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Christ Lutheran School Newsletter
May 2015
Terry Mooney, Principal
1311 S. Faraday Ave. / Peoria Il 61605
Web Site:
Phone: (309) 637-1512 / Fax: (309) 637-7829
Dear Parents and Friends of Christ Lutheran,
It is hard to believe, but we are entering our final month of the school year. This has been a great year as God
continues to shower the students and staff with numerous blessings. It is truly a joy to watch children “grow”
right before our eyes. This growth includes much more than an increase in their physical height and weight. It
includes growing academically, emotionally and spiritually. We thank you for your continued support of
Christian education here at Christ Lutheran. We pray that God continues to bless our ministry as we strive to be a
blessing to you.
God’s Blessings!
Terry Mooney
is scheduled for
Tuesday, May 12th at
5:30 p.m. The band, the
6th-8th grade choir and the bell choir have some
wonderful music to share with you. Please join us and
see how much they have learned this year. There will
also be time for fellowship and refreshments after the
DOWN BY THE CREEK BANK Our 2015 musical is
now history and what a great production it was! The
main characters and the students in grades K-5 were
fantastic! We thank all of our volunteers as well as Mrs.
Schneider and Mrs. VonBehren for all their efforts. Did
anyone video record the musical? If so, please call the
school office.
CONFIRMATION Our 8th graders who are
members of Christ Lutheran will be confirmed
into adult membership during two special
services at 8:00 and 10:45 on Sunday, May
3rd. All are welcome.
OF ACTIVITIES, so please be sure
to check your calendar even more
carefully than usual. There is a half
day (noon dismissal / no lunch) on
Thursday, May 21st and our last day is Friday,
May 22nd with dismissal at 12:00 p.m. Please note
that graduation is on Thursday, May 21st at 6:00
p.m. in the church sanctuary.
ALL FEES DUE Please note that all tuition, fees,
lunch and breakfast charges, library fines, fundraiser
monies, extended care charges, field trip costs, etc.
must be paid before the end of the school year in order
for your child to receive his/her report card.
WRAP IT UP! We will close our school year with
chapel at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, May 22nd. The chapel
service will be followed immediately by our awards
assembly in the church sanctuary. Lunch will not be
served and there will be no aftercare. Have a safe, fun
and blessed summer!
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May 2015
GOLF OUTING Our 16th annual CLS
Golf Classic is scheduled for Saturday,
June 27th. For more information, to sign
up, or if you know of someone who might
be interested, call the school office. We
are presently seeking additional
sponsorships. Do you know of a business
that would be a sponsor? Also, if you are
willing to volunteer at the golf course,
please call Mr. Mooney.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! The school will host
our sixth annual dinner and auction on Saturday,
November 14th at the Par-a-Dice Hotel. This promises to
be exciting and fun so make sure you set the date aside.
Feel free to invite co-workers, friends and family.
Tickets are available in the school office.
ENROLLMENT We are currently accepting
enrollment applications for the 2015-2016 school year.
If you know of someone who is interested in Christ
Lutheran School, please contact the school office. We
are currently accepting new students in all grades.
However, next year’s 3rd, 6th and 7th grades already have
20 plus so don’t delay! We will have staff in the office
daily throughout the summer.
PRE-PAYING FEES We will accept
prepayments of registration fees and
tuition for the 2015-2016 school year.
In fact, prepaying your child’s
registration fee holds his/her “spot” on the class roster
for the coming year. Registration fees (which do include
book rent) are $160.00 per child.
Paying tuition over the summer months lowers your
monthly payments. Tuition rates for 2015-2016 are:
$3195.00 for one child
$4635.00 for two children
$6120.00 for three children**
**Families with more than three children add
$300 per child
School Newsletter
SCHOOL YEAR? There are a number of exams,
immunizations and
screenings that are required for your child.
Entering Kindergarten – Physical exam with current
immunizations, dental exam and vision exam
2nd Grade – Dental exam
6th Grade – Physical exam with current immunizations
and dental exam
FREE DENTAL EXAM Children age 5 and younger
can receive a free dental exam at the Illinois Central
College Downtown Dental Hygiene Clinic on Friday,
July 31st. The exams are being provided by the Delta
Dental of Illinois Foundation. For more information or
to schedule an appointment call 630-718-4764 or email
raise money for the school and for yourself by
buying certificates from school before
you shop. CLS earns a percentage of
your shopping bill and we will split it
with you. Half of any profit earned from
certificates you buy will be set aside and applied
to your school costs – registration, tuition, lunch card,
band fees, etc. It is a simple process, but you must get
into the habit of using the certificates. We have gift
certificates from Kroger grocery stores as well as from a
number of chain restaurants and stores – Red Lobster,
Barnes and Noble, Bath and Body Works, Applebee’s,
Menards, Lowe’s, Kohl’s and J.C. Penney, just to name
a few. If you are planning to shop at or give gift
certificates from any of these places, why not purchase
them from us and help the school and help yourself?
Don’t forget to ask family and friends to participate.
Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, confirmation, graduation
and the wedding season are upon us; so see Mary Ryan
at Before/After School Care or call the office for more
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May 2015
LUNCH REMINDER We are using a computer record
keeping system for our hot lunch program and it is part of
TeacherEase. If you have furnished the school with an email address and use TeacherEase to check your child’s
assignments and grades, you can also check the status of
his/her lunch account by clicking on “fees”. Remember
that even free and reduced price eligible children need a
small amount of money in their account if they get
seconds, extra milk or extra slices on pizza day.
School Newsletter
REQUEST The school collects Campbell’s labels,
Boxtops for Education, ink jet cartridges, laser cartridges
and used cell phones. Please send in all you have
saved by May 20th. We will send in what we have
shortly after school is out this summer. And don’t forget
to save over the summer as well. Let’s get next year’s
collection off to a great start!
Thanks to all who have contributed this year. We just
received our second check from Boxtops ($356.70).
Combined with the fall payment of $614.60 we earned a
total of 1071.30 for the school year.
THE WARM WEATHER brings a few concerns for
the staff of CLS and we need your help.
1. Dress Code – “Shorts are to be walking or dress
shorts. No athletic shorts are allowed. No denim
materials are allowed. Shorts may have only 4 normal
sized pockets and must not have rivets or loops. Boys
are to wear belts. Shorts and skorts should have a
minimum inseam length of 6 inches. Skirt or short
length can be measured by having your daughter put her
hands at her sides. If the skirt length is higher than her
fingertips, it is too short.”
2. Children need to be picked up promptly after
school as loitering in the hallway and outside the exits
causes problems. Thanks for your help.
3. When picking up your children in the school
parking lot, please park only in marked spaces. Parking
in spaces beyond the marked end lines creates
congestion in the driving lanes, reduces visibility and
creates unsafe conditions. Thanks for your cooperation!
4. Please don’t park in the spaces marked
“handicapped”. We appreciate your help.
Lutherans for Life will collect diapers on
Mother’s Day to be donated to area agencies.
If you would like to donate one or more
packages, send them into school and we will
see that they are added to the collection
from Christ Lutheran Church. Donations
will be accepted through May 15th.
TIME Just a reminder to
our CLS families that we
will be having our 13th
annual CLS Garage Sale
soon! This year the sale
will be Thursday-Saturday, August 13th, 14th and 15th.
If you have one or more items you would like to donate,
please contact Christel VandeVoorde at 635-3998 or the
school office (637-1512). We are accepting any clean,
usable items. Your help is greatly appreciated! Helping
to set up and run the sale is also a great way to earn
volunteer hours.
PTL OFFICERS FOR 2015-2016 Are you interested in
serving on the Parent-Teacher League board for the
coming school year? If you are interested, call Mr.
Mooney or Jennifer Whitehead.
UNIFORM STORE Has your child outgrown his/her
winter uniform clothing or last year’s summer uniforms?
Why not donate them to the uniform store at CLS and
shop with us for your spring needs? This helps other
families and allows you to shop for bargains! We have
good, used clothing priced as follows: slacks, sweaters,
and long-sleeved shirts are $3.00; shorts and shortsleeved shirts are $2.00. If you have any questions,
please call the school office.
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May 2015
will be held the week of July 2731st. A flier with more information
will be sent home before the end of the
school year. Be sure to watch for it.
the 2014-2015 school year will be available on
registration day. You don’t want to miss your chance to
have a visual record of the events of a memorable year.
The cost is $20.00 if paid before June 1st and $25.00
after June 1st. We are planning to cut back on the
number of books we order to reflect more closely the
number of prepaid orders we have, so please send your
payment in with your order.
have any pictures that you have taken of school
activities, please email them to the school office.
scheduled for Wednesday, May 20th
at school. You are all welcome
to attend. There will be special
activities and a cook-out lunch on that
day. If you would like to join us for lunch,
please call the school office so that we
can make sure to prepare enough food.
If you would like to help your child’s class with games
and activities, please contact your child’s teacher.
Wednesday, May 13th the 6th-8th
Grade Choir and the Concert Band
will be performing at the monument at
the Peoria County Court House from
11:30 a.m. to 112:10 p.m. as part of the
Spring Arts in Education Celebration. Why not pack a
“brown bag” and enjoy lunch and some great music
from our own CLS kids!
YOUR CHILD? We have information on Camp
CILCA, Peoria Park District, ICC College for Kids and
Bradley’s program for gifted students and all sorts of
sports camps. Information is available in the office.
School Newsletter
4th-8th. Jennifer Whitehead is in charge of this effort. If
you would like to help, please call her at 256-9610.
TRACK SEASON is in full swing. Major
upcoming meets include the CID Meet at
Heyworth High School on Saturday, May
2nd and the LSA State Meet at Concordia
University on May 16-17. Come on out and cheer our
students on!
GRADUATION exercises take
place on Thursday, May 21st at 6:00
p.m. in our church sanctuary.
Everyone is invited to join us for
this very special evening.
CAMPS If you
are interested in
having your
child participate in sports camps this
summer, call the school office for
information. We will host camps on the following dates:
May 27th and 28th - Volleyball clinic for girls
entering K – 3rd
June 1st-4th - Basketball camp for boys and girls
entering 3rd – 9th
June 8th-11th - Volleyball camp for girls
entering 4th – 8th
Helen Englebrecht of St. Vincent
School will again offer a summer
math program to children in 4th
through 8th grade. This year she
will be giving instruction to small groups in her home
rather that at the school. We should have a flier in the
next week or two. If interested, please call the school
office and we’ll see that you get one or you can call Mrs.
Englebrecht directly at 693-6289.
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May 2015
SUMMERBOOK COMPANY This company offers
workbooks for students in grades K-7 to be used at home
during the summer. Although we are not ordering
through the school this year, you can check them out and
place an order on your own at
THE SCHOOL IS IN NEED of leaf rakes
and garden rakes. If you have an extra that
you would like to donate, bring it to the
school or to the church office. If you shop
at garage sales and see some good rakes at a great
price, buy them and we will reimburse you.
School Newsletter
LIBRARY NEWS The last AR store visit for the
students will be the week of May 11th. The students will
have to spend all of their AR points on that visit.
Students cannot have fines or overdue books if they
want to shop at the store that day.
A Great Big Thank You! to Linda Wenzel and Nancy
Knoll for helping in the library this year. They have
been a blessing. If you see them, why not thank them
for all that they do.
Last library days is May 5th. All books need to be
returned by May 12th. Mrs. Pitts and I will be
rearranging the library the last week of school.
Finally, be sure to check out summer reading
programs at your local library.
Have a great summer and we will see you next year.
_____ Yes, please reserve _____ yearbook(s) for us. Payment of $20.00 per book is attached.
_____ check # ______
_____ cash
Name: ____________________________________________