Table of Contents What Mandatory Education for Patient Care Staff is required for your rotation at Park Nicollet? ....................................... 2 How to complete your Mandatory Education e-Learning at Park Nicollet............................................................................. 2 What Epic training is required for your rotation at Park Nicollet? ......................................................................................... 3 What should you do if you cannot login to the Learning Point to complete the training? .................................................... 3 After completing the eLearning, how do you get Epic access? .............................................................................................. 3 How to complete your Epic e-Learning at Park Nicollet ......................................................................................................... 4 The Learning Point - FAQs ................................................................................................................................................... 6 FAQ 1 – I can login to tLP, but when I try to launch a lesson it doesn’t open? .............................................................. 6 FAQ 2 – I turned off the pop-up blocker and the lesson still won’t launch? .................................................................. 6 FAQ 3 – I have tried the two options given above and I still can’t gain access. ............................................................. 6 FAQ 4 – Can I complete the e-Learning lessons on a MAC? ........................................................................................... 6 Updated 5/5/2015 What Mandatory Education for Patient Care Staff is required for your rotation at Park Nicollet? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Advanced Corporate Compliance for the Patient Revenue Cycle Confidentiality, HIPAA Privacy and HIPAA Security Confidentiality Agreement Introduction to your Code of Conduct Emergency Management Harassment, Offensive and Disruptive Behavior and Workplace Violence Hazardous Waste Awareness for Health Care Workers Patient Safety Right to Know, Infection Prevention How to complete your Mandatory Education e-Learning at Park Nicollet Accessing tLP: 1. Go to this website: Logging into tLP: 1. Use the username and password provided to you. How to complete your e-Learning: 1. In the search box, type in the name of the course and click the green arrow button to search. Updated 5/5/2015 2. The course will show up and all Mandatory Ed courses have this icon next to them: 3. Then click the start button of the course you selected and complete the course 4. Repeat this step for all of the courses listed above as your required Mandatory Education What Epic training is required for your rotation at Park Nicollet? Prior to getting access to Epic, our electronic medical record, you are required to complete some e-Learning lessons. This training is required for both Students and Instructors. All of this training will be done remotely via our Learning Management System in a timely fashion prior to starting externships/preceptorships. What should you do if you cannot login to the Learning Point to complete the training? Nursing Instructors: Please have your students check their login access ASAP to identify any access issues. In our effort to streamline any phone calls related to login security issues, please collate the names of your students who might have issues contact the Park Nicollet Help Desk at 952-993-9000. Identify yourself, student(s), school and the problem they are having when attempting to login. After completing the eLearning, how do you get Epic access? Once students have completed the e-Learning, please email Kelly Ward and Casandra LeClair with student information. Please include full names of nursing students who have completed the requirements, including middle initial if possible, instructor and school. Kelly Ward Casandra LeClair Please do not send this email until the student has finished their training. Once receiving this information, we will validate the training is complete and activate the Epic accounts. Updated 5/5/2015 How to complete your Epic e-Learning at Park Nicollet Prior to getting access to Epic, our electronic medical record, you are required to complete some e-Learning lessons. Your Epic e-Learning lessons will be available via Park Nicollet’s Learning Management System called the Learning Point or tLP. You can access tLP from anywhere you can access the Internet, meaning from home or school. Please follow the instructions below. Accessing tLP: 1. Go to this website: Logging into tLP: 1. Use the username and password provided to you. How to complete your e-Learning: All of your e-Learning lesson are available via the Catalog. 2. To access the lessons, first click the Learn menu, followed by Catalog. 3. Locate the Epic eLearning – Ambulatory Nursing and MA Students section. Updated 5/5/2015 4. Select the Click here to access the lessons section. 5. Select the lesson at the top of the list, followed by the Start button to the lower right. The lessons should be completed in the order they appear, top to bottom. 6. Every time you complete a lesson, you have to follow steps 1-4 to return to the lesson menu. Below, you will find a list of required lessons. This can be helpful for tracking what lessons you have completed. Lesson Name Updated 5/5/2015 The Learning Point - FAQs FAQ 1 – I can login to tLP, but when I try to launch a lesson it doesn’t open? There are times when your pop-up blocker will not allow the lessons to open. Turn off your pop-up blocker and the lesson should open for you. FAQ 2 – I turned off the pop-up blocker and the lesson still won’t launch? Listed below are the technical requirements for working in tLP. If you are having problems opening a lesson, it may be that your computer does not meet the minimum requirements. You will need to update your computer or find a different computer to complete the lessons. FAQ 3 – I have tried the two options given above and I still can’t gain access. If you are still having issues logging into the learning point please call the Park Nicollet Help Desk at: 952-993-9000. FAQ 4 – Can I complete the e-Learning lessons on a MAC? Park Nicollet does not support the use of MACs with tLP. If you are unable to open the lessons on your MAC, you will need to find an alternative computer to complete these lessons. Updated 5/5/2015
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