Cleveland Elementary School 558-2463 MAY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: May 1................................................... Hoover Library and Museum 4th grade May 1..................................................................... Kernels Night at the Ballpark May 5...................................................................... PTA Meeting 6:30 Art Room May 5............................................................................................. Scrip Orders Due May 5................................................................................................... Jog Club 8:05 May 6................................................................................................... Jog Club 8:05 May 8............................................................. NO SCHOOL-Staff Learning Day May 11................................................................................................. Jog Club 8:05 May 11................................................................................................ Popcorn Sales May 11............................................................................. K/1 Music Concert 2:30 May 11............................................................................. 2/3 Music Concert 6:00 May 12................................................................................................. Jog Club 8:05 May 14................................................................................................. Jog Club 8:05 May 14........................................................ 4/5 Music Program 2:30 and 6:00 May 15................................................................................................. Jog Club 8:05 May 15.................................................................................... Fifth Grade Fun Run May 15...................................................................................... PTA Year End Event May 19................................................................................................. Jog Club 8:05 May 20................................................................................................ Jog Club 8:05 May 20......................................................................... Early Dismissal Day 1:30 May 22................................................................................................ Jog Club 8:05 May 25................................................................................ NO SCHOOL-Holiday May 29..................................................... Preschool Trip to Cedar Valley Park May 30................................................ PTA Bowling May City Bowl 2:00-4:00 June 2............................................... Preschool End of Year Celebration 5:30 June 4................................................................................ Last Day for Preschool June 5.............................................. Last Day of School Early Dismissal 1:30 CLASS PLACEMENTS APRIL 30, 2015 Sometime between now and the end of May, the Cleveland staff and I will be meeting to go over class placements for the next year’s classrooms. A great deal of time and thought will be given to ensure that we have balanced classrooms in the areas of student ability, ethnicity, gender, learning styles, and social maturity. If you feel the need to make a placement request, I ask that you do not ask for a specific teacher but instead share your child’s needs. We often have staffing changes and a specific teacher you request may no longer be at that grade level. Classroom placement requests should be submitted in writing to the main office by May 22, 2015. The goal is to form heterogeneous groups and that will take priority over any requests. A request does not guarantee that your child will receive the placement. JUMP ROPE FOR HEART Jump Rope for Heart was a huge success. We raised $6,828.75 for the American Heart Association. Our school also earned $300 from the American Heart Association to spend on PE equipment. In addition, Jump Rope for Heart gave the Cleveland students an opportunity to perform community service. Thank you Cleveland families for your support. Cleveland families helped save a lot of lives. I would also like to thank the Cleveland PTA for donating money to make the event a fun place for all students. They helped provide the games and prizes. Thank you to Hy-Vee for supplying our lemonade and cups. Another thank you to John Bateman, Allison Groff, and Renee Boubin who helped serve the refreshments all day, take pictures, and help set up/take down. Once again, thank you for all of your support Cleveland families. This was our best year ever! PBIS C O R N E R March Data 2015 Grade K PRIDE Postcards Blue Tickets Office Referrals N Referrals 1 389 9 0 st 1 38 405 9 1 2nd 20 569 11 33 3rd 64 495 5 3 th 4 1 277 0 4 th 3 364 6 2 127 2499 40 43 5 Totals The Cleveland kids did it again! They earned another 5000 blue PRIDE tickets by demonstrating positive behaviors during the school day. To celebrate this accomplishment our students enjoyed an EXTRA recess right after their lunch. When asked, “What is the best thing about recess?” Our students say, “Running the track, playing with friends, running and screaming, feeling fun and free, jumping rope, playing soccer and exercising.” The Cleveland PBIS is extremely proud of our student and staff accomplishments this year. We look forward to more success and celebrations this year! HY-VEE ONE-STEP KIDS’ GARDEN PROGRAM An exciting, engaging summer-break gardening/nutrition program designed by Hy-Vee dietitians for elementary-age children. Classes meet for 10 weekly sessions at Christ Church Presbyterian: 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. starting Wednesday, June 10 and Thursday, June 11 First - 2nd graders: Wednesdays 3rd through 5th graders: Thursdays Fee: $10 for 10 sessions. Scholarships available. Registration forms are available in the Cleveland Elementary school office, at the Johnson Ave. Hy-Vee Customer Service desk or by contacting Judy Fitzgibbons, jfitzgibbons@hy-vee. com<>, 319365-0477. LEAGUE OF DREAMS The Cedar Rapids Kernels Foundation and Perfect Game USA will be offering our second and third grade students (boys and girls) the opportunity to play baseball again this summer. This is non-competitive and coach-pitched. It stresses sportsmanship and fun. This is a free program provided through a grant. Each participant will get a free t-shirt and ball cap. Students may use equipment provided by the team. Perfect Game provides the coaches. There will be three practices after school on May 19, May 26, and June 2nd. Games will start on June 9th at Jones Park. Registration forms will be coming soon. They are asking that registrations be turned in by May 12th. NEW TREES ON CLEVELAND’S CAMPUS Have you noticed anything new on Cleveland’s campus lately? Saturday, April 11th, eleven new trees were planted and mulched. As an Eagle project for Boy Scouts, Cleveland Elementary alumni, Brandon Egger chose to replace trees that were destroyed in the storms last summer. He was able to get the job done with help from a small army of 33 volunteers, (scouts from Troop 5200, Troop 33 and Pack 33), the CRCSD grounds foreman and a grant from Trees Forever. Brandon hopes the new trees will become beautiful shade trees for students for years to come. VIRTUAL BACKPACK PTA CHILD CARE FOR PTA MEETINGS The PTA would like to thank Page McDaniel and Dana Hanson for providing child care during the April PTA meeting! The District offers an online Virtual Backpack site to support the efforts of community organizations wanting to share information about educationally-based programming. Individuals or organizations wishing to post material on the Virtual Backpack submit items electronically and approved materials will appear online for families to access. Organizations will find a link to submit flyers for consideration on the District homepage at . Families can access the Virtual Backpack from their school Web site. Follow the District on and , @crschools, Non-Discrimination Policy It is the policy of the Cedar Rapids Community School District not to illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (employment only), marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and socioeconomic status (students/program only) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. District employees with questions or a grievance related to this policy should contact Jill Cirivello, Director of Human Resources, 319-558-2421; Students and others should contact Ken Morris, Manager of Student Equity, 319-558-1504; The District mailing address is 2500 Edgewood Rd NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405-1015. Special Diets If your student has a special diet form on file from a previous year and something has changed, please contact the Food and Nutrition Office at 558-2305. WELLNESS POLICY Policy 610 The Cedar Rapids Community School District supports a healthy environment in which students learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices. By facilitating learning through the support and promotion of good nutrition and physical activity, schools contribute to the basic health, academic achievement and quality of life of students. The District: • • 2015-2016 Iowa Department of Education Open Enrollment applications (district to district) • Grades 1-12 DEADLINE: March 1, 2015 • Incoming Kindergarten deadline: September 1, 2015 2015-2016 In-District Permit Application This is a request for a student who resides in the Cedar Rapids Community School District (CRCSD) to attend another CRCSD school that is not in the attendance area where the family resides. Please refer to Procedure 602.4a and check with your building counselor to determine if a permit is allowed or required. • January 5, 2015 Permit application and guidelines available from resident school • March 1, 2015 • April 2015 DEADLINE: Submit application to a students attending building Parent/legal guardian will be notified in writing of decision on permit Johnson Elementary will become a STEAM school starting in 2015-2016. The enrollment procedure for new students asking to attend will be by lottery process that will take place later this spring. No new students will be allowed to permit to Johnson Elementary during the 15-16 school year. All students who are currently enrolled may continue to attend if they so choose. There will be a process for students who are currently attending and do not wish to continue in the STEAM school. These procedures will be explained in detail later this spring. • • • Will provide nutrition education and engage in nutrition promotion. Will develop a wellness approach to physical activities that meet applicable federal and state guidelines. Promotes activities and policies that support staff members’ efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Supports parents’ efforts to provide a healthy diet and daily physical activity for their children. Will base menus on Dietary Guidelines for Americans, National School Lunch and Breakfast meal pattern requirements, and the Recommended Dietary Allowances. Recommends that foods and beverages offered on campus and for school activities meet applicable federal and state guidelines. The “Wellness Policy Committee” will plan for, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of wellness initiatives as guided by the Board Policy and Procedures and inform and update the public about the content and implementation of the policy. Live WELL NESS DISTRICT WELLNESS GOALS v Implement elementary health education curriculum, including nutrition. v Discontinue using unhealthy foods for fundraisers. v Ensure all snacks meet District Nutritional Guidelines for foods and beverages for schools, including vending, a la carte, snack lines, school stores, celebrations and fundraisers. ü v Discontinue using food/food coupons as rewards or incentives. ü v Require that students are physically active during the majority of time in physical education class. ü v Ensure physical activity is not used for or withheld as a punishment. ü v Celebrate birthdays and other events Cedar Rapids Community School District takes your safety seriously and welcomes your input. Please contact your building principal/administrator and report any safety concerns that you may have. Thank you for helping us keep staff and students safe. involving food once a month only. üSchools will be implementing during 2014-15 school year. 2ND TRIMESTER PERFECT ATTENDANCE Landon: Nashua Scott Shumaker: Sophia Jacobsen Jeefbeni Ngoy Haars: Leo Hawkins Jacquelyn Martin Benaia Ngenzirabona Mugisha Nkulabayaga Leah Schepers Leis: Vernon Benda Suthers: Angel Glass John Grafton Presley Kluth Corver: Skyler Moody Madeline Pavelka Brodrick Seeman Maiers: Kalib Martin Rachel Webster Jaiden Wiggins Waters: Erika Hawkins Leon Daniel Mbata Naveah Smestad Furry: Anna Tuyisenge James: Braiden Groff Zachary Roberts Kilberger: Chloe Anderson Christina Egger Hayley Hamann Boeckenstedt: David Alex Natalie Bauer Timothy Darrow Rachelle Kagoma James Le Logan Swift Wolf: Jackson DeForest Savannah Jackson Elizabeth Lowder Irakoze Sonyorine Kopecky: Natalie Anderson Chris Canas Zachary Egger Angel Johnson Madeline McQuiston Akira Sorenson Lafrenz: Noel Cedillo Madeline Davidson Fenias Habonimana Matthew Le EVERYBODY, EVERY DAY, GOOD ATTENDANCE MATTERS During our last PRIDE assembly the Attendance Fairy made an appearance to recognize and celebrate twenty Cleveland students who have had PERFECT attendance 1st and 2nd trimester this year. This means they have been at school every day and arrived on time. Shumaker: Sophia Jacobsen Jeffbeni Ngoy GREAT JOB students and parents/guardians. Good attendance matters and our students can’t do it alone. They need their parents/guardians to help get them up, feed them and get them to school. So congratulations to all of these families who team up to ensure their Cleveland students get to school every day and on time! Haars: Leo Hawkins Leis: Vernon Benda Suthers: John Grafton Corver: Skyler Moody Maiers: Kalib Martin Waters: Ericka Hawkins Leon Daniel Mbata Navaeh Smestad James: Braiden Groff Kilberger: Christina Egger Boeckenstedt: Timothy Darrow James Le Wolf: Savannah Jackson Elizabeth Lowder Kopecky: Zachary Egger Madeline McQuiston Lafrenz: Fenias Habonimana Matthew Le Everybody, Every Day! Good Attendance Matters Cleveland Fun Run/Walk Club Purpose: Fight childhood obesity, teaching lifelong healthy habits/connect with the community, learn proper running techniques, encourage families to exercise together, increase aerobic capacity, build community in our school, and to have fun while getting in shape together Where: Cleveland Track (In front of school) When: May 5,6,11,12,14,15,19,20,22 Time: 8:05AM-8:45AM Who Participates: Preschool-5th, Teachers, Parents, Relatives, & Friends IF RAIN: We will cancel Prizes: Students that participate will earn feet charms for every 3 miles they run/walk and their name will go into a drawing to win a bicycle
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