2015 Annual Newsletter

2015 Invoice Newsleer
SUMMER IS COMING…First, let me
welcome back all members to another great season at
Clinton Hills! You are what makes CHSC the place we love
to spend our summers. 2015 promises to be an exciting
year for the club; and one that can’t get here soon enough!
A special thank you to all those who participated in last
year’s annual meeting. We had record participation and
were able to reach a clear consensus on the club’s direction.
Annual dues for 2015 are as follows:
Family Membership - $600 plus tax
Single Membership - $300 plus tax
You have the option of renewing your membership
online in our “Membership Store” at
www.clintonhills.com/store, or by check to the address
enclosed on your renewal invoice. Please remember to
keep the membership key cards you received last year,
they will continue to be your membership entry card. If
you require replacement card(s), please contact our
club administrator, Tricia Renneker at
admin@clintonhills.com. Replacement cards are $10
per set of three.
This spring upon your return to the club, you will notice
many exciting and new changes/improvements. To learn
more, check out the Facilities Update on the back page. An
addition of an oil-less fryer in the snack bar promises an
expanded and improved menu!
Lastly, I would like to encourage all members to bring your
extended family members and friends to the club this
summer as guests. Guests to the club continue to be our
largest source of new members that continue to grow and
renew our club. To encourage this, in this mailing is a
voucher to bring four guests at one time. If you know of
someone who is thinking of joining Clinton Hills and
would like a member of the board to reach out to them
with information, please email our membership chair
Louie Schneider at membership@clintonhills.com. If you
ever have any other questions or issues regarding the club,
please feel free to contact me or other board members via
email at any time.*
Nick Brown
(*see the back page for Board List and their emails)
Refer a Friend and SAVE!
$50 OFF
Referring Member must be listed by name on
application form.
$50 membership credit for referring a family membership, $25 credit for referring a
single membership. (Credit can be split between a maximum of two referring members)
For more info, email Louie Scheider at: membership@clintonhills.com
Summer Social Dates –
Mark your calendars!
Summer Kick-Off Party will be on Friday, May 22nd
Get the summer started at the Pool’s
annual kick-off event! This Adults Only
party will feature great food, fun friends,
and of course – the raffles! Look for an
email invitation in April. Members and Non-members are
welcome, so bring your friends!
Friday Extended Hours
Fridays (6/5, 7/3, 7/17, 7/31) we are extending the hours
to 10:00 pm. Come end your week at the pool!
Adult Nights
Every Thursday night during the summer from 7pm-11pm
is Adult Night. Make sure to mark your calendars for our
special-edition Adult Nights: Thursday, June 18th is
Movie Night (you may bring a guests to this event without
paying guest fees) and Thursday, July 23rd for The
Amazing Race. Stay tuned for more details.
Over the past few months the CHSC Board of Trustees
has spent a considerable amount of time devoted to
discussions about improving our Adult Night Program.
To that end, the Board of Trustees is seeking three to six
volunteers to join the "Adult Night Committee" which
will be led by Board Member Spencer Konicov. This
committee will serve to develop and administer the
programming on selected Thursday "Adult Nights"
throughout the summer. If interested please email
Spencer at spencerkof@aol.com. Those interested in
receiving information on special adult nights may
also email Spencer to be added to the mailing list.
Family Movie Night will be on Friday, June 19th
Come layout a blanket or watch from the pool, plan on
having dinner too! Mama Mimi’s will be back again this
year to serve up some delicious pizza! To encourage
potential members there will be no guest fees if you bring a
July 4th Join us for some traditional fun and games as we
celebrate The Fourth!
Summer Party is on Saturday, August 15th
We will wrap up the season with some live music and fun
festivities! One of our city’s finest food trucks will be there
to serve up something awesome. Join us for our Adults
Only Summer Party!
Facility Updates
Swim Team
e’re going to spruce up the clubhouse building and
check-in desk with some fresh new colors this season. Look for the swim team’s logo colors of Blue, Aqua
and Orange. This sure will be an improvement from the
faded tan and blue that’s on the building now. I could use a
few volunteers so contact Gus Thierry at 658.9485 if you
would like to help. We will plan on the painting during the
first week of May.
Other improvements include: adding an extension to the
children’s swing set; adding eco-friendly mulch to the play
areas; the driveway and parking lots will be repaired and seal
coated; areas around the grounds will be cleaned up and
some minor landscaping improvements will be done.
Other repairs and maintenance will be addressed in time for
the opening of our club on May 23rd.
The Dolphins look forward to another great season! In
2014, we placed 2nd in the league championships, "A"
Division, and had many many personal bests. This year we
have some new faces on the coaching staff, but that familiar
Dolphin energy will be strong in the air! Alex Lewis, is the
new head coach who has the personality and passion for
swimming to lead the Dolphins! All levels of ability
swimming welcome!!
Member’s children ages 6 to 18 are eligible for swim team.
●Suit-Up - Meet the coaches and sign up on Sunday, May
17, at 4pm-6pm at the club. To speed the process up, fill
out the necessary forms from the swim team page at
clintonhills.com before hand. Swimville USA will be on
hand taking orders for team suits and selling other swim
gear essentials. You can also order spirit wear.
•The cost remains $40/swimmer (plus tax), separate from
the club dues. Additional fees will be for SOSL
Invitational/Championships ($15) and social events.
•Apprentices Coaches Program Returns! We will be
looking for a few 15-18 year old swimmers to serve as
Coach Apprentices for the 10 and under age group. If
interested, fill out the interest form on the swim team page
at clintonhills.com, and with your parents’ permission/
signature, mail forms to Nicole Reblando 1801 Highland
Ave. Cincinnati, Oh 45202 by May 24th.
•NEW THIS YEAR As a way to off set cost to the
swimmers, we are having sponsors advertise on the back
of Swim Team’s spirit wear shirts. $100 per spot. Please
contact Datha Harrison for more information at
dharrison@americanbus.com or 604.4572.
•Pay for spirit wear and the team fees by credit card, cash
or check. Pay Swimville USA directly for team suits.
If you are unable to attend on May 17th, have questions for
coaches or general questions, please email Nicole Reblando
at dolphins@clintonhills.com. To learn more about the
swim team, visit clintonhills.com/swim-team/ & for the
swim meets visit the clintonhills.com/swim-team/all-aboutmeets/.
Tennis Clinics
2015 will be another fun-filled season with the return of
Tony Lamy as our pro! Tony has extensive experience
teaching both adults and juniors. We are lucky to have
him! The club offers 12 junior clinics, and nine adult
clinics. To meet the goal to having tennis pay 85% of it’s
cost, the 2015 participation fee will be $75/person (plus
tax) or $125/family (plus tax). Adult registration is for the
entire summer, but kid’s clinics are broken into two
sessions. The use of the tennis courts on your own during
pool season is included with membership and there is no
additional fee. Both Clinic Schedules and Online
Signup are available at clintonhills.com/tennis.
Youth and Adult Tennis Team. This will be our third
year of having organized tennis team through USTA at
Clinton Hills, we had a winning season last Summer!
And hope to expand the youth tennis team this year into
two age groups, 11-14 and 15-18 junior teams, depending
on interest. There will be additional lessons periodically
for the junior teams. Matches do not conflict with
swim practices or swim meets! Space is limited, for any
questions, please contact Nicole Reblando at
dolpins@clintonhills.com. There will be more information
about the teams in the next newsletter.
CHSC Board with emails
President: Nick Brown ..................... president@clintonhills.com
Vice President: Vanessa Wong ................... vp@clintonhills.com
Treasurer: Vince Chairella ................ treasurer@clintonhills.com
Secretary: Jeff Geoppinger ..............secretaryr@clintonhills.com
Communication/facilities: Charlene Morse ....................................
.................................................. communications@clintonhills.com
Facilities: Gus Thierry ........................ facilities@clintonhills.com
Membership: Louie Schneider ... membership@clintonhills.com
Social: Jessica Koucky .............................. social@clintonhills.com
Thursday Nights: Spencer Konicov ......... spencerkof@aol.com
Swim Team/Tennis Liaison: Nicole Reblaundo ............................
................................................................ dolphins@clintonhills.com
Club Administrator: Tricia Renneker ...admin@clintonhills.com
Swim Lessons
Due to the success of last year, there will be four sessions
of swim lessons this summer. Swim lessons are included in
your membership at no extra cost!!.
NEW THIS YEAR Frogs & Tadpoles AKA “Mommy
and Me” classes for children 3 and under to participate with
an adult. Class sessions for Frogs & Tadpoles will be
determined on signups. The signup form with an
explanation of the different skill levels is available at
clintonhills.com/swimlessons. Group lesson dates and
times will posted on the website in early April.
Looking to start some ADULT EXERCISE
PROGRAMS in the pool. If you have any ideas,
suggestions or are interested in helping organize
them, contact: poolexercise@clintonhills.com.