Document 103551

disPatch November 2010
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Asheville Quilt Guild
November 2010
Volume 23, Issue 11
Letter from our President
The purpose of the Guild is to
promote and preserve the art and
history of quilts through education of
its members, and to inspire
community involvement.
The Guild depends on the
cooperation of the entire
membership for the success of its
Inside this issue:
Bee Buzz................................ ...…..5
Community Quilts ......................... ..3
Guild Projects………………………..4
Official Business………………...7- 10
President‘s Block…………………….2
Treasurer‘s Report ………….……....8
Member News
Best wishes to Donna Faber, who is recovering
from an emergency appendectomy.
Best wishes to Marianne Wilson, who is
recovering from knee replacement surgery.
Best wishes to Sally Gross-Holbrook, who is
recovering from a difficult knee replacement
Best wishes to Wilma Hamlin, who is recovering
from foot surgery.
Congratulations to Norene Goard, who won
multiple awards for two quilts at the WNC quilt
show, including Best of Show for "Jacob's Stars".
Contact Neva Carlson at 252-1661 or with your news items
Happy Thanksgiving AQG Members!
The 2010 year is soon coming to a close as well
as my term as AQG President. We are putting
together plans for Sara‘s term. Barbara Pate is at
work planning for the 2011 Quilt Show. There are
many plans for the 2011 year but we will need all
of you to volunteer to help us. Look for Barbara‘s
article about the quilt show in this dispatch.
Don‘t forget to send in your reservation for the
Holiday dinner on December 7th. The committee
promises a great time for those who come. Sara
will announce our Tresner award and we will pull
names of four volunteers to win a workshop.
If you are looking for something to occupy your
time this winter, think about all the children who
would enjoy receiving a quilt made by you. Community quilts have patterns and samples on our
website if you want ideas. Sara has a garage full
of material to use in these quilts. Community
quilts not only go to children but also the elderly
and various other groups.
If you have some free time, check out our website.
Yolanda is constantly updating it. Yolanda has
received many compliments from outsiders who
are checking our website for information. She has
included many pictures on the site.
Don‘t forget, there is not an official Guild meeting
in November and December.
Have a safe and Happy Holiday this year!
See you at the Holiday Dinner!
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For the next 4 months we will be making blocks for the sharing of quilts in the community one more
time. Lanna from My Quilt Shoppe has been very generous in giving us a large gift certificate to award to
the winner of the drawing. One slip goes into the basket for every block that you make so make many and
have a better chance of winning! The drawing will be in February. This time we will use up more of your
scraps (or you may take some from my garage!!! Just call me and come over!) We will make "Brown Bag"
blocks which are easy and look great with any fabrics. Just cut lots of 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles, put them
in a bag and pull them out to make 8 1/2" blocks like the example below. The configuratin of the
rectangles matters less than the size of the block! Believe it or not, these look great with sashing and the
colors don't seem to matter. They just seem to blend. Let's have lots of these for children and adults!
Sara Hill, Vice President
Thinking of Sara….
Sara's condo caught fire Thursday. She is okay. She
will be living in a guest house for several months at
Highland Farms, while they restore her condo. For
those of you that come to Sara’s garage to pick up
fabric, please be aware that you may no longer do so
until the restoration has been completed which is anticipated to take several months. If anyone needs to
get in touch with Sara, call her land line phone number, it will be forwarded on to her cell phone. She is
overwhelmed right now with calls, cards and notes
would probably be appreciated more right now.
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Quilt Commission
Contact Debbie Jones - who is seeking someone to make a quilt for a Christmas present. She is going on line to find the special fabric she is looking for. The recipient is into boxing.
Thanks to the family of Eileen Rowe, a long-time member, for donation of 8 boxes of fabric for Community Quilts.
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Guild Projects
The Bluebird Quilt Square Program went great the 27th and 28th of October at the
cancer retreat. We have more squares now for the 2010 quilt for their center. Micki Batte'
was Instrumental in spearheading this program.
Janice Maddox and Diana Ramsey have quilts on exhibit at the NC Arboretum thru
November. A new show goes up in December and January with two more AQG quilters:
Meg Manderson and new Member Eydie Sloane.
February and March exhibit possibilities include the display of dolls by quilt makers. Anyone interested in
exhibiting a character doll that we could hang, please contact Julie Simpson at 828-658-8180.
Also, AQG members' work will be on exhibit in November at the Deerpark Inn at the Biltmore Estate.
Connie Brown is handling this exhibit.
The Quilt in a Shoebox at UNCA continues Saturday mornings with two classes until November the 20th.
Contact Joan Tolley at 828-669-4563.
My Quilt Shoppe is sponsoring the Home of the Brave Quilt Project in this area. This nation-wide project honors the fallen heroes of the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq by making and presenting homemade
quilts to their families. In this way, quilters are able to offer gratitude for their service and provide some
comfort to their families. Dawn Kucera is the area coordinator for WNC, and she will be happy to provide
more information or answer questions. You may reach her at 828-696-0524 or email You can also visit the web site at for the pattern. There will be kits available at our meetings for this program. There will be kits available at our meetings for this project.
My Quilt Shoppe– meeting 4th Monday of each month 1p-4p sit & sew, cut blocks, cut bindings, assemble
Respectfully submitted,
Julie Simpson
Please welcome new members Patti Peltier and Amy Taylor who bring our roster to
322 members.
Respectfully submitted,
Norene Goard, Membership Chair
North Carolina Quilt Symposium 2011, Peace College
June 2-5, 2011
Raleigh, NC—Website:
It will be sponsored by Raleigh‘s Capital Quilters Guild, and held at Peace College on June 2-5, 2011. It‘s
three days of classes, lectures, and fun, with everything from traditional piecing and appliqué, to beading, surface design and art quilting. Visit for teacher info.
disPatch November 2010
Are you new to our guild or to the area? Just starting on your quilting journey? Would you like to get
to know other quilters better, or find out more about
quilting or guild activities? Would you enjoy a couple of hours of fun and fellowship with other
quilters. Are you a current member who would like
to meet and help new quilters and members, or are
you looking for volunteers for you committees? If
so, please join a Member Bee. Many close friendships are formed as you share quilting information
in these smaller groups.
You may also start a new group, maybe in your
neighborhood or at a time more suited to your
schedule. All it takes is a few other quilters to start.
Contact me and we can publish it here monthly.
Visit one or more of the following groups. You are
always welcome at any or all of them. Bring a project you are working on, especially if you need help
or advice. Don‘t forget your SHOW & TELL!
Kim Thompson
Member Bee Chair, 628-1938
The Firehouse Quilters (North) - 1st & 3rd
Thursday each month - 10:00—1:30 - Reems
Creek Firehouse Community Room, Beaverdam
Road, North Asheville. Call Helen Kehoe at 2812098.
Little Bee - 1st Thursday evening each month - 7
pm in each other‘s homes. Contact Cindy Lund at
Beaucatcher’s Bee – meets every Tuesday 10
am-noon, North Ashevillle Community Center, 39
E. Larchmont Rd (off Merrimon Ave). Annual
Community Center Fee applies. Questions? Contact Mary Field at 254-9128 or Marianne Wilson
at 645-3366.
Lamplight Bee Meets on the 4th Monday of the
month at 6:30pm, Oak Hill Methodist Church 277
Oak Hill Drive, Candler NC. Call Betty Fauerbach
for more information: 627-9793 or
Fiber Arts Alliance - Anyone interested in art
quilts, any medium, or any level is invited to join.
1st Tuesday each month at the Girl Scout Office,
64 Weaver Blvd. Asheville. 12:00 brown bag lunch,
12:30-3:00 meeting. Contact Deborah Brown at
456-7662 or email her at, or Meg Manderson at 683-
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6563 or email her at
for more information and location.
South Asheville Bee - Meets at Earth Fare South
community room, 1856 Hendersonville Road, on
the second and fourth Thursday of the month at
9:30 a.m. Call Ann Bordeau at 650-9708 or Alice
Helms at 277-9223.
Quilts for Linus The Linus Project is a nationwide volunteer project
that collects blankets (quilts, knitted, and crocheted
items) for traumatized and hospitalized children.
This group is open to everyone and meets usually
on the 4th Friday (1 to 3:30 pm) we will no longer
meet on Saturdays at least for the rest of the
calendar year at the Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk in Black Mountain. We have lots of new fabric donated by Marti's Patchwork Cottage. Come
to select fabric to sew a community quilt at home,
to help layer tops, to cut for kits or one that you
want to make (bring cutting equipment) or sew
(bring your machine) with us.Contact Sara Hill at
664-0974 for more information or directions.
The group will meet on Nov 19 instead of the
Friday after Thanksgiving and will not meet in
East-Enders Bee meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. We meet in members‘ homes
Spring Mountain the Spring Mountain bee meets
the second Tuesday morning from 10 to 12, teaching and working on quilts and other hand crafts,
benefiting the local community, the Asheville Quilt
Guild, and other charities. It is open to everyone,
and the contacts are Kay Jenkins at 628-7900 or
Kim Thompson at 628-1938.
Doll makers Bee meeting every second and fourth
Tuesday 1:00 to 4:00 at the Spring Mountain Community Center on Old Fort Road in Fairview. They
formed after the wonderful workshop last month,
Carolyn Smith is the facilitator, and she may be
reached at 628-1045 H or 273-6701 C.
Biltmore Lake Quilters.
A new bee is organizing. Mary Rogers is the contact person at
665-2602 or We intend to meet twice a
month at the Biltmore Lake Clubhouse from 9 to
12. We have already done a workshop led by Diana Ramsey, and
will meet again on September
16. Everyone is welcome.
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December 7, 2010
6:00 to 9:00 pm
Folk Art Center
Please join fellow Guild members for a festive holiday
Potluck Patchwork
of surprises, prizes, games, raffles, socializing and good food.
Food is provided courtesy of everyone.
Please make your favorite hors d'oeuvre or dessert recipe.
Finger foods only please since we do not have kitchen facilities available.
Tables, chairs, place settings, cups and drinks will be provided.
In keeping with the generous spirit of the Asheville Quilt Guild members, we will once again be raising
money for MANNA Food Bank. Please feel free to bring food donations but we strongly encourage a
cash/check donation since Manna can buy wholesale, making every dollar go a long, long way. If you
choose to make a monetary donation, checks should be made payable to MANNA Food Bank.
We have some fabulous raffle items and tickets are one for a dollar or six for five dollars with all proceeds
benefiting Manna.
We are also extending our generosity to the women and children in the
Interlace Program by collecting toiletry items. Donations will help make welcome baskets for incoming
families who often enter the program with little more than the clothes on their backs.
There is no charge for AQG members, but you must reserve by November 15.
Reservations may be made by contacting Katie Metheny or call 253-3034
After November 15, space permitting, family and friends may reserve for $5.00.
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Asheville Quilt Guild General Meeting Minutes
October 19, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Betty Fauerbach at 7:10pm.
The motion to approve the September minutes was made by Mary Fields. The motion passed.
The motion to approve the Treasurer‘s Report was made by Neva Carlson. The motion passed.
General Announcements
Sara Hill announced that nominations are still needed for the Dorothy Tresner Award. This year‘s winner
will be announced at the December Holiday Potluck. Please send all nominations to Sara Hill by October
Sara Hill announced that she has lots of fabric available for free to anyone wanting to make blocks for her
block sharing Community Quilts project. These blocks are due by February. Over 400 blocks from the last
round are being assembled into quilts.
Community Quilts
Katie Winchell announced that there is fabric, batting, and backing available for the new Community Quilt
block sharing quilts.
Sharon Waltman and Sandy Gillis teamed up to design a new pattern for preemie quilts to be given to babies going home from the NICU. They will be referred to as Preemie Crib Quilts.
Sue Weaver redesigned the Senior lap-quilt design, so it's now 45" X 60", and will be part of what will be
offered at the January meeting.
The January 18th General Meeting will be the annual Community Quilts Workday. The meeting will be held
at Beth Ha Tephila. Nancy Smith-Honeycutt from Mission Hospitals will be the speaker. We will be working on a variety of projects. Everyone is welcome – attendees can sew, iron, cut, or assemble kits. Lunch
will be provided for those who stay and work.
Guild Projects
The Quilt-in-a-Shoebox program for 3rd-8th graders is starting again. Please contact Joan Tolley if you are
interested in volunteering.
Diana Ramsay and Janice Maddox have 22 quilts hanging at the Arboretum.
Lake Logan Retreat
A questionnaire will be included in the Dispatch to gather opinions regarding the 2011-2012 Retreat schedule. Please fill one out and return to voice your opinion.
Ricky Tims Seminar
Registration for the seminar will begin in January. Please see the Dispatch for details.
2011 Quilt Show
Barbara Pate announced that the 2011 Quilt Show is moving to the Agricultural Center because the show
has outgrown the Arboretum. Katie and Roger Winchell will be the co-chairs for the 2012 Quilt show. The
new Expo Building has over 27,000 square feet and parking is free. The dates for the show have been
changed to September 29 – October 2, 2011. The Quilt Show committee will determine how the reception
will be handled.
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Official Business Continued……
The cost of the Expo Building is twice that of the
Arboretum, but there are many additional amenities. The show will be advertised earlier in the year
at quilt shops so that attendees are aware of the
date change.
The new dates are in conflict with the Maggie Valley Quilt Show and Barbara Pate will be contacting
them to let them know our date change.
Barbara Pate is looking into options for working with
the Rotary club.
It was suggested that flower and plant vendors set
up outside to soften the appearance of the Expo
Rita Williams thanked Barbara Pate and Mary DeGroot for finding a new venue for the show.
Anyone interested in volunteering for a Quilt Show
committee should contact Barbara Pate.
Norene Goard announced that the Guild currently
has about 320 members. Membership renewal is
due in January.
Asheville Quilt Guild
Treasurer's Report - September2010
Budget Category
September 2010 Fiscal YTD
Bus Trips
Fall Retreat
Guild Projects
Membership Dues
Quilt Show
450.02 27,206.34 25,000.00
Sales Tax Refund
Ways & Means
Total Income
1,445.57 40,659.37 61,235.00
Accounting Services
Community Quilts
Bus Trips
Fall Retreat
Gifts and Donations
Guild Projects
Holiday Banquet
Programs & Workshops
Quilt Show
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Weaver
The Guild received a letter of thanks from the Humane Society for all the quilts donated to their new
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.
Holiday Banquet
Bank Charge
Holiday Party
Helen Kehoe announced that it is time to sign up
for the Holiday Party to be held at the Folk Art Center on December 7. Attendees are requested to
bring hors d oeuvres or dessert finger foods for the
potluck. There will be tables and chairs set up with
lots of decorations, door prizes, and raffles to benefit Manna Food bank. Toiletries will be collected for
welcome baskets that will be donated to Interlace.
Service Awards and the Dorothy Tresner Award will
be announced.
8,561.28 12,350.00
16.10 21,449.31 24,800.00
Scholarship Endowment
Subscriptions & Dues
Supplies & Misc.
Ways & Means
Total Expenses
Excess or (Deficit)
Angela Lamoree, Treasurer
2,099.68 39,155.98 61,235.00
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Official Business Continued……..
Asheville Quilt Guild Board Meeting Minutes
October 5, 2010
Attendees: Peggy Newell, Neysa Hurt, Yolanda Hall, Neva Carlson, Helen Kehoe, Norene
Goard, Barbara Pate, Grace Maxwell, Jean Karpen, Peggy Tobin, Katie Winchell, Roger
Winchell, Sara Hill, Betty Fauerbach, Barbara Swinea, Linda Cantrell, Angie Lamoree, Sue
The meeting was called to order by Betty Fauerbach at 10:05.
The September minutes were approved.
Angie Lamoree reported that she will submit a full Balance sheet to be printed in the January Dispatch. The
Guild has not touched the budgeted $12,000 reserves. Bank charges erroneously applied to the Guild will
be moved to the quilt show expense account. Angie will follow up with Janie Wilson regarding all accounting for the Fall Retreat.
In the future, any expense that will not go through the Guild accounts (like bus trips or retreats) will not be
included in the Guild budget. These items will be paid directly to the provider by the attendee.
Helen Kehoe is contacting the Folk Art Center to discuss storage of our sound system. She has scheduled
an electrician to interface our cordless system with that of the Folk Art Center.
Helen received a quote of over $1000 to scan Guild historical data. It was decided by consensus not to pursue this effort. Yolanda Hall will continue to maintain new data on disk.
Guild equipment is still being stored in Maureen Kampen‘s basement and must be relocated prior
to her move. Yolanda Hall will inventory what is there.
Guild Library:
Peggy Tobin reported that the Guild made $91 at the book sale.
A damaged library book was returned. Peggy will contact the Guild member to discuss replacing
the book.
Jean Karpen will ask the Guidelines committee to update the library policies.
Community Quilts:
Sara Hill is contacting the Lower Grassy Branch church to determine if it is available to schedule
for the January meeting. She will also request the heat be turned on for this event. Nancy
Honeycutt from Senior Services at Mission will be the speaker.
Quilt Show:
Barbara Pate and a small team visited the Agricultural Center on Airport Road. The new, large
building has 27,000 square feet on one level which would accommodate the entire show, including
vendors, with room to spare. Parking is free and close to the building. There would be a slight increase in building cost plus additional security, chairs, and tables. The date would have to be
moved to September 29 – October 2. Sara Hill moved that the Quilt Show venue be changed to
the Agricultural Center and the dates changed to 9/29 – 10/2. Katie Winchell seconded and the
motion passed.
Angie Lamoree will set up a Facebook page for the Quilt Show.
Peggy Newell attended the Board meeting for the first time. She will be replacing Amy Harry as
Program Chair for the remainder of this year and 2011.
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Official Business Continued……
Holiday Party:
Angela Kane, the HCC scholarship recipient will be invited to the December holiday party. Betty
Fauerbach will ask Jamie Berdahl to contact Haywood CCC and discuss involvement of the recipient in Guild activities.
Details of the Holiday Party will be in the Dispatch.
Fall Retreat:
Janie Wilson will include a questionnaire in the Dispatch regarding possible dates for the 2011 Retreat.
The Ricky Tims committee will prepare a budget and send it to Sara Hill for consideration at the November
budget meeting.
Over 30 new members attended the new member tea.
Dorothy Tresner nominations are due to Sara Hill. The winner will be announced at the December Holiday
After discussion and input from Jean Karpen, Sara Hill moved that bonding be obtained for five Board
members: President, Treasurer, Quilt Show Chair, Assistant Quilt Show Chair, and President Elect for
2011. Helen Kehoe seconded and the motion passed. The policy will cost about $150.
Sara Hill will convene a budget planning session in late November or early December. Any budget items
for next year should be sent to Sara prior to the meeting. The proposed budget for 2011 will be presented
to the Board in January.
The Nominating Committee consisting of Elaine Zinn, Yolanda Hall, Joanne Hewatt, and Kim Thompson
will meet mid-October.
All Guild members who have volunteered in 2010 should enter their names in the Service Award drawing
at the next Guild meeting.
The next board meeting will be November 2, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. at Westgate Earthfare.
Meeting was adjourned
at 11:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Weaver
The Asheville Quilt Guild exhibit at the N. C. Arboretum will feature the work of Janice
Maddox and Diana Ramsay for the months of October and November. Tuesdays are
free at the Arboretum.
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2011 Quilt Show
“Once upon a Quilt”
The Stories Our Quilts Tell
Moving To The
WNC Agricultural Center
Most of you may have heard, but in case you haven‘t this is the official word. We are moving the quilt show
to the Ag Center. It will be in the new Expo Center which is 27,750 square feet of space! This will enable
us to have our show, vendors, demos, food service and a ‗partridge in a pear tree‘ (if we so desire) in one
building on one floor! Did I mention free parking? And we have a new date. The show will start on
September 30, Oct.1&2, 2011. Drop off day will be Sept. 12th, judging will be Sept 13th and 14th. The
place has yet to be determined. The quilt show theme is ―Once upon a Quilt‖—The Stories Our Quilts Tell.
Much more information later.
Just because we have a little more time to get our quilts ready for next year doesn‘t mean we can slack
off on our quilting.
Barbara Pate
2011 Quilt Show Chair
New Date
circular KNITTING NEEDLES -- $ 5.00 each:
―Addi Turbo‖:
16‖ : US 10.5
20‖ : US 7
24‖ : US 2 US 4 US 8
32‖ : US 2 (3.0mm) US 3 US 4 US 5 US 6 US 8
US 9 US 13 US 13
40‖ : US 10.5
―Kollage Yarn‖ square needle: 24‖ US 6
Della Q circular needle silk holder -12 numbered pouches & zippered compartment -- $ 10.00
Hanging canvas numbered circular needle holder -- $ 5.00
Jaeger Hand knits pattern book (20 designs) -- $ 5.00
Quilt Books: $ 5.00 each: ―PS I Love You Baby Collection―,
―Simply Seminole‖ by Dorothy Hanisko, ―Calming the Storm‖
by Darlene Zimmerman/Joy Hoffman, ―*Endless Possibilities‖
by Nancy Johnson-Srebro, ―*Around the Block‖ by Judy
Hopkins, ―*Quilts from Aunt Amy‖ by Mary Tendall
Etherington/Connie Tesene (*laminated cover & spiral bound)
Pfaff Creative Fabric Move with Stitch Regulator: $ 375.00
(retail: $1,999)
Please contact Sharon Smaldone
at or
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disPatch November 2010
Asheville Quilt Guild
P.O. Box 412
Asheville, NC 28802
Name Tag
Show & Tell
library books
This is YOUR website.
Visit it often for complete details
on what is happening in YOUR
quilt guild.
Webmaster: Yolanda Hall
Newsletter Editor
Lanna Gordich
Deadline for disPatch
3rd Sat of month
December 7, 2010
6:00 to 9:00 pm
Folk Art Center