Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Volume 28/Issue 2 - February 2014 Board Election 2014 Later this month you will be receiving your election materials, which will include your Ballot/Proxy. The Ballot/Proxy serve two functions this year — as a Proxy, it establishes a quorum for our Annual Meeting; as a Ballot, it will determine which of the three candidates are elected to serve on the POA Board. It is important that you read this information carefully, sign the Proxy, and mark your Ballot for no more than three candidates. If you vote for more than three candidates, your Ballot will be declared invalid. Cumulative voting is prohibited. (You can only vote for a candidate once). Inside Plantation Living POA Information POA Board Candidates...................... 5-7 General Manager's Report....................3 President's Report................................2 Hilton Head Plantation Clubs Artists 16 Happy Times 14 Avid Island Hoppers 13 Gardeners 15 International Big Band 19 Club 16 Bocce 16Keyboard 19 Book Clubs 12 Lucky Shots 12 Bridge 8 Knit Wits 13 Bunco 10 Men's Cooking 14 Caregivers 10 Model Train 11 Cheers Newcomers19 by Sound 13 Out to Lunch 13 Coin Club 18 Pickleball 16 CraftSoftball 17 Workshop 14 SL Tennis 18 Dance Club 16 Tee Timers 14 Dog Club 10 Vino Formaggio 12 Euchre 10 Women's Club 12 Farmers 15 Women's Euchre 12 Fishing 11Woodcarvers10 Golfing 9 Yacht Club 17 Green Thumbers 13 Recreation Activities Health & Fitness Programs..................20 Kids Kamp.........................................21 Mardi Gras Bingo...............................21 Shamrock Shuck & Shag.....................23 Trash and Treasure Sale......................24 Feature Article Lowcountry Nature............................ 8 Quorum Requirement We must have 51% participation in order for the election and the Annual Meeting to be valid. If we do not reach a quorum, another mailing will need to be sent at a cost of several thousand dollars. Some of you may remember in year’s past during that election process, we made quorum for the election but failed to make quorum for the Annual Meeting prompting us to send out a second mailing to obtain a quorum. A second mailing today would cost the association over $6,000 in hard costs such as postage, stationery, and printing, plus numerous hours of staff time to facilitate. The cost of a second endeavor would be required by our governing documents, but, I am sure you will agree, a frivolous and unnecessary expenditure to all of you if we can make quorum on the first mailing. It is far more efficient and cost-effective to do this once. In years past, the Board and staff needed to call in volunteers to make follow up phone calls to property owners who had not voted in order to make quorum. We also resorted to not only making phone calls but also to handing out flyers at the Security Gates urging property owners who had not yet voted to go to the POA Service Center and fill out a Ballot/Proxy. All of these efforts, though successful, diverted valuable Board and staff resources. We realize property owners are busy people and filling out another form may not be on the top of your list. However, the alternative is costly and diverts resources from other important tasks. The deadline for your Ballot/Proxy to be received at the POA Service Center is Thursday, March 20, in order to be counted for the Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 22, to be held at the Plantation House. As an inducement to make our quorum requirement, the POA has an incentive program. Provided we make our quorum requirement by Monday, March 17, 2014, every Ballot/Proxy from a member in good standing that is received by that date will be placed in a drawing for a $200 gift certificate that can be redeemed at the POA Service Center for merchandise, classes, ARB fees, or used as a credit against your 2015 assessment. Five ballots will be drawn at random and each will be issued a $200 gift certificate. Visit Hilton Head Plantation's Website at Page 2 - February 2014 POA Board Report President’s Report Hilton Head Plantation Hopefully, our cold weather has ended. Even though we will soon be covered in pollen, we can look forward to spring and the beauty it brings to the entire Island! Property Owners’ Association 7 Surrey Lane – PO Box 21940 Hilton Head Island, SC 29925 Tel. (843) 681-8800 Fax 681-8801 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 AM-4:30 PM The good news: Salty Fare has new owners who plan to develop the parcel more in keeping with the wishes of the residents of The Cypress and those who own nearby waterway property. My compliments to these residents for their organized planning and the articulate presentation of their concerns to the Town of Hilton Head. Board of Directors President Lois Wilkinson Vice President Terry Conway Secretary Pat Harlacher Treasurer Tom Hoppin Members: Jerry Cutrer Michael Keskin Tom Kuczkowski Ben Letizia Harry Meyers Board of Directors Hotline Ext. 9 More good news: The permitting process for our new Spring Lake Pool has begun. It’s a slow process. We project completion of the pool by June of 2016. In other news: The construction of the monopine has temporarily slowed down. As soon as we get the obstacles sorted out, construction of the project will begin. Please stay patient — cell coverage will soon improve. With the imminent election of new Board members, I would like to answer some questions about how your POA functions. HHP residents directly elect three Board members each year for three year terms. The Board sets direction and policy and makes strategic decisions. The Board solicits and considers resident opinions and comments and addresses their concerns and criticisms. This input comes from personal contact, emails, letters, phone calls to the Board HotLine, the Annual Meeting, Coffees with Peter, special meetings, and the opinions voiced by the Committees. The General Manager works for the Board and executes the decisions of the Board. The staff works cooperatively as a cohesive unit, always keeping in mind the best interests of the residents. POA Staff POA Service Center (843) 681-8800 General Manager Ext. 233 Peter Kristian Asst. Gen. Mgr./Administration Todd Lindstrom Ext. 239 Activities/Recreation Chrissy Kristian Ext. 226 ARB/Covenants Betsy Weppner Ext. 242 Communications Denise McAllister Ext. 244 Maintenance – David Mills Ext. 227 Security Director – Art Benoit 681-3843 Tennis Pro – Keith Ferda 681-3626 Because the Board believes that a single spokesperson best represents the Plantation, the General Manager speaks as that person. A previous Board hired him and the Executive Committee reviews him yearly. The Board does not micro-manage the GM because we trust his experience and instincts in dealing with Plantation issues. The GM keeps the Board well-informed of all issues and is accessible and open to Board member comments. Important Phone Numbers POA Service Center (843) 681-8800 Ext. 236 Accounting Communications Ext. 244 Ext. 242 Covenant Enforcement Maintenance Shop Ext. 241 Tennis Hotline Ext. 290 Ext. 223 Vehicle Decals Dolphin Head Building 681-8019 681-8090 Plantation House Scheduling Office 681-8090 Spring Lake Pavilion 681-3707 Spring Lake Pool Information 689-6473 Spring Lake Tennis 681-3626 Security Dispatch (24 Hrs.) Pass Line (24 Hrs.) Security Office 681-2459 342-9980 681-3053 Emergencies Fire & Ambulance Dial 911 Pl nt t The Board is always interested in your thoughts and comments. Please leave a message on the Board HotLine at 681-8800, ext. 9 or email Please identify yourself to help us address your concerns. If you wish to contact the Board President directly, you can email me at: --Lois Wilkinson POA Sadly Loses Staff Member - Dianne Masales POA staff member Dianne Masales suddenly passed away on January 26 after a recent cancer diagnosis. Dianne worked with the POA in the Community Relations/ARB Department for 17 years. She will be greatly missed. Please keep her husband Gary, and Dianne's family in your thoughts and prayers. POA Staff Member Betsy Weppner will be handling Dianne's duties on an interim basis. vin a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation POA Information February 2014 - Page 3 General Manager's Report Coffee with Peter Our next Coffee is scheduled for Thursday, February 20, 10:00 AM, at the Plantation House. The first part of our meeting will have the usual updates and a question and answer period. During the second part of the meeting, you will have the opportunity to meet the Candidates who are running for the three open seats on the POA Board. This will be an excellent opportunity for you to meet and mingle with the candidates. Please take some time to review the information on pages 5-7 about each of the candidates. Our community works best when everyone participates. Please educate yourself on the background of each of the candidates, jot down any questions you may have, and bring them to the meeting. Please read the front page story regarding the incentive program the POA has set up to encourage voter participation. We will also have as our special guest the Town of Hilton Head Fire Chief Lavarn Lucas who will speak on cardiac care. If you are new to our lovely community, these Coffees are a great way to get up-to-speed on the operations of the Plantation. As usual, the coffee will be hot and fresh and the donuts and other goodies plentiful. What if I Don't Know Who to Vote for? Copies of each candidate's bio and picture are included in this edition of Plantation Living. You will also find a short biographical sketch included with your Ballot materials. If after reviewing these materials, attending meetings, and consulting with friends and neighbors, you are still unsure of whom to vote for, please don't throw your Ballot/Proxy away. Although we strongly advise all property owners to become informed voters and vote for the candidate(s) of your choice, if you are still unsure, simply check the box on the Ballot next to "I am returning this Ballot/Proxy for the purpose of achieving a quorum only and do not wish to vote for any candidate", sign the Ballot/ Proxy, and send it in to the POA. Your Ballot can then be counted toward the POA quorum requirement. Committees The HHPPOA Board is advised by several standing committees. These committees include: Finance, Covenants, Communications, Maintenance, Recreation, Security, Election, and the Architectural Review Board. Each committee has a specific area of expertise. Members of these committees are chosen from among the members in good standing of the POA and serve for a period of one year in accordance with guidelines adopted by the Board. The committee system provides an invaluable service to the community by Pl nt t vin tapping members’ expertise for the benefit of the POA. If you have an interest in sharing your time and talent, please consider filling out the interest form inserted in this issue and returning it to Sharon White at the POA Service Center by March 12. (The form is also available online at www.hiltonheadplantation. com.) The Board generally makes its committee appointments at its April Board meeting. Dianne Masales As you may be aware, our ARB Administrator Dianne Masales passed away after a short battle with cancer. Dianne was a valued staff member with Hilton Head Plantation POA for over 17 years. It was a shock to all of us who knew Dianne and worked with her on a daily basis to suddenly lose our friend and colleague. Dianne was a fixture for those who were seeking to build a home, make an exterior modification, take down a tree, or commiserate about an infraction of the POA’s governing documents as they pertained to Architectural or Covenants matters. Dianne worked with many realtors who needed information regarding properties they were listing for clients. Always a helpful soul, Dianne would go the extra distance to meet a deadline or fulfill a request. Dianne provided staff support to both the Architectural Review Board and the Covenants Committee and also administered the Right-of-Entry program that provided some additional protections to property owners after a natural disaster such as a hurricane. Dianne was always looking for efficiencies and ways to either save the POA resources or find additional revenue sources. One of Dianne’s suggestions netted the POA $20,000 in funds from a totally unexpected source. Dianne was born in Canada and was a citizen of that country for much of her life. When she moved permanently to the United States, she sought out citizenship and, after fulfilling all the appropriate requirements, Dianne became a U.S. citizen. This was an accomplishment that she relished and carried with a deep pride. Every year the POA staff and Board adopt a family or two over the Christmas holidays. And, every year Dianne stepped forward to take part in coordinating this event, which included collecting the funds, purchasing and wrapping the gifts, and securing in kind donations of food, clothing, and toys. Dianne savored this time of year, taking great pride in being the point person and delivering the gifts to the needy families or organizations. One of the families the POA adopted several years ago struck a special chord with Dianne, and in subsequent years Dianne continued to purchase gifts for the family out of her own resources. That relationship was still in practice this past Christmas. a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation (cont'd. on page 4) Page 4 - February 2014 POA Information General Manager’s Report (cont'd. from page 3) Each morning about 8:45 AM, I head downstairs to touch base with staff members. It is a habit and ritual I enjoy. The Tuesday after Dianne’s passing, I found myself calling out her name as I came within earshot of her door not having fully internalized that Dianne was not there. Many property owners emailed and sent their condolences and expressed their feelings about Dianne. One such sentiment is representative of the numerous we received: “…Dianne was the face of the POA for us. She was the constant in our spotty and now permanent HHP residence – always helpful, always gracious, and always caring.” Our deepest sympathy goes out to Dianne’s husband, Gary, and all of Dianne’s family, friends, and coworkers. Dianne’s life touched so many others. She is already deeply missed. Golf Courses The four Golf Clubs (Bear Creek, Dolphin Head, Oyster Reef, and the Country Club of Hilton Head) that call HHP home, permit residents onto their cart paths before and after play for walking and biking. Please observe the signs that each golf course provides which indicate the times when the cart paths are available for resident use. Using the cart paths during nondesignated hours is dangerous and discourteous to the golfers playing the course. Please use the cart paths during the designated hours only. Trash & Recycling Service Some residents have asked if the POA has been able to obtain any preferred pricing for trash and recycling services for HHP residents. Unfortunately, after repeated calls to both Republic and Waste Pro on this topic, we have not received a return call on preferred pricing. Republic’s contract with the Town ends on April 1 of this year and their price is slated to roughly triple for quarterly trash and recycling service to approximately $155 per quarter. We have been successful in getting pricing from I2recycle. If the situation changes, we will keep you posted. Cell Tower Installation As you may be aware, the POA Board has authorized Crown Castle International to build a monopine between Dolphin Head Drive and White Tail Deer Lane. The project was slated to break ground in December, 2013, but was held up by two Appeals to the Town of Hilton Head — one to the Board of Zoning Appeals citing that the Town Staff erred in its interpretation of who is an “affected property” when determining the zoning change that was necessary to Pl nt t vin approve the easement parcel of open space that will be used for the monopole installation, and a second to the Planning Commission citing that Town Staff did not follow appropriate procedures when subdividing the easement parcel where the monopine will be located. The Appeal to the Board of Zone Appeals was heard on January 27, but a decision on the Appeal was postponed until the Board of Zoning Appeals' February 24 meeting. The second Appeal to the Planning Commission is slated for March. The POA Board and Crown Castle continue to be committed to seeing this process through so we can take the next step to improving cell phone and Wi-Fi services on Hilton Head Plantation. Salty Fare The Salty Fare property located just outside our Cypress Gate is under contract. The interested party is a developer of assisted living housing called Bayshore. They primarily operate out of Tampa, Florida. Representatives of The Cypress, HHPPOA, and the Town of Hilton Head Island have had a preliminary meeting with the three principals in this venture. As always, the details will need to be sorted out, but the broad brush plan is to place 130-150 assisted living units on the water side of the Salty Fare parcel and approximately 30 age-restricted apartments on the parking lot east side of the property. This is the first step in a multi-step process that will involve input and approvals from the POA and The Cypress, as well as several Town of Hilton Head governmental bodies including the Town’s Design Review Board, Planning Commission, and ultimately, Town Council. We will keep you informed as this process moves forward. Main Street Inn Rezoning On January 30, the POA hosted an information meeting on this zoning request to afford HHP property owners and other interested parties the opportunity to get firsthand information from the organization that is proposing to use the Main Street Inn for a rehabilitation facility for those suffering from drug and alcohol dependencies and depression. Other Projects • Six of the tennis courts at the Spring Lake Racquet Club have been resurfaced. • The HVAC system at the Cypress Gate has been replaced. • The Board has authorized staff to move forward with the planning and permitting phase of the Spring Lake Pool renovation project. • Several of the POA's computers were upgraded to keep pace with changes in technology. • The Security Department’s radio equipment is being upgraded to a totally digital format. Stay SafePeter Kristian a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation POA Information February 2014 - Page 5 Nomination of Candidates for the Board of Directors There are three vacancies on the Board of Directors for 2014. The following four individuals have been nominated as candidates for those vacancies. (*Order of names drawn at random*) Candidate Education Lois A. Wilkinson Alfred University, NY 42 Deerfield Road Resident since 1994 Robert (Bob) Bush B.S. Drexel University MBA Temple University Resident since 2007 Douglas N. Skelly RETS Technical Resident since 1996 Electronic Engineering degree 1963. Certified Property Manager, Certified Manager Community Associations Michael A. Keskin Lodging 13 Wild Laurel Lane HHP Activities 1983-1994 School Library Secretary, Chatham, NJ 1979-1982 Realtor, Amherst, NH Previously: Dental Assistant, Teaching Assistant Yacht Club, Women's Club, Book Club, Island Hoppers, POA Board President 2013, Board Member 2011-2014, Covenants Committee 2010, Recreation Committee Chair 2011, Strategic Planning/ Nominating Committee Chair 2012 Owner, Atlantic Pension Planning Corp. - Insurance, Retirement Planning, Wealth Management, Investment Management 9 Foxbriar Court 4 Oyster Rake Lane Work Experience Coffee with Peter Date: Thursday, Feb. 20 Time: 10:00 AM Place: Plantation House Meet the Candidates Administrator, Cornell University 1967 Resident since 2000 Goals Continue to encourage and support staff. Advocate continuing conservative financial policy. Remain aware of residents' opinions and concerns. Work on financial oversight President/ Owner High Tide Associates, real estate brokerage (22 employees); 1974-1982 Manager Ford Motor Land Development Corp. Communications Committee 1 year; Finance Committee 2 years; currently serving on Finance Committee Share my years of experience in property management, construction, and real estate for the mutual benefit of HHP owners and staff. After 35 years with Marriott, retired in 2004. Chairman of HHI/ Bluffton Chamber of Commerce; Vice Chair of Visitors Convention Bureau POA Board of Directors; Chairman of the ARB; Maintenance Committee; Liason for improving telecommunications Work with the Board to enhance the Hilton Head Plantation living experience. Ballots for the election will be mailed by February 20. Take the time to cast your vote. --Terry Conway, Chair, Nominating Committee Pl nt t vin a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 6 - February 2014 POA Information Candidates for the Board of Directors Lois Wilkinson Robert (Bob) Bush I have lived on Hilton Head Plantation for almost 20 years. I retired after 12 years as school library secretary for the School District of the Chathams, New Jersey. I chose to relocate to HHP for many of the same reasons that most of us did —- the natural and man-made beauty, the many social and recreational activities, and the diversity of the residents. After completing five years as Volunteer Coordinator for Hilton Head Regional Habitat for Humanity, I found myself with the time, energy, and desire to serve in some capacity in our community. So, I volunteered to serve on the Covenants Committee. I believe that the Covenants lay the foundation principles that make our community thrive. Awareness and strict enforcement of our Covenants help keep our community the “premier community on the Island.” During my service as a HHPPOA Board member for the last three years, I chaired the Recreation Committee, Nominating Committee, and Strategic Planning Committee, and served as Vice President, and now President of the Board. I observed the planning and building of Spring Lake Pavilion. I learned a great deal about cell towers and support the addition of a monopine to improve coverage within our Plantation. I also supported the proper planning for the changes in the Salty Fare tract so that the residents of The Cypress and those bordering the waterway would not have their lifestyles changed. Like all of you, I want to continue to preserve and improve the facilities that we enjoy on a daily basis while remaining aware of finances. As a frequent user of the Spring Lake Pool, I look forward to the much needed improvement which we will accomplish without a financial burden on any of us. I hope that our conservative approach concerning the preservation of Pine Island will continue to maintain that area as a beautiful recreational asset. I have enjoyed the last three years listening to your comments, opinions, ideas, and criticisms, answering your questions, and participating in discussions and decisions. I look forward to serving you as a Board member for another term so that I can help Hilton Head Plantation remain as desirable as I first found it 20 years ago…or even better! Maureen and I have been coming to Hilton Head Island for about 15 years to keep our boat away from winter on the Chesapeake. We have been at Shelter Cove Marina all these years, living on the boat. About 12 years ago, we had to go to Skull Creek because Shelter Cove was being dredged. We pulled out our bikes and rode around every street in Hilton Head Plantation. We saw the beauty, the calmness, the organized neighborhoods, the cleanliness, and the fact that there were very few transients. This was a true residential plantation. We looked at each other and decided that, when we sell our home in Margate, NJ, we would buy into this great lifestyle of Hilton Head Plantation. Now, after living at 9 Foxbriar Court for seven years, I feel obligated to give of myself to help the community maintain this lifestyle using my knowledge and experience, as well as my energy and enthusiasm. By joining the Board, I will use my talents as a Financial Planner, to help the Plantation to remain one of the finest communities in our great state and nation. I am still working and traveling, but have no desire to retire. My busy life keeps me sharp and ready to help others. POA Committees HHP property owners interested in serving on a POA Committee are invited to complete the POA Committee Interest Form inserted in this issue. The POA Standing Committees include: -Architectural Review Board -Maintenance -Finance -Communications -Recreation -Covenants -Security Please return the completed form to the POA Service Center by Wednesday, March 12. (cont'd. next page) Pl nt t vin a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation POA Information February 2014 - Page 7 Candidates for the Board of Directors Douglas N. Skelly (cont'd. from page 6) Michael A. Keskin We have been full-time HHP owners since 1996, part-time since 1984. Denise and I moved to the Island from Cos Cob, CT. This year, we will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary at the Spring Lake Pavilion. My education and career experience follow: Technical Engineering Degree in 1964 RETS Detroit. CPM – Certified Property Manager/ Institute Real Estate Mgt. Licensed RE Broker in SC, NY, and MA. (refer to Ford Motor Land Development Corp/Manager ('74-'82). I was part of the Henry Ford II management team, building Detroit’s Renaissance Center (now GM World Headquarters). Director of Property Management Services for Jones Lang Wootton (82-96) 6.0 MSF Class “A” high rise and campus office with some residential mix NYC, NJ, CT, Boston, and Philadelphia. My work has been in property/construction management and the real estate fields. I started High Tide Associates on the Island in 1997. We are the Association and Regime Management professionals for 28 properties on Hilton Head Island and Bluffton, with four (4) Florida associations. We are also Realtors for both buyers and sellers. I have served on the HHP Communications Committee and continue to serve on the HHP Finance Committee (3 years). I volunteer with other Boards and currently am President of the Lowcountry Property Managers Association. My goal is to carry on the unequalled efforts of community involvement with those who continue to serve, and those preceding me, as well as to participate in strategic planning, maintaining fiscal responsibility, public and building/grounds preventative maintenance, safety, insurance, professional staff, preservation of brick and mortar of our buildings and roadways, operating systems/infrastructure and a common sense approach for administration of all HHP policies and procedures. These are all of major importance to you and me. It would be my pleasure to act on your behalf in this regard. Pl nt t vin As a veteran hotelier with Marriott International facilities worldwide (35 years), I led the team that assumed management of the former Hyatt Regency Hilton Head in January 2001, and oversaw the $22 million renovation to restore it to a world-class resort. I retired in 2004. Before moving to Hilton Head, a portion of my experience included: VP of OperationsMarriott’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Office, Maryland; General Manager/Area Manager, Bethesda Marriott; Budapest Marriott, Hungary; New York Financial Center Marriott; Washington Dulles Airport Marriott hotels; Resident Manager, Key Bridge Marriott, VA; Food & Beverage Director-West Coast and Midwest Regional Office. I was recruited by Marriott while attending Cornell University. I have served as: Chairman of the HHI/Bluffton Chamber of Commerce and Vice-Chairman of Visitors and Convention Bureau of the Chamber, Board of Directors of the HHI Symphony Orchestra, Board of Trustees of Arts Center of Coastal Carolina, Elder of First Presbyterian Church, Treasurer Art League HHI, and Vice-Chairman University of SC Beaufort Hospitality Advisory Board. Currently: ATAX Committee for the Town of Hilton Head; Board of Trustees-VIM; member of Bear Creek Golf Club; St. Andrew By-The-Sea United Methodist Church. My hopes for the future of Hilton Head Plantation are for it to continue to be the most desirable plantation to live in and have a strong sense of community on this Island. Our plantation is unique and forward-thinking leaders have helped to keep it that way. I would hope that my years of experience in the corporate world would serve me well in working with all Board members to retain the beauty, convenience, and security we have here. My wife, Jo, and I live in the Oyster Reef community and have four grown children and four grandchildren. Coffee with Peter Date: Thursday, Feb. 20 Time: 10:00 AM Place: Plantation House Meet the Candidates a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 8 - February 2014 Lowcountry Nature/HHP Clubs Lowcountry Nature: Mistletoe This winter, here and there in the plantation, you may notice isolated clumps of vegetation flourishing high among the branches of otherwise leafless trees. These bushy green growths are native American mistletoe (Phoradendron serotinum) – a distant relative of the English mistletoe (Viscum album) Annual Bird Count On December 14, 2013, 27 hardy HHP residents braved 60 degree temperatures, and light and heavy rain much of the time, to count 1,103 birds at the beaches, lagoons, farm, and golf courses. Meanwhile, tucked away in the warmth of their homes, 29 "not so hardy" home birders counted 556 birds in their yards, lagoons, and Port Royal Sound. In this grand total of 1,659 birds, the Hooded Mergansers led the count with a total of 231; home birders counted 188 and the field birders counted 43. The Yellow-rumped Warbler's came in second at 172. Out of 1,659 total birds, 68 species were counted. For more specifics, or if you ever want to go birding, give a jingle to 342-5804. of Christmas lore and celebrations. --Co-Captains Carol Clemens and Mary Jane Major photo by Vicky McMillan Mistletoes belong to the sandlewood family (Santalaceae), a large group of flowering plants that are parasitic on other plants. American mistletoe infects more than a hundred host species, including elms, oaks, maples, sycamores, and many other familiar shade trees. Although it makes its own food through photosynthesis, mistletoe produces specialized tissues that invade the tree’s branches and soak up water and vital nutrients from the host. Over time, and especially during droughts, the host tree may experience a slower growth rate and poorer health. Bacteria, fungi, and insect pests can also invade the tree via mistletoe infection points. In the fall, American mistletoe produces small, inconspicuous flowers, followed by fleshy, white fruits, which are toxic to humans and household pets. However, many songbirds love them, and birds play a major role in dispersing the sticky seeds, which readily adhere to tree bark wherever they are deposited. Mistletoe clumps serve as habitats for a variety of animals, and the leaves provide food for caterpillars of the great blue hairstreak butterfly (Atildes haleus), which is totally dependent upon American mistletoe for its survival. --Vicky McMillan Plantation Living is a monthly newsletter, published by the Hilton Head Plantation Property Owners’ Association. Deadline for news and ads is the 15th of the month preceding the publication issue. Submit electronically, if possible: Email: For information about newsletter articles or newsletter or Web advertising, please contact Denise McAllister at 681-8800 ext. 244. Pl nt t vin (photo right) A couple of field birders along Skull Creek. Photo by Anne Bourne, an HHP field birder. Bridge Winners PH Ladies Bridge January 10 - No play January 24 - No play PH – 2nd & 4th Friday 10:30 AM Call Sue Creighton 682-2886 PH Team Bridge January 7 - No play PH – 1st Tuesday – 7:00 PM Call Barbara/Don Edwards 689-3311 SL Ladies Bridge January 7 - Winners 1. Dorothy Feind 2. Sigrid Peters 3. Mary Lou Meinholz January 21 - Winners 1. Mary Lou Meinholz 2. Rosella Miller 3. Emily Eastman 1st & 3rd Tuesday – 10:00 AM Call Sigrid Peters 689-9350 a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Plantation Golfing February 2014 - Page 9 Plantation Golfing by Jerry Cutrer Bear Creek Golf Club The Deep Well Project was beneficiary of the Bear Creek Men’s Golf Association’s “Turkey Shoot” competition. Winners received gift certificates from local grocery stores, which were combined with additional gift certificates donated by event participants, and a total of $825 was raised for the local charity. (right) Deep Well Executive Director Betsy Doughtie received BCGC’s donation check from Head Pro Brett Heisler. Country Club of Hilton Head (left) John Winnestaffer and Loretta Cutrer won the 2013 CCHH Senior Men’s and Women’s Club Championships. Dwight Hunting captured the Super Senior Men’s championship. (right) The Women’s Nine Hole Association hosted the Women’s Golf Association in the WNHA’s 15th Annual Thanksgiving Scramble. 52 ladies were divided into “Wild Turkeys” and “Sweet Potatoes” teams with the Sweet Potatoes emerging victorious. A Thanksgiving-themed luncheon followed the competition. Dolphin Head Golf Club Dolphin Head ladies wrapped up their 2013 competition with an End of Season Fashion Show followed by dinner and an awards presentation. Chris Flanagan was crowned 18-Hole Women’s Player of the Year and Patricia Berndt was recognized as 9-Hole Women’s Player of the Year. (right) Chris Flanagan, 18-Hole Player of the Year, and Head Pro Matt Stewart (left) Patricia Berndt – 9-Hole Player of the Year Pl nt t vin a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 10 - February 2014 HHP Clubs Dog Club Caregivers Support Group Hello, Dog Lovers! As our dogs’ “people,” our responsibilities include ensuring that our canines’ health needs are met. Toward that end, I have listed below a few Signs of Good Health that I found on the Hill’s Website. (Hill’s Science Diet and Hill’s Prescription Diet are highly regarded as nutritious products for dogs.) Eyes - should be bright and clear, free of discharge. Cloudiness in older dogs is often a sign of cataracts. Ears - should be clean and free of discharge, odor, or redness. Untreated ear problems can result in hearing loss. Nose - should be clean and free of discharge or sores. Mouth - should smell fresh; gums should be smooth and firm; teeth should be free of tartar or plaque. Coat - should be shiny, without sores or “hot spots.” Bladder/Bowel - voiding should be regular and apparently pain-free; stools should be regular and firm. Our support group for caregivers in Hilton Head Plantation is growing! What a wonderful group of people who care about helping others. That’s what a mutual selfhelp group is all about. You get some time out from your caregiving (respite) to touch base with others, have a laugh, a cry, attend to your needs (feelings, spirit, thoughts, and fears), and you reach out and help another with your experiences. It's always a value to your personal health and wellness, as well as your loved one’s care. If you spot problems in any of these areas, make an appointment with your veterinarian. Contact your vet immediately if your pet seems to have trouble voiding or cries in pain when attempting to do so, or if he/she suffers from bloody or watery diarrhea, looks bloated, or diarrhea continues for more than 24 hours. Likewise, your vet needs to see your dog immediately if he/she vomits more than five times in a few hours, if the vomit contains blood, or if it is accompanied by diarrhea. If we address our pets’ health issues appropriately, we can give our furry companions the happy life they so deserve! Stay warm - spring in the Lowcountry is on its way! Meanwhile, happy dog walking! Join the HHP Dog Club - contact me for details! --Helen Collins, Secretary/Treasurer, HHP Dog Club tel. 689-9303 email: You will learn from a professional facilitator and counselor, Ann Martel, M.S.W., LISW (HHP resident). Ann has over 30 years’ experience in Healthcare, Mental Health Care, Senior/Hospice Care, and private counseling for adjustments related to illness, major transitions in life, stress, grief, and caregiving. THIS GROUP IS FOR YOU – THE CAREGIVER. The group meets the 3rd Friday of the month, 11:00 AM, at The Cypress Clubhouse - TV Room, just past the concierge. There is no charge for the group. Contact Ann Martel to get on her email list: amartel@ or give her a call at 785-5995. See Ann’s blog at: Euchre Club We will meet every third Friday at 6:15 PM (except Easter week, and not in December). The game is easy and lessons are taught. If it sounds like something you would be interested in, call 843-715-2529 or email Chuck Stewart at: --Chuck Stewart Woodcarvers Bunco We meet on the 3rd Monday, 7:00 PM, at Dolphin Head Rec Building. --Joan Heller 681-4720 Pl nt t vin Woodcarvers have many projects in the works – birds, figures, bas-relief, etc. Come spend some time with us. Experience is not a factor; we learn from one another. Days: Mondays Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM Place: Dolphin Head Rec Area Contact: Jim Gorddard 689-3273 a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation HHP Clubs February 2014 - Page 11 Fishing Club HHP Model Train Club Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 26, 6:00 PM, at the Plantation House. Dawn Brut of the Coastal Discovery museum will present “A Nocturnal Evening of Owls and Bats”. The dinner theme is Italian. The Train Club met at the Plantation House on January 8 and welcomed three new members. There was a very full and interesting agenda. Here are the highlights. Dave Garceau showed an HO gauge 2-8-2 Mikado with a 6-wheel tender which he built. It ran like a Swiss watch and must have taken "watchmaker" skills to put it together! Dave also discussed a "new" and somewhat rare railroad car he got for Christmas. Plans for the Fishing Seminar are being firmed up (details below) for Saturday, March 29, 1:00 to 4:00 PM, at the Plantation House and a nearby lagoon. The Lionel Nickel Plate O gauge extended vision caboose was made only in 1983 and was not in the regular catalog. The engine he used at the meeting to pull the caboose was a 2-8-4 Berkshire, made in 2008. It is "traditional" in size as opposed to being full scale, is TMCC-controlled, smokes, and has directional lighting with railsounds. What more could you want! Rusty Fitler presented some interesting plastic vehicles, in their original boxes, which are O scaled and fit well with Plasticville buildings. 1. SC Department of Natural Resources (DNR): what it does, rules and regulations, fishing ethics. Also: HHPPOA rules and regulations for fishing. 2. A description of the species one finds in POA fresh and brackish water lagoons; how to find them and how to handle them when caught. 3. Knots – which ones are important to fishing, including hands-on practice at tying them. 4. Equipment overview: rods, reels, hooks, lures separated by category (top water, bottom water, soft plastics, swim baits, spinner baits, etc.). 5. Hands-on practice – setting up rods, reels, and lures, and using them in casting and some actual fishing. We'd really like to see as many members as possible become involved. Even if you not long-term, think of getting the grandkids out of the house during their next visit! You will not need any equipment to attend this session. If you decide to take up this great sport, members of the board would be happy to organize a trip to Walmart or Bass Pro Shops in Savannah to assist you in purchasing a basic setup, which would cost under $100. We'd like to have been able to utilize Spring Lake in addition to a freshwater lagoon, but a SC Saltwater Fishing License is required when fishing in Spring Lake. Yearly fishing licenses are available at Walmart for those 64 years old and younger. If you're 64 and older, you can buy a lifetime license for $9.00. If you were born before July 1, 1940, the lifetime license is free. Lifetime licenses must be purchased online at Please direct any questions or comments on the program to Gary Turner at 342-3254 or email Gary at --Earle Nirmaier Pl nt t vin Perhaps the most unusual item at the meeting was presented by Chuck Landau. This was an HO gauge Marklin streamliner loco with coaches. His father brought this back from Germany in the early 1950's. It is 3 rail AC with headlight and reversing operation. The model is based on a streamlined prototype built in Germany in the 1930's for high speed passenger service. There are many activities in addition to club meetings. For example, several members of the club attended a train show in Savannah on January 18. The club meets monthly from October to June, 7:00 PM, the second Wednesday of the month, normally at the Plantation House, but we do have occasional field trips. For more information contact David Argent at 314-409-4304, or Dave Garceau 843‑342-6023 or --David Argent View Plantation Living in color! a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 12 - February 2014 HHP Clubs Women's Club HHPWC's Book Clubs Please join us for the next meeting of the Women’s Club on Tuesday, March 11, 2:00 PM, at the Plantation House — a half hour of refreshment and socialization followed by a short business meeting, and then our program, “Little Women: Giants on Hilton Head”. Book Club is an activity of the Hilton Head Plantation Women's Club. There are now eleven, very active clubs in existence. Book clubs meet monthly on a day and time of the member's choosing. Each book club selects which books will be read in their club yearly, and in late March there is an annual meeting of club representatives to share summaries and ratings of those books. Our guest presenter will be David Lauderdale, a writer and editor at The Island Packet for more than 30 years. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to learn about women Islanders — small in stature who left large legacies for us to live up to. Please email your reservation for the March meeting to or call Kathy Eckart if you do not have email. If calling, be sure to speak clearly and give both your first and last name when leaving your message. Mark your calendar for the second Tuesday of each month through May to attend all of the Women's Club meetings. You can become a member of the Women's Club by sending a check for $15 to HHPWC to Kathy Eckart, 5 King Rail Court, HHI, SC 29926. Send in payment with your registration information that includes: name, address, phone number, email, and spouse’s name (please print this information). Joining is easy; refer to our club section at www. where you will find the membership form (select Recreation and Activities on the left, then clubs). There are many interest groups open to members of the club. Group information can be found on the club section of the HHP Website at --Shirlene Post Women's Euchre Club The Women’s Euchre club will be meeting on every other Monday from 1:00 - 3:00 PM at the Plantation House. This club is for either new or experienced players. We will teach you how to play. It’s easy and fun. The next meeting will be February 24. Please email Jean Conroy at: if you have any questions. --Jean Conroy The Lucky Shots During the year, as well as during the holiday season, many clubs voluntarily contribute to organizations which promote reading. The "Between the Sheets" book club contacted a Jasper County elementary school to provide books for a special education class consisting of six little girls. The teacher and the girls were thrilled to receive a copy of their very own interactive book the teacher recommended. The class sent a picture of the girls reading and "Between the Sheets" sent a picture of the book club members to the class. The "Relaxed Readers" is a book club that pioneered the initiative to support and encourage reading in the community. Deep Well had a Christmas gift bag program for children and this year every gift bag provided a book. The Relaxed Readers provided books for the children's gift bag. If you are interested in joining a book club, please contact one of us below. You must love to read and be a current member of the Women's Club. --Claire Lobel, 681-8183 --Margita Rockstroh, 682-3171 Vino Formaggio Group The Vino Formaggio Group offers wine tasting opportunities for the novice to develop an appreciation for various wines; the making of red and white wines, champagnes, etc.; the pairings of wines with cheeses, and wine etiquette. Wines tasted can be purchased at a discount the day of the tasting. Reservations and payment must be made prior to the date of the event. Please contact either Linda Jones 342-6425 or Lynda Casper 683-9244. You must be a current member of HHP Women’s Club to join. We have a great group of fun loving women who have enjoyed playing golf together for over a year in the heat and cold. The ladies are eager to share tips and encouragement with each other no matter what their skill level. Pinecrest Golf Club in Bluffton is our course of choice on Monday mornings. After playing nine holes, most of us stay to socialize while enjoying a delicious lunch. Our group is not accepting new members at this time. --Nancy Meyer 682-4060 or --Trish Ouellette 342-2534 or Pl nt t vin a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation HHP Clubs February 2014 - Page 13 Out to Lunch Bunch Green Thumbers We will continue our gourmet adventure in eating on February 19 at the Mulberry Street Trattoria where you'll find fine Italian cuisine and cool class. It's located near Bed Bath and Beyond, on the left hand side of the entrance from 278. Menu selection and price will be available online. Plan to join us on March 20 at the new restaurant "843" (our area code). See you there. --Mary Skwirut 342-3345 --Carol Vivona 682-4129 At a joint meeting with the Island Transplants in January, members from both clubs learned from Myra Stinnett, Master Gardener, that in choosing plants it is important to consider what plants thrive on our island, require sun, have great color and texture, and might do well in containers. Myra gave fascinating tips, such as what household items can be used to provide nutrients for plants as well as stimulate root growth. She had many stunning containers on display and explained how to choose plants for a most dramatic look. At the February 10 meeting, Karen Geiger from Creative Gardening, provided members with information on how to design innovative and functional living art to one’s outdoor space. Knit Wits This friendly group of women welcomes all skill levels of knitting. The group meets every Wednesday, 2:30 PM, at the Dolphin Head building. No fee is required, although you must be a current member of the HHP Women‘s Club. Come, have fun, laugh, knit, purl, and relax. For more information, contact: --Ceil Meyers 342-2185 --Barbara Bitner 341-3304 Island Hoppers February 21-22 will find the Island Hoppers heading on an overnight to Charlotte for the “Southern Spring and Garden Show”. The trip will include High Tea at “Laura’s Tea Room” in Ridgeway, SC; dinner, Italian family style, at “Bucca di Beppo”; a stay at the Pineville Hampton Inn, including breakfast; and a morning of shopping at the “Black Lion” where 183 merchants present their home accessories and furnishing for sale. Lunch in Columbia at “California Dreaming” will cap off this road trip. Hook up with a roommate and join us on this fun and exciting trip. You’ll return all inspired to put a spring into YOUR home and garden. Cost: $195 all inclusive Be advised that this trip involves a flight of stairs and four hours of walking the Expo Center exhibits. You must be a member of he HHPWC and Island Hoppers to participate. Any questions call: --Pauline Ross 689-3294 --Shirley Forder 342-7181 Pl nt t vin On two separate dates, March 10 and March 17, Green Thumbers will carpool to Spring Island to view the Nature Center and surrounding area, a garden with mostly native plant species, and have the opportunity to purchase native plants. Unfortunately, the reservation deadline has passed and the trips on both dates are completely full. But… Are you are reading this and having regrets that you missed these opportunities and wish to attend future meetings? It’s still not too late to join us! On April 14, we will have a demonstration by Ellie Linscott on spring home arrangements. Membership dues are $12. If you would like to join us, please mail a check made payable to Green Thumbers to Mary Lou Carroll, 29 Pearl Reef Lane. Please be advised that you must be a current member of the Women’s Club in order to join the Green Thumbers. If you have any questions, please feel free to call one of us below. We look forward to seeing you on April 14. --Gail Gilbert, Publicity Chair Co-chairs: --Gail Cheaney 715-0660 --Robin Jordan 342-3034 --Barbara Youtz 342-2013 Cheers by the Sound Come and greet dear friends and make new ones at Dolphin Head Recreation Area. Bring an hors d’oeuvre for eight, a serving utensil, your favorite beverage, paper plates, cups, and napkins. Day: 2nd Monday of the month Time: 5:00 – 7:00 PM Place: Dolphin Head Rec Area No reservations are necessary – just show up. For information, call Margita Rockstroh, 682-3171. a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 14 - February 2014 HHP Clubs Tee Timers Happy Times Society The Tee Timers got off to a good start in 2013 and have added some new members. We are now in the process of setting up our play calendar for 2014 with play varying between Dolphin Head and Oyster Reef golf courses. Hopefully, the Polar Vortex that we experienced recently is not a sign of the rest of the winter to come, but we'll be prepared with our earmuffs and gloves. We are looking forward to having a great time this year with our many new friends. The Happy Times Society is a social group for all HHP residents. Happy Times Society meets each month (except December) at Dolphin Head for light refreshments. Date: 4th Sunday of the month Time: 5:00 - 7:00 PM Place: Dolphin Head Rec Area Anyone interested in joining a fun, relaxed group of ladies for some social golf, please contact either Carole Ide, Chair, 682-2652 (carolehhi@ or Kathy Enders, Co-Chair, 342-6995 ( We’ll look forward to seeing you on the course. --Kathy Enders 342-6995 April 12 9:00 AM The Plantation House Spring Sale Mark your calendars now so you will be sure to join us for what promises to be an exciting Spring Sale. We are working on some new items that you haven't seen before. We've received a beautiful cat bed from a resident who, tho' not a member because she still works full-time, was kind enough to donate this one-of-a-kind item (but hopefully, she will find time to make more). Many of us are taking items that we have sold successfully at previous shows and giving them a new twist. More on this later. We are still looking forward to having more new members join us. We had one lady join us at our first meeting and she is an active crafter. She brought a few samples of her work and they are different and we're excited about them. As I said previously, you don't have to be an active crafter. We need people who can work with us in many ways. Your hands are your gift. Again, for the benefit of those who are reading our column for the first time, our meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at the Spring Lake Pavilion, except for six weeks during July and August when Kids Kamp occupies the facility and our meetings are moved to Dolphin Head Recreation Area. We start at 9:30 AM and are over usually by Noon. If you would like, stop by during any of our meeting times and see what we're all about. You can stay for as long or as short a Pl nt t vin Each person/couple attending is asked to bring an hors d’oeuvre for eight and their own liquid refreshment. Ice will be supplied. For information, call Dottie Distelheim at 342‑6828. Men’s Cooking Club Enjoy cooking and want to learn more? Men's 2nd Wednesday Cooking Club Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month, 12 Noon until 2:00 PM, at the Spring Lake Pavilion. We each demonstrate our favorite meals on a rotating basis. Initial membership is limited to 12 members. Can’t cook? Come anyway! For more information, call Joe Sanker at 682‑2615. Men's 4th Tuesday Cooking Club Due to popular demand, and over subscription, the HHP Men's Cooking Club started a second division that meets every 4th Tuesday of the month. While the meeting place will generally be at Spring Lake Pavilion, some members elect to host their cooking presentation at their respective homes. For information, call Steve Strom at 342-2838. time as you can. And, hopefully you will come back. Call me if you have any questions. --Charlotte G. Ward 681-8407 email: a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation HHP Clubs February 2014 - Page 15 The Avid Gardeners (TAG) Farmers Club Each season of the year has its own color makeup. Is it by coincidence, or design, that Nature’s welcoming colors for spring – purple and yellow as found in forsythia, crocus, daffodils, and grape hyacinths – also depict the Easter season? Both signify new life. Because of our unstable winter season, we are tempted during the warm days to start spring cleanup. As much as we feel we are in the South, March 15 is still the time to start major gardening, a time when we can remove the dead stalks and expose new growth to the world. Patience. Crocus, daffodils, and other spring bulbs will soon be breaking ground. Living in the Lowcountry, we are fortunate to be surrounded by marshes where we can observe their transformation from a dried winter palette to a spectrum of greens. The Avid Gardeners took advantage of the slack in garden chores to attend a variety of related seminars. Of special interest was the discussion of ancient, historic trees, especially the live oaks and red cypress. Michael Murphy, a master arborist, gave a PowerPoint demonstration of the trees in our area. The Talbird live oak near our back gate, with its spread of 110’ and 64” diameter, is highly recognized as a perfect example. We drive by many others during the day, especially the two at the corner of Squire Pope Road and Rt# 278. One has a spread of 130’ with a diameter of 96”. In the early days of the country, the live oaks were popular in ship building and came in danger of becoming extinct. Michael explained the methods being used to maintain and preserve these ancient ties to historic events. Our January meeting was a tour of Mrs. Madeline Nelson’s orchid greenhouse in Bluffton. It was an opportunity for many to add an orchid to their plant inventory; and, for those who already have some, to receive advice on their care and repotting. Our program committee is excitedly preparing February’s meeting. The Avid Gardeners' “theatre group” will present “The Life of Rosemary”, an informative, fun presentation of the herb, Rosemary’s, many benefits and uses. We meet on the third Friday of the month in the Spring Lake Pavilion at 9:30 AM for a coffee/social, a brief business meeting, and the program at 10:30 AM. All residents of HHP are invited. For further information, contact Sharon Jaunsem at 682-2262. January really knocked us back with a severe freeze during the first week, followed by several lighter ones. Some of the tougher vegetables that survived are cabbage and collards. Swiss chard and spinach and the root vegetables seem to be recovering. You may still sow seeds of beets, radishes, spinach, and several other plants. Check out our Website at for more helpful information. Swiss chard can be sown in the garden around February 15, and will have tiny greens ready to eat in a few weeks. The mature plants will be ready to harvest by mid-May. A new variety called ‘Peppermint’ is very pretty with its pink and white striped stems, and the tender leaves are delicious in salads or stir-fries. Start warmth-loving tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant under lights 24/7 for 6 to 8 weeks when they will be able to handle cold, dark nights. Be sure to harden them off by putting outside in the sun for a short time, gradually lengthening it to three hours before transplanting to the garden. Tomato seedlings can be set out on our last frost date of March 15, but you will have to cover them with a large pot if a late frost threatens. It is good to wait until night temperatures stay above 50 before setting out peppers and eggplants or they will be stunted and not as healthy. Look for transplants of spinach and broccoli to set out, and buy or sprout your own seed potatoes. The taste of these is remarkable. If you are sprouting your own, cut into small pieces each with an ‘eye’, and let them dry for two days before planting about four (4) inches deep and six (6) inches apart in good, rich soil. They want to stay slightly moist, so mulch and a soaker hose are ideal. If there is a dumpster in back, please use it for wood, plastic, and metal only – NO WEEDS. We had a great Mardi Gras party on February 6 with food from Kenny B’s. Looking forward to corned beef and cabbage in March. We do have plots available. Please call Chuck Mainenti at 682-3475 if interested. --Diane Middleton 342-5884 --Midge Kennedy Pl nt t vin a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 16 - February 2014 HHP Clubs Bocce Club Our association is continuously looking for new ideas in making its members' experience more engaging and exciting. At our last meeting, we learned from Juliana Kim how we can have a successful event that will give the Plantation residents an opportunity to learn more about all the artists in the community, who they are, their media, and their environment. From March 10 until April 19, our artists will be exhibiting at the Main Library. This is an annual event. Please invite friends and family to the Library to see this unique exhibit. For more information about our membership, email Jo Dye, our membership coordinator at: johiltonhead@aol. com. We have a diverse group of members at all levels from beginners to professional artists, which provides a nice environment for creativity and motivation. Looking for the perfect gift? The Plantation House is ornate with incredible paintings. All artworks in the exhibit are for sale. Don’t miss the opportunity to see and purchase one for yourself or as a gift to a loved one. Interested in receiving our newsletter? Just email a request to: Looking for some motivation? Come and join some artists who are painting together on Wednesdays from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM at the Dolphin Head pavilion. Please call Evelyn Kowtko at 681-6338 for more information. --Jean-Marie Côté President, HHP Artists Association The Bocce League held its Spring Organizational Meeting on February 8. There was great excitement and anticipation of the upcoming season. President Bob Bredin and VP Gerry Fichtl welcomed former club members as well as new players, and provided an update on rule changes and court status. New teams were added to the spring roster. Within a week the games schedule will be sent out via email to all. Play will begin the first week in March. Members are all encouraged to practice during the next few weeks before official games begin. If you have never played before and would like to learn the game, contact Bob at 342-3115 or and schedule a free/no obligation one hour lesson. Good luck and enjoy! --Sandy Stern International Club Unfortunately, the International Club is closing as no one was available to assume the coordination duties. We have enjoyed the engagement with you over the last two years. It has been an absolute pleasure. --Carlton B. Dallas Dance Club The Dance Club meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6:15 - 7:30 PM. All levels of dancing are taught by a professional dance instructor. It doesn't matter if you have never danced before and would like to learn some basic dance steps or improve on what you already know. You can learn to dance the Carolina Shag, foxtrot, swing, and waltz as well as several Latin dances. There is a nominal fee of $6.00 per person per class to cover expenses. You pay only for the classes you attend and there are no other dues. The Dance Club is a great opportunity to learn to dance, have some fun, and meet new friends. If you would like more information, please call Charlie/Joan Forton at 681‑4761 or Dick/Marion Gosson at 342-7482. Pl at on v HHP Pickleball Club The Club has flourished over this last year with the support of the Island Recreation Center and new players from all over HHI. This game is easy to learn and great fun to play while you're getting your cardio workout in for the day. Come by and use our demo equipment to try it live! Contact BC Huselton at 843‑342‑5471 or email: if you'd like to be on the distribution list for scheduled play times at the Recreation Center. The typical schedule starting time is 9:00 AM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday for all levels. --BC Huselton a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation HHP Clubs February 2014 - Page 17 Yacht Club January’s meeting featured a potluck dinner followed by an introduction of the 2014 calendar of events presented by new Fleet Captains Bill Ennis (Power), Ann Schwab (Sail), and Sue Crespan (Social) as well as a report on the previous year’s financial results and current year’s budget and a review of the Website by Member-at-Large Frank Papp. Membership Chairman Rae Scott introduced several new members for the year. In February, the monthly meeting will feature a guest speaker, Cathy Sakas, Education Coordinator of the NOAA Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary, who will make a presentation on the sanctuary followed by dinner catered by the Boathouse. March’s monthly meeting will feature a St. Patrick’s Day dinner catered by Kelly’s. Catching up with friends before potluck dinner Cathy Nairne, Sharon Peterson, Alice MacKenzie, and Steve Schwab The Softball Club is starting to gear up for a successful spring season. Our weekly practices, which are each Tuesday at 1:30 PM, are back up and running after taking a few weeks off. We'll be sharpening our hitting and fielding skills in preparation for a slate of games (dates and times to be determined) against senior teams from Sun City and The Landings (outside of Savannah). The Softball Club plays according to the rules of Senior Slow Pitch Association, which emphasizes player safety and sportsmanship. We encourage new players (male or female) to come and join in the fun. The club added a few new players that joined us this fall and have helped to bring great enthusiasm and energy to our practice sessions. Our practices are held at the softball field near the POA Service Center. If you're interested in joining the club or have any questions about the club, feel free to contact Bob Huisman at Softball is fun...come out and join us. Theresa Schneider, Kathleen McPartland, and Angie Strom The potluck dinner is ready! If you are a property owner in Hilton Head Plantation and have a boat registered in SC, you are encouraged to contact our Membership Officer, Rae Scott, at 681-8682 or visit our Website at: In addition, new additions for the waiting list for Social Members (persons living on the Plantation with a past history and/or interest in boating) are encouraged to contact Social Chairman Rae Scott for an application. By joining, you can look forward to a great year of events with many new and old friends. --Jim Ackerman Pl nt t HHP Softball Club vin --Rick Sarcione, President Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 10:30 AM, Spring Lake Tennis, court 2. Call the Club at 681-3626, or Lou Marino, USPTA Cardio Tennis Coach, Cell 843-301-4453 (until 9:00 PM), or email: Spring Lake Tennis Presents USTA Junior Team Tennis Clinics When: Tuesdays & Fridays 3:00 - 4:30 PM Beginner/Intermediate Boys & Girls - Ages 11 thru 15 Sign-up sheet at the Spring Lake Tennis Pro Shop Need more info? Call: Lou Marino (843) 301-4453 or Pro Shop (843) 681-3626 a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 18 - February 2014 HHP Clubs Spring Lake Tennis Club News The Fall Men's Interclub League has finished, and the 3.5 Spring Lake Remnants (captain Tom Larkin) were crowned Champions. The Spring U.S.T.A. League has started and Spring Lake Tennis has 18 teams entered in the Men's and Women's 18 & over, 40 & over, 55 & over, and hopefully, 75 & over. Also, the Men's 70 & over Interclub has begun with one team competing from Spring Lake. Anyone interested in watching some great team tennis, you can call the Pro Shop for match days and time. The frigid northern weather is behind us and we're ready for another year of exciting tennis events at the Spring Lake Tennis Center. Our first event is: "The Luck of the Irish St. Patrick's Day Round Robin and Dinner” Date: Friday March 14 Time: Tennis will begin at 4:00 PM with dinner immediately following at the Spring Lake Pavilion. Menu: We will be serving Corned Beef & Cabbage along with potatoes, bread and butter Beverages: BYO as to alcoholic drinks Sign-Up: A sign-up sheet plus all the details will be in the Pro Shop on or about February 15. Cost: $12 per person for both tennis and dinner or for dinner only, $10. Other events to follow, dates to be announced: April: May: June: July: Aug: Sept: Oct: Dec: 3rd Annual Plantation Challenge (Spring Lake vs. Country Club) Friday Night Pizza Party and Round Robin Wimbledon Party (Keith Ferda hosting) Friday Night Lowcountry Boil and Round Robin Round Robin and Picnic (dogs and burgers on the grill) Friday Night Balcony Party (at the Spring Lake Pavilion) Friday Night Oktoberfest & Round Robin (Bratwurst & Knockwurst on the grill) Christmas Party at Spring Lake Pavilion Last, but not least, the committee sent out an email blast to all of the Spring Lake Tennis members to gather ideas as to what the Social Committee should consider buying this year to enhance our Tennis Center. As you may not be aware, the mission of the Tennis Social Committee is to not only put on events, but most importantly, to take all profits made from the Pl nt t vin events and buy various items to enhance the Tennis Center. In 2013 we were able to buy cushions for all of the chairs outside on the deck, clocks near the courts, and rocking chairs for the deck. Therefore, your attendance at our events not only includes fun tennis and great food, but also allows us the funds to enhance your Tennis Center. Remember, you don't have to be a Spring Lake Tennis member to attend the events as all residents of HHP are invited to join in the fun. --Neil Strohmaier & John Blake After-School Beginner Group Tennis Now taking sign-ups. (Ages 6 - 10) Where: Spring Lake Tennis Center When: Weekdays (To Be Determined*) Time: 4:00 - 5:00 PM *For details, call: Lou Marino (843) 301-4453, or Spring Lake Tennis Center 681-3626. HHP Coin Club The HHP Coin Club is looking to get 2014 off to a running start after taking December off to spend the holidays with family and friends. Note that we have a new meeting day and time - the fourth Thursday of the month (except December), 6:30 - 8:30 PM at the Plantation House. This will allow those of us who have commitments during the day (work, volunteering, etc.) to avoid missing club meetings. Anyone is welcome to attend who may have an interest in this hobby (which includes coins, currency, bonds, stocks, medals, tokens, script, political memorabilia, etc.). Members will present some items from their collections, discuss their uniqueness, and tell how they obtained them. There will also be discussions and information sharing for the purpose of enhancing each member's numismatic experience and to develop a club vision. We hope to have guest speakers to give us insight to what is happening in numismatics. If interested, contact Bob Huisman at 715-2516 ( a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation HHP Clubs February 2014 - Page 19 Newcomers Club HHP Big Band The Newcomers would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Hilton Head Wine & Spirit Shop at Shelter Cove for helping us kick off the new year! Members tasted a variety of wines with small food pairings presented by Linda Goehring and Diane Duncan. It was a fun, informative evening that was attended by over 100 residents. Door prizes included several wines and a SERG gift certificate. Thanks also to our sponsor for the evening, Mike Sirgo of Merrill Lynch. Mike is a financial advisor, portfolio manager and vice president of investments at Merrill Lynch with over 21 years of investment experience, and an Island resident for 30 years. Mike and his assistant, Linda Hill, provided information on Merrill Lynch services. The Big Band is getting ready for several gigs in the next few months, including a dinner dance at the Country Club of Hilton Head on February 14, programs at The Cypress and TidePointe, and a program for the Newcomers Club. It’s always great fun to play for such appreciative audiences. Coming up on Tuesday, February 18, we have an opportunity to get to know Hilton Head Hospital. Those who have pre-registered (watch for future email blasts) will gather in the hospital lobby at 6:30 PM for a complimentary, guided tour. Refreshments and appetizers will be provided. This is a wonderful way to familiarize ourselves with the various departments, rooms, and layout of the hospital in a casual environment. (Admit it – this is one place we usually avoid after moving to Hilton Head. This tour will remove some of the jitters from a future visit – plus, it has a fabulous gift shop!) The hospital is located at 25 Hospital Center Blvd., just outside the Main Gate and to the left at the circle. Future Newcomers Club events will include: March 18 - Dancing Under the Stars with the HHP Big Band April 22 - Coastal Discovery Museum’s Turtle Talk May 20 - Sunset Cruise We will now be providing a “solos table” at future events held at the Spring Lake Pavilion and Plantation House for our single residents, or those whose spouses cannot attend. So if you’ve been hesitant about joining, it’s not too late! You may email Suzi Huisman at: or go to our Website ( and fill out the new member form to join. Membership is a great bargain at $5/per person or $10/couple. --Tina Mason, Publicity In December, Lee Burlingame and Billy Howe presented our second “Gift of Music”, a Yamaha StagePAS 400i Portable PA System with three microphones, to Karen Osborne, music teacher at the Hilton Head Island IB Elementary School (see photo at left). The (L-R) Lee Burlingame presentation was made at and Billy Howe from a town hall meeting for the the HHP Big Band and 5th graders, and Karen and teacher Karen Osborne the students were thrilled with their new equipment. Billy’s daughter, Jory, has sung in Karen’s choirs since the first grade, and has been chosen for the State Honors Choir for the past two years. A big welcome back to our Canadian “snowbird,” Al Cox. Glad to have you back with the trumpet section, Al. One of our trombone players has had to leave us. If your instrument is just collecting dust in the closet, get it out and come on over to the Plantation House on Monday between 7:00 and 9:00 PM and join us. Speaking of dusting things off, if you have a baton tucked away somewhere, love big band music, and would like to direct, we’d love to have you join us at a rehearsal. Lee and Dick are doing a wonderful job, but they really would rather play. For more information, contact Lee Burlingame at 682-4758 or 315-885-8496. Lee is also the “go-to” person if you would like us to play for your event. --Marianne Currie Keyboard Club Advertisements in the Plantation Living newsletter should not be viewed as an endorsement from the Hilton Head Plantation Property Owners’ Association, Inc. The Association claims no liability for content of any ads. Ads are accepted on a space available basis. Pl nt t vin The Electronic Keyboard Club is looking for NEW members. If you can play a little piano, then you can play the keyboard. If needed, we can loan you a keyboard. We play for parties and sing-a-longs. For more information, call Sally Davis at 689‑2674. a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation Page 20 - February 2014 Program Recreation Activities Instructor Date/Days Time Place Gayle Caporale Mondays Thursdays 5:30 - 6:30 PM 5:30 - 6:30 PM PH SLP Pilates Holly Wright Tues. & Thurs. 8:30 - 9:30 AM SLP Beginner Pilates Holly Wright Tuesdays 9:40 - 10:40 AM SLP Total Fitness Gretchen Spiridopoulos Mon. & Wed. 5:30 - 6:30 PM SLP Low-Impact Aerobics Louise Lund Mon. Wed. Fri. 8:30 - 9:30 AM SLP Total Body Conditioning Louise Lund Mon. Wed. Fri. 9:30 - 10:30 AM SLP Gentle Yoga 2014 Fees $5.50 = 1 ticket $50.00 = 10 tickets $90.00 = 20 tickets $127.50 = 30 tickets $160.00 = 40 tickets You must use a 2014 Universal Fitness Ticket in order to attend the above classes. Tickets are available for purchase at the POA Service Center and the Plantation House. (* 2013 Universal Tickets will not be accepted. *) NEW Chair Yoga Session The Activities Department is offering an 8-week session of Chair Yoga which begins Monday, March 10. Chair Yoga is for everyone. Do you want to be strong, flexible, and pain-free? No matter what age you are or what condition you're in, you can experience the health benefits of yoga. Through the practice of yoga you can build strength and balance while maximizing stability and safety. You can perform most yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and relaxation techniques from a chair. Whether you are recovering from an illness or injury, experiencing disabilities, weight challenges, osteoporosis or osteopenia, arthritis, inflexibility, or just cannot get on or off the floor, for whatever reason (such as age or being in a crowded work environment), you can benefit from a daily practice of yoga on a chair. Recovering from an injury may limit your mobility, but doing Chair Yoga will maintain, stretch, and strengthen your body as you recover. If you have a disability, it will help you manage the disability and keep your body in the best condition possible. Chair Yoga increases muscle tissue which helps to raise your metabolic rate. Research has shown that you can slow and even reverse osteoporosis with as little as 10 minutes of yoga practice a day, and studies have shown that the best treatment for bone density is low impact bone strengthening exercises, i.e. YOGA. The chair is not only used for seated postures, but as a support for many standing postures as well. It also replaces the yoga mat and becomes an extension of your body, allowing you to take full advantage of yoga’s amazing fitness and health potential. Even if you are in a wheelchair, you can receive the many benefits of Chair Yoga – the integration of body, mind, and spirit that keeps the yoga practitioner at the top of his/her game. Dates: Mondays - March 10 - May 5 Time: 4:00 – 5:00 PM (skipping March 31) Cost: $40/personInstructor: Gayle Caporale Place: Plantation House If interested, please stop by the Plantation House to sign up with Keriann. Please note: Participants will NOT be allowed to use Universal Fitness Tickets to attend. Participants will be required to pay for the entire 8-week session in advance. For questions, call Keriann at 681-8090. Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House. Questions? Call Keriann at 681-8090. Recreation Activities February 2014 - Page 21 KIDS KAMP 2014 Established in 1987, Kids Kamp has grown to accommodate more than 300 of our Plantation’s children each summer. Based at the Spring Lake Recreation Area, our expansive Kamp grounds provide a safe and comfortable environment where Kampers can play, learn, and grow together. Children are grouped according to age and grade. Each group’s Counselor Team plans the daily activities according to a weekly theme and the group’s ability. Previous Kids Kamp weekly themes include “When I Grow Up”, “A Bug’s World”, “World of Make-Believe”, “Fiesta Week”, and “Kids Kamp’s Got Talent.” On Wacky Wednesdays, all Kids Kampers and staff show off their creativity by dressing according to the theme. On Fridays, the entire Kids Kamp comes together for a special event to wrap up the week with an exciting themed activity. Regularly scheduled activities include swimming, arts & crafts, field games, and fishing. Cooking, music & puppets, and nature are also incorporated into group schedules. Counselor to Kamper ratio = 1:10. You may register your child at the discounted PRE-REGISTRATION rate, beginning Monday, March 3, at the POA Service Center for the entire Kamp (eight weeks) or for one or more weeks. Time/Days: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM; Monday – Friday Pre-Registration: March 3 – March 31 at the POA Service Center Registration:Begins April 1 at the POA Service Center Non-Refundable Deposit: Full Session - $100 per child; Weekly - $50 per child Applications: Will be available on Monday, March 3 at the POA Service Center or Plantation House. Age/Grade Req. Children who will enter Kindergarten in the fall of 2014 or who are five years old by November 1, 2014, to children who will enter 8th grade in the fall of 2014. Eligibility: Must be a child or grandchild of an HHP property owner or resident. Fees Full Session Weekly Week #3 1 Child: $440 1 Child: $90 $72 DATES: Pre-Registration 2 Children: $725 2 Children: $170 $136 Week 1: June 16 - June 20 March 3 - 31 3 Children: $880 3 Children: $250 $200 Week 2: June 23 - June 27 4 Children: $1,035 4 Children: $330 $264 Week 3: June 30 - July 3 5+ Children: $1,190 5+ Children: $410 $328 (No Kamp July 4) Week 4: July 7 - July 11 1 Child: $490 1 Child: $100 $80 Week 5: July 14 - July 18 Registration 2 Children: $775 2 Children: $190 $152 Week 6: July 21 - July 25 Begins April 1 3 Children: $930 3 Children: $280 $224 Week 7: July 28 - August 1 4 Children: $1,085 4 Children: $370 $296 Week 8: August 4 - August 8 5+ Children: $1,240 5+ Children: $460 $368 Mardi Gras Bingo Night Please join the Activities Department and Dolphin Head Golf Club on Tuesday, February 25, as we invite everyone to enjoy a delicious Mardi Gras themed dinner buffet along with eight rounds of Bingo fun at Dolphin Head Golf Club. The dinner menu will include a garden salad, Cajun tilapia, red beans and rice, chicken and sausage gumbo, BBQ shrimp, dessert, as well as your choice of beverage – soda, tea, coffee, or water. For those of you who would like to drink in the spirit of the theme, Hurricanes will also be available for purchase as well as a cash bar. Bingo cards will be available for $1.00 donations per bingo card per round, and the lucky winners may walk away with some great prizes or cash! Seating is limited so sign up early. Registrations can be made with Keriann at the Plantation House. And remember, your payment IS your reservation. For questions, call 681‑8090. Date: Tuesday, February 25 Time: 6:00 - 7:00 PM – Dinner Buffet 7:00 - 9:00 PM – Bingo Place: Dolphin Head Golf Club (56 High Bluff Road) Cost: $16/adult for dinner $10/child for dinner (12 and under) $1.00 donation per Bingo card Deadline: Tuesday, February 18 per round (8 rounds) Be sure to sign up early at the Plantation House! Don’t forget your Bingo markers AND your Mardi Gras masks! It’s a carnival so let’s have SOME FUN! And, feel free to dress the part, but please remember – no denim allowed. Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House. Questions? Call Keriann at 681-8090. Page 22 - February 2014 Qigong Class – NEW 6-week Session Qigong (chee gong) is an ancient Chinese health care system that was developed before the written word in Chinese monasteries, hospitals and imperial courts. It integrates movements, breathing techniques, focus attention, and self-applied massage. Qigong means cultivating or working with energy and is practiced for health maintenance, increased vitality, and inner peace. Our instructor, Benedicte Gadron, will be teaching another six-week session beginning February 17. Classes will be held on Mondays at the Dolphin Head Rec Building from 4:30-5:30 PM. The new class session runs February 17 through March 24, and the cost is only $40/person for the entire session. If interested, please sign up with Keriann (681-8090). Dates: Time: Place: Mondays - February 17 through March 24 4:30-5:30 PM Dolphin Head Rec Building (at Spring Lake Pavilion on 3/10) Cost: $40/person Instructor: Benedicte Gadron Recreation Activities Cooking Live Are your palates ready? We will once again be offering the ever-popular Cooking Live program to the first 35 hungry people. Each person will be allowed to sign up for six of the eight sessions, and each session is $5.00 per person. Dates: Wednesdays (See below for exact dates) Time: Place: Cost: Sign Up: 11:00 AM Spring Lake Pavilion $5.00 per person/per session Keriann – 681-8090 March 19 Sigler's Rotisserie & Seafood March 26 Palmetto Bay Sunrise Café April 2 Skull Creek Boathouse April 23TBA April 30 Hugo’s Seafood & Steakhouse May 7TBA May 21 One Hot Mama's May 28TBA Sign up at with Keriann at the Plantation House. Don’t miss this entertaining and delicious event! Qigong's great appeal is that anyone can benefit from practicing it, from the very young to the very old. The movements are easy to learn. They can be performed standing, sitting, or lying down, and can be adapted for physical limitations. No special equipment or clothing is required. 6 Weeks to the New You! New Session! Make a commitment to yourself for a healthy active lifestyle this year. One hour a week is all you need! The Activities Department will once again be teaming up with Erin Sullivan of 6 Week Slim Down to offer you a 6 week weight loss challenge which includes a personal wellness coach, free metabolism test, meal plan, weekly weigh-ins, and nutrition classes. All weight loss plans are accepted. Here’s your chance to win cash and prizes. Classes start Monday, February 17, 7:00 PM, at the Spring Lake Pavilion. The cost is only $30/person. Dates: Mondays - February 17 through March 31 - (skipping March 3) Time: 7:00-8:00 PM Cost: $30/person Place: Spring Lake Pavilion Instructor: Erin Sullivan If interested in signing up, contact Keriann at the Scheduling Office (681-8090) to register. We need a minimum of 10 participants in order to have this class. Maximum is 20 participants. You’re inches away from the New You so sign up today! Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House. Questions? Call Keriann at 681-8090. Recreation Activities “My Brain Made Me Do It” How to Avoid Six Common Investing Mistakes Have you ever let your emotions get involved in your investment decisions? If so, please join the Activities Department and Danielle Jeffcoat with Edward Jones on Tuesday, March 4, for a free investment seminar, “My Brain Made Me Do It.” This seminar will take a peek into the human brain and explore how it reacts to emotional situations. Many people assume that they are always thinking logically and, when presented with the facts, are sure to see a situation clearly. In actuality, people are irrational; they rely on emotion, which often trumps logic. So, when making decisions about your portfolio and your financial future, be sure to consider which part of your brain may be doing the thinking. Date: Tuesday, March 4 Time: 12:00 Noon Place: Plantation House Cost: FREE! RSVP: Keriann 681-8090 Presenter: Danielle Jeffcoat, Financial Advisor with Edward Jones If interested in attending, please call Keriann at the Scheduling Office at 681-8090. Lunch will be provided so sign up early! Seating is limited. We hope to see you there! Shamrock Shuck and Shag Join the Activities Department and the Hilton Head Shag Club for the 6th Annual Shamrock Shuck and Shag on Friday, March 14. Worried about having two left feet? Not to worry. The Hilton Head Shag Club will be teaching us the South Carolina state dance, The Shag! It will be the perfect way to get in that St. Patrick’s Day spirit. Celebrate with your friends and family and enjoy an oyster roast, Shag lessons, and dance the night away! So, come hungry and leave happy! Oh, and don’t forget! Sign up with Keriann before the deadline: Friday, March 7. For those of you who have allergies to shellfish, we will have food other than seafood available. For questions, call 681‑8090. February 2014 - Page 23 “The Doo-Wop Diner” – Rock the 60s Get ready to Rock the 60s!! The Activities Department will team up with The Country Club of Hilton Head and the Port Royal Sound Vocals on Tuesday, April 29, 6:00 PM, for “The Doo-Wop Diner” at the CCHH. Rock music from the 1960s featured great group harmonies…beginning with Doo-Wop and “Girl Songs”, and then evolving through The Four Seasons, The Lettermen, and The Association, to the sounds of Motown and The Beach Boys…all the way to the Beatles, Neil Diamond, and Billy Joel. Port Royal Sound Vocals will guide your evolutionary journey through group harmonies in 60s rock via live performances and video. We’ll take plenty of side trips to discover where the music came from and how it developed. You’ll have fun as you enjoy learning and understanding how your favorite artists created so much great music. Date: Place: Cost: Presenter: Menu: Tuesday, April 29 Time: 6:00 – 8:30 PM (Dinner served from 6:00-6:30 PM) The Country Club of Hilton Head $25/person OR $20/person for entire 3-program series ($60 TOTAL) Port Royal Sound Vocals Mini Meatloaf Sliders and Smashed Potatoes Upcoming Programs: Tuesday, May 20 “Food & Folk” – American Folk & Folk-Rock (Menu – Chicken Caesar Salad) Tuesday, June 10 “Meal & a Melody” – American Standards & Pop (Menu – TBA) If interested in attending, please contact Keriann at the Plantation House (681-8090). Your check is your reservation. Sign up for individual programs or take advantage of the discounted rate for the entire 3-program series. All HHP residents and guests welcome. Each program includes dinner, entertainment, and a cash bar. Please note: Menu items subject to change. A minimum is needed; however, seating is limited. So sign up early! And, no denim please! When: Friday, March 14 Time: 6:30 – 8:30 PM Where: Plantation House Cost: $15/person RSVP: Keriann 681-8090 Deadline: Friday, March 7 Special thanks to the Hilton Head Shag Club for providing dance instruction and entertainment as well as to Palmetto Coastal Landscaping for preparing the oysters for this event. THANK YOU!! Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House. Questions? Call Keriann at 681-8090. Page 24 - February 2014 Recreation Activities / Advertisements Easter Egg Hunt and Brunch The Activities Department and The Country Club of Hilton Head would like to invite all Plantation children ages 12 and under to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt and Brunch on Saturday, April 19, at 9:00 AM. The Easter Egg Hunt will take place at the Surrey Lane Ball Fields but in case of inclement weather, the event will be moved indoors to the Spring Lake Pavilion. Parents – don’t forget to bring your cameras because the Easter Bunny will be there to take pictures with the little ones. Date: Saturday, April 19 Time: 9:00 AM Cost: $17/adult for the Brunch $17/child (ages 4-12) for the Brunch & Easter Egg Hunt $7/child (3 and under) for the Brunch & Easter Egg Hunt $10/child (ages 4-12) Easter Egg Hunt ONLY $5/child (3 and under) Easter Egg Hunt ONLY Easter Egg Hunt: Surrey Lane Ball Fields (Bad weather – Spring Lake Pavilion) Brunch: The Country Club of Hilton Head Deadline: Monday, April 14 Sign up: Keriann at the Plantation House – 681-8090 If interested, please sign up with Keriann at the Plantation House. Reservations MUST be made in advance – Deadline: Monday, April 14. Anyone interested in attending the brunch please remember NO DENIM allowed. Spring Trash & Treasure Sale! Saturday, April 26 — 12 Noon to 3 PM Plantation House Parking Areas (In case of inclement weather, it will be MOVED to Sunday, April 27!) To reserve space and/or rent tables, complete the application and return it to the Plantation House by Monday, April 21. Space is limited. Questions? Call Keriann at 681-8090. * A designated set-up time will be assigned to each spot when you make your reservation with Keriann. Required Fee: 10’ x 10’ space = $25. A 3’ x 6’ table can be added to your space for an additional $10. 2014 HHPPOA Trash & Treasure Sale Application Name _________________________ Address ______________________ Phone ____________ ___________ Spaces at $25 each (Required) = $ _______________ ___________ Tables at $10 each (Optional) = $ _______________ Total amount of check to HHPPOA = $ _______________ Return the completed application & check (payable to HHPPOA) to the Plantation House or mail to: Activities Department, P.O. Box 21940, Hilton Head Island, SC 29925. Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House. Questions? Call Keriann at 681-8090.
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