THE WILTON BULLETIN. WILTQN. CONN. .iVfcLVI! For Sale Services For Sale I Real Estate In buying and selling HOADs — REAL ESTATE BOTANY HAND KNITTING CELLARS':: D M To get the to-.; results — call Yarns. Genuantowns Sport, & A" t.vpes of COLONIAL REALTY CO. and Saxatone yarns. Angora. nower mowers Tel. Ridgefield 637-W2 Weave-It L o o m s , knitting St.. 10-28ctflnd SwntaTphone 757. Old Colonv Johnson. 12 Catoonah needles, crochet hoofc\ knitting Wayside Furniture Co, Dgn6-lcti FARMS AND COUNTRY HOMES bags, crochet and tatting bury Rd,. near Town Hall. Wil- Ridgefield. Phone 166. WANTED. We are in urgent ton. S-lSctf WEST MOUNTAIN PJ5RENNIAL threads- Argyl Sock r>ak*. BotR„Ker. KM mn 5P«& need of attractive and modern Karl anv Skirt and sweater kits. In- BOXER PUPPIES. AKC regisGardens ton T e l e p h ^ - ^ . ^ . country places For quick results struction books, swi many Landscaping—Maintenance tered. Sire: Baron of Lenchff. list your place with u«. Phone other knitting and crochet Dame: Mopsee's Heade. Fawn -Mfctt Grower and Retailer or write for Inspection. Donald items. Contessa Yarns. Batley and brindles. males and fe- Peter J. A. Green. Ridgefield 345. M. Joseph. Route T. Danbury Ave Ridaefield. P» one 604 J 2. males. E. E. Fogle. Norwalk SEPTIC TANKS Conn. Phone 89296. ctf with us. A" AllhSSV*^ 8-3475. 10-12ctf have• b e ! ?! ^ 4-21ctfind Cleaned. Repaired. Installed. oughlv i n v e s t e d * V HARRY C. KAISER BUILDING SITES fc Acreage: I assist you? So. Nor«layGea* WE HAVE lots of Scratch pads STRUCTURAL STEEL New Canaan so 40 acre* with water ft elec- eral Employment 4 3 ' r beams—Angle Iron—Channels but if this classified pulls as Tel. 9-0934 6-9C66 or * S ^ $ tricity * mfles from village on 3-23ctf well a they generally do we'll Reinfc-ement Bars — Plates— s WILTON WINDOW CLEANING good K ""-round road. For!p >. 1 >Lt _, —. soon be out of them. 5 cents a CO. Window Cleaning & Floor?**P1 Windows and screens — P % < v A rRAE 1 home p u * ft information:; * \ ^ A BROS. package on the counter at Acorn Waxing. Lai*? columns-Te!-o-Posts— all makes washiri2 m a M ^ building work and jobbing call Entrant Rails—Fuel Oil tanks. Press 6 Bailey Ave Ridgefield. Phone Wilton 393-J2 ff^ Jk H. 6 . DAVIS. Ridgefield j appliances, Variow other Building Stee* Conn, or the Brinckerhoff Press P. O. Box 322. Wilon. Co'in wringer roll stock X Telephone Ridgefield 393 4 South Ave. if you are in New Items. ^^ ' Ridgefield 938-W2or- uftj 1 4-27ctf 7-8ct!ind | Canaan. nctf HARRIS & GANS CO. _. MTctflnd' 6? Wafer St. So. Norwalk. Conn 1950 BUICK Special 50. two-door, SERVICE on all types of lawn WANTED — Property Listings: mowers—Electric, gas welding Phone 6- 5388 Carl Hedto ^ original owner; best offer. Call Ridgefield and Vicinity. Ser- nAnmtTm of all kinds. We repair alumPAINTER & PAPER HANGPn 3-lOctflnd Barrett Bros.. Georgetown 354. vicing Real Estate ft Insurance inum ware. Complete assort^ Paint and Wallpa™^ WALLPAPER IS BEST selected Route 7. Must be seen to be apj ment of heavy nuts and bolts since 1926. Telephone Georgetown 401 only at your pleasure, in a conpreciated. ll-9ctf and rock washers. Machine A. J. CARNALL ! 12-ictr ducive environment, and from work. The Repair Shop. Dan123 Main St. Ridgefield 545 PAPER RANGING - PADm^ the widest display. These con- NEW RUST-COLORED C:rduroy 10-20ctf bury Road. Ridgefield. Phone Suit. Never worn. Size 12. Call ditions prevail at "The Paint 645. 7-20ctf Interior and Exterio? ° Ridgefield 741-W3. ltnc Bucket". Sherwood Square. BUILDING SITES IN RIDGECHAS COLLTS. JR Westport. Open Friday until 9, TAKING ORDERS NOW—FreshSilliman's Farm Repair Shop FIELD $1,200 per acre and up. Telephone Wilton 961-W3 Phone 2-6269 or 2-6055. Evening New Canaan 9-1641 ly cut Christmas trees. Will JOHN M. McCORMICK 8-12ctnmi 2-3269. 10-26tef not be cut before December 10. Real Estate & Insurance SEWING MACHINES Rg. Also wreaths of all kinds. Tei. NOW IS THE TIME to have your Telephone Wilton 741. ~~ ARDELLE NELSON POWER or HAND MOWER PAIRED. We repair all n £ Ridgefield 675. Alex Santini. Used Furniture 8-24ctf picked up without charge, for of sewing machines. Reason5tcl2-14 Route 123. Vista. N.Y. awe charges based on advanc* overhaul or sharpening. New11 a.m. to 6 pm. LESTER SPINET — Used less est sharpening HOMES estimate. Call Singer Serin* equipment— Monday through Saturday than 6 mo.—Perfect condition Machine Co.. 4 Main St.. NON complete parts inventory. Acreage !•.• —10 yr. guarantee. 2 yaers to walk 6-9135 or 155 Main St Closed Tuesdays! Lewisboro 3-2770 Rentals pay; inquire Tony at Wilton Danbury 8-4198. gefind CALL US for pick up, repair and J. AUSTIN TAYLOR ll-2ctf 56 Center Barber Shop. ltcll-22 return of all makes of BICYDanbury Rd. Wilton 888 BE SURE and g: to AT YOUR SEWING MACHINES 9tcll-30 CLES. SERVICE, on Catoonah St., DINING ROOM SUITE, table Repair Service Fidsefield, for their Advance REAL ESTATE SERVICE All Makes—Parts-Supplies with extra sections, 6 chairs, AUTHORIZED repair shop for Christmas Party and Showing, large Any Machine electrifcjd. Buying and Selling buffet, solid mahogany John Deere Tractors and farm Fridav and Saturday, NovemDANBURY SEWING MACHINI Geoffrey Penton Georgian American, gocd conber 24th & 25th. You are welequipment and Briggs & StratCO. Danbury Rd. Wilton 513 $350—cost $1000 plus come all day both days. There dition, ton motors. 266 Main St. Danbury 10-26ctf when furniture was reasonable. will be en display samples of Opp. Post Office 10-18ctf Other odd pieces. PRIVATE Christmas wreaths. Greens. NEW HOUSE: 6 rooms, 2 baths Telephone 3-2787 Danbury 8-0502. 2tcll-22 SUPERIOR FLOOR WAXING. A Decrrat!oT>s, and Gifts. Pick l-26ctf with showers, cabinet kitchen; contract with us for regular v-m-s out then; take no RUTABAGA TURNIPS. Frank full cellar; 2-car garage; oil monthly service is a wise and ctoiwes on last minute "1«M Bloomer, Telephone Ridgefield burner, domestic hot water. V/z Help Wanted economical plan. overs" and by the way. there I 497-J3. 2tcll-22 miles from village. Call RidgeCOUNTRY CARE is a yearwill be refreshments from 3 field 418- Jl — 455. round service. Phone Wilton BUDD'S EMPLOYMENT i>.m. to 7 p.m. and 10% will be PHONOGRAPHS: Three speed ••.'••> 10-26ctf electric portables; children's, AGENCY. WESTPORT 546-W1. . . ^ takPT off any orders -received records: New reels and light Telephones 2-4686 and 2-2738 on those days. 10-26ctf JTOWN OF REDDING old home attachment f:r View Master; 2tcll-22 Household employees, coupte built in 1774. Six rooms, bath. o : s Hopalong Cassidy guns with SCREENS REMOVED, Windows iI fireplace, 8 Estate 8 acres. Large road. p * ' M " ? - . £""2ff TURKEYS — June hatched and washed & Storm Windows hung. seven reels of film:—$3.00 frontage. $13,000. , indents. Gardeners. Diy Wo k: developed at Westover Farm. Ridgefield Photo Shop. Phone COUNTRY CARE .s a yearTelephone Ridgefield 510 or 750. ltcll-22 round Service. Phone WUton'SPACIOUS SIX ROOM home all' 533-J3. ll-16ctf improvements, fireplace, garage, WO MAN to da cleaning two days 546-W1. 10-26ctf 2 acres, 10 minute drive to New 1948 FORD Convertible Coupe; a week in small horn?. 3': CHRISTMAS SUGGES T I O N S Canaan Station. $12,000. LET COUNTRY CARE take extra Radio & heater; white-wall miles from center of torn f r m Acorn Press — Personal-" tires; exceptionally clean. care of your unoccupied house NEAR GILBERT STREET. Large Provide own transportation ii izei stationery. Gift boxes of 1942 DODGE. 4-door;; new level plot, improvements avail& property. Regular day & possible. Go:d steady position personalized napkins & book mot:r, slip covers, tires. Danable. night inspection. for risht persMi. Please call matches. Mailing Labels, Small bury 8-8408. 2tcll-30 COUNTRY CARE is a yearSHORT WALK to Ridgefield CenRidgefield 754-W2. ltpll-22 Address Labels; Personalized round service. Phone ter. 5 acre plot plus 2 acre lake. Wilton i Matche?. St:p in and see our LAMPSHADES 546-W1 10-26ctf List your property with d:slay catalogues while there Wonderful selection of materials. Landscaping CHARLES TARANTINO is yet time to order for Christcolors, sizes & shapes. ADDRESSING E N V E L O P E S Licenced Broker mas. Acorn Press, Inc., 6 Bailey Bring your lamps in ior Typing, Stenographic work of n C jnu li ov imn «O . «uJ 0u 0u/ 1z T « 1 ar»V« n n n S vr. n Ave., ititigeneld or in New CaPERFECT SHADE FITTING Tuori JLiAWJJOl/ATE. w . any description done at home; 3tcll-23 naan — Brinckerhoff Press, 4 LAMPS small or large jobs. Write "B'\ South Ave. nctf Finest Trees and ShruM For every room 111 your home. c/o Box J, Ridgefield. SOUND VIEW ACRES—5-room Plans—Planting for small homes. We remodel, repair & rewire. ltcll-22 house and garage; tile bath, ROME BEAUTY and Mcintosh Phone RidgefleW ?i* GIFTS fireplace, oil heat. Peter LorApples for sale. Will deliver. An assortment as pieasing t j the enzini, Ridgefield 272-W2. William A. Pehrson. Ph:ne Wanted eye as to the purse. ll-16ctf Ridgefield 703. 2tcll-30 For Rent THE LAMPCRAFT SHOP "Where Beauty is a Habit" UNUSUAL BARGAIN—1943~Ford Llnguaphone Records 2-door Sedan: One owner. New 12»2 Bank St. Phone Danb 8-8775 FRENCH Office Services LARGE, SUNNY ROOM mpnvaie wanted to borrow or exchange tires, new battery. Exception3tcl2-7 for Spanish. Call Ridgefield 968 home. Gentleman preferrea. ally good condition. Call after ltn or Wilton 244. '-^jm c MIMEOGRAPHING, L e t t e r s , PORTRAITS — Your photo6:30 p.m., Ridgefield 916. Phone Ridgefield 87*w3' ,f graph is a cherished gift. We FOWLER'S "Modefrn^ English menus, etc., completed promptllcll-22 do studio portraits, Wedding, ly on the latest style machine. Usage", good or poor condition, Candid pictures in your home WHITE CABINET-TYPE Oil Acorn Press, inc.. P h o n e s TWO L A R G E ' I S S ^ must be reasonable, call Wilton —Babies. Children, pets and Range: 3 burners & oven. $35; Ridgefield 968 — WUton 244 — ROOMS for$50 renttheinottor^ W™ landscape. Frank Gordon. 127 244 or Ridgefield 9W/>Boy's bicycle, almost new, $30: home. One New Canaan 9-0690 nctf Main St.. Ridgefield ltcll-22 Bass trombone, $45. Ph:ne I jfe: nctf nth. Phone Geoffrer per month. Georgetown 610. ltpll-22 Fenton. Wilton 513 10-26ctf THE BEST THINGS go fast; So, THE RIDGEFIELD T&t CLINIC IT'S NORDEN-GREEN for guaranteed craftsmanship and the erne while they last! Make a JUST W H A T YOU want for is collecting for Xmas Gift Carlargest selection of beautiful, note: Turkey Plain Pottery Christmas giving— 300 "Adfor hospitals ijgitti institudurable fabrics at budget prices. RIDGEFIELD - f n c » « % dress-0-I,8bels", $1.50 plus Route 53. Bethel, Redding! tons tions. Leave contributions at Phone Danbury 8-0315. Let Norden-Green reupholster heme for ™\X mw' tax. Acorn Press, Inc., 6 Bailev Wilton or Ridgeflelfl Rrehouses bedro:ms. 3 ^ ^ M S •* your living-room furniture. Ave., Ridgefield and Brinckerltcll-22 2-car garage. Sl^-./SJf or call Ridgefield 967. ltnc Home estimates and decorating hoff Press. 4 South Ave.. New Kent, Tel. Kidgefield^O^^ MALE BOXER. 21 months old; FRED WILLIAMS \rtir^pick~up Canaan. nctf advice at no charge. Phone 8AKC registered champion 5570 or stop in at 308 Main St. old papers, magazines; rags, blood line. Danbury 8-8408. FOUR PORCH SCREENS: one. Danbury. 5tcll-30 miscellaneous junk.' scrap iron. 7 ft.: two, 6 ft.; one, 3 ft. wide. 2tcll-30 f yau cal1 private entrance: w n w ^ j ?&\«i W^geflelc Call Ridgefield 280. ltcll-22 unfurnished. Phone Iffig 121-WL 4tcl2-7 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES Auction 3-2726. _ ^JZ ; AUTOMATIcTiOT Wate7Heater AKC registered; Sire: Arras of THE HAT that wasn't becoming. Sarego; Dam: Frieda of Wend- The dress you never, wore— and 60-gal. tank. Phone Wilton Sr^TMENTr'My^^; mark. Males & females. R. L These things The Thrift S h p AUCTION Sales now being booked 22S. ltcll-22 ment for Jan., rM- ZJM® Dodge. Wilton 451. 2tcll-30 for Pall season. All types \ with living rooni.^ needs. 1948 DODGE convertible; excelWilli iiviiij, *J uifrhfn. C>of Sales conducted on commislent conditi:n, low mileage, YOUR Shelves and racksll always CHRISTMAS ^CARDS private bath a n d j V c sion basis or I will buy entire fully equipped. Private owner hold more. made from your own negative able for one pen-i 1. ^ contents of esU^es, homes, l 'Ridgefield Thrift Shop) —Also your favorite negative Ridgefield 1224. 2 — S a , , L„ M r ' T i b » ™ . Danbury bams, Antique Shops, etc., li3-3807 or Ridgefield 916, ltcll-22 enlarged. Picture framing — m quidated. None too large, none Developing & printing done bv M , ltcll-22 ri U**gg2* too small. Call or write King "Thine, O m f i « " K F £ Pert, cunning experts—All kinds of photo and the power and-W«^ :fo r Brown, Auctioneer * Aporaiser, 35 PLYMOUTH SEDAN7~new tie kitten. Very pretty face graphs[.Ridgefield Photo Shop.| healthy, froiicsome*faSfy long the victory, and thcBw , battery, king bolts, exhaust Danbury Rd., WlUxm. Pel. WilTe1 7 5 csome, R £ & J E S __ ' °ltcll-22 hair, housebroken all that is in the heaven fa {W pipes. Ready to go to and from ton 63n I0.i4ctflnrt housebroken, Ridgefield — 104-W1. the earth is thine thin^ ^ your work. Very reasonable. ltpll-22 rd Pnonc Ridgefield 1172 eveMonel, a nickel-copper alloy, is kingdom, O ^ ' j " a u . The malleable nickel produced . mngs. ltcll-22 !f; used for general applications thai exalted as head a ^ e Be patient, therefore, like the require a tough, high strength Say you saw it in the Bulletin material such a 5 in the handling of many acids, alkalies and brines.» It pays to advert** •I - 0 . m e l . u s Matthews S T 2 J & £ % £ ? " " *** Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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