities of this amazing product. Maximize your knowledge, have fun, and increase your job
skills. 12 hours. Instructor: Jennipher Harrill
01-14-15 to 02-18-15
We. 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
LeGrand Center 3230
02-25-15 to 04-08-15
We. 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
LeGrand Center 3230
Microsoft Excel 2013 (Advanced)
This class is for experienced Microsoft Excel users. Microsoft Excel is the standard in spreadsheet
application for industry and personal use. Master how to formula creation, model design and modification,
formatting features display characteristics editing, moving and copying, sorting, mathematical, statistical
and financials functions , report generation and other functions. 24 hours. Instructor: Chris Putnam
03-18-15 to 05-26-15
We. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
Microsoft Excel 2013 (Beginner to Intermediate)
Microsoft Excel is the standard in spreadsheet application for industry and personal use. The 2013 version
features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language (Visual Basic for
Applications). If you think you know all it can do, think again. Come and learn from a professional. Get a
complete look at this amazing product. Your skill set will be increased greatly after you take this class. 24
hours. Instructor: Chris Putnam
01-14-15 to 03-04-15
We. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
Microsoft Office 2013 (Beginner to Intermediate)
This class will bring you up to date with the Microsoft Office Package. We have added Outlook to our class
due to its wide spread usage within a variety of communication devices. Students will be prepared to
successfully work in an office environment or where Microsoft Office is used. Topics presented: Outlook,
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. 24 hours. Instructor: Chris Putnam
01-13-15 to 02-05-15
Tu. & Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
03-17-15 to 04-09-15
Tu. & Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
04-14-15 to 05-07-15
Tu. & Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
QuickBooks 2014, Advanced
If you have taken the QuickBooks Introduction or have a clear understanding of the processes in
QuickBooks, our expert will share with you the shortcuts and time saving techniques that only an expert will
know. Our expert will personally help unlock the potential of QuickBooks in the management of your
business in the following areas: Batch Invoicing, Memorized Transactions, Inventory Setup, Tracking
Loans, Payroll Setup and Processing. Learn how to drill down and get the benefit of this amazing software
product. 15 hours. Instructor: Jeffrey Weathers
02-10-15 to 02-26-15
Tu. & Th. 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
04-07-15 to 04-23-15
Tu. & Th. 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
QuickBooks 2014, Introduction
QuickBooks is the software of choice for the small business owner. It allows the owner/manager to account
quickly and accurately for business dollars. Our QuickBooks expert will take you through a hands on
process in a computer lab using the QuickBooks desktop product. You will receive a complete introduction
to QuickBooks including: Company File Setup & Customization, The Sales Process, Managing Expenses &
Paying Vendors, Bank & Credit Card Reconciliations, and Reporting. After you have completed these
sections, you will have an understanding of the QuickBooks process and capabilities. 15 hours. Instructor:
Jeffrey Weathers
01-13-15 to 01-29-15
Tu. & Th. 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
03-10-15 to 03-26-15
Tu. & Th. 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
Windows 8 & Microsoft Office Training
Come and learn how the new Windows 8 operating system works. Keep your computer skills
current by enrolling in a class which will help you master the predominate home and office software
package today. You will become versed in the new Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, Outlook and Excel. Keep
sharp and learn new methods and shortcuts, which increase your knowledge and speed. 21 hours.
Instructor: Randy Putnam
02-10-15 to 03-05-15
Tu. & Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
Employability Courses
Career Planning and Assessment
This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The
curriculum framework is designed to assess interests, attitudes, aptitudes, and readiness as it relates to
career, employment, and/or educational goals. The content of the instructional materials focuses on the
following topics: personal development, career development, career exploration, goal setting and the
development of a written plan of action. 2.5 hours. Instructors: Chad Chastain or Charles Christenbury
A new class starts each Wednesday on the dates listed below:
January 7, 14, 21 28
Wed. 8:30 AM – 11:00 AM
February 4, 11, 18, 25
March 4, 11, 18, 25
Division of Workforce Solutions, Shelby
April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
May 6, 13
Career Readiness Lab
This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The
curriculum framework follows each of the six core HRD components. Instruction is designed to be selfdirected, self-paced, and structured on an open-entry, open-exit basis to meet the customized needs of
individuals and/or partner agencies at Career Centers. Instructors: Chad Chastain, Danielle Beam, Charles
Mo. 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
TWTHF 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6103
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
01-05-15 to 05-08-15
Employee Focused Competency
This course provides employability training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The curriculum
framework addresses: 1) assessment of individual assets and limitations, 2) development of a positive selfconcept, 3) development of employability skills, (4) development of communication skills, 5) development of
problem solving skills, (6) awareness of the impact of information technology in the workplace, and 7)
workplace safety.12 hours. Instructor: Peggy Ledford
01-05-15 to 01-08-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
DWS - Division of Workforce Solutions
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
02-02-15 to 02-05-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
DWS - Division of Workforce Solutions
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
03-02-15 to 03-05-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
DWS - Division of Workforce Solutions
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
03-30-15 to 04-02-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
DWS - Division of Workforce Solutions
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
04-27-15 to 04-30-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
DWS - Division of Workforce Solutions
Unemployed or under employed are fee waived.
Fundamental Company Assessments
This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The
curriculum framework is based on manufacturing, distribution and service careers. The following topics are
included: employability skills, job search strategies, entry-level awareness and college readiness. 12 hours.
Instructor: Peggy Ledford
01-26-15 to 01-29-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Division of Workforce Solutions
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
02-23-15 to 02-26-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Division of Workforce Solutions
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
03-23-15 to 03-26-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Division of Workforce Solutions
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
04-20-15 to 04-23-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Division of Workforce Solutions
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
Professional Resume Development
This course provides employability skills training to unemployed and underemployed adults. The curriculum
framework focuses on: 1) Using technology in the development and implementation of job search
strategies, 2) Researching career and occupational information using technology, 3) Accessing
governmental and educational resources to develop a dynamic and professional resume through
technology literacy, and 4) understanding the impact of social networking and its role in the employment
search. 12 hours. Instructor: Charles Christenbury.
01-20-15 to 01-22-15
TWTH 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
02-16-15 to 02-19-15
MTWTH 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
03-16-15 to 03-19-15
MTWTH 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
04-13-15 to 04-16-15
MTWTH 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
05-11-15 to 05-14-15
MTWTH 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
Success: Land Your Next Job
This course covers the personal competencies and qualities needed to project marketability for
employment. Individuals will establish a career action plan while understanding time management, problem
solving skills, change management and job search skills. Students will learn how to assess and profile their
skills, aptitudes, training, and future career interests. The class will address interpersonal skills that teach
them to effectively market themselves; creating a confident, positive self-image. There will also be a focus
on how to dress for success, write cover letters and resumes, as well as developing interviewing and
networking skills. 12 hours. Instructor: Jack Weller AM/Chad Chastain PM.
01-12-15 to 01-15-15
MTWTH 09 AM – 12:00 PM
Division of Workforce Solutions
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
02-02-15 to 02-05-15
MTWTH 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
02-09-15 to 02-12-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Division of Workforce Solutions
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
03-02-15 to 03-05-15
MTWTH 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
03-09-15 to 03-12-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Division of Workforce Solutions
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
03-30-15 to 04-02-15
MTWTH 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
04-06-15 to 04-09-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Division of Workforce Solutions
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
05-04-15 to 05-07-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Division of Workforce Solutions
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
Utilizing NC Works for Job Search
This class will focus on the importance of utilizing NC Works (computer software and hardware) to gain
employment. Each student will develop a moderate comfort level in computer usage. Inside NC Works,
students will develop a dynamic resume, cover letter, and learn how to apply for positions through NC Works
online and follow-up. 12 hours. Instructor: Janice Morton AM/ Tammy Phillips PM
01-20-15 to 01-22-15
TWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
01-26-15 to 01-29-15
MTWTH 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived
02-16-15 to 02-19-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
02-23-15 to 02-26-15
MTWTH 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
03-16-15 to 03-19-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
03-23-15 to 03-26-15
MTWTH 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
04-13-15 to 04-16-15
MTWTH 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
Unemployed or underemployed are fee waived.
MTWTH 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Hunt Campus Center 2071
04-20-15 to 04-23-15
These classes will be delivered in an online interactive format via the Internet. You will
be able to read lessons, complete assignments, and ask questions via the convenience
of your home or office. Each course consists of twelve sets of written lecture notes, to
be delivered by Internet twice a week for six weeks. The notes will be supplemented by
interactive multimedia content to be delivered via the World Wide Web. Lessons will be
available on Wednesday and Fridays at approximately 12 noon.
Ed2go (ONLINE)
Class Starts
January 21, 2015
February 18, 2015
March 18, 2015
April 15, 2015
May 13, 2015
Class Ends
February 27, 2015
March 27, 2015
April 24, 2015
May 22, 2015
June 19, 2015
A to Z Grantwriting
Registration Fee Course
COM 372901
Accounting Fundamentals
ACC 3107
Accounting Fundamentals II
ACC 3107
Administrative Assistant Applications
OSC 360201
Administrative Assistant Fundamentals
OSC 363601
Advanced Excel 2007
CAS 305007
Advanced Fiction Writing
Advanced Grant Proposal Writing
COM 372903
Advanced Microsoft Excel 2010
CAS 305010
Advanced Microsoft Excel 2013
Advanced Web Pages
CAS 312042
Assisting Aging Parents
CSP 4000
Become a Physical Therapy Aide
Become a Veterinary Assistant
ANS 3011
Become a Veterinary Assistant II: Canine
Become a Veterinary Assistant III: Practical Skills
ANS 3011
ANS 3011
Become an Optical Assistant
OPT 301901
Becoming a Grant Writing Consultant
Beginner’s Guide to Getting Published
Beginning Conversational French
Beginning Writer’s Workshop
Blogging and Podcasting for Beginners
Building Teams that Work
Computer Skills for the Workplace
Conversational Japanese
Creating a Classroom Web Site
Creating a Successful Business Plan
Creating Classroom Centers
Creating Mobile Apps with HTMLS
Creating Web Pages
CAS 312006
Creating WordPress Websites
CAS 312055
Creating WordPress Websites II
CAS 312056
Designing Effective Websites
CAS 312054
Discover Digital Photography
CSP 4000
Drawing for the Absolute Beginner
CSP 4000
Easy English 1
Easy English 2
FLI 371401
FLI 371201
Easy English 3
Effective Business Writing
COM 372902
Effective Selling
MKT 3419
Employment Law Fundamentals
Empowering Students With Disabilities
Enhancing Language Development in Childhood
Everyday Math
Excel 2010 in the Classroom
Explore a Career as a Paralegal
Explore a Career as a Pharmacy Technician
PHM 3250
Explore a Career as an Administrative Medical
Explore a Career in Medical Coding
MED 330001
NUR 323502
Explore a Career in Medical Transcription
NUR 323601
Explore a Career in Medical Writing
Explore a Career in Nursing
Fundamentals of Supervision and Management
MLS 3917
Fundamentals of Supervision and Management II
MLS 3917
Fundamentals of Technical Writing
Genealogy Basics
CSP 4000
GMAT Preparation
CSP 4000
Grammar for ESL
Grammar Refresher
COM 372402
GRE Preparation – Part 1 (Verbal and Analytical)
CSP 4000
GRE Preparation – Part 2 (Quantitative)
CSP 4000
Growing Plants for Fun and Profit
Guided Reading and Writing: Strategies for
Maximum Student Achievement
Guided Reading: Strategies for the Differentiated
MAT 371302
Handling Medical Emergencies
Happy and Healthy Pregnancy
High Speed Project Management
HIPAA Compliance
Homeschool With Success
How to Get Started in Game Development
How to Make Money From Your Writing
Human Anatomy & Physiology II
HEA 3002
Human Anatomy and Physiology
HEA 3002
Instant Italian
FLI 3718
Integrating Technology in the Classroom
Intermediate Dreamweaver CS6
Intermediate Excel 2010
Intermediate Flash CS6
Intermediate Microsoft Access 2010
CAS 3070
Intermediate Microsoft Access 2007
CAS 307005
Intermediate Microsoft Access 2013
CAS 3070
Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2007
CAS 305006
Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2013
CAS 3050
Intermediate Microsoft Word 2007
CAS 312025
Intermediate Networking
Intermediate QuickBooks 2012
CAS 3080
Intermediate QuickBooks 2013
CAS 308014
Intermediate QuickBooks 2014
Intermediate Word 2010
CAS 312050
Intro to Access 2010
CAS 307006
Intro to Excel 2010
CAS 305008
CSP 4000
CAS 305009
Intro to Guitar
CSP 4000
Intro to Interior Design
MKT 3429
Intro to Microsoft Project 2010
CAS 312048
Intro to Outlook 2010
CAS 312048
Intro to Peachtree Accounting 2012
CAS 308011
Intro to PowerPoint 2010
CAS 3120
Intro to QuickBooks 2011
Intro to Teaching ESL/EFL
COM 372504
Intro to Windows 7
CAS 302003
Intro to Word 2010
CAS 312035
Introduction to Adobe Acrobat X
CAS 3120
Introduction to Adobe Edge Animate
CAS 3120
Introduction to Ajax Programming
Introduction to Algebra
Introduction to Biology
Introduction to Business Analysis
Introduction to C# Programming
CAS 3120
Introduction to C++ Programming
CAS 3120
Introduction to Camtasia Studio 8
CAS 3120
Introduction to Chemistry
Introduction to CorelDRAW X5
Introduction to Criminal Law
Introduction to Database Development
CAS 3070
Introduction to Digital Scrapbooking
CSP 4000
Introduction to Dreamweaver CS6
CAS 3120
Introduction to Java Programming
CAS 3120
Introduction to JavaScript
MAT 3713
CAS 3120
Introduction to Journaling
CSP 4000
Introduction to Microsoft Access 2007
CAS 307004
Introduction to Microsoft Access 2013
CAS 3070
Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2007
CAS 305004
Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2013
CAS 305012
Introduction to Microsoft Outlook 2007
CAS 312033
Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
CAS 3120
Introduction to Microsoft Project 2013
CAS 3120
Introduction to Microsoft Publisher 2010
Introduction to Microsoft Publisher 2013
CAS 3040
Introduction to Microsoft Word 2007
CAS 312009
Introduction to Microsoft Word 2011 for Mac
CAS 3120
Introduction to Networking
CAS 300001
Introduction to Nonprofit Management
Introduction to Oracle
Introduction to PC Security
CAS 309001
Introduction to PC Troubleshooting
CAs 312027
Introduction to Photoshop CC
CAS 4000
Introduction to Photoshop CS5
CAS 3120
Introduction to Photoshop CS6
CAS 3120
Introduction to PHP and MySQL
CAS 312007
Introduction to Programming
CAS 3120
Introduction to Python 2.5 Programming
CAS 3120
Introduction to Python 3 Programming
CAS 3120
Introduction to QuickBooks 2012
CAS 308013
Introduction to QuickBooks 2013
CAS 308012
Introduction to QuickBooks 2014
CAS 308017
Introduction to Screenwriting
COM 3729
Introduction to SQL
CAS 3120
Introduction to Statistics
MAT 371304
Introduction to Stock Options
CSP 4000
Introduction to Visual Basic
CAS 3120
Introduction to Widows 8
CAS 302004
Jump-Start Your Career With LinkedIn
MLS 3012
CAS 3010
Keys to Effective Communication
COM 371103
Keys to Successful Money Management
CSP 4000
MLS 3808
Learn to Buy and Sell on eBay
MKT 341902
LSAT Preparation – Part 1
CSP 4000
LSAT Preparation – Part 2
CSP 4000
MAC, iPhone, and iPad Programming
CAS 3120
Managing Customer Service
MKT 3438
Managing Life as a Single Parent
CSP 4000
Manufacturing Applications
MLS 3000
Manufacturing Fundamentals
MLS 3000
Marketing Your Business on the Internet
MKT 3419
Marketing Your Nonprofit
MKT 3419
Marriage and Relationships: Keys to Success
Mastering Public Speaking
COM 3725
Mastering Your Digital SLR Camera
CSP 4000
Mastery of Business Fundamentals
Medical Math
MAT 371303
Medical Terminology: A Word Association Approach
NUR 323503
Merrill Ream Speed Reading
COM 3725
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 in Classroom
CAS 3120
Music Made Easy
CSP 4000
Mystery Writing
Navigating Divorce
CSP 4000
Nonprofit Fundraising Essentials
MLS 3710
Performing Payroll in QuickBooks 2011
CAS 308008
Performing Payroll in QuickBooks 2012
CAS 308010
Performing Payroll in QuickBooks 2013
CAS 308016
Performing Payroll in QuickBooks 2014
CAS 3080
Personal Finance
CSP 4000
Photographing Nature with Your Digital Camera
CSP 4000
Photographing People With Your Digital Camera
CSP 4000
Photoshop CC for the Digital Photographer
CSP 4000
Photoshop CC for the Digital Photographer II
CSP 4000
Photoshop CS5 for the Digital Photographer
CSP 4000
Photoshop CS5 for the Digital Photographer II
CSP 4000
Photoshop CS6 for the Digital Photographer
CSP 4000
Photoshop CS6 for the Digital Photographer II
CSP 4000
Photoshop Elements 10 for the Digital Photographer
CSP 4000
Photoshop Elements 10 for the Digital Photographer
Photoshop Elements 11 for the Digital Photographer
CSP 4000
CSP 4000
Photoshop Elements 11 for the Digital Photographer
Photoshop Elements 12 for the Digital Photographer
CSP 4000
CSP 4000
Photoshop Elements 12 for the Digital Photographer
Practical Ideas for the Adult ESL/EFL Classroom
CSP 4000
COM 372505
Praxis I Preparation
CSP 4000
Prepare for the GED Math Test
CSP 4000
Prepare for the GED Test
CSP 4000
Professional Sales Skills
MKT 3419
Project Management Applications
Project Management Fundamentals
Publish and Sell Your E-Books
MKT 3419
Purchasing Fundamentals
MLS 3931
QuickBooks 2011 for Contractors
CAS 3080
QuickBooks 2012 for Contractors
CAS 3080
QuickBooks 2013 for Contractors
CAS 308015
QuickBooks for Contractors 2014
CAS 3080
Ready, Set, Read!
COM 372503
Real Estate Investing
CSP 4000
Real Estate Law
Research Methods for Writers
Response to Intervention: Reading Strategies That
Resume Writing Workshop
COM 372502
MLS 301202
Romance Writing
SAT/ACT Preparation – Part 1
CSP 4000
SAT/ACT Preparation – Part 2
CSP 4000
Secrets of Better Photography
CSP 4000
Secrets of the Caterer
HOS 303601
Singapore Math Strategies: Advanced Model
Drawing for Grades 6-9
Singapore Math Strategies: Model Drawing for
Grades 1-6
Singapore Math: Number Sense and Computational
Six Sigma: Total Quality Applications
EDU 3200
EDU 3200
EDU 3200
Skills for Making Great Decisions
CSP 4000
Small Business marketing on a Shoestring
MKT 3419
Solving Classroom Discipline Problems
EDU 3200
Solving Classroom Discipline Problems II
EDU 3200
Spanish for Law Enforcement
FLI 371705
Spanish for Medical Professionals
FLI 371704
Spanish for Medical Professionals II
FLI 371704
Spanish in the Classroom
FLI 371706
Speed Spanish
FLI 371702
Speed Spanish II
FLI 371703
Speed Spanish III
FLI 3717
Start a Pet Sitting Business
MLS 3230
Start and Operate Your Own Home-Based Business
MLS 3230
Start Your Own Arts and Crafts Business
MLS 3230
Start Your Own Edible Garden
CSP 4000
Start Your Own Small Business
MLS 3230
Starting a Consulting Practice
Starting a Nonprofit
MLS 3710
Stocks, Bonds, and Investing: Oh, My!
CSP 4000
Supply Chain Management Fundamentals
Survival Kit for New Teachers
EDU 3200
Teaching Adult Learners
EDU 3200
Teaching ESL/EFL Grammar
COM 3725
Teaching ESL/EFL Reading
COM 372504
Teaching ESL/EFL Vocabulary
COM 372507
Teaching High School Students
EDU 3200
Teaching Math: Grades 4-6
EDU 3200
Teaching Preschool: A Year of Inspiring Lessons
EDU 3200
Teaching Science: Grades 4-6
EDU 3200
Teaching Smarter With SMART Boards
EDU 3005
Teaching Students With ADHD
EDU 320003
Teaching Students With Autism: Strategies for
Teaching Students With Learning Disabilities
EDU 320002
EDU 3200
Teaching Writing: Grades 4-6
EDU 3200
Teaching Writing: Grades K-3
EDU 3200
The Analysis and Valuation of Stocks
CSP 4000
The Craft of magazine Writing
COM 372908
The Creative Classroom
EDU 3200
The Differentiated Instruction and Response to
Intervention Connection
The Keys to Effective Editing
EDU 3200
COM 372701
Total Quality Fundamentals
MLS 3859
Travel Photography for the Digital Photographer
CDP 4000
Travel Writing
COM 3729
Twelve Steps to a Successful Job Search
Understanding Adolescents
CAS 3120
Understanding the Cloud
CAS 3120
Understanding the Human Resources Function
MLS 3809
Using Social Media in Business
CAS 3120
Using the Internet in the Classroom
EDU 3005
What’s New in Microsoft Office 2010
CAS 3120
What’s New in Microsoft Office 2013
CAS 3120
Where Does All My Money Go?
CSP 4000
Wireless Networking
CAS 300002
Workers’ Compensation
LEX 5000
Wow, What a Great Event!
HOS 3060
Write and Publish Your Nonfiction Book
COM 3729
Write Effective Web Content
COM 3729
Write Fiction Like a Pro
COM 3729
Write Your Life Story
CSP 4000
Writeriffic: Creativity Training for Writers
CSP 4000
Writing Effective Grant Proposals
COM 372904
Writing Essentials
COM 372907
Writing for Children
COM 3729
Writing for ESL
COM 3729
Writing Young Adult Fiction
COM 3729
Please visit our Online Instruction Center www.ed2go.com/ccc for additional courses,
course requirements and course descriptions.
Students should register at least 3 working days before the class is scheduled to begin.
EMT Classes
Registration Information for EMT-Basic, EMT-Paramedic, and CPR Classes — Note registration dates
for all classes. Registration days are Monday thru Thursday from 8 am – 4 pm. The pre-requisites for EMT
Basic are high school diploma or GED, or at least 16 years of age (and attending high school). If you are
under 18 you are required to have a current Dual Enrollment form signed by your high school principal.
Registration location is the Brown Emergency Training Center, 2423 Kings Road Ext., Shelby, NC 28152.
For more information please contact Carolyn Lovelace at 704-669-4193 lovelacec@clevelandcc.edu, or
Teresa Lail 704-669-4195 lailt@clevelandcc.edu, or Tommy McNeilly at 704-669-4194
AHA BLS Healthcare Provider (CPR)
In this classroom-based course, healthcare professionals learn to recognize several life-threatening
emergencies, provide CPR to victims of all ages, use an AED, and relieve choking in a safe, timely and
effective manner. Students must arrive at class with the AHA Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers
Student Text (current edition). The text is available for purchase in the College Bookstore. Students will not
be admitted without the student text! Course Level: AHA HCP CPR. 4 hours. Instructor: Sammy Davis
$70 plus card fee
Mo. 6:00 PM -10:00 PM
$70 plus card fee
Mo. 6:00 PM -10:00 PM
$70 plus card fee
Mo. 6:00 PM -10:00 PM
NC Fire/Rescue/EMS personnel are fee exempt for these courses.
AHA Heartsaver® First Aid, CPR & AED
This is a basic First Aid and CPR class. This course is not suitable for those healthcare providers
requiring AHA Healthcare Provider CPR certification. This course teaches key changes reflecting the
new science from the 2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC. Students will learn Adult CPR & AED Use,
adult choking, child CPR and AED use, infant CPR and choking and universal first aid. Students must arrive
at class with the AHA Heartsaver® First Aid CPR & AED Student Manual. The text is available for purchase
in the College Bookstore. Students will not be admitted without the student text! Course Level:
Heartsaver® FA, CPR, AED. 4 hours. Instructor: Sammy Davis
$70 plus card fee
Mo. 6:00 PM -10:00 PM
Mo. 6:00 PM -10:00 PM
$70 plus card fee
NC Fire/Rescue/EMS personnel are fee exempt for these courses.
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
ACLS is an advanced, instructor-led classroom course that highlights the importance of team dynamics and
communication, systems of care and immediate post-cardiac-arrest care. It also covers airway
management and related pharmacology. In this course, skills are taught in large, group sessions and small,
group learning and testing stations where case-based scenarios are presented. Students must come to
class with ACLS Student Manual. 16 hours. Course Level: ACLS. Instructor: TBA
01-17-15 to 01-18-15
Sa. & Su. 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
$70 plus card fee $7
NC Fire/Rescue/EMS personnel are fee exempt for this course.
EMT Basic Rookie 6 Week Course
This course introduces basic emergency medical care. Topics include preparatory, airway, patient
assessment, medical emergencies, trauma, infants and children, and operations. Upon completion,
students should be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve North Carolina State
or National Registry EMT-Basic certification. Students must complete a reading placement test the first
class meeting. Student prerequisites: High School diploma or GED. If student is under 18 years of age,
he/she must be attending high school and provide a Cleveland Community College Dual Enrollment form
stating the high school he/she is attending and courses taking. Instructor: Don Loucks, Louie Ledford,
03-16-15 to 04-24-15
Mo. – Fr 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
$180, $1.30 Accident Insurance,
HCP Card Fee $5.00
NC Fire/Rescue/EMS personnel are fee exempt for this course.
EMT Basic
This course introduces basic emergency medical care. Topics include preparatory, airway, patient
assessment, medical emergencies, trauma, infants and children, and operations. Upon completion,
students should be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve North Carolina State
or National Registry EMT-Basic certification. Students must complete a reading placement test the first
night of class. Student prerequisites: High school diploma or GED. If student is under 18 years of age,
he/she must be attending high school and provide a Cleveland Community College Dual Enrollment form
stating the high school he/she is attending and courses taken. Instructors: Don Loucks, Chris Swansson.
All EMT-Basic Courses will start during the Summer 2015 session. Please contact for details. Teresa
Lail 704-669-4195 lailt@clevelandcc.edu, or Tommy McNeilly at 704-669-4194. NC Fire/Rescue/EMS
personnel are fee exempt for these courses.
EMT-Basic to Paramedic (Must be credentialed as EMT-Basic)
This course builds upon skills and assessments learned in the EMT-Basic course and transitions students
to be able to provide advanced level care. Topics include, but are not limited to, anatomy and physiology,
advanced airway management, IV therapy and emergency drug therapy, cardiology, EKG interpretation,
and medical and trauma patient assessment. Students will have vast opportunities for hands on experience
in the clinical setting. Student prerequisites: currently certified as EMT-Basic (NC or National Registry);
possess a high school diploma or GED; pass an entrance exam assessing reading and math skills (must be
12-grade level.); Anatomy and Physiology. A course in Anatomy and Physiology will be offered 6-16-2014
to 7-17-2014 for those students who have not had the course. Instructors TBA
The next EMT-Paramedic course will start during the Summer 2015 session. Please call for details.
EMT-Paramedic (EMT-P) to Paramedic Transition Course
The EMT-Paramedic (EMT-P) to Paramedic Transition course is designed to meet the required additions,
and deletions to satisfy the requirement for NHTSA, NREMT, and USDOT. This course will provide the
necessary content to transition a current Emergency Medical Technician – Paramedic to the standard
required of those individuals holding National Paramedic certification. (This course will satisfy the transition
course requirement, for EMT-P’s with a NREMT certification). For more information, please contact Thomas
McNeilly@704-669-4194 or by email at mcneillyt@clevelandcc.edu. Course Prerequisites: Current EMT-P
certification. Course Level: EMT-P. Instructor: TBA.
01-24-15 to 01-25-15
Sa. & Su. 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM
NC Fire/Rescue/EMS personnel are fee exempt for these courses.
Online Hybrid USDOT EMT, EMT-I, EMT-Paramedic Refresher Courses
This course assists credentialed EMT, EMT-I, and EMT-Paramedic’s in meeting the requirements for NC
Office of EMS re-credentialing, and can serve as a means of the EMT, EMT-I, and EMT-Paramedic’s in
meeting the required continuing education/refresher course for the National Registry of EMT’s. The fast
paced course will start on Jan 19, 2015, and end on Feb 23, 2015. There will be two required class
meetings, Monday Jan 19, 2015 from 0800-1800, and Monday Feb. 23, 2015 from 0900-1730 at the Brown
Emergency Training Center. The cost of the course is $180 unless fee exempt. To register for this course
please call Teresa Costner at 704-669-4195 or Thomas McNeilly at 704-669-4194.More information
will be made available upon registration.
Course Prerequisites: Current EMT, EMT-I, or EMT-P Certification, Copy HS Diploma or GED
Geriatric Education for Emergency Medical Services (GEMS)
The proportion of the aged in society today is greater than ever before, and growing faster than any other
segment of our population. Current indications are that approximately 34% of calls for emergency medical
services, or 3.4 million emergency responses involve patients over the age of 60. GEMS represents the
most credible and complete source of prehospital medical information for older adults. The GEMS course is
innovative, comprehensive, and highly visual with: Case-Based Lectures, Live Action Video, Hands-on Skill
Stations, and Small Group Scenarios. 16 hours. Course Level: GEMS. Instructor: TBA
02-28-15 to 03-01-15
Sa. & Sun. 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
NC Fire/Rescue/EMS personnel are fee exempt for this course.
International Trauma Life Support (ITLS Advanced)
ITLS is accepted internationally as the standard training course for pre-hospital trauma care. It's used as a
state-of-the-art continuing education course — and as an essential curriculum in many paramedic, EMT
and first-responder training programs. ITLS courses combine classroom learning and hands-on skill
stations. Scenario assessment stations enable you to put your learning to work in simulated trauma
situations. ITLS courses are designed, managed and delivered by course directors, coordinators and
instructors experienced in EMS, pre-hospital care and the ITLS approach. 16 hours. Course Level: ITLS –
Basic/Advanced Instructor: TBA
02-07-15 to 02-08-15
Sa. & Su. 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
$70 plus card fee $20
NC Fire/Rescue/EMS personnel are fee exempt for this course.
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) is a classroom, video-based, Instructor-led course that uses a
series of simulated pediatric emergencies to reinforce the important concepts of a systematic approach to
pediatric assessment, basic life support, PALS treatment algorithms, effective resuscitation and team
dynamics. The goal of the PALS course is to improve the quality of care provided to seriously ill or injured
children, resulting in improved outcomes. Students must come to class with PALS Provider Manual. 16
hours. Course Level: PALS. Instructor: TBA
02-21-15 to 02-22-15
Sa. & Su. 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
$70 plus card fee $7
NC Fire/Rescue/EMS personnel are fee exempt for this course.
Pediatric- ITLS
ITLS Pediatric continues the training of the Basic and Advanced courses with an emphasis on
understanding and responding to trauma in children. The eight-hour course teaches the proper
assessment, stabilization and packaging of pediatric trauma patients. It also highlights techniques for
communicating with young patients and their parents. Hands-on stations include: (1) Patient assessment
and management; (2) Airway management and chest decompression; (3) Fluid resuscitation; (4) Spine
motion restriction — pediatric immobilization device. 8 hours. Course Level: PALS. Instructor: TBA
Fr. 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
$70 plus card fee $20
NC Fire/Rescue/EMS personnel are fee exempt for this course.
Pediatric Education for Pre-hospital Professionals (PEPP)
This exciting program is the first of its kind designed especially for (1) First Responders, (2) EMTs, and (3)
Paramedics. PEPP represents a comprehensive source of pre-hospital medical information for the
emergent care of infants and children. It will teach professionals how to better access and manage ill or
injured children. 16 hours. Course Level: PEPP. Instructor: TBA
01-16-15 to 01-17-15
Th. & Fr. 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
NC Fire/Rescue/EMS personnel are fee exempt for this course.
FIP Specialty Courses
Spring Firefighter Academy 2015
The purpose of this Academy is to produce high quality firefighters who will strengthen the ability of fire
protection service in order to provide a higher degree of customer service. Classes will begin on January
12, 2015 at 08:00 and will run Monday-Friday. A complete schedule will be provided at the orientation which
will be January 11 at 14:00. The Academy will end on March 13 with a graduation ceremony. Topics
covered will be Firefighter courses; Hazardous Materials; Rapid Intervention Team Training; Physical
Training; and Live Fire Scenarios. Candidates must complete an application which is reviewed by a
committee. There are a limited number of seats and NO walk-ins will be accepted. A few local fire
departments have agreed to allow candidates to be housed at fire stations. A $176.30 non-refundable fee is
required for student supplies including textbooks, uniforms, and other supplies. The fee is not due until
acceptance into the Academy. To receive an application, please call 704-669-4193 or email
lovelacec@clevelandcc.edu. All information can also be found at www.cccfiretraining.com. Instructor TBA
01-12-15 to 03-13-15
Monday-Friday 8 AM – 6 PM
Location: Brown Emergency Training Center
Registration Fee $180 / Student Fee $176.30
Students who have an affiliation with a NC fire department are fee exempt for registration.
Small Business Center
All SBC seminars are co-sponsored by the Cleveland County Chamber, the Uptown Shelby Association,
and the Cleveland County Business Development Center. The Small Business Center at Cleveland
Community College sponsors and presents other seminars and training workshops in our partnerships with
various Cleveland County and North Carolina organizations. Please call 704-669-4015 or 704-669-4146 if
interested in these schedules.
How to Write a Business Plan, Part 1
Business plans are a tool for financing and a roadmap for the business owner. Writing a plan is an involved
process and, as such, needs to be presented in two parts. This first part will deal with the plan’s structure
and definition. This class is for the small business owner or prospective owner. Robert Reynolds will be the
No Fee Required
Mo. 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Mauney Memorial Library, Kings Mountain
How to Write a Business Plan Part 2
This second part will continue topics covered in part one with special emphasis on “Projections”. This class
is for the small business owner or prospective owner. Robert Reynolds will be the presenter.
No Fee Required
Mo. 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Mauney Memorial Library, Kings Mountain
QuickBooks 1 – An Introduction
QuickBooks 1 gets participants started using QuickBooks, setting up a company file and chart of accounts,
navigating the home page, and using QuickBooks lists and forms. This seminar is designed for the small
business owner or prospective owner, is facilitated by Jeffrey Weathers of Integrity Bookkeeping Services.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
QuickBooks 2 – Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
QuickBooks 2 shows participants how to set up their products and services in the QuickBooks system,
manage their accounts receivable, and receive payments on invoices. This seminar is designed for the
small business owner or prospective owner, is facilitated by Jeffrey Weathers of Integrity Bookkeeping
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
QuickBooks 3 – Reporting and Analyzing Financial Data
QuickBooks 3 pulls together information from previous sessions, showing participants how to use classes,
customize and use reports, and create financial statements to analyze their business. This seminar is
designed for the small business owner or prospective owner. Jeffrey Weathers of Integrity Bookkeeping
Services will be the facilitator.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
QuickBooks 4 – Payroll
QuickBooks 4 shows participants how to use the payroll feature in QuickBooks to create paychecks, pay
tax liabilities, process payroll forms and produce reports. This seminar is designed for the small business
owner or prospective owner. Jeffrey Weathers of Integrity Bookkeeping Services will be the facilitator.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Recordkeeping and Taxes for Small Business
This seminar will focus on recordkeeping and tax reporting requirements for the small business owner or
prospective owner. It will address the problems that can arise and how to remedy them. Robert Reynolds
will be the presenter.
No Fee Required
Mo. 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Mauney Memorial Library, Kings Mountain
How to Start a Small Business
This seminar will identify and discuss, in detail, the factors and topics that are crucial to starting a business.
This class is for the small business owner or prospective owner. The presenter will be Robert Reynolds.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Insurance: Business Risk Management
This seminar will cover all aspects of insurance as it relates to small business. It will include a general
discussion of liability and property insurance, bonding and workmen’s compensation insurance, life and
health insurance, and retirement planning. This class is for the small business owner or prospective owner.
Robin Brackett will be the facilitator.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
How to Write a Business Plan, Part 1
Business plans are a tool for financing and a roadmap for the business owner. Writing a plan is an involved
process and, as such, needs to be presented in two parts. This first part will deal with the plan’s structure
and definition. This class is for the small business owner or prospective owner. Robert Reynolds will be the
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
How to Write a Business Plan, Part 2
This second part will continue topics covered in part one with special emphasis on “Projections”. This class
is for the small business owner or prospective owner. Robert Reynolds will be the presenter.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Social Media: Beginner Facebook, Part 1
Before a business can develop a social media marketing strategy, the owners must understand and be able
to use Facebook. This seminar is designed to introduce participants that are small business owners
or prospective owners, to Facebook. This seminar will be presented in two parts. Refresh your personal
Facebook skills and apply them to your business. Jennipher Harrill, of Blue Eyes Social Media
Connections, will be the facilitator.
No Fee Required
Mo. 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Mauney Memorial Library, Kings Mountain
Social Media: Beginner Facebook, Part 2
This seminar is a continuation of Part 1. Jennipher Harrill, of Blue Eyes Social Media Connections, will be
the facilitator.
No Fee Required
Mo. 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Mauney Memorial Library, Kings Mountain
Business Entities – Should My Small Business Incorporate? – This seminar will deal with the subject of
legal entities and which one is appropriate for an individual’s particular business. The program will discuss
sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, LLCs, and LLPs. Advantages and disadvantages of each
form will be discussed, along with the basic tax treatment of each type. This class is for the small business
owner or prospective owner. Don Bridges, who is a North Carolina Superior Court judge, will facilitate this
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Recordkeeping and Taxes for Small Business
This seminar will focus on recordkeeping and tax reporting requirements for the small business owner or
prospective owner. It will address the problems that can arise and how to remedy them. Robert Reynolds
will be the presenter.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Marketing for Small Business: Branding Your Business through Successful Marketing
This 3 hour seminar will educate the small business owner or prospective owner of the value of branding
their business and building that value with consistent marketing. Learn how to increase your business’s
worth with a marketable logo and positioning statement. Learn why branding is so important to the life and
profitability of a small business in today’s economy. This seminar will be facilitated by Jeff Champion of
Champion Communications, Inc.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Operating a Home Based Business
A great portion of businesses today operate as a home based business. What makes them different from
any other businesses? There are many advantages as well as some disadvantages to having your
business based in your home. This seminar will help you understand those advantages and disadvantages
as well as how the home atmosphere will affect the success of your business. You will also learn the legal
issues associated with starting and running your business as a home based business. This class is for the
small business owner or prospective owner. Robert Reynolds will be facilitator.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
E-Commerce for Small Business
Shopping at Amazon.com may be easy, but building an e-commerce Website can be a challenge. This
seminar is designed for the business owner and will introduce participants to the essentials of e-commerce
website creation, including design techniques, shopping cart options, payment gateways, and legal/security
considerations. Chance Witherspoon, Web Technology Coordinator at CCC, will be the facilitator.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
Small Business Website Development
This seminar is designed for the business owner and is an introduction to the fundamentals of developing a
business website. Participants will be instructed on how to secure a domain name, acquire Web hosting,
and develop the website using WordPress as a Content Management System. Other topics covered will be
website security, social media integration, and business email. Chance Witherspoon, Web Technology
Coordinator at CCC, will be the facilitator.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6110
Loans and Financing for A Small Business
This seminar is for the business owner or prospective owner and will deal with the financing of a small
business, focusing on how to obtain different types of business loans. Facts and figures pertaining to
business loans along with actual financial information from area banks and programs will be presented. Dr.
Becky Sain, of NC REAL and Cleveland Community College, will facilitate this presentation.
No Fee Required
Th 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Social Media: Beginner Facebook Part 1
Before a business can develop a social media marketing strategy, the owners must understand and be able
to use Facebook. This seminar is designed to introduce participants that are small business owners
or prospective owners, to Facebook. This seminar will be presented in two parts. Refresh your personal
Facebook skills and apply them to your business. Jennipher Harrill, of Blue Eyes Social Media
Connections, will be the facilitator.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Social Media: Beginner Facebook Part 2
This seminar is a continuation of Part # 1. Jennipher Harrill, of Blue Eyes Social Media Connections, will be
the facilitator.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Marketing for Small Business: Branding Your Business through Successful Marketing
This 3 hour seminar will educate the small business owner or prospective owner of the value of branding
their business and building that value with consistent marketing. Learn how to increase your business’s
worth with a marketable logo and positioning statement. Learn why branding is so important to the life and
profitability of a small business in today’s economy. This seminar will be facilitated by Jeff Champion of
Champion Communications, Inc.
No Fee Required
Mo. 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Mauney Memorial Library, Kings Mountain
“Cash”: The Lifeline of Your Business
“My accountant said that I made a profit but I don’t have any money to pay the bills!” This seems to be the
story of many small business owners who focus on profit and loss and not enough on cash flow. It is
necessary to understand where your cash is coming from and where it is going. It is this activity that
assures businesses of the available cash to properly operate and be successful. This seminar is a must for
any new, prospective, or existing business owner to help them understand and manage their cash to insure
the survival of their business. The facilitator will be Robert Reynolds.
No fee required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
First Time Landlord: Successful Strategies for Investment Properties
If you have been thinking of becoming a landlord and owning rental property, this seminar will help you with
the essential information you should have before buying your first property. Chad Chastain, a 20 year
veteran of the industry, will instruct the seminar on the development of leases and rental agreements (a
standard one will be provided), cash flow analysis of the business, established care and maintenance repair
procedures for property, how to avoid legal problems, and how to attract the good tenants and terminate the
bad ones. A discussion of financing a rental property will be part of the overall information.
No Free Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
How to Successfully Interest an Investor to Buy Your Business
Before selling a business, business owners should understand how businesses are valued for sale and
what can enhance the business valuation. This seminar shows both potential business buyers and sellers
the buy/sell processes, how businesses are valued, and ways that a business can be enhanced before the
sale. How to find buyers for your business is a topic that will be covered also. This seminar is designed for
the small business owner and will be held at CCC from 6PM - 9PM in room 6109. The facilitator is Michelle
Garey, CFA and Senior VP of BB&T Wealth Management.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Maintaining a Profitable Small Business
Maintaining and understanding financial information is critical to operating a profitable business. This
seminar will help the small business owner identify methods for maintaining financial records and using key
reports (P&L/ Cash Flow Statements and Balance Sheet) to operate the business. This seminar will explain
how owners can use their financial statements to identify potential problems before they become a serious
threat to the business’ survival. This seminar is designed for the small business owner. The facilitator is
Michelle Garey, CFA and Senior VP of BB&T Wealth Management.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Am I Cut Out To Be An Entrepreneur?
Have you ever thought about owning your own business, but wondered if it was right for you? This workshop
will examine some of the questions that you should ask yourself before going into business. Key terms and
the steps you need to take to open a small business will be discussed. Dr. Becky Sain, of NC REAL and
Cleveland Community College, will facilitate this session.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Will My Business Idea Support Me?
This seminar will identify personal qualities and skills of successful business owners and other factors that
contribute to the success of small businesses. Participants will develop a better understanding of personal
budgeting and its relationship to business planning. Basic concepts such as start-up cost, revenue and
operating cost will be explained. This class is for the small business owner or prospective owner. Dr. Becky
Sain of Cleveland Community College and NC REAL will facilitate this presentation.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109
Optimize Your Online Small Business Presence
For the small business owner, an online presence is all about engagement. Learn how to enhance
engagement online with a content management marketing strategy for your particular existing business or
prospective business. Jeff Champion, a marketing professional with over 30 years’ experience in
advertising and marketing, will facilitate this seminar.
No Fee Required
Th. 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
LeGrand Center 6109