Vascular Education

Please join us for an engaging day
knowledge and understanding of
vascular specific disease processes
and their co-morbidities.
The agenda will focus on examining
current trends in the care of
vascular patients. There will also be
an opportunity for networking with
colleagues who have an interest in
Vascular Nursing.
We encourage clinicians from all
health care disciplines who provide
care for vascular patients to attend.
This educational event is supported
by the division of Vascular Surgery
at Capital District Health Authority
and a number of corporate
sponsors. Please visit the booths of
these generous sponsors.
Rooms are available at discounted
rate; mention CDHA when booking.
Parking is complimentary in
underground parkade. Please bring
parking slip to registration desk.
Registration Form
$40.00 – Lunch & Refreshment break
Name: ___________________________
Professional Role: __________________
Contact No.: ______________________
E-mail: ___________________________
Vascular Nursing
Education Day:
Knowledge to
Improve Care
Registration Deadline April 30, 2015.
Cheques may be payable to:
QEII Foundation/Vascular Nursing
Education Day
Mail registration with payment to:
Bonnie Heckel
RM 4704
4 Floor Vascular Surgery Clinic
Halifax Infirmary
1796 Summer Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 3A7
Confirmation will be sent by e-mail.
Continuing Education Certificates will
be provided
If you have questions please contact:
Bonnie Heckel (902) 473-8091 or email
Thursday, May 21st
08:00 am – 4:00 pm
Guild Hall
The Atlantica Hotel
1980 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
(902) 423-1161
0750 – 0820 Registration/Coffee
0820 – 0830
Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Jackie Frew BN CCN(C)
0830 – 0900
An Overview of Venous Disease
Gerald MacKean MD FRCS(C)
1100 – 1130
Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Diagnosis &
Peter Midgley MD FRCS(C)
Rehabilitation post Amputation
Chantelle Dooley CPO (c)
Amy MacDougall BScPT
1200 – 1300 Lunch and Displays
0900 – 0930
Treatment of the Patient with a
Weeping Wound
Barbie Murray BScN RN MCISc WH
0930 – 1000
The Nurse’s Role in Preventing
Venous Thromboembolism
Bonnie Heckel BN RN MEd MN
1300 – 1345
Can a Plumber Prevent Strokes? The
What, When & How of Carotid
Peter Midgley MD FRCS(C)
1345– 1415
The Role of the Vascular OR Nurse
Kelly Parsons RN
1000 – 1015 Refreshment Break
1415 – 1500 Stretch Break
1015 – 1100
Diagnosing Arterial Disease
Gerald MacKean MD FRCS(C)
1445 – 1500
Risk Factor Modification
Rosario Rebello MBChB, MRCP FRCP(C)
1500 – 1540
Managing Pain in the Vascular Patient
Paula Hammond BScN RN
Wrap up / Evaluation/Door Prizes
Dr. Gerald MacKean Chief, Division
Vascular Surgery
Barbie Murray CNS Multidisciplinary
Leg Ulcer Clinic
Bonnie Heckel CNS Vascular Surgery
Chantelle Dooley Prothetist &
Amy MacDougall Physiotherapist
Dr. Peter Midgley Vascular Surgeon
Kelly Parsons RN Vascular OR Team
Dr. Rosario Rebello Internal Medicine
Paula Hammond BScN RN Case
Management Coordinator Acute Pain
Thank you to our
Corporate Sponsors!