C 2 3 4 2 U M U T 8 6 J 3 1 T H H T 1 5 1 6 9 7 7 7 ) 3 D ) -V 9 3 6 6 3 9 J -V (2 D 1 (3 U T M S R 8 4 0 0 .1 c e ll lin e s F G F R 3 f u s io n F G F R o v e r e x p r e s s io n F G F R 3 m u ta t io n FGFR3 wt • Lucitanib GI50 was determined on 24 cell lines with FGFR and/or PDGFR genomic alterations - including amplifications, mutations, and fusions; and 25 nonFGFR/PDGFR aberrant cell lines (Fig. 2A). Mean GI50 for cells with FGFR/PDGFR aberrations was significantly lower than that for control cells (P<0.0001), suggesting that FGFR/PDGFR genomic status is potentially correlated with response to lucitanib in these models. However, several cell MATERIALS & METHODS lines without known FGFR/PDGFR aberrations were • Cell proliferation assay: 3x103 cells per well were seeded in 96-well sensitive to lucitanib through FGFR1 dependency due to plates at day 0. Lucitanib was serially diluted, and incubated on cells over-expression (e.g. JMSU1 [3] and NCI-H1048 [4]). The for 72 hours. Cell viability was measured by Cell Titer Glo (Promega). converse also appeared to be true; a subset of cell lines • Phosphorylation analysis: 4x105 cells were seeded in 6-well plates at day 0, and changed to 1% FBS media on day 1. On day 2, lucitanib with FGFR/PDGFR aberrations were not sensitive to was incubated for 1 hour and then 50 ng/mL FGF-1 was added for 15 lucitanib. This data was consistent with previous minutes before cell lysate was collected. Phospho-FGFR3 ELISA publications employing alternative FGFR inhibitors (e.g. (R&D Systems) was performed according to the manufacturer’s NCI-H2444 [5], J82 [6], and MFE319 [7]). instructions and scaled proportionately for 384-well plates. PhosphoERK and phospho-AKT immunoblotting was resolved using NuPage • Lucitanib GI50 was determined in a panel of 12 bladder (Life Technologies) gels, and stained with phospho-ERK, total-ERK, carcinoma cell lines with (N=7) and without (N=5) genomic phospho-AKT, and total AKT antibodies (Cell Signaling Technology). FGFR3 fusion/mutations (Fig. 2B, 2C). Mean lucitanib GI50 Signals were detected using LiCor Imaging Systems. for cells with FGFR3 fusion was significantly lower than that • In vivo xenografts: RT4, RT112/84, and BN2289 studies were for mutated and WT FGFR3 lines (0.076 vs. 4.1 vs. ~14 performed at Crown Bioscience, and SW780 at Charles River µM, respectively; P<0.03). In addition, the JMSU1 cell line Laboratories. Vehicle, sunitinib, and lucitanib were formulated in 0.5% was also found to be sensitive to lucitanib (GI50 = 0.149 Methocel, and BGJ398 in PEG300/D5W 2:1, and given PO once a day. µM) due FGFR1 dependency [3]. AACR April 18-22, 2015; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Oncology Inc., San Francisco, CA 94158; 2Oncology Research and Development Unit, Institut de Recherches Servier, 78290 Croissy-sur-Seine, France. Fig. 4 Lucitanib demonstrates superior antitumor efficacy to BGJ398 and sunitinib in FGFR3 gene fusion xenograft models B N 2 2 8 9 (F G F R 3 -T A C C 3 ) CONCLUSIONS • Lucitanib is a FGFR1-3, VEGFR1-3 and PDGFR α/β inhibitor in clinical development for breast and lung cancer R T 1 1 2 /8 4 (F G F R 3 -T A C C 3 ) V e h ic le L u c ita n ib 2 0 m g /k g Q D B G J 3 9 8 1 5 m g /k g Q D S u n itin ib 4 0 m g /k g Q D 1000 L u c ita n ib 2 0 m g /k g Q D B G J 3 9 8 1 5 m g /k g Q D 3 T u m o r v o lu m e (M e a n m m S E M ) 1000 3 T u m o r v o lu m e (M e a n m m S E M ) V e h ic le 100 1000 5 10 15 20 25 10 40 R T 4 (F G F R 3 -T A C C 3 ) S W 7 8 0 ( F G F R 3 - B A IA P 2 L 1 ) V e h ic le V e h ic le S u n itin ib 4 0 m g /k g Q D S u n itin ib 4 0 m g /k g Q D L u c ita n ib 2 0 m g /k g Q D 1000 B G J 3 9 8 1 0 /2 0 m g /k g Q D B G J 3 9 8 2 0 m g /k g Q D 3 T u m o r v o lu m e • Lucitanib potently inhibited tumor growth in xenograft models carrying FGFR3 gene fusions. (M e a n m m S E M ) 3 T u m o r v o lu m e 30 D a y s p o s t - t u m o r im p l a n t L u c ita n ib 2 0 m g /k g Q D Fig.3 Lucitanib inhibits FGFR3 pathway activation in FGFR3 fusion cell lines 20 D a y s p o s t - t u m o r im p l a n t 100 • The antitumor efficacy of lucitanib was superior to the angiogenesis inhibitor sunitinib (VEGFR/PDGFR inhibitor) and the selective FGFR inhibitor BGJ398 in all xenograft models examined. 100 10 A 20 30 40 10 20 D a y s p o s t - t u m o r im p l a n t R T 1 1 2 F G F R 3 -T A C C 3 30 40 D a y s p o s t - t u m o r im p l a n t R T 1 1 2 /8 4 F G F R 3 - T A C C 3 1 .5 + F G F 1 b a s e lin e 1 .5 + F G F 1 b a s e lin e 1 .0 - F G F 1 b a s e li n e 0 .5 0 .0 1 .0 - F G F 1 b a s e li n e BN2289 0 .5 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 -1 10 0 10 c o n c (n M ) 1 10 2 10 3 10 RT112/84 RT4 SW780 % TGI P vs BGJ398 % TGI P vs BGJ398 % TGI P vs BGJ398 % TGI P vs BGJ398 vehicle - - - - - - - - lucitanib 931 0.385 921 0.0001 821 0.046 961 0.990 BGJ398 811 - 29 - 641 - 921 - sunitinib ND ND 761 0.010 781 0.502 851 0.990 0 .0 1 0 -1 4 c o n c (n M ) w /o F G F 1 w/ FGF1 w /o F G F 1 R T 4 F G F R 3 -T A C C 3 w/ FGF1 S W 7 8 0 F G F R 3 - B A IA P 2 L 1 4 1 .5 • Lucitanib preferentially inhibited the growth of cancer cell lines with FGFR and PDGFR gene amplification, mutation and/or fusion. • In bladder carcinoma cell lines with FGFR3 fusions, lucitanib inhibited pFGFR3 with a mean IC50 of 0.070 µM and cell proliferation with a GI50 of 0.076 µM. 100 0 (M e a n m m S E M ) lucitanib GI50 (M) 0.055 0.06 0.075 0.115 0.149 0.168 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 p F G F R 3 ( n g /m L ) 1 cell line FGFR status RT112/84 FGFR3-TACC3 RT112 FGFR3-TACC3 SW780 FGFR3-BAIAP2L1 RT4 FGFR3-TACC3 JMSU1 FGFR1 dependent 639-V (3D) FGFR3 R248C 5637 WT HT1197 WT HT1376 WT J82 FGFR3 K650E T24 WT UMUC3 WT • These results support the development of lucitanib in harboring FGFR translocations. clinical tumors + F G F 1 b a s e lin e 3 p F G F R 3 ( n g /m L ) T H N Ka W C t 1 I- o H II 1 I A 7 E N 03 F 3 F M1 CA U O 93 V D 1 S 3D N U N RT 16 C 1 I- 1 2 M H7 F 1 M E 6 F 29 M 6 2 N SW 23 C I- 7 8 H 1 0 0 4 8 R J T 6 MS 4 3 N 9- U C V 1 I- 3 H D 1 C DM 5 8 A N L S1 1 C 1 1 I- 2 0 4 H 2 3 N 11 D C 3 H I-H D C 5 C 2 1 0 5 0 T 0 D Y8 M 2 S 8 53 C 30 o 5 lo C 8 D 29 J H M1 1 2 H H 99 C 5 C 2 1 6 H 9 T 37 1 H 1 T 97 1 3 7 M 6 D J A M 82 -M C B F7 M -4 N F 36 C E N I-H 3 1 C 1 9 I- 9 N H2 75 C 4 N I-H 4 4 C 4 I- 4 H 1 6 6 P 1 C S C P 3 L C C 9 S 21 N H S U7 W 6 1 1 7 8 3 U T2 M 4 U C 3 5 7 • A Phase 1/2 clinical study [1] showed compelling activity of lucitanib in solid tumors and, in particular, a 50% (6 of 12 patients) RECIST partial response rate in breast cancer patients with FGF-aberrant (FGFR1 and/or FGF3/4/19 gene amplified) tumors. On-going clinical studies are further defining the activity of lucitanib in breast (NCT02053636; NCT02202746; ISRCTN23201971) and lung cancer (NCT02109016). FGFR gene fusions / translocations (e.g. FGFR3-TACC3) resulting in constitutively active FGFR signaling and tumor proliferation are observed in a wide variety of cancers [2] and inhibition of FGFR signaling in FGFR translocated tumors with lucitanib may be a potential new therapeutic strategy. C G I 5 0 s f o r b l a d d e r c a r c i n o m a c e l l l in e s Figure 1: Lucitanib kinase inhibition profile (DiscoveRx KINOMEscan) 2 Table 1: Lucitanib kinase binding profile B 1 0.26 W PDGFRβ 1 0.43 0 .0 G PDGFRα none 0 .1 C 7.1 PDGFR 0 .2 4 VEGFR3 FGFR3 1 0 .3 /8 1.1 2 VEGFR2 1 1 2 p F G F R 3 ( n g /m L ) 51 FGFR2 1Clovis TUMOR XENOGRAFT EFFICACY STUDIES • FGFR3 phosphorylation (pFGFR3) analysis was performed using four bladder carcinoma cells harboring FGFR3 fusions with and without the addition of exogenous of FGF1 (Fig. 3A). Lucitanib was seen to inhibit pFGFR3 with mean IC50 of 70 nM with FGF-1. Interestingly, RT4 and SW780 showed constitutively active pFGFR3 which was unchanged by FGF-1 addition; while RT112 and its derivative RT112/84 increased phosphorylation levels with FGF-1 ligand addition. • Lucitanib inhibition of FGFR3 downstream signaling was evaluated in FGFR3 fusion bladder carcinoma cells (Fig. 3B). Complete inhibition of pERK and a partial decrease of pAKT were observed with increasing concentrations of lucitanib, correlating with decrease in pFGFR3. Addition of FGF-1 ligand also increased both pERK and pAKT levels. The lucitanib mean IC50 for inhibiting pERK were 33 and 46 nM without and with FGF-1, respectively. Results for RT112/84 were comparable to RT112 (data not shown). p F G F R 3 ( n g /m L ) 41 VEGFR1 FGFR1 3 1 FGFR3 Lucitanib : 395 non mutant kinases 11 interactions mapped at 100nM S(35) = 0,028 T FGFR2 4 S 21 5 L u c ita n ib G I 5 0 ( M ) FGFR1 L u c it a n ib G I 5 0 f o r c e ll lin e s T Kd (nM) A R Kinase Fig. 2 Lucitanib preferentially inhibits growth of cell lines with FGFR- or PDGFR- genomic aberrations + F G F 1 b a s e lin e - F G F 1 b a s e li n e 2 1 0 1 .0 - F G F 1 b a s e li n e 0 .5 0 .0 1 0 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 1 0 -1 10 0 10 1 c o n c (n M ) w /o F G F 1 B 0 0.3 1 3 10 w/ FGF1 30 10 2 10 3 1 P< 0.0001 (treatment vs vehicle) 10 4 c o n c (n M ) w /o F G F 1 Without FGF-1 w/ FGF1 With FGF-1 50ng/mL 100 300 1000 0 0.3 1 3 10 30 100 300 1000 nM lucitanib Table 2: Efficacy of lucitanib compared to BGJ398 and sunitinib in FGFR3 gene fusion xenograft models p-AKT SW780 • Lucitanib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor that selectively inhibits fibroblast growth factor receptors 1-3 (FGFR1-3), vascular endothelial growth factor receptors 1-3 (VEGFR13) and platelet derived growth factor receptors (PDGFR) α/β. (Table 1; Fig.1). IN VITRO FGFR3 SIGNALING ANALYSIS t-AKT p-ERK t-ERK p-AKT RT112/84 CELLULAR VIABILITY ASSAYS t-AKT p-ERK t-ERK p-AKT RT4 BACKGROUND G I5 0 s ( M ) 784 Nonclinical activity of the FGFR, VEGFR and PDGFR inhibitor lucitanib in FGFR3 translocated tumor models R Abstract Minh Nguyen1, Kevin K. Lin1, Mike F. Burbridge2, Andrew D. Simmons1, Thomas C. Harding1 t-AKT p-ERK t-ERK • Lucitanib anti-tumor activity was evaluated in four human xenograft models with FGFR3 fusions—three bladder carcinoma cell line models (RT112/84, RT4, and SW780) and a glioblastoma PDX (BN2289; CrownBio) (Fig. 4; Table 2). Lucitanib dosed at 20 mg/kg QD demonstrated potent growth inhibition in all four models tested (P<0.0001). The selective FGFR inhibitor BGJ398 (15 or 20 mg/kg) was also active in SW780, RT4 and BN2289 demonstrating FGFR dependence of these tumors, but only slightly impacted tumor growth in RT112/84 xenograft model. Lucitanib had a greater antitumor activity in 4/4 models as compared to BGJ398 and in 3/3 models as compared to sunitinib. REFERENCES 1. Soria et al., (2014), Ann. Oncol. 25(11):2244-51. 2. Stransky et al., (2014), Nat. Comm. (5):5006. 3. Tomlinson et al., (2009), Cancer Res. 69(11):4613–20. 4. Wynes et al., (2014), Clin Cancer Res. 20(12):3299-309. 5. Dutt et al., (2011), PLoS One 6(6): e20351. 6. Tomlinson et al., (2007), Oncogene 26:58895899. 7. Konecny et al., (2013), Mol Cancer Ther. 12(5):632-42. Electronic copies of posters for other lucitanib studies can be accessed via the link below http://www.clovisoncology.com/product s-companion-diagnostics/lucitanib/
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