Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police and Polish Forensic Association are honored to invite you to the 3rd International Scientific Conference Crime Scene Date: 18–19 March 2015 Conference venue: MT Polska Trade Fair and Congress Centre, 56c Marsa St., Warsaw Language: Polish / English (the organisers provide the simultaneous translation) Organisers: Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police, Polish Forensic Association Cooperation: MT Targi Ltd. Simultaneous events: 17th International Trade Fair of Analytical, Measurement and Control Technology and 4th International Forensic Technology CrimeLab Fair Scientific Committee: Professor Brunon Hołyst - Warsaw Management Academy (the Chairman of Scientific Committee) Professor Peter Bilous – Eastern Washington University Mieczysław Błoński Ph.D. – Łazarski University Piotr Bogdalski Ph.D. – Police Academy in Szczytno Krzysztof Borkowski Ph.D. – Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Professor Ewa Bulska – Warsaw University Professor Piotr Girdwoyń – Warsaw University Mieczysław Goc Ph.D. – Polish Forensic Association Kamil Januszkiewicz Ph.D. – Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Professor Henry C. Lee - Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science Bronisław Młodziejowski Ph.D. – Polish Forensic Association Professor Jarosław Moszczyński – University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Roman Stawicki Ph.D. – Police Training Centre in Legionowo Professor Tadeusz Tomaszewski - Warsaw University Professor Jan Widacki – Jan Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University Professor Janina Zięba-Palus – Institute of Forensic Research Organising Committee: Director Waldemar Krawczyk – Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police (the Chairman of Organising Committee) Renata Zbieć-Piekarska Ph.D. – Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police (the ViceChairman of Organising Committee) Jakub Bosik – Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Kamil Januszkiewicz Ph.D. – Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Krzysztofa Krowiranda Ph.D. – Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Agnieszka Łukomska – Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Katarzyna Machniak – Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Marek Miron – Polish Forensic Association Piotr Trojanowski - Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Anna Wielgos – MT Targi Ltd. Bożena Woźniak - Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Katarzyna Zwierzyk – Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Payments: The conference fee is 300,00 PLN (gross) and includes: conference participation, conference materials, coffee breaks and lunch on 18th and 19th March 2015. Registration: The registration will be available on the official website of the conference starting from the 2nd February 2015. Accommodation: The participants of the conference book and pay for the hotel by themselves. Important dates: 02 February 2015: - opening of the conference registration 11 March 2015: - closing of the conference registration Main topics of the conference: 1) Amendment to the Code of Criminal Procedure 2) Role of crime scene officer in Poland, Europe and the USA 3) Mock crime scene investigation conducted by teams of crime scene officers from Poland and United Kingdom 4) The role of witness expert according to the Polish, European and American law 5) Course of trial in Poland, Europe and the USA „Scene of crime” provisional agenda: (2 days: number of presentations - 18) 18 March 2015 (Wednesday) 09.00 – 10.00 Registration 10.00 – 10.20 Official opening 10.20 – 11.00 SESSION I „Changes in approach towards forensic examinations resulting from amended Code of criminal proceedings” 11.00 – 11.40 SESSION II „Collection of evidence at the crime scene – role of scene of crime officer” 11.40 – 12:00 Coffee break 12.00 – 13.10 SESSION II „Collection of evidence at the crime scene – role of scene of crime officer” 13.10 – 14.00 Lunch break 14.00 – 15.30 SESSION III Mock investigation of crime scene involving 2 teams of socos 15.30 – 15.45 Coffee break 15.45 – 16.20 Discussion of mock investigation of crime scene and comparison of different approaches 16.20 – 16.40 Discussion and summary of Day 1 19 March 2015 (Thursday) 9.30 – 9.40 Opening of conference Day 2 9.40 – 11.20 SESSION IV „Operating principles and activities followed by scene of crime officers in Polish and Anglosaxon legal system” 11.20 – 12.00 Coffee break 12.00 – 14.00 SESSION V „Role of expert witness in adversarial legal system; judicial evaluation of expert evidence” 14.00 – 14.40 Lunch break 14.40 – 16.10 SESSION V „Role of expert witness in adversarial legal system; judicial evaluation of expert evidence” 16.10 – 16.30 Discussion and summary of Day 2 and the conference The agenda of the conference will be modified. Description of the conference: The leading theme of the conference concerns the amendment to the Polish Code of Criminal Procedure and its implication on the forensic process. Adequately, the meeting shall address the way these changes influence evidential procedure as well as compare them with the criminal justice system, in particular the adversarial one, of Anglo-Saxon countries. The benefits of the new criminal justice system together with new roles of scene of crime officers, experts, prosecutors, attorneys and judges will be presented. The event is directed to the representatives of judiciary and prosecutors, theoreticians and practitioners working in the forensic field, scientific researchers, police managers, crime scene officers, law and police academy students as well as the entrepreneurs from both Poland and abroad. The first day of the conference, 18 March 2015, will be devoted to the role of the crime scene officer. The exchange of crime scene investigation experience and the information on utilized up-to-date technologies and standards with police and judicial representatives from various European countries and the U.S will provide the basis for development of even more effective practices towards obtaining solid and irrefutable evidence. Mock crime scene investigation conducted by teams of crime scene officers from Poland and United Kingdom will constitute the integral part of Day 1. On the following day - 19 March 2015 – the role of forensic expert and judicial bodies, with particular emphasis on forensic examination, utilization of cutting edge developments across various field of science and maintenance of chain of custody from crime scene to the court will be discussed in line with amended Code of Criminal Procedure, as any irregularities in the so-called forensic process may lead to undermining the value of evidence by the other party. The amendment to the Code of Criminal Procedure by allowing adversarial system, which is close to the one followed in the Anglo-Saxon countries will be discussed after presentation by the invited speakers on how the system has worked in practice. In case of questions, please katarzyna.zwierzyk@policja.gov.pl contact the secretariat of the conference at
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