2015 CLFHA High School Tournament - Jr. Girls Division (Ernest Manning, Queen Elizabeth HS, and U of C) St. Mary's MelindaBretzer SerafinaQuartararo 6:30pm Bishop Carroll John G. Diefenbaker MelindaBretzer Donna-MarieMcCaff KeelyD 7:30pm St. Mary's Strathcona-Tweedsmuir-2 HamzaSohail SerafinaQuartararo Friday, May 8, 2015 -- Ernest Manning John G. Diefenbaker MarlindeKraaijeveld TonyS 5:00pm Dr. E.P. Scarlett West Island College CatePetan MarisSchneider TonyS 6:00pm Robert Thirsk 7:00pm Dr. E.P. Scarlett Team 2 Umpire 1 Umpire 2 WendyCarson LaurenCondrashoff KeelyD 4:00pm St. Mary's WendyCarson LaurenCondrashoff AnitaM 5:00pm Strathcona-Tweedsmuir-1 Bishop Carroll Didsbury/Red Deer MelindaBretzer CharleeWitschi KeelyD John G. Diefenbaker Didsbury/Red Deer MelindaBretzer CharleeWitschi AnitaM Saturday, May 9, 2015 -- Ernest Manning Team 1 Team 2 Umpire 1 Umpire 2 Robert Thirsk William Aberhart MelAllen SerafinaQuartararo LisaW 9:00am Queen Elizabeth Strathcona-Tweedsmuir-1 LindseyLogan MarisSchneider LisaW 10:00am Dr. E.P. Scarlett St. Francis MelAllen MarisSchneider KeelyD 11:00am Bishop Carroll St. Mary's LindseyLogan SerafinaQuartararo KeelyD 12:00pm St. Francis Strathcona-Tweedsmuir-1 LindseyLogan MelAllen LisaW Umpire 1 Umpire 2 MelindaBretzer SerafinaQuartararo CROSSOVERS / PLAYOFFS 4th in Each Pool 4th in Pool A4th in Pool B- LisaW 5:00pm 6:00pm MarisSchneider 6:00pm Team 2 Umpire 1 Umpire 2 CatePetan SydneyShortt VenusK William Aberhart SandraSmith SydneyShortt LisaW Strathcona-Tweedsmuir-2 CatePetan West Island College SandraSmith MarlindeKraaijeveld VenusK MarlindeKraaijeveld Saturday, May 9, 2015 -- U of C/Hawkings Field LisaW Team 1 Team 2 Umpire 1 Umpire 2 Bishop Carroll Strathcona-Tweedsmuir-2 GinaWozney MarlindeKraaijeveld 9:00am St. Mary's Didsbury/Red Deer GinaWozney MarlindeKraaijeveld SandraS 10:00am Robert Thirsk West Island College JenLatour SydneyShortt TonyS *Didsbury/Red Deer West Island College MarlindeKraaijeveld HamzaSohail VenusK 12:00pm Didsbury/Red Deer Sir Winston Churchill JenLatour SydneyShortt SandraS Umpire 1 Umpire 2 RachelPaul Bronze Medal Match Loser "X"Loser "Y"Gold Medal Match Winner "X"Winner "Y"- MarisSchneider KeelyD SerafinaQuartararo MarisSchneider KeelyD MelindaBretzer WillClark VerlaW MelindaBretzer WillClark 3:00pm GillC / KeelyV 6th in Each Pool 6th in Pool A6th in Pool B- MelindaBretzer 4:00pm 1st in Pool B- 2nd in Pool A- 3rd in Each Pool 3rd in Pool A3rd in Pool B- LindseyLogan LindseyLogan LaurenCondrashoff VenusK VenusKwan LaurenCondrashoff VenusK VerlaW 2015 Junior Girls' Field Hockey - CLFHA High School Tournament Pool A Bishop Carroll John G. Diefenbaker Sir Winston Churchill St. Mary's Strathcona-Tweedsmuir-2 Didsbury/Red Deer Tournament Format: Points: Tiebreakers: Rank Points 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wins Losses Ties Pool B Rank Dr. E.P. Scarlett Queen Elizabeth Robert Thirsk St. Francis Strathcona-Tweedsmuir-1 West Island College William Aberhart Points 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1. Teams will play 5 matches within their own pool *Due to uneven # of teams, one team in Pool A will play an extra match (against Pool B team). This match will not count in standings for Pool A team, but will count for Pool B team 2. All matches will consist of 2 x 20-minute halves. There will be no time-stoppages in order to keep matches on time. Win = 3 Pts., Tie = 1 Pt., Loss = 0 Pts. 1. Records (Head-to-Head) e.g. What was the result when the two (tied) teams played each other (W/L/T)? 2. Goal Differential (Head-to-Head) 3. Goals For (Head-to-Head) 4. Stroke Competition Between Tied Teams Wins Losses Queen Elizabeth St. Francis LindseyLogan SydneyShortt Maryanne Umpire Coach Tech Team 1 Team 2 Umpire 1 Umpire 2 Bishop Carroll Sir Winston Churchill LindseyLogan TaylorMacNeil TonyS 5:20pm Queen Elizabeth West Island College LindseyLogan EmiliePianarosa TonyS 6:10pm Queen Elizabeth Dr. E.P. Scarlett TaylorMacNeil HuyenWay 7:00pm St. Francis William Aberhart TaylorMacNeil EmiliePianarosa Saturday, May 9, 2015 -- QE Field North (S5HIL10) TonyS Umpire Coach Tech Team 1 Team 2 10:00am John G. Diefenbaker Sir Winston Churchill TaylorMacNeil RachelPaul 11:00am Queen Elizabeth William Aberhart VeenaChainar… RachelPaul 12:00pm John G. Diefenbaker Umpire 1 Strathcona-Tweedsmuir-2 VeenaChainar… CROSSOVERS Match "Y" 2nd in Pool B- Umpire 2 Umpire 2 TonyS 11:00am 1:45pm Umpire 1 4:30pm Umpire Coach Tech 8:00am CROSSOVERS / PLAYOFFS 5th in Each Pool 5th in Pool A5th in Pool B- Team 2 Friday, May 8, 2015 -- QE Field North (S5HIL10) Umpire Coach Tech Robert Thirsk Sir Winston Churchill 6:30pm Team 1 VerlaW Team 1 Match "X" 4:00pm VeenaChainar… MarlindeKraaijeveld Dr. E.P. Scarlett 7:00pm Strathcona-Tweedsmuir-1 Umpire Coach Tech 8:00am 3:00pm William Aberhart Didsbury/Red Deer 6:00pm 1st in Pool A- Strathcona-Tweedsmuir-1 VeenaChainar… Friday, May 8, 2015 -- U of C/Hawkings Field Umpire Coach Tech 7:00pm 1:45pm Umpire 2 CatePetan DanaK 5:00pm KeelyD SandyJ Team 1 4:00pm Strathcona-Tweedsmuir-2 KeelyD Umpire 1 St. Francis Ties DanaK Sir Winston Churchill Team 2 Robert Thirsk Umpire Coach Tech Umpire 1 TaylorMacNeil Umpire 2 AnitaM AnitaM TaylorM/VeenaC 5:30pm Team 1 4:00pm GillC Umpire 2 Thursday, May 7, 2015 -- QE Field North (S5HIL10) Umpire Coach Tech VeenaC Umpire 1 SandyJ Team 2 SandyJ / MelA Team 1 Thursday, May 7, 2015 -- U of C/Hawkings Field Umpire Coach Tech DanaK Thursday, May 7, 2015 -- Ernest Manning 2015 CLFHA High School Tournament - Jr. Girls Division (Ernest Manning, Queen Elizabeth HS, and U of C) 2015 Junior Girls' Field Hockey - CLFHA High School Tournament Pool A Bishop Carroll John G. Diefenbaker Sir Winston Churchill St. Mary's Strathcona-Tweedsmuir-2 Didsbury/Red Deer Rank Points 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GF GA Diff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pool B Dr. E.P. Scarlett Queen Elizabeth Robert Thirsk St. Francis Strathcona-Tweedsmuir-1 West Island College William Aberhart Rank Points 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GF GA Diff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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